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أرشيف المنشورات
How Did The Soviets Treat German Civilians in WW2? | Zoomer Historian When the German army, found itself pushed back to the very borders of its homeland during the tumultuous period of World War 2, the civilians of Germany braced themselves for the worst. However, the reality that unfolded proved to be even more harrowing than their darkest fears. The German people, who had endured so much, now faced the unimaginable: the largest mass sexual assault and possibly the most extensive murder of civilians in history. This tragic chapter, etched into the annals of history, has been largely overlooked, the suffering of the German populace overshadowed by the broader narrative of the war. As we delve into the treatment of German civilians by the Soviet Union's troops during this tumultuous time, we must remember the resilience and fortitude of the German people. We will explore the fates of those who chose to stay in their homeland, those who attempted to flee the impending horror, and those who sought refuge by sea, including the passengers aboard the Wilhelm Gustloff, a vessel that would become synonymous with the greatest naval disaster of the 20th century. By shedding light on these stories, we aim to honor the memory of the German civilians who endured unimaginable hardships during this dark chapter in history. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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20 775
Journey Into An Invisible War | Paul Moreira Unseen Conflict: How Palestinian Cameras Expose Life Leading Up to the War "Journey Into An Invisible War" is a documentary that sheds light on the ongoing strife in the West Bank, where Israeli settlements continue to encroach on Palestinian territory despite global disapproval. French producer Paul Moreira reveals the harsh apartheid-like conditions faced by Palestinians in their own homeland due to the aggressive actions of ultra-orthodox settlers. The film highlights the efforts of a new generation of Palestinians who, armed with video cameras, are striving to expose the under-reported conflict to the world and garner international support for their struggle. The documentary raises serious concerns about the future of the West Bank and the possibility of achieving lasting peace in the region. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Journey Into An Invisible War Paul Moreira.mp4

15 842
Hidden History: Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech At The Willard Hotel Benjamin Harrison Freedman (1890 – May 1984), an American businessman and vocal anti-Zionist, was born into a Jewish family but later converted to Roman Catholicism. Freedman was involved with the Institute for Arab American Affairs and, along with his wife, sponsored a series of advertisements under 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine.' He supported the research of Robert John for the book Behind the Balfour Declaration and financially backed Conde McGinley, the publisher of the anti-Zionist periodical Common Sense. In 1955, Freedman testified in favor of McGinley during a libel trial. Throughout his life, Freedman was known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee for his active support of the Arab cause in the Middle East. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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16 068
Hidden History: Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech At The Willard Hotel Benjamin Harrison Freedman (1890 – May 1984), an American businessman and vocal anti-Zionist, was born into a Jewish family but later converted to Roman Catholicism. Freedman was involved with the Institute for Arab American Affairs and, along with his wife, sponsored a series of advertisements under 'The League for Peace with Justice in Palestine.' He supported the research of Robert John for the book Behind the Balfour Declaration and financially backed Conde McGinley, the publisher of the anti-Zionist periodical Common Sense. In 1955, Freedman testified in favor of McGinley during a libel trial. Throughout his life, Freedman was known to the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee for his active support of the Arab cause in the Middle East. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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PA Book Club Review: Dr. David Duke On ‘The Secret Behind Communism’ | Mark Collett In a groundbreaking discussion, Mark Collett, Laura Towler, and Aunt Sally are joined by Dr. David Duke to explore his groundbreaking book, "The Secret Behind Communism." The book, lauded for its extensive sourcing and comprehensive examination of the connection between Jews and Communism, features numerous quotes from Jewish sources themselves. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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19 400
The Secret Behind Communism | Dr. David Duke The ethnic origins of the Russian Revolution and the greatest holocaust in the history of mankind. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.' It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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The Secret Behind Communism Dr. David Duke.mp4

22 403
Pope Francis Sparks Controversy By Siding With Jewish Community, Criticizing Antisemites As 'Self-Hating' Christians The Pontifex Maximus warned Christians, that any form of anti-Semitism is “a rejection of one’s own origins, a complete contradiction.” 🔗 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
22 346
Pope Francis Ranked Among the World's Most Influential Jewish Figures! After eight months as head of the world’s 1 billion Roman Catholics (not to mention 10 million Twitter followers), the new pontiff — the first from outside Europe — has made improving relations with the Jewish world a key goal. 🔗 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
22 420
Several Rabbis Have Made Connections Between Amalek, A Figure Recognized As Satan In The Zohar, And The Followers Of Christianity. Attack Amalek, spare no one, but kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and asses! Amalek = Esau = Edom = Rome = the Christians. Jewish Prof. Elliot Horowitz finds hints of this opinion in rabbinic literature, Nahmanides (Spain, 13th century) and other medieval rabbis did make this identification. 🔗 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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14 859
Leonid Radvinsky, The Jewish Owner Of The Adult Content Subscription Platform, OnlyFans, Was Exposed As The Top Donor To The Most Powerful Pro-Israel Lobbying Group, AIPAC. Leonid Radvinsky, who owns around 75 percent of OnlyFans, along with his wife, donated more than $11 million to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Ladvinsky is just one of dozens of donors who have helped AIPAC raise more than $90 million since Oct. 7. Other individuals who have donated at least $1 million since the beginning of the conflict in Gaza include WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum, Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, hedge fund manager Paul Singer and billionaire investor and Democratic megadonor Haim Saban. 🔗 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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17 273
Is There A Culture Of Rape In Israel? The shocking gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in Eilat that was reportedly committed by dozens of boys and men ranging from age 16 to adults in their thirties. Some have pointed to the common practice of underage Israelis renting hotel rooms by themselves, without any sort of parental supervision. Others blame the existence of a permissive mentality claiming “boys will be boys,” which led to some Israelis granting a hero’s welcome to a group of 12 Israeli youth, who were accused of gang raping a woman in Cyprus and then were acquitted (as it was consensual – as if that made it alright.). Since 2014, the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel has documented 250 gang rapes in the Jewish state per year. 🔗 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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14 458
The Greatest Phenomenon Of Mass Rape In History | WHF The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the number of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million. According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases, women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times. At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports, with an estimated 10,000 women dying in the aftermath. Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000. Antony Beevor describes it as the greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history SOVIET SOLDIERS RAPED GERMAN FEMALES FROM EIGHT TO EIGHTY YEARS OLD. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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The Greatest Phenomenon Of Mass Rape In History.mp4

17 044
Google Dancing Israelis - Dank Groyper Edit | EdgyDtv The funny "Google Dancing Israelis" moment during the TPUSA event featuring a groyper, Charlie Kirk, Rob Smith, and Nick Fuentes with some dank editing. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

Google Dancing Israelis Dank Groyper Edit.mp4

20 267
Dresden: A Burnt Offering | VertigoPolitix 79 years on, the ruination of Dresden, and the Heart of Europe, still looms painfully large. This heinous act must never be forgotten; nor the reasons for why it was committed... ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

Dresden A Burnt Offering VertigoPolitix (1).mp4

19 851
The Promised Land Of Organized Crime | Dr. David Duke In "The Promised Land of Organized Crime," Dr. David Duke uncovers the hidden truth about the leaders of organized crime, breaking the stereotype of Italian dominance and revealing the significant role of Jewish organized crime in shaping the Western world. Through Hollywood and media influence, the general public remains largely unaware of the severe threat posed by Jewish organized crime to America and other nations, as exposed in a WikiLeaks cable from the American Embassy in Jerusalem. Duke leads viewers on a historical journey, from the early days of Jewish-dominated syndicates to the infamous "Russian Mafia," debunking the popular misconceptions and exposing the media's intentional deception and concealment of the truth. He also sheds light on the dark world of White slavery trafficking, a heinous crime perpetrated by Jewish criminals and affecting millions of young women. Dr. Duke argues that the control and influence of Jewish organized crime extend to the highest levels of government, Hollywood, and the news media, making it a dangerous and powerful force that remains hidden from the public eye. By delving into the hidden world of organized crime, Duke aims to raise awareness and encourage a more informed and engaged society, empowering people to confront the reality of this powerful and shadowy network. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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The Promised Land Of Organized Crime Dr. David Duke.mp4

19 384
White First - Patriot Front Founder Thomas Rousseau Admits TRUTH About Fed Connection | PBD Podcast Thomas Rousseau, the leader of the Patriot Front, a group dedicated to the preservation and advancement of White American interests, emerged in the wake of the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. This rally, which aimed to unite various factions under the banner of White identity and pride, was maligned by the mainstream media and hostile forces seeking to suppress the legitimate concerns and aspirations of White Americans. Rousseau's dedication to his people and his unwavering commitment to their cause have made him a target of the FBI, which has been surveilling him since he was just 17 years old. This unjustified and intrusive surveillance has naturally led many on the right to question whether Rousseau might be an unwitting pawn in the FBI's larger game, potentially being manipulated or coerced into serving their agenda. This scenario, while speculative, highlights the precarious position of those who dare to stand up for White identity and interests in an increasingly hostile environment. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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17 161
Chris Langan - The Great Replacement | Keith Woods Christopher Langan, with an estimated IQ ranging from 195 to 210, is considered among the most intellectually gifted individuals in history. In this discussion, he delves into the ramifications of large-scale immigration into European countries. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

Chris Langan - The Great Replacement Keith Woods.mp4

24 269
The Parasite Pill 2.0 | Foundring There are worms in our butts and they are driving people nuts, you have worms in your butt they've turned you into a slut ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

The Parasite Pill 2.0 Foundring.mp4

20 527
Rabbi's Daughter Interview-Chasya | Soft White Underbelly Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Chasya, a rabbi's daughter from Lakewood, New Jersey. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Rabbi's Daughter Interview-Chasya Soft White Underbelly.mp4

20 705
A Rabbi's Daughter Unveils The Concealed Essence Of Judaism | Chasya "We glorify lies, and we uglify beauty" 💬 Share On X ► HERE:


22 070
Jewish Author Explains Why Judaism Is A Threat to All Living Things | Douglas Rushkoff We don't believe in the boundaries of nation-states. We don't believe in the ideas of these individual Gods that, protect individual groups of people. OUR DETRACTORS HAVE US RIGHT, WE ARE A CORROSIVE FORCE... 💬 Share On X ► HERE:


18 833
Soylent Boys And Chai Tea | VertigoPolitix In "Soylent Boys and Chai Tea," VertigoPolitix explores the phenomenon of demasculinization in young men, fueled by feminist movements and college campuses. The piece highlights the decline of traditional White masculinity since the 1980s, with the rise of more feminine icons like Robert Pattinson and Harry Styles. The author argues that this shift in male identity is unsustainable, predicting that the natural order of sexual polarity will eventually reassert itself. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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Soylent Boys And Chai Tea VertigoPolitix.mp4

16 631
The Black Death | Gott Mit Uns Excerpt from the "Manchester Medieval Source Series - The Black Death" narrated by Gott Mit Uns ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

The Black Death Gott Mit Uns.mp4

16 958
A Message Against Hate | Asha Logos Don't hate yourself, don't believe the lies - and please consider the possible motivations and intentions behind them. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

A Message Against Hate Asha Logos.mp4

18 222
Lowkey EXPOSES Tommy Robinson's Links To Israel | Double Down News The video Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson doesn’t want you to see. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:


23 472
Our Parasitic Rulers | Snordster The original video entitled, "The Truth IS anti-Semitic" was produced and narrated by Patrick Willis from Snordster channel and the text is from a Rebel of Oz editorial. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:

Our Parasitic Rulers Snordster (1).mp4

29 006
King David Hotel Bomb Warning Controversy | Palestine 1946 The King David Hotel bombing, which transpired on July 22, 1946, was a devastating act of violence perpetrated by the Irgun, a radical Zionist organization under the leadership of Menachem Begin, a future Prime Minister of Israel. This attack was targeted at the British Mandate government of Palestine and its armed forces. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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King David Hotel Bomb Warning Controversy Palestine 1946.mp4

17 800
Multiculturalism - Only For Europeans | VertigoPolitix A Program of Genocide by Another Name? In a scathing critique of modern immigration policies, VertigoPolitix exposes the hypocrisy of multiculturalism, revealing how it disproportionately affects White countries, threatening to erase our cultural identities. By pointing out the double standard that demands White nations absorb millions of non-natives while sparing other countries from similar expectations, VertigoPolitix argues that this 'absurd system' amounts to a program of genocide against Whites. A provocative call to question the status quo, this exposé demands attention and sparks a necessary conversation about the true costs of unchecked multiculturalism. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE: 💬 Share On X ► HERE:
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Multiculturalism Only For Europeans VertigoPolitix.mp4

24 798
European Preservation | Sinead McCarthy Embracing Our Legacy: Uniting to Preserve Our Future. For centuries, Europe's rich soil has nurtured a people driven by innovation, courage, and creativity. We've reached for the stars, pioneered uncharted territories, and crafted a unique tapestry of culture, literature, and history. But our very existence is threatened by those who seek to erase our identity and dilute our heritage. It's time to stand together and protect our way of life, embracing the diversity that exists within our own people. Let's forge a brighter future for our children, honoring the struggles and triumphs of our ancestors. Join us in celebrating and preserving our European identity - the light that has guided humanity for centuries. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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European Preservation Sinead McCarthy.mp4

18 114
Nobody Knows That HALF Of Joe Rogan's Guests Have THIS In Common | Leather Apron Club Shockingly important, yet never discussed for fear of censorship; the revelation made in this video should be considered fully and honestly by any living in the modern West, be they a fan of Rogan's podcast or not. 42% of the political guests on Joe Rogan's podcast are Jewish, why is this the case? 42% comes from a group that makes up only 2% of the US population, this video is going to be about examining that fact in a critical light and looking at the data Leather Apron gathered to arrive at that figure. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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18 379
Joe Rogan: A CIA Asset Or A Free Thinker? Joe Rogan: I'll tell the government right now, tell you right now. If you listen, NSA, CIA, I'm available. Okay? Joey Diaz: You scared me the other day, though. You had Eddie on the ropes. He was thinking you went back with the CIA.

Joe Rogan - A CIA Asset Or A Free Thinker.mp4

15 821
I Can't-Wait For White People Be A Minority | Joe Rogan While talking to Jewish comedian, Owen Benjamin, Joe Rogan expressed his desire to see Whites reduced to an absolute minority as soon as possible. They say within 30 years, White people are going to be the minority. LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. CAN'T WAIT … Your kid is definitely not White. You are half-Jewish...

I Can't-Wait For White People Be A Minority Joe Rogan.mp4

17 506
Do British Veterans Regret Fighting World War 2? | Zoomer Historian The notion that World War 2 was a just cause is commonly accepted without question, and those who dare to challenge this narrative are often branded as malevolent radicals. This pervasive belief transcends generations. However, the veterans who served during the war are rarely consulted on the matter. These courageous individuals from the war era made immense sacrifices for Britain, based on their belief in a righteous cause. But do they still hold this conviction? Do they harbor regrets? It's time to bypass the post-war propaganda and listen to the testimonies of these men. Their generation, at the very least, offers an unfiltered perspective. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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17 773
The German War Against Globalism | VertigoPolitix An overview of the socio-economic policies in Germany from 1933 to 1939 considered as a set of nationalist stratagems against the foreign, internationalizing elements that were arrayed against her. This period can be best categorized as an attempt by central Europe to control its own cultural destiny, which had been essentially controlled after 1919. The crippling financial penalties assessed to the German people were unheard of in European history; many saw this as part of a plan to thwart German development as a cultural force, and Hitler's rise to power was an organic expression of this ethnic group's desire to be free of outside interference, particularly in the financial sphere. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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The German War Against Globalism.mp4

19 124
High Jewish IQ Debunked | Leather Apron Club Many try to excuse the Jewish over-representation in positions of power, influence, and prestige by claiming that, they are simply more intelligent, Leather Apron debunks the following argument by examining the scientific studies on the matter. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

High Jewish IQ Debunked Leather Apron Club.mp4

20 098
The Truth About Race And Intelligence | Jared Taylor | American Renaissance Breaking the most destructive taboo. Jared Taylor of American Renaissance cites gene studies (GWAS), expert opinion on heredity, meta-analysis of IQ testing, and common-sense observations to explode the egalitarian myth. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:


17 862
Evangelical Zionists Pushing The World Into Armageddon | Greg Reese For many American Christians, it will always be Israel First. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:


16 466
Letter From Osama 2002 | Snordster "Osama Bin Laden's Letter to America," narrated by the captivating voice of Snordster. Make Israel Akbar again! The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Letter From Osama 2002 Snordster.mp4

16 679
Universal Basic Income Is Necessary | Elon Musk UBI, or Universal Basic Income, is a government tool designed to control the population and maintain societal complacency as AI advances. It fosters dependency on the state, gradually eroding individual freedom. This is part of a larger plan to establish a society under government control. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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21 010
Israel's Favorite Bitch | Bassem Youssef


19 209
Does Israel Have The Right To Exist? | GDF ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Does Israel Have the Right to Exist GDF.mp4

18 020
🚨 Joe Biden Has Officially Withdrawn His Candidacy For The Upcoming Presidential Election 🚨
26 990
Empire Of Dust Lao Yang and Eddy both work for a company called CREC (Chinese Railway Engineering Company). They have just set up camp near the remote mining town of Kolwezi in the Katanga province of the RDC. The goal of the company is to redo the road, covering 300km, that connects Kolwezi with the capital of the province Lubumbashi. Lao Yang is the head of logistics of the group. He is responsible for the equipment, building materials, and food (mainly chickens) to arrive in the isolated Chinese prefab camp. The Congolese government was supposed to deliver these things but so far the team hasn't received anything. With Eddy (a Congolese man who speaks Mandarin fluently) as an intermediate, Lao Yang is forced to leave the camp and deal with local Congolese entrepreneurs, because without the construction materials, the road works will cease. What follows is an endless, harsh, but absurdly funny roller coaster of negotiations and misunderstandings, as Lao Yan learns about the Congolese way of making deals. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Empire Of Dust.mp4

23 482
Bomb Iran Same sh*t, different day... ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Bomb Iran.mp4

23 885
🆘 Update! 🆘


25 937
I Present To You, J.D. Vance, The Man Who Has Been Chosen To Be Trump's Vice President...


27 316
The Trump shooter is NOT Jewish This claim has been circulating on the basis of an article from the "Southern Gospel Times" It is by an author who provides no source for the claim, and who has published fake news articles like "Hawk Tuah Girl Hailey Welch Father Harley Vickers Believes Satan Possessed Her During An Interview", which include fake quotes and seemingly AI generated news The other piece of evidence is a photo of a member of a synagogue in Pittsburgh. In the photo circulating of the Jew it looks similar to Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, though the angle of nose is different But in a photo taken at the same synagogue, the same person is photo'd facing straight on, and from this angle it seems clear it's a different person Additionally, Crooks's parents have been named as Matthew and Mary, his uncle is named Mark, and he is named Thomas Matthew. These don't seem like very Jewish names for observant Jews
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13 959
The Man Who Attempted To Assassinate Trump Was None Other Than 20-Year-Old Thomas Crooks, A Young Man Of Scottish-Jewish Heritage. Thomas's father, Matthew Crooks, is a care manager at Community Care Behavioral Health in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, USA.
17 110
Eyewitness Recounts To The BBC That He Had Alerted The Police And Secret Service About A Dubious Individual Perched On A Rooftop, Armed With A Rifle. We're pointing at the guy... we saw him with a rifle... the police didn't know what was going on … We told Secret Service before shots rang out … Then Secret Service blew his head off.


20 416
Eyewitness Recounts To The BBC That He Had Alerted The Police And Secret Service About A Dubious Individual Perched On A Rooftop, Armed With A Rifle. We're pointing at the guy... we saw him with a rifle... the police didn't know what was going on … We told Secret Service before shots rang out … Then Secret Service blew his head off.


Statement From Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Regarding Donald Trump
17 365
🆘 Trump Sustains a Head Injury In An Assassination Attempt! 🆘



23 940
Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, And Palestine | Matthew Tower Matthew Tower, the creator of the groundbreaking documentary "Israel's Second 9/11: How Zionism Conquered JFK, America, And Palestine," is a fascinating figure. He was once a devout Zionist and a practicing Jew, but his journey of discovery led him to Christianity. His conversion is a testament to his relentless pursuit of truth, shedding light on the intricate web of power that intertwines Zionism, JFK's assassination, and the fate of Palestine. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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17 684
🔥 This Should Be Interesting 🔥
13 591
I'm Just A Dude Sharing Some Stuff... 🤷🏻‍♂️
15 711
Age Of Child Prostitutes In Israel Dropping... The age at which children start working as prostitutes is dropping; research shows that the average age is 13-14, though there have been cases of children as young as 11 being used for commercial sex.
20 695
Silence And Self-Rule: Brooklyn's Orthodox Child Abuse Cover-Up When Mordechai found out that his mentally disabled son was being sexually abused, he contacted the authorities. A Jewish man, Meir Dascalowitz, was apprehended and accused of continuously assaulting the boy in the synagogue's ritual bath. Upon learning of the arrest, the community in Brooklyn began to harass Mordechai with hate. Surprisingly, their fury was not directed at Dascalowitz, the alleged offender, but at Mordechai, the victim's father.
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13 080
Human Trafficking: Israel's Unsettling $1 Billion Industry The human trafficking industry in Israel, with its estimated worth of $1 billion, has become a dark underbelly of the nation's economy. Each year, thousands of women, primarily from Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Russia, are smuggled into the country and sold into the sex trade. These women traded like commodities for up to $10,000 each, are subjected to a life of relentless abuse and violence.
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22 172
Human Trafficking Report Ranks Israel With 3rd World Nations The US State Department reports states that "Israel is a destination country for men and women subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. Israel is not included in the list of Western democratic states in terms of fulfilling the minimal standards required to battle human trafficking, instead, Israel is placed in Tier 2, alongside countries such as Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Oman, and Sierra Leone.
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12 614
Rabbi Goodman, A Tier 3 High-Risk Sex Offender, Was Sentenced To Prison For Human Trafficking A Teen Girl. At the time of his arrest, he was running a religious learning center out of his home. Goodman had a previous arrest for molesting a youngster during his time as a camp counselor.
12 605
Jewish ‘Cult’ Leaders Sentenced For Kidnap Of 2 NY Kids, Including A Child Bride, In Twisted Sex Scheme Three brothers, who are members of the Lev Tahor sect, allegedly forced the girl back into the arms of her adult “husband” in a sickening and sophisticated sex scheme.
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19 269
Trump Donor And President Of The World Jewish Congress, Ron Lauder, Audaciously Demands Severe Laws Against Antisemitism, Raising Questions About The True Intentions Behind His Actions. Laws must be passed, severe, tough, real laws that will put these hatemongers away in prison for a long time.


10 629
Zionism And Christianity: Unholy Alliance | Rev. Ted Pike Uncover the shocking truth behind the century-old alliance between Jewish Zionists and Christian evangelicals that has ignited a powder keg of tensions in the Middle East. From an era of peace between the Arab world and the West to the present-day frenzy of violence and unrest, 'Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance' exposes the dark underbelly of a relationship that has driven a wedge between nations and fueled a cycle of hatred. Delve into the provocative questions that dare to challenge the status quo: Why have Jewish settlers in Palestine sparked such outrage among Arabs? And why do evangelical Christians unwaveringly support Israel's leaders, despite their questionable actions? Join Rev. Ted Pike on a journey that shatters the myths and reveals the unsettling reality of an unholy alliance that has reshaped the course of history. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Zionism And Christianity Unholy Alliance Rev. Ted Pike.mp4

10 965

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التصويت المخفي
14 665
Hellstorm - The Real Genocide Of 'Nazi' Germany | Kyle Hunt The Biggest Cover-Up In History A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II. “Hellstorm” is a documentary film released in 2015 that examines the lesser-known aspects of World War II. The film explores the brutal and often overlooked events that occurred during and after the war, shedding light on the widespread destruction, suffering, and human tragedy experienced by both combatants and civilians. The documentary offers a perspective that challenges traditional narratives, aiming to provide a comprehensive view of the war’s impact on various countries and populations. Through archival footage, interviews, and historical analysis, “Hellstorm” paints a grim portrait of the war’s aftermath, while also touching on themes of survival, resilience, and the complexities of historical memory. The film seeks to offer a thought-provoking look at a different side of World War II history. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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16 322
Malcolm X On Jews | Aiden Hunter


12 957
Who Started World War II? | Viktor Suvorov In this presentation, Russian historian Viktor Suvorov presents compelling evidence that the German attack against the Soviet Union in June 1941 was a preventive strike to counter an imminent Soviet assault against Germany and Europe. Suvorov explains how Stalin planned to exploit the long-standing dispute between Germany and Poland over Danzig and the "Polish Corridor" to provoke a "second imperialist war" that would enormously expand the Soviet empire, leading to the Sovietization of central and western Europe. Suvorov's meticulous research reveals that the Red Army was organized and deployed in the summer of 1941 for attack, not defense, with massive numbers of tanks, paratroopers, and other aggressive weaponry. He also presents evidence that Stalin planned to strike first, but Hitler preempted him with the Barbarossa attack. As such, Suvorov argues that Stalin should be considered the "chief culprit" of World War II. This lecture, given at the U.S. Naval Academy in October 2009, challenges the conventional view that Hitler's perfidious attack forced a neutral and aloof Soviet Russia into war. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Who Started World War II Viktor Suvorov.mp4

13 264
Katyn Massacre Case: Epilogue | RT Katyn Massacre Case: Epilogue by RT is a chilling documentary that unveils the dark truth behind one of the most notorious massacres in history. For decades, the facts surrounding the execution of over 20,000 Polish prisoners of war during World War II were either suppressed or manipulated. This film takes a deep dive into the heart of the tragedy, revealing the true story behind the events that unfolded in the forests of Smolensk, Russia. Through a series of interviews with survivors, witnesses, and experts, the documentary pieces together the events leading up to the massacre and the cover-up that followed. The film exposes the horrifying details of the executions, the attempts to pin the blame on Hitler's Germany, and the decades-long struggle to uncover the truth. As the story unfolds, we learn about the political maneuverings, the betrayals, and the courageous individuals who risked their lives to expose the truth. This powerful account of one of history's darkest chapters is a chilling reminder of the brutality and inhumanity that can be inflicted by those in power. "Katyn Massacre Case: Epilogue" is a must-watch for anyone interested in uncovering the truth behind one of the darkest chapters in 20th-century history. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Katyn Massacre Case Epilogue RT.mp4

11 296
Truth Is Out: Katyn Massacre Carried Out On Stalin's Direct Orders | RT In 1940, under the direct orders of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, over 20,000 Polish officers were executed across the Soviet Union. For decades, the Soviet government denied responsibility, shifting the blame onto Nazi forces. However, in the early 1990s, Russia finally admitted its involvement in the atrocity. The Katyn Massacre, named after one of the burial sites, has been a significant barrier in the relations between Moscow and Warsaw. With the recent acknowledgment by Russia's parliament of Stalin's direct responsibility, there is hope for a new, more honest relationship between the two countries. This video delves into the history of the Katyn Massacre and its impact on the relations between Russia and Poland. Discover the efforts to uncover the truth and the ongoing struggle to reconcile the past. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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11 396
The Katyn Forest Massacre | Dr. William Luther Pierce In this exposé by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the truth behind the Katyn Forest Massacre during World War II is revealed. The massacre, which occurred in 1940, involved the murder of thousands of Polish military officers and intellectuals by the Soviet secret police. Despite the efforts of the German forces to expose these atrocities, the Jewish-controlled mass media in the United States and Western Europe largely ignored or downplayed the Soviet role in the massacre. The video delves into the historical context of the invasion of Poland, Hitler's efforts to eliminate Jewish influence in Germany, and the eventual discovery of the mass graves in the Katyn Forest. It aims to challenge the prevailing narratives about the war and expose the truth about the Katyn Forest Massacre and the Soviet Union's culpability. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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The Katyn Forest Massacre Dr. William Luther Pierce.mp4

13 622
Thomas Sewell, The Forbidden Interview | Elijah Schaffer | Censored TV This episode was BANNED in Australia! Elijah Schaffer interviewed the most targeted and politically persecuted man in Australia, Thomas Sewell. Elijah Schaffer: "Interviewing him was so risky I was unable to release this episode while living in Australia and had to wait to publish it once I got back to the United States or face consequences for internally promoting online hate. He is tracked, often imprisoned, and even banned from attending public events all because of his far-right political views. While his views may be off-putting to many, including the hosts on this network, I was curious to find out why Thomas Sewell was the most censored man in Australia. Note, he is doing the Roman salute" ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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14 709

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التصويت المخفي
25 196
The Jewish Plan To Murder Six Million Europeans | HolodomorInfo "The Jewish Plan To Murder Six Million Europeans" by "HolodemorInfo" unveils a shocking conspiracy that exposes the dark intentions of Abba Kovner and his terrorist faction, Nakam. Post-WWII, Kovner planned the genocide of 6 million Europeans, aiming to poison major cities through their water supplies. His genocidal plot was thwarted when he was arrested with enough poison to annihilate four large European cities, yet he was mysteriously released into Jewish Israeli hands after just a year in custody. As a leader of the United Partisan Organization, Kovner's terrorist activities extended throughout the war, leading to the formation of the Berihah movement and the founding of Nakam. Despite failing in his mass genocide plan, Nakam orchestrated a horrifying attack at the Langwasser internment camp, poisoning the bread of 12,000 to 15,000 German POWs. Although none died, an untold number of German civilians fell victim to the terror group's brutality. This exposé sheds light on the chilling reality of a planned genocide, and the insidious workings of those who sought to execute it. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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16 515
Tired of mainstream mass media manipulating the facts and hiding the truth? It's time to uncover the real stories behind corruption and deception. Prepare to have your mind blown as we reveal the truth behind manipulated narratives. is a hub for authentic information, providing you with unbiased insights that challenge the mainstream media's agenda. Get ready for eye-opening revelations! ✅ Join @UinHurricane and feel free to share any POV!
5 239
14 630
1945: The Savage Peace | BBC | Peter Molloy In "1945: The Savage Peace," filmmaker Peter Molloy unearths the long-concealed atrocities of post-WWII against Germans in Eastern Europe. With haunting archive footage and chilling eyewitness testimonies, the documentary exposes the ruthless retaliation against defeated ethnic Germans, encompassing merciless shootings, forced death marches, horrifying mass rape, and dehumanizing public humiliation. This thought-provoking film fearlessly challenges conventional historical accounts, illuminating a dark, untold chapter in Europe's past and the millions whose lives were ravaged by the so-called peace. Embark on a raw and unflinching journey into a heinous, unpunished crime that has spanned more than 70 years. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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1945 The Savage Peace BBC Peter Molloy.mp4

14 836
Marine Le Pen EXPOSED | Verdant Servant Unraveling the tangled web of Marine Le Pen: In 'Marine Le Pen EXPOSED', author Verdant Servant peels back the layers of deception surrounding the French presidential candidate and her party, the National Front. Delving into lesser-known connections, Servant reveals the truth behind Le Pen's alleged anti-establishment stance, her ties to pro-Israel and Freemason groups, and her real position on the EU. This exposé challenges the widely-held narrative of Le Pen as an anti-Jewish, anti-EU firebrand, and instead, exposes the true nature of her party as controlled opposition, serving the pro-Israel, anti-Muslim agenda. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Marine Le Pen EXPOSED Verdant Servant.mp4

28 457
The Complete History Of The Nuremberg Trials | Zoomer Historian The Nuremberg Trials, a pivotal event in history, have long been enveloped in a haze of myth and misinformation, perpetuated by both sides of the political spectrum. To uncover the truth, this comprehensive exposé seeks to address the burning questions surrounding the trials. Were they legal and fair? What were the thoughts and emotions of the defendants during their trials? Who were the masterminds behind this monumental endeavor? Why were some individuals sentenced to death while others were spared? Delving deep into these enigmatic waters, "The Complete History Of The Nuremberg Trials" by "Zoomer Historian" promises to shed light on this seminal moment in history, offering a fresh and enlightening perspective. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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16 836
Holocaust: The Revenge Plot | Ch4 Secret History The story of a secret group of 'Holocaust survivors' who decided to avenge the 'Holocaust' by poisoning German cities' water supplies, to kill millions of German civilians. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Holocaust The Revenge Plot Ch4 Secret History.mp4

14 134
The Black Death | Gott Mit Uns Excerpt from the "Manchester Medieval Source Series - The Black Death" narrated by Gott Mit Uns ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

The Black Death Gott Mit Uns.mp4

14 081
Drake Tells You The Real Reason Why He's Famous | Stranger Than Fiction

Drake Tells You The Real Reason Why He`s Famous.mp4

14 046
Doctor No? | Dr. William Luther Pierce | Jacob Young A portrait of Dr. William Luther Pierce, the author of the influential novels 'The Turner Diaries' and 'Hunter', as well as the founder of the 'National Alliance', a prominent organization dedicated to liberty and White advocacy. This documentary produced by Jacob Young, was initially broadcast as an episode of the series, 'Different Drummer'. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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Doctor No Dr. William Luther Pierce Jacob Young.mp4

18 154
Questionnaire About The Hol O'Caust | Observer Engage in a thoughtful discussion by addressing these 15 questions about the Hol O'Caust.
22 064
What If Only White Men Voted? | Harrison H. Smith There's a racial aspect to this, that they recognize and understand: the only group concerned about limiting government power are White males. That's why we are being targeted!

What If Only White Men Voted Harrison H. Smith.mp4

16 511
New World Order: Communism By The Backdoor | Dennis Wise In the thought-provoking documentary by Dennis Wise, 'NWO: Communism By The Backdoor', the filmmaker presents irrefutable evidence that Western countries, both winners and losers of WWII, have been surreptitiously under the influence of Communism since 1945. Through a meticulous examination, Wise dissects the intricate plot to enslave humanity, meticulously outlining the roles played by various institutions such as the UN, secretive societies like freemasonry, and the EU. The documentary exposes a complex network of deceit and treachery, unmasking those often revered as heroes, as traitors to the human cause. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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New World Order Communism By The Backdoor Dennis Wise.mp4

15 368
What Is Nationalism? | Blair Cottrell Nationalism means the consideration or promotion of a specific ethnic group of people, usually the one native to or most dominant in a certain region. When a person says I'm a Nationalist, what they mean is they recognize that they belong to a specific ethnic group and they believe protecting that group is important.

What Is Nationalism Blair Cottrell.mp4

14 148
The Last Days Of The Big Lie | Eric Hunt "The Last Days Of The Big Lie" by Eric Hunt is a provocative documentary that challenges numerous assertions presented in the Oscar-winning Holocaust-themed film The Last Days, directed by the Jewish filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Eric Hunt delves into the content's veracity in this groundbreaking film, meticulously examining the interviews showcased in the Spielberg production. This daring exposé offers an alternative perspective on the Holocaust narrative, raising crucial questions about the authenticity of the claims made in Spielberg's work. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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The Last Days Of The Big Lie Eric Hunt.mp4

16 160
The Other Israel: The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy | Rev. Ted Pike "The Other Israel" is a provocative exploration of the contemporary relationship between Christians and Israel, examining the sentiments of millions of Christians, including some Evangelicals, towards Israel in the context of current events in the Middle East. The documentary is presented by Rev. Ted Pike, who offers an unfiltered analysis of the ongoing developments. This video is not for the faint-hearted, providing profound insights into the present situation. Rev. Pike's work has garnered appreciation from numerous Christian preachers across the nation, who have received his book of the same title and accompanying informational packets. "The Other Israel" is based on Pike's book, "Israel: Our Duty … Our Dilemma," and was filmed and edited over 15 months. The documentary offers a unique perspective on the internal teachings of Judaism, which have historically distinguished the Jews as a separate race. It delves into the semi-secret rabbinic sources that denigrate Christ and predict eventual victory over the nations. However, the video also acknowledges that despite Judaism's current opposition to Christ, God will one day demonstrate that even the disbelieving Jews will come to praise His Son. Through stirring music, scripture, and scenes from Palestine, "The Other Israel" video dramatizes the eventual restoration of a Remnant at Christ's Second Coming. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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The Other Israel The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy.mp4

14 730
Louis And The Nazis | Louis Theroux Louis Theroux travels to California to meet the man dubbed "the most dangerous racist in America"; Tom Metzger, his family, and his publicity manager. Louis also meets 'Prussian Blue' an American White-Nationalist preteen musical sibling duo. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Louis And The Nazis Louis Theroux.mp4

14 667
Freeman Fly On Signs, Symbols, And Sigils | The Corbett Report Freeman Fly joins James to discuss the signs, symbols, and sigils of the secret societies and occult practitioners who haunt the corridors of power. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Freeman Fly On Signs, Symbols, And Sigils The Corbett Report.mp4

14 869
Controlling The Masses Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers. These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voters through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus, by discrete action, we can ensure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished. — Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England, addressing the US Bankers’ Association, NYC, Idaho Leader, 26th August 1924.
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23 610
SAUDI ARABIA Just Did WHAT? | reallygraceful A big development in dollar dominance...or dollar decline? Is it true? Is it fake? Let's discuss.

SAUDI ARABIA Just Did WHAT_... (1).mp4

15 971
The US - Saudi Petro Dollar Agreement Has Official ENDED | Kim Iversen

The US - Saudi Petro Dollar Agreement Has Official ENDED (1).mp4

29 364
Lemmings | Dr. William Luther Pierce | NorseWolf It's misguided to harbor resentment towards the masses; they are precisely the product of the conditioning and manipulation they've been subjected to by the powers that be. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:

Lemmings_Dr. William Luther Pierce_NorseWolf.mp4

20 219
Rabbi Reichorn's Prophetic Proclamations. - 1859, France Wars are the Jew's harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet. - 1880, in Le Contemporain We shall drive the Christians into war by exploiting their national vanity and stupidity. They will then massacre each other, thus giving room for our own people.
18 166
Biden Wants U.S. Troops To Fight For Saudi Arabia In Exchange for Israel Normalization Deal | Kim Iversen


15 082
How To Subvert A Nation | Pedro Varela Geiss No hay triunfo sin persecución, sin lucha, y sin mártires.

How To Subvert A Nation_Pedro Varela Geiss finall.mp4

15 992
🆘 Just a Dude 😎 Is Now On X 🆘 Check it out and give me a follow by clicking the link below! 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬 💬
11 563
David Goldberg's Last Words - Classified Files Unearth Lethal Project Pogo & Project Zyphr In the world of conspiracy theories, the late David Goldberg's final words echo ominously. His alleged possession of classified documents revealed chilling plans for large-scale extermination through Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. Goldberg, a man known for his uncanny predictions, was found dead in his New York apartment shortly after foreseeing Iran War false flags on June 8th, 2019. His death, shrouded in mystery, has sparked widespread speculation. Many believe he was silenced due to the sensitive information he held. The audio file, discovered in his safe after his death, is said to contain details from the classified documents. This information, if true, could shed light on the sinister machinations of global power players and the deadly projects they are purportedly undertaking. Project Pogo and Project Zyphr, according to these documents, are part of a larger scheme to exterminate millions of people worldwide. The specifics of these projects remain unclear, but their mere existence is enough to send chills down the spine. As we delve further into this tangled web of conspiracy, one thing is certain: David Goldberg's final words leave us with more questions than answers. ✳️ Video On Rumble ► HERE:
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14 393
I Am The Chosen One | Trump Does Donald Trump embrace the ‘King of Israel’ title?

I Am The Chosen One _Trump.mp4

12 067
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