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all posts Battleground

The battle of ideas 
30 468-32
~7 435
تقييم تيليجرام العام
27 936المكان
من 78 777
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في الفئة
1 208المكان
من 2 793
أرشيف المنشورات
Sadly, nobody cares about this kind of topic anymore. It’s not sensational enough. It doesn’t have doom and gloom about society. Which is why I recommend it.
Vincent van Gogh is an inspiration to us all
He sold one painting, but never gave up. That's skin in the game.
The Leaderboard has begun. Be the first to get to 3.
1 648
Sadly, nobody cares about this kind of topic anymore. It’s not sensational enough. It doesn’t have doom and gloom about society. Which is why I recommend it.
Vincent van Gogh is an inspiration to us all
He sold one painting, but never gave up. That's skin in the game.
1 794
It’s incredible to witness weak-minded guys mentally enslaved by the fear of words, to the point where we’ve ‘progressed’ to saying ‘the N-word’ (or 'the [insert letter]-word']. There are a lot of males, but very few men.
1 868
Currently a huge discount (50%) for new members if you join via Substack, for a short time. Have a look:
Jerm Warfare | Substack
The battle of ideas. Click to read Jerm Warfare, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
3 044
3 422
John Joseph is one of the few punk rockers who didn't bow to COVID tyranny. This podcast was 🔥
John Joseph is one of the few punk rockers who didn't bow to COVID tyranny
Most musicians ended up raging for the machine. What happened to the defiant spirit of rock ’n’ roll?
3 632
Back in March, when my show—one of the most popular—was killed for pretty stupid reasons, I predicted that TNT wouldn’t last more than a few months. After putting out the statement below, I was attacked by the station’s lackeys and the boss himself on social media, insisting that everything I said was wrong. After today, Friday 20 September, TNT is no more.
TNT Radio was a great idea that was destroyed by poor management
On Friday, 8 March 2024, my TNT show was terminated. It was a daily, radio-friendly version of my podcast.
3 648
Why are Americans so fixated on Trump? Biden can hardly speak in full sentences. It’s obvious he wasn’t running the show. Therefore, what makes anybody think that Trump will run the show? What if it’s all theatre and you’re watching a show?
4 010
Recommended reading or listening.
4 214
If you could travel back 1000 years to, say, the UK, meet up with an average person and explain to them what Bitcoin is and how it works, what would you say?
4 076
Here's some info about me that many don't know.
I sometimes forget that I am actually an award-winning cartoonist
I've published thousands of cartoons over the last two decades and I don't intend to stop.
4 119
Operation Gladio is one of the largest covert operations in recent history, funded largely by the Vatican and other central banks, involving the CIA and numerous intel agencies. Paul Williams wrote an incredible book about it. (His book is far better than his internet connection.) Podcast coming soon.

Gladio clip.mp4

4 881
Dilbert's creator Scott Adams is funny, tired of cancel culture and not terribly worried about AI. ➡️ Take a listen: https://open.substack.com/pub/battleofideas/p/scott-adams-on-anti-white-racism?r=63iqw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true He gets a lot of hate but he's only human and gets things wrong from time to time. Scott is a great guy.


4 523
If you want free Jerm Warfare membership, here's your chance.
4 416
Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission: "For everyone who is fully vaccinated, all 27 member states must apply these EU digital certifications for COVID." Some of us were warning about this years ago and were labelled conspiracy theorists.


5 699
I've created a Leaderboard over at . If you take part, you'll win freebies. Do it now.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
The battle of ideas. Click to read Jerm Warfare, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
4 324
Sean Parker was falsely accused of rape and went to jail. ➡️ I interviewed him about his experience: https://jermwarfare.social/p/falsely-accused-of-rape What should happen to women who falsely accuse men of rape?


4 309
Excellent podcast with Iain Davis on how the world's power structure works. ➡️ Give it a listen/watch: https://www.jermwarfare.social/p/iain-davis-on-the-global-power-structure And no, it's not just 'them Jooz'. The world is big and very complex. Not everything fits into a neat little formula.


4 950
In case you haven't watched/listened yet, I strongly recommend this podcast. As a reminder, there was no pandemic and here's the supporting data from Denis Rancourt: https://www.jermwarfare.social/p/denis-rancourt-on-global-all-cause Excess mortality was created by mitigation measures such as lockdowns, vaccines, ventilators, stress, and so on.
10 721
Meanwhile, Substack has taken down nothing of mine. Subscribe here:
5 124
YouTube removed my 9/11 video because it is ‘hate speech’. 🤣 Also, YouTube has removed all my additional features, making my channel effectively useless. And no, it is not a primary channel, so I don’t care about losing it. It was there as a backup channel only.
5 509
Agenda 2030 on track.
8 184
Upcoming podcast with punk rock pioneer and legend, John Joseph (Cro-Mags). He absolutely didn’t hold back! Unlike many in the music industry, John didn’t fold to the establishment during COVID. He is truly punk rock.

John Joseph preview.mp4

5 255
This is a podcast that fascinated me. It's about German New Medicine, and the guest is Danny Carroll, an author who has written a lot on this topic. Basically, it's about most disease being caused, not by microbes, but by the mind.
Danny Carroll on German New Medicine
Author Danny Carroll explains German New Medicine (Dr Ryke Hamer) and why almost all disease is caused by the mind and not microbes.
5 335
Be shameful many times.
5 593
5 411
➡️ Here is the full podcast: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/michael-bryant-on-why-the-spanish-flu-was-neither-flu-nor-pathogenic
Michael Bryant on why the Spanish flu was neither flu nor pathogenic
The Spanish flu was caused by environmental factors from World War I, including chemical warfare, rather than by a pathogen.
5 498
The Spanish flu was neither flu nor a pathogen. My upcoming podcast with Michael Bryant dismantles the official story. Like COVID, it was a scam. Full show coming soon.


7 960
A little birdie has whispered in my ear that TNT Radio will end next Friday. No more broadcast. Done. Game over. This is a dead parrot. I said it would happen. Here’s my statement after they killed my show:
TNT cancelled my show
On Friday, 8 March 2024, my TNT show was terminated. It was a daily, radio-friendly version of my podcast, and one of the most downloaded.
6 703
Have you listened to this podcast yet?
E Michael Jones on his book ‘The Holocaust Narrative’
Dr Eugene Michael Jones (commonly known as E Michael Jones) was an Assistant Professor of American Literature at St.
6 491
I mean...


11 492
Jane Ruby joined me on my podcast. Her connection was terrible, but her conversation was great. Full podcast coming soon.

JWF_Jane Ruby_020924_Snapshot_PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

7 153
My Substack is a week old and already has more subscribers than this Telegram channel. 🤣 ➡️ Subscribe to my Substack. Don't worry, my Telegram channel is here to stay. But it's interesting how few people use Telegram.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
South African cartoonist and podcaster fighting the good fight in the battle of ideas. Click to read Jerm Warfare, a Substack publication. Launched an hour ago.
6 492
6 645
In The Matrix, Neo’s passport gives 9/11 as the expiry date.


8 777
Bro, this is cold. 🤣
7 849
Since today is 9/11, here is my podcast with Mark Conlon about there being no planes that crashed into the towers. Before you knee-jerk, just take a listen.
Mark Conlon on there being no planes on 9/11
Mark Conlon argues that the Boeing 767s claimed to have flown into the Twin Towers on 9/11, did not fly into the Twin Towers.
7 277
After a bit of a bumpy start, here is my Substack. It's just an additional distribution channel, but the email feature is very handy.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
South African cartoonist and podcaster fighting the good fight in the battle of ideas. Click to read Jerm Warfare, a Substack publication. Launched an hour ago.
1 742
'Titled Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report, this memo massively contributed to the use of ‘conspiracy theory’ as a term to discredit those who question the government’s secret operations and policies.' Read this:
A beginner’s guide to the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’
Throughout the pseudopandemic, the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ soared through the zeitgeist.
7 285
6 461
After a bit of a bumpy start, here is my Substack. It's just an additional distribution channel, but the email feature is very handy.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
South African cartoonist and podcaster fighting the good fight in the battle of ideas. Click to read Jerm Warfare, a Substack publication. Launched an hour ago.
7 772
Great podcast with Nik Stankovic about how the West misrepresents China. If you believe China is the enemy, you're on the wrong side of history.
Nik Stankovic on how the West misrepresents China
Nik Stankovic is a Serbian geopolitical strategist who lived in the US and now in China. He breaks apart anti-China propaganda.
2 045
Your daily reminder to subscribe to my Substack. Do it now.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
South African cartoonist and talk show host fighting the good fight by engaging in the battle of ideas.
3 196
Great podcast with Nik Stankovic about how the West misrepresents China. If you believe China is the enemy, you're on the wrong side of history.
Nik Stankovic on how the West misrepresents China
Nik Stankovic is a Serbian geopolitical strategist who lived in the US and now in China. He breaks apart anti-China propaganda.
7 607
Vaccines are a fascinating cultural phenomenon. They aren’t about science, but about cult-like ideology. Scepticism of pharmaceutical claims about them is met with aggression and rejection; you’re an apostate who must be excommunicated immediately. Are you an apostate?
7 929
Please explain why questioning the Holocaust is a criminal offence in these countries: Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Czech Republic France Germany Greece Hungary Israel Italy Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Switzerland Why does an event from World War 2 require state protection?
11 648
We are told this was built with hammers and chisels.


8 314
For some reason, this really triggers some folks. Just like BLM blames Whites for everything that is wrong, many blame the Jews for everything that is wrong. This podcast with Frances Leader challenges that, arguing that, while Jews are in many powerful positions, the real centre of power is the Black Nobility. You can see the Jews. You can't see the Black Nobility. And if you can see them, they're not pulling the strings. ➡️ Give this a listen. It is superb.

Frances Leader_150424_24p_PROMO.mp4

9 144
What is the longest voice note you’ve received?
7 132
🔥 Please watch/listen to this very funny conversation with Owen Benjamin. It was absolutely hilarious and not for the thin-skinned.
Owen Benjamin on comedy, being cancelled, and waking up
Owen Benjamin has become prominent for his hilarious online presence, especially after becoming one of the most cancelled comedians.
8 056
🔥 Fantastic podcast with John Perkins. He was an economic hitman who wrote Confessions of an Economic Hitman. John chatted to me about his dark career full of conning, subversion and money, and why he eventually chose the route of redemption and exposing it all. ➡️ Watch/listen here. For now, it's for members only, but stop being a commie and support my work. Join our underground army.

John Perkins preview.mp4

4 767
🔥 Probably the most brutal podcast I've ever recorded. This wasn't easy. He performed over 1200 abortions and now speaks out against abortion. For now, this is for members only, but will be made public in a few weeks. If you don't want to wait, then support my work and get immediate access here.

JWF_Anthony Levatino_270824__PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

2 741
🔥 Probably the most brutal podcast I've ever recorded. This wasn't easy. He performed over 1200 abortions and now speaks out against abortion. For now, this is for members only, but will be made public in a few weeks. If you don't want to wait, then support my work and get immediate access here.

JWF_Anthony Levatino_270824__PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

8 918
🔥 Fantastic podcast with John Perkins. He was an economic hitman who wrote Confessions of an Economic Hitman. John chatted to me about his dark career full of conning, subversion and money, and why he eventually chose the route of redemption and exposing it all. ➡️ Watch/listen here. For now, it's for members only, but stop being a commie and support my work. Join our underground army.

John Perkins preview.mp4

13 448
She’s correct. Cynicism is destroying everything. People on ‘our side’ are far too cynical, seeing everything and everybody as evil and out to get you. Nobody can say or do anything right, and redemption is prohibited. I believe it’s an additional consequence of the internet and wokeness. It will be the end of us.
8 062


15 224
Many people are tired of being labelled ‘conspiracy theorists’ or any other silly term just for asking questions and seeking the truth. We are neither normies nor mainstream. We are an underground culture pushing back against the establishment. If the media, government, and academia were a cathedral, we would be the apostates. Our community thrives on being like-minded, open-minded, and strong-minded, using the power of knowledge to stand against technocratic, globalist nonsense. ➡️ Basically, we’re all about finding solutions and becoming healthier, happier, freer, and more prosperous individuals. Come join us.
عرض المزيد ...
Join our army
Join our army and become part of private chat groups, get early access to everything, hang out in our regular webinars with guests, and more.
8 251
7 380
Best video game ever.
7 724
Substack has lifted my ban. Feel free to subscribe. I'm using it merely as an extra distribution channel.
Jerm Warfare | Substack
Cartoonist and show host
7 717
Substack has lifted my ban. I’m not sure if my first post is still publicly available (since they blocked it), but I’ll make a new post today or tomorrow. You can follow my Substack here:
Jerm Warfare | Substack
Cartoonist and show host
Please vote. It’s neck and neck.
7 471
🔥 LARKEN ROSE ON THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION He argues that belief in government authority leads to mass violence, oppression, and enslavement because people mindlessly follow orders from those in power, just like a cult. Larken insists that individuals must take responsibility for their actions and stop bowing to government control. In other words, you can’t vote your way to freedom and prosperity. ➡️ Listen/watch here If you don't want to wait until it's publicly released, become a member to get immediate access.
عرض المزيد ...

JWF_Larken Rose_100824_PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

4 907
Would you take this train?
6 879
More cartoons here.
6 669

[object Object]

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التصويت المخفي
7 545
My friend Byron Shepherd just wrote a pretty cool piece about experts. Read it and buy him a coffee.
August 29 - Disinformation? Or is it? — MorningShot
Post by MorningShot
7 609
How many mass shootings have been staged? Quite a few, argues James Fetzer in this very visual podcast which I recommend you watch. Crisis actors a real thing, and attempts to restrict guns are also a real thing. ➡️ Fascinating conversation, this: https://jermwarfare.com/conversations/james-fetzer-mass-shootings
James Fetzer on multiple mass shootings being staged
James Fetzer has written extensively on faked mass shootings and has been censored as a result. He takes me through some of censored research.
6 456
Substack has lifted my ban. I’m not sure if my first post is still publicly available (since they blocked it), but I’ll make a new post today or tomorrow. You can follow my Substack here:
Jerm Warfare | Substack
Cartoonist and show host
6 253
Trust the experts.
8 320
Des Bernardo dropped some truth bombs about Eskom, Andre de Ruyter, the ANC and DA, why South Africa has had electricity issues, and why they now seem fixed). This conversation is 🔥
Desmund Bernardo on why South Africa struggles with electricity
Des Bernardo discusses Eskom's origins, political interference, grid stability, Sustainable Development, and Andre de Ruyter's agenda.
1 540
At least they are depopulating themselves.
10 547
Des Bernardo dropped some truth bombs about Eskom, Andre de Ruyter, the ANC and DA, why South Africa has had electricity issues, and why they now seem fixed). This conversation is 🔥
Desmund Bernardo on why South Africa struggles with electricity
Des Bernardo discusses Eskom's origins, political interference, grid stability, Sustainable Development, and Andre de Ruyter's agenda.
7 647
Pavel Durov didn't kill himself.
6 113
This is Xinjiang in China, where the Uyghur genocide is apparently happening. More specifically, this is Ürümqi, the capital, last month. These are Uyghurs. So much forced labour. So much oppression. CNN and Epoch Times don’t tell fibs.


6 517
🔥 LARKEN ROSE ON THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION He argues that belief in government authority leads to mass violence, oppression, and enslavement because people mindlessly follow orders from those in power, just like a cult. Larken insists that individuals must take responsibility for their actions and stop bowing to government control. In other words, you can’t vote your way to freedom and prosperity. ➡️ Listen/watch here If you don't want to wait until it's publicly released, become a member to get immediate access.
عرض المزيد ...

JWF_Larken Rose_100824_PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

12 865
I have been banned from YouTube, Spotify, Facebook and Substack. Each one’s reason has been ‘violating community standards’, whatever that means. I’ve been suspended from X, but only 24 hours, and that was because I shared my podcast about the Christchurch massacre.
6 661
So, my Substack attempt didn't work. Which is why I use a dedicated server. Please subscribe to my War Report because it's more reliable than Substack. It's free and you can unsubscribe anytime.
War Report
The War Report is Jerm's official newsletter sent from a dedicated server to circumvvent censorship. No holds barred in this info war.
6 736
This is the post that got my Substack account suspended.
6 455
After my first post. 😂
6 602
As an extra distribution channel, I created a Substack. It's really just a mirror of my newsletter, but here it is if you want:
Jerm Warfare | Substack
Cartoonist and show host
2 562
ALEX NEWMAN'S PODCAST WITH ME WAS ABSOLUTE FIRE. He discussed why the schooling system is designed to indoctrinate and subvert our kids, pushing them towards a future with no family, no identity, and blind submission to the state. ➡️ LISTEN/WATCH HERE. And join our private network of people pushing back against all this nonsense here.
1 800
As an extra distribution channel, I created a Substack. It's really just a mirror of my newsletter, but here it is if you want:
Jerm Warfare | Substack
Cartoonist and show host
7 122
Is Jim Carrey being serious or mocking them to their faces?

2024-08-26 08.54.16.mp4

6 570
ALEX NEWMAN'S PODCAST WITH ME WAS ABSOLUTE FIRE. He discussed why the schooling system is designed to indoctrinate and subvert our kids, pushing them towards a future with no family, no identity, and blind submission to the state. ➡️ LISTEN/WATCH HERE. And join our private network of people pushing back against all this nonsense here.
8 172

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التصويت المخفي
6 432
Holy cow.
33 167
Now that Telegram’s owner has been arrested in France, let’s make Telegram more popular. Share my channel around. Here’s the link:
The battle of ideas
7 513
10 569
Activity and engagement on X is a lot more than on Telegram and I can’t figure out why. Telegram has more going for it, despite the bots and trolls. Why do you think Telegram, in general, has lost support?
7 123
Since Robert Kennedy has now joined the Trump campaign, here's a reminder of my podcast with him. We recorded it in 2022. ➡️ Listen/watch here. And stop being a loser. Join our private network here.
7 077
Robert Kennedy has officially joined the Trump campaign. Thoughts?


6 929
I had the pleasure of interviewing Călin Georgescu, a former high-ranking exec in both the UN and Club of Rome. He spoke to me about why they are Satanic and care only about world governance through depopulation, climate agendas and many other control mechanisms. We all know this, but it was fascinating hearing it from him. ➡️ Listen/watch here. And please join our private community of individuals pushing back against world governance.
8 037
7 926
People spend more time researching a new car than they do when getting something injected into their body. It’s very strange.
7 498
It’s all the same thing, just reclassified
10 883
It seems that Telegram is no longer the cool kid, after Elon took over Twitter. As a result, channels across Telegram are losing followers—and being bombarded with spam and bots. Would you mind giving this channel a plug by asking others to join? It would be great to combat some of that by getting more human followers. Make Telegram great again. ➡️ Here's the link to my channel: https://t.me/jermwarfare
The battle of ideas
6 897
The Mpox scam is gaining momentum. Do not fall for it. Ignore all government recommendations, and give the middle finger to any attempt to fearmonger you into compliance. Mpox is nothing more than a psychological operation.
6 823
CHILDBIRTH HAS BECOME A MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR INDUSTRY that’s no longer about the mother or the child. Dr Stuart Fischbein, an OBGYN with over 40 years of experience, tore into the medical establishment during my podcast. A little over a century ago, most births took place at home. Today, nearly all happen in hospitals. Yet, childbirth is not a medical condition. So, what happened? Fear-driven propaganda and indoctrination. ➡️ LISTEN TO MY CONVERSATION with Stuart. He doesn't hold back. And come join our private community of amazing people pushing back against the establishment.
عرض المزيد ...

JWF_Podcast_Dr Stu_Snapshot_PROMO-Jerm Warfare 720p MP4.mp4

8 051
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