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audience statistics Human Rights Advocates Australia

Advocates that you can trust on any matter. Fighting for Human Rights. If you have been discriminated against or treated unjustly, please visit our website 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
“Prominent activist Monica Smit has been ordered to pay more than $200,000 in legal costs after a court found she was unlawfully arrested during anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne in October 2020. Ms Smit was awarded $4000 in damages after two of her three claims were successful, but substantial costs were awarded to the Victorian government on Friday as she had turned down a pre-trial settlement of $15,000. “We did get a fair hearing but I don’t think this is fair,” she said. “Do you think it’s fair for someone from the public to win their case and then have a $200,000 costs order against them? I don’t think people know that this happens — I don’t think that people know that this is the risk people take to stand up to authorities — and now they’re going to know.” The 36-year-old sued the Victorian government for false imprisonment in July. The County Court of Victoria on Thursday ruled two of the three arrests were unlawful, as the government had failed in those instances to prove the elements required under section 458 of the Crimes Act for summary arrest. More Coverage Lockdown activist’s fundraiser unlawful: court Lockdown activist left broke from legal fees Ms Smit spent 22 days in custody on charges of inciting others to attend the 2021 protest. Those charges were eventually dropped, and she was later found guilty without conviction of breaching Covid orders. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• So let’s get this straight. After getting unlawfully arrested twice by a totalitarian thug, Monica seeks justice only to be slapped with a $200,000 bill for doing so. Just like our political system, our judicial system is sadly lacking in integrity. It’s no wonder people are losing faith in our Institutions. And Bravo to Monica for fighting the good fight. Your courage is to be commended. Shared Senator Renard Rennick
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1 067
What an experience!! Liam Misko slicing through (like butter) our giant Red Gum tree into beautiful timber and furniture. It was unfortunate we had to cut the tree down due to safety reasons,, however, we now have all this incredible wood, to build and create on the property, which has saved us so much money. Thank you to The Misko Mobile Milling team, who have not only contributed extensively in the protection of Human Rights, but also travelled from Narooma, NSW with their Lucas Mill, to complete this job. Couldn't recommend them highly enough. 🙏🙏🙏
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1 387
Results are in…TWO out of the three were found to be UNLAWFUL.
Verdict is in!
Results are in…TWO out of the three were found to be UNLAWFUL.
1 417
Monica Smit's Judgement Day TOMORROW 11am. Enjoy the judgement day with Monica, and others. Win or lose, they'll be celebrating after. We support her incredible effort and determination for justice. Thursday 12th September 10:00am – ‘piccolo me’ cafe 11:00am – County Court County Court of Victoria, 250 William St, corner of Lonsdale St Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
2 062
Never liked their coffee anyway. Another one bites the dust!
2 451
Since when did parking your car become so involved? Locals are up in arms about new big brother like parking meters. They require you to hand over an extraordinary amount of personal information. Shared - Ben Fordham
3 112
WATCH: Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops Victoria Police forced to pay costs as anti-lockdown protester is cleared of serious charges, years after being targeted by authorities for being a political dissident ​ James, a prominent freedom fighter who Victoria Police unjustly targeted on that day, has finally been cleared of all major charges. ​ It’s been a long three-year battle for James, who was plastered all over Crime Stoppers and the news, accused of assaulting an emergency services worker. ​ But guess what? The footage, including police body cam, showed a completely different story. ​
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WATCH: Freedom fighter WINS case against violent Covid cops
Victoria Police forced to pay costs as anti-lockdown protester is cleared of serious charges, years after being targeted by authorities for being a political dissident
3 924
1 880
If you have a parenting or property dispute, Measured Mediation & Professional Services can help anyone affected by conflict, reach solutions without going to Court. 🙏 ​
2 918
It’s time to say NO to Mr. Butler. We must remind him that he serves the people of Australia. The decisions regarding WHO treaties should reflect our collective voice and if they don't, become a critical election issue. Stand with us in demanding accountability and ensuring our voices are heard when it comes to OUR health decisions. It’s time for a government that truly represents its people. Sign
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3 728
2 746
We wanted to share this beautiful testimonial from a client. The work we do is demanding, emotional, stressful and at times can feel very undervalued. Receiving feedback like this always helps keep us motivated. Thank you. You know who you are! ​ "I am amazed by your pride and commitment. Truly brilliant. ​ For now, if anyone you know really struggles like myself but can't afford the cost, we are happy to help from my heart. ​ I am also incredibly touched by Natasha's approach and expertise, this is First time I see compassion, kindness and care in All our contacts made to both government and private services in the past year for my challenging matter. Humanity is such an essential and important quality in this imperfect world nowadays. ​ You are welcomed to share my review publicly without my name. Mum and I will do what we can. We hope the public take notice of the importance of your work and more human beings receive assistance they deserve. ​ All the best."
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2 806
All you need to do is email and request a zoom link. The email must follow this format; Subject heading ‘Zoom link for CI-21-01328″ The full name and residential address of the person requesting the zoom link The following words (cut and past the below into the email body): I understand and accept that: a) I must not make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording, audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot) of any part of the hearing. b) I must not provide the zoom link to any other person. c) I must not permit any other person to make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording, audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot) of any part of the hearing. d) I must not re-transmit or otherwise publish any part of the hearing, or permit any other person to do so. e) Under section 4A of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to record a proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2), (3) or (4). f) Under s4B of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to publish a recording of a proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2).
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2 183
VICTORIA POLICE ON TRIAL.. TOMORROW.. Watch Monica from RDA question them tomorrow.
1 729
2 149
We will certainly be tuning in to this one! All you need to do is email and request a zoom link. Your email must follow this format; Subject heading 'Zoom link for CI-21-0132" The full name and residential address of the person requesting the zoom link The following words (cut and past the below into the email body):
2 190
2 910
4 041
Were you stood down and missed the FREE consultation with our Advocates? Our team has finally worked through hundreds of free consultations that were requested via email and now have more spaces available for anyone who missed out during the first round. Naturally, due to the recent precedent set down by the QLD Supreme Court we have been inundated with former clients seeking recourse & justice. To support everyone, we have been offering FREE consultations to chat with a Senior Advocate, to discuss your matter in detail. Visit Measured Mediation Facebook page for more information.
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3 312
3 223
A Covid19 Mosaic Tribute in the Alfred Hospital.. 🤦 How about a tribute to Australian's who lost their lives due to vacx injury or being denied life saving medical treatment because they refused to take the vacx. 🤷


2 753
2 226
Julian Assange is free! 👏👏👏 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange released from prison after US plea deal. Assange to plead guilty to one charge of espionage and return home to Australia after years fighting US extradition. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.
2 848
Many of us are going to refuse Digital ID. Have you actually asked these questions: How long can you hold out? If they require you have ID to access your bank account? Access to the internet? Access medical? Car Rego........ What will be your 'point' of compliance? These are all questions that we must ask. 1. If you are on a pension, you will have to get it. 2. If you require medical treatment, you will have to get it 3. If you want a license or a car rego, bike rego 4. If you want to buy food 5. If you want to access your bank These are things we need to think about now!! I am in a unique postion where I own my house, but it is not on my land. This means I don't pay rates and no one knows where I live. I live off grid I grow 90% of my own food undercover with filtered water. I am healthy, I never see a doctor. I see a naturpath. I make every thing like detergents, moisturisers and deoderant. I have much of what I need for the next 15 to 20 years and I am working out what I need for 1 year to survive well atm. I don't have any money.....I am practicing living on $200 per week atm and it is easy and I save money! I knit, spin, sew, preserve, dehydrate and have horses and carriages, electric pushbike and motor bikes. Start practicing now! Start growing food, start learning how to live without money and start learning how to preserve food as well I think my tipping point will be if I need to see a dentist or I have an accident and need surgery. What will your tipping point be? Shared from Suddenly Gone Australia FB page.
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4 233
Lock him up!!!
3 481
3 067
What a SLAP IN THE FACE! Strip Daniel Andrews of this NOW. Sign below!!! 👇👇👇 ?
Petition: Revoke Daniel Andrews' Companion of the Order of Australia award
3 492
2 754
Let's go 💪💪💪
3 877
Rest in peace Dazelle. 😭 May you finally feel peace. Sending the family love and comfort during this incredibly difficult time. Dazelle was denied a lifesaving transplant because she wasn't vaccinated. 🥺😡
3 677
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