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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
AUSTRALIA IS IN THE ROAD TO POVERTY & SERFDOM No nation on earth stands to see its living standards decline as much as Australia from the destructive insanity of NET ZERO. The numbers tell the story In 2023, 🇦🇺were smashed by the largest tax increase in the world 7.6%. No other nation came even close, we were a country mile in front. But it’s even worse, Australians were also hit with one of the largest falls in pre-tax real wages in world. So Australians are earning less in real terms and being taxed more. And that’s not considering in the fact that interest rate rises are smashing mortgage holders in Australia more than anywhere else because of the high percentage of variable mortgages in Australia compared to the rest of the world. And those numbers don’t include other declines in the standard of living of Australians with such things as a blow out in hospital waiting times and increased congestion from Labor/Liberals turbo migration policies. ONE NATION is the only chance to stop this madness
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2 377
Albanese shows his true colours. He makes one of the organisers of the Violence Against Women March break down and cry after she called him out as a liar. And while Albanese was giving his heart-felt speech reading from written notes.


3 411
National Rally to Protect Free Speech is conmbining with NO Digital ID Rally for one maaive rally Sunday 5th May in all capital cities. The Sydney Rally will be held at Australia’s symbolic home of free speech and free expression. Speakers Corner opposite the Art Gallery Art Gallery Rd The Domain, Sydney Sydney rally starts at 12 noon - all other capital cities start at 11am. Please pass the word, let’s send a message to Albanese & Dutton. If you attend one rally in your life, make it the rally to protect free speech.
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7 892
ALBO-MEME-SEE Meme’s Day : The official results are in In recognition of Albanese calling for social media to censor memes of himself, not just in Australia but globally - to demonstrate as a nation that we haven‘t yet lost our sense of human, today was officially declared ALBO-MEME-SEE Meme’s day on X and Telegram Thank you for everyone that contributed, the judges whittled down the entries to the Top 70 - and then ranked them. Here they are counted down from #70 to the winner. "Taking the piss" - that is when someone gets too big for their boots, they get mocked with humour - long may that tradition reign in Australia .
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11 004
eSafety Commissioner | Pauline Hanson's Please Explain Everything you need to know about Australia's eSafety Commissioner and the clowns who gave her the power to control what you see online. Support:


8 025
SACK THE eSAFETY COMMISSAR The eSafety Commissar’s mismanagement over her role in the attempted censorship of the reality of the attack on the Bishop has bought Australia’s international reputation into disrepute and made our nation a global laughing stock. More in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
6 490
That lying sod Albanese has posted about Australian‘s getting a tax cut. Truth is he has hit Australians with BIGGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE WORLD !! And this lying sod wants to censor "misinformation" So Australians are not only being punished with the biggest increases in rent & mortgage repayments in the world - we are also being hit with biggest tax increase. Working Australians suffered the biggest increase in average tax rates in the developed world with the end of the low- and middle-income tax offset and bracket creep, just as an unusual mix of petrol, cooking oil, bread and insurance combined to drive up the cost of living. Data released today by the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, as part of its annual snapshot of global personal income tax systems, revealed Australians endured a 7.6 per cent increase in their average tax rates in 2023.
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8 742
In recognition of Albanese calling for social media to censor memes of himself (globally), by popular demand Friday 26th April has officially been declared ALBO-MEME-SEE Meme day on X and Telegram. X and Telegram users are encouraged to post their favourite Albanese Meme throughout the day.


9 684
🔥WARNING 🔥- HIGHLY DISTURBING CONTENT 🫣🫣 This person in this video is the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party. And to think the Deputy Leader of the Liberals would make such a statement in favour of suppressing free speech and for Australia’s eSafety to have global control to censor the internet - today of all days - is a prime example how the Liberal have fallen. The Liberals have merged with Labor and the Greens. Sir Robert Menzies, the founder of the Liberal Party would be shedding tears and rolling in his grave. 😥 Only ONE NATIONis left to take up the fight. We need your help. Come and join us.
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8 626
Lest we forget
6 659
While Labor is using taxpayer‘s money to give a hundred million to Tedros at the WHO and billions in "foreign aid" while the Greens are flying in private jets - ONE NATION is out using our own party resources to provide free meals to homeless Australians. And I never thought in my life time that I‘d see tent cities springing up around the nation. It’s a national disgrace. Please support us ; Become a ONE NATION Member : Make a donation to help spread the message : Support by buying the merchandise Sign up to our email list
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7 450
I don’t think the hypocrisy gets any more rank than for Albanese to be in PNG to commemorate the sacrifices made on Kokoda Track, which helped secured our freedoms - and to be calling for the suppression of free speech and the censorship of unpleasant facts and humorous political memes.


7 436
HERE WE COME !! ONE NATION is surging in the polls -up 3pt to 9% in latest Essential Research poll Labor 31% Coalition 35% Greens 11% One Nation 9% Undecided 4% More and more Australians are waking up that Labor, Liberal & Greens have all abandoned their voters Personally very satisfying to after being with One Nation for around 6 weeks to see this surge
7 846
Breaking : National Rally against Digital ID to include protest against Government Censorship and the Mis & Dis Information Bill 11am SUNDAY 5TH MAY - come along and support free speech and send a message to Albanese & Dutton. Capital city CBD’s - full details to follow in next few days If you stand up and protest against one thing in your life make it this.
12 675
AUSTRALIA IS A GLOBAL LAUGHING STOCK The eSafety Commissar is demanding not just censorship in Australia, but GLOBAL CENSORSHIP of social media. She is an international embarrassment, doing untold damage to Australia’s international reputation and should be sacked. But Labor, Liberal, Greens & Lambie are so pathetically weak, they are all falling into line with this madness. Don’t they understand they are betraying the very concepts of free speech and the world is laughing at Australia ? Imagine if the Chinese Communists demanded global censorship of social media to try and hide a video of violence against ethnic minorities - just because they’d made a law in China censoring Chinese from seeing it ? more in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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9 904


8 002
If eSafety Karens were around in 63 they would tried to censor the Zapruder film. eSafety Karens simply don’t trust citizens with distressing unpleasant facts. They are afraid of democracy, because they think they are superior and should be able to control what people see, hear, say & think. eSafety Karens are ultimately fascist totalitarians in their ideology. They should be sent packing. "We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." - John F. Kennedy
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8 977
What have Labor & the Liberals done to the once lucky country ? 😓 Thanks to their turbo migration policies you need $1.6 million (current median price) for a place in the housing development called "The Ponds” 40km away from the Sydney CBD. They are probably very nice houses inside - but where will the children play ?


9 371
We are not going to surrender Australia without a fight and we are the last line of defence. Come and join us. Become a ONE NATION Member : Make a donation to help spread the message : Support by buying the merchandise Sign up to our email list
7 861
7 676
Dutton has not only confirmed that Labor & Liberal are as one, but he has defamed Elon Musk, by accusing of "thinking he is above the law" All that Musk has done is state that he believes the eSafety Commissar is acting over and above Australia law and will seek to challenge her dictatorial orders in court. They have a name from a society where you can’t question or dispute before the courts the legality of the dictates of an unelected bureaucrat that is trying to force you do something - it’s called Fascist totalitarianism. And a society where an individual is labelled as "thinking they are above the law" for merely stating they disagree with the whims of an unelected eKaren and want it decided before the courts - is well on the road to a fascist totalitarian society. I hope that Mr Dutton has a good lawyer.
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9 807
1. Sack the eSafety Commissar 2. Scrap the Mis & Dis Information Bill 3. Enshrine the protection of free speech in our Constitution
8 806
#IstandWithElon As an Australian I am embarrassed and ashamed by the Australian Government. The eSafety Commissar is totally out of control and should be sacked. Our nation fought wars against totalitarians that believed government should control what you see, read, say or think. This fight is not just Musk v. eSafety Commissar Its a fight for the very survival of free speech and democracy.
21 767
On the results of this just published peer-reviewed study, those that engaged in the conduct of blocking doctors from administering IVERMECTIN to those testing positive for Covid should be arrested and charged with manslaughter. 🟢 475 Nursing home patients 🟢 Average age 78 🟢 87 patients test positive for Covid 🟢 Lethality expected 24% to 45% (20-39 deaths) 🟢 Ivermectin given immediately to the 87 🟢 Only 1 death (1.1%) amongst 87 🟢 13 of the 87 require hospitalisation 🟢 0 admitted to ICU 🟢 19 to 38 likely lives saved by early treatment
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25 397
ALBANESE’S MANUFACTURING POSTER-CHILD TRITIUM COLLAPSES INTO ADMINISTRATION This bumbling fool, this complete dill doesn’t have a clue what he is doing. NET ZERO is destroying Australia. Tritium tried to survive by moving their manufacturing from Brisbane to Tennessee in the USA, where electricity costs are 1/3 of what they are in Australia - but it was too late. Our nation is being destroyed before our eyes The troubled Australian electric vehicle fast charging company Tritium is facing financial collapse after its directors declared it to be insolvent and called in KPMG to act as voluntary administrators.
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13 943
Perhaps they could have just asked him to come down to the station with his Mum ?


9 813
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE NSW POLICE : Only trust Big Government - they are the single source of truth for information. Everyday our society more and more resembles Orwell’s 1984 than the country that I grew up in.
9 680
Media Release | Crisafulli surrenders to the cult of climate change Queenslanders desperate for lower energy bills will have no party to turn to but One Nation at the October election following LNP leader David Crisafulli’s surrender to the cult of climate change. One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson said Mr Crisafulli’s support of the Miles Labor government’s 75% emissions reduction target by 2035 demonstrated there was no difference between the major parties. “David Crisafulli’s surrender doesn’t surprise me,” Senator Hanson said. “He may as well be in Labor or the Greens. He backed the divisive path to treaty legislation too, only reversing this position when I spoke out after the referendum and said One Nation would repeal it. “
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9 350
THE ROAD TO RUIN : Clueless Albanese & Blackout Bowen are systematically destroying Australia We may never recover from the damage these fools are doing. The destructive insanity of NET ZERO is pushing up energy costs in Australia, destroying our once held international competitive advantage of low cost energy. This makes it harder and harder for Australian manufacturers to survive. More in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
8 731
A CONTROL FREAK : SACK THE eSAFTEY COMMISSIONER It’s horrific and very disturbing - but why should attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel by censored at the whim of the eSafety Commissioner ? It’s real life, it actually happened. It’s not fake news or "misinformation". The video doesn’t glorify violence - so why should the paternalistic eSafety Commissioner decide Australians shouldn’t be allowed to view it. ? How are we going to face the realities and consequences of Islamic extremism in the real world, if the real world is censored ? Likewise, should Australia’s eSafety commissioner censor the barbaric terror upon young people at a music festival where their desecrated bodies were paraded through the streets or the "collateral damage" of young children killed in bombing raids ? Continued in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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10 035
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