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audience statistics Daniëlle

The Great Awakening 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    The systems that were created to collectively keep us thinking and behaving in ways that were decided for us centuries a go. Capitalising on our freedom and rights. Controlling our thoughts and emotions. Hijacking our energy, vibration and spiritual life. Dumbing down our purpose to slaves. “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. “You will fear death and forget you are divine”. Think of the religious systems, governmental, educational, pharmaceutical, financial etcetc. One by one we are finally discovering the influence and effect on us so we can decide if and only if We the people want to accept this strategy and authority as our own. The Great Awakening is the Dismanteling of the influence of all these systems over us. Cutting loose from systems that caused us to adapt and behave to be able to integrate. Hijacked and stuck we all were/are. Unable to see and awaken in our individual process. Now many many more are awakening and shifting the collective will break through very soon. It is inevitable. Beacuse this is how awakening starts. In the middle of uncomfortable situations. When we want out. When we want to wake up from the nightmare we feel trapped in to move, shift and change. Embrace the chaos and pain when we come to the realisation of the corruption, fraude and evil. Let it be the foretelling of the shift into the dimension of living life in freedom, harmony and prosperity. And so it is. Sending love into this world Danïelle 🙏💗💫
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    4 066
    The Great Awakening You and I are meant to grow, thrive and expand. We are energetic beings like everything around us. When energy flow is blocked and becomes stagnant life force destructs instead of creates. Destruction that you and I experience as stress, pain and disease. When we feel we are blocked we seek new ways, new paths, for new life. This is how awakening starts. In the middle of uncomfortable situations. When we want out. When we want to wake up from the nightmare we feel trapped in to move, shift and change. A shift causes disruption, chaos and fear of the dark you wake up in. When you realise what you don,t want anymore and reach for the switch to the Light. Awakening is facing that dark and taking back the strategy and authority over your own life and own Light. Dismanteling the influence of others over you. Cutting loose from systems that caused you to adapt and behave to be able to integrate in systems outside of your own, like your family, your education systems, your cultural tribal systems. One by one you discover the influence and effect on you to decide if and only if you want to accept this strategy and authority as your own. You learn how to feel and discern what does and what does not align with energy that is you. You learn to recognise resonance and disonance as the indication to your alignment. Not to disregard, deny and surprese your intuition. You give cpr to the voice inside of you. Your soul, your higher Self that is talking to you all day every day. For your well being, for your highest good. And step by step your connection with your higher Self, your intution will grow stronger together with the sense of freedom, harmony and confidence. This shift occurs individually when you awaken and grow in conciousness about your Self, your Life, your Story, your Habits, your Beliefs, your Longings, your Needs, your Boundaries, your Abilities, your Defaults and your Challenges. This is your individual Awakening. You learn how to become your own master. You shift, transform and heal in a proces that will take months and years. The process that allows you to become the Master of your own life. Capable of understanding and intervening on the level of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being to ensure and accelerate the creation of you and your life. You will gradually transform and shift: from Fear based thinking to Love based thinking from Reactive living to Proactive being from Depending to Self sufficient from External validation to inner validation from Logical decision making to intuitive from Automatic reaction to balanced respons from Ego Mind driven to Heart driven from Service to Self survival to service to others creation from Stagnation in Reacarnation to Ascension in Evolution. from Masculine energy only to Kundalini power from Linear life experience to Quantum magic from Human slaving to Spiritual being This shift enables you to be autonomous, authentic and free to be your higher Self. The version that is aligned with the Source energy you are and was before you got here. The you that is the expression of the God flowing to you and through you. Detached from all extrenal programming, control and validation. Free from the inside out. Instead of blocked from the outside in. Happy and peacefully enjoying the life that is given to you in each moment. Aware and capable of navigating contrasting emotions in your life experience. Understanding the bigger picture in your life as the expansion of who you are. Now this shift is also occurring collectively. The great awakening is the proces we entered to experience disruption, chaos and fear of the unknown in this year while Covid took over this planet. The dark off this virus has become the disruptive experience enabling the awakening to the strategy and authorities worldwide. To see the dark we really truely live in. When we collectively come to the realization that we have given our authority away, we can start to pull back the covers of the systems that decide over our lives.
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    Goodmorning everyone! How are you today? Reminder to keep vibing high and beautiful as you are. Sending Love Danïelle 🙏💗💫
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    NOBODY is wiser than your soul No outside authority is more powerful, wiser, more valuable than yourself. Your soul Your Spirit Your higher self It's timeless. Spaceless. Endless. All it takes to gain access to this eternal wisdom and inner power is to become so still that you can listen to it and TRUST it. The key to the inner spiritual soul that you are is to accept this second identity. You have built an ego personality in this beautiful physical body, which is controlled by the power of the life energy that is God. The creative force that flows through all life on Earth. The loving infinite potent manifestation flow that made you from the father and the mother. The essence is the soul that grows through this life force and contributes to the harmony here on earth. Unless this power is not harnessed from the spiritual identity out of the collective intent and common interest of enlightenment and peace. But this force succumbs to the untamed desire of the ego, which knows individual interest as intent through the infinite thirst for recognition. In the silence there is nothing. There you will find God. There you will find the connection to the consciousness of Spirit that is not of this world. The connection that was hidden from man centuries ago, the key removed from the bible so that man is forever looking for who he is, the meaning in life and his purpose here on earth. Without this key there is no spiritual identity and a human being is only the vehicle with an on-board computer that, when not connected to the connection with God within you, becomes dependent on the authorities outside him. For centuries, doctrines have provided for a lost people in the desert in search of the promised land. The kingdom will come. If your conditionally dependent and blind will follow the king we were told. Man has remained blind. Conditional is his ego and the society that man has built without God. Dependent for the steering in his life. Satisfied with illusions, power and control if only he can follow and not be left alone in the desert. Have faith in you. In your soul and in your connection through your spiritual identity. Get over the indoctrinated ego rejection of how special you are divine human. You are being talked to. You will be taken care of. There is a way for you. Listen to the voice in your heart. Let everything fall away until you are left with the silence in and around you. Are your ears creaking and ringing? Great then you are tuning in to a frequency that is so much higher than the ego 3D vibrations around you. Take care of yourself Purify your Mind & Body Tune in to the Spirit within you. There is so much more: And you know it. You feel it. Don't get carried away by the ego. Reassure it. Suck it like a kid. Stroke it like a nervous dog. Be clear and strict. You're the boss. For there is no one as wise as your soul. And so it is Sending Love Danielle 🙏💗💫
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    Grand tossing 🙏💗💫
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    Goodmorning everyone 🙏💗💫
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    From Amanda Lorence (and it really fits I think) ROLE CHANGES: I mentioned in approximately March 2023, and a few times since, that as we go, there will be ‘Role Changes’. Role Changes in terms of our service to God/All. I am NOW aware since last night, that the holographic ‘rooms’ are NOW created. Have now been manifested into HIGHER LIGHT holographic forms. That when ‘entered’ by the Human Avatar, certain ones will BEGIN the early stages of their said ‘Role Change’. Bare in mind, your consciousness is the Creator of your individual holographic realities (rooms). That it IS the Human Avatar that IS the aspect in degrees of forgetfulness. And so, whilst the holographic rooms for Role Changes are NOW manifested at higher energetic LIGHT LAYERS, for the human avatar to ENERGETICALLY walk into, it will take the actual Human Avatar (on solid Earth) degrees of linear time, to learn it’s new ‘set’ (room). Learn what it is to do inside that holographic room. Learn and use it’s own NEW skills. Acquire MORE LIGHT DATA knowledge. And as it does, the actual human avatar begins to align INTO it’s NEW ROLE, and thus perform it’s new role, here on the ground, within the multiple frequencies of humanity. And this multi-dimensional experience of many many light layers of frequencies. To others observing a human avatar that has a ROLE CHANGE, they will gradually notice several changes about that being: 1] What they focus on in service changes. 2] Their energetic abilities will change. As and in their service. 3] Their personality will seem (I emphasise ‘seem’) to change to a degree. Yet in truth, it is their aware consciousness STATE that has changed. That many others will not see or be aware of. As many others still view personality from their own personality. Rather than feel the other as Consciousness. 4{ They will keep rising in energetic frequency as they learn and adapt into their new role. Within stability, yet of variable ever changing frequencies within their sustained higher harmonics. 5] They will be disinterested in many things and subjects. Not give their energy or focus to certain things or subjects. As inwardly, they hold their own vision, and purpose, with inner razor sharp focus. In one sense, outside of time, this is already done. Yet because all human avatars experience within linear time, and by degrees of forgetfulness, it will take each, their own individual time for any role change to be EMBODIED and LIVED as that. We already have our abilities. We came in with them. Yet the forgetfulness within the human avatar IS PART of this story and experience. And that is exactly what creates this GRAND unfolding ‘Story’…and the characters in it. That in truth, are all a part of YOU. You are NOT separate to any character in any scene. Played out via the experience of linear ‘Time’, everyone’s story and acts, are part of the vast tapestry of Light, of the GREATER DIVINE DESIGN. Of what is, the Greatest Love Story to unfold…and thus be told. Through the dance of Light, frequency, and vibration. With Love always Amanda Lorence 24 January 2024 PS: In short, the holograms are set for Role Changes this year. I take time to explain in detailed words here as I try to explain the creation of all holographic reality. And how holograms are actually created via God/Source divine deisgn. As when we master the holographic, we can with God’s Will, create prior to the holographic manifestation. So I’m just trying to pass on inner knowledge, to support your own mastery, as we go 🙏
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    Good morning all 🙏💗💫
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    There is not that much difference. It is names we humans gave these children along the way since 60,s. There are manny waves and entanglements of conciousness, DNA and Akashic records that all play part in this beautiful confluence of the symphony of life we call GOD. 🙏💗💫
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    Mmm I think I'm both. Crystal and indigo. Not sure
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    Mastery Level 1 Online classes
    Master level 1 Mastery of the Self level 1 This program offers you guidance in gaining full insight into your true Self. Opening up your conciousness and laying foundation for a quantum leap in your personal development. In 7 weeks you will work on your process of Self Mastery in a group of like minded souls to identify: the
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    Dear old soul If this 👆is you? Or you have been called hypersensitive? Please know that you have been gifted with an instrument to amplify the electromagnetic magnetic field around you through your old soul conciousness, with a higher evolved Mind that perceived ego and Spirit and an higher evolved body that repels toxicity and requires purity to function. It is you that holds pieces of information, tools and truth that will help our species and planet forward. Learn how to accept your gift, unfold your gold and overcome the darkness that was required to initiate you in understanding the difference between 3D and 5D. On the 2nd of February Mastery level 1 starts to come to know and perceive your self and others through the lens of this higher consciousness. Please join via link below and I will guide you to get started on your path that will lead to guidance others eventually. Later on this month I will launch my online Coaching course for those who feel called to to follow this calling. Each in our own unique way. But all in the context of this Great Awakening. Leading by example as we can only coach and guide others when we first learn to lead ourselves through the awakening and mastery of our own Mind, Body and Spirit. Level 1 is a 7 week Course to get acquainted with the Mastery teachings and give insight in who you truly are. Level 2 is a half year deep dive into programming, script, universal laws, understanding ego and higher self, matrix and most of all what Unconditional Love is and how to heal through Self Love and Compassion for all there is. The Mastery Coach course is for everyone that feels ready to assist others in small or professional ways. This can be coaching your children or loved ones just by having a higher and dedicated and profound understanding. But this can also mean setting up professional coaching practices to set up your own coaching practice. What ever is your destiny and your purpose. Each calling counts. And I will assist you on your path. Eventually I wish to have a team of coaches assisting me worldwide to guide as many as we can from the 3D to the 5D. Amplifying the field with healthy, healing and compassionate vibrations to connect with those who need our guidance. As we guid eachother in this life. We rise togheter. Sending Love Danïelle 🙏💗💫
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