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audience statistics Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic

The most popular political podcast in America. Hosted by Steve Bannon. Your home for patriotic content. America First! Official home of the War Room Posse.  
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    "All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force." -George Orwell We have devolved into a nation where the rights of illegal immigrants come before the rights of our own citizens. We have devolved into a nation where American citizens call other Americans citizens "terrorists" for exercising their constitutional rights. We have devolved into a nation where American citizens ask for those they don't agree with to be deported or ruled over by force. The land of the free has now devolved into a police state. How did we ever let it get to this? JOIN:
    عرض المزيد ...


    8 594
    We are thrilled to welcome activist Lauren Witzke as a VIP at AFPAC IV! Join us on June 15th in Detroit, Michigan! Sponsors & attendees will have the opportunity to meet our VIP’s following the conference. Secure your tickets here:
    6 967
    This is the right attitude! The J6 protesters did nothing wrong. Free our political prisoners 🇺🇲 JOIN:
    8 763
    8 124
    ELECTION INTERFERENCE! JUST IN: Donald Trump talks election interference and the failure of Bidenomics. JOIN:


    7 853
    AIPAC explains how they bought America. Both sides since their beginning. JOIN:


    8 060
    🇮🇱 ❌️ 🇺🇸 'Abbott sent more troops to shutdown peaceful protests at UT than he did to secure the border.' 🔶️ "Even though Biden sued Texas to defend the “rights” of illegal immigrants to come here, don’t expect the same effort from him to protect the 1st amendment rights of actual Americans." 📎


    7 295
    If they’d have just been chanting “Death to America” instead of criticizing Israel, these protests would go uninterrupted... JOIN:
    7 929
    This is what matters to our "leaders". Giving away a hundred BILLION dollars of our money to foreign countries and taking away our constitutional rights. The Declaration of Independence tells us what needs to be done. ...To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government... JOIN:
    عرض المزيد ...
    9 968
    A caregiver has been caught viciously beating a 93-year-old dementia patient with a soiled diaper before trying to choke her out in horrific footage released by police. JOIN:


    8 263
    The Biden administration is suing Sheetz convenience stores for discriminating against minorities. The reason? The company requires all the applicants to first pass a criminal record background check. You are now required to hire criminals. JOIN:


    8 385
    The White House is considering declaring a national climate emergency. "If Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers. He would impose the Green New Deal on America without a vote in Congress" JOIN:


    8 625
    A Brooklyn man has been convicted of 13 weapons charges after having been arrested and charged in 2022 for building his own firearms. The judge said ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment.' What has happened to this country... JOIN:
    9 040
    Tucker Carlson told Joe Rogan that US politicians were terrified of being framed for child sex crimes by the intelligence agencies. He also revealed a senior elected official admitted lawmakers were being compromised or blackmailed. Follow:


    8 272
    A county judge has dismissed charges against illegal invaders who were arrested and charged for rioting at the southern border. The ruling came after the court decided there was NO PROBABLE CAUSE for the arrest of the individuals who clashed with National Guard troops while trying to gain entry into the country. JOIN:
    10 048
    Ben Shapiro Moves To Take Down Tucker Carlson JOIN:


    9 923
    Why are we forced to pay for our own replacement? JOIN:
    9 376
    Germany has passed a new law that will enable parents to "transition" their babies starting from the moment they are born. The Self-Determination Act has also established a €10,000 fine for exposing a transgender person's biological sex or "deadname." JOIN:
    12 543
    Help our researchers! The Noticer is doing some research for an article - do you know of any right-wing dissident movies that have been made or are being made right now? Not documentaries, but narrative films with actors. We are putting together a piece on the state of dissident right culture. Please post any examples of right-wing movies you know about in the comments. We are not talking about Hollywood here, but movies coming directly from dissident culture. They are likely to be very low-budget independent films. Any detailed tips send to: Thanks in advance.
    عرض المزيد ...
    11 040
    11 457
    Breaking: The U.S. House passed a $95 BILLION aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. No aid for the U.S. border, which held up the bill for months. JOIN:


    13 622
    Insane. The Biden Administration has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity.  In a nutshell, the new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns If the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then YOU can be charged with harassment. JOIN:
    عرض المزيد ...
    13 076
    What do they have on him?? Speaker Johnson says that White privilege is real and systematic changes are needed. JOIN:


    11 975
    Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott says that he will direct COVID relief funds to go to non-White art organizations: JOIN:


    11 988
    April 19th, 1993. The day the ATF and FBI burned men, women, and children alive under the guise of “protecting them” and getting “dangerous guns” off the street. These thugs dressed as "law enforcement" portrayed themselves as "good guys" yet they LITERALLY posed with their government guns alongside the dead bodies of still smoldering American children. JOIN:
    14 862
    Wow, this is insane. Here’s the truth. Mayorkas illegally paroled Laken Riley’s killer into the US. He had a criminal record. He then committed a crime against a child in New York. No prosecution. In fact, HE GOT A WORK PERMIT. And then he killed Laken. Mayorkas knew *all* this. He lied about it. JOIN:


    12 764
    Spin, spin, spin. Same tired playbook from the dishonest media. Kari Lake recommended that her supporters be ready to defend themselves in the run-up to the election, and with good reason. We’ve seen what BLM and Antifa do during election years, and we see the crime going on in blue states across the country. So yeah, Kari is 100% correct. We all need to be prepared for whatever they throw at us in the coming months, and that includes taking advantage of your 2nd Amendment rights.
    9 798
    Juror #7 has been selected. JOIN:
    11 397
    10 292
    Chinese government-linked hackers have burrowed into U.S. critical infrastructure and are waiting "for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow," FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Thursday. China is developing the "ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing," Wray said at the 2024 Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats. "Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic." Sounds like predictive programming to me... JOIN:
    عرض المزيد ...
    13 447
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