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🔥 The Storm Arrest Wars: Trump’s Warning to the Deep State 🔥 📢 DIRECT COMMS TO DEEP STATE 📢 Trump has issued a cease and desist warning to any Democrat engaging in election interference ahead of the 2024 election. This message goes directly to the heart of the deep state, as Trump vows to prosecute anyone involved in treasonous activities, including election skullduggery. ⚖️ Cracking Down on Election Interference ⚖️ Trump has made it clear: his team of attorneys and legal scholars are closely monitoring the 2024 presidential election. After witnessing what he claims was rampant cheating during the 2020 election, Trump is determined to ensure the sanctity of the upcoming election. Those who attempt to interfere will face the full weight of the law, with long-term prison sentences in store for those caught. 🔍 Sanctity of the 2024 Election 🔍 With votes beginning to be cast, Trump promises that the 2024 election will undergo the closest scrutiny yet. He has emphasized that professional oversight will be employed to safeguard the process, and any attempts to manipulate the outcome will not go unpunished. 🔥 The Storm is Coming 🔥 Trump’s latest warning signifies that the Arrest Wars are on the horizon. Should he win, the floodgates may open for legal action against those involved in election fraud, potentially triggering widespread treason and sedition prosecutions. Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
12 860
🔥 WIRES FROM THE FRONTLINE: MILITARY SOURCES AND HELL'S ANGELS ON ALERT 🔥 ⚠️ COMMS: Democratic Colorado vs. Hell’s Angels ⚠️ Sources reveal that military vets in the Hell's Angels were warned of a potential trap by Colorado’s Democratic state government, which plans to use the RICO Act to arrest them if they retaliate against Venezuelan gangs. These gangs, reportedly controlling apartment complexes in Denver, are causing chaos while Democratic news outlets and government bodies deny the situation. Despite this, multiple news agencies have confirmed the gangs’ presence. 🚨 Behind the Scenes: Military and Hell’s Angels Cooperation 🚨 Through Trump’s military intelligence, the Hell’s Angels received critical warnings. To avoid falling into the deep state’s RICO trap, a stand down order was issued to the Angels. However, 1% outlaw biker gangs have already moved military-grade weapons through various states and have emergency operations in place. This preparation reflects the delicate balance between avoiding provocation and being ready for potential conflict. 🏍💣 🔍 ICE and DHS Target Venezuelan Gangs 🔍 In a coordinated effort, ICE and DHS are actively pursuing Venezuelan gangs in several states, a move initiated to prevent the Hell’s Angels from becoming scapegoats in a war engineered by the DNC, United Nations, and globalist operatives. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to expose the true forces behind the influx of gangs while protecting U.S. citizens from deep state manipulation. ⚡️ Elon Musk’s Role: A Government Takeover? ⚡️ There’s rising panic in Colorado, California, and other Democratic states as Elon Musk prepares to take control and perform a full audit of U.S. cities. Rumors have been swirling about Musk’s connection to the U.S. Space Force (USSF) and its advanced AI and Quantum computers, which are collecting vast amounts of data on the U.S. and global operations. With Musk and Trump’s military working together, a supreme case is being built against the deep state. 🌐💻 💥 Trump’s Plan: Restructuring the Government 💥 Trump’s long-promised government restructuring is on the horizon, with plans to fire thousands of individuals in key positions. The groundwork has been laid through military audits and secret operations, further exposing the deep state’s control. The audit has already been completed and continues to build an irrefutable case for future action. ⚖️ 🛑 Military Movements and Preparations 🛑 As military operations intensify on the East Coast, particularly in New York, recent meetings and warnings were sent to key three-letter agencies in preparation for upcoming emergency events. Patriots, the storm is brewing, and it’s all falling into place. ⚔️ 🇺🇸 Stay Alert, Patriots 🇺🇸 The pieces are moving, and big things are happening behind the scenes. Prepare for what’s coming, as the deep state’s control is slipping, and the patriots are taking back the reins. Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
12 517
🌪 THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM 🌪 🔥 WORLD DEEP STATE PANIC ON FULL DISPLAY 🔥 The revelations kept in reserve by Trump**—from the **Epstein saga to the CIA's assassination of JFK**—are finally being brought to light for a reason. Every move has been meticulously calculated, and now, the world is witnessing the panic within the deep state as these hidden truths emerge. 🚀 **Musk's Starlink & USSF Military Ops: Capturing the Deep State in Real Time 🚀 Through Musk’s Starlink and the U.S. Space Force (USSF), world corruption is being exposed in real time. Thousands of terabytes of data have been collected, revealing the intricate web of global corruption, deep state operations, and hidden agendas. 🌍💻 💥 Deep State Panic 💥 The deep state is panicking as the walls close in. The once impenetrable system of control is crumbling, and their secrets are unraveling faster than they can contain. From global elites to powerful institutions, no one is safe from the storm that’s coming. ⏳ It’s Just the Beginning ⏳ This is the calm before the storm. The deep state’s panic is palpable, and the world is about to witness a monumental shift. Stay tuned, because the storm is coming—and it’s going to change everything. ⚡️ Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
14 098
🔑 The Keys to the Future 🔑 With Trump, Musk, and military forces holding critical power, we are witnessing the fall of the deep state. As global elites lose their grip, the world is on the brink of monumental change. The script is unfolding before our eyes—are you ready? Join The Real Great Awakening
The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
10 944
🔥 Unraveling the TIK TOK Script and Global Power Shifts 🔥 🎥 TIK TOK: A White Hats Military Intelligence Operation? 🎥 TIK TOK, one of the world’s largest social media platforms, is rumored to have deep roots in military intelligence, following in the footsteps of powerful viruses like Stuxnet and Zeus Nitro. These cyberweapons, created by White Hats military intelligence, supposedly laid the foundation for TIK TOK's creation. While Trump had publicly denounced TIK TOK in the past, he has now flipped the script and endorsed the platform, fueling speculation that everything has been part of a larger plan all along. ⚡️ The Script Unfolds: Trump, Musk, and More ⚡️ Many were shocked when Elon Musk, who endorsed Biden in the 2020 election, later aligned with Trump, just as predicted. Even more surprising were Trump’s alliances with figures like RFK Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy**—strategic moves that were all part of the script. From surviving an assassination attempt to flipping major narratives, Trump continues to keep everyone guessing. The **high-speed cameras that captured the shooting didn’t reveal the full story, raising questions about White Hats military intelligence erasing videos and initiating massive cyber-attacks via CrowdStrike immediately after the incident. 🎯 💻 Stuxnet, Zeus Nitro, and the Power of TIK TOK 💻 Stuxnet and Zeus Nitro**—two powerful viruses—played a role in global cyber warfare and may have been precursors to TIK TOK’s rise. Following the assassination attempt on Trump, White Hats reportedly launched military operations to erase millions of videos across platforms like TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Google, and even private devices. But why? The erasure of videos and data seems to point toward a deeper **global operation aimed at controlling the narrative and neutralizing threats. 🚀 Trump, Musk, and Military Control 🚀 The influence of Trump, Musk, and key military assets such as Cheyenne Mountain and USSF satellites is being questioned. How were these satellites, capable of incredible precision, involved in monitoring the Trump assassination? How were all the videos from the crowd—contractors, secret service, military satellites, and even spy satellites—**wiped clean** so efficiently? 🔍 🛑 CrowdStrike and the Erasure of Evidence 🛑 As soon as Trump’s assassination attempt occurred, CrowdStrike military operations went into action, erasing digital evidence worldwide. From high-speed cameras to military satellites, all recorded data disappeared, raising the question: what is being hidden? What role do TIK TOK, Stuxnet, and Zeus Nitro play in this global chess game of intelligence warfare? 🧩 The Bigger Picture: Facebook, the FBI, and Election Interference 🧩 In a shocking twist, Mark Zuckerberg flipped the script too, exposing interference by three-letter agencies and the Biden administration in the 2020 elections. As Trump's White Hats, alongside SCOTUS and top U.S. courts, close in on those involved in election interference, Zuckerberg’s revelations highlight the far-reaching consequences of this battle for control. 🌐 Deep State, Global Elites, and the Fall of the Empire 🌐 This all points to the collapse of the global cabal**—the **Kazarian empire of powerful families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, and their deep-state allies. Trump, Musk, and military operations are working to dismantle dark operations, pedophilia rings, and control systems connected to world banks and global elites. 🌍 Global Repositioning: Modi, Putin, and Zelensky 🌍 India’s Prime Minister Modi recently met with Putin, followed by a meeting with Zelensky. After Modi’s visit, Zelensky made sweeping changes in his military and government leadership. What information was exchanged, and how will it affect the ongoing conflict? Was this part of a larger global power shift?
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10 894
🔥 NEAR-CIVIL WAR EVENTS ARE ESCALATING 🔥 ⚠️ Military Movements on the East Coast ⚠️ There’s an uptick in military activity across key U.S. regions—from the wilderness of New York State, through the forests of Pennsylvania, down to West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. Army, Marines, and Special Forces units are ramping up their Urbanized Terrain training, focusing on cities like New York. This is a direct continuation of Operation Urban Warrior, a program dating back to the 1990s that’s designed for urban warfare scenarios. This effort, driven by the Department of Defense and Executive Orders signed in 2018-19, signals major preparations for potential inner-city conflicts. 🏙 🔍 Black Helicopters and Intelligence Collection 🔍 Mysterious black helicopters have been spotted gathering intel on military networks, probing for Iranian infiltration and cartel-connected gangs. The military is tracking dangerous immigrant gangs weaponized by cartels, with some allegedly receiving UN funding. As Trump assembles a powerful global coalition, preparations are underway for a clash with the United Nations. 🌐 🚨 Hells Angels Prepare for Conflict 🚨 The notorious Hells Angels are setting up a munitions and weapons base in Colorado, preparing for major 2024 events. After two top Hells Angels members and their families were attacked by South American gangs, reports indicate that chapters from across the country are moving into Colorado to prepare for retaliatory strikes. While the Hells Angels deny this, chatter from Cheyenne Mountain Military Command suggests high-level coordination between U.S. veterans within the outlaw biker community and law enforcement in Colorado. 🏍💣 👤 Private Military Contractors Ready for Civil War 👤 Private military contractors across the U.S. are bracing for a potential civil war, working alongside federal U.S. Marshals and other agencies. These preparations coincide with ongoing military operations targeting hundreds of South American gang networks, Iranian and Chinese infiltrations, and deep state actors. White hat military exercises are being conducted across the East Coast and in regions such as Colorado, Yellowstone, and Wyoming. 🌲 ⚔️ The Approach of the "Arrest Wars" ⚔️ With every passing day, tensions rise as we approach what many are calling the Arrest Wars. These near-civil war events have been predicted for years, and the signs are now clearer than ever. Those who once dismissed these warnings are now seeing the unfolding reality. The stage is set for a clash that will define the future of the nation. 🚨 Veterans and Outlaw Biker Gangs Mobilizing 🚨 Ex-Marines and Army veterans within the Hells Angels are reportedly moving munitions across the country, aligning with 1% outlaw biker gangs. In response to attacks by South American gangs, the Hells Angels are reportedly mobilizing for retaliation, with sources hinting at deeper involvement between military veterans and local law enforcement. 💬 Chatter Intensifies 💬 While officials continue to deny reports of Hells Angels’ actions in Colorado, rumors persist of back-channel communications facilitated by Cheyenne Mountain Military Command. These communications involve veteran leaders in outlaw biker gangs and high-ranking police forces in Colorado. The situation remains tense, as all eyes focus on potential escalations in the coming months. ⚠️ Prepare for the Unfolding Events ⚠️ The nation is on high alert as military, private contractors, and even outlaw biker gangs brace for a potential conflict. Stay vigilant, as the coming events could reshape the future of the United States. Join
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
16 619
🚨 Breaking News 🚨 Biden is Gone! 🔥 TRUMP HAS SPOKEN at the RNC! 🔥 ⚡️ :REPRISAL (REVENGE) > Nessun Dorma ⚡️ 🛡 Military Operations are now targeting the deep state actors! Special forces from Russia, EU, and the U.S. are taking action against global elites after an attempted assassination. This high-stakes event had the CIA, FBI, and other special forces in utter confusion. Nobody could tell the real actors apart from the deep state agents. The deep state’s fear of arrest led to a massive stand down just 30 minutes before the operation. Military intelligence intercepted all communications during this chaotic moment. WHITE HATS are now in control. 🛡 🎭 The White Hats staged this event right under the noses of deep state operatives, leaving them stunned and disoriented. 🌐 🚨 Truth Unveiled: Do you really believe the reports of two shooters both missing their target, Trump? Even with 26 minutes and no interference? The truth is, this was a meticulously planned operation by the military white hats. Trump was strategically placed in 2016 with military intelligence, turning the tide at the last moment to shock the opposition. 🎯 ⚔️ After his election, Trump empowered the military with classified operations, including Continuity of Government, Devolution Plan, and Blackout Operations. ⚔️ 💰 Global Seizures: In winter 2016, U.S. military forces conducted global operations, seizing trillions in gold from the Vatican and Switzerland, while China and Russia dismantled deep state bunkers and operations. This unprecedented move threatened the globalist cabal, triggering the Plandemic to seize funds and control through chaos. 💉 🕵️‍♂️ 2020 Sting Operation: The military white hats allowed Biden to win the 2020 election as part of the biggest sting operation in history. The real Biden had been flipped years earlier and replaced with decoys. The real Biden is now hiding in underground bunkers, tied to sinister operations that span from Five Finger Lakes to California and beyond. 🌐 🌪 Stay Awake! The truth is unfolding. The Storm is here. 🌪 🔍 🔍 Join
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
18 953
### 🌐 The Hidden Lives of Spy Families 🌐 Ever wondered where those undercover spy families go once their missions end? Many integrate into regular society, taking up everyday jobs, excelling in academics, and participating in common activities. These fictional spy families often lack extensive lineages or notable descendants, typically bearing either very common names or unique, obscure ones—such as the rare "Comperatore" name. 🕵️‍♂️ The Comperatore name originates from Argentina. After World War II, several Nazis fled to South America, and some families adopted the Comperatore name. Currently, there are only 156 people globally with this surname, mostly in Argentina and a few in the United States, traceable to these origins. 🌍 Recently, at a Trump rally, Corey "Comperatore" was shot. Corey had two daughters, a wife, and a sister who spoke out for him. This incident highlights the intricate operations of intelligence agencies like the CIA, FBI, DOD Homeland Security, and NSA. These agencies create entire families of spies, agents, and actors for extraordinary missions, involving both "white hat" and "black hat" operations. They even have Junior Agent Academies to train teens for various tasks. 🔍 --- ### 🌟 Things Are Not Always As They Seem 🌟 You are navigating the "Fog of War," where military operations and significant staged events are paving the way for a massive awakening and movement. These events aim to unveil the dark side of intelligence agencies, military coups, human trafficking, drug trade, and global corruption connected to the CIA and global elites. 🌐 What you are witnessing are intricate game theory operations. Remember how I predicted the staged Trump assassination and his survival weeks ago? It was a deliberate event staged by the "white hats" for an essential reason. 🤔 --- ### Understanding the 2020 Election The 2020 election, which seemed rigged, was actually a calculated military "white hats" operation. The election wasn't stolen; it was strategically given to Biden to dismantle the global deep state cabal. Behind the scenes, the military orchestrated this event to trigger the upcoming 11.3 Laws of War operations. 🌟 The "Great Event" is a series of occurrences, not just one. When people look back at the decade from 2017 to 2027, they will see it as the time of the Great Event. 🔮 Stay alert and aware. The truth is revealing itself before your eyes. 👁✨ Join The Real Great Awakening
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24 887
### 🚨 Trump Assassination Attempt: The Full Story 🚨 #### Unveiling the Intrigue Behind the Scenes 🔍 What Happened? Last week, we provided you with detailed intel about this event. Now, let's uncover the real story behind this high-stakes drama. 🏛 Security Measures: The Secret Service meticulously scouts locations weeks before the president's arrival. The building from which the shooter fired was an obvious threat and the highest priority for lockdown. There’s absolutely no chance that rooftop would have been left unattended, considering it was the perfect spot for a sniper, only 130 yards away. Secret Service snipers, trained to shoot up to 1,000 yards, would have certainly secured it. 🔫 The Unbelievable Incident: How did 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks manage to climb that building? With hundreds of onlookers filming, calling the police, and screaming warnings, how did drones, helicopters, and thousands of nearby officers miss him? Even news helicopters, Secret Service counter-snipers, and military satellites monitoring the event didn't spot him. This defies all logic. 🤯 🎭 The Staged Operation: As hinted earlier, the "White Hats" staged this event for strategic reasons, including preempting a real assassination attempt by the CIA. This revelation points to deeper intelligence operations and a military coup that influenced police and Secret Service decisions to stand down. 🤯 What Really Happened: Thomas Matthew Crooks was dead before the assassination attempt. The White Hats knew he was manipulated by CIA’s MK Ultra operations, similar to the infamous Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock. Since the 1950s, CIA hearings and testimonies have proven the existence of mind control programs designed to create super killers. 🚨 White Hats' Bold Countermove: The White Hats, aware of the CIA's plans, intercepted Crooks' body. On the day of the shooting, they orchestrated a stand-down of Secret Service and other security operations. An actor staged the climb, while real snipers simulated the assassination. Only a few agents involved in the operation managed the body switch seamlessly. 📚 Deep Classified Operations: The next chapter of this story involves highly classified intelligence operations spanning decades. These operations include the creation of spy families, training children and teenagers in CIA junior academies, mirroring similar programs from the 1960s in Russia. Stay tuned for more explosive revelations as this story unfolds! 🌐👀✨ Join The Real Great Awakening
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19 541
Possible location of Trump's assailant. Join The Real Great Awakening
17 986
Man claims to have alerted police about the possible shooter before Trump’s ass*ssination attempt. What is going on in the intelligence and national security services of the Biden government? I think the only people who can answer this question are Joe and Hunter. Join The Real Great Awakening


17 802
Man claims to have alerted police about the possible shooter before Trump’s ass*ssination attempt. Join The Real Great Awakening
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First, they try to remove him from the ballot, then try to put him in jail. When both didn’t work, they tried to kill him. Join The Real Great Awakening
16 473
Does it look like the snipers were shooting b4 DJT grabs his ear? Join The Real Great Awakening


17 705
July 8, 2024: President Biden says "we're done talking about the debate, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye." July 13, 2024: Donald Trump gets shot and survives assassination attempt. Did Joe Biden call for an assassination attempt on Donald Trump? Join The Real Great Awakening
16 621
🔍✨ EU MILITARY BACK CHANNELS ACTIVE AGAIN ✨🔍 --- ⚡️ Major Move by EU Leader Viktor Orban ⚡️ Recently, European Union leader and President Viktor Orban defied NATO’s wishes and met directly with Putin. This meeting is monumental as Orban is a close ally of Trump and recently declared his mission to "MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN." 🌍🤝 These military communications are crucial as they mark the beginning of a significant power shift away from the CIA and the globalist control of the WEF. --- 🔒 Back Channels Reconnected 🔒 Following these communications, Orban assured Putin that half of the European countries have their military back channels up and running, ready to reconnect with Russian military networks. This move solidifies the U.S., EU, and Russian military alliance operations as planned, ensuring most EU military forces support Trump's Cheyenne Mountain operations. 🚀🛡 --- 🔴 Nuclear Scare Averted 🔴 Orban’s visit to Putin sends a powerful message globally: a pact is forming, and a new financial and trading partnership between Russia, Europe, and the United States is on the horizon. Military communications indicate the collapse of the CIA, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, WEF, and IMF fiat money system is imminent, shifting military power away from CIA/NATO operations. 🌐💰 --- 🌍 Global Financial Shifts 🌍 Immediately, Iran and Moscow interconnected their local payment systems, ditching the U.S. Dollar. Several African nations are preparing to join BRICS, with six countries already negotiating. U.S. forces have been pushed out of Niger, and the CIA has exited the country as African nations fight to free themselves from U.S. CIA, UK MI6, and Mossad control. Zimbabwe’s President announced the new gold-backed currency will become the sole legal tender. 🏦🌍 --- 🌪 Massive Panic in EU Military Ranks 🌪 Behind the scenes, there is significant panic among high-ranking EU military divisions as generals and leaders switch sides amidst the fog of war. The collapse of financial support systems has left tens of thousands of deep state actors without their monthly bribes and kickbacks, causing widespread chaos. 💸⚠️ --- 🔥 The Storm is Brewing 🔥 Military leaders across Europe are acutely aware of the impending storm and secret operations. The world knows something big is happening. NCSWIC (Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming). 🌪💥 --- Q's Message: You Have More Than You Know Prepare for the Sky Event. It’s incoming. 🌌✨ --- 🔍✨ Stay vigilant and informed. ✨🔍 Join The Real Great Awakening
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20 854
🌌✨ SKY EVENT ALERT ✨🌌 🔴🔵 Red Sky, Blue Sky, Light Sky 🔵🔴 Project Blue Beam 🎶 _Sound Sky Event_ 🎶 --- 🔍 Behind the Scenes 🔍 🚨 The Deep State Cabal is gearing up to initiate the SKY EVENT! 🚨 🌌 Project Blue Beam 🌌 --- 🔍 Meanwhile, behind the scenes 🔍 The White Hats Military Alliance and USSF/STARLINK are preparing counter-operations using GAME THEORY. These SKY EVENTS mimic Project Blue Beam, but with a twist – to benefit military strategies and real operations! 🚀 --- Q+ What is +? 🔍 Answer: + is x 🔍 This represents crossing operations where game theory mimics deep state moves but leads to outcomes favoring the Alliance. 💡 --- ❓ Why did Trump place the United States Space Force within military intelligence?Why was Cheyenne Mountain Military Base closed off to Biden, Obama, and the CIA? 🌟 Why did Trump, Ezra, and Kash Patel award Elon Musk the biggest military contracts in history? Remember, the 2017 public split between Trump and Musk was just a show! Musk's acquisition of Twitter and their eventual public reunion were all planned. 🚀 --- 🔍 Q+ and the X Symbol 🔍 Why does the USSF military intelligence logo feature an x? Why did Musk name Twitter 'X'? Why did USSF and Musk both use black and white in their branding? 🖤⚪️ --- 🚨 USSF Initiated RED SKIES Military Operations 🚨 Why did Alex Jones claim Musk was a chef and commander inside USSF? Why did Musk reinstate Jones on X without addressing this comment? 🤔 --- 🌪 Entering the Eye of THE STORM 🌪 The deep state is about to initiate SKY EVENTS including a FAKE ALIEN INVASION using advanced holograms and 5G military sound weapons. These weapons create sickness and mass panic over vast distances. 😱👽 Underground bases like D.U.M.Bs in New Mexico are allegedly creating monstrous hybrids for release as dangerous "aliens" during Project Blue Beam. The deep state also possesses both fake and real UFOs for this deception. 🌌🛸 --- 💥 Massive Panic in Intelligence Agencies 💥 The CIA, Pentagon, Mossad, MI6, and Five Eyes agencies are in turmoil as their pandemic operations and bioweapon virus plots are exposed. People worldwide are awakening to the corrupt systems controlling their governments. 🌍🔓 --- ⚖️ TRUMP'S ARREST WARS ⚖️ Trump is gearing up to initiate ARREST WARS targeting thousands of U.S. government employees, media figures, military leaders, and politicians. The deep state is desperate to block the exposure of elite pedophile rings and the true Epstein saga linked to celebrities. 🛑🚨 --- 🚨 The Deep State's Last Stand 🚨 To distract from their crimes, the deep state plans to launch SKY EVENTS to enforce mass censorship and a one-world government through a fake alien invasion. But the world is waking up, and the truth will prevail. 🌍✊ --- Stay vigilant, stay informed. The storm is here. 🌪✨ Join The Real Great Awakening
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17 313
### 🚨 Urgent Insider Update: Major Changes on the Horizon 🚨 Biden’s Surprising Exit: - 📰 Breaking reports suggest President Biden may step down on August 19, a date highlighted by insiders like U.S. Colonel Douglas Macgregor. - 🤔 Speculations point to the CIA and DNC orchestrating this unexpected move. Michelle Obama to Take the Helm?: - 🗣 Exciting whispers reveal that Michelle Obama is in talks with top CIA and DNC officials to step in as the new presidential candidate after Biden’s departure. Staged Events and Racial Tensions: - ⚠️ Alarming claims indicate a planned CIA/FBI operation to stage a dramatic event, reminiscent of the George Floyd incident, aiming to ignite racial tensions and support Michelle Obama’s campaign. Trump Under Legal Siege: - 🏛 Behind closed doors, plans are allegedly in motion to arrest Donald J. Trump using strategic gag orders, particularly targeting actions in Georgia. - 💼 This controversial move is rumored to shield Trump from a looming economic collapse and ensuing civil unrest. Secret Military Operations: - 🔍 Unveiling the bigger picture, it’s suggested that military operations are actively protecting Trump, setting the stage for significant strategic developments. Russiagate and Explosive Treason Claims: - 💥 Explosive revelations about Paul Ryan’s role in the Russian Dossier scandal emerge, exposing it as a deliberate setup. - 🕵️ Bold accusations fly against the CIA, accused of using Soros funds to manipulate voting laws through Secretary of State projects. Federal Reserve Cyber Attack Drama: - 💻 The Federal Reserve faces a dramatic cyber attack, allegedly an inside job by the deep state to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency. - 🕵️‍♂️ Blame is cast on a Russian-linked gang, with threats to reveal America’s banking secrets causing a stir. Preparing for What’s Next: - 🌍 This unfolding narrative hints at a grand military strategy, with every move meticulously countered by white hats. - 🛡 Prior insights provided to patriots now prove prescient, preparing us for these critical operations and the battles ahead. Stay informed and vigilant, as these seismic shifts promise to reshape the political and economic landscape dramatically. 🌟 Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
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22 228
Breaking News: Turkey Transforms NATO's Future and Joins BRICS! Before anyone could predict Turkey's plans to exit NATO or participate in Russian financial initiatives, we've exclusively provided you with invaluable insights into China's weapon deliveries to Serbia through Turkey. Three years ago, we revealed that Turkey would leave NATO, causing massive panic and internal strife within the organization. Observers soon witnessed the beginning of NATO's collapse. Witness the true military moves against NATO. World banks, the United Nations, and deep state operations are all affected. From CIA-controlled Ukraine operations and money laundering systems to Saudi Arabia (President Trump's ally, MBS), cutting off the CIA/Rockefeller and deep state FIAT dollars. Turkey showed up in Russia, and the Kremlin warmly welcomed them! We informed you that Musk's visit to China signaled military communications among world leaders, as the white hat alliance advanced its military operations. Now, Turkey takes a significant step forward within the PLAN. Saudi Arabia makes a massive move to dismantle the deep state's control over money. Trump and Musk talk about the future currency of the United States! The CIA/Rockefeller/Rothschilds/globalists/Majestic 12 control over Western and European countries is being dismantled, and the deep state is crumbling. Wall Street's financial rigging is exposed. Panic surges in Europe, as U.S. elites scramble, fearing Trump's possible return to power, ending the funding for Ukraine's money laundering operations. In 2017-2018, Trump and Musk's alliance crumbled (but we warned in 2019 that this was all part of an elaborate plan). Even after Musk's endorsement for Biden in 2020, we predicted the political ruse. We knew Musk's acquisition of Twitter was imminent and that Trump and Musk would eventually join forces. Now, all these events align - TRUST THE PLAN. The Plan to Save the World. Join The Real Great Awakening
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23 342
Multi-Millionaire Earl Nightingale shares life changing advice about the secret to succeed at anything in life Join The Real Great Awakening


25 372
Doctors speak out that an effective cancer treatment is being systematically shut down. Join The Real Great Awakening


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In this video you will find 26 mysterious photos from the old world.. Join The Real Great Awakening


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NASA caught red-handed Join 👇🏻👇🏻


21 568
Graphene tattoos are the tip toe to transhumanist totalitarianism. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


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Historic accounts that provide evidence of our giant ancestors. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


15 584
Former Satanist gives first hand account of the significance of Halloween and what takes place in the rituals. Join The Real Great Awakening


22 558
In 1930, a man named Wilhelm Reich invented a way to cure cancer, heart disease, arthritis and thousands of other ailments in just a few 15-minute sessions sitting in the field above. How was this possible? "The box is a carefully constructed 'orgone accumulator' that concentrates orgone energy or life energy 'Chi/Prana,' and it has an incredible effect on patients. The FDA banned Wilhelm's inventions and sentenced him to prison, where he died in 1957 Join The Real Great Awakening
31 514
The aluminium in chemtrails have a direct link to environmental damage, Alzhiemer's and Autism. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


15 954
Elon Musk Joins Forces with Trump: A Powerful Alliance for America's Future
12 011
In the summer of 1934, a dragon was found fallen to the ground in China, near the city of Yingkou. It was so weak that it could not even open its eyes, its tail was bent, and its skin had begun to shrivel. To alleviate his suffering, the locals soaked the body of the dragon with water. A few days later it disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. Within a month, however, the villagers began to smell the foul stench. In search of the source of the stench, they found the half-decomposed remains of a dragon in the bushes. A photograph of the amazing find was published in the local newspaper with a story about this unusual occurrence. Join The Real Great Awakening
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19 152
Illuminate Secret Dance or just a Lap Dance? The Illuminati Pyramid with The All Seeing Eye above Join The Real Great Awakening


18 109
There is a document in the digital library called the "Guide to Free Energy Devices and Systems. This guide consists of over 50 detailed studies based on alternative energy methods. It describes an option in obtaining energy from vacuum, antigravity, and even sound. This document was officially published in the late 1980s. John Kehl was an inventor, he created mechanisms that worked by means of sound vibrations. But even after his death he was not recognized. Join The Real Great Awakening
20 473
Let me know what you think Join 👇🏻👇🏻


14 487
🚨🇮🇱 BREAKING. Video The International Criminal Court's prosecutor asks for ARREST WARRANTS against Israel's PM NETANYAHU and Defense Minister GALLANT. Join Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777


12 457
20 183
Former deep state employee revealing the truth behind microchip implant surveillance technology, when it was developed and the forces who ran the programme. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


17 140
THE SET UP< SETTING UP THE RICO ACT AGAINST THE DEEP STATE CORRUPT ORGANIZATION (getting this into Congressional records, U.S. archives and U.S. court docs is important to military operations to be activated) _Why did trump deny the existence of aliens UFOs and extraterrestrials in June 2017 (Trump says he doesn't particularly believe in UFOs When ABC News' George Stephanopoulos asked Trump if he would know) BEHIND THE SCENE>]: CONGRESS/Senate/AG's guided by white hats Military operations and procedures are setting up the PENTAGON/CIA/[ DS] MILITARY/ MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX SYSTEM by placing some of the most important traps operations ever created to bring down the CABAL.>Through the RICO ACT< (which WILL all connect to open overt military intervention///military occupation/// Laws of War Department of Defense Military protocols_ _These very important plans to EXPOSES the deep dark operations of the [DS] that has stolen over 100 trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in the past 75 years from United States citizens and government through illegal unsanctioned and unconstitutional programs are deep dark operations that were never approved by Congress, the Senate and sitting presidents. (This was one of the reasons JFK was assassinated, he wanted to EXPOSE the CIA regimen and dark deep projects and missing money, JFK also knew the CIA was behind a massive human trafficking ring with drug trafficking ring and JFK knew Henry Kissinger and CIA were behind the plans of depopulation with the Rockerfellers, Rothschilds >>>>> this is a large reason the JFK assassination files are still being surpressed... but that WILL change in a very important moment COMING) *Note_* When Donald J. Trump was elected and had his inauguration in Washington DC in 2017 his wife Melania Trump wore the SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) dress , ...> This dress color was very important and military COMMS ; This color was worn by JFK's wife Jackie Kennedy and the same color JFK JR wore after his father JFK assassinated. ... More over after JFK JR'S (supposed) death his family carried his ashes inside a SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) box and scattered his ashes over the oceans (* it should be noted that when JFK Jr body was found a quick 4 hour autopsy was done and his body was hidden and immediately he was cremated and within hours his funeral took place and his Ash's scattered...... NO time in history was a royal or Famous family's or descendent of Elites funerals quickly pushed into a half day event>>>> i have told you behind the scenes JFK Jr security and detail was called Q . and they had known the CIA, Rockefellers wanted to kill JFK JR... Because [ THEY] knew the white hats MILITARY were preparing for THE STORM operations>>>> _BEHIND THE SCENES>]; SKY-BLUE , BLUE SKY MILITARY OPERATIONS CONNECTED TO Q( THE SOURCE INTELLIGENCE DATING BACK TO BIBLICAL ERA AND MUCH MORE CONNECTED TO FUTURE _EVENTS > TESLA > MILITARY TECHNOLOGY> SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY> FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIZATIONS ) .... SKY-BLUE > BLUESKY CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS HAD BEEN BATTLING THE DEEP STATE >SATANIC CABAL> *TRUE SATANIC FORCES* that creates wars. Human trafficking. Child sex, Adrenochrome. Devilish rituals,mind control , human slavery systems, spirit control Spanning TIME>> THESE WERE MILITARY COMMS; To the deep state and cabal that the SKY-BLUE EVENTS OPERATIONS ACTIVE AND HAPPENING>>>MILITARY COVERT OPS AND DEVOLUTION PLAN +++ WAS SO HAPPENING/// and the end of DEEP STATE POWERS WOULD GO INTO COLLAPSE, THE END OF THE CABAL//// >This is reason the DEVOLUTION PLAN was activated by military and why TRUMP was installed. Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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15 400
🔥President Putin ignored King Charles. Why??!! New World = Plan A Join The Real Great Awakening


46 366
1 138
Former United States Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts explaining what the planned reset really is. Join The Real Great Awakening


21 633
The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. Q2527 [17] SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who? [Controlled] moment activated? [17] This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. Starlink. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
14 655
"Electricity taken from air drives automobile" This is a Nikola Tesla's Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 running on pure etheric electricity. This is a self recharging car, it does not run on batteries, oil or gas. Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than most people realize. This is not even a myth, just a cover up of our lost technology so that they could bill us every step of the way, and have a complete control over us. Free energy = Independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off grid, have heat and electricity, and live your life happily without government interferences. Join The Real Great Awakening
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20 295
Admiral Byrd visited both the North and South Poles… listen to what he had to say. His experiences might just change the way you view the world! 🧭 Join The Real Great Awakening


17 052
Former Threat Advisor to the White House, CIA and the Pentagon Jim Rickards explains how project "Ice Nine" which is code for the financial reset is being readied by BlackRock and other financial institutions to facilitate the NWO. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


12 787
The historical context of the bloodlines that make up the cabal. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


10 623
In a groundbreaking development, White Hats within the military have launched overt operations targeting the CIA, as part of a movement to expose alleged deep state actions. This historical event aims to unveil the CIA's ties to influential banking dynasties like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, asserting their control over global finance and media. The exposure alleges that the CIA has been involved in treason, orchestrating coups—including an attempt against Donald Trump—and controlling narratives through mainstream and social media to influence global elections. Accusations extend to the CIA's creation and management of bioweapons, involvement in satanic rituals, and human trafficking networks highlighted by connections to high-profile figures like Jeffrey Epstein. The narrative suggests a massive international effort, with prominent voices like Trump, Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and others spreading this message to over 2.3 billion people worldwide. This campaign is seen as a continuation of efforts since 2019 by Trump and allied military forces to establish a truth network aimed at exposing globalist corruption. As the situation unfolds, further revelations are anticipated, including potential connections to the Vatican, UFO phenomena, and historic events like the Kennedy assassination and 9/11. Supporters are encouraged to stay tuned for more disclosures in what is framed as a pivotal moment in history. Join The Real Great Awakening
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The Real Great Awakening
New World = Plan A
20 892
FULL REPORT into CIA… Join The Real Great Awakening

5 2 Okeefe.mp4

18 905
🔥🔥Inside the Shadow World: Unveiling Operation Eclipse🔥🔥 Operation Eclipse: Dismantling the Financial Deep State In a dramatic covert operation, codenamed Operation Eclipse, the United States Space Force (USSF) launched a daring offensive against quantum computers. This high-stakes mission spanned from a CIA base in Texas to a secretive AT&T underground facility, targeting one of the largest quantum systems in the Five Finger Lakes area. Global Power Shifts: BRICS and the New Financial Frontier In a bold move to redefine global economics, Russian President Vladimir Putin has opened the BRICS financial system to nations seeking an alternative to the traditional fiat currency model. This groundbreaking initiative promises to reshape international trade and currency stability. Elon Musk's Strategic Meetings in China In a series of critical discussions that could redefine international alliances, Elon Musk met with China's second-in-command and military officials. These talks are not just diplomatic courtesies but strategic markers, signaling to global powers that Musk’s interactions, possibly linked to operations at Cheyenne Mountain, involve collaborative efforts with Russia, China, and the BRICS nations. The importance of these meetings is clear, serving as a beacon to world leaders and military strategists alike. A Tactical Presidency: The Biden Administration’s Role in Global Strategy Increasingly evident to world military and intelligence agencies is that President Joe Biden's placement in office was a strategic decision by 'white hats' involved in high-level game theory operations. This maneuver has ensured that the potential for a U.S. economic collapse would be averted during his term, strategically distancing former President Donald Trump from any fallout and setting the stage for a calculated return to power. The Return: Trump’s Calculated Distance from Collapse Amidst these unfolding events, it is crucial that Trump remains detached from any potential collapse, preserving his position for a strategic and untarnished return to the political arena. This is a meticulously orchestrated move to maintain balance and readiness for future leadership recalibrations. This glimpse behind the curtain reveals a world of strategic maneuvers and alliances that are shaping the future of global politics and economics. Join The Real Great Awakening
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24 103
A look into what role the Vatican plays in the cabal and what it has been able to influence and continues to influence in moving agendas forward. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


15 956
🔥 NEVER FORGET: Brave Service Member Faces Consequences for Standing Firm 🔥 Witness the chilling tale of an 18-year-old active duty hero who dared to question the narrative and stood firm in their decision to reject the experimental mRNA injection. Explore the harrowing journey of defiance against coercion and pressure as this courageous individual takes a stand for personal autonomy and medical freedom. Join the rallying cry as we honor their courage and resilience in the face of adversity. Let their story serve as a beacon of inspiration for all who value freedom and individual sovereignty. #MedicalFreedom #StandWithOurTroops 🇺🇸💪 Join The Real Great Awakening
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24 223
🚨 BREAKING: Shocking Revelations Unveil the Dark Underbelly of the CIA 🚨 Explosive allegations expose the CIA as a global hub of corruption, with jaw-dropping revelations of drug trafficking, child exploitation, and arms deals rocking the world. Dive into the heart of the scandal as the truth behind the agency's clandestine operations is laid bare. Prepare to be stunned as the sinister web of deception and manipulation is unraveled before your eyes. Stay tuned for the full story – it's a game-changer you won't want to miss! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Join The Real Great Awakening
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18 678
Film Director Stanley Kubrick who suspiciously died shortly after the film Eyes Wide Shut was released explains what he was told about the moon landing in this rare footage before his death. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


16 626
🚨 BREAKING NEWS! 🚨 Vladimir Putin sends a chilling message to the alleged Deep State in the United States: 🔥 "Beware! Any assault on Iran will trigger swift and fierce retribution!" 🔥 The world holds its breath as the Russian President issues a stern warning, rattling the geopolitical landscape. 😮💣 In an unprecedented move, Putin vows to defend Iran against any aggression, leaving global powers on edge. 🌍⚠️ As tensions escalate, the world watches anxiously, wondering what this could mean for diplomatic relations and the fragile balance of power. 💥🔒 Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates on this nail-biting situation that could potentially redefine international dynamics! 📺🌐 #PutinWarning #GlobalStandoff #WorldOnEdge Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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15 393
21 ways to decalcify your Pineal Gland. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


15 467
Revealing Insights: The Hidden Dynamics of the Education System In an eye-opening analysis, it has been suggested that the traditional education system may serve purposes beyond mere learning. Critics argue that it acts more as an indoctrination tool, subtly crafted to align students with specific financial and economic interests, thereby enriching banking elites at the societal expense. This provocative perspective invites a deeper exploration into how educational structures could be influencing more than just academic outcomes. Join The Real Great Awakening
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26 699
🚨🔥 Mind-Blowing Revelation: Unprecedented Banking Collapse Unleashes Pandora's Box of Tribunals and Shocking War Crimes! 💣💥 Get ready! The world is on the brink of a major financial disaster that is unfolding in real time. Get set for an explosive revelation of grave war crimes and a wave of tribunals unprecedented in history! Billions of U.S. Treasury Bonds are being returned in droves, undermining what was once a symbol of economic stability, throwing the U.S. and the rest of the world into chaos. The impact of this disaster is unimaginable as Europe teeters on the brink of collapse. France is reeling from massive public theft revelations, sparking riots and widespread unrest the likes of which have never been seen. Germany is caught in a severe hyperinflation cycle, devastating its metal industry, halting arms production, and pushing corporations toward bankruptcy. The focus is now on Deutsche Bank as shocking ties with Jeffrey Epstein come to light, implicating even Estonian banks. Global courts are now pursuing intense investigations that could destabilize the financial world order. The chaos extends to Israel, teetering on the edge of collapse. Banks are trying to conceal the depth of the crisis with misleading financial reports, sparking massive civil unrest. In California, the dramatic downfall of SVB BANKS sets off a domino effect, impacting several nations. This catastrophic financial collapse has been hidden for over eighteen months. The cover-ups and false market reports by the Deep State are now exposed, posing a serious threat to the Biden administration and leaders across France, Canada, the U.S., the EU, and Israel. In the background, military courts and The Alliance watch silently, ready for the collapse that may necessitate military intervention and a day of reckoning for those implicated in global misconduct including pandemic manipulations, money laundering, bioweapon production, and initiating proxy wars. We are on the verge of a catastrophic collapse, a crisis of unprecedented scale, with the general U.S. populace unprepared for the ensuing chaos. However, for those paying attention, these developments are not entirely unexpected. Beneath this collapse lies a deep-seated connection—a systematic breakdown of NATO and UN influence that have supported human trafficking, instigated global conflicts, and controlled the world's banking systems along with the depleted U.S. Treasury. The oppressive control by the Rockefeller-Rothschilds cabal is unraveling, with the Epstein scandal barely touching the surface. Buried in military intelligence are the McAfee servers, which contain extensive data on global corruption including child trafficking, arms dealings, and narcotics trade. The truth is on the brink of exposure. In secret, powerful alliances are being forged. Germany, China, and Russia are entering strategic partnerships, with Poland and other nations like Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, and more quietly aligning with these powers under a new EU-BRICS framework, setting the stage to challenge the corrupt EU establishment and diminish NATO and UN influence. The unfolding truth will be undeniable. The era of hiding the truth is over. The victory of truth is near. Trust the plan. Q Join The Official Telegram Channel of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 👇👇👇👇 @PatrickKennedy777
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14 807
The historical context of the bloodlines that make up the cabal. Join 👇🏻👇🏻


13 089
Global Unrest and Manipulation: A Brief Overview Decades of covert actions have spawned jihadist movements across the Middle East, destabilizing nations from Iran to Pakistan and overshadowing deeper geopolitical strategies. Mainstream media, focusing on this unrest, misses the larger plays involving the US, China, and elite financial interests exploiting Afghanistan's opium for the narcotics market. This chaos diverts from critical global issues like COVID-19 and climate crises, with former President Trump's statements highlighting manipulations intended to expose the "Deep State." Observers are urged to watch global changes—trade, geological, and climatic—as these elements are crucial to understanding the ongoing geopolitical "storm." Amidst these challenges, a narrative of hope persists, predicting the triumph of good through an expanded international military alliance, encouraging global awareness and participation in these transformative times. Join The Real Great Awakening
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16 682
🚨🔥 Tragic Protest: Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside Trump's Trial Courthouse 🚨🔥 In a shocking and somber protest, a man tragically set himself on fire outside the New York courthouse where President Trump's trial is taking place. This extreme act of despair underscores the heightened emotions and contentious views surrounding the trial. Witnesses were horrified as the man, engulfed in flames, likely succumbed to his injuries at the scene, reflecting the severe burns and grave nature of his actions. This incident powerfully highlights the deteriorating state of justice perceived by some and the extreme measures people are willing to take to advocate for their social rights. The man’s fatal protest serves as a grim reminder of the deep divisions and the intense struggle for justice that continues to impact the nation profoundly. This distressing event adds a somber tone to the already intense atmosphere surrounding this high-profile legal battle. Join The Real Great Awakening
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18 903
💣💥Coup Foiled: The Unraveling of Wagner Group's Plot and Western Intelligence's Last Stand in Russia💣💥 British Intelligence (MI6) and the CIA, backed by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, allegedly supported the Wagner Group’s failed coup against Putin. Forewarned by global intelligence, Putin anticipated the coup despite the Wagner Group’s deceptive reports of Ukrainian advances. Funded by UK-based money laundering involving BlackRock, the Wagner Group aimed to emerge as Russian heroes. Their plans collapsed as Russian forces stayed loyal to Putin, thwarting the Wagner Group’s march towards Moscow. This failure has disrupted Western efforts to destabilize Russia, causing chaos within the Wagner ranks and their secret supporters. Join The Real Great Awakening
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20 962
🚨🔥 Major Alert: Dramatic Banking Crisis Triggers Global Tribunals and Exposes War Crimes! 💣💥 A severe global financial crisis is unfolding, marked by the mass return of U.S. Treasury Bonds which threatens global stability. This crisis has revealed extensive war crimes and corruption, inciting unprecedented tribunals and investigations. Europe is on the brink of collapse, with France and Germany facing significant economic and social turmoil. The downfall of major banks, particularly in the U.S. and Israel, has triggered worldwide market instability and civil unrest. Behind the scenes, powerful alliances form against traditional global powers like NATO and the UN, aiming to dismantle corrupt institutions and expose hidden crimes including human trafficking and illegal arms deals. They can no longer bury the truth. The triumph of truth is imminent. Trust the plan. Q Join @Q17_Awakening
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22 522
🚨🚨Shocking Revelation: Manhattan Project's Hidden Legacy of Human Radiation Experiments🚨🚨 Journalist Eileen Welsome has revealed a series of unethical human experiments conducted by the U.S. government during the Manhattan Project. These classified experiments involved exposing soldiers, pregnant women, and the mentally ill to radiation without consent. The shocking exposé details how radioactive substances were administered to unknowing subjects, leaving lasting health effects and violating basic human rights. Welsome's findings have prompted urgent calls for stricter ethical standards and accountability in scientific research, highlighting the need for transparency and respect for human dignity in all governmental and scientific endeavors. Join @Q17_Awakening
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19 543
🌟 THE EVENT: Biblical Revelation Unfolds 🌟 A staged scenario resembling WW3 is actually a strategic activation of global militaries to dismantle Satanic and Luciferian landmarks such as the Vatican and White House, under the guise of GESARA enactment. This plan includes worldwide blackouts to transition to Tesla energy, the downfall of 34 major buildings, and a shift from traditional financial systems to precious metal-backed currencies. Covert operations like Project Odin will disrupt Mossad-controlled media networks, paving the way for Quantum systems. This global military operation, the largest in history, masquerades as WW3 to initiate a series of profound changes across political, economic, and energy sectors worldwide. 🔔 Transition to a New World Order 🌍✨ Join @Q17_Awakening
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25 651
"The Great Awakening: Resisting the Deep State and Globalist Agendas" The globalist plan for a second pandemic was halted by a widespread awakening, evidenced by minimal uptake of new booster shots and a strong public refusal of further lockdowns. Citizens worldwide now see these health crises as veils for elite control, infringing on rights and free speech. With vaccine supplies exceeding demand and causing financial losses, notably for BlackRock, global dissent is growing. In Israel, distrust in government may soon lead to military-led coups as prophesied by "white hat" insiders for 2024, aiming to expose corruption and end the globalist influence perpetuated through healthcare and media. The movement underscores a critical fight for freedom and truth, rallying behind a military-backed overturn of manipulated governance systems. Join @Q17_Awakening
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18 836
🔥 Explosive Revelation: US Military's Shocking Plans 🔥 Back in 2001, an eye-opening revelation from retired 4-Star U.S. Army General Wesley Clark sent shockwaves across the globe. He exposed an astonishing grand strategy to overthrow not just one but seven countries within a mere five years timeframe! The countries targeted for potential regime change were: 1) Iraq 2) Libya 3) Syria 4) Lebanon 5) Somalia 6) Sudan 7) Iran Consider the weight of this revelation. With the US already intervening in multiple nations on this list, speculation reaches a boiling point: Is Iran the next target for regime transformation? Drawing connections from past events, it becomes imperative to analyze whether history is destined to repeat itself. As tension escalates on the global stage, the world eagerly awaits the unfolding of future developments. Stay informed as we delve deeper into this intriguing geopolitical puzzle. Join @Q17_Awakening
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16 064
15 007
We are officially in WW3 Join @Q17_Awakening
19 159
🚨 Attention! 🚨 DC elites and various industries are in a state of panic as the exposure of Epstein's connections sends shockwaves through their ranks. Lawyers are being hastily prepared by the music industry, big-time executives, Hollywood elites, and more. The reason behind this widespread panic is not just limited to Epstein's logs. There's a larger investigation underway, happening behind the scenes, that aims to legally expose the Epstein scandal, interconnected pedophilia networks, CIA involvement, Hollywood's role, music industry corruption, blackmail, pedophilia, human trafficking, and extortion control. Those following Q and other truth-seekers may not find this surprising, as they have been privy to information about the growing storm and the events unfolding behind closed doors. Right now, there's an intriguing development taking shape behind the scenes. P. Diddy, the iconic executive with significant operations in New York City connected to the music industry, is currently lawyering up. The dropping of the Epstein logs has ignited major panic in the New York music industry, and its ramifications are expected to extend to the entire U.S. music industry, involving the CIA, Rockefellers, DARPA, and more. I have been warning and sharing drops regarding this event. The current frenzy revolves around the takedown of Sean P. Diddy Combs and the startling revelations that are coming to light. This includes his alleged involvement in the killing of Tupac, which was supposedly a CIA psychological operation to incite conflict among black communities on the East and West coasts. This operation led to the creation of heinous gangster rap songs that influenced generations of young hip hop enthusiasts toward criminal activities, including mind-controlled CIA operations, drug distribution, and gang-related violence. These CIA projects, devised in the 80s, were designed to result in the mass incarceration of millions of black youths, filling the largest privately owned prison systems worldwide, which were established right here in the U.S. Prominent music executives, producers, and distributors were covertly part of a little-known CIA military-industrial complex operation that aimed to spread hatred, crime, and gang violence through music. This agenda further exacerbated racism among black communities, law enforcement, white communities, and government entities, affecting the already manipulated CIA-controlled black neighborhoods that were plagued by drugs and weapon smuggling for decades. With complete control over the music industry, the CIA operations extended to orchestrating territorial wars between the East and West Coasts while facilitating a massive pedophile ring and human trafficking network within the entertainment industry. All of these connections tie back to the CIA, Rockefeller's subsidiaries, and associated entities, including Epstein. P. Diddy has alleged ties to major killings in the U.S. and a pedophile ring involving churches and pastors. The current state of panic within the music industry is a result of ongoing information drops relating to these matters. And everyone involved is scrambling to secure legal representation. Behind the scenes, Sean P. Diddy Combs possesses substantial evidence against the CIA, the corrupt music industry, the elite Catholic sector, and government agencies. The evidence spans pedophilia, human trafficking, killings, and a satanic industry loyal to a global elitist agenda. Panic is spreading throughout DC's CIA ring as Diddy possesses a proverbial "killswitch" containing videos, recordings, statements, bank accounts, and vast amounts of data he has accumulated over 30 years. This information was meticulously saved as insurance against potential attempts on his life or the possibility of the CIA shifting blame onto him for the music industry's corruption. Join @Q17_Awakening
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22 616
Unveiling the Shadows: The Hidden Truth Behind UFOs, UAPs, and Secret Military Bases [CRITICAL DISCLOSURE: MILITARY ENTANGLEMENTS AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECRETS] --- Complex Dynamics of Military, Government, and Extraterrestrial Tech In the complex world of UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), the underlying truth involves a tangled narrative with Congress, certain Senators, and military commands, many recently briefed on real occurrences through White Hat Disclosure operations. ### Military Conundrums and Sensitive Technologies The scenario is fraught with risks as military laws and protocols are scrutinized to manage these sensitive issues effectively. The technology behind UAPs includes man-made devices, reverse-engineered alien tech, and actual recovered UFOs. This tech is so potent that it could arm terrorists and hostile nations with capabilities for mass destruction akin to Star Wars, potentially unleashing global chaos within minutes. ### Disclosure Dilemmas The primary challenge lies in revealing these technologies without compromising their operational secrets. Post-disclosure risks include: - A rush by millions, including billionaires and influential entities, to obtain these blueprints. - International allies demanding full disclosure, potentially sparking a vast black market fraught with corruption aimed at replicating this powerful technology. ### Historical Conflicts and The Nevada Incident The internal conflicts within U.S. military operations trace back to the 1950s, with factions within the military-industrial complex, including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, CIA, Pentagon, and Raytheon, often clashing violently to control alien tech and UAPs. Case in Point: The Nevada Gunfight of 2004 A stark example occurred in 2004 in Northern Nevada, where a UAP powered by infinite energy technology crashed during a Lockheed Martin test flight. The recovery operation by U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal quickly turned into a deadly skirmish against Lockheed contractors, intent on keeping the technology private. This incident was swiftly classified by President George W. Bush, illustrating the extreme measures taken to maintain secrecy around extraterrestrial engagements. --- Conclusion: Navigating a Path of Secrecy and Revelation The journey towards full transparency in UFO and UAP-related disclosures is complex, filled with strategic releases and intense skirmishes. As this narrative unfolds, it reveals the precarious balance between maintaining national security and fostering global cooperation on extraterrestrial matters. The pursuit of truth not only involves looking to the skies but also understanding the deep shadows cast by those orchestrating these profound disclosures. Join @Q17_Awakening
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In the quest for truth, understanding the multifaceted layers of these disclosures is not only about looking to the skies but also delving deeper into the shadows cast by those who maneuver the pieces behind the grand geopolitical chessboard. Join @Q17_Awakening
Unveiling the Shadows: The Real Saga Behind UFOs, UAPs, and Secret Military Bases [ULTIMATE DISCLOSURE: THE UNSEEN BATTLES AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECRETS] --- The Intricate Tapestry of Military, Government, and Alien Technology Amidst the swirling mysteries of UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), the truth is often stranger and more complex than fiction. Behind the scenes, a convoluted narrative unfolds, involving Congress, select Senators, and military commands, many of whom are only just getting briefed on the actual happenings through Real White Hat Disclosure operations. ### The Chaotic Underbelly of Military Operations The situation is alarmingly precarious. Military protocols and laws are being scrutinized to manage these scenarios effectively. The advanced technology behind UAPs—spanning man-made innovations, reverse-engineered alien tech, and genuinely recovered UFOs—is a topic of sensitive nature. This technology harbors the potential to arm terrorists and hostile nations, enabling them to unleash scenarios reminiscent of Star Wars, with the capability to inflict mass casualties globally within minutes. Materials essential for creating these UAPs are scattered worldwide, implicating not just nefarious deep state projects but also the covert operations by the White Hats within the military and U.S. government. The dilemma intensifies as these groups strive to orchestrate a controlled Disclosure that doesn’t inadvertently equip adversaries with superweapons. ### The Disclosure Quandary The core challenge lies in unveiling these technologies while simultaneously safeguarding the specifics of their operation. Upon disclosure, a cascade of consequences will follow: - Millions, including billionaires and powerful entities, will clamor for access to these blueprints. - Allies within global alliances will demand comprehensive details, potentially sparking a vast black market rife with corruption, money laundering, and blackmail, all aimed at acquiring and replicating this potent technology. ### Historical Shadows and Internal Conflicts A darker aspect of this scenario is the internal discord it has sown within U.S. Military operations, dating back to the 1950s. Various factions within the U.S. military-industrial complex—including giants like Boeing, Lockheed Martin (Skunk Works), CIA, Pentagon, and Raytheon—have been implicated in deadly skirmishes aimed at securing their control over alien tech and UAPs. High-Stakes Encounters: The Nevada Gunfight of 2004 A poignant example of such internal conflict occurred in Northern Nevada in 2004, linked to a UAP engineered with infinite energy technology. During its test flight by Lockheed Martin, the UAP crashed, prompting a swift military response to retrieve it, led by then U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). The retrieval mission quickly escalated into a fierce gunfight against Lockheed Martin’s private military contractors, who were determined to keep the tech out of official military hands. This confrontation led to immediate and stringent classification by then-President George W. Bush and a stand-down order to U.S. Military forces, highlighting the lengths institutions would go to conceal their engagements with extraterrestrial technologies. --- Conclusion: The Perpetual Dance of Secrecy and Revelation As we navigate through the tangled webs of secrecy, the narrative of UFOs, UAPs, and their associated technological and military intrigues continue to unravel, presenting a tableau of strategic disclosures and shadowy skirmishes. The path to full transparency is fraught with complexities, as each disclosed fact potentially gives rise to new obfuscations. In this ever-evolving scenario, the intersection of alien technology, national security, and international diplomacy remains a field of dynamic and high-stakes play.
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