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all posts Alisher&Mukhammadali posts

🔝All about IELTS Alisher Soliev (IELTS 9.0 | W8.5x3, S9.0) & Mukhammadali Sodikov (IELTS 9.0x3| W8.5x2, S9.0x5). Founders of  @ad_astra_school  ✍️ Contact us:  @alisherposts_bot  // +998553065060 🔆Discussion area:  @alisherdiscusses  Est.: 06/Nov/2020 
عرض المزيد
42 920-172
~18 309
تقييم تيليجرام العام
19 750المكان
من 78 777
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أرشيف المنشورات
E36 Trailer - Jo'rabek Sanokulov🎙 T minus 4 hours until the RELEASE🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐
2 720
The first chart compares how much rice was and will be consumed in a particular country from 1990 to 2040, while the second one illustrates much more or less rice was and will be consumed than other food crops within the same period. Overall, although there were no noticeable increases in the amount of rice produced and consumed in the past, it is expected that the figures for both will rise substantially. Furthermore, the consumption of rice was considerably higher than that of other food crops, but this gap is predicted to disappear. Regarding rice production and consumption, about 25 million tons of rice was produced in 1990 as opposed to just under 40 million tons consumed that year. While the consumption figure remained unaltered at this level until 2015, the amount of rice produced had gradually risen by around 15 million tons to intercept with the consumption figure by that year. It is projected that the production of rise will continue to grow steadily, nearly tripling to 75 million tons in 2040 from the 1990 production amount. Similarly, the amount of rice consumed is forecast to increase exponentially to around 65 million tons, yet it will be significantly less than the amount of rice in supply. As for the second chart, other food crops were in higher demand than rice in 1990, at just over and just under half respectively. In the following decade, however, virtually three times as much rice was consumed as other types of crop, at three-quarters. This difference continued to enlarge to 4 to 1 ratio in 2020, when rice consumption accounted for approximately 80%. Despite the trend in favor of rice in the past, projections suggest that rice and other food crops will be consumed in equal amounts, making up half each in 2040. #task1 300 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
4 896
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
4 494
#caketime 🎂 More cake?! Looks like PS students are having a feast tonight. And they have Mr.Bilol to thank ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


5 766
#caketime 🎂 Fancy some cake? Mr.Ashur got some to share. Let's dig in! ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


5 670
The first line graph compares the production figures of steel with actual demand while the second one illustrates employment figures in a particular country from January to December. Overall, although the production of steel was in surplus nearly the entire period, it fell substantially in the final quarter. On the other hand, there was a significant variation in the actual demand for steel over the year, surpassing supply towards the end. Furthermore, there was a considerable decline in the number of employed workers. Regarding steel production figures, steel production was at 4,000 in January, followed by a rise to a peak of 5,000 the next month. This figure, however, fell back to 4,000 in March, remaining constant at this point until August, when it dipped to a low of about 3,000. Even though the figure recovered to another peak of 5,000 in September, it had nose-dived to a chart low of just under 1,000 by December. Meanwhile, actual demand for steel fluctuated between 2,000 and 3,000 until October, before plunging to well under 1,000. In the final month, however, the figure bounced back to 2,000, overtaking supply. Similarly, the figure for employment was also rather erratic over the year. Despite peaking at around 5,500 in February, the employment figure plummeted to 3,000 the following month, standing steady at this point until May. The figure further declined by 500 in June, but it had gone back up to 3,500 by August. The fourth quarter, however, saw this figure diminish to an all-time low of 1,000. #task1 254 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
7 827
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
7 007
#results #2024 IDP CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 18 Attempt: 2nd (1st-8) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 4 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Her persistent character and uncompromising work ethics are truly awe-inspiring. I wish her to keep up the good work and demonstrate her excellence in teaching as well. p.s. We're excited to be welcoming her to our Ad Astra family. We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
7 071
6 980
#results #2024 IDP CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 15 Attempt: 1st Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2-3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali All PS (Presidential School) guys aced the test, despite their short preparation, and Bakhrom is one of them. During his study period with us, he excelled in everything with enthusiasm and diligence. And hard work is paid off. Good luck in your future endeavors, Bakhrom ⚡️ We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
6 291
#results #2024 IDP CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 16 Attempt: 2nd (1st-7.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 5 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali I remember our first conversation as if it was moments ago. She was so curious and observant from the day she joined the program, and I'm glad to see she kept that attitude to this day. This kid is going places⚡️ We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
5 922
6 758
cooking time
7 536
The image explains how Pu-erh raw tea and ripe tea are made. Overall, the process of making pu-erh raw tea and ripe tea is straightforward, involving roughly 5 steps and several natural phenomena. Initially, lush green Pu-erh tea leaves are fried in a traditional pan over a wood fire to inactivate enzymes. This step is followed by rolling of leaves before they are placed in a wooden bowl and sun-dried. As a result, leaves turn loose, being ready for the next stages. In the subsequent stage, loose raw tea leaves are fermented by mold, which makes them develop a dark brown skin and brittle structure. Once these leaves are compressed, Pu-erh ripe tea is ready. Alternatively, mere compression of loose raw tea after being dried under the sun is enough to obtain Pu-erh raw tea, which then should be aged by storing if one wishes to enjoy vintage Pu-erh raw tea. #task1 151 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
8 984
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
7 808
#results #2024 BC PBI 24/September/2024 Age: 15 Attempt: 1st Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2-3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Despite his distaste for my writing class, this guy pulled off an impressive 7.0 in his writing in his first attempt. That overall 8.0 is a cherry on top and a testament to his brilliance and focused intensive prep over this summer. We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
7 195
#results #2024 IDP CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 16 Attempt: 1st + ORS Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali "What are your choices when someone holds a gun to your head? You do what they say or they shoot you, right? Wrong! You take the gun or pull out a bigger gun or you call a bluff or you do any of the other 146 other things" -Harvey Spectre Mr.Ashur pulled out a bigger gun and the rest is history We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
6 597
6 418
#results #2024 BC CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 16 Attempt: 1st Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2-3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Long story short, Mr.Arslan is more than that number. These results don't do justice to his wit and bold character. There's more to his story, which is just getting started, and this achievement is just a warmup. We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
6 206
#results #2024 BC CDI 15/September/2024 Age: 15 Attempt: 1st Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2-3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Though unassuming, Mr.Miroqul is incredibly witty, observant, and MATURE. Don't let his small figure fool you. He is a sophisticated character in so many ways, and I am lucky to have had the privilege of being in the same team with him. Keep it up, Mr.Miroqul⚡️ We also give no less credit to the student’s previous teachers. Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
6 167
7 316
cooking time
8 424
The image illustrates how wave power is harnessed to generate electricity. Overall, obtaining electricity from wave power is a semi-natural process aided by a man-made structure. Furthermore, this process is highly efficient, with electricity being produced both upon impact and retreat of waves. Regarding the structure, it consists of a chamber set by a cliff or sea wall, which has two vertical columns with a turbine mounted halfway up. The columns form a chimney-like structure, allowing air to travel back and forth. While being straightforward, this structure facilitates energy generation with mere wave force. When waves hit the shore, they push air upward, causing the turbine to rotate and generate electric power. Retreating waves also initiate a spin of the turbine in the same direction as they suck air out of the columns, much akin to how a syringe works. Movement of air in both directions results in the production of electricity, which is stored in batteries attached to the columns. #task1 161 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
9 862
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
8 737
Ad Astra - Campus 2 Ready for launch Bukhara 📍 Destination is clear: to the stars⭐️
10 387
2 years already...
9 713
2025-yil IELTS imtihon sanalari tayyor, siz-chi? ✅ Kelasi yilda IELTS olish niyat bo'lsa, hozirdan imtihon sanasini aniqlashtirib olishingiz mumkin! 📌 Aniq qo'yilgan maqsad, mas'uliyatni his qilishga va yuqori natija ko'rsatishga yordam beradi. — IELTS sanalarini bilasiz, endi faqat tayyorlanish qoldi. Siz qachon imtihon topshirmoqchisiz? ❗️ Imtihonga EXAMS.UZ sayti orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting! 😀😃😁😁😃 Take the test, with the best! | |
8 023
E36 Trailer - Jo'rabek Sanokulov🎙 Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


20 318
The images demonstrate what a public library looks like now and the changes which are expected to take place in the future. Overall, the expansion of the library will be the main change, accommodating a new range of facilities and new points of access. Regardless of the projected alterations, the library will retain most of its original features. Currently, the library is only accessible by the entrance in the south. Upon entering the library, there is a wide rectangular-shaped seating area in the center, with different book sections set up against the walls on three sides. Two kid’s books sections can be spotted in the south-east corner while the mystery and fantasy sections are positioned in the north-east corner. The other book genres, romance and thriller, can be found to the left of the seating area. There are also individual bathrooms for males and females in the northern part of the library. The library is projected to undergo significant changes. Most of the original features such as the seating area and bathrooms will be kept. While some genres like romance and thriller will still be found in their old spot, the fantasy section will be repositioned by the bathroom and the mystery section pushed south. Most of all, the library will be extended eastward, accommodating a computer room in the south and a staff room in the top right corner accessible by a separate entrance for staff. The computer room will neighbor a kid’s section and a seating area to its north while the staff area will be flanked by a store and another kid’s area. Finally, an additional entrance allowing access to kid’s area will be erected in the west wing. #task1 282 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
15 739
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
11 863
Great news for IELTS students in TASHKENT 📣🤩 check out the video to find out😊 🔝🔝


37 202
The images illustrate the changes which are expected to take place in terms of the layout of a particular office building. Overall, following remodelling, the office building will have more spacious offices, along with a new range of facilities available for use. Some additions, however, will come at the expense of grass areas. Regardless of all these changes, the storeroom will remain unaltered. At present, the office is accessible from the entrance at the bottom. To the right of the entrance, there is a long stretch of grass area occupying the entire east wing, while a row of four small offices can be found to the left. The building accommodates another grassy space adjacent to the left of the offices with its own entrance in the middle. A set of rooms across the offices are designated for a kitchen, canteen, and storeroom, with bathrooms tucked in the corner where grassy area and the storeroom meet. The office building is projected to undergo a complete makeover. The main entrance will have been repositioned to the middle, with two offices on either side. These offices are expected to have doubled in size. The kitchen and canteen will also have been repurposed into offices, allowing more space to work in for office workers. One other remarkable change will be the removal of grass area on the right to make room for a meeting area with chairs on one end and a coffee machine and WCs on the other. The other grass area will remain intact, but it will be enhanced with the addition of chairs to make it an outdoor seating area for recreation. #task1 271 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
15 094
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
11 867
Ep.36🎙 Guest: Jo'rabek Sanokulov IELTS 9.0 Expected runtime: 2 hours Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
26 259
Part of the journey is the end
13 785
#to_my_family I want to express my deepest gratitude for everything. Being a part of Ad Astra has shaped me in so many ways, and I am truly thankful for the experiences, growth, and memories I’ve had here. Though it's time for me to move on, I will always carry a piece of Ad Astra with me. Goodbye Ad Astra.
13 946
Dear Partners, IDP has increased their fees: Test Fee: 2,370,000 UZS Transfer: 590,000 UZS EOR (Enquiry on Results): 1,470,000 UZS OSR (One Skill Retake): 1,600,000 UZS ⚡️ ⚡️
18 133
Ad Astra Muse - Diyorbek Hayitmurodov (4K) | Legacy (E35)
Diyorbek Hayitmurodov - an inspiring English teacher and entrepreneur whose story of going from growing up in a small village to running one of the biggest English schools in Tashkent is admirable. Wanna hear more from Diyorbek? Telegram: https://t.me/diyorbeksielts Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diyorbeksielts/ Wanna hear more from us? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ad_astra_bukhara Telegram: https://t.me/alisherposts Telegram: https://t.me/ad_astra_school #ad_astra_school #English #bukhara #uzbekistan #podcast #IELTS #tashkent 00:00 - 03:08 Trailer 03:08 - 17:40 Background 17:40 - 26:41 University Experience (HOT TAKE) 26:41 - 31:17 University Dropout 31:17 - 33:50 Going to the US (Visa) 33:50 - 38:28 Racism and Discrimination 38:28 - 41:24 His YouTube Got Taken Down? 41:24 - 51:01 IELTS Zone Experience 51:01 - 58:48 Diyorbek's IELTS 58:48 - 01:01:54 Teaching 01:02:06 - 01:04:56 Purpose of Running His Business 01:04:56 - 01:08:38 Teaching with Anime 01:08:38 - 01:15:22 Staff Training and Recruitment 01:15:22 - 01:26:56 Leadership 01:26:56 - 01:34:56 Insane Theory (by Mukhammadali) 01:34:56 - 01:40:58 Important Lessons 01:40:58 - 02:06:19 His Hobbies 02:06:19 - 02:19:39 Marriage 02:19:39 - 02:25:26 Philosophy 02:25:26 - 02:25:49 Outro Music credit: - Music name: Stylish Car - Composer: Moody Finn - License owner: Ad Astra
16 042
almost there
12 820
E35 Trailer - Diyorbek Hayitmurodov🎙 Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


39 154
The first bar chart provides information on the percentage of males and females who studied a foreign language, whereas the second one demonstrates top three most popular language preferences for students. Both charts cover the years 1984 and 2007. Overall, the proportions for both genders dropped over the period, with girls having noticeably greater figures than their counterparts. French was the most popular language, followed by German and Spanish, but only the latter experienced a rise and the other two a drop. Despite the changes, rankings remained the same and the gap between the languages minimized. Both girls and boys showed a decline in percentage, albeit to varying extents. In 1984, the figure for girls stood at just under a half, whereas that for boys accounted for 30%. After 23 years, the former witnessed a fall to 40%, but the latter did so by a smaller degree: only 5%. Regarding the most popular language choices, French commenced with 50%, a percentage that was more than twice as high compared with German (with a fifth) and about ten times as high compared with Spanish (a mere 5%). In 2007, the popularity of French exactly halved, but German experienced only a negligible drop by 5% to approximately 15%. In contrast, Spanish, despite being the least chosen of the three, was an exception in the chart in that it witnessed a rise to a tenth. ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
14 066
Uzbek Students in Ivy League? @freshman.academy
15 526
Yale NUS vs. local unis @freshman.academy
14 637
Valera's mission @freshman.academy
12 101
Score inflation in IELTS @freshman.academy
12 863
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
12 092
The table compares how much international students paid for four different postgraduate courses as well as some living expenses in three countries in 2007. Overall, country A offered the cheapest postgraduate courses, and it was also the country where the cost of living in terms of meals and accommodation was lowest. Furthermore, science programs including Computing and Science were more expensive than social studies like Arts and Commerce in all countries studied. In detail, the costs of postgraduate degree courses on Arts and Commerce were identical for any particular country, only varying from country to country. They both cost 8,000 in country A, which was more than twice expensive in countries B and C, at over 18,000. In contrast, Computing and Science postgraduate programs were relatively pricy. In country A, the cost of each program was 11,000 while in country B and C they cost as cheap as around 24,000 and as much as 29,000. Postgraduate international students also had some living expenses to cover. If they decided to live in country A, they would have to spend only 8,000, compared to more than twice this amount in country B (17,000). The cost of living in country C, however, was moderate, with visiting postgraduate students expending only 11,000. #task1 208 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
13 927
Loved it! I should probably memorize this poem.
13 491
#caketime 🎂 Yet another cake With strawberry toppings. Are you kidding me? Strawberry toppings! These guys trying to make me cheat on my sugar-free diet😭 On a separate note, congrats on Ms.Laylo's impressive results🤩 p.s. cameos keep getting wilder ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


10 813
#caketime 🎂 Yet another cake With strawberry toppings. Are you kidding me? Strawberry toppings! These guys trying to make me cheat on my sugar-free diet😭 On a separate note, congrats on Ms.Laylo's impressive results🤩 p.s. cameos keeps getting wilder ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


✔️Fall Admission is OPEN✔️
13 910
A few points I'd like to make In midst of all excitement and compliments, it's important not to fall victim to sentiments, self-flattery and conceit, for these feelings distract us from our ultimate and sacred mission to deliver excellent performance and the best results. Our selfless commitment to our work and unyielding faith in our values like diligence, mutual respect, help and care, and excellence fill us with a sense of purpose, boundless happiness, and fulfillment that triumph any amount of monetary reward, fame, and recognition. We are here to deliver We are Ad Astra
عرض المزيد ...
14 946
My heart is racing sharing this exciting news ❤️‍🔥 Feels surreal💯


14 743
Ep.35🎙 Guest: Diyorbek Hayitmurodov Founder, Diyorbek's IELTS IELTS 9.0 Expected runtime: 2.5 hours Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
34 373
Ready for a holiday surprise?
12 284
Ad Astra Muse - Makhfuza Shomurodova (4K) | Mirrors (S1: E34)
Makhfuza Shomurodova - a brilliant child psychologist, caring mom, and inquisitive learner. Tune in to get some insights into the workings of a child's psyche. Wanna hear more from Makhfuza? Telegram: https://t.me/detskaya_psixologiya_uzb Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nizamova.makhfuz/ Wanna hear more from us? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ad_astra_bukhara Telegram: https://t.me/alisherposts Telegram: https://t.me/ad_astra_school #ad_astra_school #English #bukhara #uzbekistan #podcast #IELTS #psychology #mentalhealth #awareness 00:00 - 01:33 Trailer 01:33 - 12:53 Meet Makhfuza 12:53 - 14:33 English Prep 14:33 - 23:16 Russian Psychology 23:16 - 30:35 Talking About Your Feelings to Your Children 30:35 - 34:37 How to Identify Gifted Children 34:37 - 45:57 What’s ADHD? 45:57 - 01:02:49 Trauma 01:02:49 - 01:15:39 Can Trauma Be Good? 01:15:39 - 01:22:33 What Makes a Person a Good Counselor? 01:22:33 - 01:31:26 Hobbies 01:31:26 - 01:38:39 Philosophy 01:38:39 - 01:39:02 Outro Music credit: - Music name: Stylish Car - Composer: Moody Finn - License owner: Ad Astra
14 914
S1: E34 Trailer - Makhfuza Shomurodova🎙 T minus 15 mins until the RELEASE🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐
Детский Психолог
Личный канал Шомуродовой М.А. 👶 Все о детской психологии 👶 Ответы на вопросы 👶 Индивидуальные консультации Добро пожаловать! По вопросам консультации пишите https://t.me/Makhfuza_Shomurodova
11 767
The pie charts provide a sales breakdown of five different book genres in 1972, 1992 and 2012. Overall, the proportion of adult fiction sales, dominating in 1992 and 2012, increased significantly over the period, and so did children's fiction genre, albeit by a smaller degree. By contrast, travel, biography and other categories experienced a decline in their shares, with travel and biography representing the smallest figures. Two categories out of five, both types of fiction, witnessed a rise in sales. Both adult and children's fiction books shared an identical percentage of sales in 1972, at a fifth. After a 5-percent growth, the figure for the former almost doubled to finish at 45%. The latter's sales, meanwhile, had grown gradually to a quarter by 2012. The reverse was seen in the remaining categories. The sales of "others" and biography more than halved over the period, from 25 to 12 and from 20 to 8 percent respectively. Travel, by comparison, demonstrated a slightly different trend: its sales initially grew marginally by 3% from the initial value of 15%, before going down to a tenth. Band 8.0+ in 20 min. ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
12 509
S1: E34 Trailer - Makhfuza Shomurodova🎙 Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


11 403
My Promised Books List The first four books would not take much toll on your mental state. If anything, they will sway you away from nihilism plaguing the intellectual circles. The rest of the list is a no-go zone without having an experienced guide helping you navigate the sheer density of provocative ideas and social-matrix-shattering perspectives. 📚Socratic Dialogues, including "Euthyphro," "Meno," "Phaedo," and "Apology." 📚Alain de Botton's The Consolations of Philosophy 📚 Fareed Zakaria's In Defense of a Liberal Education 📚 Michael Walzer's Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality 📚 Charles Taylor's The Ethics of Authenticity 📚 Michel Foucault's Discipline and Punish 📚Hannah Arendt's The Human Condition 📚 Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil And yes, do share this list! Let me know when you cover it. I have many more titles in store from my six-year academic journey. @valeranotes
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12 109
Some people think that it is fine for professional sportsmen and sportswomen to misbehave on or off the field, as long as they are playing well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Misbehavior on athletes’ part , whether while playing or outside the game, is deemed acceptable by some people if they are good players. Although one can justify inappropriate conduct by athletes to some extent, I do not think such behavior should be treated lightly for serious consequences it can bring about. Some consider that inappropriate behavior is natural in sports. Sports matches tend to be competitive and intense, so it seems quite challenging for the athlete to keep their emotions in check. Temper flares, verbal abuse, and controversial celebrations, as a result, are common phenomena in sports. In soccer, for instance, some players take off their shirt in celebration of their goal although it is against the rules. Though such conduct is not permissible in soccer, it is treated as an expression of the player’s excitement and energy, hence not worth rebuking. Some also highlight the entertaining aspect of athletic misconduct, claiming that it commands attention and keeps the audience engrossed in the events. As an example, during UFC pre-fight conferences, fighters have heated exchanges or even at times physical altercations, which creates a suspenseful story, boosting viewer count and engagement. Justifiable as it may seem, in no way should misbehavior of athletes be tolerated. This is because athletes are regarded as role models to young people and are expected to exhibit exemplary behavior. Their display of rage, aggression, and disrespect is often mirrored by youngsters, leading them to form negative behavioral patterns. For example, seeing notorious UFC fighter Conor McGregor’s mistreatment of other fighters, his teenage fans developed bully-like demeanor, inciting violence and brawls in schools and on campuses. More than setting a bad example to young people, impulsive behavior of athletes can trigger cultural disputes, not least when athletes are seen mocking or advancing a particular ideology on the field. During World Cup 2022, a player caused cultural tension between the east and the west for showing up to the game wearing a LGBTQ wrist band in a country where western gender ideologies are frowned upon. This incident not only sparked a strife-filled debate over cultural sensitivity and freedom of expression in the media, but it also created animosity between Muslim locals and non-Muslim foreign visitors. In conclusion, while some people can justify athletic misconduct as a natural part of sports and as being amusing, I encourage them to be wary of how such behavior can prompt unfavorable behavioral changes among young people and pit cultures against each other. #task2 411 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
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12 037
#caketime 🎂 Too much cake for a day?🍰😍 We're just getting started😉 Congrats on Mr.Amirbek's impressive results🤩 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


10 595
#caketime 🎂 Want more cake?🍰😍 We're taking the pastry shop for a spin with Mr.Abbos👨‍🍳🧑‍🍳 Congrats on his impressive results🤩 p.s. wait for another crazy cameo ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


10 178
The most important aim of science ought to be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Serving as a foundation for a variety of fields, science has different aims, the most significant of which is deemed to enhance human lives. While I acknowledge that the part played by science is of course important when it comes to improving people's lives, I disagree with the notion that it is by far the most crucial goal science possesses. The principal reason why the main objective of science should be regarded to improve people's lives is that it is a tool to be used to research the most precious resource people possess: health. Government investment into this domain, which is more often than not obtained from the public, should be sensibly directed to this cause. If people don't see returns for their investment in the form of increased longevity, protection from illnesses and better medical treatment, then this field becomes practically futile. This goal, as a result, serves to increase people's life satisfaction, benefitting their well-being significantly. Important as it may seem, the above aim should not be viewed as the most crucial one due to other equally essential goals science has. One of them has to do with making a profit. Science-based companies employ professional researchers, lab-workers, state-of-the-art equipment and more, all of which require heavy investment that oftentimes governments fail to provide. It becomes only fair if they enjoy financial rewards for their hard work, such as vaccines in the case of COVID-19 pandemic. Another, albeit pivotal, aim of science is to solve global problems, not being limited to human issues. One such issue is global warming, which is posing an existential threat to other life forms like marine and wildlife creatures. A lack of scientific collaboration among major countries, in effect, can have devastating consequences, leading to the extinction of such species as the polar bear. Therefore, these aims should not be seen as inferior to enhancing human lives. In conclusion, making a positive difference in people's lives is definitely an important objective for science. Nevertheless, to say that it is the ultimate aim of this area is to underestimate the role of its other goals, such as making money and combating global issues. ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
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11 916
Life is full of paradoxes. Isn't it funny that the harder we chase happiness, the more miserable we might feel? This is because true happiness often finds us when we're not actively seeking it. (The paradox of happiness) Isn't it ironic that the more we try to control every detail of our lives, the more out of control we might feel? Coz an excessive need for control can lead to anxiety and stress, while true control comes from accepting uncertainty and adapting to change. (The paradox of control) Isn't it strange that despite having more choices than ever before, we often end up feeling dissatisfied? Coz the more options we have, the harder it becomes to make a decision, and the less content we might be with the choice we ultimately make. (The paradox of choice) Isn't it interesting that the more we give—whether it's our time or energy—the richer and more fulfilled we often feel? Giving brings us a deeper sense of purpose and connection. (The paradox of giving) Isn't it ironic that we often try to define ourselves through labels, roles or achievements, yet the more we attempt to pin down our identity, the more elusive it becomes? Coz our identity is not fixed and it's constantly evolving with experiences and time. (The paradox of identity) Isn't it bizarre that we need to fail more in order to succeed more? Coz failure and success are deeply intertwined, with the former being a crucial step on the path to the latter. (The paradox of failure) Isn't it funny that the thing we fear most is often the very thing we need to confront? (The paradox of fear) Isn't it paradoxical how, even when we think everything in our lives has changed and we're starting a new chapter, it can still feel like nothing has really changed? (My paradox) #thoughts
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11 826
Ep.34🎙 Guest: Makhfuza Shomurodova Child Psychology Mental Health Expected runtime: 1.5+ hours Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
12 626
#results #2024 IDP CDI 25/August/2024 Age: 18 Attempt: 2nd (1st-6.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali If only you guys knew how my first conversation with this guy went. He was so timid and unsure of himself, not certain whether he should sign up for the program. If he knew in 3 months' time, with little bit of determination and maximum effort, he would go on to get the result he feared he could never get, he would join the program in a heartbeat. To all the people doubting their abilities, Mr.Abbos is a testament to what is possible with a firm decision and farmer-like worth ethics. FORTIFY YOUR MIND! Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
10 903
#results #2024 IDP CDI 25/August/2024 Age: 18 Attempt: 2nd (1st-6.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali If only you guys knew how my first conversation with this guy went. He was so timid and unsure of himself, not certain whether he should sign up for the program. If he knew in 3 months' time, with little bit of determination and maximum effort, he would go on to get the result he feared he couldn't get, he would join the program in a heartbeat. To all the people doubting their abilities, Mr.Abbos is a testament to what is possible with a firm decision and farmer-like worth ethics. FORTIFY YOUR MIND! Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
#results #2024 IDP CDI 25/August/2024 Age: 15 Attempt: 2nd (1st-7.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Amirbek has a knack for learning English, but this ability equals zero without hard work. His beautiful score is a testament to his extremely responsible work ethics. To be honest, I was expecting an 8.5, but sometimes lady luck just doesn't smile)). Anyway, we are considering to do an OSR 😎. Amirbek, you nailed it my man ⚡️ Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
9 658
#results #2024 IDP CDI 25/August/2024 Age: 15 Attempt: 2nd (1st-7.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 3 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Amirbek has a knack for learning English, but this ability equals zero without hard work. His beautiful score is a testament to his extremely responsible work ethics. To be honest, I was expecting an 8.5, but sometimes lady luck just doesn't smile)). Anyway, we are considering to do an OSR 😎. Amirbek, you nailed it my man ⚡️ Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
9 333
#results #2024 IDP CDI 25/August/2024 Age: 16 Attempt: 1st Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us: about 2 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Ashur, a presidential school student, is a talented man. I acknowledge his strong foundation played a role, but he achieved this result with the right guidance in such a short period of time. By the way, he easily deserves a band 8.0. Some more PS guys are sitting the test, so expect 🔥 results. Good luck, Ashur ⚡️ Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
11 232
10 063
cooking time
11 401
The most important aim of science ought to be to improve people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Serving as a foundation for a variety of fields, science has different aims, the most significant of which is deemed to enhance human lives. While I acknowledge that the part played by science is of course important when it comes to improving people's lives, I disagree with the notion that it is by far the most crucial goal science possesses. The principal reason why the main objective of science should be regarded to improve people's lives is that it is a tool to be used to research the most precious resource people possess: health. Government investment into this domain, which is more often than not obtained from the public, should be sensibly directed to this cause. If people don't see returns for their investment in the form of increased longevity, protection from illnesses and better medical treatment, then this field becomes practically futile. This goal, as a result, serves to increase people's life satisfaction, benefitting their well-being significantly. Important as it may seem, the above aim should not be viewed as the most crucial one due to other equally essential goals science has. One of them has to do with making a profit. Science-based companies employ professional researchers, lab-workers, state-of-the-art equipment and more, all of which require heavy investment that oftentimes governments fail to provide. It becomes only fair if they enjoy financial rewards for their hard work, such as vaccines in the case of COVID-19 pandemic. Another, albeit pivotal, aim of science is to solve global problems, not being limited to human issues. One such issue is global warming, which is posing an existential threat to other life forms like marine and wildlife creatures. A lack of scientific collaboration among major countries, in effect, can have devastating consequences, leading to the extinction of such species as the polar bear. Therefore, these aims should not be seen as inferior to enhancing human lives. In conclusion, making a positive difference in people's lives is definitely an important objective for science. Nevertheless, to say that it is the ultimate aim of this area is to underestimate the role of its other goals, such as making money and combating global issues. ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
The bar graph breaks down the economy of India in terms of the proportional contributions of agriculture, industry, and services sectors over four decades starting from 1960. In 1960, agriculture accounted for the biggest share of India’s GDP, at nearly two-thirds. This figure, however, declined steadily, over time plunging to its all-time low of 15% in 2000. In the meantime, the share of services rose considerably. Initially, the figure for services went up gradually to well over a quarter in 1980 from a low of about 17% at the beginning. The most remarkable growth in this sector took place in 1990 when its share increased by about 20%, surpassing agriculture. By the final year, it had skyrocketed to a chart high of just under two-thirds, further enlarging the contribution gap. In contrast, the industrial sector was subject to a marginal increase. Ranking as the smallest sector of the Indian economy in 1960 with slightly over 15%, the contribution of the industry went up to a quarter within two decades. Although the figure remained stagnant at this point, it eventually overtook agriculture to become the second biggest sector of the economy in 2000. Overall, the share of agriculture in GDP diminished drastically while that of services grew substantially. These changes meant that while India’s economy was primarily supported by its agriculture in the first three decades, it became mostly dependent on services later on. The industrial sector, on the other hand, made up a modest share of the economy throughout the entire period, growing only marginally. #task1 255 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
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14 050
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
10 446
🔝SAT - Fall 2024🔝 🗓🗓Admission test date: August 30, Friday (10:00am) 💻💻Program launch date: September 2, Monday 💧REGISTRATION LINK HERE💧
9 407
#caketime 🎂 Want another slice of cake?🍰😍 You're in luck today😇 Ms.Yulduz got something in store for you Congrats on her impressive results🤩 p.s. watch the entire video for a surprise cameo ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


10 367
Ad Astra Muse - Valera Arakelyan (4K) | The Quest (S1: E33)
Valera Arakelyan - an incredibly talented and brilliant Yale graduate known for his initiatives like Freshman Academy and instructional talks on US college admission. Wanna hear more from Valera? Telegram: https://t.me/valeranotes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arakelyanvalera/ Wanna hear more from us? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ad_astra_bukhara Telegram: https://t.me/alisherposts Telegram: https://t.me/ad_astra_school #ad_astra_school #English #bukhara #uzbekistan #podcast #IELTS #sat #samarkand #yaleuniversity #freshman_academy 00:00-04:29 - Preview 04:29-08:07 - Meet Valera 08:07-13:40 - Growing Up in Samarkand 13:40-31:36 - IELTS/SAT Prep 31:36-37:30 - College Application (1) 37:30-45:52 - International Universities in UZB 45:52-58:34 - Extra-Curriculars (Cool Story) 58:34-01:05:46 - Acceptance to Yale 01:05:46-01:15:50 - Liberal Arts 01:15:50-01:22:59 - Modern Western Ideology 01:22:59-01:28:25 - Social Life at Yale 01:28:25-01:43:07 - Freshman Academy 01:43:07-01:45:53 - Future Vision 01:45:53-02:00:17 - His Most Controversial Interview 02:00:17-02:11:40 - The Matrix 02:11:40-02:16:02 - Freshman Academy Philosophy 02:16:02-02:19:37 - Selection vs. Treatment Effect 02:19:37-02:26:17 - Teach in Uzbekistan One Day? 02:26:17-02:34:40 - Correlation vs. Causation 02:34:40-02:58:12 - College Application Blueprint 02:58:12-03:04:42 - "University is a Scam" Rhetoric 03:04:42-03:07:40 - Donald Trump 03:07:40-03:18:43 - College Application Red Flags/Biases 03:18:43-03:29:51 - Truth & Meaning 03:29:51-03:45:58 - Hobbies (MMA Story) 03:45:58-03:52:24 - Philosophy 03:52:24-03:52:47 - Outro Music credit: - Music name: Stylish Car - Composer: Moody Finn - License owner: Ad Astra
11 939
S1: E33 Trailer - Valera Arakelyan🎙 Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


14 030
The graph describes how the quantity of goods shipped over four different modes of transportation changed from 1974 to 2002 in the UK. Overall, there were noticeable increases in the quantities of goods transported over road, water, and pipeline while rail transport use remained unchanged despite a temporary fall. In spite of these changes, road transportation was most used in shipment of goods over the period in question whereas pipeline transit ranked lowest. In detail, the highest quantities of goods were transported over road throughout the period. From 1974 to 1986, the volume of goods carried over road fluctuated mildly between around 75 and 70 million tons. This was followed by a rise to just under 80 million tons in 1990, at which point the figure remained unaltered for the next four years. By 2002, the figure had shot up to an all-time high of about 95 million tons. The volume of goods transported over water also grew. Hovering over 40 million tons for the first four years, the quantity of goods shipped by water went up to just under 60 million tons in 1982, maintaining this level until 1994. This was, however, followed by a drop to nearly 55 million tons before this figure climbed to a chart high of approximately 65 million tons in the final year. The less common ways of transportation were rail and pipeline. The former account for the shipment of 40 million tons of goods until 1978, thereafter which its figure oscillated between 35 and 30 million tons. However, the figure rebounded to its initial level in the final year. The latter saw its figure rise from a low point of about 5 million tons initially to around 25 million in 1982, staying at this point until 1990. By 1994, the figure had dropped to 20 million tons, remaining at this level until the final year. #task1 312 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
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16 235
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
13 801
Parents want to achieve balance between family and career but only a few manage to achieve it. What do you think is the reason? Discuss possible solutions and provide examples. Although many people, especially parents, strive for work-life balance, only a small number of them succeed in achieving such an equilibrium. It is essential to consider why this is usually the case, and necessary measures also need to be taken to ensure that more people manage to strike a balance between career and family. Attaining work-life balance seems implausible for many parents for many reasons, the primary one of which is high demands in the workplace. Today employees are expected to work many hours to prove their commitment to their company while upgrading their skills and qualifications to remain competitive. These expectations are to be meant on top of having to bringing in more customers to push sales, leaving family life unattended. The situation is sometimes exacerbated by personal ambitions such as earning a job promotion, public acknowledgement and admiration, leading them to forgo their personal life in favor of their aspirations. Finally, work-life balance, at times, skews to family life. Parents, in particular, become preoccupied with their children, taking them to school, running errands for them, going to their soccer practice, to name but a few. As a result, career takes a back seat, making parents less competitive in the workplace. Parents can be aided in various ways to maintain a balance between work and family. Employers should take the lead by encouraging a balanced attitude towards work, which can be done through seminars and training sessions on work-life balance highlighting the potential side-effects of workaholism. Even though this measure may not appear to be in the best interest of employers in the short-term, its long-term benefits in terms of productivity and heightened employee satisfaction are well worth it. Government initiatives such as more frequent holidays and sabbaticals would also go a long way to facilitate time for family. In the meantime, government should authorize deliberate blackouts at offices to drive people out of their workplace - like in Japan where electricity is cut off in some business centers to discourage people from overworking. Last but not least, parents should not entirely dismiss their career either. A perceived fall in productivity due to family matters jeopardizes one’s career prospects, so employers should caution their employees against reduced devotion to work to tend to parental responsibilities, which can be done with pay cuts. In conclusion, the idea of work-life balance seems not feasible to many parents due to reasons ranging from growing expectations at work to the demanding nature of parenthood. As such, a concerted effort should be made by employers, governments, and parents themselves to navigate this challenge and strive for a balance between career and family. #task2 438 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
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15 801
#results #2024 IDP PBI 19/August/2024 Age: 20 Attempt: 2nd (1st-7.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us:  about 1-2 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Bekzod's case is truly special. If you remember, we posted his band 8 result earlier and I told you that he would come back for more. And this is our promise fulfilled ⚡️. OSR is a wonderful chance indeed. Bekzod, thank you for being a great student 🔥 Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
12 427
#results #2024 IDP PBI 19/August/2024 Age: 20 Attempt: 2nd (1st-7.5) Start point: A&M Program Prep time w/ us:  about 1-2 months Teachers: Alisher&Mukhammadali Bekzod's case is truly special. If you remember, we posted his band 8 result earlier and I told you that we will come back for more. And this is our promise fulfilled ⚡️. OSR is a wonderful chance indeed. Bekzod, thank you for being a great student 🔥 Our destination is clear: TO THE STARS ⭐️ ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
14 399
cooking time
15 928
Ep.33🎙 Guest:Valera Arakelyan Freshman Academy founder Yale University graduate Expected runtime: 3.5+ hours Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
21 201
💻Vacancy at Ad Astra💻 Looking for a printer guy No experience needed (free training provided) Only requirements ✅17+ ✅English (basic level) ✅full-time available ✅Min stay with us - 1 year Hit us up if you're interested Office 📞📞 : 998553065060; Call between 11:00 and 18:00. 🌐
18 081
that's not gonna stop me from making more podcasts
17 084
can't debate that😁
17 730
Ad Astra Muse - Diyorbek Nomozov (4K) | The Resolute (S1: E32)
Diyorbek Nomozov - Navai to University of Toronto. Yep, he did it! Tune in to find out how he went from going to an ordinary public school in Navai to getting into one of the highly coveted universities in the world. Wanna hear more from Diyorbek? Telegram: https://t.me/diyorbeknotes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diyorbeknomozovv/ Wanna hear more from us? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ad_astra_bukhara Telegram: https://t.me/alisherposts Telegram: https://t.me/ad_astra_school #ad_astra_school #English #bukhara #uzbekistan #podcast #IELTS #sat #universityoftoronto 00:00 - 03:05 Trailer 03:05 - 09:18 Background 09:18 - 15:11 Competitiveness 15:11 - 23:54 His Schools 23:54 - 31:24 Leading the Youth Union 31:24 - 50:06 English Prep (Cool Story) 50:06 - 57:23 SAT Prep 57:23 - 01:06:04 Success Attribution 01:06:04 - 01:17:56 College Board 01:17:56 - 01:23:24 University of Toronto 01:23:24 - 01:29:43 College Application 01:29:43 - 01:45:17 His Major (Technology) 01:45:17 - 01:57:22 Universities & Scholarship 01:57:22 - 01:59:06 US vs. Canada 01:59:06 - 02:08:30 Reaction to Getting Into the University 02:08:30 - 02:17:32 Philosophy 02:17:32 - 02:17:59 Outro Music credit: - Music name: Stylish Car - Composer: Moody Finn - License owner: Ad Astra
17 390
S1: E32 Trailer - Diyorbek Nomozov🎙 T minus 1 hours until the RELEASE🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐
Ad Astra
to the stars
13 134
You don't actually have to write this long essay in your exam to get a decent score (7+). In fact, a well-written 280-word essay would get you 8 or possibly higher. Focus on the quality of your language and argumentation, not the size of your essay🫡
16 872
Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Some people suggest that we double down on crime prevention; however, not everyone agrees that more action is required to deter crime as they think current measures are sufficient. While crime prevention has improved over the years, I reckon that there is still more to be done to combat crime in society due to new trends like population boom, the Internet, and mass media. It is evident why some people are content with the current level of measures against crime. They primarily highlight the fact that law enforcement has been reinforced in recent years. The addition of new, powerful gear such as modern rifles and high-speed trucks as well as crime detection technologies like a centralized criminal record database, AI-powered cameras and sensors to the police has been a substantial aid to law enforcement officers, as a result of which criminal cases can now be handled speedily and with a minimal effort. Besides, they argue that people now have less incentive to commit crime since there are heavy fines and strict imprisonment rules in place. In my country, Uzbekistan, for instance, drunk driving is punishable by the prohibition of driving for 2 years while jail time for murder is 25 years. These measures are thought to be effective in deterring people from engaging in unlawful activities. I am, however, still not convinced that crime is being addressed to a proper extent. This is because growing population rates across the world have contributed to rising unemployment and living cost, not least in populous regions like China and India. These nations, more than others, are prone to a rise in crime rates seeing as jobless people in these areas are naturally inclined to resort to illegal means of making a livelihood without a legal stream of income. The growth of the Internet has also triggered an increase in the range of crime committed. While in the past crime could only be committed in the physical world, now it can be done online. For example, online personal accounts can be hacked for a financial or political gain, while terrorists can launch cyber attacks on governments, causing blackouts. In the meantime, easy access to mass media like TV, social media, the Internet and newspapers means that people can see crime reports and murder cases on different news platforms as well as social media, which causes distress and aggressive behavior. Having witnessed crime on a regular basis, people are likely to repeat it in their locality. All these changes call for more stringent laws and more severe punishments to counter crime. In conclusion, even though some people feel reassured about current crime prevention methods, I implore them to consider the daunting prospect of emerging crime from population rise, the Internet and the accessibility of mass media. #task2 461 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
17 106
The graphs compare how many journal articles are read on a weekly basis by all students, PhD students, and junior lecturers at a particular university in Australia. Overall, the majority of all students read only 1 to 5 journal articles weekly, which is in sharp contrast with junior lecturers and PhD students, most of whose readings range from 6 to 11 and 12 or more articles respectively. Looking at the reading habits of all students, just over two-thirds of them read 1 to 5 articles per week, which is more than three times the percentage of students whose reading count is in the range of 6 to 11. By contrast, only 12% of students are reported to read 12 or more articles weekly. PhD students, on the other hand, are avid readers, with most of them reading 12 or more articles every week. In fact, an overwhelming 80% of them read at least 12 articles per week, which is more than five times the proportion of those reading 6 to 11 articles weekly (15%). Only a small minority of PhD students admit to doing the least amount of reading, at 5%. Similarly, most junior lecturers are also shown to do a considerable amount of reading, albeit not as much as PhD students. Three times as many junior lecturers read 6 to 11 articles weekly as those who read 12+ articles, at three-quarters and a quarter respectively. In stark contrast, those reading 1 to 5 articles weekly constitute a mere 1%. #task1 250 words, #classwork #Mukhammadali_Issues ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
عرض المزيد ...
14 567
#task1 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️
12 270
S1: E32 Trailer - Diyorbek Nomozov🎙 Stay tuned for the full release🔔 🌐Ad Astra🌐 ⚡️@alisherposts⚡️ ⭐️@ad_astra_school⭐️


14 357
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