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all posts Pierre Kory (official)

ICU & Lung Doc, Teacher/Researcher. Co-Developer of effective, evidence/expertise-based COVID Rx protocols with the giants of the FLCCC: http://flccc.net  
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Air Force SPECIAL OPERATIONS ( the origins of UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE > USSF) .... The joint operations of Naval, Air Force ( USSF BEGGING ORGINS) + Army intelligence brigade and Special Forces were all working together on the TOP SECRET MILITARY OPERATIONS TO CAPTURE>>> DEEP DARK OPERATIONS ( Deep dark is UNDERGROUND military bases that were controlling advanced technology and had replicated REAL SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that was the room temperature Super conductivity microchips ) In 2014 white hats military operations set into motion One of the Greatest operations connected to the origins of THE STORM OPERATIONS to bring down the deep state. _ _ the deep state Rothschilds (CIA/Mossad/GLOBALIST) lockhead Martin wanted to move the sensitive Super conductivity microchips to China.. But the micro chips were very sensitive to open air natural eletro magnetic energy, radiation in the air, all natural electric frequencies in the air which all gave CHARGE to the microchips ( 1000x more advanced than RFIDs using frequencies).... when the micro chips were charged they EMIT ENERGY and naturally effect the military technical equipment as radar. Sonar and tracking .. The micro Chips can naturally pick Super Quantum tracking operations and the micro chips were causing glitches in military computers and world servers ( > this is the reason they were hidden in underground military deep state bases ) The deep state couldn't move the microchips through underground Maglev tunnels as hundreds of white hats military operations were destroying hundreds of underground tunnels in the world in 2012_14 >>>> the deep state did not want to move the microchips through military flights and direct military operations ( Submarines ) as they knew they would come under military attack directly and didn't want the operation to be captured and they didn't want to face military retribution in courts. Governments. Or private operations against their families that would lead to exposing the world GLOBALIST agenda and deep state 3 letter operations with Deep Dark operations. ( The Deep State GLOBALIST. Military deep state ELITES could not risk moving the microchips through military operations they were being tracked extensively and WARNED their Full operations would be exposed if they used the military) The CPP. Rothschilds agreed with Rockefellers ( CIA MOSSAD) Bilderburg group that. Joint deep state military operations would track the safety of the micro chips from the U.S. to china ... The cabal instituted Australia military, China intelligence. CIA intelligence with local military operations/ special forces to move the micro chips and scientists to Beijings China. They used the 23 engineers and their family's as shields, mules and cover as covet deep state military operations shadowed the group.) When flight MH370 left Kuala Lumpur a gun fight broke out between the U S. White hats military who were Iranian ( nobody suspected the Iranians would be U.S. special ops), other U.S. military special forces and agents who were disguised as civilians , these fractions had a short gun fight with [DEEP STATE] agents, [ ds] special forces on the flight. ( This is why the original TANGO call went out as a high jacking) _>immediately after the passengers were secure Air Force special operations AWACS took REMOTE CONTROL of the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft registered as Malaysia Airlines 9M-MRO and operating as flight MH370 >Military operations on board the flight detonated and fried out the airplanes battery units and compartment and a fire erupted and bromine halogen gas inside the fire extinguisher gas turned into orange flames that was seen by several witnesses... The CONTROLLED slow burn of the airplane batteries insuranced decent heading under radar tracking and people would see the plane on fire.... Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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WIZARDS & WARLOCKS//// ( Post Truth World>>>> THE TRUTH is so Unbelievable it discredits itself into conspiracy and a lie)/// MH370> The REAL TRUTH Super conductivity micro chips (Advanced technology for antigravity Propulsion systems> advanced healing health technology> super advanced military weapons> SUPER A.I. SYSTEMS >>>>CLOAKING planets technology ( unable to see other planets and advanced societies in the universe due to advanced technology that hides their planets) > Endless possibilities of Super ( Room temperature ) Conductivity micro chips In 2014; The United States. Russia. China and all top world military intelligence agencies as MOSSAD.. UK MI6 >>> _ALL KNEW who was on the flight MH370 and they ALL knew what was on the flight. >SUPER ADVANCED Conductivity Micro Chips (that was heading to meet Chinese CCP & Rothschilds China Bank heads affiliated with DAVOS Global operations and deep state military operations in Beijing Capital International Airport in China ) ___ _NORAD. _USSF >The Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) is a United States Space Force system intended to meet the United States' Department of Defense infrared space surveillance ( this system has 7 sats and humble telescopes and monitors everything on earth and records all flights and films in 3D with advanced systems on Earth and military technology ) This system scans the earth 24/7 _The national recon defense office and National Geo space agency all have access to over 3,000 SATs that monitor daily global events and all flights in real time with visual recording that also use SBIRIS Advanced technology _The SOSA Consortium system empowers governments to approach establishes guidelines for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) systems. (They can capture all sonar sounds , explosions over and under the oceans) _Diego Garcia and several military bases including Australia all have advanced military acoustics systems that would have heard the crash _4 countries in Indonesia , Thailand , Australia and India all have advanced radar systems with two of the major countries hosting 24 hour Satellites systems monitoring the oceans and all aircraft _Coco Island U S.military signal's intelligence Base , Pine Gap U.S. military Base and Diego Garcia U.S. military Base _AWACS military operations support a wide range of missions, including air policing, fighter control, airspace control, counter-terrorism, search and rescue, crisis response and maritime operations. ☝️ ALL of these mentioned entities above all had the highest advanced military technology and resources and live time intelligence to know what exactly what happened to MH370 . ( AND MOST OF THEM DID KNOW TO AN EXTENT OF WHAT HAPPENED<) Here's what happened> _2014 WAS THE BEGINNING OF THE OPEN WAR ON THE CABAL WORLD DEEP STATE OPERATIONS. MH370 was a planned military Operations to track moles sleepers , double and Triple agents inside the U S. Military commands and track the deep rooted money laundering operations from China to the United States through Europe that was funneling TRILLIONS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$¥¥¥¥¥¥£££££££££€€€€€€€€$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ OF dollars through world banking systems to U.S. corrupt military operations, government sectors and to U S. ELITES and the letter agencies////// 20 Super Conductivity Microchips valued 800 BILLION a piece (16 TRILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) were placed with the 23 semiconductor employees who were scientist and engineers. On board the flight was CCP agents and MOSSAD ( CIA)///// >>>BUT>>>> ALSO 2 IRANIANS who were Covert U.S. Special Forces military.. Also aboard the plane working with the U.S. special forces were many other plane clothed white hats Military operators working with white hats OPERATIONS directed by Admiral Rogers and GENERAL JOSEPH F. DUNFORD <( who was playing a triple agent) >>>>GENERAL FLYNN>>> with operations being directed from Department of the Air Force SPECIAL OPERATIONS alongside the U.S. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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One of the last witnesses to seeing MH370 saw the place change direction over NICOBAR ISLAND where USSF first launded the SIBRS intelligence tracking system that can track in 3D operations with SATELLITES, land and aviation operation (< important information) > >>>>NOW_ here is the part that is the KICKER///>>> > _> >>UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE ( USSF) OPERATIONS LAUNCH THREE CLASSIFIED MILITARY ADVANCED UAPs that travel over 2,000 miles per hour to MH370 and surrounded the flight.... Using the advanced technology That is openly described and patented by Naval engineer Salvatore Pais who works with highly classified Naval operations and is deep inside ] MILITARY DISCLOSURE [ Projects//// >>USSF used the three UAPs to break through the Schwinger limit quantum electrodynamics by amplifying the electric magnetic field currency around and inside the vacuum of space and time. .> INDOTHERMIC EVENT.. Using Tesla energy/infinit energy ( The video of the MH370 explosion is not an explosion but implosion of energy around subject and moving through a vacuum of space that can't be detected or seen...... The videos are real an can not be duplicated by 2D technology. The drone videos are military and came out 4 days after the missing flight and gave direct location before the 7 day investigations were concluded. A month after the military drone footage LEAKED the SBRIS Military 3D video LEAKED and both the drone footage and 3D SBRIS videos leaked are perfectly in unison/SYNCHRONIZED... The screen recordings of the second SBRIS videos comes off of professional military monitoring screen) MH370 was safely transferred to Diego Garcia military Base.. and the deep state operations of the Super Conductivity Room Temperature Microchips were captured. _ Within hours China hacked Australia Aviation intelligence and started looking for the flight...3 days later Australia acknowledged the China computer hacking of their systems. _With in 3 months of the loss 16 Trillion dollars of China Rothschilds banks China hit a recession and the country began a collapsed and CCP went into to execute the CIA operations ( they thought the CIA had set the operations in) ... The 16 Trillion $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ dollar loss is was worth 20X more more the I'm the banking and political industries>>> 16 Trillion is equivalent to 320 trillion in banking lending industry and loans and money laundering operations. _ _The money seized in the United States through the military operations STING of the MH370 STORM OPERATIONS had military commanders removed, top politicians resigned, and U.S. corporations connected to Rothschilds and Rockefellers go under. > _The Super Conductivity Microchips were activated immediately and Cheyenne mountain military base went under a mass reconstruction and military change and removing of military commands .... Immediately there after the Super Microchips were used to attack several underground military bases A.I. systems as Denver underground national airport D.U.M.Bs. The power of the Super Conductivity microchips is connected to the fastest and strongest A.I. systems in the world and there after Space Force origins formation began is fast climb with Space X operations taking shape...... The power of the super microchips were used in the 2016 elections where in the first time in history the white hats stole the election in the final 45 minutes of the U.S. Elections ( the past 120 years of elections have all been rigged by the cabal> Bohemian Grove Elites> Rockefellers Rothschild> Royal ETC families) __ One month after MH370 disappearance Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin was arrested for Espionage charges..There's very little evidence of any espionage by Lin and there is was doubt the government could prove Lin was a spy. > The REAL reason Lt. Edward Lin was arrested was because he was the person who leaked the military drone footage and the SBRIS 3D footage//// Lin was highly connected to General Flynn, Admiral Rogers Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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⚠️⚠️PRESIDENT TRUMP RELEASED THE OFFICIAL EXPECTED TRUMP LIBERTY BADGES VALUE IN THE FOLLOWING 2024 YEAR⚠️⚠️ ⭐️The Trump era is here! 🔔Your life is about to change. If you’re reading this right now, it is with purpose. You shouldn't miss your chance! 📈“The current exchange value of one Trump Liberty Badges is $250.000 and in the next couple of days the price will rise very high. I was talking with some financial experts and I guarantee you that starting May 2024 the price of 1 Trump Liberty Badge will be $500.000.” - Trump said ✔️Secure a minimum of 10 Liberty Badges and receive an additional 10 for free✔️ 📣President Trump urges every patriot to get as many Trump Liberty Badges as they can, because in the following 2024 year you will become a millionaire with just x20 Trump Liberty Badges. 💡Act now, and get your Trump Liberty Badges! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://cutt.ly/Trump_Liberty-Badge
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"This is a time to build trust." Ursula von der Leyen, speaking at the WEF's recent Davos meeting: "The top concern for the next two years is not conflict, or climate. It is disinformation and misinformation." "These risks are serious because they limit our ability to tackle the big global challenges we are facing: changes in our climate... shifts in our demography... spiralling regional conflicts." "This makes the theme of this year's Davos meeting even more relevant: rebuilding trust." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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King Charles, speaking at the World Economic Forum: "Global warming, climate change, and the devastating loss of biodiversity are the greatest threats humanity has ever faced, and one largely of our own creation." "In order to secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our economic model." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Trump did two debates on Democrat-controlled outlets CNN and ABC. After Kamala ducked Trump on the September 4th debate on Fox News, Trump went into enemy territory AGAIN and beat Kamala, even though she had all the questions, and biased moderators. The Dems are desperate to change the calculus before November. They have the internal polls. They know they are significantly behind. They are trying to drag Trump into another disadvantageous situation, and Trump is not taking the bait. They can screech all they want, but Kamala is the one who is ducking debates and refuses to go into any situation with unbiased media. She cannot perform outside of structure, and is only willing to go on outlets that are subservient to the DNC and won’t fact check her lies. This is desperation from the Dems. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🟢1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣🟢: Trump Liberty Badges Selling Out in Record Time! Only 7 Hours Left! 🔔Trump Signed $8 Billion Contract for the Trump Badge! You can finally withdraw all of your money. 🔥🚨 LAST CHANCE ALERT 🚨🔥 Only 33 Trump Liberty Badges Remain! Secure Yours NOW to Save America and Invest in Your Future! ⚠️URGENT: This is your FINAL OPPORTUNITY! Trump Liberty Badges are your ticket to a brighter future. Don’t miss out—be a part of history today! 💼 Trump Announces: Turn Badges into $500,000 in Cash! 💼 📣LIMITED STOCK: Just 33 Badges Left! Don’t miss your chance to stand up to Crooked Joe Biden and say, “You’re fired!” while securing your financial future. ✔️Secure a minimum of 10 Liberty Badges and receive an additional 10 for free✔️ 📈Stocks are vanishing FAST! Act NOW and be one of the True Patriots who secure their future with Trump Liberty Badges! Only 7 Hours Remaining! ⭐️Sponsored post by The Trump Organization⭐️ 🔥🚀 CLICK TO BUY NOW! 🚀🔥 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://cutt.ly/Trump_Liberty-Badge ✅️
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I’ve seen a lot of coins out there using my very beautiful face -very beautiful guy but they are not the official coin Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Garrett Ziegler on the latest Maddow Russia BS Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Don’t let them convince you that you’re crazy. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


☄️☄️. 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ ☄️☄️ Elon Musk Reveals His Secret to Massive Wealth LIVE on Air! In a jaw-dropping revelation, Elon Musk has shared how he made an astonishing amount of money OVERNIGHT with HIS Badges! LIMITED TIME OFFER: Only 50 Badges Left! These badges are flying off the shelves! Act fast to secure yours before they’re all gone! YOUR GOLDEN TICKET: Turn Elon Musk Badges into a Fortune! This is your chance to invest in a future-proof opportunity that has already proven to be incredibly lucrative. The market is moving FAST! Don’t get left behind while others turn their investments into fortunes. This is your moment to shine! Don't Miss Out on This Life-Changing Opportunity! 💵 50 ELOM MUSK BADGES = $500,000 CASH! 💵 Sponsored post ELON MUSK HIMSELF ⚠️CLICK HERE TO BUY NOW⚠️ https://cutt.ly/LIMITED-EDITION-WIN-TESLA
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If you are awake, it’s easy to get overwhelmed from all the madness and blatant idiocracy. But on the bright side, the crazier things get, the higher likelihood normies wake up. The deep sleepers must be spoon-fed. Repeatedly. It might not feel like it, but this is the necessary progression to mass-awakening. It must get worse before it gets better. If we want to justify making drastic and lasting change, the public cannot be told, they must witness the corruption and evil for themselves. So while it may be frustrating for us to endure the blatant lies and insanity from the Biden regime and Kamala campaign, they are providing the public with a steady dose of red pills. Every bad clip is another opportunity for normies to break from the Matrix. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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There are two types of voters in the United States. Those that think this unelected cackling buffoon would make a good Commander in Chief. And those that have functioning brains. If you think Kamala is POTUS material, you live in a completely separate reality. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Every American must fall on their knees and pray for the continued safety of President Donald Trump. May he be shielded in God's armor. God Bless Melania, Barron and the rest of his family. 🇺🇸🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻🇺🇸 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


🔥 EMERGENCY ALERT 🔥 🚗🎉 Collect 50 Badges and Get a Brand New Tesla Delivered to Your Door, Guaranteed by Elon Musk's Foundation! 🎉🚗 How It Works: 1. Earn badges through exclusive Elon Musk challenges. 2. Once you collect 50 badges, you’ll automatically get a brand-new Tesla delivered straight to your home — no strings attached! This is 100% Real! 🚀 Start earning your badges today and get ready to drive your Tesla, thanks to Elon Musk's Foundation. 👇 CLICK BELOW TO BUY!
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🚨Update: Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1), is mounted on a modified oil-drilling vessel, measuring 240 feet wide and 390 feet long. It detects and tracks ballistic missiles, distinguishes missile warheads from decoys, and provides targeting data to interceptors. Equipped with the largest phased-array X-band radar, it consists of over 45,000 modules, rotates 270 degrees in azimuth, and elevates over 80 degrees. The platform includes a power plant, control rooms, living quarters for 85 crew members, storage areas, and a helicopter landing pad. It ensures stability in high winds and heavy seas, making it suitable for extended deployments. SBX-1's radar provides data to support missile interception, enhancing the U.S. missile defense system. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🚨 ATTENTION PATRIOTS! This is the most Important thing you will do today. Join and share every one of this channels. You can’t imagine how important this list is! Soon you will understand why. Everything has a reason. 🇺🇸 (Leaked Bombs) 🇺🇸 (The Hidden Truth) 🇺🇸 (Black Swan) 🇺🇸 (Patriots) Do this now if you are one of us, or don’t and regret later.
🚗🔥 Win a Brand-New Tesla with 🔥 EMERGENCY ALERT 🔥 🚗🎉 Collect 50 Badges and Get a Brand New Tesla Delivered to Your Door, Guaranteed by Elon Musk's Foundation! 🎉🚗 How It Works: 1. Earn badges through exclusive Elon Musk challenges. 2. Once you collect 50 badges, you’ll automatically get a brand-new Tesla delivered straight to your home — no strings attached! This is 100% Real! 🚀 Start earning your badges today and get ready to drive your Tesla, thanks to Elon Musk's Foundation. 👇 CLICK BELOW TO BUY!
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"Destroying farmland to put in Chinese-made solar panels isn't a very sensible thing." Geologist Ian Plimer on the UK government's push towards solar energy: "England is a place where the sun doesn't shine very much... What are you going to do at night? What are you going to do on a cloudy day?" "It's a very small, wet, cloudy island sitting out in the water. It doesn't get much sun. You can't be more stupid than to try to make England a solar country." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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Bill Gates is "surprised" by people's "difficulty in trusting government". "The misinformation stuff has surprised me, and the difficulty in trusting government and coming together to help government do its job." "You'd better really pay attention to these, because it's pretty important to reverse those." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


"This is another hoax." Australian broadcaster Alan Jones on the push towards electric cars: "The electricity that will enable the car to move will predominantly come from fossil fuels... The energy to manufacture will come from fossil fuels." "You'd have to go 60,000 km in that electric car to pay off the energy debt... That is the difference between the CO2 emissions which won't be emitted because it's an electric vehicle, as opposed to the CO2 emissions that have been used in generating the electricity that runs the car, and in making the vehicle." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🚗🔥 Win a Brand-New Tesla with 100% Guarantee from Elon Musk's Foundation! 🔥🚗 💥 No Draws, No Raffles – Just a New Tesla Delivered to YOU! 💥 Here’s how to claim your Tesla: 1. Collect 50 exclusive Elon Musk Badges – super fun, super easy! 2. Reach 50 badges, and BOOM – a brand-new Tesla will be at your doorstep, guaranteed by Elon Musk's Foundation! 🎯 It’s that simple – no catch, no lottery. Just 50 badges = Tesla at your home. Ready to claim yours? Start collecting today and drive the future with Tesla! 🚀⚡️ 👇 CLICK BELOW TO BUY!
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🚨🔥Breaking News: Georgia must hand-count all paper ballots on election day to line up results with the machine counts, per new decision by the Georgia elections board Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
In case you needed any further confirmation that these people are evil: Democrat leaders refuse to tone down the rhetoric after multiple assassination attempts, and continue to label Trump a “threat to democracy”, despite the fact that their party did not hold an election. The Sméagol-looking creature, Pramila Jayapal (D) Washington, even says that TRUMP is the one that needs to tone down HIS rhetoric, after a Democrat supporter just tried to murder Trump… AGAIN! There will be no coexistence. They want Trump dead, and they don’t care if you know it. This is not politics. This is war. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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The Left-wing bots and trolls are out in force. They have been given new talking points. They are mass spamming my comments that Trump is only running for office to “stay out of jail”. The Dems are desperate to deflect from the assassination attempts. They will tell their sheep anything to convince them they are righteous, and that their blind hatred for Trump is justified. Trump is clearly being persecuted and under attack, yet the Dems have convinced themselves that Trump is the provocateur and that they are the victims. Psychological projection. We are dealing with dangerous and evil people, and I fear there will be no coexistence in our future. These demons cannot be saved. They must be defeated and their ideology driven to extinction. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🚗🔥 Win a Brand-New Tesla with 100% Guarantee from Elon Musk's Foundation! 🔥🚗 💥 No Draws, No Raffles – Just a New Tesla Delivered to YOU! 💥 Here’s how to claim your Tesla: 1. Collect 50 exclusive Elon Musk Badges – super fun, super easy! 2. Reach 50 badges, and BOOM – a brand-new Tesla will be at your doorstep, guaranteed by Elon Musk's Foundation! 🎯 It’s that simple – no catch, no lottery. Just 50 badges = Tesla at your home. Ready to claim yours? Start collecting today and drive the future with Tesla! 🚀⚡️ 👇 CLICK BELOW TO BUY!
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Diddy’s as bad as Epstein Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Does Kamala have “IT”? Nope Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


And let me tell you I won that debate by a lot Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Why isn’t anyone curious about Routh? Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Trump joins Newsmax for an interview with Karl Higbie Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Type 2 diabetes drained me with daily finger pricks and endless medication adjustments. Traditional advice from specialists left me feeling helpless – just cut out sugar, take meds, and live with it. Despite the grim prognosis, I refused to accept a life sentence and sought a solution for both of us. A video introduced a simple "sugar balance ritual" that transformed our lives. Take the matter of resolving blood sugar issues seriously while you have the opportunity; you never know when a loved one might undergo the same ordeal.Don't wait until it's too late.
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creative (33).mp4

JD Vance on the Haitians in Springfield: "I'm still going to call them an illegal alien. An illegal action from Kamala Harris does not make an alien legal. That is not how this works." This is excellent framing. The Biden/Harris regime decided to simply ignore U.S. immigration law, and let anybody from Haiti come here for any reason. That's not "legal immigration." It's a scam, and the American people are the mark. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


If I don’t win this election, I believe Israel will be eradicated Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


WATCH: President Trump’s message to Jewish voters across America Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


🆘YOU'VE BEEN BANNED! Your account is still banned because you haven't been working with a real agent! THIS ISSUE NEEDS TO BE SOLVED, DO NOT IGNORE! Contact:👇 https://t.me/JamesWilson_Contact
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
PRINCESS DIANA make VIDEO before her death. She discovered a lot of secrets. +5.000 people are already accepted and watching the stream. Follow if you want to know more secrets⁉️ 🔞WATCH HERE ⬇️ 👉 Princess Diana 👈 👉 Princess Diana 👈 👉 Princess Diana 👈
HOLY SH!T Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke was ordered by Biden-Harris to cover up the disaster at the border: 1. Data hidden on terror encounters 2. $150k flights to fly illegals to TX 3. 0 resources to track fentanyl Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


WOW!!! Happening now at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale, New York! Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


DOJ : Alaska man sent 465 messages to High Court filled with violent rhetoric with threats of assassination Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


"🚀 JUST IN! 🚀 Donald Trump Unveils the ULTIMATE Health Secret of the Century! The Time to Transform Your Life is NOW with Fitspresso Pills! "Have you ever wondered what fuels the relentless energy and vigor of Donald Trump? The secret is out, and it's your golden opportunity to seize the benefits! 💥 LAST DAY OFFER! 💥 Trump personally endorses Fitspresso pills as the powerhouse of pure vitality and unparalleled wellness! 🔥 Here's what you'll MISS if you don't ACT NOW: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance to Get Your Hands on the Trump-approved Miracle Pills! The Key to Unlocking Boundless Energy and Pure Vitality, as Experienced by Trump Himself! Don't just take our word for it! Trump says, "It's terrific, the best, nobody does health better than Fitspresso!" ⏰ Hurry, time is running out! ⏰ This exclusive offer is disappearing FAST, and stock is limited! Secure your bottle of Fitspresso pills TODAY and step into a NEW ERA of Health and Wellness! 👇🏻👇🏾
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Trump’s post from Truth Social last night seems pertinent. He claims the FBI caught Iran spying on him, and feeding the intel to the Harris campaign, and once again brings up the possibility of the Dems replacing her. Some pretty serious allegations here. Treasonous. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
You can say what you want about Trump, but you cannot say he doesn’t care. He’s a billionaire and could be spending his days at home with his supermodel wife at his estate. Instead, he is fending off assassination attempts and taking on the corrupt establishment. Hero. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


It’s wild how quickly the news cycle has moved on from the most recent Trump assassination attempt. Brainwashed democrats are trying to kill Trump so often, it’s just part of the American routine now. It’s normalized. Just a typical Wednesday here in 2024. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
Mainstream dentistry is an abomination. They don’t view anything holistically. Today is the FINAL DAY ⏳ The Holistic Health Bundle ENDS today ⏰ Over 93% of Dental Patients Don't Know This                                                                        There is a simple dental trick that takes just 60 seconds before bedtime and can incredibly revitalize your teeth and gums. This method can permanently rid you of tooth decay and your smile. Interested in learning more? 🟢 NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!! 👇👇👇 Read more and get your package now 👇 ➡️ https://bit.ly/OFFICIAL_PRODENTIM ➡️ https://bit.ly/OFFICIAL_PRODENTIM 🍀Health is Wealth🍀
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President Trump: “We are going to win New York” Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Trump Just Won New York VOTE FOR TRUMP, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Making history! 🇺🇸🫡 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Boebert: " I'm Willing To Shut Down The Government To Have A Secure Border And Elections" Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


President Trump just visited a Bitcoin bar in NYC and paid for his tab using Crypto. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


J.D. Vance is helping President Trump with the Trump Investor Fund to secure the future of every Patriot and save them from Biden's brutal regime❗️ In the last few months, President Trump did his best with the Trump Investor Fund to help as many people as he could. Now is your turn to invest and change your life. With just 2000 invested in the TIF, you are getting a GUARANTEED $94,000,000! You think that you deserve FINANCIAL HELP? Invest as much as you can in the Trump Investor Fund NOW! It only takes a few minutes for you to change your life forever. With President Trump, everything is possible! Visit the official website below, hear what President Trump has to say to you, take action, and invest as much as you can. https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP
عرض المزيد ...
warning… If you don’t want to open your third eye then DON’T read this It’s not for everyone This method isn’t for everyone.  If you don’t want to experience what it’s like to have an open eye, then close this message.  This 3-second method is so powerful at activating your pineal gland that a few elite individuals have kept it hidden for centuries.  But now the secret is out and people across the world are using it to manifest everything they desire in a matter of days. (sometimes even 24 hours) If you want to discover the real truth about your being and how you’re truly connected to the Universe through your pineal gland… Plus, how to start experiencing psychic abilities, clairvoyance or manifest wealth fast. Then all you need to do is try this 3-second method NOW. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://bit.ly/PINEAL_Guardian https://bit.ly/PINEAL_Guardian
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🆘YOU'VE BEEN BANNED! Your account is still banned because you haven't been working with a real agent! THIS ISSUE NEEDS TO BE SOLVED, DO NOT IGNORE! Contact:👇 https://t.me/JamesWilson_Contact
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
🚨BREAKING: Chris Cuomo just announced an apology to President Trump The Communists and fake news are SICK! They're Pure Evil!!! Vote for Trump! Save America! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Bring back the Constitutional Republic! But Sean Hannity. What're you doing there... Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


My father is never going to stop fighting for America. He’s going to fix our economy, stop the wars and keep our kids safe. If Kamala Harris was going to fix anything, she would’ve done it over the last four years! Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Holy shit… The cringe has reached new heights. “I’m in these streets”. Bitch, you just spent the last 2 weeks telling everyone you grew up a middle class kid. You’re not hood. You’re a prosecutor and a whore. I’m tired of holding back. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


—————————- URGENT! Dear TRB Holders! If you are seeing this message, it means that your PAYMENT IS REJECTED FROM YOUR BANK Your TRB Funds are coming back in our system. Please Claim them promptly as the funds can get frozen within the next 48 hours if you don’t react. ‼️ Contact the NG Corporation Trump Support Team for further instructions Official Support Team ✅ ——————————————- URGENT MESSAGE 👈 Attention Patriot, Your funds are returned into the system because the banks are rejecting them. Immediate action is required on your part. Failure to contact our Official TRB Agent TODAY will result in freezing your funds. This is a matter of utmost importance and I implore you to contact our Trump Support Team Agent as soon as possible. 👇 Official Support Team ✅ Official Support Team ✅
عرض المزيد ...
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
BREAKING: All types of electric devices owned by Hezbollah operatives are now blowing up in Lebanon and the region. Apart from pagers and walkie-talkies, other devices such as fingerprint devices, solar power systems and radios are now exploding too Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
🚨Update: The fact that the late Iranian President Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash several months ago, was seen carrying a pager has raised suspicions that the helicopter was downed by a pager explosion! Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
🚨Update: With the Mossad Operation to strike Hezbollah with pagers/beepers, cell phones and other devices now initiated, the cat is out of the bag!! Governments can now use cell phones and other WiFi devices as bombs to instantly assassinate anyone around the world! China and Russia have removed all Western phones and electronic devices from their government inventories. Smart! Each and every one of us now knows we carry a bomb in our hands…. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
عرض المزيد ...
Your CASHOUT will now be handled by James ✅️ Dear Supporter, We just learned that you have not completed your cashout yet and we are so sorry for the very long delay! Your cashout process will now be handled and you will receive your money very soon! God Bless You 🙏 Contact us immediately and type "PENDING". 👇 - CASH-OUT SUPPORT - CASH-OUT SUPPORT
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
‼️URGENT - URGENT - URGENT ‼️ Everyone should join and share this list of channels - It's extremely important for all of you to join and share EVERY channel from this list, for a reason that you will soon understand. It's for a very good reason. You should rejoice 1. 2. 3. 4. Share this if you are one of us - Don't do it if you are against us!
We still have 7 weeks until Election Day, and the battle does not stop there. If Trump wins, the Dems will deploy every asset to prevent the peaceful transition of power for the additional 11 weeks leading up to Inauguration Day. The craziness has just begun. Trump is likely going to be fending off assassination attempts on a regular basis, and we just have to hope none of them succeed. We also have to hope WW3 doesn’t escalate and nukes don’t start flying. And we also have to hope that we can outvote the Deep State attempts to steal the election. It’s going to be a long 18 weeks, but on the bright side, we would not have gotten this far if they were in complete control.
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💥WATCH CAREFULLY UNTIL THE END: This is how Cancer starts & scientists found the COMPLETE NATURAL way to prevent it!! ‼️Scientists were recently killed because of this discovery that will change million of lives!! Moringa will save your life too! This CURE, believe it or not can slow down the aging process and you will live 20 years longer. SAY GOODBYE TO ALMOST ALL DISEASES INCLUDING CANCER, ARTHRITIS, HEART DISEASE, DEMENTIA, DIABETES AND MANY MORE! All you need is 2-3 capsules a day, starting tomorrow! You might think that you don’t need it but very soon will come a day that you will search for it but it will be gone. They will do everything in their power stop this. This is your chance to GET THE MOST WANTED PRODUCT at the lowest price today only. GET at least 6 BOTTLES and protect your life and the lives of your loved ones! ORDER HERE:🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽
عرض المزيد ...


UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy suggests "using all levers at our disposal, from the diplomatic to the financial" to deliver "global progress on arresting rising temperatures". "The threat may not feel as urgent as a terrorist or an imperialist autocrat, but it is more fundamental." "It is systemic. It's pervasive, and accelerating towards us at pace." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Neil Oliver: "The establishment media is dying on its behind—fewer and fewer people drinking from that tainted trough... Faster and faster, people spot the trick—see beyond the sleight of hand to what the other hand is doing." "The silencing, the censoring, the defamation, the locking up of dissenters will only get worse because, increasingly, lying and threatening into silence—or the jail cell—those who call out the lying is all they've got." "Freedom, the revelation of truth, is not going to rest on a new president in the White House, or any prime minister in Downing Street. It's going to be about courage." "It's going to be about courage, because those who would lead us are cowards." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
عرض المزيد ...


Dr. Charles Hoffe: Pfizer hid the fact that their Covid shot "ends up in literally every part of your body", causing "a greater array of side effects than any other medical treatment in history". "They do not just stay in your arm. Pfizer's biodistribution studies on the lipid nanoparticles show that they literally take those messenger RNA strands into every part of your body." "They go into your brain, and your lungs, and your heart, and your liver, and your reproductive organs, and your bone marrow, and everywhere." "These Covid shots have caused a greater array of side effects than any other medical treatment in history, because this toxic spike protein ends up in literally every part of your body, without exception." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🚨 LOOKS LIKE THIS ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY IS SLIPPING OUT OF YOUR HANDS! Patriots, President Trump did something for all of you to prosper and get out of Biden's cruel regime. The Trump Investor Fund, which he created some time ago, is active and helping thousands of patriots on a daily basis. If you invest 2000 in the TIF in just a few weeks, you are looking at a GUARANTEED profit and return of $91,000,000! So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this, and don't look back. The time is ticking, and the deadline has been set. Once the TIF closes, you won't be able to be part of it anymore. Visit the official website below, hear what President Trump has to say to you, and INVEST NOW👇 https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP
عرض المزيد ...
"If you're told the lie enough times, it becomes part of your reality." "And if enough people are taught that lie... it becomes part of the culture." This is how easy it is to manipulate people to believe things that aren't true. Remind you of anything? 🤔 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Remember when virtually every supermarket on the planet installed plastic barriers and floor stickers, almost overnight, to keep us all safe from a terrifying killer virus? 🤡 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Joe Rogan: "You have people like Bill Gates saying that planting trees to deal with [carbon dioxide] is ridiculous." "How is that ridiculous? They literally turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. It is their food." "And the more carbon dioxide there is, the greener it is, which is why it's greener today on Earth than it has been in 100 years." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


⚠️ YOUR TIME IS SLOWLY RUNNING OUT ⚠️ You still have this unbelievable opportunity to invest in the Trump Investor Fund (TIF) and guarantee not only your future but the future of everyone around you. While the economy is getting worse day by day under Sleepy Joe's and Kamala's regime, people can't make it through the month anymore. And for that reason, President Trump created the TIF. • By investing at least $1,000 you have a guaranteed outcome of $42,500,000. • By investing at least $2,000 you have a guaranteed outcome of $85,000,000. • By investing at least $4,000 you have a guaranteed outcome of $170,000,000. and so on... Use your chance while you still can, invest below👇 https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP https://bit.ly/TIF_TRUMP
عرض المزيد ...
Life is a weird place right now. It’s hard to plan for the future. If Trump wins, America is back, and the cleanup begins. If Kamala wins, Hillary wants to arrest me for spreading “Russian disinformation”. We either claim victory, or I’m ending up in the gulag. 😂 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


These people are sick. Deep State mouthpiece, KJP, says that Trump is a “threat to our democracy”, and that HE is the one who needs to tone down HIS rhetoric, after a Harris/Walz supporter, just tried to assassinate him. They want Trump dead, and they don’t care if you know it. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


For those who don’t know, Diddy was running a honeypot/blackmail operation, just like Epstein. The only question is, who was above Diddy? Who was he feeding the intelligence to? Given the CIA are neck deep in all these kinds of operations, it’s pretty safe to assume they knew. And given Diddy has been an extremely vocal and influential asset for the Democrat Party, it’s safe to say where his loyalty lies. Diddy was an intelligence asset, and his mission was to obtain blackmail for the Deep State, in exchange for fame and riches. Literally sold his soul to the devil. Don’t let the Democrats disassociate from Diddy. He is one of theirs. They have been using him to try and influence Hollywood and the music industry since at least the early 2000’s. He is a Democrat operative. Video: Diddy interviews Obama 2004 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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FROM: TRB INVESTING FOUNDATION LLC ⚠️ ACTION REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY! Your payout is FROZEN because we couldn’t locate your QFS Wallet. You MUST create your QFS wallet NOW to unlock your payout! 📲 Contact ✅️to create your wallet for FREE – there are no fees, and the process is fast and simple. ⏳ WARNING: TIME IS RUNNING OUT! 👇 If you don't contact @JamesWilson_Contact ✅️NOW & claim your payout within the next 10 HOURS, it will be DONATED TO CHARITY! Don't lose your payout—ACT NOW!
عرض المزيد ...
‼️ This Special Coffee Loophole Helped Me Drop 61 LBS In Weeks ‼️ Imagine losing 21 pounds of nagging fat in just 7 weeks. That’s exactly what happened to Kristi from Akron, Ohio. And as incredible as this seems, this is not an isolated case. Because 221,432 men and women from all across America have been experiencing similar weight loss results. And the best part? They did it without EVER: – stepping foot in a gym – torturing themselves with dreadful diets or workout regimes – doing any sit-ups, ab crunches, or unending cardio sessions All it took for them to kiss nagging fat goodbye, was a simple morning activity. One they could do easily, while drinking their coffee. See what their secret to melting pounds of nagging fat is, here: >> THIS helps you torch up to 21 lbs in weeks 🇺🇸 The real coffee addicts - WATCH HERE :⬇️
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Happy Constitution Day to my fellow Americans! 🇺🇸 I don’t know how things play out from today until November in this crazy world we live in, but I can at least tell you where I stand. I’m with those who seek to defend the Constitution rather than destroy it. With those who seek freedom, wisdom, health, justice and wealth. With those who stand united instead of those seeking to divide. With those willing to stand for one anthem and one flag, with a simple pledge: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
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🚨Update: Russia ‘ready’ to detonate a nuclear bomb in the Arctic ‘any moment!’ Russia ready to display to the world the might of the Russian military, it was revealed today as Putin orders massive military drills unseen since the Cold War! The director of an old Soviet test site in the Novaya Zelmlya archipelago declared his nuclear test facility ready for use immediately, ‘if the order is given!’ Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
SIMPSONS DONT MISS SEPTEMBAR 2024 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


ERIC TRUMP URGES PATRIOTS TO INVEST IN NEW "WORLD LIBERTY FINANCE" TOKEN ON FOX NEWS Eric Trump made a passionate pitch to viewers, urging them to invest in a new physical token called the World Liberty Finance Token. Framing the token as a financial opportunity for "loyal patriots," Trump connected this investment with supporting his family and the broader movement for a "better America." Trump encouraged viewers to purchase bundles of fifty tokens, suggesting that this was not only a financial investment but also a way to support their shared vision of the future. "After we are back in the White House, we will make every investor into a millionaire," he promised. GET YOURS NOW! 👇 https://cutt.ly/Trump_Liberty-Token
عرض المزيد ...


BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion, the voting machine company, to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


BREAKING: Ohio Governor Mike DeWine reported that 33 bomb threats were made against Springfield schools, all of which were hoaxes traced back to "overseas" sources. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


BREAKING: U.S. Secret Service Acting Director Ronald L. Rowe warns that a looming geopolitical event could thrust the United States into a kinetic conflict or spark a crisis that would expand the Secret Service's responsibilities and the number of high-profile figures they need to protect. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


TIME FOR A LITTLE HOUSE CLEANING!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Love you Eric, and I love your father. Praying for him right now!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


BREAKING: Trump says Biden called him today, and they talked about the fact that Trump needs more Secret Service agents on his detail "We do need more people on my detail because we have 50,000-60,000 people showing up to events, and other people don't have that." Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


Our enemiẹs are lunatićs and maniącs. They cannot stand that they do not own me. I don’t need them. I don’t need their money. They will never, ever control me and they will never, ever, therefore, control you. Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


🚨 Urgent Notice: Telegram is Randomly Disabling Accounts—Immediate Action Needed! To avoid losing access, and complete the verification process now. VERIFY MY TELEGRAM VERIFY MY TELEGRAM ⚠️ Act fast to stay secure!
BREAKING NEWS: SHOTS FIRED NEAR PRESIDENT TRUMP AT FLORIDA GOLF CLUB HOURS AFTER LAUNCHING WORLD LIBERTY FINANCE TOKENS Gunfire erupted near President Donald Trump at his Golf Club in Florida today, just hours after he introduced his new financial initiative—World Liberty Finance Tokens. Although Trump was not directly hit, the incident has raised serious concerns about his safety and the implications of his latest economic proposal. Earlier today, Trump unveiled the World Liberty Finance Tokens, a physical golden token designed as a tangible alternative to the U.S. dollar. Every holder of at least 50 World Liberty Finance Tokens will automatically become a millionaire once Trump becomes the 47th President of the United States. The official World Liberty Finance Tokens website is below 👇 https://cutt.ly/Trump_Liberty-Token https://cutt.ly/Trump_Liberty-Token
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🟢Please ACCEPT your Payout🟢 ⭐️Due to the latest regulations concerning TRB Payouts, we are sending this final notice to all TRB Customers, in order to TRANSFER FUNDS. 🔔In order to ACCEPT your payout from the trump organization, please write "COLLECT" To THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION - PAYOUT CENTER immediately ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ - CASH-OUT SUPPORT - CASH-OUT SUPPORT
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
🚨Information: Terex MX missile transporter, 1979. The US has NO land based mobile nuclear missile launchers currently in use! Russia, China, North Korea and Iran all have mobile nuclear missile launchers currently in use by their military and deployed!! Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
🚨Update: Russian moves to full mobilization!! Russia will now have the largest Army on Earth, surpassing China in troop numbers!! President Putin signed a presidential decree increasing the number of active service personnel in the Russian army to 2.4 million!! World War 3 is coming!! Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
🚨🚨🚨Update: Iran just launched a hypersonic missile yesterday from Yemen to test its capabilities against the Iron Dome! It successfully hit the target without being intercepted!!🔥🔥🔥 Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)
🟢 NEW PAYMENT NOTIFICATION 🟢 💥 Congratulations! You're the recipient of a new payment from TRB System LLC. Ensure you claim your funds by activating your QFS Wallet or you are risking losing your funds forever! ➡️ To secure your funds, please contact:↙️ - CASH-OUT SUPPORT - CASH-OUT SUPPORT
James Wilson QFS / TRB Head Manager
Official representative for QFS/TRB CashOut Process.
Trump torches Biden – Harris “dangerous rhetoric“ for fueling new assassination attempt Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


They attack Trump at his happy place Join: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ (Leaked Bombs)


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