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all posts Zelenko Freedom Foundation

Foundation organized to provide funding to social entities and social activities surrounding education, leadership development, health literacy, advocacy, public policy, social, health and community development. 
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ICYMI: 2 years ago Monkeypox | Joshua Philipp of Epoch Times | Countdown to Monkeypox & China Controlled WHO Occupation ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us

Monkeypox - Joshua Philipp of Epoch Times.mp4

29 610
"I’m sorry to say, but whoever gives into the monkeypox false narrative is a lost case. This is a continuation of psychological warfare and domestic terrorism. Biden administration, WHO, gates, Dustin Moskowitz, cdc, fda, nih, the whore media and many others are complicit in crimes against God and humanity. They represent the collective primordial serpent. My advice is to do the exact opposite of what is being recommended. Obama, you and your forked tongue should know that the God of Israel has a Devine reckoning for you. We know that this is your third term by proxy through the demented jester biden. I will rejoice in your global downfall. I ask everyone not to threaten, scare, any of the obamas. Please let God deal with these serpents." -Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us
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5 713
Earlier this week, we shared Dr Zelenko's commemoration video. But, on the second anniversary of his passing, we have decided to share the uncut version in its entirety. Deeply intimate, emotional and powerful, see additional behind-the-scenes footage not shared in the condensed version, including Dr Zelenko's final messages filmed in his hospital room during the days leading up to his passing. Through his heartfelt words, Dr Zelenko inspires us all to live a life that is in alignment with who we truly are with love, courage and integrity. We are honored to share this footage with you. ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us
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18 184
Commemoration of Dr. Zelenko's Life (10 Min) Unlisted Video Despite the incredible work Zev did and the proven efficacy of his products, Big Pharma, government officials, and the media proved to be more interested in profit and cheap political victories over healing the sick and admitting their mistakes. Dr. Zelenko was attacked by the media, he was censored for misinformation that turned out to be accurate, and his company was constantly de-platformed by social media platforms, software vendors, and others for what? For the alleged crime of pointing out the numerous failures of the CDC and other government agencies and selling American-made, Kosher, and all-natural products with proven ingredients backed by peer-reviewed studies in government-maintained databases like those found at the National Institute of Health. Zev became something more than a doctor. Zev fought against the tyranny that tried to tear down what he had built. He became a prominent leader in the medical freedom movement, and he never backed down. He never stopped innovating, and he continued to heal the sick. Dr. Zelenko accomplished all of this while battling a rare form of cancer, which ultimately took his life on June 30th, 2022. Watch the videos on this and read the messages below on his remembrance wall. Zev’s legacy is worth remembering and worth fighting for. The team at Zelenko Labs hopes you will continue that journey with us. ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us
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38 835
Covid Origins - Posted by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko @ZelenkoZev on Nov 16th, 2021: Exposing the nefarious roles of Dr. Fauci, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and more... "How a weapon of eugenics, mass murder, and genocide was made: 1) In 1999, Anthony Fauci (Director of NIAID), in partnership with Ralph Baric and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill constructed an “infectious, replication defective” recombinant coronavirus to infect human cells. 2) In 2002, NIAID and UNC filed for patent protection securing the rights to the spike protein chimeric bioweapon now modified for use in the gene therapy represented to be a “vaccine” 3) In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention patented the genome of the SARS coronavirus securing all commercial use of SARS. 4) In 2013 to 2016, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill, EcoHealthAlliance (led by Peter Daszak), and the Wuhan Institute of Virology violated 18 USC §175 enabling the construction and chimeric manipulation of a pathogen known to be lethal to humans (the S1 Spike Protein) in repeated and habitual felonious acts. 5) In 2015, Peter Daszak stated to the National Academy of Sciences that, “…until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at an emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” 2016 Feb 12. 6, Developing MCMs for Coronaviruses. 6) Beginning in September of 2019, NIAID, UNC Chapel Hill, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chinese Centers for Disease Control conspired to conduct a global operation in the release of a respiratory pathogen to force nations into developing and deploying a global vaccine program including having President Trump sign an Executive Order (Executive Order 13887) mandating the production of mRNA vaccines months before any reported SARS outbreak. 7) In 2020, two companies who had never safely produced any vaccine before were selected to manufacture an untested and unsafe product to unleash on the population. Thank You United States Government." Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us
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2 379
Happy Passover ZStack Family "Thank you Dr Z for your wisdom and calmness and truth" "Thank you Dr. Zelenko for your service to Mankind! A true servant of the Lord! I know I will see you again l! " "Dr. Zelenko gave me, as well as two close friends, renewed hope, solace, Light, and healing protocols -- in times of great despair. I will not forget his love, compassion, and yes -- his dear heart of peace. In divine friendship, Rebecca" ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us

happy_passover_zstack_family (360p).mp4

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