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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today we are happy to announce yet another major Off-Chain transition. We are currently working on the Off-Chain Marketplace Update. Why is it so important: Firstly, you will be able to put stacks of materials on sale, instead of just selling or bying them one by one. Secondly, this will allow to avoid having to pay a gas fee for any interaction with the Marketplace, which will cut your costs even further. On-Chain interaction with the Marketplace will still be available, just like it was, but you will be able to buy any item, not just repair tools, with your Off-Chain balance. Right now we are working on a huge data migration and maintaining a clear user flow to make these changes natural and not confusing for the users. For now, due to the recent rocket attacks in our country, we can't estimate an exact release date, but we want to let you know what to prepare for. And, of course, more news are coming soon, so stay sharp and keep your eyes open, Captains! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Remember when we said we want to improve the userflow? Today we are going to tell you more about one of its aspects, the notifications. We decided to reimagine the notification ideology itself, based on the goal to make it possible to solve any task within the Defish ecosystem. What can you expect from the Notification Update: Firstly, the design refreshment. The notification will be sized to fit more text to make them more useful and informative. Secondly, the tips. Many of the notifications will now become a sort of mini-guides, that will help to understand the basic mechanics of the game and will suggest to read more about the topic in our guide library. We are also working on making the crash/error notifications more informative, so that any player will know what caused the problem, what to do with it or whom to address for help. As we finish working on this update, we will once again turn our attention to the marketplace. The new wave of updates is coming, Captains, stay sharp and be prepared! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We have some great news for you today. The technical optimization patches have resulted in reducing gas fees by up to 800%. This achievement makes your interaction with the On/Off-Chain transfers much easier and stimulates the marketplace trading. Our goal here was to make your interaction with the Blockchain technology uninterrupted by expences. We also highly suggest you to hoard your fish and material NFTs, you are going to need them soon 👀 P.S. And we're not talking about staking. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today, at 8:30 UTC will be Maintenance. The reason - large data migration needed to make teleport of items cheaper It will take 3 hours | | | | |
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The World of Defish Grand Tournament has ended. We congratulate the winners and appreciate all participants for taking a part in the contest. The final results will be announced in a very close future and the tournament leaderboard will update at 11:10 UTC, due to the leaderboard update mechanism. All prizes will be available for claiming on Playdex within a week after the tournament ends. It was an exciting competition and as a developer team, we have collected a lot of experience that will let us make the next tournaments much better and more exciting. Take your time to celebrate and enjoy yourself, Captains, and prepare for the new competitions. The next Tournament might happen sooner than you think. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We are closing in on a finish line! The Grand Tournament ends on 15th of May at 11:00 UTC. We will put all of our efforts to finish it in exact time, so to get your final points you have to end your fishing sessions before the Tournament ends. Sessions that ended after the end of the Tournament will not count in your final results. We are closely spectating the competition between Steeel and Willfish, make your bets on who do you think will come out triumphant in the Community Chat. Gather all your strength before the finish line, Captains! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today we want to take a look on what we have achieved in past few months and express our gratitude for your unending trust and support ❤️ This spring we had a big flow of Captains setting sail for the first time. As the game continues to develop, our community grows bigger and bigger with every day. We welcome all new players and want to appreciate you for your interest in our game. Recently we also had several major updates, that were targeted to solve the economic issues that we all saw. Firstly, we have made a significant progress in reducing WOD-token inflation. We have managed to increase the net income of all Captains by moving crafting and repair tools to Off-Chain and optimizing the gas fees for teleporting items. With this foundation, we had a way to rebalance the fishing sessions and not affect your cashflow with it. This led to a significant decrease in token inflation without disrupting the economy and cutting your profits. We want to say a big "Thank You" to our community for your feedback, unrelenting trust in our team and support of our decisions. From our side, we promise that the game will keep up the pace and grow bigger and more exciting. Take a little break to enjoy the journey, Captains, but don't let your guard down. More exciting news will follow soon. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Tower Defish continues to develop and the open beta is closer than you think. Today we will tell you more about the new competitive game mode that you will be able to play quite soon. 13 Tower Defish is going to have more than 200 levels in different areas of the map. But for those, who will complete all of them, and those who wants to fight for the title of the world's best fish hunter we have something very special. Survival Mode is an alternative game mode, not limited by time or fish waves. The player will defend the river against endless waves of fish, with each new wave getting stronger than the last. You will receive rewards based on how many waves you withstand and your results will appear on the global leaderboard. The top-ranking players in the leaderboard will not only win glory and renown for themselves, but also will be rewarded for their outstanding performance. Get ready to climb the leaderboard and keep your eyes open for news, Captains, for Tower Defish's open beta is coming soon. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The waves are calming down and the waters grow still. Now is the perfect time for looking back on our journey and planning our route ahead. While the major economic and gameplay updates need some time to settle down, we turn our attention to the technical side of the game. In a very short perspective, we will release updated guides for the new players, more relevant to the current version of the game. You should also expect some changes in UI. We are making a major reimagination of the in-game notifications and are focusing on making them more helpful and informative. Enjoy the quiet still, Captains, but keep your eyes open, for the new waves are gathering in the seas. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 More updates are coming to make the game economy grow and prosper! Today we had a hard decision to make, but it's the one the economy desperately needs. The Fishing Sessions will be rebalanced through these changes: - WOD coefficient for all zones decreased by 15%. - Repair Tools cost increased 2x. We had an alternative plan which included changing the session duration, but we turned away from it as many players adapted their schedules for the game and we don't want to bring more inconvenience. The last several updates and Off-Chain transfers were targeted on increasing your net profit: spending much less on gas fees and having your items worth more. All of it was done to make this update more effective in countering inflation, while not altering your profits in the end. We know that such changes can upset many loyal players, but if these changes won't be implemented, the inflation will decrease your profits in a much more significant way. We thank you for your understanding and for helping the game economy grow and develop and we're looking forward to hear your thoughts on these changes in the community chat. P.S. The Equipment Upgrade Update and changes to the material economy are coming to Mainnet on Monday. The waves continue to grow bigger, so keep an eye out and follow the news, Captains. There will be more updates soon to come. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today we are announcing a big Material Rebalance! Until now, there were not many ways to spend your materials and a lot of ways to farm them. Such lack of balance leads to a significant inflation, so this update is crucial for economic growth. The materials are a key part of the crafting mechanics, so we wanted to improve the current balance of material economy in the game, so they will have an increased value and had a high demand on the marketplace. This update will reduce the global material drop chance, but don't worry, the fish drop chance remains the same. The chance to catch materials in your fishing session will be reduced 2x. The update will be uploaded to Testnet today at 18:00 along with the Equipment Upgrade Update. This will lead to a massive boost in material value and will create new opportunities for marketplace trading. Share your thoughts about this update in the community chat, Captains, and stay ready for the news to follow. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We want to appreciate your feedback on our ideas of improving the equipment level up mechanics and now we are glad to announce that the Equipment Upgrade Update is coming to Testnet tomorrow at 18:00 UTC! The update brings the new Upgrade Kits mechanics as well as the significantly reduced WOD costs of leveling up your equipment. Try it out yourselves, Captains, and don’t forget to share your feedback. It is very important for us to hear your thoughts, especially when we add new experimental features. Tomorrow we are also going to discuss yet another upcoming major update, so stay sharp and make sure not to miss anything! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 You have been waiting for it almost since the game first released, and now it's finally here! The Off-Chain Repair Tools Update is now active on Mainnet! We will continue telling you about new updates that are coming soon next week, and for now, stay sharp and try out the Off-Chain Tools! | | | | |
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The updates just keep coming! Today we want to talk about a new Item Upgrade Update. Let's begin with something that you've been waiting for. The equipment's Level Up WOD cost is reduced more than 2x. Here's the cost for one level per rarity: 💎 60 WOD 💎 100 WOD 💎 250 WOD 💎 550 WOD 💎 1100 WOD 💎 1700 WOD We hope that this recalculation will make leveling up your equipment seem like a fair investment. Apart from that, we are planning on adding "Upgrade Kits", that you will going to need to upgrade your 💎Epic, 💎Legendary and 💎Artifact equipment. The Upgrade Kits are going to be craftable for 1 material of the same rarity as the equipment you want to upgrade with it. To craft an Epic Upgrade Kit, you will have to use any 💎Epic material. From our point of view, this update will achieve two goals at one time: to inspire players to upgrade their equipment and to make the materials more useful, especially given the fact that we're going to reduce it's drop chance in future updates. We want to hear your opinion about the Upgrade Kit mechanics and if you like it, we will bring it to you in future updates, so please share your thoughts in the community chat. Don't let your guard down, Captains, the big news will keep coming in the following days! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The Off-Chain Repair Tools Update is uploaded to Testnet! Here's a few things you should know about how it will work: There are 2 balances that are now visible to you on the Marketplace page: the Off-Chain balance (the blue one) and the On-Chain balance (the gold one). When you add repair tools to the shopping cart, you will have an option to buy them with your Off-Chain balance. Important note: the Off-Chain balance can only be used to buy repair tools. However, you can buy tools and, let's say, equipment, in one click using your shopping cart, just as you did before. All tools in the cart will be bought for Off-Chain balance and the rest will use On-Chain balance. If the testing goes well, the update will come to Mainnet on Friday. Hurry up and try the new update yourselves, Captains, for the new wave of updates is coming soon! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We are delighted to introduce you to our new partners, Clarnium! Clarnium is a WEB3 gaming distribution platform that will accumulate blockchain games and millions of players in WEB3. Using Clarnium, you will access the ultimate environment for playing, researching and game promoting. Our partnership with Clarnium will help us to promote our game and to increase the active player base, and will help you to get all of your favourite WEB3 games in one place and track your progress! There are more good news about our new partnership on their way, so stay sharp and make sure you won’t miss anything, Captains! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We have important news for the Grand Tournament participants. In order to balance the current state of the tournament and to deal with Tier 1 being overwhelmed with players, we have decided to make a few changes in Tiers and rewards. First, and the most important change: the level restriction for Tier 1 is now higher and starts from LVL 114. Tier 2 now consists from players with LVL 75-113. This is done in order to separate the whales with high-end equipment from the more casual players, and in the end, to balance the competetive aspect of the tournament. The whales will now compete with whales, while the experienced players that just don't have a good enough gear will compete with players of the same level in Tier 2. Second change, due to making more balanced Tiers, we have decided to reward the best 7 players of one Tier, instead of 15. This is done to make the contest fair, as those who will move from Tier 1 to Tier 2 with the new rules will now have a high chance of getting in the prize ranks, while being an underdog before. You can read the updated rules and see the new prize ranks and Tier separation for yourselves. These changes will be implemented on Thursday, the 27th of April. Now, with a more distict separation between Tiers 1 and 2, the tournament has become much more fair and competetive, so if you're still not participating, you can do it and still be able to take your prize. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The fish are gathering in the rivers, waiting for a moment to strike. And it's coming soon. 12 Tower Defish is on its final stage before the open beta release. We have showcased every major aspect of the game, including combat mechanics, economy and the connection between WoD and TD, so there's not much left to tell you about. At the monent, the team has finished their work with game and combat mechanics and is now working on cosmetic improvements, making graphics and special effects a pretty sight. The picture you see on the banner is a real screenshot from the game, not a render, so you can judge the progress by yourself. Most of the current work is not as interesting to showcase as the game mechanics and economy, but we'll keep you posted on our progress, just like we did all this time. Keep your eyes open, Captains, as the new fish threat is closing in! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We have several great news for you! The Off-Chain Repair Tools Update is almost ready for release. The developer team just needs some more time connecting the update to Front-end. In the nearest future, the equipment repair tools will be available for purchase with Off-Chain balance. Apart from that, we are starting to work on reducing the gas fees for equipment teleportation. It will be a significant improvement, that would be definitely felt by all Captains, and you will feel it yourself very soon. In a short time we are going to introduce you to our vision of the NFT Equipment, Fish and Material Economic Adjustments. We would greatly appreciate a discussion in the community about what do you think we should adjust, fix, add or remove in the current state of NFT economy. Make your suggestions in the community chat and follow the news! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The World of Defish Grand Tournament had started! Gather all your strength and cunning and rush into the contest! For those who didn’t register yet: the registration will be open throughout the Tournament. So if you haven’t joined yet, do it and hurry, for the prize won’t wait for everyone! | | | | |
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 The World of Defish Grand Tournament begins tomorrow at 11:00 UTC. We want to remind every worthy challenger to register to begin your contest for the prize pool. The registration will not be closed after the start, but those who joined the contest from the beginning will be one step ahead of the latecomers! | | | | |
    World of Defish Tournament
    Playdex is an NFT rental marketplace for top play-to-earn games. Play for free, and follow the latest news in web3 gaming.
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 It's time for us to tell you more about a new part of Tower Defish's combat mechanics — the Special Towers! 11 The Special Towers all have their unique ability that can turn the tides against your enemies. Let's start with the Whirlpool Generator. This tower creates whirlpools in the river, that slows and deals damage to every fish in the area. Transformer Station is a support tower. It increases the stats of all other towers in the area and the effect can be combined if you have other Station around. Defence Station is a shield for your towers. It creates a dome that protects your towers from fish attacks or debuffs. Portal is our favourite and the most fun tower there is. Every time the fish swims into this tower's area, the Portal tower spins a roulette wheel and if you win, it sends the fish right at the start of the river. It certainly can help with the big hordes of fish, separating them and dealing with them one by one. Now, let's talk about some special buildings, that don't count as towers, but are also very helpful in your fish struggle. Lure, fish just can't miss it, so they stop to have a bite of it. The more fish eats the Lure, the faster they will finish it off and start moving again. Net, a trap that can be set on a river, instantly kills the fish that gets into it, although some fish types just pass through it. The Net is cheap and can be set several times, so it can help you get through some tough calls. And now a few words about the Special Towers economy. All of the Special buildings require WOD, and not the session currency, like the regular Towers, so you will have another great way to spend it. That's it for now, but don't lower your guard, Captains, we will return with more news about the development of Tower Defish, and maybe the opportunity to try the game for yourselves is not so far 👀 P.S. Alpha testers, the new game build is available for you with more new content for you to discover! | | | | |
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    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We have great news for those of you who craves glory and riches! The registration on the World of Defish Grand Tournament is open and available All the information about rules, prize pool, Tournament Tiers and their requirements is available The Grand Tournament will begin on 17th of April at 11:00 UTC and will end on 15th of May at 11:00 UTC. Gather all your strength and cunning and get ready for the contest, Captains, for only the most deserving will emerge victorious! | | | | |
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    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today we have a big reveal of the planning updates for the game economy, that we are willing to share with you! Firstly, we have a big announcement of the update that many of you have been waiting for: the tools are moving to Off-Chain. In close future you will be able to buy tools to repair your equipment from Off-Chain. The tools will be bought from Marketplace, only this time you can choose whether you want to buy them on On-Chain or Off-Chain. The option to buy tools on On-Chain will remain untouched and you will be able to use it just like you did all this time. There is no precise release date for this update, but we can predict that it will be ready within two weeks. Secondly, we are working hard to reduce the gas fees on teleports from On-Chain to Off-Chain and vice versa. The gas fees on teleporting materials have already been significantly reduced with the release of the Off-Chain Crafting Update, and we are planning to upscale it on all items you can teleport. After we implement these two changes, we are going to focus on the NFT, specifically, the equipment economy, to make your gear much more valuable. We are also working on improving the Equipment Level Up mechanics. We know that it’s not perfect and are actively looking for options to make it much better and effective. In addition, we are going to turn our attention on the material economy, reducing material drop chances, while also reducing the material cost for crafting. Now, let’s talk about Off-Chain Crafting. As of now, you can use materials from Off-Chain and On-Chain for crafting, and we see that many of the Captains hold their materials On-Chain, so it will not change for now, but in the future, when there will be much less holders of On-Chain materials, we are going to move all crafting to Off-Chain only. We wanted to share our plans and vision with you, as we understand that making changes to the economy of the game at this point is a very sensitive topic that can upset many devoted players, that is also why we want to announce that all changes we make are going to be fully transparent and in dialogue and agreement with the community. Our main goal is to make World of Defish grow and prosper, and you are World of Defish, Captains. Please, share your thoughts on this small roadmap of the upcoming changes, we are very interested in what you have to say, and stay sharp, for the waves are growing bigger. | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today, at 9:00 UTC will be Maintenance. The reason - implementing off-chain crafting on prod It will take 2 hours By the way, try to guess, what we will move to off-chain next?😏 | | | | |
    One more thing, Captains 👀 The Off-Chain Crafting Update will be released on the Mainnet tomorrow after the maintenance. The maintenance will start at 9:00 UTC and take place approximately for 2 hours. You will be able to craft your gear without having to pay any gas fees or wait for Harbor refill to withdraw your WOD. You will also pay way less for teleporting your materials. Gather your materials, craft on and get ready for more updates to the game economy, Captains! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 We have some great news for those of you who struggled to withdraw your WOD in time. Starting from tomorrow, the Harbor will be refilling every 12 hours, instead of every 24 hours like it did before, so that it would be much more comfortable to withdraw in different time zones. The Harbor will refill two times during one day: at 01:30 UTC and 13:30 UTC. The next Harbor refill will happen tomorrow at 01:30 UTC. P.S. We are open for a discussion about the most convenient time for Harbor refills. If the community agrees that we should move the refill time 1 hour ahead or backward, we will make it so. So don't forget to tell how you feel about this update in the community chat, and stay sharp, for we have one more thing to tell you about! | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 In the week prior to the start of the Grand Tournament our partners from Playdex will host a fistful of events for your entertainment and preparation before the tournament. The Week of Events starts on Monday, 10th of April, in Gather all your wittiness and haste, Captains, you are going to need it next week! | | | | |
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Good news, we've managed to get the Off-Chain Crafting Update ready for Testnet faster than we thought! The update is already uploaded to Testnet, so you can try Off-Chain Crafting for yourselves right now. Get ready to forget about moving materials and WODs to On-Chain for crafting, Captains, and share your impressions in the community chat! Watch out for the waves, Captains, as there is another big economic update we are going to announce soon 👀 | | | | |
    عرض المزيد ...
    Ahoy, Captains 🐳 Today we will continue introducing you to the game mechanics of Tower Defish, preparing you for what’s to come. 10 Spells are yet another major element, making the levels in Tower Defish much more diverse and dynamic. We have a total of 6 Spells abailable in the game: Meteor - the first spell available for the player, and the simplest one. It summons a meteor, that deals significant damage in a big area. Freeze - freezes the fish in a selected area, which stops it from moving, but doesn’t stop your towers from targeting it. Scan - while not dealing any damage, the spell detects all Stealthy fish in the area and lets your towers to target it. Don’t get it wrong, the stealthy fish is not hard to notice in the game, but most of your towers won’t attack it without detection. Corrosion - summons a cloud of toxin that deals damage per second and removes the armor from the fish that pass through it, letting your towers to deal much more damage. Anti-Clone - the spell targets the cloning fish, that we introduced to you eliminating all clones with lightning. Trawler - the most powerful spell, that summons a boat with a net, that catches fish along the river. The fish too big for Trawler to handle is pulled back, but if there is too many fish in the river, the Trawler might not make it to the end of the river and will sink. Now let’s talk about the spell economy. We have more multipurpose spells, like Meteor, and more situational, like Trawler, so they will have different availability. Some of the spells will be able for purchase in the in-game store and some will be restoring by their own, but will have a limit on uses in one level. That’s all we have to say about spells for now. But if you thought we are done with the Towers, you should reconsider, as we have a whole category of Special Towers for you to enjoy. We will talk about it more in our next devblog, and for now, Captains, stay sharp, and don’t miss any news! | | | | |
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