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audience statistics Frontline Workers Speak Out! 💉❤️‍🩹 #AU

Frontline Workers sharing verified experiences on COVID experimental vaccination injection harm in hospital, community and private sectors, with the intention of care for the community and for our experiences. In Love and Courage 🙏🕊💙 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Ivermectin may have some negative effects on female fertility, including:   Decreased egg production In one study, all dosages of ivermectin significantly decreased egg production, with no eggs produced at 1.0 microgram/ml. The study also found a negative correlation between the dose rate and the number of eggs produced per female.   Delayed fertility In another study, a single oral dose of ivermectin reduced fecundity and fertility in Anopheles arabiensis, with a delayed effect on fertility. For example, on day 13, mosquitoes fed on treated volunteers had a hatching rate of 90.5%, compared to 92.5% in the control group.   Other effects Some studies have also reported other undesirable effects of ivermectin on fertility, such as slight fertility disturbances, a partial effect on meiosis, and slightly decreased weights of the testis, epididymis, and accessory sex glands.   Pregnancy outcome after inadvertent ivermectin treatment during community-based distribution - ScienceDirect Dec 15, 1990  Is ivermectin
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3 895
Dr Mike Yeadon Ivermectin Anti-Fertility Bombshell: "One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins"
Renowned pharmacologist Dr. Mike Yeadon has dropped a massive Ivermectin bombshell, calling it “one of the most violent fertility toxins” he’s ever seen. His comments were recorded back in June 2024 b
3 968
Question everything… 🙏🕊️💙


6 060
A movement driven by big corporations? What would this entail? How would they go about executing the movement? 🙏🕊️💙
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8 112
Australian Gov't Grants WHO 'Complete Immunity' To Force Jab Citizens on Australian Soil
Tyranny down under
12 390
“Anti-vax LNP Senator Gerard Rennick has been labelled a "cooker" by Anthony Albanese………In the speech to Senate in 2022, Mr Rennick claimed Covid-19 vaccines were unsafe, ineffective, and compared the biochemistry process to "cooking sausages on the barbecue and you see blobs of fat merge together". ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Journalists never fail to have a crack at me about being an anti-vaxxer and my comments about sausages. It was actually the head of the TGA John Skerritt who compared the lipids in the vaccines to sausages when he lied to me under oath about their safety. Skerritt said the lipids were harmless when in fact two of the four lipids were completely new and one was designed to transfect the cell membrane without the use of receptors. They were not harmless and they most certainly weren’t “dietary lipids.” I was referring to his lies sometime later in a speech I gave in the Senate. If the lazy journalist, Blair Jackson, had actually done his job properly he would have gave me a right of reply to this article, but he didn’t. This is not the first time I’ve had journalists try a pile on. I don’t know why, because they get shown up for their ignorance and stupidity every time. As I explained in a post, and in previous other posts, the use of transfection enable the vaccine to inject the toxic mRNA strands into every cell including the organs of the immune system such as the spleen and bone marrow. The cells of these organs don’t have ACE receptors so can’t be attacked by the virus, but can be damaged by the vaccine. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus can enter the white blood cells as well hence the similarities between vaccines that use transfection and the HIV virus. As you can see by the link in comments to prior questioning of the TGA, they had no idea of this risk. Rather than try to smear, Blair Jackson should do his homework. He’s also had a crack at me about gravity vs greenhouse effect which I also touched on last week. Article:
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‘Cookers’: Albo’s fury on ‘far right’ Senator
Anti-vax LNP Senator Gerard Rennick has been labelled a “cooker” by Anthony Albanese over his conspiratorial posts about childcare “destroying the family unit”.
7 365
GR: You haven’t done the testing to establish if there’s evidence or the evidence proves there’s no link? Bureaucrat: In broad that statement can be correct. I don’t want to link that to anything specific. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Exactly. The ABS admitted in the excess death inquiry they don’t want to link excess deaths to anything specific. You know like the Covid vaccines!


4 665


4 846
The pandemic treaty was not approved, but they continue trying. US internist and epidemiologist Meryl Nass and Canadian investigative journalist James Corbett report on how the pandemic treaty – or whatever they want to call it – was not adopted during the 77th World Health Assembly… but they are going to continue along that road. In fact, they are planning to have another meeting this coming month, in hopes of convening an extraordinary World Health Assembly at the end of the year, in order to approve the agreement they have just finished drafting. At the very least, they aim to have it pass at next year’s assembly meeting. “Basically, I think that people have become more aware of this issue now, than ever before in WHO history, and that is good. The more people are aware of it, the more they will be inclined to resist. I think that is the ultimate win here,” says Dr Meryl Nass.
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5 823
If anyone who is pro-vaccine watched this 9 hour deposition in full between @ AaronSiriSG and Plotkin, they wouldn't be pro-vaccine anymore. Siri is a beast of a lawyer. It's full of horrifying omissions, willful attempts to avoid the truth, and Siri trying to keep Plotkin on point because he kept trying to weasel and ramble his way out of admitting vaccines don't have safety testing, or that you shouldn't consider aluminum adjuvants as an acceptable placebo control to discern safety. Here is just a few minutes where Plotkin admits to experimenting on orphans, the mentally ill, and the disabled. 🙏🕊💙
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7 443
BREAKING! Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens – The People’s Voice Video BREAKING! Japan declares a state of emergency after discovering nanobots in 96 million citizens, raising global alarm over COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. As the Japanese government launches investigations, Big Pharma and the global elite scramble to suppress the truth. Discover the implications of this unprecedented crisis and the fight for justice in the face of a global media blackout...
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BREAKING! Japan Declares State of Emergency After ‘Nanobots’ Found in 96 Million Citizens – The People’s Voice (UPDATE, Tuesday, August 13, 2024) - - American Media Group
BREAKING! Japan Declares State of Emergency After 'Nanobots' Found in 96 Million Citizens - The People's Voice (UPDATE, Tuesday, August 13, 2024) Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers! UPDATE, Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible
7 991
0 "The Australian government “released” a long-awaited report on batch tests of Covid mRNA vaccines rolled out in the country during the pandemic, however every word on every page has been completely redacted. The 78-page document was released in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by concerned medical staff including leading doctors who are warning the government is covering up the disastrous consequences of the Moderna” 🙏🕊️💙
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7 984
Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections
6 648
Breaking... Iris8, [19 Jul 2024 at 2:38:34 pm]: Prediction - Biden will exit soon and won’t run for presidency. (If he does not step away, see all the calls for him to stand aside this coming week). While we are privy to much information, there is so much more to uncover. Particularly Antartica. More to come. We have many contacts who have been accurate in the past, and we thought to share this one, since we cannot see any one sharing this news. Brave prediction? Let's see if this prediction has some weight. 🙏🕊💙 In Love and Courage Frontline Workers Speak Out!
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7 481
📢 World Ivermectin Day is coming up next week. 👉 JULY 27 👈 Visit the website and watch a compilation of interviews and testimonials, as well as a panel discussion hosted by Dr Mark Trozzi and Francesca Havens, sharing the latest on ivermectin and cancer: 👕 Wear your WID t-shirt and raise awareness in your neighbourhood about this little old fermented product of a bacterium that's still making headwaves! Buy your t-shirt now:
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6 476
A perspective worth sharing 🙏🕊💙 In Love and Courage Frontline Workers Speak Out!
You make your own bed… Because… It is all by design…🔥🔥
4 280
We are not affiliated with any political party, nor are we making any implications, for those who are awakened, we don't need to point out anything, as we understand one another. We are here to analyze the hidden symbolism behind the events and circumstances, and that's what we will continue to do. Ps, did anyone notice the upside down flag? Niko Join
3 693
(POST 2/2) American Rancher Exposing mRNA Vaccine Tests In Livestock “They took 525 hogs, injected them with a live mRNA vaccine and in 21 days, these were the statistics - 25 of them suffered from death - 55 of them became so anorexic that they were near death - 20 of them suffered from lameness - 12 of them suffered from loss of condition - and 25 more of them had near death symptoms” “Let's dig into the statistics sheet about mRNA vaccines in live animals and why this is a concern not only as a consumer, but as a producer as well So we have 70% of these animals that are gonna be okay to an extent, and then we have 30% of them that either have died or have near death symptoms. They did autopsies on the ones that had passed away, and they still found remnants of the live virus vaccine inside the meat of these animals. So from a consumer standpoint we have to worry about a live virus being inside of our meat that we're putting inside of our bodies, and as a producer stand point, we have to worry about the health of our animals that can ultimately destroy us, destroy our herd, and destroy our business altogether. I'm interested to see what you all think about this, so make sure you leave a comment, share it around. Let's get this information out there and make people aware. And as always, guys, buy American and buy local.”
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3 536
Lots of FAKE NEWS reporters at the RNC this week. This reporter from The Times of London is one of many responsible for causing such deep division and hatred. They lie. They twist our words. They demonize us. It should be no surprise someone tried to assassinate President Trump.


3 510
Much appreciation to people like Rosemary Marshall who continue to go out there and educate the people who are still administering these injections. 🙏🥰 Follow us


3 670
71 Dr Joe Dispenza Exploring the intersection of science and mindfulness. Discussions on Chronic Health Conditions, doing the inward work to heal and doing the work to "change". Observing the examples and examination of truth. Change in consciousness. And, then change in the collective. 🙏🕊💙 In Love and Courage Frontline Workers Speak Out!
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8 591
I am an employer of a high profile IV/wholistic Medispa clinic in Adelaide looking for Nurses to join our team. We are looking for like minded people passionate about integrative medicine and healthy living. 🙏🏼 please email . Looking forward to hearing from you!
7 784
Bombshell Ruling Spells BAD NEWS for Vax Pushers
First Pfizer, now companies are getting SUED for pushing the deadly COVID-19 shots. In a stunning verdict, a former BlueCross BlueShield employee who refused the company’s vaccine mandate was awarded nearly $700,000 in back pay and damages. It gets even better.
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5 919
“Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body.” The mainstream media is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured. Jackie Stricker-Phelps tells 7News Australia that the Pfizer shot “ruined” her life and that she won't be going near a vaccine again.     But that's not all. Jackie also revealed the host of other devastating side effects she suffered: • "my face went bright red" • "my vision was impaired" • "I couldn't hear" • "my feet went numb" • "my hands went numb" • "I had paresthesia all over my body" • "my hair started falling out" • "I could hardly walk" • "neurological, rheumatological" problems • "I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore" Public health "experts" were in the studio, and they had to listen to all of this. Join:
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5 429
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