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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🚨 BREAKING: Unveiling the Unprecedented Financial Storm 🚨 Soros is breaking the Chinese banking SYSTEMS and Rockefeller controlled banks are pulling money/// Inside sources say BITCOIN will RISE before the [CRASH] then bust..../// The ripple effect will be felt from country to country.. as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations<<< THE GREAT RESET agenda of UN WEF WHO WORLD BANKS GPMB OBAMA BUSH CURRENT ELITES has always been to break [CRASH] THE MARKETS> Bring in global currency and digital tracking/ human tracing/ ||||||| THE CRASH IS IMMINENT AND TAKEN PLACE .. Effects of food shortage.. INFLATION.. RISING GAS PRICES is evident and happing and GROWING/// When the CRASH happens Banks will not move money>> Transactions will freeze and electric companies can not pay for natural resources such as coal.. And delivery companies will be at a stand still<<> HUNGER//// MANY EVENTS are taking place.. Bidens WAR on Americans will effect the MARKETS . Half of Americans are rejecting BIDEN'S MANDATES.. Threatening to quit their jobs..... Police. Doctors. Nurses. MILITARY . Blue collar citizens.... That's over 85,000,000.000 Million citizens that are rising against BIDENS { DICTATORSHIPS} WAR>>> This amount of Americans can CRASH the market/// [DS] Biden. OBAMA VATICAN(world bank] will make TRILLIONS on pulling money from Retirement/Insurance/ and Benefits ( most average Americans are owed 50_65 thousands in retirement $$$$)////... Joe Biden declaration of WAR on Americans.. Is to break the economy [ crash]<<<> MASS MASS MASS ARREST<< (White HATS are doing as much as they can to >> LEAK INFO. BRING PUBLIC AWARENESS... IVERMECTIN DECLAS... PUBLIC RISE) HAVE FAITH MY DEAR FRIENDS IN THE HARDEST PARTS OF THE EVENTS COMING IT HAD TO BE THIS WAY.... (Most channels dont want to tell you the TRUTH.. Or they don't know these events COMING<<<) I have been ⚠️ WARNING you for months of the NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION EVENT incoming.. You have heard of 11.3 after the first marker ( true)... YOU ARE DEEP INSIDE THE STORM PREPARE<<>>> They will snap soon<<>> IT'S GETTING MORE REAL THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE ______________________________________ I'm not a channel that spoon feeds or give you constant POSITIVE THOUGHTS ( NEW RELIGION created by the UN.)/// TOUGHEN UP!!! YOU'RE ON WAR YOUR ONLY REALIZING IT..... CHARLIE IS COMING IN HARD!!!!!! ____________________________everything else was to get you ready!!!! ____________________________ IRON EAGLE Q Join @WhiteHatsQ
عرض المزيد ...
8 169
Just some important Insight into why Iran hates the United States, UK. And Europe . :HOW THE CIA PULLED A COUP OVER IRAN WITH MI6 and brought Iran into civil unrest and decades of killings. _The history of the company we now call BP has, over the last 100 years, traced the arc of transnational capitalism. Its roots lie in the early years of the twentieth century when a wealthy bon vivant named William Knox D'Arcy decided, with encouragement from the British government, to begin looking for oil in Iran. He struck a concession agreement with the absolute Iranian monarchy, using the proven expedient of bribing the three Iranians negotiating with him. Under this contract, which he designed, D'Arcy was to own whatever oil he found in Iran and pay the government just 16% of any profits he made -- never allowing any Iranian to review his accounting. After his first strike in 1908, he became sole owner of the entire ocean of oil that lies beneath Iran's soil. No one else was allowed to drill for, refine, extract, or sell "Iranian" oil. "Fortune brought us a prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams," Winston Churchill, who became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, wrote later. "Mastery itself was the prize of the venture." Soon afterward, the British government bought the D'Arcy concession, which it named the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. It then built the world's biggest refinery at the port of Abadan on the Persian Gulf. From the 1920s into the 1940s, Britain's standard of living was supported by oil from Iran. British cars, trucks, and buses ran on cheap Iranian oil. Factories throughout Britain were fueled by oil from Iran. The Royal Navy, which projected British power all over the world, powered its ships with Iranian oil. After World War II, the winds of nationalism and anti-colonialism blew through the developing world. In Iran, nationalism meant one thing: we've got to take back our oil. Driven by this passion, Parliament voted on April 28, 1951, to choose its most passionate champion of oil nationalization, Mohammad Mossadegh, as prime minister. Days later, it unanimously approved his bill nationalizing the oil company. Mossadegh promised that, henceforth, oil profits would be used to develop Iran, not enrich Britain. The Mega Giants in the oil industry in the United States were unhappy with the financial losses that was expected to produce a Trillion dollars with the British Petroleum ( BP) oil industry and European distribution. So in the grief of losing a trillion dollar industry in Iranian oil and control the UK MAJESTY / British Elite's with MI6 make plans with the CIA to over thrown the New Leader of Iran Mossadegh. CIA front man Kermit Roosevelt Middle East bureau Chief is sent into Iran with 1,000,000 $$ dollars ( 12 million $ in today's money) in U S tax paper money and meets CIA officers and several Iranian politicians who have given been corrupted by MI6 and CIA operations. Together with Roosevelt they go through the country and bribe politicians, clerics and powerful leaders to start rumors about Mossadegh and at the same time Iranians are paid to stage attacks ( false flags events ) against the local religious leaders and groups and the attacks are pointed at Mossadegh as his regimen and blamed for the orders, attacks and killings. With time the CIA creates a huge massive civil unrest and distrust through the Iranian country and at the same time the CIA brings weapons into Iran enough to create a 10,000 guerilla army which causes chaos through Iran and buildings, shops burn down , a colour revolution ( CIA MI6 > COUP) begins and paid demonstration using students begin. A bloody COUP happens and the IRAN leader Mossadegh is arrested and charged with treason. And the previous leader of IRAN Mohammed Reza Pahlavi is re-installed by the U S. CIA and MI6. Reza reopens the oil fields to the United States and Britain Join @WhiteHatsQ
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11 782
___ General Wesley Clark openly DROPped CLASSIFIED information into the public sector so white hats reporters could open the story and more over it gave strong military COMMS; that white hats military were against the deep state military operation and this gave him strong leverage to DROP the information openly. _at the same time Admiral Rogers was being placed intentionally into the deep state military operations [ infiltration] with top commanders. ( Later on in 1014 Admiral Rogers with colonials and too commanders (Such as Col. Douglas Macgregor/ ) activated operations to counter OBAMAs [ KILLSWITCH] to control the Internet and INTERNET BLACKOUTS.//) _ _ _at the same time US(SPACE)F was a silently growing white hats military intelligence gathering operation collecting all the information through the Internet SPACE< and later on Trump would publicly place USSF into the U.S. intelligence operations. Behind the scenes>] The Military Alliance ARE [ COLLAPSING] the Deep State operations of the New World Order. FULL operations took effect Christmas eve of 2016 and continue into the End of The Storm Operation to end world corruption connected to CIA and their Elite Globalist creators and organizations . [ UN ] [ DAVOS] +[ ETC] + You have more than you know. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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23 322
NEW WORLD ORDER ( NWO) AGENDA COLLAPSE HAPPENING IN REAL TIME< 👇 BRIEF HISTORY George H.W. Bush the CIA Director and ex president formally announced the NWO On January 16th of 1991, as the Soviet Union was collapsing and the cold war coming to an end, Bush publicly announced a new campaign of American dominance which he called, the New World Order. "This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending a long era of conflict and Cold War. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." ~ George H.W. Bush George H.W. Bush’s son, George W., began a propaganda campaign to sell the American public on overthrowing Iraq. Spinning lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. "I take the threat very seriously. I take the fact that he develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously. Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." ~ George W. Bush Later Bush's lies became obvious and the invasion of Iraq was for oil and control in the middle east. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said that murdering millions of Iraqi children was worth it. Lesley Stahl: "We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice. But the price we think the price is worth it. " The power hungry cabal, made up of close-knit families of Rockefellers, Rothchilds and few more who practice multi-generational child abuse and mass mind control, began overthrowing sovereign nations. And murdering innocent civilians became the new norm for U.S. foreign policy. But their plan for global domination and New World Order was failing, and starting in 2020 with the COVID scam and bio weapon release, they began targeting U.S. citizens. They have become desperate and they are going for broke. Slaughtering innocent Palestinians to spark a war with Iran, and sacrificing the people of Ukraine to hopelessly take on Russia. These inbred families of the cabal are getting old and they are fighting for their lives. There is too much at stake for them to ever give up which makes them more dangerous than ever. But they are few and we are many, and they will be stopped. Many important generals as Wesley Clark gave important CLASSIFIED DROPS "ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, “We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?” He said, “I don’t know.” He said, “I guess they don’t know what else to do.” So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says, “There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” -- meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office -- “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes Join @WhiteHatsQ
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15 919
Warning ⚠️ The inner >War inside the U.S. Intelligence agencies is reaching an all time high as the NSA leaks FBI memo to Texas Border agents and Intelligence on the Border< The FBI memo is a fake BLACK FLAG, PATCOM Operations that is using FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST WHITE SUPREMEST ( Most likey CIA>MK-ultra goons ) to attack the migrants and U.S. border patrol to stage a false flag event that will lead to Biden and deep state blaming Patriots, Maga and Trump supporters for the [ ds] event. From the highest levels inside the U S. Intelligence agencies they are sending warnings to the border patrol and high level sources through the governments. _, The fbi memo leak is causing chaos inside the intelligence agencies/// ( It's well known through the military intelligence and 3 letter agencies that The Storm and Arrest wars are coming) At the same time the NSA has denied the Biden administration and the CIA Pentagon against using their facial recognition systems ( that have already been abused in the January 6 fbi false flag PATCOM operations illegally)//// _ _ The deep state Narration has begun as MSM News outlets start pushing the civil war narration and twisting stories that Colonial Pete Chambers is a Green Beret and leading white extremists to hunt down immigrants and start civil war against the Biden administration. _Hundreds of liberal news outlets are pushing the same CIA MOCKINGBIRD narration. BEHIND THE SCENES>]:WIRES INDICATE MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS FROM NSA, BORDER PATROL, CIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES HAVE ALREADY SIGNED WHISTLEBLOWERS IMMUNITY LAWS WITH CONGRESS_ ______ Major panic inside the FBI as LEAKS continue and the January 6 pipe bombs saga unfolds as false flag events that are staged by the FBI >>>> THE PIPE BOMBS ARE FBI SPECIALTY With their own special SIGNATURE in the way the bomb is created _, military specialist, analysis and intelligence agencies ask know the pipe bombs are FBI Training special made pipe bombs _Intelligence communities have already identified the person who left the bombs as an FBI correspondent _ Lots is happening in the U.S. the deep state cabal prepare to create near civil war EVENTS, this all comes as CIA Ukraine Proxy war fails and Russian military has annihilated the CIA/NATO operations (Now UN/DAVOS / NATO is begging the EU to create a military to fight Russia ... Unfortunately EU intelligence and several secretaries of defence have given military assessments that the EU counties are out of ammunition and munitions... This all comes as NATO has failed to produce the one million a month ammunition productions and less than 20% has been produced..... Ukraine is holding billions of U S. And EU tax dollars... But have no place to buy ammunition and more over the Ukraine military has nearly been wiped out and the last of reserves are being used ( pulling people off the streets to fight.. Young and Old) _ _Major panic in the United Nations as U.S. military assessment and war gaming operations and simulation war with Iran is a negative out come. > Iran has over 40,000,000 million men willing to fight, and Iran military is highly advanced with weapons and has some of the highest military ammunition stock reserves in the world. _Turkey, Russia, China will back Iran And Saudi Arabia will completely shut off the U.S. from oil WIRES]]; Intelligence reports state that the non jurisdiction of the U.S. military illegally stationed in Syria is where the U.S. soldiers came from. They were not part of the U.S. military base in Jordan ( MASSIVE COVER UP is happening in the U.S. military with Biden administration and CIA [ DS] NEWS agencies pushing the False stories )/// > Several colonials in the U S. have an stated that Iran would not use drones to attack as Iran has some of the most advanced weapon systems in the world and the drones strike were made by local militia's. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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22 602
There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild. THE EVENT. IT IS BIBLICAL. What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible. Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel Israel/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW WORLDWIDE Planes & Trains grounded Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts - FISA Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie - 3 × 8 hr sessions. 10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World. Reveals. Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA. THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like. This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show. Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Are we still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm. Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place. Its all happening in front of you. It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to Gesara/Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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68 933
2 701
Iran under the control of Pahlavi kills military generals and leaders and begins purging the government and brings in censorship of the media and education system. The corruption of Pahlavi last over a decade till the country goes into revolt against the Pahlavi and his obvious treacherous agenda operations being forced by Western governments and military intelligence agencies. Soon after the revolut , the Iranians Install Ayatollah Khomeini as their leader and he turned Iran into a Islamic Republic and since then Iran had long known the United States stole their oil, with CIA operations with mi6 and British powers that caused civil wars through their country and huge massive civil unrest for decades with millions being arrested persecuted and killed, all because of Western powers wanting Iranian oil. ____ This is an important reminder why Iran hates the U.S. And Western countries. ___ Trump knows very well all the atrocities the United States and CIA created through the world and pain and suffering the deep state has created through oil wars and colours revolution ( cia coups) ... _ This is the reason why Trump didn't Start any wars and wants to end all WARS. He knows a great TRUTH of what happened globally with globalist agendas. This why Trump says he is the only one who can stop WW3. ___ Behind the scenes>]; there are important. Back CHANNELS between U S. Military white HATS and Iran Mil. You must understand Iran is also cleaning their SWAP and over 75 years of CIA/MI6/Mossad/ globalist INFESTATION into their country that is causing chaos..... All countries are seeking peace. But the CABAL deep state wants war to hide their crimes against humanity and want the wealth of the countries...... There are powerful plans for WORLD peace coming with Trump back in office after the 2024 SCARE NECESSARY EVENT TO HAPPEN __ We send condolences to all the family's who lost their loved ones in the middle east WARS __ We are pained by the loss of U.S. military soldiers lives lost recently in the middle east. __ Keep faith world Patriots as we ride Storm into the 2025 Presidency of Donald J. Trump and Military Alliance operations to bring down the [ DS] CIA regimen controlled by the globalist. The STORM Join @WhiteHatsQ
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20 618
🚨🚨CASTLE ROCK = Greatest Chess Move of all time.🚨🚨 You know how in WW1 & 2 the military had jurisdiction. They also could place people in ranks & positions as they see fit. Well this needs to be WW3 Activation to be able to finish this off and move us into the Golden Age. Join @WhiteHatsQ
24 883
🚨🚨🚨 WW3 RED ALERT 🚨🚨🚨 Join @WhiteHatsQ
28 955
Now you understand why Trump gave COMMS; to defund the UN. break away from NATO Corruption and the fake CLIMATE treaty Paris Accord . . Under TRUMP the worlds most highest profiled pedophile and human trafficker EPSTEIN was arrested.... .. But you have to wonder one thing. Why was there no videos or photos of Epstein getting off the airplane when he was arrested? Why is there no perp walk to the court or jail? Why is there no photo of him at court? _____ One thing I can tell you is TRUMP has CARDS and MAJOR CHESS ♟ MOVES COMING THE[ DS>] MILITARY+ intelligence+ CIA+ deep state COUP of 2020 [ EXPOSURE] IS ONLY BEGINNING Promises made. Promises kept. Future proves past The Storm Operations to bring down the global Elite [ DS] Corruption systems ____ Join @WhiteHatsQ
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24 931
Military Coup against TRUMP<> _a beginning of soft public disclosure begins as Trump arrest, Trump raid ( FBIcia. Biden collusion), RUSSIA GATE exposed< TWITTER files Expose suppression of Hunter laptop due to 2020 elections, >*NOW >PUBLICLY Ex-CIA chief spills on how he got spies to write false Hunter Biden laptop letter to ‘help Biden’ Joe Biden’s presidential campaign prompted former acting CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” by organizing 50 colleagues to sign a letter in October 2020 falsely claiming that damning emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The Post were Russian disinformation. In private sworn testimony, Morell told the House Judiciary Committee that Antony Blinken, now secretary of state, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father, then-Vice President Biden. Morell, identified as a potential CIA director under Biden, said he organized the letter to “help Vice President Biden … because I wanted him to win the election.”.. __ BEHIND THE SCENES>]; This admission from CIA Director Mike Morell to “help Biden” win the elections in directly connected to a DEEP STATE MILITARY COUP AGAINST TRUMP and this story is only beginning as congress will connect Biden laptop Biden family dealings. Biden /Obama/ Clinton's/cia ECT deep state military coup agonist a sitting President> TRUMP. >As the beginning stages of MILITARY [DS] COUP AGAINST TRUMP is being publicly presented and congress is in possession of the Hunter Biden laptop contents and WHISTLEBLOWERS AND MAJOR EVIDENCE IS COMING FORWARD on the MILITARY COUP ( STOLEN ELECTIONS. RUSSIA GATE, ARREST OF TRUMP. >A WEAPONIZED CIA.FBI DOJ deep state Infrastructure unfolds publicly... And CIA BIDEN CONNECTION TO UKRAINE WAR. MONEY LAUNDERING. HUMAN TRAFFICKING [ NEXT] UNFOLDS) ... _in the mean time MAJOR PANIC is taking place inside the PENTAGON as A.I. WARS is happening and white hats A.I. SYSTEMS ARE ATTACKING THE CIA A I. WALLS and a complete INFORMATION BLACKOUT IS HAPPENING< . Major Panic in DC as [ they] try to control REAL LEAKS from being EXPOSED< WIRES>]: REPORTS. DOJ FBI. CIA. WHISTLEBLOWERS ALREADY DONE WITH DEBRIEFINGS BY MIL. INVESTIGATION, BY DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, U.S. MARSHALS , white hats fbi, white hats CIA internal investigations..........//)))) MAJOR MAJOR CHAOS AND PANIC INSIDE THE PENTAGON as the WHITE HATS >> MOLES, SLEEPERS, TRIPLE AGENTS >>> WHITE HATS A I SYSTEMS began internal attack on their [ DS] REGIMEN //// MAJOR PANIC as the deep state has FAILED to get the Military Nuclear codes from TRUMP and the Raid........ Now the deep State can not create the nuclear war they planned to create world chaos to hide the Plandemic , the creation of the virus, the death vaccines, the Military Coup against Trump the world< TICK TOCK on the clock The white hats+++ have]] INFILTRATED [[. THE DEEP STATE>>>>> LONG AGO and now the actors are waking up. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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31 347
What happens when the world White hats operations go after the ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DEEP STATE/KAZARIANS /GLOBALIST/ CORRUPT CIA. FBI / EX PRESIDENTS AND THEIR REGIMENS? >* It's already happening and the EVENTS are increasing<<<<< Everything is leading to Crimes Against Humanity. _remember >[ INFILTRATION] is the key BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White hats inside UN are pushing for War Crimes And crimes Against Humanity against Israeli leader Netanyahu. And the UN general assembly is pushing world courts for 2024 INDICTMENT against NETANYAHU ( In this same time the true Good Israeli people will have a revolution in their country and a military coup will happen against the Fake KAZARIANs__ BEHIND THE SCENE>]; A POWERFUL INTELLIGENCE IS HELPING The Great Awakening leads to SUPER INTELLIGENCE and the understanding why humanity was kept in the dark for so long. BOTH the DEEP STATE and While hats ALLIANCE want to reveal the POWERFUL HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY..... But only one wants to use the high tech to save humanity. And only one confer's with the future. Zero point energy]]]TESLA. INFINITE ENERGY IS INFINIT KNOWLEDGEJoin @WhiteHatsQ
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19 579
Over 34 million views hit the Katt Williams interview where he talks about the CABAL controlling the industry. Including P Diddy wanting to pay for sex. Harvey Weinstein wanting to give oral sex in public. .. And why powerful black men in the entertainment industry are forced to wear dresses in TV and film . Katt Williams 34 million views has the black entertainment and viewers looking into satanic occult and illuminati and several musicals are coming forward on sexual allegations against the ELITES and industry..... And MASSIVE STORM has hit the black community of awareness ... BEHIND the SCENES>] ; A Stage is being set by White HATS to ensure black voters will move Swiftly into The Great Awakening movement... And put their weight behind TRUMP< A MASSIVE UNCOVERINGS OF CORRUPTION AMONG BLACK DNC LEADERS. BLACK LIVES MATTERS AND THE BLACK ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY CONNECTED TO EPSTEIN AND PEDOPHILIA NETWORK IS GOING TO HIT AND IN THE SAME MOMENT THE CORRUPTION OF VOTING SYSTEMS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITIES IS GOING TO BE EXPOSED. ___ Katt Williams exposes the cast of the Fast and Furious for joining the illuminati and having sex (Ludacris) with elite producers for fame and into the Fast Furious franchise. Including Tyrese Gibson wearing a red dress recently symbolizing his alliance to the illuminati ( CIA) /👁\ CABAL. ( If you don't know already Dewayne The Rock Johnson got a big lead in the franchise with his own spin-off) Katt Williams eventually goes after Kevin Hart for being a (/👁 \CIA) PLANT and wearing dresses and confirming nobody knows Kevin Hart in the comic world and he was intentionally PLANTED ____ _So here's what's really happening . The CAA .CIA ( ILLUMINATI) intentionally PLANTED Kevin Hart to reign over the black community with top movies and placed him and Dewayne Johnson together in several movies. The past 4 Years the CIA Pentagon has been placing THE ROCK Johnson to run for president. ( Recently the Rock was at the Pentagon) . >The CIA intentionally placed HART to become famous and paid hundreds of millions for Venus and promotion. _ NOW they want the Rock to run for president and Kevin Hart will endorse him and use his fan base to vote for the rock. >Oprah Winfrey is telling Dwayne Johnson to run and she will endorse him with her female feminist movement _ the rest of the cast from the fast furious franchise will endorse the rock and several celebrities as Leonardo dicaprio, Tom Hanks, Ellen and more want to put their weight behind Dewayne Johnson for President ...... WIRES>]; THE DEEP STATE has told Dewayne Johnson he WILL not be President! And he must push campaign and Full support BEHIND Nikki Haley or Michelle OBAMA .... BLACKROCK Larry fink Jewish CEO and worlds largest investment firm is putting their money behind Nikki Haley for President and they want the Obamas/(Johnson) to endorse Nikki Haley The deep state plan is to pretend to unite the Democratic party and Republican party under Republican runner Nikki Haley RINO( PLANT) . ___ _ but plans/ operations are already underway to EXPOSE the SATANIC movie film Hollywood and music industry *AND IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW._ _ PANIC IN HOLLYWOOD AS THE GREAT AWAKENING OPERATIONS STORMS THROUGH THE INDUSTRY AND IS GROWING WITH MASSIVE EXPOSURE COMING [ EPSTEIN] [Oprah] [Ellen ] [ Hanks] ETC ECT ECT ECT etc etc etc Panic happening as Dewayne Johnson is second guessing what to do? He knows 11.3 is coming. ARREST WARS ( he doesn't want to get caught up in the coming Arrest.... It's well known now that Trump is going to have the Military on the streets in California. Oregon ETC. And TRUMP is going to execute 11.3 operations... Just as the white house web page has now reported) Join @WhiteHatsQ
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18 090
Why the U.S. is Pivotal to Global Freedom and the Importance of the First Amendment --- The U.S. as the Battleground for Global Liberation The quest to dismantle the complex web of the Cabal — dominated by the DARPA/CIA axis, and financial moguls like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds — begins in the U.S. This nexus of corruption, intertwined with elite families from South Germany who forged the U.S. financial systems alongside magnates like J.P. Morgan, has orchestrated a global dominion over military industrial complexes and world banking institutions. Historically, the CIA, an extension of these conglomerates, has destabilized over 70 countries, installing pro-Cabal central banks and puppet governments to maintain control under a guise of democracy. The Infeasibility of European Revolt Europeans, overwhelmed by the deep-rooted Cabal networks within their borders, find themselves powerless. The strategic military and covert operations led by U.S.-based elite forces crush any dissent. The populace, mostly unarmed and unprepared, cannot contend with the militarized enforcements of totalitarian regimes backed by these globalist syndicates. America's Unique Position In contrast, the United States holds a unique resistance capability thanks to its heavily armed citizenry — with gun ownership exceeding 120% per capita, the highest in the world. This armament empowers Americans to oppose the tyrannical machinations of the UN, CIA, and globalist entities like DAVOS, who aim to usher in an era of continuous warfare, population control, and Orwellian surveillance states under the guise of chaos management. Crucial Role of the First Amendment The First Amendment is not just a domestic right but a cornerstone of potential global revolution against these oppressive powers. It protects the free speech that enables Americans to criticize, expose, and mobilize against the Cabal's insidious agenda. In essence, it ensures that Americans can freely educate and organize themselves to resist the dystopian futures planned by these elite overlords. The Domino Effect of U.S. Resistance The fall of the Cabal must be initiated from the U.S., as its financial and military infrastructures are pivotal to the Cabal's global operations. By dismantling these from within, the U.S. can catalyze a comprehensive collapse of Cabal influences across major global institutions like the EU, UN, and NATO, inspiring similar liberations across the world. Global Unity and the Call to Arms As Americans stand up to reclaim their freedoms and rights, their actions will send ripples worldwide, encouraging and strengthening the resolve of people globally to stand against their corrupt governments and deep state operatives. 2024: The Year of Global Revolutionary Tides As we move into 2024, a unified global revolution seems imminent. Behind the scenes, enlightened military alliances are subtly undermining the deep state, laying the groundwork for public uprisings against totalitarian regimes. These military interventions will appear only as a last resort, ostensibly at the urgent request of the oppressed societies, to maintain the facade that the liberation was solely by the people's will. The Unfolding Reality and The Final Push The truth is, the collapse of the globalist agenda is already underway; what we observe now are the final throes of a dying beast. As these covert operations continue, the public must ready themselves to take up the mantle in their nations, to navigate through potential martial laws, civil unrest, and the pivotal moments of societal reformation. Trust the Plan. The Awakening is Here. TRUST THE PLAN. Q TOLD YOU. 🎥 Q has forewarned us. The scenes unfolding are the culmination of a well-orchestrated devolution strategy to reclaim governance and restore power to the people. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for every global citizen to participate actively in their liberation. Rise, unite, and be the revolution. --- Embrace your role in this historic upheaval as we stride towards a free and fair world. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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23 871
COVERT COUP VS. COUP OPS IN UKRAINE MAJOR DIVISION GROWS IN THE GOVERNMENT< (This now being reported by growing MSM outlets) I had long ago been giving you inside DROPS on the division and growing COUP in Ukraine happening against the Zelensky regime NOW_escalation grows inside the DIVISION Of THE UKRAINE GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY *Top Ukrainian General's Conflict With Zelensky On Display In CNN Op-Ed Amid persistent more-than-rumors that Ukraine's President Zelensky is trying to fire his defense chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhny, CNN has given the embattled general op-ed space to speak some things that are certain to pour fuel to the fire. Prior international reports, including in CNN, said that on Monday Zelensky asked his top general to step down. Zaluzhny reportedly refused. We earlier asked the question, is there a brewing mutiny as the split between the military leadership and Zelensky administration grows wider? In Zaluzhny's CNN op-ed, published late in the day Thursday, the top general has continued saying things which run afoul of Zelensky's more positive, rosy narrative as the latter desperately tries to attract more Western weaponry and funding, at a moment many European nations are struggling with >DEPLETED DOMSTIC STOCKPILES< "We must contend with a reduction in military support from key allies, grappling with their own political tensions," Zaluzhny writes. "Our partners’ stocks of missiles, air defense interceptors and ammunition for artillery is becoming exhausted, due to the intensity of hostilities in Ukraine, but also from a global shortage of propellant charges." Meanwhile, Bloomberg too is acknowledging the open divisions _General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi is a national hero for Ukrainians. But two years into the war, setbacks on the battlefield and political jealousies in the capital have soured his relationship with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. This week, the president tried — and failed — to force out his commander-in-chief, pulling back the curtain on a damaging rift at the heart of the Ukraine war effort. _____ I had just DROPped information that NATO had failed in trying to produce 1 million ammunitions a month in their operations. And hit less than 20% percent Mark ( Now _ Top NATO official pushes the Russia war to 20 years ahead>) _Israel running out of ammo as they moved the past 2 years most of their military stock reserve's to Ukraine _UNITED STATES at so time low in military stock reserve's ___ 🤔 Hmmmmm... Just like White Hats Q has been saying for the years is happening and now U.S. colonials are calling NATO a collapsed Alliance and the UN/ U S. [ DS] MILITARY TO INVADE MIDDLE EAST A PAPER TIGER _ _ _Real TRUTH... Iran doesn't want war and is surging in economic boom and Saudi Arabia is helping pulling strings to COLLAPSE THE UNITED NATIONS W/ TRUMP+ MILITARY INTEL OPS. It's all happening. How do you think I knew the War in Ukraine was going to erupt long before anyone knew what was really happening in 2020 and how the EVENTS were going to trigger NUCLEAR Standoff>coming//// and I have been giving you the CABLES of the Middle East war that was going to erupt long before msm or any other outlets was really talking about.//// _ _ _it's hard for the normies to understand how EPSTEIN connects to tl all the chaos happening... But I have been telling you back then.. EPSTEIN was going to trigger the WARS >[ CIA] [ MOSSAD] [ MI6] [ UN] [ GLOBALIST][ +] . . . >How did Cheyenne mountain get a hold of reading the future. The travel tech.> Infinit energy. /)) > Looking glass/ / / CLASSIFIED time warp/ travel operations. What's under the undiscovered oceans and Earth. Why is Antarctic so important? Why did the Roman Catholic leaders remove large parts of the Bible around year 300? What is the SOURCE? Join @WhiteHatsQ
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19 546
_Bringing in the New pandemic has failed _Starting new vaccines and booster cycles has FAILED massively _Stopping The World Great Awakening on a mass scale has FAILED _STOPPING THE EPSTEIN EXPOSURE HAS FAILED AND A POWERFUL TRUTH IS BEGINNING IN THE U.S. SENATE AND CONGRESS >>> THIS EPSTEIN SAGA WILL ONLY GROW>>THERE IS CHAOS AS INFIGHTING AND MISTRUST IS AT AN ALL THE HIGH>>> with tensions rising and Turkey causing turmoil inside of NATO//// *What is evident is a Major Collapse is happening through the U.S. CANADA. UK. MOST OF EUROPE and major countries... Why did the Rothschild hide there money and go private? Why did Switzerland hide there money in the mountains with military protection? Why did the Vatican ( cia) Jesuits and nights of Malta 33rd recall their money from all countries? 🔥👇> LARGE PART OF THE ANSWER<👇🔥 _i had told you 3 months before Queen Elizabeths death announcement, that her death announcement would be made. ( Real TRUTH she was already dead for few years , but a power struggle was already happening inside the Royal family, UK military and INTELLIGENCE and ELITES..... the powerful struggle was over the Power to control 15 Commonwealth countries and money abd influence, from resources to data to minerals and more......... BUT a huge factor was the EXPOSURE OF THE UK PEDOPHILE RING]; THE MILITARY ALLIANCE ( EU) OPERATIONS +TRUMP+ CHEYENNE+ USSF+++ ALL WARNED THE TOP UK ELITES AND [ DS] MILITARY THAT WHITE HATS HAD IT ALL<<<<< ALL THE EVIDENCE OF UNITED KINGDOMS PEDOPHILE BLACKMAIL/ CHILD TRAFFICKING SEX OPERATION RING THAT CONNECTED TO CIA.MI6. MOSSAD> [ EPSTEIN] SAVILE + /+/+" " " " _NOW the UK Government is under Continuity of Government and hidden military operations controlling the government is already in place. (now the deep state is forced to carry out some of their evil plans.... But it WILL all be EXPOSED IN TIME FRAMES..... And the EXPOSURE> WILL CONNECT TO 2024 UNITED STATES FULL CORRUPTION> EPSTEIN EPSTEIN EPSTEIN [EPSTEIN] SAGA<<;;;;; >>>>>> and WILL CONNECT TO LATE 2024 EUROPEAN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING RING/ BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS AND EUROPEAN BANKS ABD ELITES<<<<<<< _____ We are inside a massive Storm Patriots. A Storm that WILL uncover the world pedophia ring connected to banks. Leaders. Governments. Entertainment industries. Deep State military and it all connects to a MILITARY COUP OF THE 2020 ELECTIONS AND CREATION OF THE VIRUS< Have Faith world Patriots. It had to be this way. The PLAN to save the world Join @WhiteHatsQ
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28 228
THE BLACK EPSTEIN LIST .. BEHIND the scenes>]; White HATS have initiated the EXPOSURE of the black ELITE illuminati Satanic industry SAGA that will connect to EPSTEIN. AND CIA [ DS] OPS HANDLERS and operations. I was the first to tell you last year these operations were going to come and say the beginning of the year I also told you the whole cia control industry and how the black music industry was going to erupt into a powerful Great Awakening exposure movement that would EXPOSE the [ DS] CABAL CIA ops inside the black entertainment industry and it would eventually connect to Epstein. JP Morgan and BLACKROCK etc etc etc ECT ECT ECT ETC...... Well it's happening. THE BLACK EPSTEIN LIST ( A way of the black community and entertainment industry using this Quotation as exposing the black ELITE entertainment industry that is connected to corruption.pedophilia , sex ring. Extortion, blackmail ring inside the industry) Currently kat Williams just broke the Internet for exposing the industry ____ MASS anger erupting inside the U.S. black and African committees an industry as MAJOR artist. Musicians and actors are exposing the DARK Entertainment system connected and leading to a controlled DEEP STATE System And AGENDAs . BEHIND THE SCENE>]; JOE ROGAN IS TALKING WITH DAVE CHAPPELLE AND THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT DOING A SHOW ON THE SATANIC ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY ( And it could be that Chappelle could put his weight behind Trump at the end of summer while also exposing the Epstein saga that will EXPLODE) 💥 ON THE ⏰ _______ Why do you think it's guiding these operations behind the scenes 😉 How did I know about all these EVENTS to happen You have more than you know Join @WhiteHatsQ
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23 704
Double COUP > POLAND< NATO/CIA/MI6 Start their COUP in Poland WH Military Alliance in Poland start COUP _The storming of the Polish Presidential Palace by police to arrest Elite individuals in corruption was planned and allowed by the [ ds] & White Hats.. ( both wanted the arrests to happen that would start different movements and outcomes) > Military sources and Intel give information that both Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wasik are playing double agents in a massive corruption sting that is leading to civil unrest and near Civil war ( forecast for summer fall) in Poland. _ _ _these events come as Poland military is highly compromised by the cia NATO MI 6 Operations. The past two weeks inside of Polish military higher commands are sharing classified intelligence with lower commands, letting them know a MAJOR FALSE FLAG EVENT is in COMING as the Western deep agencies are using Poland to create WORLD WAR 3 SCENARIO EVENTS> a false event where Russia attacks with a missile/// ( The Polish military white hats are trying to move the uncompromised military leaders against the NATO CIA operators.) _The real commands of the Polish military has direct back channels to Russia commands and U.S. military (white hats) channels //// ____ _I had Given a strong warning long before the Polish elections all these events were going to happen as Poland heads into The Storm of 2024 Everything happening in Poland needs to happen.... Poland's 2024 fall government collapse will initiate Military protocols that will block out all outside influence and directions and bring in short term military guidance . { This means The Storm operations that was always INTENDED///) POLAND is expected to FLIP against the NATO ( CIA/MI6/UN OPS ) at the same time The U.S. brings in MASS EXPOSURE of Military corruption among NATO and Global agenda operations//// > > > >Germany is getting ready to head into a massive Corruption scandal and Major EVENTS will hit The German European super power by late spring and the German government collapse will began with Major push back from German People and citizens as Super mass inflation hits and panic rise and Germany will see some of the biggest protests of the century and near WORLD WAR 3 events WILL trigger MASS EXPOSURE OF W.H.O . GATES. PLANDEMIC CIA. NATO CORRUPTION ... . OVER 40 COUNTRIES ACROSS THE WORLD WILL EXPERIENCE ELECTION INTERFERENCE PROBLEMS AND MASSIVE CIVIL UNREST>>>>> AND ALL THESE COUNTRIES WILL UNCOVER MASSIVE MASSIVE CORRUPTION THAT ALL LEADS TO THE WORLD BANKS. WEF . DAVOS CIA. DEEP STATE WORLD MILITARY AGENDA ... THE WORLD STORM < Coming in 🔥 _____ [EPSTEIN] SAGA IS GOING TO SHAKE THE WORLD>>>> INCLUDING [ UN ] BRUSSELS. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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24 719
CIA & PENTAGON IN PANIC 🔥 AS JUSTICE IS MOVING FORWARD AND> COMING<< *NCSWIC The forced release of EPSTEIN LIST is much more than a list. IT'S A DATA DUMP with thousands of pages that will be released. MSM is reporting 800 pages, conservative news is reporting over 1500 pages and alternative media is reporting over 3000 pages of data and information from the court report, logs, police reports and witnesses full testimony......> And MORE IS COMING< BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White Hats are painting a picture for the American people and world that the [ EPSTEIN] CORRUPTION is connected to a world pedophile, human trafficking extortion ring and even greater is the connection that WILL lead to world money laundering system through [ EPSTEIN] Israel, cia.mi6 , EU & U.S. military intelligence agencies. > This is just the beginning of the 🔥 and is opening the doors to the CIA Pentagon Corruption system. > This was always the *PLAN ... And the growing EPSTEIN SAGA WILL GROW INTO MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS COMING FORWARD AND LEAKS OF VIDEOS AND AUDIO FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES >>> INCLUDING EPSTEIN HIMSELF TALKING<<< _The EPSTEIN SAGA IS GOING TO EXPLODE BY SUMMER TIME INTO THE FULL INVOLVEMENT OF THE CIA. PENTAGON. ISRAELI INTEL WITH MI6 OPERATIONS.. White Hats are painting a picture for the world. .. And the continuing EXPOSURE is going to lead and EXPOSE a controlled Military COUP over the U.S. government and elections. Including several countries across the world. >I have been telling you for a long time these events were coming and was going to happen . / Well it's happening and growing/ You think it's coincidence that Q military intelligence operations was the first to bring EPSTEIN into the> Exposure on a world scale with hundreds of millions of ANONS and World Partiots searching for data on EPSTEIN RIGHT NOW_The CIA. Pentagon is in major panic as their corrupt system and institution is inside a collapse and more data is coming and going to be dumped. As the world gave up on EPSTEIN i have been telling what was going to happen and how it was going to connect to all branches of the government, Hollywood. Entertainment Industry. Do you think it was coincidence that i told you the black community was being guided to expose the music and entertainment industry? Do you think it was coincidence that i told you P Diddy was connected to massive pedo ring, sex extortion ring ? I gave you this information long ago and told you this would connect to the killings of Tupac and planned Black on Black hate/wars created through the music industry controlled by the CIA and Elites. > >_NOW you have MAJOR celebrities, musicians exposing P Diddy for sex extortion, pedophilia and sexual assault. The truth is getting stronger as major forces come together and start to EXPOSE WILL SMITH having sex with men and being part of a male prostitution Elite ring ( more is going to drop on Smith) _ _Sean p Diddy Combs killed his childs mother Kim Potter , she had evidence P Diddy was part of a satanic cult and she had found him having sex with young boys and she knew about the killings at these elite parties. She wanted to come forward but she was killed. ... But new evidence will emerge in the year of P Diddy connection to sex extortion ring and the CIA and to [EPSTEIN] _ _ _RIGHT NOW... White Hats operations have given the green light to Hollywood White Hats to go after OPRAH WINFREY>≥> her connection to the CIA, Harvey Weinstein ,[ Epstein] financial ring and the Clintons human trafficking ring will be EXPOSED in the next months... Right now in Hollywood and on the Internet celebrities are attacking Oprah and exposing her control over the black actors and black entertainment community. (Oprah was PLANTED by the CIA and Hollywood elites to take control of the black communities and unite them under the DNC and liberal agendas ) .. In the next coming Months White Hats are going to connect JP MORGAN. Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Blackstone BLACKROCK to A FULL CORRUPTION SCANDLR that is connected the Pentagon the CIA ( Rockerfellers+ ELITES) Join @WhiteHatsQ
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30 931
Why is the U.S. so important to world freedom? Why is the U.S. 1st amendment important? ___ In order to free the world from the DARPA/ CIA ( Rockefellers/ Rothchilds) DAVOS + operations. The fall of the Cabal must start from the U.S. and exposure of the Corrupt system The United States is the child of Europe, the Elites corruption system of KAZARIAN money through fake stolen Jewish identity ( kazars who became into Judaism through political movements) who help create the U.S. financial institutions . The Rockefellers and Rothchildss both from South Germany help create the U.S. financial corrupt system with JP Morgan and their powerful control over the military industrial complex system, DARPA CIA and corrupt military intel networks controlled large portion of the world banks institutions and deep state cabal networks. From the United States the CIA overthrew over 70 countries and installed central banking systems and democratic governments loyal to the cabal globalist regimen. The European people can not overthrow the deep state and cabal in their own countries as all operations come from U.S. and Elites through military deep state operations that ratify all revoluts, in prison , kill ,torture out infiltrate movements that are against the CABAL deep state regime and agenda operations. Countries through Europe and most of the world do not have the weapons to fight against the deep state military in moments of totalitarianism/military forced controlled by the world ELITES syndicates regimen. The last final stance and hold out in the Western world that can over through the CABAL, deep state CIA DARPA/ [ DS] MIL. regimen is the citizens of the United States who is the only country in Armed with over 120% of guns per 100 people ratio in the world. This is why the 1st amendment is vital to U.S. citizen and freedom the United States enacts upon the world is important, as over hundred million armed free Americans can defy the absolute totalitarianism agendas by the UN +CIA+DAVOS+world globalist plans to enslave humanity into a one nation world with never ending wars, depopulation agendas and infinite virus and mind control operations through continuous CHAOS EVENTS, where the globalist with deep state military network control the Order out of chaos dark evil control over world society. It is vital the EXPOSURE of the corruption of CABAL deep deep regimen in the United States be exposed on U.S. soil and bring down the houses of the CABAL fraction began in the United States. The fall of cabal and [ ds] U S. Institutions and corrupt banks WILL THE FULL DEEP STATE INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. UN. NATO AND SEVERAL MAJOR COUNTRIES ACROSS THE WORLD. As the United States stands up for freedom armed to defend their family, life and country.. The Vibrations is felt across the oceans as the European people also stand strong against the Their corrupted Cabal deep state Systems. We are all United across the world to bring down the Globalist operations hidden and known that is oppressing our societies across the world. It is time now in the year of 2024 world United open Revolution begins against the deep state infrastructure and behind the scenes the heart of light of creation is guiding Military Alliance operations to activate society to fight for there God given freedom. ___ It must look like the citizens of the world fought for their freedom and the military only intervened at the end on the behest of the suppressed nations under Totalitarian government corrupt control and Agendas. ___ The real TRUTH.. BEHIND THE SCENES>]; The Alliance military operations have already brought down the Globalist... You are only watching and experiencing the ending SCENES of the military operations unfolding in overt operations and continuity of government control and DEVOLUTION OPERATIONS TRUST THE PLAN. Q TOLD YOU. 🎥 ..... But still you must rise and be part of the revolution in you countries and go through the dark part of moments of world collapse , coming Marshal laws. And near civil war events. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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30 128
Warning ⚠️ The inner >War inside the U.S. Intelligence agencies is reaching an all time high as the NSA leaks FBI memo to Texas Border agents and Intelligence on the Border< The FBI memo is a fake BLACK FLAG, PATCOM Operations that is using FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST WHITE SUPREMEST ( Most likey CIA>MK-ultra goons ) to attack the migrants and U.S. border patrol to stage a false flag event that will lead to Biden and deep state blaming Patriots, Maga and Trump supporters for the [ ds] event. From the highest levels inside the U S. Intelligence agencies they are sending warnings to the border patrol and high level sources through the governments. _, The fbi memo leak is causing chaos inside the intelligence agencies/// ( It's well known through the military intelligence and 3 letter agencies that The Storm and Arrest wars are coming) At the same time the NSA has denied the Biden administration and the CIA Pentagon against using their facial recognition systems ( that have already been abused in the January 6 fbi false flag PATCOM operations illegally)//// _ _ The deep state Narration has begun as MSM News outlets start pushing the civil war narration and twisting stories that Colonial Pete Chambers is a Green Beret and leading white extremists to hunt down immigrants and start civil war against the Biden administration. _Hundreds of liberal news outlets are pushing the same CIA MOCKINGBIRD narration. BEHIND THE SCENES>]:WIRES INDICATE MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS FROM NSA, BORDER PATROL, CIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES HAVE ALREADY SIGNED WHISTLEBLOWERS IMMUNITY LAWS WITH CONGRESS_ ______ Major panic inside the FBI as LEAKS continue and the January 6 pipe bombs saga unfolds as false flag events that are staged by the FBI >>>> THE PIPE BOMBS ARE FBI SPECIALTY With their own special SIGNATURE in the way the bomb is created _, military specialist, analysis and intelligence agencies ask know the pipe bombs are FBI Training special made pipe bombs _Intelligence communities have already identified the person who left the bombs as an FBI correspondent _ Lots is happening in the U.S. the deep state cabal prepare to create near civil war EVENTS, this all comes as CIA Ukraine Proxy war fails and Russian military has annihilated the CIA/NATO operations (Now UN/DAVOS / NATO is begging the EU to create a military to fight Russia ... Unfortunately EU intelligence and several secretaries of defence have given military assessments that the EU counties are out of ammunition and munitions... This all comes as NATO has failed to produce the one million a month ammunition productions and less than 20% has been produced..... Ukraine is holding billions of U S. And EU tax dollars... But have no place to buy ammunition and more over the Ukraine military has nearly been wiped out and the last of reserves are being used ( pulling people off the streets to fight.. Young and Old) _ _Major panic in the United Nations as U.S. military assessment and war gaming operations and simulation war with Iran is a negative out come. > Iran has over 40,000,000 million men willing to fight, and Iran military is highly advanced with weapons and has some of the highest military ammunition stock reserves in the world. _Turkey, Russia, China will back Iran And Saudi Arabia will completely shut off the U.S. from oil WIRES]]; Intelligence reports state that the non jurisdiction of the U.S. military illegally stationed in Syria is where the U.S. soldiers came from. They were not part of the U.S. military base in Jordan ( MASSIVE COVER UP is happening in the U.S. military with Biden administration and CIA [ DS] NEWS agencies pushing the False stories )/// > Several colonials in the U S. have an stated that Iran would not use drones to attack as Iran has some of the most advanced weapon systems in the world and the drones strike were made by local militia's. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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23 419
PUTIN'S DROPS/ COMNS; To the deep state CABAL inside the Tucker Carlson interview. _The reason why Putin didn't name who was controlling the Biden regime and deep state U.S. government was the biggest COMMS; directed at the hundreds of Deep state military intelligence watching through the world with the Globalist elites and corrupted military leaders with classified intelligence who all know what's really happening down in ANTARTICA . HERE'S THE DROP>]; ANTARTICA _Deep under the ice there is technology and certain MASSIVE UAPS that have changed the molecular structure of the ice and when advanced military energy tools/weapons/tech produces Zero point energy( infinite energy) and comes in contact with the blue ice a powerful special blue radiation is created (Cherencov radiation). These events of using Neutrinos and powerful advanced energy blue beam can travel faster than the speed of light and Quantum leap into different dimension and gather information. Not only does it gather information but is a communication device between galaxies, outer and inner dimensions . _ This powerful technology is also a particle weapon and direct energy weapon that has created earthquakes for decades. _ (a little history of Neutrinos> long ago in biblical times Jesus and many other masters used their SACRED DNA structures to activate Neutrinos that carried inner and outer dimension knowledge.... When a person prayers or talks with with higher dimensions of power and deity's or God's or passed on lovrd ones... They are using Neutrinos moving faster than light energy connected to infinit energy God Particles that gives them information. _ the same with the evil people who worship Bali. moloch God of child sacrifice and demonic gods.. They also tap into Neutrinos and very often use Adrenochrome mixed with DMT from the body to experience talking with the devil in ceremony.......... But since the discovery of ANTARCTICA and hidden technology and powerful super liquids under ground , the power to talk with dark intelligence energy to control the world has been the Globalist focal points for near a century. _NOW you understand why ELITES and presidents as Obama and prime ministers have been traveling to ANTARTICA to several underground military bases connected to old advanced civilization technology. (*THE MORE WE COME TO THE TRUTH, THE MORE UNBELIEVABLE IT BECOMES_) The power of the ANTARCTICA neutrino technology mixed with infinite energy and special ice has created a super weapon, including galactic dark intelligent power conversation on how to control the world. >>>> FORTUNATELY WHITE HATS MILITARY UNDER TRUMP SIEZED THE CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN MILITARY BASE... BECAUSE UNDER CHEYENNE MNT., COLORADO SPRINGS ( where Tesla heard aliens speaking with him and got the information to build the electricity we use today and other information connected to zero point energy + particle weapons) , DENVER INTO RIFLE PARK, THERE IS A MASSIVE BLUE ICE DEEP DEEP DEEP UNDERGROUND. This why the illuminati created the[ DS] military D.U.M.B. city under the Denver airport and hidden tunnel rail systems connecting to Cheyenne mountain and to the deep deep under ground blue ice. FORTUNATELY THE ALLIANCE MILITARY OPERATIONS TOOK CONTROL OF CHEYENNE MOUNTAINS AND DENVER AIRPORT UNDERGROUND A.I SYSTEMS THAT WAS RUNNING THE ADVANCED NEUTRINO TECHNOLOGY AND ZERO POINT ENERGY TECH AND WEAPONS. _Since 2016 to current time MILITARY Alliance operations have captured almost every MAJOR under ground military base and their A.I SYSTEMS and hidden tech.... Including MASSIVE INFILTRATION INTO ANTARTICA and closing of under ground bases created by ROCKERFELLERS ( NOW you know why the military named a mountain in ANTARTICA after ROCKERFELLERS and ROTHSCHILDS Island.) >TODAY_WHITE HATS MILITARY ALLIANCE are near FULL CONTROL OF THE INTERNET SPACE ( USSF+ STARLINK+ CHEYENNE MNT. COMMAND) across the world and finalizing their final operations to bring down the DEEP STATE CABAL SYSTEM AND BANKING AND INTERNET CONTROL AND[ DS] MILITARY OPERATIONS. Join
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27 915
NEW WORLD ORDER ( NWO) AGENDA COLLAPSE HAPPENING IN REAL TIME< 👇 BRIEF HISTORY George H.W. Bush the CIA Director and ex president formally announced the NWO On January 16th of 1991, as the Soviet Union was collapsing and the cold war coming to an end, Bush publicly announced a new campaign of American dominance which he called, the New World Order. "This is an historic moment. We have in this past year made great progress in ending a long era of conflict and Cold War. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders." ~ George H.W. Bush George H.W. Bush’s son, George W., began a propaganda campaign to sell the American public on overthrowing Iraq. Spinning lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. "I take the threat very seriously. I take the fact that he develops weapons of mass destruction very seriously. Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists." ~ George W. Bush Later Bush's lies became obvious and the invasion of Iraq was for oil and control in the middle east. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said that murdering millions of Iraqi children was worth it. Lesley Stahl: "We have heard that a half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Madeleine Albright: "I think this is a very hard choice. But the price we think the price is worth it. " The power hungry cabal, made up of close-knit families of Rockefellers, Rothchilds and few more who practice multi-generational child abuse and mass mind control, began overthrowing sovereign nations. And murdering innocent civilians became the new norm for U.S. foreign policy. But their plan for global domination and New World Order was failing, and starting in 2020 with the COVID scam and bio weapon release, they began targeting U.S. citizens. They have become desperate and they are going for broke. Slaughtering innocent Palestinians to spark a war with Iran, and sacrificing the people of Ukraine to hopelessly take on Russia. These inbred families of the cabal are getting old and they are fighting for their lives. There is too much at stake for them to ever give up which makes them more dangerous than ever. But they are few and we are many, and they will be stopped. Many important generals as Wesley Clark gave important CLASSIFIED DROPS "ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, “Sir, you’ve got to come in and talk to me a second.” I said, “Well, you’re too busy.” He said, “No, no.” He says, “We’ve made the decision we’re going to war with Iraq.” This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, “We’re going to war with Iraq? Why?” He said, “I don’t know.” He said, “I guess they don’t know what else to do.” So I said, “Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?” He said, “No, no.” He says, “There’s nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq.” So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” -- meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office -- “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes Join @WhiteHatsQ
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21 125
BEHIND THE SCENES>]; BACK CHANNELS U.S. MILITARY WAS WORKING WITH RUSSIA INTELLIGENCE AND CREATING A POWERFUL ALLIANCE TO TAKE DOWN THE CIA+ETC+ELITES GLOBALIST OPS .... These operations soon became know as THE STORM< _____ _NOW PANIC IN THE CCP ( COMMUNIST) is happening as XI KEEPS MOVING FORWARD OPERATIONS TO END THE CCP and break apart the China into separate United Territories. The CCP is working with Globalist. CIA. Mi6 Rockefellers, this why XI KILLED ALL THE U.S. SPYS and broke apart the spy ring operations that was working with CCP. (> It's not coincidence that XI started killing and ending the CIA Rockefeller+ operations in his country a few weeks after TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT...... Its not coincidence that XI came to meet MUSK ( Chief commander in USSF placed by Trump + Cheyenne mnt.) _ The white hats alliance long ago knew the CABAL/ DEEP STATE/ GLOBALISTwanted to invade China and create War with Russia to take over the GDP and power of their country and resources, that's why they wanted to created a full global controlled power system called NEW WORLD ORDER ( ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT) >Now major panic with Globalist happening with CCP weakned power structure collapsing and [ THEY] INITIATE a first > Test> BETA TEST> CYBER ATTACK against the U S. ___ Safety measures in place after the biggest Cyber-Attacks to take place in 2024 world history........ But this all needs to happen. I have been telling you for a long time friends and Patriots to prepare for the 10 days of darkness and military protocols to be initiated after and everything is going to lead to Military Tribunals Tribulations in almost every major country ( this is the celebration that TRUMP is giving COMMS on for 2025 one year Celebration) _____ It had to be this way. Military is the only way. ____ 🎥 BACK CHANNELS ARE IMPORTANT Join @WhiteHatsQ
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36 010
DEEP STATE W/Globalist+CCP initiate >BETA _CYBER-ATTACKS on the U.S. ____ A real Solar flare does not only specifically target AT&T network (if it was a real solar flare blacking out cell network, it would also effect 100s of different corporations and SATs, including space x) Here's what's really happening 👇 WIRES>]; U.S. CIA+MI6 NATO DAVOS GLOBALIST + [ DS] MILITARY+[ ds] Intel Have long had plans to attack China. _The Ukraine Russian war was just the gates to attack China. >RIGHT NOW_Military Alliance are briefing several different powerful nations and there commands and military of the CIA/Rockefeller/Rothschild+mi6+NATO +DAVOS +GLOBALIST+ETC+ military operations to go after > _CHINA ( the CCP are part of the cia/Rockerllers + +operations to over throw the Chinese WHITE HATS ALLIANCE WITH PUTIN. MODI, BIN SALAM+ TRUMP + EU WHITE HATS MILITARY ALLIANCE) _I have been telling you for awhile now that inside of China a Military civil war is about erupt ( COUP VS. COUP) as XI is trying to COLLAPSE the CCP > The past 10 years the CIA ( Rockerfellers/ Rothschilds+)spy ring and CIA control over large parts of the CCP/China has been destroyed by XI .( Even New York Times reported this back in 2017 when Trump was elected that CHINA CRIPPLED U.S. SPYING OPERATIONS & KILLED THE CIA AGENTS.... ////.. To this day Thousands of CIA and U.S. state department and Mi6 , Mossad spys have all been killed in China under XI) CURRENTLY> GERMAN GENERAL HARALD KUJAT , once CHAIRMAN OF NATO AND COMMANDS and CHIEF OF STAFF OF THE GERMAN ARMED FORCES Is briefing high level German commands and German leaders , including Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, UK SPAIN > AUSTRALIA on the NATO CORRUPTION GOING ON. _in General Harald Kujat's Briefings He is descriping and giving full INTEL and receipts on CIA, MI 6 , CORRUPTION NATO (ALLIANCE LEADERS AND MILITARY) and their TRUE PLANS to attack Russia and the plans long slated to attack China ( these operations have already begun) _General Kujat privatly backed by German high commanders and U.S. Cheyenne mountain operations ALLIANCE and EU whites hats ALLIANCE hours is going into detail of how money Lauderimg network through military weapons and military industrial networks is running operations and how they initiated their plans to attack China through Taiwan proxy wars and Russia wars. _The past 2 months General Kujat has been giving open pubic lectures on the whole NATO CORRUPTION AND DEEP STATE PLANS...(but now he is briefing several European military and leaders on what's really happening.... That U S. Is using NATO countries to state a full war against Russia and CHINA) _ _ >There is major panic in the EU as military commands are getting ready to go against the deep state systems in an open coup ( THE STORM) operations _WIRES>]; The Great Awakening is hitting the European military commands who were once neutral on deep state affairs ( they now understand much more the Globalist CIA MI 6 / swiss DAVOS ELITES++powers running their countries and their [ ds] military . _Major panic in NATO as Turkey plans to leave NATO SOON and join BRICS ( Turkey is NATOS biggest military force... That is soon coming to an end,,<) ____ Now_you should understand why JFK . TRUMP. PUTIN XI MODI BIN SALAM ALL HATE THE CIA AND WHO CONTROLS THEM _ _ During the cold war in Russia the CIA MI6 Mossad> Rockefeller/Rothchilds took advantage of the devastation and created a massive money laundering operations through the country and created massive corruption Systems through the country. . When Putin came into power, he first pretended to be a U.S. friend and restructured the financial institutions and injected Russia with money and rebuilt the systems and gain the love of his country... Only till after then he went directly after the CIA Globalist operations ( banks. Russia msm. politicians , colour revolution movements etc) in his country and absorbed their money. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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12 777
The CIA promised him a military COUP would take place in early 2023 in Russia under the agreement of MI6/cia triple agent PRIGHOZHIN > WAGNER GROUP LEADER ( this failed military COUP was a fake attempt by PRIGHOZIN , who was working with Putin behind the scenes and giving Intel on CIA COUP OPERATORs inside of Russia) The CIA plan to place Alexie Navalny as the next president of Russia for 2024 HAS FAILED MISERABLY. .. In the end Navalny only had 2-5% support of the Russian people. Just in the western CIA Mockingbird News , Navalny was hailed as a great hero. ( This narration was all pushed so Navalny would hopefully be pushed into the Presidential Russian position) The failure of the CIA operations colour revolution coup attempt and panic of that Navalny was going to flip to Pro-Putin and be a Whistleblower led to Nevelnys murder. *CIA inside job. They can reach almost any person in prison in Europe through handlers and assets through Mafia connections. (their are many in the intelligence community that say his own lawyer poisoned him 48 hours before hand and brought the medicine to him direct in the behalf of the CIA) __ If Putin wanted to kill Navalny, Putin had 22 years to do so and on hundreds of occasions with professional and military assassins. Why didn't Putin ever kill him? Was Navalny playing a triple agent? ___ *(Side note to the readers) _I'm not a Putin apologist. I'm just giving the the real BEHIND THE SCENES OPERATIONS THAT INCLUDE SEVERAL COUNTRIES AND TOP LEADERS CONNECTED TO A WORLD WIDE MILITARY OPERATION TO BRING THE DOWN THE DEEP STATE ____ WWG1WGA Buckle up butter cups. Join @WhiteHatsQ
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12 696
ALEXIE NAVALNY> THE [ DS] CIA/MI6 ASSET THAT WAS INTENTIONALLY PLACED IN OPERATIONS TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA . < ⚠️ FAILED OPERATIONS/// Here's the TRUTH ; _NAVALNY was contacted by/ CIA+Mi6 informants in Russia in early 2000s inside the CIA operations that was starting a colour revolution [ COUP] against Putin using college students. ( The CIA was well aware white hats as Admiral Rodgers and several Generals and colonials were all well aware that 911 was an inside JOB of the CIA/DARPA/ [ ds] U.S. MIL. with Elites to initiate the Patriot act ( spying programs on U.S. citizen> U.S. military commanders to track down white hats who were against the deep state) .. They also knew the 911 attack was to steal and hide trillions of U.S. tax dollars inside Pentagon Operations ...... And white hats generals as Wesley Clark all knew the 911 attack was the initiation plans and false flag event to start deep state plans to create wars in middle east and go after the oil and over throwing non compliant nations as Iran. Libya and 3 other countries in the region.. > >The deep state Rockefellers CIA + [ ds] military were all aware that there was an WHITE HATS ALLIANCE HAPPENING WITH RUSSIA, CHINA AND EU.... And the deep state knew the Putin was destroying CIA/mi6/mossad operations in Russia in 2002 and Putin was taking all the money from the operations and doing military sweeps through Russia. _ _The CABAL/CIA initiated plans to over throw Putin and start the colour revolution COUP. >Navalny was contacted through CIA student operations and Vetted ( the CIA Had found their guy.... a normal street person fighting for revolution ) and in time Navalny was brought to the United States to Yale University where CIA secret training programs took place. .it was here that the CIA decided on operations to place NAVALNY as the future president of Russia. ( President Dmitry Medvedev who was placed by Putin eventually wanted to stay in power //// Medvedev silently worked with CIA idea/ handlers and gave full media coverage to Navalny to discred Putin) and tried a COUP ATTEMPT////// _ _The COUP attempt failed and Putin regained control in 2012 >NAVALNY in 2013 was indicated for embezzlement money from a state owned timber firm and swindling millions to his friend who sold the wood from the timber firm and Navalny paid kick backs to the governor and oligarchs ( CIA assets) Together with Petr Ofitserov, owner of Vyatka Logging Company (VLC), Navalny stole over 10,000 cubic metres of timber from the state enterprise Kirovles in 2009, while he was adviser to the liberal governor of the Kirov Region, Nikita Belykh. VLC was supposed to have bought timber for less than the market price and Navalny apparently helped tie up the unprofitable contract. Navalny and Ofitserov were accused of misappropriation of state funds and embezzlement under Article 160 of the Russian Federation Criminal Code. ( This was Putins way of arresting Navalny and didn't want the public to know Navalny was a CIA spy and was being placed for a presidential future.... Arresting Navalny gave Putin time to see who the traitors were in his government working with another COUP attempt) >After serving time in prison Navalny was freeded and allowed to leave Russia to Germany ( the fake poisoning report was pushed by CIA mockingbird media and several doctors confirmed no poison was found.. But the true story was covered up) _soon after the CIA Created documentaries for Navalny ( made within weeks , all pick up shots and editing and special effects and music scores and shooting on locations .... > No Hollywood team is this week endowed to make such a documentary in weeks... THE REAL TRUTH, THE DOCUMENTARY WERE CREATED BY CIA AND GIVEN TO NAVALNY ..... >And a great push by CIA MOCKINGBIRD OPERATIONS PUSHED THE > NAVALNY DOCUMENTARY OF HIS LIFE///. > and plans were made for Navalny to return to Russia and be arrested again.. . Join @WhiteHatsQ
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14 065
ANTARCTICA> Congress has already been briefed with military WHISTLEBLOWERS and hundreds of high level military officials on what is really happening in ANTARTICA and the [ DS ] dark deep OPERATIONS. _Now you see why (Project blue Bleam ) Alien invasion,UFOS sightings is all being pushed by PENTAGON , MSM . Israel the Vatican abd major countries. The original idea of project blue beam was to use ANTARTICA blue beam direct energy weapon to create earth quakes and use the advanced weapon to create chaos using Electro magnetic frequencies ( Neutrinos weapons that can create thoughts and install ideas in people in mass scales .... Smart phones, smartTV and smart radio can activate the voices and false illusions and feelings in humans..... This is the same reason McDonalds wanted to use technology to advertise to people who are sleeping and infiltrate dreams with Electro magnetic frequencies using smart technology.... The deep state military tech is decades ahead of McDonald's idea using Neutrinos to manipulate people.) Project blue beam wanted to create an Allen invasion, with earthquakes. Mind control on cities with particle weapons that effect neutrinos in the brain and electro magnetic currents of thoughts and at the same time use man made UFOS UAPS to fly around bombing cities, and they wanted to use directed energy WEAPONS to attack the military and cities ( blue beam.. Just like Lahaina Hawaii fires that destroyed the city) I told you long ago that their were two [ DISCLOSURE] ]]] REAL DISCLOSURE [[ operations happening... And one was fake ( project blue beam invasion plan and UAPS UFO MILITARY COVER UP and deep dark military underground operations) > And a REAL ] DISCLOSURE [ PROJECT ( This is already happening and military, the U S. Senate and Congress had been and still being briefed right now on the current operations and REAL DISCLOSURE PROJECTS) This is part of the reason[ they] [ DS] tried poisoning the military with vaccines and trying to collapse the military so the UN. could take over in Pandemic ( But this didn't happen.... Military heads rejected the vaccines in masses especially USSF) And then UN.WHO are trying to initiate the World Pandemic Treaty where the UN can take control of a country, government and law enforcement, including military operations. ( this will eventually fail in time) The deep state for the past 8 years have tried to stop the Military white hats from exposing the Military industry complex operations ( deep dark projects). Everything happening now in the U.S. is going to lead to exposure of 2020 fraud. Military COUP with INTEL over Trump administration and the treason will be uncovered and connected to deep dark operations unconstitutional hidden military operations. Including creation of virus pandemic. Hidden military bases housing hidden technology and trillions in stolen tax payer money..... You are watching a STORM of operations unfold in real time. And the COLLAPSE of the CABAL and Project Blue Beam operations silently fall. __ Stay strong Patriots you have more than you know... You have information that has been years ahead of time given to you very often. Behind the SCENES]>]; The Hand of God is bringing in Real TRUTH MOVEMENT across the world and people are no longer following the WEF WHO. ETC ECT+ +. The hand of God gave intelligence COMMS; to white HATS inside the ALLIANCE OPERATIONS. _ As we come closer to the TRUTH, the more unbelievable WILLl become MILITARY IS THE ONLY WWG1WGA Join @WhiteHatsQ
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35 370
_It is no longer possible for the CIA. Carnegie Endowment, ROCKEFELLERS/ ROTHSCHILDS Mossad KAZARIANS /Nazis 4rth Reich + etc etc ECT ECT etc etc to control the world and especially the future. >CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN+ TRUMP+ MUSK+ MILITARY ALLIANCE ⚠️ PLUS+/REAL REAL [INTELLIGENCE] inner/outer ] INTELLIGENCE [ Have created the most POWERFUL A I. SYSTEM IN THE WORLD THAT WILL BRING IS INTO ZERO POINT ENERGY FUTURE THAT IS CONNECTED TO LEVITATION AND NEW CIVILIZATION OF AN GOLDEN ERA >This super A I SYSTEM captured the deep state satanic (entities) operations and FINAL STAGES OF _ THE STORM OPERATIONS ARE TAKING PLACE. THROUGH THE WORLD. >>>>> NOW YOU UNDERSTAND WHY PUTIN SAID A I. CANNOT BE STOPPED . >AND WHY HE MENTIONED ELON MUSK " there's no stopping him" ( PUTIN knows Musk was ACTIVATED by Trump into USSF and funded by Kash'. TRUMPS DOD AND EZRA ) PUTIN knows about ANTARTICA but didn't explain to Tucker Carlson the name( s) that control the DEEP STATE U.S. GOVERNMENT That's why he told Tucker I can't you the names because you won't them ( TUCKER is connected to high level 3 agencies sources and Trump and MUSK and can find any name in the world and person to that name............ But what PUTIN was implying was a name that came from the ANTARTICA UNDERGROUND [ DS] INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS) ( THIS IS WHY WIKI LEAKS JULIAN ASSANGE IS IMPORTANT AND WHAT HE CAPTURED INSIDE HILLARY CLINTON EMAILS AND DNC SERVERS.. > ANTARTICA<) This important interview let the whole world in the intelligence, military commanders and world elites inside the CABAL, that their time is over. THESE WERE THE REAL DROPS ___ RIGHT NOW TUCKER AND PUTIN ARE PLANNING THE NEXT INTERVIEW AND STAGING THE GROUND. ______ USSF CREATED WITH TRUMP IS VITAL IN THE OPERATIONS OF THE STORM NCSWIC Join @WhiteHatsQ
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26 841
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