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audience statistics Dr. Simone Gold

Doctor • Lawyer • Warrior 🥼 Founder of  @AmericasFrontlineDoctors  • The Trusted Name for Independent Information • 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Churches were targeted during the pandemic. Corrupt government officials sought to shut down religious practices under the guise of “public health.” Never forget what was done, and never allow it to happen again.


10 915
As the criteria for depression has been loosened and the pills have been aggressively marketed to more and more people, the use of antidepressants (and the stronger drugs they feed into) in just a few decades has gone from a tiny minority of the population to almost 1 in 4 Americans. In many cases, these drugs turn a TEMPORARY psychiatric condition into a PERMANENT ONE which is exactly what Big Pharma wants. Repost if you agree!


10 712
BREAKING: A review in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules has found that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. The researchers suggest that future clinical trials should not use certain mRNA vaccines in order to avoid immune suppression. Wow.
14 516
'People were very trusting of the government... they thought, obviously, they have our best in mind. Unfortunately, we found out that that was not the case.' Pastor Henry Hildebrandt speaks about the necessity of standing up and speaking truth.


12 382
The CDC uses scare tactics to incentivize people into getting an annual flu shot - despite studies repeatedly showing that flu shots have been from zero to less than 50% effective in preventing type A or B influenza over the past several years. According to the CDC, the annual death toll from influenza (36,000) is GREATER than the well documented 1968-9 'Hong Kong flu' pandemic (34,000). How do they get those numbers? The answer is data manipulation. Are you surprised?


13 151
The Bible doesn’t oppose medical care, it strengthens it. The malicious medical malpractice doctor-patient relationship that has existed in our country for years should be no more.


16 533
I trust a computer virus to protect my data more than I trust the CDC to protect my health.
17 974
Interesting note in this report: “The medical examiner could neither confirm nor exclude Covid vaccination as the cause of death.” The CDC’s track record on Covid has been filled with wrong predictions and disinformation. This is the tip of the iceberg.
19 362
BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul has confirmed he will investigate Fauci’s ‘secret trips’ to the CIA before COVID-19, as he believes Fauci may have been involved in a cover up “It makes me think there’s really something there that they’re hiding.” Who wants Fauci held accountable?✋
Rand Paul reveals Dr. Anthony Fauci made frequent secret trips to CIA
Sen. Rand Paul told he will continue his probe into the origins of COVID-19 by investigating Dr. Anthony Fauci's secret 'off the books' trips to the CIA.
19 477
With considerably low efficacy rates, mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” caused more deaths than saved lives, according to a new study whose researchers called for a “global moratorium” on the shots and “immediate removal” from the childhood immunization schedule. “... For every life saved, there were nearly 14X MORE DEATHS caused by the modified mRNA injections,” the study authors said. The COVID shots have never been safe and effective. Repost if you agree!


15 811
BREAKING: Newly obtained documents confirm that’s 15 government agencies knew that Fauci’s NIH lab was a partner with Wuhan on a proposal to engineer a highly transmissible coronavirus in 2018. The “conspiracy theorists” were right.
The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies
Here's what my investigation has recently discovered regarding government officials from 15 federal agencies and what they knew about the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2018.  
93 427
2 311
The FDA has finalized a rule allowing certain clinical trials to operate WITHOUT obtaining informed consent from participants. The study cannot pose more than minimal risk to humans and must include appropriate safeguards to protect the rights, safety, and welfare of those involved. Pushback against the new rule suggested the changes would allow institutional review boards (IRBs) to compromise on standards more and more, adding that the term “minimal risk” is far too vague and could be misinterpreted or abused. Eliminating informed consent puts EVERYONE at risk. Repost if you agree!
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16 494
If Pfizer apologized, would you show forgiveness? Lies and disinformation are not a mistake, especially when those lies are used as a pretense for profit. Some things are unforgivable. Pfizer’s deception is an example of such a thing.
21 484
Our children are in danger. - The mandating of untested vaccines - Gender reassignment surgeries and treatments - Exposure to radical progressive curriculum How have we gotten to this point? We must do better.


24 107
We must reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty in order to safeguard our freedoms. Please sign our petition at


31 378
When Lilly initially tried to get Prozac approved in Germany, it was rejected because they had concluded Lilly could neither prove what fluoxetine actually did, nor show which clinical picture Lilly was using to diagnose depression. To "fix" this issue, the pharmaceutical industry banded together to “expand the definition” of depression and over the years sponsored a variety of initiatives and patient groups to do so. The corruption and greed of Big Pharma are on full display. Repost if you agree!
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24 102
The only institution more corrupt than our political system is the medical industrial complex. Don’t trust an industry that profits off of you being sick.
23 484
Health care is driven by Big Pharma, not by patient health. When a patient seeks care, they seek to find remedies to health ailments, they do not seek to enrich Big Pharma. Too many doctors, on the other hand, seek to enrich themselves and Big Pharma over helping patients.


24 548
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit dismissed a lawsuit filed by a group of students who raised constitutional challenges against Rutgers University's policy mandating that all students and employees be required to take the COVID-19 shot. It is ILLEGAL to mandate any drug under EUA. The fundamental right to refuse vaccination falls under bodily integrity which is a human right. Any school that violates human rights is not worth attending. Repost if you agree!


18 327
The medical industrial complex is so grossly corrupt that they would rather risk patient lives with a rushed patented treatment or vaccine, instead of recommending and allowing a cheap and safe alternative which is not a “profitable solution”. The system needs change.


21 700
We were right: - COVID was created - Unvaccinated were blamed for the failure of the jabs - Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity - Masks were in effective - Children were harmed from lockdowns - COVID death rate was inflated - Children don’t need the jab
24 313
Tucker Carlson has called for doctors to apologize for “wrongly recommending the COVID vaccine.” “If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’” He’s right. Too many doctors failed their patients. Who agrees with Tucker? ✋
34 551
Informed consent is one of the most important fundamental aspects of medicine. It allows the patient to be informed about a particular treatment or procedure, in which the patient can evaluate the risks and reward. Many patients were not offered informed consent for Covid vaccines, because their doctors and providers believed what the CDC and FDA were saying. If your doctor couldn’t see through this propaganda and offered you a rushed vaccine without any long-term safety data, it might be time to find a new doctor. I would highly recommend patients to review our service .
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25 512
AFLDS Freedom Summit: The W.H.O. is a Marxist Organization


22 497
AFLDS Freedom Summit: How the System is Supposed to Work


21 002
Heart failure in Navy Pilots is up 973%, and myocarditis rising 151%. How could this be? And why is the response deafening silence?


26 091
The pharmaceutical lobby has coercively influenced the medical education system so that it indoctrinates medical students to treat and not cure, to prescribe pharmaceutical drugs without seeking holistic alternatives, and to be part of the medical establishment profit motive.


27 202
Scientific studies have concluded that vitamin A treatment contributes to the reduction of measles incidence, morbidity, and mortality, which reaches the ideal goal of a “vaccine.” Historical evidence suggests that the measles vaccine is not the prominent hero we’ve been told it is for preventing measles. Enhancing our natural immunity is a more effective strategy for controlling measles infection, mortality, and morbidity. Repost if you agree!


20 592
According to a study by the FDA, toddlers and young children faced a higher risk of seizures following Covid-19 vaccination. This outcome was evident from trial data over two years ago. The data continues to be ignored by the media and health officials.
Higher Risk of Seizures in Toddlers Shortly After COVID-19 Vaccination: FDA Study
Researchers reported results in a new study.
27 650
If you were denied ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, you were denied your rights. If you were pushed into an NYC nursing home, you were denied your rights. If you were locked in your home, you were denied your rights. We still lack accountability for so many Covid injustices.
47 633
Last updated: 11.07.23
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