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audience statistics Phil Godlewski 3.0

⚠️ Warning: Many users report that this account impersonates a famous person or organisation. 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
The film crew said this thing was for a microphone. I disagree.
16 566
☝️if able, please help support Jeremy’s continued efforts to help spread the truth far and wide.
18 952
Multiple people have asked for a way to support me on a regular basis. I have been hesitant for the longest time to do this because my heart is not about money… However, I’m in retail sales and as you all know retail sales have fallen like crazy over the last couple of years, plus with my wife’s 3 back surgeries and two brain surgeries we’ve already been down to one income. Anyhow, we all have our stories I get it. This is by no means me asking you all to pay my bills so I can quit my job. That’s not my intention here at all. This is just a way that the people that WANT TO, can say thank you for what I bring to the movement. If you don’t have it, don’t do it! Seriously! I know many are struggling out there. It’s taken me over 3 years to do this. So, here you go. You can buy a coffee once or on a monthly basis! It’s all up to you! It was either this or DoorDash or something in addition to my current job and no more telegram for me. That’s just the reality of it. I love and appreciate you all either way!
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My goal is to bring clarity and the best understanding of the truth that we can factually put our hands on. We’re in the fight for our lives and my gift is to bring peace, hope and love to those who w
20 531
29 364
44 298
52 241
soon 💯


52 013
Warning ☝️
50 255
Billionaire-Owned Media Has Gone Full Throttle to Save Fellow Billionaire, Jamie Dimon An important thing to consider that I've highlighted is that tier 1 capital is not an asset like cash or treasuries, but rather common stock. In other words, Jamie Dimon and company have made attempts for years for the government to pick up the bill, when in reality it should be common stockholders who get wiped out in the event of, well, any event. The can is so dented and warped, that there isn't really that much left to kick before we hit the end of the runway. You've been warned. Whatever your flavor: Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, Oil and Raw Land are all far better options than holding Federal Reserve Fiat notes, which are a liability to the Fed and will become worthless when a new system is adopted. Why is Jamie Dimon conveniently liquidating $100M+ worth of JPM stock for the first time ever? Because he knows something that most people don't, but that narrative is changing quickly. People are figuring it out. That ALL the banks are insolvent, because they are ALL in bed with the Federal Reserve who is insolvent, and they are ALL intertwined with the FDIC, which is also insolvent. ☕✝️
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45 559
60 317
61 278
Wake up!!!
62 697
63 231
This ☝️is awesome ❤️
62 051
Morning Phil 🕊️☀️🤍 I am so excited for today!! You should be too… why???? Because we are having our first ever Auburn Phil Club meeting 🥳 we are a small group of ladies from Auburn Alabama and some surrounding areas ( we have members from Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida and Georgia too). We were so happy when we found each other on your chat, we started a “Southern Phamily Chat” on tele and an Auburn Phil Club for local meet ups. Today we are meeting for breakfast 👏 I am gonna order some Phil scrambled eggs and see what the waitress says 🤭. If you are ever close to Alabama, let us know and we would love to have to attend an Auburn Phil Club meeting. I feel like we need a mascot now, maybe I need to wear one of those anonymous masks into the restaurant 😹 anyway, have the best day!!
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62 152
Yet, you don’t feel a thing. Yet, you see the same stars, on a consistent and predictable basis, every single night. They’ve lied to you about everything.


61 502
Who’s ready? 😎 🥇
60 758
CEO🔺CA (@ceodotca) on X
The World Silver Survey announced a 265.3m oz market imbalance for 2024. The last time we saw an imbalance similar to this, the price of silver shot up ~27.2%.
60 011
They tried to tell you. You laughed it off. But, some of us have receipts 🧾
64 044
It seemed so trivial back then, did it not? We saw his head get blown off. These “news outlets” are for conspiracy theorists. Right? …right? Right…. …. ….? 🔥
64 145
Rumor has it, Trump canceled too. 🤷
64 712
I won't be able to make it tonight pham. My apologies. Will re-schedule for either Tuesday or Wednesday night. See you then 😎
64 758
Be the Eagle 🦅


65 773
WARNING: Tear-jerker 🥲 They say racism exists in America. They say blacks hate whites, whites hate blacks. They funnel this agenda down your throat day in, and day out. It’s what they want you to believe. Why? Because when we are divided, we are WEAK. But the truth about our society is a different story all together. The truth is, very few of us are racists. A vast majority of us would help anyone, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or otherwise. Unfortunately, some of our society has fallen for the MSM racism agenda. Some of society thinks blacks are bad, whites are privileged, and we therefore MUST be at odds. I call bullshit on that. We are not racists. People love each other, because that’s what’s in their soul. It’s in their being. It’s what God gave us. Watch the video above. Then watch it again. If you don’t feel what I felt, check your pulse.
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64 042
FRANCE: Explorers discovered a children daycare deep in an underground tunnel after walking nearly two miles...


60 358


62 574
The truth is coming.


62 032
the reports keep rolling in. April 2024 Where is your retirement? Is it with Precious Metals? If not, this may very well be your last chance:
60 976
Stock Market Crash: S&P 500 Falls Below 5,000
Stock Market Crash: S&P 500 Falls Below 5,000
While it may be too early to call for a stock market crash, both technical and fundamental dynamics are moving discouragingly.
62 248
Reminder: they LIE about everything 💯
61 826
Last updated: 11.07.23
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