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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    PROJECT VERITAS DID JAMES DIRTY!!! This is the single most meteoric downfall of an organization I've ever seen. PV is dead. That said, congrats to @JamesOKeefeIII on an opportunity to move from his zone of excellence to his zone of genius on his next project. #StandWithJames
    2 762
    2 887
    BREAKING: A @DeptofDefense Source Speaking On The Condition Of Anonymity Told Me Details Of How @JoeBiden Ordered The #NordStream Pipelines Destroyed In June But Then Got Nervous & Changed Orders To The PLACE BOMBS But Make Them Capable Of Later Detonation. He DID NOT Inform…
    3 168
    2 639
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    2 852
    2 274
    Gonna run some tests to see if I can push tweets to telegram
    2 090
    Alright ya'll after a TON of prayer, confirmation, and more prayer, I'm retiring this telegram channel. I started this whole thing around March of 2020 pretty much the second I realized that covid was BS and we were being lied to about everything. At the start I was just posting TRUTH to my personal social media. Truth be told I didn't even know what an "Anon" was at the time, I only knew that what I saw was BS and, as a researcher at heart, I wanted to share what I researched with everyone I knew. During "The summer of love" my personal social media grew larger and larger and I started looking for ways to share more info with more people. Then, the most despicable, unbelievable, and shocking thing happened to this country that I could ever picture or even begin to imagine... That's right. They RIGGED the 2020 election. Around November 12, 2020, I created , created a Twitter, and started blasting it to anyone and everyone who would read it. Over the course of time it got picked up by some bigger players in the game like Patrick Byrne, Kanekoa (love ya brother), and many, many others and the rest kind of became a very small piece of history. With that larger audience I was inspired to create to similarly share all the dangers and propoganda surrounding the vaccines and the scamdemic and that took a small life of its own. That said, it's been confirmed through prayer that it's time to retire the channel and move into the next phase of my life. People now widely know the vaccines are dangerous, the election was stolen, and pretty much everything over the last two years has been a part of a larger, globalist trap to enslave us... Along with that, players like Gregg Phillips, Lin wood, and others have been exposed and when few anons had the courage to speak up, I feel blessed to have had the discernment to say something. That said I love you all. I thank you for all of your support. And I'm not totally going way, just simply retiring this channel. You can still find me flippin' normies on twitter at Remember, that battle has ALWAYS been for the hearts and minds of normies and Twitter is one place where they like to hang out. Much love fam ♥️♥️♥️ P.S. I may consider posting things periodically here in order to keep all the links live. You need to post to Telegram once every 6 months to keep an account active. But if you like my content, feel free to follow me on Twitter. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 ---
    Mostrar más ... Official Account (@ProjectEvidence) / Twitter
    2 943
    Jen Van Laar, Managing Editor at RedState says someone at the Pentagon may have overruled decision to shoot down Chinese spy balloon. 👀
    1 945
    You're telling me they just randomly realized there was a Chinese spy balloon over Montana long after it was sitting there with the kind of technology we have? Funny how the narrative continues to push us towards some kind of world conflict...this seems staged to me?
    Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
    2 020
    Trump v. DeSantis is a do-over of Trump v. Cruz from 2015-16. Ugly, and then eventually over. Noise. Focus on the work.
    1 656
    UPDATE - Chinese spy balloon over Montana, U.S. via KSVI-TV/ABC


    1 553
    MIT Professor Calls for an Immediate Stop to the COVID mRNA Vaccination Program “This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products both in terms of efficacy and safety”


    2 510
    There was a 99.95% survival rate for people under 50 and a 99.998% survival rate for children under 18. The mRNA shots didn't stop infections or transmission. So why was there a maniacal push to inject experimental mRNA gene therapies with ZERO long-term safety studies into everyone under 50❓
    1 615
    🧵| The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated - A 100K Thank You to the Citizen Heroes of Our Time Mandates are now becoming a thing of the past, thanks to brave freedom fighters who had the courage to say NO.
    2 185
    Jill Biden sitting with Roger Goodell at today’s Eagles-Niners game. Tells you everything you need to know about the NFL.
    1 478
    You read that right. 1,850 boxes of documents that Biden ‘donated’ to the University of Delaware. Aka…China? Wow.
    1,850 boxes! What!
    1 412
    Looks like Kari has a rally tonight at 6 where she will be announcing whatever it is. Note: Temper your expectations (as always). The fact she's in the middle of an appeals process but has to bring this announcement to the court of public opinion (and needs a rally to do so) is telling.
    2 393
    I talked to President Trump twice today. He is fired up and ready to Save America. Are you ready to help?
    2 123
    PSA: Many of you have reached out about tomorrow’s rally, worried it might be too cold… we’re inside! It’s way too chilly for us Desert Rats! Join us tomorrow at 6:00pm! BIG stuff — get ready! 🇺🇸 It’s not too late to register:
    2 360
    REMINDER: Kari Lake said there would *likely* be something big to come out today. If I remember right her trial is tomorrow or Tuesday. Hang tight I gotta look into the details. I posted all of this off memory.
    2 588
    Damar Hamlin suffered a potentially LIFE ENDING heart attack on live tv as a 24 year old professional athlete who's regularly tested for NFL standards. Yet somehow, everyone in the MSM is forgetting that part of the story and feel there's no need for investigation... Am I missing something???
    2 722
    Many of my followers know that prior to launching this technology-focused Telegram channel, I posted tweets on Twitter from 2018 - 2020 about corruption deep inside the United States Democrat party, to which I was a donor earlier in my career. Years ago when I was involved with the Democrats, I had no idea what they were doing. When the “NXIVM” cult case broke in 2018, all the clues came together and I could see how deeply corrupted the party and its representatives are. This was a period of massive shock for me. Upon discovering serious corruption among my former group of Democrat friends, I wasn’t sure what to do, so I wrote everything I knew about it on Twitter. These tweets were read by many. They were further researched and re-tweeted by independent journalists who took interest at the time, who I got to know such as Tracy , Corey , Frank , Scott Pressler , Robby Starbuck , Ann Vandersteel Paul Serran and Zak . These were some of the Patriots who helped bring awareness to my story. Yet despite receiving many millions of views on my Twitter posts back then nothing compared to the concern I received from one very deeply patriotic American. Everything changed one afternoon when I received a call from Washington, D.C., from inside the Trump White House. It was then I met a sharp, concerned researcher who invested many hours of his valuable time getting to know the intricate details of my lawsuits against my former Democrat colleagues. That concerned young Patriot was Garrett Ziegler. Garrett, I take this opportunity to again publicly thank you for all you have done, your consistent friendship and to wish you and your family the best in the years ahead. ~ Jeffrey Peterson, Jan. 28th, 2023.
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    2 143
    YouTube said they got rid of the Project Veritas Pfizer video because it was misinformation and contradicted Covid-19 experts..... ....but the person that said it was an expert that works directly inside Pfizer. YouTube / Google are contradicting themselves. Google is ghey
    Project Veritas
    BREAKING: James O'Keefe gives update on YouTube Removing Critical Mass #DirectedEvolution Video
    1 360
    A federal jury has found Joseph Hornof guilty of distribution and possession of child porn. The detective’s case file said Hornof mentioned he had sexual contact with young girls and he would refer to them as “pizza”. He would refer to their age by describing how aged the “cheese” was. The DOJ’s press release fails to mention the child sex predator used “pizza” as a pedophile code word. I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact that release came from a Biden-appointed US Attorney’s office.👇🏻
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    1 062
    Anyone else starting to get the whole “look here, not there” feeling? As this feels staged AF - was it created to later be used as an Ace in the hole for a much needed distraction? What damning information came out this week that EVERY news station should be covering? BUT ISN’T. Oh yeah — A DIRECTOR of PFIZER was caught on CAMERA ADMITTING to plans of conducting GAIN OF FUNCTION research on the COVID virus. You know, the kind of research that could manufacture further illness to then reap financial reward later? The kind of research to create a global bioweapon? Whether we’re watching theatrics or not, I’m more interested in kickstarting Nuremberg 2.0. I want justice. Fauci and every single DS puppet needs to answer for the crimes against humanity they’ve committed. Anyone else with me?
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    Look here, not there… Just read something from who makes an excellent point on the Pelosi footage released. I’ll take it a few steps further because I think he’s right. Project Veritas just busted a Pfizer story wide open where they admitted to gain of function; to be release a virus they created on the public, to then sell the cure for their mutated virus. Then all of the sudden, they decided to release the Pelosi footage? How did that happen? Well, The coalition who filed the motion to obtain the footage included The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Press Democrat, CNN, Fox News, CBS, ABC, NBC, and KQED, an NPR-member radio station in San Francisco. Now all major legacy media will have this footage on repeat 24/7, filtering out the Project Veritas Pfizer story. Is it a coincidence Rumble uploads are completely down? White hat attempt to slow the Pelosi story? Is it a coincidence now there was a major “mass shooting” at a synagogue in Jerusalem? I don’t know… What I do know is this…. The Pfizer story is the real crime. It’s what should stay in the headlines. NUREMBERG 2.0 needs to happen. Don’t let the Paul Pelosi story (or anything else) distract you longer than needed..
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    Project Veritas BOMBSHELL: Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines “Gain of Function is Different from Directed Evolution” 🤯
    Truth Seeker in my Spare Time Telegram is my home base of Operations— follow me at Truth Social at @MJTruth Gab ALL MY RUMBLE CHANNELS - Feel Goods https
    1 200
    Damar released this 20 minutes ago. Looks legit. I truly hope the young man is okay and also hope he speaks up about the "clone" tweet soon.
    From The Heart ♥️. -Sincerely 3💕🫶🏾! Full video:
    1 730
    If the Paul Pelosi hammer attack story wasn’t already twisted enough, David DePape called in to a San Francisco news outlet with “an important message for everyone in America” on the day police bodycam footage was released. I’d like to know: 1) Why he was allowed to do this from jail. 2) Why it sounds like he’s reading from a script. 3) What is the purpose of them allowing his message to be broadcast. So many questions.


    1 185
    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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