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audience statistics GALLIA DAILY | Voice of France

✍🏻 Sharing news from France, in English 👉🏻 100% Non-partisan, independent & free ✉️ Contact: galliadaily @airmail .cc 💭 Group chat:  @Gallia_Chat  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🇫🇷🇪🇺❌🌐 — Telegram founder Pavel Durov was put on the wanted list literally minutes before landing in Paris and an arrest warrant was issued, BFMTV reports.
Мировые события сейчас | МСС
🇫🇷 Основателя Telegram Павла Дурова объявили в розыск буквально за минуты до приземления в Париже и выдали ордер на арест, — сообщает BFMTV. @WorldEventsNow
3 418
#BREAKING 🇫🇷❌🌐❗️ — Pavel Durov, the French-Emirati-Russian founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested in France following a French search warrant against him!
3 329
🇫🇷⛪️🔥❗️ — Over the past hours, on social networks, it has been reported that the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral of Rouen - a Gothic-styled Roman Catholic cathedral, located in Rouen, Normady, Northwestern France -, whose construction dates back to the 12th century, is on fire. ➡️ As reported by local media, people in the streets of Rouen below watched in horror as 40 fire engines rushed to the site and emergency workers set up a cordon around the cathedral, a jewel of French medieval Gothic architecture made famous by the paintings of impressionist Claude Monet in the 19th century. ➡️ Eye-witness Patrick Waeselynck told BFM television he was sitting at the terrace of a nearby cafe when he heard people shouting "fire". "I turn around and I see the cathedral spire, the tarpaulin which was protecting the restoration work, which was burning, big flames, black smoke," he said. "The first thing we thought was what happened in Paris, it was a shock of course. But the police arrived, they set up a security perimeter, the firefighters arrived." 🔗
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3 717
🇫🇷Orania's message to the French right: Don't get discouraged. You, and our ancestors, chose faith and freedom over comfort and money. Stand strong, and consider the Orania solution. 📎


3 411
Soon ⏳ 🇫🇷
4 987
When Rollant sees those misbegotten men, Who are more black than ink is on the pen With no part white, only their teeth except, Then says that count: "I know now very well That here to die we're bound, as I can tell. Strike on, the Franks! For so I recommend." Says Oliver: "Who holds back, is condemned!" Upon those words, the Franks to strike again. 📖 The Song of Roland — 11th century
6 109
🇫🇷⚔️⁉️ — On French social media, it was reported that on the weekend that Durandal, the Legendary Sword of Roland - A Frankish Paladin under the Carolingian Emperor Charlemagne -, which was embedded in the rock for centuries in Rocamadour was stolen by unknown people. ➡️ Given the context of the elections, the decision was taken not to communicate before this Monday ➡️ “It’s an invaluable asset. To my knowledge, Durandal is the only legendary sword that really exists,” laments the mayor of Rocamadour (Lot), Dominique Lenfant, this Monday. ➡️ An investigation, entrusted to the local gendarmerie, was opened, learned from’elle 20 Minutes, confirming the information of the Dépêche newspaper.
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4 089
🗳 🇫🇷 🗣 Le Pen accused her primary political rival, the New Popular Front, of harboring anti-Semitic sentiments in her victory speech. 👤 She also announced her intention to appoint Jordan Bardella as Prime Minister should she secure a majority. 🐔 Marine Le Pen's National Rally party leads with 34% in the first round of French elections. 🌹 Left-wing alliance Popular Front trails with 28%. 🗓 Second round to be held on July 7. 📎
39 625
🇫🇷🗳📝 — France, Ifop-Fiducial exit poll, Snap national parliament election (seat distribution): 🐔 RN and allies (Far-Right Coalition): ➡️ 240-270 seats 🌹 New Populat Front (Left-wing Broad Front): 180-200 ➡️ 180-200 seats 🇪🇺 Macron's Essemble (Pro-EU Centrists/Liberals): ➡️ 60-90 seats 🤑 French Republican Party (Moderate Conservatives): ➡️ 30-50 seats Other parties: ➡️ 13-21
4 004
"Len Pen's Land" The final opinion polls before the French election have been released, and Le Pen's National Rally is in a strong lead. They are by far , leading with roughly 37% of the vote. But more significantly, Le Pen's party has shown as winning a majority of seats in several of the latest polls. This would make National Rally the first Nationalist party of any description to take power in Western Europe. Le Pen is already preparing to . Wanting to take the foreign policy and defence remits traditionally reserved for the president for herself. Madame Le Pen has also said she wants to take any budgetary authority the president has traditionally exercised and make use of it herself. While Jordan Bardella, Le Pen's pick for Prime Minister, has said he will not allow French troops near active conflict zones such as Ukraine or Israel. Madame Le Pen and Jordan Bardella will have much to prove once they get into office. Will they govern for the benefit of the native French? Will they slow and reverse the Great Replacement? Abandon neoliberal economics? Push for fundamental Reform of the European Union? It remains to be seen, but if they are the first nationalists to win a majority they have a great responsibility to prove the viability of their ideas. Read more about the . Be sure to . and
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4 346
🇫🇷 French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin wants to dissolve the Groupe union défense (GUD) for being an ”extreme right-wing organisation” Darmanin is joined by Jordan Bardella from Le Pen's, National Rally (RN) who promises that, if RN performs well in the upcoming election, he, as prime-minister, will dissolve GUD and other "extremist left-wing groups". 🔗
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Gérald Darmanin va "proposer" à Emmanuel Macron la dissolution du GUD, organisation d'extrême droite
Le ministre de l'Intérieur mentionne un "groupe d'ultradroite très ami avec beaucoup de gens du Rassemblement national", du moins ses "dirigeants". De son côté, Jordan Bardella assure que s'il devient Premier ministre après les élections législatives, il dissoudra également le GUD.
5 526
🇫🇷🇺🇸🇮🇱 - America, Israel, other nations very worried about Paris olympic games, have their alert level to the maximum, says Intelligence Online.
4 985
🇫🇷 ❌️ 🇮🇱 French court bans Israelis from Eurosatory arms conference 🔶️ The Defense Ministry said that “conditions are no longer met to host Israeli companies at the show at a time when the president is calling for Israel to cease operations in Rafah.”
French court prohibits entry to arms conference for Israeli citizens
The District Court in France extended the ban on Israeli participation in the Eurosatory 2024 global arms conf
5 302
: France’s special election in a few weeks continues to have more twists and turns than anyone expected. Here are some highlights: The left-wing parties, including those on the fringe, have united in a new party called The Popular Front. They’re promising to “de-Nazify France” and vowed to have “unlimited immigration.” The only left-wing party to oppose the unity ticket is a small party called Volt. Former French President François Hollande announced he’s running for the National Assembly as a member of the Popular Front. This would be like George W. Bush announcing he was running for the House. As I wrote in my last substack, Eric Ciotti, the President of the center-right Republicans, endorsed a coalition with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally. Elected members of his party opposed the measure and attempted to remove him from his position. A French court ruled that Ciotti’s expulsion was invalid. Marion Marchel, Marine’s niece who belongs to Zemmour’s Reconquest party, offered to create an alliance with National Rally in exchange for 60 seats. The offer was rejected, but she decided to join the National Rally anyway and was kicked out of Reconquest by Zemmour. Of the five people recently elected to the EU Parliament from Reconquest, four have been kicked out. The only one left is Zemmour’s former mistress. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan of the small right-wing Dupont la France Party has called for a unity ticket. He’s pulling his candidates out of nearly every race to support the National Rally.
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6 406
There’s a saying in France: “Paris is not France” and the election results prove that. Le Pen’s anti-immigration Party won all Departments EXCEPT Paris, which is populated by foreigners and liberals.
5 501
NEW: Macron urges French to make ‘right choice’ in snap polls READ: Follow for more news
5 397
🇫🇷🇪🇺- Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration nationalist party has just beat Emmanuel Macron’s party in the French EU Elections, winning 32% of the vote.
5 023
#BREAKING 🇫🇷🇪🇺❗️ — Following Far-Right victory in France's section of European Elections, President Emmanuel Macron dissolves the National Assembly, legislative elections on June 30 and July 7
Agence France-Presse (@afpfr)
Emmanuel Macron dissout l'Assemblée nationale, élections législatives les 30 juin et 7 juillet #AFP
4 465
🇫🇷🗣🇺🇦Emmanuel Macron announces transfer of Mirage 2000-5s to Kiev and training of 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers 👉🏻 The head of state announced during his D-Day commemoration speech the launch of “a new cooperation” tomorrow, including the transfer of Mirage 2000-5s, without specifying the number, “which are French combat aircraft that will enable Ukraine to protect its soil and its airspace”. 🗣 “Tomorrow, we will launch a program to train pilots and transfer these aircraft, with the aim of having them trained by the end of the year”. Mr. Macron announced that he was proposing to “train 4,500 Ukrainian soldiers (...) equip and train them”. On the question of sending military instructors to Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron believes “there should be no taboo on this subject. Ukrainian soil is sovereign. It's not a question of going to train in the combat zone, but when Ukraine has a challenge, we must respond as we have done every time". Asked about the consequences of such a dispatch, and then of the death of his instructors in the field, Mr. Macron replied: “Do you think it's less serious to have a French, German or British civilian killed in Ukraine than a soldier? Symbolically, it's very different, but it's targeted symbolically because it's also the role of these soldiers to get involved in what we're doing". Mr. Macron also confirmed his agreement to Ukraine striking Russia from the areas where the missiles are fired. "If we say to the Ukrainians: ‘you can't neutralize these Russian capabilities, i.e. the weapons the Russians are using to attack you’. At that point, we're telling them you can no longer defend yourselves” 🔗
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8 590
🇫🇷🪖French Army's Chief of Staff: “the nation is ready to make sacrifices” 🗣 I believe that the French population, the nation, is ready to make sacrifices to defend what it holds dear. But this question remains highly theoretical, because our vital interests are not directly threatened. We are not in the same situation as the Ukrainians, who have experienced in their flesh, since 2014, the growing pressure of the Russian military apparatus. We don't live next door to a country that would develop an army with the aim of invading us. That said, we are part of NATO and we are the initiators of the European Union. As such, we have a fundamental solidarity with a number of allies who have a power on their borders, Russia, which has built up a military apparatus that puts pressure on its neighbors. We can't rule out the possibility of Russia trying to attack one of our partners in one way or another. We need to be able to make a major contribution to Europe's collective defense as part of a coalition. 🔗
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Général Schill : « La nation est prête à des sacrifices pour défendre ce qui lui est cher »
EXCLUSIF. Quatre-vingts ans après le Débarquement en Normandie demeurent toujours les raisons qui poussent les jeunes à s’engager, à tuer voire à mourir dans le cadre de leur mission. Dans un entretien, le chef d’état-major de l’armée de terre reste confiant sur la capacité des Français à se mobiliser face au retour de la guerre.
4 489
🪂 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 British paratroopers jumping into Normandy, greeted by French customs. 📎


3 667
🌐 🇷🇺 🇫🇷 Moscow ready to strike French military trainers in Ukraine 🔶️ “No instructor involved in training the Ukrainian military has immunity,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the press according to a report from French newswire AFP. 🔶️ “It doesn’t matter whether they’re French or not,” Peskov added. 🔶️ Last week, Ukraine’s top commander Oleksandr Syrskyi said French trainers would come to Ukraine “soon,” a statement which was downplayed at the time both in Paris and Kyiv.
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Moscow ready to strike French military trainers in Ukraine – POLITICO
“No instructor involved in training the Ukrainian military has immunity,” the Kremlin says.
4 143
🚨🇫🇷 - In April 2024, the French State deficit reached 181.11 billion euros over 12 months, a new all-time record at this stage of the year and 3.74 billion euros more than the previous record set in April 2021.
4 180
🇫🇷 The Seine River, where part of the Summer Olympics is to be held, received 50 million tons of wastewater due to broken pumps, media reported. Before this incident, the level of fecal bacteria in the river was already twice the normal level. The Olympic Games in the European Garden have received a new flavor of democracy
🇫🇷🚬 A report adopted by the Senate proposes increasing the price of a pack of cigarettes by 5% each year to reach €25 in 2040, compared with around €12 at present. 🔗
Un paquet de cigarettes à 25 euros en 2040? Un rapport du Sénat propose d'augmenter le prix du tabac de 5% tous les ans
5 192
🚨 FLASH - Standard & Poor's downgrades France 🇫🇷 ❌ The rating has been downgraded from AA to AA-, mainly because of the slippage in the public deficit to 5.5% of GDP, and a debt forecast of 112% of GDP in 2027.
5 493
🇫🇷🚔 Olympics 2024: French intelligence agency DGSI announces that it has foiled an attack on the soccer events scheduled to take place in Saint-Étienne. An 18-year-old Chechen national was arrested. 🔗
INFO BFMTV. JO de Paris 2024: un projet d'attentat visant les épreuves de foot à Saint-Étienne déjoué
Un attentat visant les épreuves de football prévues à Saint-Étienne a été déjoué par la Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI) le 22 mai dernier.
20 729
🇫🇷🇺🇦🇷🇺❗️France may soon send military instructors to Ukraine. Macron could announce a decision next week during Zelensky's visit - Reuters
3 748
🇫🇷👨‍⚕️ - French health care system deficit continues to grow and is expected to reach 16.6 billion euros by 2024. The government had forecast a deficit of €10.8 billion for 2024, reality exceeding predictions by 55%. 👉🏻 This deficit comes from a shrink of revenues from social security contributions on earned incomes and tax revenues, indicating a strong economic slowdown. 🔗
12 153
🇫🇷👳🏿‍♂️Understanding the issues surrounding ethnic replacement in France.
4 928
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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