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audience statistics Corona Investigative

This channel focuses on all aspects of the corona crisis with an investigative perspective, focusing on the scientific proof of the existence of the virus and its detection by PCR techniques. The whole world blindly trusts that this is sound science. 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Event 201: In October 2019 during the simulation of the outbreak of a novel coronavirus Astonishing, is it not? Of all virus strains in existence, a “coronavirus” was selected for this tabletop exercise. Not to mention that the fictional outbreak came “true” within a matter of weeks. But not only that: Chinese national George F. Gao was at the centre of both the fictional and the “real pandemic”. Full issue available here: One issue - One topic - One piece of the puzzle to understand the bigger picture 🦠 Grab a free copy of our Corona-Issue ⭕️ COVID, Great Reset and more to come 💬 Follow:
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    1 000
    Friends, I have written many times about the which activists from Germany and Switzerland created 3 years ago. This money was raised to pay out to any virologist who provides proof of the existence of the Covid-19 "sars-cov-2" virus. for the first time Result: Both Professor Kemmerer and her supporter, a molecular biologist "Franky", were unable to provide any scientific proof of the existence of the sars-cov-2 virus. While "Franky" said in his telegram group that he "doesn't have time for this,” Professor Kemmerer ended up being completely silent and did not provide a single publication, even when she was asked to do so. She also rejected any attempt at conversation to discuss the topic. 😅 Conclusion: neither during the measles virus trial nor now during Covid-19 have virologists been able to provide evidence of the existence of the viruses that acording to them cause these diseases. 👉 (My separate video explaining this court case and all the publications that were provided by the party trying to prove the existence of the measles virus will be released soon).
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    Isolate Truth Fund - Samuel Eckert
    Chris Hipkins will be New Zealand's next prime minister after Jacinda and of course he is going to be even worse than her. He thinks people basically should be hunted down if they haven't taken the Covid jab.


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    ALTERNATIVE MISINFORMATION Here is the video to the article above. The exposition of Dr. Scoglio's thesis on the Covid vaccines being unable to produce any spike protein, and being toxic in themselves, due to their their synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipids content. _


    3 360
    ALTERNATIVE MISINFORMATION Since the phantom of the evil Spike Protein is still haunting the minds of the misinformed, this article is the ghost hunter par excellence to finally put an end to the haunting once and for all. 👻👻👻 _
    “That mRNA “vaccines” cause cells to produce spike proteins is a fairy tale”
    Torsten Engelbrecht: Everybody seems to agree that the mRNA injections work by teaching our cells to make spike proteins. The only dispute is whether these spike proteins produced are harmless or h…
    3 715
    DISPROVING THE VIRUS CLAIM Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls. _
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    4 158
    DISPROVING THE VIRUS CLAIM I consider today's podcasts one of the most important ones I've done. My guest is a young German man, Marvin Haberland, and our conversation revolves around his upcoming court case in Germany, as well as the foundations of virology. Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls. Watch and listen to the podcast here: _
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    #56: Marvin
    Hi, everyone. I consider today's podcasts one of the most important ones I've done. My guest is a young German man, Marvin Haberland, and our conversation revolves around his upcoming court case in Germany, as well as the foundations of virology.
    3 224
    ADVERTISEMENT Excess mortality heading for record levels "At the beginning of October, the mortality rate in Germany was 20 percent above the average for 2018 to 2021, the Federal Statistical Office reports. Unusually high death figures are coming from all over Europe, with an increase of around ten percent on average. Experts call the phenomenon "excess mortality." () Well, where might this excess mortality come from? People who are still getting vaccine doses literally have lost control of their lives. "A development that was predictable, says our author." So say we. We are not showing anything new to our readers here and our editions. But this would be once again such a message, with which one could perhaps stimulate his vaccinated environment to think. 🦠 Each issue - one topic - one mosaic stone towards the big picture. 📬 _
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    Deutschland: Übersterblichkeit steuert auf Rekordwerte zu - WELT
    In Deutschland steuert die Übersterblichkeit auf Rekordwerte zu: Aktuell sterben 20 Prozent mehr Menschen als gewöhnlich. Eine Entwicklung, die vorhersehbar war, sagt unser Autor.
    4 301
    PLANDEMIC = PLANNED FAKE-PANDEMIC FLUVID-19 (2022) Full Documentary The whole Fake-Pandemic in a nutshell. High quality source: _

    FLUVID-19 (2022 Full Documentary] [15.10.2022].mp4

    10 948
    CORONATAINMENT Why Do You Trust These Liars? | Sung by Conspiracy Music Guru | Lyrics by Crumb, chat & jeranism Enjoy!!! 🎤🎧 _
    Why Do You Trust These Liars? | Sung by Conspiracy Music Guru | Lyrics by Crumb, chat & jeranism
    Big thank you to #ConspiracyMusicGuru #dontfollowcrumb and #jeranism Thanks to Alex: Tip me if you'd be so kind! $jeranism and Tip Crumb $dontfollowcrumb 🎤Lyrics🎤 Nikon zooming - level plane / Missing curve – Space is Gay / Boston Bombing – False Flag / Joe Biden’s a pedo / Dr. Fauci – Always Lying / Stevie Wonder isn’t blind / Fake Korea – We shall see ya – down the rabbit hole! (break) Bildabergs – Fake Bomb / Mike Obama huge dong / Ba-rock – The Kenyan Guy – How’s Your Wife Identify – Warp Speed, Vaccine / J&J Owns your genes / My-o car-di-tus – Kiss your sweet ass goodbye! (a) Why do you trust these liars. We must be discerning cause the World’s not turning. No more astronauts on wires. This worlds fake and you know it now its time we exposed it. Health Department – NSA / CDC and TSA / IRS, CIA and NASA is a crock! / SpaceX – Space Force – Space is fucking fake of course / Devon Island is Mars – Elon Musk is Launching Cars / Einstein was a queen – 2 more weeks of quarantine / Jussie Smollet – Fake Attack – George Floyd Swallowed crack / Said he couldn’t breathe at all – Overdosed on Fentanol / AOC and Alex Stein / Her Big Booty is so fine! (b) Why do you trust these liars? You must be discerning cause the World’s not turning. No more astronauts on wires. We are sick of these clowns let’s get this circus shut down. Bin Laden – In the sea / Robby Parker Smiling / Epstein didn’t die – flight logs all classified / California Communists – Newsome tops the list –/ Mask your kids – stay inside – For your health Formaldehyde You’ll own nothing – Eat Bugs – World Economic Thugs / Klaus Schwab – Castro – His son Justin Trudeau / Psychos – The elite – Bill Gates is tracking me / Biotech – Moderna – Pfizer – Astrozenica (a) 9/11 – No planes / Nother Drill – Nother Day / Building 7 falllling – From the plane their calling / Nano-thermite concrete - Passport found in the street / Lucky Larry Silverstein – Pulled it like a slot machine / Shanksville – Red Pill / Rumsfeld’s Missile – that’s what hit the pentagon – where has all the footage gone? (b) Climate Change, MSM / Selling fear on CNN / Moon Shot - Space Walks / All Faked - All Talk / All the astronauts who died - Have a twin still alive / Challenger Master Plan / Buzz Aldrin is drunk again But the moon rocks? Petrified That sucks! Yeah they lied! Rockets Fly? CGI Planets Tho? CGI THE ISS? All b.s. Is Earth fucking flat? Actually yes Not dinosaurs Lies of course I can't take it anymore! We didn’t start the fire. It may be concerning, the NASA building is burning. Maybe Karma caught these liars – They deserve a take down for saying we go around and round and round and round and round and round..... Chorus a, Chorus b, Chorus a Become a channel member to get some perks: All my links including telegram: Join Rokfin: For notifications when I post a video or go LIVE follow: Links to my old videos, new videos and ways to support the channel! 📼 New Videos: 📼 Old Videos: 💲upport Options are below! I very much appreciate the support. 💰Patreon: 💰Credit Card: 💰Cash App: $jeranism 📫Mail me stuff! jeranism PO Box 3044 Merced, CA 95344 ▶WEBSITE: ✉EMAIL ME: Best Way To Reach Me: Telegram ➕PLEASE NOTE I don't have time to look at all the comments so one of the filters or my mods may have got you. If so, sorry... try again! Thanks for watching my videos! Please share them if you enjoy them! Peace!
    3 001
    COVID VACCINE DEPOPULATION AGENDA It would have been better for him to work on his cognitive dissonance and train his intellect. 😔 _
    4 229
    STATS, NUMBERS & STUDIES FOR INSIGHT CDC loses court battle against ICAN - Over 10 million data available, the result is frightening❗️ After two lawsuits against the CDC and months of legal wrangling, the CDC finally relented, resulting in a court order requiring it to release this data. The first batch of data, containing 144 million rows of health records from v-safe users, has now been obtained by ICAN and is searchable through a user-friendly interface that ICAN has worked around the clock to create. ICAN has created a clear dashboard from the data. Here, one can select by "vaccination," severity, symptoms, age, gender, and ethnicity. ⭕️ Several million vaccination injuries in the first data preparation alone 👉🏻 👉🏻 👉🏻 _
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    ICAN_V-Safe_Dashboard (2).mp4

    1 351
    STATS, NUMBERS & STUDIES FOR INSIGHT 🇪🇺 Record excess mortality in the EU. "Excess mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022, up from +7% in June and May. This was the highest level so far in 2022 and represents around 53,000 additional deaths in July this year compared to the monthly averages for 2016-2019." (Eurostat ()) Strange. In the "Corona year" of 2020, when no supposedly saving vaccines against a supposed killer virus were yet available, there was no excess mortality. But now that many have been vaccinated multiple times, we now have record excess mortality. How will the vaccine fanatics and lobbyists explain this? _
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    PANDEMIC OF LIES The never ending story promoted by twitter bots... _
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    SCIENTISTS, DOCTORS & MEDICAL EXPERTS SPEAK OUT 📢 Dr. Kevin Corbett, co-author of the Corman-Drosten Review Report, sees parallels between Covid-19 and AIDS ! The key point: both diseases have been defined by a reassignment of common symptoms and both pathogens, HIV & SARS-CoV-2, have never been scientifically proven. Dr. Corbett criticizes misleading science: ✔️SARS-CoV-2 has never been detected ✔️PCR test cannot diagnose disease, ✔️Covid-19 is a reclassification of common symptoms ✔️Governments and public health agencies are controlled by WHO 👉🏻 _
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    4 395
    DISPROVING THE VIRUS CLAIM Another microbiologist dismantles virology - more and more peers are revisiting the virus existence question Purnima Wagh describes how her lab received a contract from the CDC (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and then attempted to isolate Sars-Cov-2 according to the rules, i.e., without a cell culture. In the , she describes the methods used by virologists and her futile efforts to isolate the viruses using scientific methods (isolation by filtration and centrifugation). Her infection attempts also failed. The whole experiment is repeated several times and causes some difficulties. She has a solid and dismantles virology professionally as only a few can. We are very excited to see her upcoming scientific publication. _
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    Corona Investigative Back Up
    5 600
    STATS, NUMBERS & STUDIES FOR INSIGHT Data from Euromomo and the EU's Vaccinetracker show a correlation between childhood vaccinations and increasing mortality in the age group up to 14 years. From the time (red line) when the vaccination of children between 10 and 14 years was started, the strong increase in excess mortality occurred. This virtually followed the increasing vaccination rate. Comparability is certainly limited because of the different age groups: Of course, not all deaths can be attributed to vaccination (even if younger children were vaccinated later). Nevertheless, the increase in mortality gives pause for thought. In connection with the repeatedly reported severe to fatal side effects of these "mmurder injections", this once again indicates that children are not being done any good by them. Comprehensive and trustworthy data are essential to realistically assess the situation-especially to determine the extent to which causality might lie behind apparent correlation. Although the authorities try to make the work of data journalists more difficult by hiding important data as best as possible, interesting data sets and correlations come to light again and again, at least via studies. This makes it all the more important to keep pointing this out, especially since the mainstream media are caught in a spiral of silence and extremely rarely report on the sometimes deadly side effects of these murder injections and do not want to capture the full extent of the fatal effects. Yet, as these current data once again demonstrate, the lives of our children are at stake. _
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    Corona Investigative Back Up
    2 011
    STATS, NUMBERS & STUDIES FOR INSIGHT Peer-reviewed study confirms: mRNA vaccine increases risk of heart disease by 4400% !!! According to the following published in the prestigious journal of natural sciences, Nature, on June 25, 2022, the Moderna "vaccine" increases the risk of myocarditis in young adults by 44 times! Summary ✔️ The risk of myocarditis increases one week after vaccination for both the Pfizer and Moderna "vaccines." ✔️ For BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna), the risk of myocarditis after mRNA "vaccination" was 8-fold and 30-fold higher, respectively, than that of the unvaccinated control groups. ✔️ For people aged 18 to 24 years, there was a 44-fold higher risk of myocarditis after the Moderna "vaccine." ✔️For the Pfizer "vaccine," the risk was 13 times higher compared with the same age group. In addition to the glaring result, it is also noteworthy that the researchers clearly argue for a causal relationship, which the authorities and the corporate media continue to deny or at least extremely downplay: ✔️ There are several factors that support the hypothesis of a causal association between exposure to mRNA vaccines and the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. ✔️First, the associations remained strong, even after accounting for a history of these diseases or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection and during a period when the most common respiratory viruses were not widely distributed. ✔️ Second, the time elapsed between exposure to the vaccine and hospitalization was very short for both diseases, especially after the second dose. ✔️Third, in most cases, the associations did not persist seven days after exposure. ✔️Fourth, the stronger risk associated with the second dose and the mRNA-1273 vaccine, which contains a greater amount of mRNA, suggests a dose-response relationship. Since only cases were counted that had been vaccinated within the last 21 days, we must also expect a considerable number of unreported cases in this study, despite the glaring result; especially since even all cases that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 within the last 30 days were excluded. Also excluded were all those who died after vaccination because only hospitalizations could be considered for data collection. Bottom line: the evidence is overwhelming. The government and the corporate media will not be able to keep the ball low for much longer as the truth reaches more and more people and slowly but surely also mainstream science. _
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    Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines
    Nature Communications - There have been reports of myocarditis and pericarditis following mRNA COVID-9 vaccination. Here, the authors use nationwide data from France and find increased risks of...
    1 490
    COVID VACCINE DEPOPULATION AGENDA Representative survey in the USA reveals dark figure: 750,000 vaccination deaths and 5 million are unable to work! Steve Kirsch, a well-known U.S. tech entrepreneur, MIT graduate, and inventor of the optical mouse released an independent survey of Corona vaccine injuries in the U.S. on June 25. The results show a devastating record: - The heart injury rate is 6.6%, affecting more than 10 million Americans. - 2.7% (> 5 million Americans) became unable to work after vaccination. - 6.3% (> 10 million Americans) required hospitalization. Further, the survey found that about 750,000 people died from the "Corona vaccine." _
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    Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US
    In US, ~5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and ~750,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.6%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn't doing these surveys!
    1 042
    Since you can now, add groups that are set to private channels, I have again opened a group for commenting. The last comment group was unfortunately abused for massive spam. If this happens again in this group, the comment function will also be turned off again. Please only post comments relevant to the current post. Everything else will be deleted. Thanks for your understanding. _
    PANDEMIC OF LIES Everything is deadly... The things they come up with to explain rising death rates with "unknown causes": _


    PANDEMIC OF LIES Everything is deadly... The things they come up with to explain rising death rates with "unknown causes": _


    COVID VACCINE DEPOPULATION AGENDA Taiwan with sudden 23% drop in birth rate ! ➖ The argumentation that COVID-19 would be to blame for the decline in births is a cover-up, since Taiwan was not significantly affected by the alleged covid pandemic until the end of April 2022 (see diagram). If one now calculates back 9 months, one can only come to one conclusion: ➖ Taiwan was a showcase for a successful vaccination campaign. 91% of all Taiwan residents received at least one vaccine dose early in 2021. ➖ COVID-19 as a "virus" was largely "under control" in Taiwan by April 2022, with few infections, attributed to strong vaccination coverage and island status. ➖ If COVID-19 were responsible for the dramatic decline in births, then the virus would have had to have been rampant before September 2021 (and massively so to explain this decline). Source: _
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    The Depopulation Of Taiwan
    Birth Rate Dropped by 23% in ONE YEAR -- And it is NOT Covid...
    1 013
    CAUSE OF DISEASE & DEATH - VACCINATION Representative survey in the USA reveals dark figure: 750,000 vaccination deaths and 5 million are unable to work! Steve Kirsch, a well-known U.S. tech entrepreneur, MIT graduate, and inventor of the optical mouse released an independent survey of Corona vaccine injuries in the U.S. on June 25. The results show a devastating record: - The heart injury rate is 6.6%, affecting more than 10 million Americans. - 2.7% (> 5 million Americans) became unable to work after vaccination. - 6.3% (> 10 million Americans) required hospitalization. Further, the survey found that about 750,000 people died from the "Corona vaccine." _
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    Latest survey shows the COVID vaccines are a disaster: ~750,000 dead in US
    In US, ~5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and ~750,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.6%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn't doing these surveys!
    1 393
    PANDEMIC OF LIES .... there's a war on your mind !!!! 🇬🇧 UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, and another 12 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd Dose For months, the British public has been misled with the claim that only 5 million people in the UK have refused the offer of a Covid 19 vaccination. However, this is a complete fabrication, no doubt designed to make those who have refused the vaccination feel that they are part of a minority _
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    UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, and another 12 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd Dose
    For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of
    5 233
    CAUSE OF DISEASE & DEATH - VACCINATION Sudden Adult Death Syndrome Although there is considerable evidence that a subset of infants has an increased risk of sudden death after receiving vaccines, health authorities eliminated "prophylactic vaccination" as an official cause of death, so medical examiners are compelled to misclassify and conceal vaccine-related fatalities under alternate cause of death classifications. So-called 'Sudden Infant Death Syndrome' is temporality in a statistically significant way. The term is a misleading misnomer to cover up infant vaccine deaths. I think it is safe to presume the recent coining and mainstream media use of the term 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' is the same. Hidden Infant Vaccine Deaths
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    Hidden Infant Vaccine Deaths "In this paper, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database was analyzed to ascertain the onset interval of infant deaths post-vaccination. Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001). A review of the medical literature substantiates a link between vaccines and sudden unexplained infant deaths." —Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature | Toxicology Reports (2021)
    2 621
    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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