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audience statistics 🔙RECENT IELTS🔜

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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year. Test Centre: ... Venue/City: Tashkent/ or ... Examiner: A Candidate: ... Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: - hometown - wild animals Part 2: Describe a piece of clothing u like to wear - - . . . Part 3: - clothing importance - business ... P.S: (here write your impressions about exam and examiner) P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 This bot was made using
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2 465
😎KUTIB OLING 😎 📌Birinchi dars boshlandi NINERS tomonidan Qo'shilib qoling ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1 045
Date: 01.12.2023 Test Centre: Ps Venue/City: Nukus Examiner: Old man Candidate: M..... Exam type: Speaking(video call) Part 1: -Hometown -Friends Part 2: Describe a time when you got lost Part 3: Getting lost P.S: I couldn't speak well. P.S: My main exam is 2nd December Thanks for sharing!!!
4 705
🔥 Eng so'ngi IELTS 9 Sohiblari va 6 yillik eng tajribali ustozlardan bepul FULL IELTS kursi Hamma o'quvchilar uchun speaking va writing feedback ‼️⬇️⬇️
2 355
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 30.11.2023 Test Centre: ADC Venue/City: Andijon Examiner: Alan Candidate: Ibrohim Exam type: Speaking (via zoom) Part 1: - where I live (not hometown) Where do you live at the moment? What problems does it have ? - languages What language did you study at school? (Can't remember othe ones ... Part 2: Describe sport match you watched for the first time Part 3: - about sport celebrities About their wealth, Does it worth to pay a lot of money to them? Commercial/ads with them Comparison with doctors Is it reasonable? - ... P.S: examiner was good, but with strong bri'ish accen' 😀 Polite/ smiled a lot / supportive Main exam: 02.12.2023 ‼️ Wish me luck guys P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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4 701
Dears, Shu o’qituvchini Writing darslarini (8.0 x 3) tavsiya qilaman. Kanalida asosan Writing Reading ga oid band 8.0 lik essaylar va bepul darslar tashkil qiladi doim. Imkoniyatni o’tkazib yubormang. Essaylarizga Feedback olishlariz ham mumkin
3 669
🫵 𝗜ELTS WRITING 8.0 & READING 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗮 𝗕𝗘𝗣𝗨𝗟 𝗾𝗮𝘁𝗻𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘇 🥳 📣WRITING Task 2 dan 3 marta 8.0 olgan 7 yillik tarjibali o’qituvchilardan, MASTERCLASS🤩 Writing 8.0 ga oid deyarli hech qayerda aytilmagan, Ajoyib Texnikalar va Tajribalar ulashiladi. P.S. Writing & Reading ga oid BEPUL darslar mavzulari 👆rasmda! ‼️Post tezda o’chiriladi. Don’t miss this chance! 📌BEPUL IELTS darslariga qo’shilish
3 763
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year..29.11.2023 Test Centre: ...BC Venue/City: Tashkent/ or ... Irrigation and agricultural university Examiner: ...old man Candidate: ... Suxrob Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: -hometown -music -helping others ... Part 2: Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions - - . . .I can't remember extra question Part 3: - All about ideas and opinions - ... P.S: (the exam was good and examiner was so friendly.) P.S2: my main exam 30th of November. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍
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4 171
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year. 25.11.2023 Test Centre: idp Venue/City: Tashkent/Ramada hotel main exam /for speaking edu action Examiner: if i'm not mistaken Tim/spanish man Candidate: .. Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: -work and study -fishing -running Part 2: Describe a party that u enjoy (even if he stopped me after 2minutes, he asked extra question: did you tell others about that party?) Part 3: - 1st topic: party :differences between public and personal party, what people can do in parties, is music important, how younsters and old people celebrate parties -2nd topic was about working atmosphere : is qualification is important,do workers treat each other depending on their qualification? with what factors people can be good worker? P.S: (my exam was f2f, he spoke fast but it was understandable, his reactions to my answers was nice, he smiled a lot especially in part1 and part3 ) P.S2: (Writing task1: bar graph, task2: agree disagree essay Listening: section1 and section 4 note completion, section 2 and section 3 small mcq and matching info section 3 was tricky Reading: passage1 matching info, t f ng, note completion psg2 : matching heading/info, note completion psg3: y, n, ng, matching info, mcq) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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5 247
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 23.11.23 Test Centre: British council Venue/City: Tashkent irrigation and agricultural university Examiner: Harry , if I'm not mistaken Candidate: Robiya Exam type: Speaking video-call Part 1: work or study - friends - wild animals ... Part 2: Describe a sport that you enjoy watching - - . . . Part 3: related to the part 2 - about participating sports - ... P.S: (examiner was so friendly) P.S2: (my next listening, reading and writing exams in 25th of November. Wish me good luck guys!) Thanks! 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 This bot was made using
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5 051
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year. Test Centre: ... Venue/City: Tashkent/ or ... Examiner: ... Candidate: ... Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: - - ... Part 2: Describe ... - - . . . Part 3: - - ... P.S: (here write your impressions about exam and examiner) P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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5 040
Бизнинг телеграм канал орқали қуйидаги имкониятларга эга бўлинг! Ҳар ой ташкил этиладиган бепул мақола нашр қилиш аксияларимизда иштирок этишни хоҳлайсизми? 👨‍🏫 Олий аттестация комиссияси(ОАК)нинг хулосасига кўра, бир неча минг журналлар "ҚОРА РЎЙХАТ"га киритилганидан хабардормисиз? 〽️ H-индекс кўрсаткичингизни ошириш имкониятидан фойдаланишни истайсизми? 🔍 Илмий мақолаларни ишончли журналларда чоп этишда нималарга эътибор қилиш кераклигидан хабардормисиз? 📚Китобингизни халқаро нашриётларда бепул чоп этмоқчимисиз? 🔝Бепул Scopus ва Web of science журналлари ҳақида хабардор бўлишни истайсизми? Йиртқич журналларни аниқлаш хизматидан фойдаланишни хоҳлайсизми? ❔Диссертация ишингизни шакллантиришда қийинчиликларга дуч келяпсизми? 📨 Энди сизда ушбу масалаларда ёрдам берувчи телеграм канал мавжуд, ҳозироқ каналимизга уланиб олинг! 💬 Каналга қўшилиш⤵️
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2 242
- Test centre: IDP - City: Tashkent (Cambridge) - Date of your test: 20.11.2023 - Examiner’s name: bald - Candidate name: Feruzabonu Part 1 Hometown Ice cream About job Part 2 Describe a job in which you are interested. Part 3 Related to job. Which kind if jobs common among 👫 Sharing is caring❤️
4 638
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year. Test Centre: ... Venue/City: Tashkent/ or ... Examiner: I didnt get name Candidate: Maxkamov Faxriddin Exam type: speaking Part 1: Work or study Ice cream ... Part 2: Describe a place that is far away from your home to visit in the future - . . . Part 3: All about holiday and vacation - ... P.S: (here write your impressions about exam and examiner) Examiner so polite and always smile P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other  exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 This bot was made using
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5 192
IELTS va MULTILEVEL imtixoniga tayyorlanuvchilar uchun ishonchli kanal 📚 Exam Preparation; 💡 Expert Tips; 🗣 Speaking Samples; ✍️ Writing Samples; 🎧 Listening Comprehension; 📖 Reading Strategies. 👈
IELTS and beyond (Ibrohim 8.0)
Owner: @toxirovibrohim READING 9.0 LISTENING 8.5 📍Karshi, Eski shahar, opposite 4th school @broadwayschool
2 080
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: day.month.year. 06.11.2023 Test Centre: ...IDP Venue/City: Tashkent/ or ...Tashkent Edu Action Examiner: ...TIM Candidate: ... Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: - Concentration - Day off ... Part 2: Describe ... -a occasion you spend your time with child - . . . Part 3: - taking care child - all about bringing up children ... P.S: (here write your impressions about exam and examiner) Examiner was soo friendly and kind he listened all my answers carefully and with smile on his face P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other  exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 This bot was made using
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4 688
🇰🇷 Janubiy Koreyada Bahor faslini kutib oling! Koreyada joylashgan Hallym va Namseoul  Universitetlarida talaba bo'ling. 🏛  Bahorgi semestr      Bakalavr,  Magistratura 🏛Namseoul university 🏛Hallym university 💵Kontrakt:2000$-2300$ 👑 GRANTLAR: 🔺 IELTS 7/TOPIK 6 - 100% scholarship 🔺 IELTS 6.5/TOPIK 5 - 70% Scholarship 🔺 IELTS 6.0/TOPIK4 - 50% Scholarship 🔺 IELTS 5.5/TOPIK 3 - 30% Scholarship 🔺 🏃‍♀️SHOSHILING! Qabul davom etmoqda ✅ Xizmatlarimiz qonuniy va ikki tomonlama yuridik shartnoma asosida amalga oshiriladi. ✅ 100%lik viza kafolati ✅Ikki va undan ortiq universitetlarga topshirib berish imkoniyati ✅Airaportdan kutib olish va ish va kvartiraga joylashishga yordam 👨‍🎓Shu bilan birga biz orqali Polsha Latviya Saudiya Singapur Malayziya Universitetlarida talaba bo'ling 📌 Batafsil: 📞998948832775 📨 🏛Manzil: Toshkent shahar Novza metro Ziraat bank yonida 📨Telegram kanal:
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2 257
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 13.11.2023 Test Centre: IDP Venue/City: Cambridge university/Tashkent Examiner: Don’t remember Candidate: Raimov Exam type: Speaking Part 1: Work and Study Ice cream Fixing things Part 2: Describe a time when you got lost Part 3: How can people find their way when they are lost? How do people react when they got lost? Space exploration Underwater exploration P.S: (examiner was so friendly and also bald) P.S2: (Part 1 and part 3 were really difficult and he revolved around these inconvenient questions. He asked me about 10 questions in both parts part 1 and part 3. It was the hardest speaking exam I’ve ever taken. Maybe he thought me so smart because of my attire. I wore shirt with tie and pants) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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4 096
​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 9th nov Test Centre: ... middle east Venue/City: saudia Examiner: ...british lady Candidate: ... Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening Part 1: What’s your name? What may I call you? Where are you from? Do you work or are you a student? What do you like the most about your job? What’s the best part about your job? Since you are a doctor, Do people in your country listen well? Whats your favorite day of the week? What do you do on weekends? Do you follow the same schedule on weekdays? Part 2: Describe a time when you got lost. You should say: -when and where it happened -who was there with you -how you felt when you got lost -and explain how you eventually found your way. Part 3: Do you often get lost? Why or why not? Are elders more likely to get lost compared to young? Are elders more reluctant to use technology? Why or why not? Do you use technology to help you find your way? Are the governments spending too much into technology? Whats your stance on space exploration? Is it justified? What’s the main reason behind space exploration? What’s the main driving force behind space exploration? What’s your stance on underwater exploration? Does it bring any good to us? Will underwater exploration bring any benefit you you or your profession? P.S: (very sweet, but did not allow extra long talks) P.S2: (too long) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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3 891
🇰🇷 Janubiy Koreyada Talabalar Qancha pul topadi? 🥇- Universitetni tugatib ishga kirdim. 🥈- Magistraturada Yozgi Sezonda Oyiga 5000$ dan topdim 🥉 Magistraturada oyiga 3000$ dan topayapmiz. 🏅 Hammaga Forever Study Consultingni tavsiya qilamiz. ➡️ 💸💰 —— 👆👆 🫵 Siz ham Koreyada o'qib 💸 soqqani bosishni 💰 xohlasangiz bizga murojaat qiling 😉 👨‍🎓Bakalavr $ Magistratura Talablar : 🇺🇸 Amerika: IELTS 6 / Duolingo 105+ 🇰🇷 Koreya: IELTS 5.5 yoki TOPIK 3 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 Bitta to'lov bilan birdaniga ham 🇺🇸AQSh, ham 🇰🇷Koreya topshirishingiz mumkin. 💰Firma to'lovini natijadan so'ng to'laysiz. 🔥Oldin natija keyin to'lov 📞 Murojaat uchun: NaN | 📩          NaN | 📩 💬|📹 📹
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Talabalar qancha pul topadi.mp4


5000 topayapmiz.mp4

Foreverni ashaddiy mizojlari.MOV

3000 $ topayapman.mp4




Azizbek Master.mp4


2 416
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 12.08.2023 Test Centre: IDP Venue/City: Tashkent Cambridge University Examiner: if I’m not mistaken he was French Candidate: ... Exam type: Speaking Part 1: -do you work or are you a student -about helping others Part 2: Describe a rule at school that you think important Part 3: Everything about rules P.S: examiner was friendly but sometimes it was difficult to understand him because of his French accent P.S2: (Write about which words from the listening and other exams were particularly difficult for you) 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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3 530
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: •••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 10.11. 2023 Test Centre: OPUS LS/ British Council Venue/City: Fergana Examiner: can't remember Candidate: Khusniddin Exam type: Speaking Part 1: - about yourself: student/worker - using map - chatting with friends Part 2: Describe a difficult task that you completed at work or study that you felt proud of Part 3: Feeling proud P.S: (The examiner is good, positive ) All questions were asked from assistant IELTS speaking program〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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3 720
🔥 WRITING 8.5 / SPEAKING 9 olgan va IDP da Examiner bo'lib ishlagan ustozlardan bepul FULL IELTS kursi Qatnashishingizni tavsiya qilaman ⬅️⬅️⬅️
2 220
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 9th November 2023 Test Centre: IDP Venue/City: Tashkent Examiner: Steven Candidate: Mukhlisa Exam type: Speaking (face to face) Part 1: - hometown - musical instruments - geography Part 2: Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions -do you discuss problems with your friend? Part 3: - When do you think children start to have their own opinions? -Do you agree that people should spend more time reading  about the ideas of famous thinkers of the past? - Whose ideas and opinions are widely respected in your country? - What are the responsibilities of teachers to help children develop their ideas/opinions? P.S: ( he was polite and friendy but it was really hard to listen him in part 3) 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰
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4 256
Instagram, TikTok, YouTube da boshqa odamlarni 7+ natijalarini ko'raverib charchagan bo'lsangiz Va atiga 47 minut sarflab qanday qilib boshqalar 15-16 yoshida 8-8.5 natijaga erishganini bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz XOZIROQ, 10-11 noyabr soat 21:00da kanalida bo'lib o'tadigan "IELTS RESET" BEPUL webinarida ishtirok eting. Webinarda qanday qilib 25 kun ichida atiga 2 soat sarflab 8.5 gacha bo'lgan natijani qo'lga kiritish mumkunligini o'rganish imkoniyatiga ega bo'lasiz (yoshingizni yoki tajribangizni ahamiyati yoq). Ammo, o'zingizni kelajakingiz uchun 47 daqiqa ham ajrata olmasangiz... Bu Webinar sizga ASLO to'g'ri kelmaydi. ⚡️
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2 099
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 9 November 2023 Test Centre: CIU/ IDP Venue/City: Tashkent Examiner: Don't know Candidate: Umid Exam type: Speaking, face-to-face Part 1: - hometown - bags - concentration Part 2: Describe an interesting job He gave extra questions also after l finished speaking: do you know anyone who does this job? It would be hard for you to do this job? Part 3: - at what age children start thinking about their career - what skills should children be taught at school - to become successful in career, people should give up their personal life. Is it true or not? P.S: examiner was kind, didn't not disturb me, GOOD LUCK ALL!! 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 This bot was made using
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4 500
Date 6.11.23 Test centre IDP City Tashkent Exeminer friendly Steven Speaking Part1 Hometown Wild animals Bags Part2 Book you have read more than once Part3 Related to reading books What book suitable for children What is effects of reading book How effects children when their parents read book Thanks for sharing!!!
5 314
🔥 WRITING 8.5 / SPEAKING 9 olgan va IDP da Examiner bo'lib ishlagan ustozlardan bepul FULL IELTS kursi Qatnashishingizni tavsiya qilaman


2 185
Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 03.11.2023 Test Centre: ... Venue/City: Tashkent Examiner: Sariq sochli qari edi Candidate: Exam type: Speaking Part 1: -music -all about it ... Part 2: Describe ... -describe person studied with you and successes - . . . Part 3: - Related to part 2 ... P.S: (here write your impre) P.S2: examiner uta seryozni edi vawe duh oldi why deb surayverdi ahamiyat vawe bermadi manga yoqmadi vawe 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰➰ Well done 👍👍👍 Thanks for sharing!!!
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5 551
03.11.23 ADC Andijon If i am not mistaken it was Dina Speaking Do you work or are you a student Rain Describe an adventure that you would to go on Part 3 related to adventure Thanks for sharing!!!
5 021
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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