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all posts Lauren Chen

Deus Vult 
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"The NFL is like slavery, except the players get paid millions of dollars." OK so not at all like slavery then
This is literally how the country used to function. Income tax in America is relatively new. But people are so brainwashed when you talk about abolishing it they act as if the sky would fall should the government stop taking so much of our money.
1 666
Politicians trading stocks when they have their hands tipping the scales should be ILLEGAL. Insider trading isn't allowed in the private sector, and what's going on in Congress is even worse. Lock them all up.


2 696
Is Tucker Carlson un-American for questioning our leaders? The Daily Wire seems to think so. For questioning America's past actions and for asking questions in general, the network is going all in on smearing Tucker as a crazy person. Check out the full video here:


1 731
Ben Shapiro has thrown facts, logic, and even his legendary fiscal reputation out the window, as he goes all in for Israel. Check out the full video here:


2 208
Are you freaking kidding me? He has a wide-open border with criminals pouring in by the thousands daily. This is a blatant assault on the First Amendment. Miss me with that HaTe SpEeCh B.S.
3 048
As a woman online, sure, I get mean comments from men on the right sometimes. But as an Asian, the violent rhetoric from black leftists is always there to keep things in perspective 😇
2 030
The left: removed me from public life for 6 months, made me live under curfew, attempted to coerce me into taking an experimental vaccine that could have caused me to miscarry. The right: (sometimes) MEAN TWEETS! You can't make this Sh*t up. 🤷🏻‍♀️
1 914
Welp, an anon was lippy so I guess I'll just leave the right and change all my opinions Because we all know the left is so nice to me 😇
1 909
Liberal women will literally get punched in the face by random criminals in leftist cities and still never dream of voting anything but Democrat "Conservative" women will get told to get back in the kitchen by some anon on Twitter and never vote Republican again I hate it here
2 084
It is not anti-American to question and distrust the government. In fact, that is the most American thing I can think of. There are a million reasons why I love America, and none of them have to do with politicians.
2 010
Good, others should have followed suit as well. It's unreal that people are still trying to defend that shit show of a war or use it as a "gotcha" today. From the War Karen class, no less.
1 933
No one cares that she's Jewish That's why everyone is leaving her alone and there's even a group behind her with a "Jews for a free Palestine" sign lmao I know you're desperate to be the victim here, but being Jewish is not what people are protesting.
2 152
Despite dwindling interest and ratings, Disney is doubling down on the woke rebranding of Doctor Who. Check out the full video here:


2 052
How about you put those troops on the border rather than having them babysit university students?
5 278
Per Capita strikes again.
2 412
Call me crazy. But I don't think we should let liberals and centrists determine what the right does or does not stand for.
3 496
"If you question the government, you hate your country."
9 153
Wanting safe cities is a Nazi dog whistle
5 471
Waiving foreign flags on the House floor? This is what a nation that has been conquered looks like.


7 858
There are many different reasons out there why you can oppose the 19th. Even as a woman, I've not really heard anyone say that women's voices are "politically unimportant." The reason there's even a discussion about the 19th is that women's votes do matter. Check out the full video here:


3 042
I don't believe in democracy. "But what about taxation without representation!" I don’t believe in taxation.
2 993
Ok this is funny 🤣
2 811
Megan Basham slams the pro-life lobby for their harsh critique of Trump, highlighting that they have been sending him conflicting signals on vital pro-life matters. Check out the full stream here:


3 332
"WELL IF YOU DONT THINK EVERYONE SHOULD VOTE, JUST GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH!" Tell that to the Founding Fathers, who, incidentally, did not think everyone should vote but still believed in free speech.
3 046
Poor fella is absolutely seething that I am just more attractive than he is. No filters here, but I'm happy to give Riggleman🐷 diet tips if needed!
3 063
"Per capita" strikes again.
3 510
Let’s be honest, If they launched those missiles and drones from south of the border, you'd be sound asleep, and more than half of Congress would be trying to give them free credit cards.
5 861
This is the most AWFL (affluent white female liberal) statement I have ever seen.
3 194
There's nothing wrong with or uncommon about children sharing a room. Why is this going viral?
3 208
Hillary Clinton won't go away. This time, the nasty woman has unleashed a new feminist musical that makes nails on a chalkboard sound soothing in comparison. Check out the full video here:


4 125
Wait - this photoshop job of me as a starship trooper is actually amazing I love it 🤣
3 239
No, it isn't.
5 055
No, it isn't.
Diversity is in every movie and show nowadays. Can we still find films without it, or is it too late? Check out the full video here:


4 227
Sorry, folks, your Fourth Amendment rights continue to be signed away because someone had the sniffles and couldn't be bothered to take some DayQuil.
8 424
Not black enough.
3 479
JK Rowling is going scorched earth on celebs who are pro-transing kids and I am so here for it!
6 137
The debate continues over Nala’s transformative moment of finding Christ. Yet the undeniable truth remains—Christ’s love has the power to redeem even those who were lost, like Nala. Check out the full video here:


3 513
Oh, I'm sorry, I missed the part where Tucker, or anyone else for that matter, has to unquestionably support a foreign nation to enter the America FIRST camp.
4 559
"I've advocated for, reform when it comes to foreign aid. When I campaigned for Congress, another thing I campaigned on was no dual citizens in Congress." Laura Loomer on assumptions made about her support for Israel. Check out the full stream here:


2 992
So Israel IS killing Palestinian Christians, but Tucker Carlson is a bigot for talking about it????
8 279
Joel needs to stop. This just glorifies literal racial supremacy. As Christians we are not called to be cuckolded in our own faith. We in Christ are God's chosen. God has not rejected the Jews, of course not. It is they who are rejecting Him when they reject the Son.
3 693
What... what is he basing this off of?
2 802
Live with Laura Loomer! Come join!
Tucker Carlson UNDERMINES Trump? With Laura Loomer
Follow Laura: https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer https://rumble.com/LauraLoomer
3 099
If you doubt that it's even theoretically possible to save this woman, you are not doubting her. You are doubting Christ.
3 947
Every now and then, Chris Cuomo manages to provide a decent take for once. In this instance, he correctly points out how Ben Shapiro's past and current mishaps are diminishing his influence within the conservative movement. Check out the full video here:


4 279
Abolitionist in the streets Colonized in the sheets
3 903
We are ALL in need of Christ's forgiveness and redemption. Not one of us we be found worthy if we were judged by our own merits. I pray Nala is being genuine here, because if she is, we are truly witnessing the indescribable power of Grace and the Holy Spirit.
3 209
For real, it makes me so happy to know people are watching my vids at all, let alone liking something enough to clip it and share it 🥹 This is how you know Nick and Tate have the most loyal fans Their clips are everywhere and it's because their fans take the time to promote their work!
3 188
My current favorite genre of niche rightwing tweets are the ones commending Baron Trump's physiognomy
3 373
I... I don't think I've ever tweeted at him? He's allowed to block whomever he wants of course, just found it odd considering I've never interacted with him (at least as far as I can recall...)
3 197
Disney is shunning profits. Even after shelling out billions to buy the Fantastic 4 IP through their Fox acquisition, it appears that feminism will derail any possible resurgence of this franchise. Check out the full video here:


3 001
I vote we make the Asian grading system universal. Anything below a 95 is a fail and you also have to feel a great sense of dishonor.
2 895
Feminists discuss their problems without blaming men in some way challenge (impossible).
3 866
The Slippery Slope is not a fallacy. It's an observable pattern of human behavior.
3 087
Wow Jimmy so interesting. I wonder what makes Japan so clean and great... And why America isn't more like that. 🤔
3 016
Online leftists have been getting bent out of shape after many people began questioning the Baltimore mayor's qualifications to lead the city in the wake of the Frances Scott Key bridge Collapse. Check out the full video here:


3 112


3 026
"How are we watching it?" lol Ashley what does that even mean? I didn't say it was a private event, I said he was addressing Christians She's complaining he's making the issue into a "religious talking point" because he... brought it up at a religious event? Can Christians not discuss morality with each other? She does a great job discussing the health implications of birth control. Charlie is discussing the moral and spiritual implications of birth control in a context where people have come to hear his thoughts on moral and spiritual issues. Why does this upset her? She's on the same side of the issue.
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3 038
Charlie is addressing a Christian audience at a Christian event. I don't think it's fair to invoke "white sharia" here. Discussing the moral implications of birth control doesn't invalidate the other arguments against it.
2 768
When did the left become such Big Pharma shills? Of course it's problematic (from a health AND moral perspective) that young women are being prescribed pills that manipulate their hormones as if they were tic tacs. No drug comes without side effects, including birth control.
2 976
99.98% of that bill is going to be sent to the U.S. taxpayer.
3 087
Saying "America should not fund Israel" is not criticism of Israel. That implies that the neutral position toward Israel is that they just inherently deserve American tax dollars. Which yes, many in the GOP do believe, but to be clear, that's not neutrality.


3 693
Oh ABSOLUTELY NOT. Japan has NO ROOM to complain about "not taking accountability" for war crimes in WWII. NONE.


3 047
Dylan Mulvaney's music video The porous southern border Illegal immigrants getting gun rights I sat down with Patrick Christys for GBNAmerica to discuss it all! Check out the full segment here:
GBN America with Patrick Christys: Mexico Vs The Wall and Border Insecurity Fuelling Fentanyl crisis
Keep up to date with the latest news at https://www.gbnews.com/US Don’t let them silence us - support GB News here: https://gbnews.com/support Twitter: https://twitter.com/GBNAmerica Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GBNAmericaOnline Download the GB News app! You can watch GB News on all of your favourite devices and keep up to date with the latest news, analysis, opinion and more. For the latest US news, visit www.gbnews.com/us
3 117
I say this with love... A lot of the behaviors the female-dominated field of psychology has medicalized as "autism," such as hyperfixation, but also difficulty perceiving emotional cues, are not necessarily autism. It's just men being men.
2 959
This Thug is threatening my family and me because I do not support reparations. Absolutely unhinged behavior.


3 575
All this proves is that they've been angering Christians since 2009.
3 411
5 142
You do not deserve reparations 💅.
3 713
Baristas should be friendly to customers. But this customer wasn't just being friendly, he was hitting on this woman ("the cashier was really pretty" & he wanted to "get to know her"). I'd say she was too blunt in her dismissal of him, but he wasn't just "trying to be nice."
3 605
"Immigration has nothing to do with the housing crisis!" 🥴
3 430
If it wasn't clear enough already, Christ Is King 🙌. Spreading His word isn’t anti-Semitic; it’s about sharing love and faith with EVERYONE, Jewish folks included! It's also what we are commanded to do as Christians✝️.


9 694
Ghostbusters now has LGBT ghosts. Who could've guessed? Check out the full video here:


3 488
How many WWII vets who literally fought Nazis are voting Democrat? The political and social beliefs of people in that age group are exactly what leftists would call Nazism today 🤣
3 299
"We don't owe anyone anything" is such degenerate, nihilistic thinking. You do, actually, owe a great deal to the people who came before you & who will come after you. We have families, communities, countries... Toxic individualism is as destructive as toxic collectivism.
4 103
"Hilary is fighting for something else..." Sean Fitzgerald on the recent LWC developments.


3 231
Introspection is a rare yet valuable trait.
3 948
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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