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all posts Aurora Ray -Galactic Federation

🛸Galactic Federation Ambassador. I help you shift your frequency. Manifestation and ascension from the 3D matrix to 5D consciousness🧬 ★Kundalini★QHHT★9D Breathwork★Food 👇🏽Start here👇🏽  
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💫Earth's Awakening: Exploring the Cosmic Significance Within You💫 Right now, you're learning how special you are, and the galactic federation wants to help you understand and appreciate this. They'll guide you on this journey. The more you learn about yourself, the more you'll see your value. Imagine there are special patterns inside you, like codes that other groups of beings understand. These patterns will become clearer to you over time and help you become even better. Think of Earth as a tiny version of the whole universe, like a small piece reflecting what's happening everywhere else. But there's something special about Earth – it's like a starting point, a trigger for something bigger. The galactic federation compares it to a seed, a beginning. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
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🔮Shaping New Realities: The Frequency of Awakening Carried by the Family of Light🔮 Imagine a world where everything is swirling and changing like colorful leaves in the wind. In this world, there's a group that stands out—like a group of friends with a secret. They call themselves the Family of Light. Their job is super special: they help keep things steady when the world starts to shift between different versions, like moving from one dream to another. But there's more to them than meets the eye. They have something amazing inside them, a bit like a special song that can make sleepy souls start to wake up. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
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🌀Codes of Creation: The Pleiadian Connection to Earth🌀 The Pleiadians are a truly captivating and enigmatic group of highly enlightened beings hailing from the distant Pleiades star cluster. Shrouded in an aura of mystique, they are believed to possess a level of spiritual evolution that sets them apart from ordinary beings. Their very existence sparks curiosity and wonder among seekers of truth and those who ponder the mysteries of the cosmos. Within the Pleiades star cluster, a mesmerizing celestial neighborhood situated in the vast expanse of space, these extraordinary beings call their celestial home. Amidst the twinkling stars and cosmic wonders, they reside in a realm that stretches the boundaries of human imagination. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
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You were born on Earth, not just by chance, but to make a difference. You're like a tiny plant trying to change things. Imagine you're from the future, and you're putting yourself into the past to make it better. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
Earth's Awakening: The Galactic Federation's Mind-Bending Revelations!
You were born on Earth, not just by chance, but to make a difference. You're like a tiny plant trying to change things. Imagine you're from the future, and you're putting yourself into the past to make it better. Join my 888 Lion’s Gate Activation Workshop. During this powerful cosmic event, we will manifest change, ignite our hopes and turn our dreams into reality. To access the details, go to this link:
🪐The Simplicity of the Fifth Dimension: A Captivating Journey through the Cosmos🪐 In the hidden world beyond what we normally see, there's a special place called the Fifth Dimension. In the fifth dimension, reality defies our usual perceptions, and the laws of physics take on a whole new meaning. Here, mind-bending phenomena and unimaginable possibilities await those who dare to explore its enigmatic depths. But this dimension is not far away; it's already inside us. We forget about it because we get caught up in the outside world and what others think. Our ego is like a fake identity we create because we want to feel special. To experience the Fifth Dimension, we have to let go of this fake identity and accept ourselves as we are without pretending to be something we're not. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
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Rust in your innate abilities, tap into the memories that lie dormant within, and step into the light that is your birthright. With each step, you're inching closer to a reality that's beyond imagination—an existence that transcends the ordinary and soars into the extraordinary. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
Embracing Transformation: The Family of Light's Cosmic Mission
Rust in your innate abilities, tap into the memories that lie dormant within, and step into the light that is your birthright. With each step, you're inching closer to a reality that's beyond imagination—an existence that transcends the ordinary and soars into the extraordinary. Join my 888 Lion’s Gate Activation Workshop. During this powerful cosmic event, we will manifest change, ignite our hopes and turn our dreams into reality. To access the details, go to this link:
Humanity is being assisted with all that is needed for this evolutionary process to continue as smoothly as possible and with the least amount of suffering for each soul. The Pleiadeans are here to show you how to do it lovingly, gently, and gracefully. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Pleiadean Presence: Earth's Eternal Allies in Our Ascension Journey!
Humanity is being assisted with all that is needed for this evolutionary process to continue as smoothly as possible and with the least amount of suffering for each soul. The Pleiadeans are here to show you how to do it lovingly, gently, and gracefully. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
The more you ascend, the more possibilities are open to you. You'll almost feel as if you've merged with the infinite space around you and have a long, "Endless" experience of pure bliss! Every day will be the first day of your life! 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
Beyond Boundaries: Understanding the Mechanism from 3D to 5D
The more you ascend, the more possibilities are open to you. You'll almost feel as if you've merged with the infinite space around you and have a long, "Endless" experience of pure bliss! Every day will be the first day of your life! If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
With love in your heart and joy in your soul, you can accomplish anything that the Universe could possibly dream you up to do. It is part of your Divine heritage to share your love widely throughout the world. In doing so, you will bring healing to those around you and uplift the entire planet. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
Loving Beyond Labels: The Key to Unlocking Spiritual Evolution
With love in your heart and joy in your soul, you can accomplish anything that the Universe could possibly dream you up to do. It is part of your Divine heritage to share your love widely throughout the world. In doing so, you will bring healing to those around you and uplift the entire planet. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
The Kundalini is the spark of divinity that was granted to humans by Sophia Gaia, the Creator Goddess and Mother of Earth. Should a human ever choose to ascend from the third-dimensional fear-based reality to the 5D frequency of unconditional love, the rising of your Kundalini energy will enable you to enter the 5D Kingdom of God. Love, Aurora ❤️ If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽

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✨Unleashing My Galactic Potential: My Journey as a Starseed✨ I was always aware that I was unique. I could tell from a young age that there was more to life than meets the eye. I used to look up at the stars a lot, wondering what secrets lay beyond our world. I didn't realize I was a Starseed until I started having strange visions. At first, I thought it was all in my head and an illusion. But as the visions became stronger and more vivid, I realized there was more to them. I began researching starseeds and discovered that they are souls who have incarnated on Earth with the intention of assisting humanity. Their mission is to aid humanity's spiritual evolution and to bring about positive change in the world. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
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When you look up at the sky or down at the ground, remember that the story of earth is not just about continents and oceans. It's a story of cosmic struggles, grand designs, and the mysteries of existence written into the fabric of our planet. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Cosmic Clashes and Human Evolution: The Battleground of Earth
When you look up at the sky or down at the ground, remember that the story of earth is not just about continents and oceans. It's a story of cosmic struggles, grand designs, and the mysteries of existence written into the fabric of our planet. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Unlock your inner power with the Warrior Kundalini Activation Technique. From human to superhuman, embrace the journey of transformation and ascend to the realm of 5D consciousness. This potent practice not only elevates you but heals you along the way. Are you ready to rise? 🔥 I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽

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Janet Ossebaard, journalist and creator of the series “The Fall of the Cabal” has been found dead after weeks of missing. It was reported to be a suicide.?.This is sad news
🔮The Revolution Of Light Is upon Us Now🔮 I am so thrilled to share this information with all of you who have been willing to deal with the deep and dark issues that have been left to fester in the shadows for far too long. I am sharing this message with you all in this way because I believe that you are the leaders in this mass ascension process. You are showing us all how we can evolve into beings who live our lives loving each other and loving ourselves. The light is shining down on you and loving every bit of who you are. You are a way-shower, and you are shining your light in the world, allowing that light to shine upon others and inspire them to do the same. You are bringing about a revolution of light, a grand change in human consciousness that will reverberate throughout the Universe for millennia to come. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
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The system does not honor life and it is falling big time. There is a very powerful shift happening in our reality as we are being given all of the information we need to create a new world. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
The Accelerated Shift: Transforming Our Reality and Planet!
The system does not honor life and it is falling big time. There is a very powerful shift happening in our reality as we are being given all of the information we need to create a new world. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
Through mindful meditation, you can conquer your mind and improve your relationship with yourself. When you're mindful, you can identify your true self, which is the Master. Once this higher self comes into existence, this master alone opens all doors to blissful living. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Mind Mastery for Blissful Living: Discover Your True Self
Through mindful meditation, you can conquer your mind and improve your relationship with yourself. When you're mindful, you can identify your true self, which is the Master. Once this higher self comes into existence, this master alone opens all doors to blissful living. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Life is a multidimensional journey, with each dimension offering a plethora of methods and techniques to achieve our goals. Often, we become so absorbed in one aspect that we forget about the others, leading to an incomplete understanding of the larger picture. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
Symbols of the Divine: Keys to Infinite Wisdom and Boundless Love
Life is a multidimensional journey, with each dimension offering a plethora of methods and techniques to achieve our goals. Often, we become so absorbed in one aspect that we forget about the others, leading to an incomplete understanding of the larger picture. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
It is always good to make decisions as early as possible; don't procrastinate. The greatest quality of life can come only through strong decisions and not through indecision. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
The Spiritual Mastery: From Fear to Freedom
It is always good to make decisions as early as possible; don't procrastinate. The greatest quality of life can come only through strong decisions and not through indecision. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
We welcome the year in which the guardians of Gaia, the Dragons, return to assist us on our journey of spiritual evolution and great shift in frequency. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽

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Let’s all share this‼️


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Enlightenment is our natural state of being; We were born enlightened, but over time we have lost touch with our natural state of enlightenment. We just need to remember who we really are in order to reconnect with our natural state of enlightenment. 🎥WATCH IT HERE: I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
From Darkness to Light: The Return to Our Natural State of Enlightenment
Enlightenment is our natural state of being; We were born enlightened, but over time we have lost touch with our natural state of enlightenment. We just need to remember who we really are in order to reconnect with our natural state of enlightenment. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
🧬Unlock Your Genetic Code and Contact ETs to Rediscover Your Trueself!🧬 According to some ancient texts, the first humans were created by a variety of sentient civilizations. The original human was a splendid being with incredible power who lived the happiest of lives. They lived in a world where people were no longer required to work for a living; instead, they could simply create whatever they desired out of thin air by using their mental powers. They were no longer bound by the laws of nature or biology; instead, they lived in a world where everything was possible, and nothing was impossible! If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
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Words increase in power through repetition. And when you are repeating truth, the impact is enormous. Supercharge your aura with the power of words, the right words…! Love, Aurora Ray If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽

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✨How To Live In Pure Consciousness✨ Vipassana (Sanskrit:'seeing in the mind and heart') is an ancient Buddhist meditation practice that seeks insight into the true nature of reality. It's taught entirely from observation and reflection as a method for discovering freedom from suffering. The aim of vipassana practice is to see things as they really are, without preference or attachment. It is based on the Buddhist theory of perception, which holds that all experience arises from our mental activity. The meditation method can be applied to many areas of life, from personal relationships to the workings of society. I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
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After four years… We have entered a new paradigm and it’s looking really good. The whole world will be positively effected by this upcoming US election


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Elon Musk on free speech…💣😂the blessing is that there are people who have no filters


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Here’s the dream team. The Avengers💪🏼🦸‍♂️


What a team. Trump, Elon, and RFK jr. Best movie cast ever!💪🏼✨


💣Zuckerberg spilled the tea. Why he did it? Not sure but this isn’t an easy letter to write
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The ancient Kundalini technology provides us with every tool we need to bring our wildest dreams to life. It was created to turn humans into super humans and is often referred to as the teachings of the Age of Aquarius. And if you need to be fixed, it will fix you first. It’s not only the most powerful but also fun. After all, life is about the experience of joy and these tools will make you feel very happy and peaceful. We breathe, pray, chant, sing, meditate, dance, and do yogic exercises to shift into other dimensions instantly. We believe that energy is transferred by sound and that the body must be prepared to hold these higher frequencies. 5D is a frequency, let’s tune in ;) Love, Aurora I teach a FREE community KAT class every few weeks. Put your email on our list and we’ll send you an invite: 👉🏽
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🚀Ascension Manifestation🚀 Dear family of light, When you're first exploring ascension or the idea of spiritual enlightenment, it can seem like a big and complicated concept. And to some extent, it is. But if you take a step back and remember that ascension is about your personal journey of discovery, it doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming. There are many layers to this journey, and each one takes you deeper into yourself, connecting you with all that is around you. It's an exciting process that ultimately leads to profound self-discovery and an increased understanding of your place in the universe. That's why the sacred sciences are so important — they help you expand your consciousness and develop a greater connection with the world around you. If you would like to receive free galactic guidance, put your email here: 👉🏽
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Última actualización: 11.07.23
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