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audience statistics TippyTopPatriot 🐸 🇺🇸

Where to connect:  Unashamed Follower of Christ. Unapologetic American Patriot. Doing my best to share the truth of God's Word, provide daily encouragement, and expose the fake narrative of those who wish to destroy us. 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Will you join me? It's Saturday night, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    2 377
    Recently, I took a walk with my two sons through a field along our property. We talked and laughed as we walked along, and after a few minutes my boys turned around and looked back towards the house. “Daddy, the house is so tiny now! It’s like the size of my toy car!” my youngest exclaimed. I laughed. “It looks that way, but it’s only because we’re not as close to it as we were earlier.” I did my best to explain distance and perspective in a way that my little boy could understand. “It may look smaller, but it’s only because of our location. The house hasn’t changed; it’s still the same size no matter how it appears.” As we continued to walk, I realized that my explanation to him about our physical walk also explained our spiritual walk, as well. How many times in the last few years have you felt like evil is winning? You know the truth in your heart, but it’s hard to convince your mind. How much more can we take? To be honest, I’ve lost heart off and on throughout the battle; I’m like everyone else. But you know what my problem was every single time? I had lost perspective; I had allowed the battle, the pain, and the problems of this life to create distance between myself and God. Satan is a subtle deceiver; he can lead us away from the presence of God so slowly, so seemingly innocently, that we barely notice our perspectives change. He knows the Bible has told us to “Draw nigh to God, and he (God) will draw nigh to you” (James 4:8). Maybe you’re reading this right now, and you feel like all the evil looks a little bigger than it used to, or that God looks a little smaller than He used to. Trust me, it’s just your perspective...and it's a lie. God has never and will never change. He is STILL God, He is STILL on the throne, and He is STILL all powerful. Evil? It has already been defeated. Today we’re fighting many battles, but we have the assurance that the war has been won through Christ. If we focus all our attention on the problems, we'll be discouraged, scared, and overwhelmed. The problems look big. But if we shift our focus to God, we will be encouraged, strengthened, and emboldened. Our God is still King, no matter how it appears in the moment. He has already won, no matter how it Him! Let’s draw night unto God and get busy. 🔥 Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
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    12 687
    In case you need a laugh, I made a quick video...Hit it, Joe! 😂 Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot


    4 862
    Mark Hamill (the washed up Star Wars actor) spewed some elitist nonsense today, so naturally I had to set him straight. 😂😂 Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    6 216
    Pray with me: It's Saturday night, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    5 663
    Will you join me? It's Saturday night, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    8 374
    Pray with me: It's Saturday night, time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    9 541
    Will you join me? It's Saturday night, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    10 036
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday night, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    9 731
    Will you pray with me? It's Saturday evening, and time for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
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    I haven't had a lot of time to peruse social media lately, but I enjoy leaving comments when I can. 😂 Keep calling out the lies every chance you get. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    8 159
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening, time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    8 373
    Would you pray with me? It's Saturday evening, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    4 947
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening, time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    4 502
    Would you pray with me? It's Saturday evening, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    6 698
    It's Saturday evening, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    8 750
    Acts 13:36 reminds us of a sobering reality: "For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption:" Someday, our flesh will fail and our bodies will be laid to rest. We only have one life to make a difference, and only what we do for God will make an eternal difference. This reality puts everything in perspective; perhaps this is why Moses said, "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). As I look around, it's overwhelming at times. - The evil. - The anti-God. - Those bent on destroying us. - The mockery of everything good. - Those who are so excited about the Super Bowl and Taylor whats-her-name, but have no idea what is actually going on in our Country. And then I remember that while there truly is a battle raging between good and evil, God has already won the war. Today, we fight not to achieve victory, but from a position of victory. Through Christ, the victory has already been won, and God has called us to tell others about Him and stand for the truth with our very lives. So today, with all we have in the time we have left, may our ultimate goal be to serve God in our generation. Keep serving God. Keep standing together. Keep fighting the forces of evil. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
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    8 655
    Join me: It's Saturday evening, time for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    7 951
    As you are aware, I haven't been online much the last few months apart from our weekly prayer time. Life has been very busy, and I've been blessed with many opportunities. I've traveled a lot for work, started taking some college courses, gotten involved in some ministry opportunities, and striven to spend as much of my free time as I can with my wife and kids. While it's been busy, it's been good; God has been so good to me. I'm praying, Lord willing, that I will be able to spend more time online in 2024. Life is still busy, but there is so much going on in our country and in our world that I feel it's important to make it a point to get online more. When I first got online, I said that my goal was to "do my best to share the truth of God's Word, provide daily encouragement, and expose the fake narrative of those who wish to destroy us." That is still my goal. To those of you that have stuck around when I wasn't posting as much, thank you. To those of you have faithfully requested prayer/prayed with me every Saturday, you are a blessing. Let's spend 2024 together lifting high the name of Jesus Christ, sharing the truth, and exposing the darkness. God bless you! 🙏 Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
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    10 866
    Will you join me? It's Saturday evening, and time for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    8 276
    Let's try this again, try to comment on this post... Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    9 949
    For some reason, Telegram is not allowing anyone to comment on tonight's prayer post. When I clicked to comment on it, I received the error message above. I am working to figure out what the issue is. Thank you for your patience! - TippyTopPatriot Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    7 405
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening, and time once again for our weekly prayer request/praise time together. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    7 310
    It's Saturday evening, time for our weekly prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    9 523
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening and time for our weekly prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    11 557
    Prayer Time: It's Saturday evening, time for our weekly prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    10 007
    It's Saturday evening and time again for our weekly prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    9 778
    It's Saturday evening, time for our weekly prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    11 301
    I'm just getting home, but it's still Saturday evening and time for our prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. "And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2:42). Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    11 597
    It's Saturday evening and time once again for our prayer request/praise time. Would you join me in praying for each other? How can I specifically pray for you? Leave your prayer requests and praises in the comments and let's pray for one another. Subscribe: @TippyTopPatriot
    11 825
    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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