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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Pension bill passed I hope we keep this whole thing under conrole, after the cops find out we are stealing their pensions too
    The Wicked Will Store Up the Riches for Ultimately the Redistribution to the Righteous, QFS GES XRP (Video) Wednesday, May 31, 2023
    The wicked Will store up the riches 4 ultimately the redistribution to the righteous, QFS GES XRP: XRP digital assets, Nesara, Gesara, Trump in the office are all connected, no doubt - this is the biggest transfer of wealth for We The People. These are the interesti
    Remember The Fallen! Exposure At All Levels! Woke Losing! Pray! - Must Video Wednesday, May 31, 2023
    5.30.23: Remember the FALLEN! Exposure at all levels, WOKE losing, PRAY!
    15 Big Restaurant Chains That Are Falling Apart In 2023! - Epic Economist Wednesday, May 31, 2023 The restaurant industry is particularly vulnerable during economic downturns, and this time is no different. Managing a restaurant is a tough task, and many of our beloved chains have disappeared over the years. Many of our viewers were shocked to find out that even some of the biggest chains out there, including McDonald’s, Burger King, and Starbucks are shuttering multiple locations this year. That’s why we decided to list other major chains that are facing mounting challenges this year or have been at serious risk of going under for years and are now being threatened by the ongoing recession. From Taco Bell to Chipotle, and even Red Lobster, no chain is immune to the retail apocalypse.
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    15 Big Restaurant Chains That Are Falling Apart In 2023
    The restaurant industry is particularly vulnerable during economic downturns, and this time is no different. Managing a restaurant is a tough task, and many of our beloved chains have disappeared over the years. Many of our viewers were shocked to find out that even some of the biggest chains out there, including McDonald's, Burger King, and Starbucks are shuttering multiple locations this year. That's why we decided to list other major chains that are facing mounting challenges this year, or have been at serious risk of going under for years and are now being threatened by the ongoing recession. From Taco Bell to Chipotle, and even Red Lobster, no chain is immune to the retail apocalypse. Similarly, Sbarro, the famous pizza chain, which has been around for more than two decades and became very popular at shopping malls during its boom days, is falling behind other big competitors, especially because shopping malls are becoming a thing of the past and the company doesn’t offer any type of delivery service for its customers. Since 2004, Sbarro has closed over half of its restaurants in America. Their revenue continued to decline as years went by, and recently, the cost of everything that goes into a pizza, including flour, tomato, cheese, sausages, pepperoni and more has seen a significant increase, which led the Sbarro to pass these costs onto customers. However, shoppers have been complaining about a drop in the quality of its products, and higher prices resulted in even lower sales for the chain. Because it doesn’t keep up with new trends and consumers’ shifting preferences, experts at Mashed predict that the company’s restaurants won’t stay open for much longer. Moreover, IHOP can’t keep up with customers’ demands. Since the pandemic, things have drastically changed for the brand. Over 200 restaurants were shuttered, and one of its biggest franchises, CFRA Holdings, went bankrupt. Now, another 40 branches are on the company’s chopping block. They are located in South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, according to the DailyMail. Recently, the chain also had to make some significant cuts to its menu to save on costs. Analysts think that its old-fashioned casual dining format may be too unappealing for new customers, which may accelerate IHOP’s demise. At the same time, it’s safe to say that Americans aren’t happy about Taco Bell’s latest price increases, and that is taking a toll on the chain’s business. In fact, there have been quite a few health concerns within the company, but they don’t seem to be working on solving this at the moment. Recently, the company shuttered a dozen locations without much notice, and experts in the sector believe this is a very troubling sign for the chain that spent years growing and evolving. Restaurants are some of the businesses that face the hardest times during economic recessions. When conditions get harder for everyday Americans, some of the things they immediately forgo is their usual trip to their local restaurant as they try to save on costs to be able to get by. Many chains won't survive the storm that is coming, and unfortunately, this means we may have to say goodbye to our favorite diners, pizza chains, and casual restaurants in the months ahead. If your favorite chain has made into this list, you should probably visit their locations soon because the truth is that we never know if the next time will be the last.
    China Calls Biden a Fake President and Lloyd Austin a Fake Défense Secretary By Laura Mae 31 May, 2023 Has Beijing finally accepted that Joseph R. Biden is an illegitimate president and that Donald J. Trump is still the lawfully elected President of the United States? The answer could be ‘yes’ based on communications U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) intercepted between U.S. Ambassador to China R. Nicholas Burns and his Chinese counterpart, Qin Gang. The ambassadors spent seven days trying to arrange a meeting between criminal Défense Secretary Lloyd Austin and PRC Minister of Défense Li Shangfu at an international defence forum in Singapore this coming week. On Friday, Qin told Burns that Li agreed to a closed-door meeting with Austin, but bluntly rebuffed the request Sunday, reproaching the criminal Biden regime. Read more
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    The Great Student Loan Non-payment Boondoggle Is Over And Household Spending Is About To Collapse 31 May, 2023 In the small print detailing the end of the debt ceiling melodrama which, as we explained, is a farce as it boosts inflation-adjusted spending contrary to Republican promises, there was some actual news: the great student loan boondoggle is about to come to a screeching halt, after a three year “emergency pause” which redirected tens of billions in dollars away from mandatory student loan repayment to other forms of discretionary spending.
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    PURIFICATION FROM OBLIGATIONS. The time has come to let others - friends, spouse, children - move forward at their own pace, without feeling guilty for not being able to wake them up, for not getting them to see that another way of living and thinking exists. You don't know the other person's choice of soul, which is different from your own. You are under no obligation to try to save the other person, even if you know that their soul is beautiful. Allow them to be what they choose. By trying to save the other person's soul, you are entering the infernal triangle, again falling victim to the responsibility that you alone have imposed on yourself. You are preventing them from living out their choice of soul. Let go of control over the souls of others, whether they be your children or those around you. Every soul has a process to go through, a chosen path of evolution, and if it doesn't correspond to your desires, let them live what is necessary for their soul. Let go of control. By trying to lead others along the path of light that seems right to you, you are not accepting their soul's choice, you are not letting them live their experience. Free yourself, now, from all obligations of sacrifice, of submission, towards others, by moving forward alone if necessary, by being more in acceptance of your uniqueness. It's time to purify the obligations that your parents, society and yourself have put in place and that are part of your life. You don't have to live with people who are toxic for you, and you don't have to sacrifice your life to save others. It's not your responsibility. Don't feel obliged to feel good all the time, to say yes to everything, to accept not taking time for yourself. You created this situation, realise that and if they don't value your presence, let them take advantage of your absence. It's time to wean yourself off your dependence on obligations, release all the contracts and promises you've made out of unconscious obligation. Let your soul and the souls of others experience what is to be experienced by each of us. The Way of the Star✨✨✨ Channel 😍
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    L' Inspiration du cœur 💜
    Thérapeute et auteur du livre "Éloge du pardon" aux Editions Tredaniel, je dépose ici ce qui m'inspire et m'élève.
    Driving on water surface through the Shiziguan floating bridge
    Located in Xuan'en County of southwestern Hubei province, in Peop
    A floating road… 😳😱😃


    Hummingbird enjoying the water and getting a drink ✨💫✨


    6 Strike at Tisséo in Toulouse: trams, metro, buses... traffic will be severely disrupted throughout the week
    DIRECT. Grève chez Tisséo à Toulouse : tram, métro, bus... le trafic sera très perturbé toute la semaine
    Une nouvelle grève a lieu ce mardi 30 mai sur le réseau de transport en commun Tisséo à Toulouse.  le tram devrait être très touché. Toute la semaine, de nombreuses lignes de bus devraient être perturbées voire...
    Moscow outlines BRICS bank priorities
    The BRICS New Development Bank is considering financing projects in member states’ local currencies
    The task of the BRICS is to unite, not to divide. Therefore, when the BRICS countries decided to create the NDB, we pursued one simple goal: to create a financial institution for developing countries, so that we all have an additional tool to support our joint development agenda,” Siluanov said.
    Newsletter - The Final Wakeup Call 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 Collapse of Fiat Money System   Independent and Creative Thinking   Independent and objective thinking is what is needed for transition to the 5D world. Italian Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) moved to the Netherlands in 1934, is the founder of her ...       🇳🇱 Ineenstorting Fiat-Geld-Systeem   Onafhankelijk en Creatief Denken   Onafhankelijk en objectief denken is wat nodig is voor overgang naar de 5D-wereld. De Italiaanse Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) verhuisde in 1934 naar Nederland, is de grondlegger van haar ...       🇩🇪 Zusammenbruch des Fiat-Geldsystems   Unabhängiges und kreatives Denken   Unabhängiges und objektives Denken ist das, was für den Übergang zur 5D-Welt benötigt wird. Die Italienerin Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952), die 1934 in die Niederlande übersiedelte, ist die Begründerin ihres ...       🇪🇸 Colapso del Sistema de Dinero Fiduciario   Pensamiento independiente y creativo   El pensamiento independiente y objetivo es lo que se necesita para la transición al mundo 5D. La italiana María Montessori (1870 – 1952) se trasladó a los Países Bajos en 1934, es la fundadora de su sistema educativo del ...       🇮🇹 Crollo del sistema monetario Fiat   Pensiero indipendente e creativo   Il pensiero indipendente e obiettivo è ciò che serve per la transizione al mondo 5D. L’italiana Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952), trasferitasi nei Paesi Bassi nel 1934, è la fondatrice del suo ...       🇫🇷 Effondrement du Système de la Monnaie Fiduciaire   Réflexion Indépendante et Créative   La pensée indépendante et objective est ce qui est nécessaire pour la transition vers le monde 5D. L’Italienne Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952), qui s’est installée aux Pays-Bas en 1934, est la fondatrice du ...    
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    1 047
    Military Convicts Rochelle Walensky of Treason By Michael Baxter May 29, 2023 It was business as usual at Camp Blaz last Monday as Typhoon Mawar, a Category 4 storm packing 140mph winds, targeted Guam, home to 150,000 civilians, a classified number of White Hats, and dozens of Deep State villains awaiting tribunals and executions. As the storm drew closer, and the forecast called for a direct hit, the Navy sortied the two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers protecting the island as a precaution, stationing them on the periphery of Mawar’s expected path. Meanwhile, the Nimitz Carrier Battle Group, now under White Hat control, set course for Guam in case relief efforts were needed, or the Deep State tried to strike after the storm had passed. The looming storm, however, did not dissuade Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and the Office of Military Commissions from their immediate responsibilities, namely the military tribunal of Rochelle Walensky. On Monday, May 24, military police escorted a gagged and handcuffed Walensky into the courtroom where Adm. Crandall and a 3-officer panel awaited her arrival. She was restrained because she, during her captivity, had clawed, spat at, and bitten Camp Blaz staff, despite having been warned to curb her lewd behaviour. Only after MPs shackled her ankles to the floor and wrists to a steel bar affixed to the defence table did Adm. Crandall ask them to remove Walensky’s gag. And no sooner had they ungagged her than she began hurling invectives at the admiral, his staff, and the panel who would decide her fate. “Fauci and Collins were, shall we say, gone when you took up your new CDC role in January. Did the defendant tell you, specifically, that she plotted with them?” Adm. Crandall said. “She sure did, and she told me it was ‘our’ job to keep their legacy alive.” Walensky shouted: “They were great men, visionaries, and you’ll pay for your insolence.” “All you have now is hot air, Rochelle, and I will pay, but not by your hand,” Zucker said. After excusing the witness, Adm. Crandall asked the panel to reach a verdict. The officers found Walensky guilty of treason and sentenced her to death. Vice Adm. Crandall said she would hang at JAG’s earliest convenience, after Typhoon Mawar had passed over the island and damage had been assessed.
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    Dr. Rashid Buttar Murdered For Airing This Video - Share With Everyone!! (Video) Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Dr. Rashid Buttar was Murdered by poisoning on May 18, 2023 after airing this video. He died in hospital. Tens of millions will die this year after being injected with the Covid 19 Vaccine. 5G will initiate the Deaths by way of 1 minute intervals over the coming months.
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    Dr. Rashid Buttar Murdered For Airing This Video - Share With Everyone!! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News
      by N.Morgan Dr. Rashid Buttar was Murdered by poisoning on May 18, 2023 after airing this video. He died in hospital. Tens of millions will die this year after being injected with the Covid 19 Vaccine.   5G will initiate the Deaths by way of 1 minute intervals over the...
    1 295
    Video - Straight From Hell! Hidden Masters of Reality: Archons, Draconians, and the Unsettling Truth of the New World Order! Monday, May 29, 2023 Prepare yourselves, for the most unsettling narrative you are about to read. A story that exposes those lurking in the shadows, the puppeteers manipulating every facet of our lives. Their grimy fingers coil around the pillars of education, transportation, healthcare, and corporate governance. They lord over institutions like the World Health Organization, playing God with diseases and their supposed cures. Our currency is no more than a pawn in their grand game, a tool to maintain their hold over the world’s banks. They are the unseen masters of our reality, manufacturing floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes at will. They cloak their deceit within the hallowed halls of the so-called “Illuminati churches,” attributing these catastrophes to divine wrath. Take your time this is your awakening eyeopener !!!
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    Prepare yourselves, for the most unsettling narrative you are about to read. SEE MORE HERE - A story that exposes those lurking in the shadows, the puppeteers manipulating eve
    1 178
    "The Collapse” – Take Note By Peter B. Meyer – for FWC - Channel, 30 May, 2023 You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world, it’s a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn’t quite right with the world economy, but few know what it is. The Deep State doesn’t want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for at least the last 110 odd years. Learning this will change your life because it will change the choices you make. If enough people learn it, it will change the world, because it will change the system. For this is the biggest Hidden Secret of Money. Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it’s all accomplished through; the biggest scam in the history of mankind. The basic idea is Central Banks keep interest rates lower than and longer than anyone can imagine; and that cause asset prices to soar. That includes stocks, as well as real estate and precious metals. However, to camouflage the devaluation process specifically the US dollar as the reserve currency, but also all other paper currencies, price of precious metals is artificially manipulated downwards, whatever the demand might be. And this is the reason that after the high of 2011, gold never has reached or surpassed that level again, it should have been shot-up to US$ 50.000 per ounce under today’s circumstances. Even worse, they inflict gigantic credit inflation, resulting from growths in the money supply. Whereby, price increases are delayed and uneven, due the Cantillon Effect, as early receivers of the new money are able to purchase goods and services at existing prices. Later receivers, or those who do not receive the new money at all suffer higher prices and a decrease in their standard of living. Even so, most people do not link higher retail prices with ongoing expansion of paper money supply. It would be hard to invent a more effective method for the destruction of modern society. But now all this money chicanes comes to light and the end. Look at the rate and number of bankruptcies announced the last few days. Here is proof, open your eyes and wake up, you are next, before you are robbed bare!!! Buy gold and silver coins as many you can afford. 1. Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy. (Partially owned by Jeffery Epstein!) 2. Zara closed 1,200 stores. 3. La Chapelle withdrew 4391 stores. 4. Chanel is discontinued. Hermes is discontinued. 5. Patek Philippe discontinued production. 6. Rolex discontinued production. 7. The world's luxury industry has crumpled. 8. Nike has a total of $23 billion US dollars preparing for the second stage of layoffs. 9. Gold's gym filed for bankruptcy. 10. The founder of AirBnb said that because of the pandemic, 12 years of efforts were destroyed in 6 weeks. 11. Even Starbucks also announced to permanently close their 400 stores. 12. WeWork isn't in a great spot either. 13. Nissan Motor Co. may close down in USA. 14. Biggest Car Rental company (Hertz) filed for bankruptcy - they also own Thrifty and Dollar. 15. Biggest Trucking company (Comcar) filed for bankruptcy - they have 4000 trucks. 16. Oldest retail company (JC Penny) filed for bankruptcy - to be acquired by Amazon for pennies. 17. Biggest investor in the world (Warren Buffet) lost $50B in the last 2 months. 18. Biggest investment company in the world (BlackRock) is signalling disaster in the world economy - they manage over $7 Trillion. 19. Biggest mall in America (Mall of America) stopped paying mortgage payments. 20. Most reputable airline (Emirates) laying off 30% of workers. 21. US Treasury printing trillions to try to keep the economy on life support. (Acrually they haven’t printed any fiat notes after 2017- u won’t find any dates after 2017) 22. Estimated no. of retail stores closing in 2020 - 12,000 to 15,000.
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    The Collapse Take Note
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    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was received by President of Kenya Dr. William Samoei Ruto. (Nairobi, May 29, 2023) 🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork 📎Twitter▪️IG▪️Truth Social
    1 013
    The Alpine ibex defining gravity to lick the salt The Alpine Ibex lacks salt and other essential minerals in their diet which they can’t get from grass. So the Ibex has to seek out natural salt licks. In springtime, when salt requirements are the highest, the Ibex can be seen licking rock surfaces or dam walls for leached salts. Join


    1 078
    Most of you do not know that Nikola Tesla also invented medical treatments that involved the use of Electromagnetism & Light to treat a wide variety of disease. The devices would emit oscillating waves of various frequencies consisting of low frequency pulsing magnetic fields to treat pain, acoustic vibration machines to detoxify organs of the body, high frequency cancer killing radio waves and ultra high frequency ultraviolet light to create ozone to deactivate viruses. “The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.” - Nikola Tesla. Join us in our mission to spread awareness and truth by becoming a valued member of our community. Your monthly contributions, will help us continue to provide quality content and make a positive impact in the great Awakening of Earth. + ability to connect with Niko 👇👇👇 Join
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    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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