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all posts 迪拜求职招聘甩人频道

求职免费发布:  @mairengou  此频道针对迪拜地区发布需要备注 不备注直接发往全网求职频道 收集迪拜最快的求职信息 回复率低的直接联系删帖  https://t.me/addlist/DYWLCWkwW3w1YTk9  商务合作;  @Y_Feng  
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男的 25岁 斯坦籍的 在迪拜已经3年 做过行政工作,采购,后勤,司机岗位 只考虑去亚美尼亚或者格鲁吉亚工作 需要的公司请联系一下
你好! 本人:求职 语音能力:精通4国语言 中英俄波斯语 经验:有行政,后勤,采购经验 在迪拜有待了3 年,对迪拜的各个路与东西很熟悉,有相关的岗位请联系 飞机:
外籍男人,在迪拜, 找工作会说中文英文俄文土耳其文很流利,有驾照、有3年多经验、找行政老板司机岗位,需要公司请联系:dark7089
护照在手,求职迪拜的岗位 不做推广其他都可以 鸭脖勿扰。
找工作,男,目前在土耳其,护照在手,寻找客服岗位,经验丰富,77集团,鸭脖系,杀猪盘勿扰,最好是格鲁吉亚,迪拜,亚美尼亚,或则其他国家,柬缅不去,脑残别硬推劝业绩岗的别找骂,不符合要求的别来找我硬聊,非引流信息我都会回复 有的滴滴
求职 体育勿扰 人在迪拜 本人学习能力强 能吃苦 赚钱欲望大 五年内不打算回国 想跟个老板长期混 最好是潮汕人
岗位要求 :翻译 , 行政, 客服转账, 承兑, 代收,后胎, 💙姓名:阿布 💙性别:男 💙年龄:24 💙工资:私人消息中谈一谈 💙语言:精通英语,俄语,汉语,其他 💙现在地点: 目前在迪拜 💙工作经历 :有三年与中国公司合作的经验 💙电报:
1.越南小白,中文好,目前找工作,哪都能去 2.马来推广,人在菲,找业绩岗位 3.马来西亚华人,找马来工作(大量) 4.中文好的外籍黑人,人在中国随,刚刚学校毕业 🔵有需要以上的联系:
1女,中国籍,目前在第三国,求职迪拜翻译,财务客服岗位 联系:
岗位要求 :翻译 , 行政, 客服转账, 承兑, 代收,后胎, 💙姓名:阿布 💙性别:男 💙年龄:24 💙工资:私人消息中谈一谈 💙语言:精通英语,俄语,汉语,其他 💙现在地点: 目前在迪拜 💙工作经历 :有三年与中国公司合作的经验 💙电报:
3 967
求职 拉丝海马 司机岗位 中文 有工签 有驾驶证 有需要的老板直接联系我
3 911
求职,想找职能岗位,推广岗位也可考虑,没有赔付,目前在马来,可以去别的国家,要直招的,中介别联系我啦! .
3 959
求职,有客服、人资经验,意向亚美尼亚 格鲁吉亚 马来西亚 土耳其,第三国家也可(不考虑东南亚敏感国家)
3 921
岗位要求 : 行政,翻译 姓名:伟谦 性别:男 年纪:24 薪水:可以谈一谈 语言:掌握中文,俄语,英文和波斯语 居住地:迪拜 工作经历 :具有跟中国人两年的合作经验 电报:
3 623
1女,中国籍, 目前在第三国, 求职迪拜翻译,财务客服岗位 联系:
3 903
你好! 本人:求职 语音能力:精通4国语言 中英俄波斯语 经验:有行政,后勤,采购工作经验,对迪拜的所以东西与事很熟悉 目前在迪拜有工签 飞机:
4 045
只在迪拜,不去第三国 迪拜求职,做过几年精聊,护照在补, 本人飞机
3 989
3 616
你好目前我在迪拜 格鲁吉亚或者迪拜有工作的话请联系我 我做过业绩商务维护客服翻译
3 965
㊗️异国他乡的游子(中秋节快乐) 迪拜求职快杀公司,护照遗失,目前在补。能挣钱的公司请联系本人飞机:
4 085
4 004
有没有日本人中介 联系我 待遇丰厚 有没有日本人中介 联系我 待遇丰厚 有没有日本人中介 联系我 待遇丰厚
4 063
求职迪拜,做过股转港美股市场, 只找股转港美股工作 ,第三国勿扰。
3 906
求职迪拜 人在四川成都、男、31岁 炒币负债30万、网贷逾期 会做点表格、会英语、可做业绩岗、职能岗 有护照、求可以包票、签证的公司收留(不偷渡)
4 045
4 136
人在迪拜有工签 英语能沟通 求职迪拜的岗位 不做推广其他都可以 鸭脖勿扰
4 017
迪拜格鲁吉亚求职,外籍男,三年经验 求 做过翻译客服财务 要求职能岗
4 798
目前在找工作 暂时不在迪拜,来自塔吉克斯坦,会说中英文俄语波斯语 在迪拜3年多 有自己的工作签证ID, 有工作联系Techka4
4 017
4 065
男的 24岁 斯坦籍的 在迪拜已经3年 了 做过行政工作 有本地驾照 只考虑去亚美尼亚或者格鲁吉亚工作 需要的公司请联系一下
3 893
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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4 049
4 725
你好! 求职 语音能力:精通几国语言 中英俄波斯语 经验:有行政,后勤,采购工作经验,对迪拜的所以东西与事很熟悉,人目前在迪拜飞机:
3 256
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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4 000
3 949
3 948
求职迪拜快杀公司人事岗位,有人事主管经验,招聘渠道丰富月入职4+有公司需要的联系。博系七七勿扰谢谢 联系方式:
4 024
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 743
求职,有客服、推广经验,意向亚美尼亚 格鲁吉亚 马来西亚 土耳其,第三国家也可(不考虑东南亚敏感国家)
3 743
外籍,26岁,中英俄文都流利,在阿联酋有5年的工作经验 应聘岗位:老板司机、翻译、老板助理。
3 869
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 824
3 786
迪拜有那些公司 待遇可以发过来 这里中介长期合作  不要鸭脖    需要客服 出入款的 请联系
3 831
人在迪拜,护照在补,想找一个快杀半精聊公司 不压护照最好,谢谢🙏
3 629
格鲁吉亚第比利斯巴统本地求职,做过快杀接待导师,客服 中国籍男生 这边有公司招人联系
3 854
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 836
1求职 中国籍 职能岗或客服 马来、日本、亚美尼亚、以及其他欧洲国家, 不去柬 不去迪拜 可自己订票 看清楚再聊。看清楚再聊
3 977
4 050
3 973
4 065
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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7 266
迪拜有那些公司 待遇可以发过来 这里中介长期合作 需要客服 出入款的 请联系
3 921
迪拜找一份工作:  护照已在补,已拿回执,半月拿证。找一份迪拜的工作,有国内盘的经验,(只找能挣钱的工作,测粉不成熟的公司勿扰,不去第三国。个人需要借支一千迪,可以接的公司请联系:
3 988
甩一个荷官 或者做KTV 夜场 嗨场
3 082
求职 两个人 职能岗或客服 马来、日本、亚美尼亚、以及其他欧洲国家, 不去柬 可随时走,看清楚再聊。看清楚再聊
3 851
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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4 008
中国籍 之前在迪拜 菲律宾 做过行政外勤。可以开车 英语流利 熟悉一切事物。现在人在俄罗斯 求一份 在亚美尼亚 或者斯里兰卡行政 或者 翻译 工作@okgg21361632
3 831
岗位要求 :翻译 , 行政, 客服转账, 承兑, 代收 💙姓名:feydi ( 菲迪) 💙性别:男 💙年龄:23 💙工资:私人消息中谈一谈 💙语言:精通英语,俄语,汉语,其他 💙现在地点: 目前在迪拜 💙工作经历 :有两年与中国公司合作的经验 💙电报:
3 891
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 724
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 907
3 948
3 878
求马来、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、文莱,帕劳,孟加拉 、 印尼以及其他欧洲国家职能岗,两人个,有护照,一想找个靠谱的公司!王炸地区勿扰
3 865
女21 年在国内,有护照,可以自费去任何东南亚国家,或者其他国家。希望找一个工作,接受博彩,杀猪盘,客服岗位也可以,入职之前帮我把机票报销了就可以了,请联系@FT5188,请直接发简历,我会回复合适的
3 901
你好! 本人:求职 语音能力:精通4国语言 中英俄波斯语 经验:有行政,后勤,采购经验 在迪拜有待了3 年,对迪拜的各个路与东西很熟悉,有相关的岗位请联系 飞机:
3 901
求职 两个人 职能岗或客服 马来、日本、亚美尼亚、以及其他欧洲国家, 不去柬 可随时走,看清楚再聊。看清楚再聊@Qingjiu_79
3 879
3 821
您好 麻烦您了 请帮忙发布一下一条求职信息 谢谢。 我人目前在迪拜呢。男。1998年的 能流利得说:中文,英文,俄文,波斯语,乌兹别克语,阿拉伯语 等 有驾照 本人在迪拜干5年多了 说实话有丰富的经验 之前做过翻译,司机,行政,后勤,保镖等。除了泰国,缅甸,老挝 其他国家都愿意去干活 招人的公司可以私聊 ✈✈ ✈✈
3 874
只在迪拜,不去第三国,不做海外 (不要劝岗) 迪拜求职,做过几年精聊,护照在手,能给茶水的公司来谈,最好别墅办公,本人飞机
3 999
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪3000-5000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员20名(底薪2000美金+业绩奖励)要求:女性,英文流利,美式口音 另招大量非洲籍员工:美国项目充值岗位,要求:之前从事过充值岗位并每月开户10个以上合格!薪水:900美金+一个开户30美金奖励! 特别招聘:印度新项目,要求:印度南部地区!年龄:20-28岁,只要你接受过良好教育,有较强的沟通能力和思维能力,欢迎你加入我们!底薪:800美金➕提成(4-5-6) 联系方式: English: Recruitment target Currently in Dubai.Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, have worked on projects in India or Europe and the United States Working place: High-end villa Area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment position: Promote 500 customer service positions (base salary of 900 US dollars + performance rewards) 300 front desk customer service (base salary of 900 US dollars + account opening 30 US dollars) 300 telephone customer service (base salary of 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (base salary of US22,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary of 3000-5000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 20 voice operators (base salary of 2,000 US dollars + performance rewards) requirements: female, fluent in English, American accent In addition, a large number of African employees are recruited: recharge positions for U.S. projects, requirements: previously engaged in recharge positions and qualified to open more than 10 accounts per month!Salary: 900 US dollars + a reward of 30 US dollars for opening an account! Special recruitment: New projects in India, requirements: Southern India!Age: 20-28 years old, as long as you have received a good education, have strong communication skills and thinking skills, you are welcome to join us!Basic salary: 800 U.S. dollars, commission (4-5-6) Contact:
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3 865
求职技术, 两个人,运维工程师  web前端工程师,人在迪拜,随时入职,不考虑柬埔寨和缅甸的公司,能安排的公司联系我下,飞机:
3 798
求职 两个人 职能岗或客服 找国内工作或者马来、日本、亚美尼亚、以及其他欧洲国家,可随时走,看清楚再聊。
3 816
3 784
麻烦您帮我发布一条求职信息感谢! 从业13年的老程序员,主流编程语言皆熟悉,缅北地区工作8年,曾独立开发各类大小盘口,各类社交软件,色情/直播web/app,棋牌游戏开发运维,网络安全。目前在国内,暂时接远程,合作愉快考虑任何国家。各类话术请绕路,只是真诚的找个工作养活自己而已。
3 775
3 764
3 938
大家好,我是翻译,我来自巴基斯坦,我需要工作,我有 8 年翻译工作经验,我会说印度语英语中文,之前我也在迪拜工作过,也会开车,如果有老板需要翻译请联系,谢谢
3 793
求职 两个人 职能岗或客服 找国内工作或者马来、日本、亚美尼亚、以及其他欧洲国家,可随时走,看清楚再聊。
3 826
人在迪拜 0赔,有护照最好不压。找一家靠谱快杀,稳定安全的公司上班。有稳定能长期发展的公司来联系我一下。
3 834
求职泰国曼谷或者格鲁吉亚巴统 职能岗 或者 人事 有人事和客服经验  人现在在巴统  有护照 有6000人民币的赔付  可自己解决 联系方式
3 945
招聘目标 目前在迪拜。 国籍(巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,曾从事过印度或欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高端别墅区 招聘职位: 提升客服至500人(底薪900美元+绩效奖金) 300名前台客服人员(底薪900美元+开户费30美元) 300个电话客服岗位(底薪800美元+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美元+绩效提成) 商务翻译20名(底薪2000-3000美元+日薪+月薪) 语音操作员10名(底薪1500美元+绩效奖金)要求:英语流利,欧美口音 专业中英翻译(底薪2200-3000+绩效奖金)要求:具有较强的理解和表达能力,能够理解并准确表达一些生僻的汉语单词和成语 特别招聘:高薪聘请一批来自印度南部的女员工!要求:英语流利,标准美式口音! 底薪2,000美元➕奖励 Recruitment goals Currently in Dubai. Nationality (Pakistani, Indian, Nepalese, Sri Lankan) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, and previous experience in Indian or European and American projects Work location: High-end villa area No. 8, Cambodia Recruitment positions: Increase customer service staff to 500 (base salary of US$900 + performance bonus) 300 front desk customer service staff (base salary $900 + account opening fee $30) 300 telephone customer service positions (base salary $800 + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (basic salary of US$2,000 + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary 2,000-3,000 US dollars + daily salary + monthly salary) 10 voice operators (basic salary $1,500 + performance bonus) Requirements: fluent English, European and American accents Professional Chinese-English translator (basic salary 2200-3000 + performance bonus) Requirements: Have strong understanding and expression skills, be able to understand and accurately express some rare Chinese words and idioms Special Recruitment: Hire a group of female employees from southern India with high salaries! Requirements: Fluent English, standard American accent! Base salary $2,000 ➕Incentives Contact information:
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3 775
柬埔寨西港金银湾园区,招国内空降色粉快杀,杀手保底业绩400-500万,公司每个月32个杀手最少都是杀1.5个亿,客户杀不完,杀手不会闲下来,一次杀一个客户,杀完一个不累的可以马上群里发推,就有三存客户推过来,杀两刀推财务,财务杀出来的业绩都算杀手的,办公室岗位上抽烟吃外卖都可以,上下班不需要打卡,0进0出,四件套费用30美 色粉部接待负责第一步接粉 接完粉给粉介绍平台 然后让粉办理平台的会员 然后推送导师 导师会带粉做两次投票活动每次都有盈利 第三次金额在1370 粉充值后 导师就会安排粉排队等待 等待不忙的杀手需要杀客的时候 会有专门负责推送的人推给杀手杀 杀手只需杀两刀 就叫粉提款 推财务 财务那面会继续接着让粉充值 粉在财务那面充值的所有金额都算杀手和接待的业绩 这是现在色粉的大概流程 外籍话务员,中文流畅, 底薪1500美转1700美 额外有提成 后台贴卡客服可接2000美赔付 底薪10000每个月加500 20000封顶 额外有绩效500美-3000美按照当月通道入金来派发 迪拜出发可以安排订票 签证有逾期不愿意排队申请大赦的可以安排办理强离 有赔付的看情况接赔 柬埔寨接赔最高接10000美金 可接无护照5000美 大量招聘能力强的人事(人事西港旧山顶办公) 人事柬埔寨本地12点-20点坐班 月休4 当月招聘满4人可以不坐班 可以外宿补贴200美 上下班车接车送 接人外出面谈都有司机24小时接送 人事待遇1700美转2000美 两个人转正 直招国内算两个任务 5000美赔付以下提成1000美提成,5000美-9999美提成600美10000+提成400美 国内无护照想出来也可以安排 安排广西南宁走小路过来 各个地区的求职者想做国内快杀的都可以联系我,每个月办公室业绩最少1.5亿,我不怕你跳我的票,也不怕你被卡关,我就怕你不联系我,集团不坑不骗,很多求职者都有顾虑,为了打消求职者的顾虑,订票后我在机场接到你之后,我可以把我自己的护照和身份证私发给你,你发给你国内的朋友,如果你在我们公司出了任何事情我承担全部的责任 联系飞机
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3 750
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪2000-3000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员10名(底薪1500美金+业绩奖励)要求:英文流利,欧美口音 专业中英文翻译(底薪2200-3000+业绩奖励)要求:有较强的理解和表达能力,对中文一些生僻词,成语,能够理解并准确的表达 特别招聘:高薪聘请一批懂海外业务的菲律宾女孩! Recruitment target Currently in Dubai. Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, and have worked on Indian or European and American projects Work location: No. 8 high-end villa area in Cambodia Recruitment positions: Promote customer service to 500 people (basic salary of US$900 + performance bonus) 300 front desk customer service staff (base salary 900 USD + account opening fee 30 USD) 300 telephone customer service positions (basic salary 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (basic salary 2,000 US dollars + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary 2000-3000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 10 voice operators (basic salary 1,500 US dollars + performance bonus) Requirements: fluent English, European and American accents Professional Chinese-English translator (basic salary 2200-3000 + performance bonus) Requirements: Have strong understanding and expression skills, and be able to understand and accurately express some rare Chinese words and idioms Special Recruitment: Hire a group of Filipino girls who understand overseas business with high salaries! 联系方式:
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3 775
求职 人事组长 主管 或者待遇好的职能岗 工作时间长的不要 女 有带团队经验 人在迪拜随时可以入职 带公司简章和待遇来@Loy110
3 806
3 735
柬埔寨西港金银湾园区,招国内空降色粉快杀,杀手保底业绩400-500万,公司每个月32个杀手最少都是杀1.5个亿,客户杀不完,杀手不会闲下来,一次杀一个客户,杀完一个不累的可以马上群里发推,就有三存客户推过来,杀两刀推财务,财务杀出来的业绩都算杀手的,办公室岗位上抽烟吃外卖都可以,上下班不需要打卡,0进0出,四件套费用30美 色粉部接待负责第一步接粉 接完粉给粉介绍平台 然后让粉办理平台的会员 然后推送导师 导师会带粉做两次投票活动每次都有盈利 第三次金额在1370 粉充值后 导师就会安排粉排队等待 等待不忙的杀手需要杀客的时候 会有专门负责推送的人推给杀手杀 杀手只需杀两刀 就叫粉提款 推财务 财务那面会继续接着让粉充值 粉在财务那面充值的所有金额都算杀手和接待的业绩 这是现在色粉的大概流程 外籍话务员,中文流畅, 底薪1500美转1700美 额外有提成 后台贴卡客服可接2000美赔付 底薪10000每个月加500 20000封顶 额外有绩效500美-3000美按照当月通道入金来派发 迪拜出发可以安排订票 签证有逾期不愿意排队申请大赦的可以安排办理强离 有赔付的看情况接赔 柬埔寨接赔最高接10000美金 可接无护照5000美 大量招聘能力强的人事(人事西港旧山顶办公) 人事柬埔寨本地12点-20点坐班 月休4 当月招聘满4人可以不坐班 可以外宿补贴200美 上下班车接车送 接人外出面谈都有司机24小时接送 人事待遇1700美转2000美 两个人转正 直招国内算两个任务 5000美赔付以下提成1000美提成,5000美-9999美提成600美10000+提成400美 国内无护照想出来也可以安排 安排广西南宁走小路过来 各个地区的求职者想做国内快杀的都可以联系我,每个月办公室业绩最少1.5亿,我不怕你跳我的票,也不怕你被卡关,我就怕你不联系我,集团不坑不骗,很多求职者都有顾虑,为了打消求职者的顾虑,订票后我在机场接到你之后,我可以把我自己的护照和身份证私发给你,你发给你国内的朋友,如果你在我们公司出了任何事情我承担全部的责任 联系飞机
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3 819
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪2000-3000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员10名(底薪1500美金+业绩奖励)要求:英文流利,欧美口音 专业中英文翻译(底薪2200-3000+业绩奖励)要求:有较强的理解和表达能力,对中文一些生僻词,成语,能够理解并准确的表达 特别招聘:高薪聘请一批懂海外业务的菲律宾女孩! Recruitment target Currently in Dubai. Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, and have worked on Indian or European and American projects Work location: No. 8 high-end villa area in Cambodia Recruitment positions: Promote customer service to 500 people (basic salary of US$900 + performance bonus) 300 front desk customer service staff (base salary 900 USD + account opening fee 30 USD) 300 telephone customer service positions (basic salary 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (basic salary 2,000 US dollars + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary 2000-3000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 10 voice operators (basic salary 1,500 US dollars + performance bonus) Requirements: fluent English, European and American accents Professional Chinese-English translator (basic salary 2200-3000 + performance bonus) Requirements: Have strong understanding and expression skills, and be able to understand and accurately express some rare Chinese words and idioms Special Recruitment: Hire a group of Filipino girls who understand overseas business with high salaries! 联系方式:
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3 734
3 400
求职男,有四方平台支付经验,求职 职能岗位,只限迪拜
3 478
本人男生,在迪。做过国际支付,求一份工作。 待遇好的滴。
3 773
招聘对象 目前在迪拜.国籍来自(巴基斯坦,印度,尼泊尔,斯里兰卡) 年龄:18-30岁 要求:五官端正,外表干净,从事过印度或者欧美项目 工作地点:柬埔寨8号高档别墅区 招聘岗位: 推广客服500位(底薪900美金+业绩奖励) 前台客服300位(底薪900美金+开户30美金) 电话客服300位(底薪800美金+4-6-7提成) 部门主管10名(底薪2000美金+业绩提成) 业务翻译20名(底薪2000-3000美金+每日奖励+每月奖励) 语音话务员10名(底薪1500美金+业绩奖励)要求:英文流利,欧美口音 专业中英文翻译(底薪2200-3000+业绩奖励)要求:有较强的理解和表达能力,对中文一些生僻词,成语,能够理解并准确的表达 特别招聘:高薪聘请一批懂海外业务的菲律宾女孩! Recruitment target Currently in Dubai. Nationality from (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka) Age: 18-30 years old Requirements: Good facial features, clean appearance, and have worked on Indian or European and American projects Work location: No. 8 high-end villa area in Cambodia Recruitment positions: Promote customer service to 500 people (basic salary of US$900 + performance bonus) 300 front desk customer service staff (base salary 900 USD + account opening fee 30 USD) 300 telephone customer service positions (basic salary 800 US dollars + 4-6-7 commission) 10 department heads (basic salary 2,000 US dollars + performance commission) 20 business translators (basic salary 2000-3000 US dollars + daily rewards + monthly rewards) 10 voice operators (basic salary 1,500 US dollars + performance bonus) Requirements: fluent English, European and American accents Professional Chinese-English translator (basic salary 2200-3000 + performance bonus) Requirements: Have strong understanding and expression skills, and be able to understand and accurately express some rare Chinese words and idioms Special Recruitment: Hire a group of Filipino girls who understand overseas business with high salaries! 联系方式:
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3 770
柬埔寨西港金银湾园区,招国内空降色粉快杀,杀手保底业绩400-500万,公司每个月32个杀手最少都是杀1.5个亿,客户杀不完,杀手不会闲下来,一次杀一个客户,杀完一个不累的可以马上群里发推,就有三存客户推过来,杀两刀推财务,财务杀出来的业绩都算杀手的,办公室岗位上抽烟吃外卖都可以,上下班不需要打卡,0进0出,四件套费用30美 色粉部接待负责第一步接粉 接完粉给粉介绍平台 然后让粉办理平台的会员 然后推送导师 导师会带粉做两次投票活动每次都有盈利 第三次金额在1370 粉充值后 导师就会安排粉排队等待 等待不忙的杀手需要杀客的时候 会有专门负责推送的人推给杀手杀 杀手只需杀两刀 就叫粉提款 推财务 财务那面会继续接着让粉充值 粉在财务那面充值的所有金额都算杀手和接待的业绩 这是现在色粉的大概流程 外籍话务员,中文流畅, 底薪1500美转1700美 额外有提成 后台贴卡客服可接2000美赔付 底薪10000每个月加500 20000封顶 额外有绩效500美-3000美按照当月通道入金来派发 迪拜出发可以安排订票 签证有逾期不愿意排队申请大赦的可以安排办理强离 有赔付的看情况接赔 柬埔寨接赔最高接10000美金 可接无护照5000美 大量招聘能力强的人事(人事西港旧山顶办公) 人事柬埔寨本地12点-20点坐班 月休4 当月招聘满4人可以不坐班 可以外宿补贴200美 上下班车接车送 接人外出面谈都有司机24小时接送 人事待遇1700美转2000美 两个人转正 直招国内算两个任务 5000美赔付以下提成1000美提成,5000美-9999美提成600美10000+提成400美 国内无护照想出来也可以安排 安排广西南宁走小路过来 各个地区的求职者想做国内快杀的都可以联系我,每个月办公室业绩最少1.5亿,我不怕你跳我的票,也不怕你被卡关,我就怕你不联系我,集团不坑不骗,很多求职者都有顾虑,为了打消求职者的顾虑,订票后我在机场接到你之后,我可以把我自己的护照和身份证私发给你,你发给你国内的朋友,如果你在我们公司出了任何事情我承担全部的责任 联系飞机
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3 717
大家好,我是翻译,我来自巴基斯坦,我需要工作,我有 8 年翻译工作经验,之前我也在迪拜工作过,也会开车,如果有老板需要翻译请联系,谢谢
3 772
3 602
迪拜求职不去第三国,鸭脖 77不去@futang001中国籍男
3 930
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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