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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine The car ran over Chica. My son screamed. In that brief moment everything that Max had worked for, everything he had overcome, everything that he was living for, was gone.
    2 712
    *Operationalize things/words* These definitions and defining these words and boiling them down to the most basic version is simply amazing...helps a lot. 1) Patience is just finding something enjoyable to do in the meantime. 2) Sadness is perceived lack of options/options - which is ignorance problem - so Knowledge is the answer.. learning 3) Anxiety is the opposite - which is having too many options - priority problem - taking Descisions is the answer. 4)Strategy is just prioritzing 5)Effort are the things you must begin doing that you do not want to do. 6)Sacrifice is the opp. Things that you stop doing that you want to do. 7) Learning is same condition new behaviour. 8) Speed is not doing things fast. Speed is not getting distracted by the other shit that doesn't matter.
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    3 397
    “In theory, consistency is about being disciplined, determined, and unwavering. In practice, consistency is about being adaptable. Don’t have much time? Scale it down. Don’t have much energy? Do the easy version. Find different ways to show up depending on the circumstances. Let your habits change shape to meet the demands of the day. Adaptability is the way of consistency.”
    4 427
    Top 10 Books for Self Growth 
    - "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
    Carol Dweck explores the concept of fixed versus growth mindsets and how they impact personal development and achievement.
    - "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life" by Mark Manson
    Mark Manson challenges conventional self-help advice, encouraging readers to focus on what truly matters and let go of superficial concerns.
    - "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" by Don Miguel Ruiz
    Don Miguel Ruiz presents four principles for living a life of personal freedom, based on ancient Toltec wisdom.
    - "Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead" by Brené Brown
    Brené Brown explores the power of vulnerability and its role in cultivating meaningful connections and personal growth.
    - "The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" by Eckhart Tolle
    Eckhart Tolle offers insights into the importance of living in the present moment and transcending the ego for spiritual growth.
    - "Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones" by James Clear
    James Clear presents a practical framework for building good habits and breaking bad ones to enhance personal growth and productivity.
    - "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change" by Stephen R. Covey
    Stephen Covey shares timeless principles for personal and professional effectiveness, emphasizing proactive behavior and personal responsibility.
    - "The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are" by Brené Brown
    Brené Brown explores the importance of embracing imperfection and cultivating self-compassion for personal growth and fulfillment.
    - "You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life" by Jen Sincero
    Jen Sincero provides humorous and straightforward advice for overcoming self-doubt and living a life aligned with one's true potential.
    - "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl
    Viktor Frankl reflects on his experiences in Nazi concentration camps and explores the importance of finding meaning in life, even in the midst of suffering.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    3 494
    1 281
    Auction/ On Sale : Updates In AI ✨ Link 👉
    1 309
    The person that is well rested might be able to work 16 hour days 6 days per week. The person who never works but scrolls TikTok all day can struggle to do 30 minutes of work without burning out. 💭
    1 670
     Quotes about Creativity
    This is a book about how to be the author of the change you seek.
    - Creative Acts for Curious People: How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways by Sarah Stein Greenberg 2.
    Diverse teams outperform homogenous ones by 30 percent.
    - Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking by Matthew Syed 3.
    Creativity, in its most fundamental sense, is problem-solving.
    - Design Your Thinking: Creative Strategies for Problem Solving by Pavan Soni 4.
    Constraints can actually be liberating.
    - You Are an Artist: Assignments to Spark Creation by Sarah Urist Green 5.
    The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.
    - The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield 6.
    I walk into the studio at roughly the same time every day.
    - The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp 7.
    Creativity is an experience—not a product.
    - The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron 8.
    Each chapter provides valuable lessons and strategies for creating your own success.
    - The Entrepreneurial Artist: Lessons from Highly Successful Creatives by Aaron Dworkin 9.
    The studio should be a place of solace and inspiration.
    - Life in the Studio: Inspiration and Lessons on Creativity by Frances Palmer 10.
    Mind wandering can lead to greater creativity and problem-solving abilities.
    - Mindwandering: How Your Constant Mental Drift Can Improve Your Mood and Boost Your Creativity by Jonathan Schooler and Jonathan Smallwood ==
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 653
    1 913
    “I knew I was getting somewhere when I began losing interest in the beginnings and the ends of things.” -Sarah Manguso 💭
    3 355
    If you’ve lived in the same house for 500 years you don’t need to wear blingy clothes. Footballers’ wives do that because they are more socially anxious and also the geographic mobility thing. In your home village everybody knows who the hell you are and where the hell you live, so it’s pretty senseless getting into all those sort of bling competitions. In the big cities where nobody knows who you are, there is a value to status indicators that are portable. There’s interesting research on this showing that actually the need for luxury goods is very much one that comes with social and geographic mobility. It’s not irrational because this is a Darwinian thing. The urge not to be patronised or belittled is a pretty strong innate human urge. Women’s fashion is a slightly nasty area. I’d have more ethical concerns in some ways about working in some areas of women’s fashion than on working on tobacco or booze. 🎧
    ادامه مطلب ...
    3 254
    what are some of the benefits of using the ultralearning strategy 1. Increased Competitive Advantage: Mastering ultralearning can help individuals quickly acquire new skills and perform at a level that enhances their competitive advantage in a skill-polarized job market. 2. Effective Alternative to Formal Education: Ultralearning provides an effective solution for filling in gaps from existing education or as an alternative to traditional higher education, especially in the face of rising education costs and the need for high-skill work. 3. Time Efficiency: Being self-directed, ultralearning allows individuals to tailor their learning schedule to align with their availability and focus on the skills they most need. It can be practiced during breaks from school or work, making it a time-efficient learning approach. 4. Increased Overall Well-Being: Ultralearning can have a positive impact on overall well-being by helping individuals overcome personal limitations, pursue their potential, and develop adaptability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment 5. Accelerated Career Development: Ultralearning can help individuals accelerate, transition, or rescue their careers by continually developing new skills, cultivating a hidden advantage in a competitive world, and rethinking their current studies. These benefits make ultralearning a valuable strategy for individuals looking to acquire new skills, enhance their competitiveness, and adapt to the changing demands of the job market. 🎧
    ادامه مطلب ...
    3 644
    What is the main idea of "Ultralearning" by scott h. young? The main idea of "Ultralearning" by Scott H. Young is to present a strategy for acquiring skills and knowledge in a self-directed and intense manner. It emphasizes the importance of metalearning, focus, directness, drill, retrieval, feedback, retention, intuition, and experimentation as principles to optimize the learning process and overcome common obstacles. The book provides examples of ultralearners who have applied these principles in their own projects and offers actionable tips for effective learning. "Ultralearning" is designed to help individuals master hard skills more quickly, accelerate their careers, and become more productive and fulfilled. It also addresses common objections and misconceptions about ultralearning, such as its difficulty, feasibility, and necessity, and provides examples of how ultralearning can be applied to various domains, such as career advancement, education, hobbies, and travel. 🎧
    ادامه مطلب ...
    3 385
    Top Books on Learning 1. "Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning" by Peter C. Brown 2. "A Mind for Numbers" by Barbara Oakley 3. "Ultralearning" by Scott H. Young 4. "Deep Work" by Cal Newport 5. "Outsmart Your Brain" by Daniel Willingham 6. "Teach Yourself How to Learn" by Sandra Yancy McGuire 7. "Study Like a Champ" by John Dunlosky
    3 342
    A gentle reminder that, unlike wealth, health cannot be compounded passively - you have to put in personal effort into it every single day
    3 359
    “Most people are taught how to drive a car. But most people are not taught how to drive their nervous system.” This is the problem with stress - we all experience it. But we don’t know how to control it.


    3 214
    You feel like you can’t escape it. 94% of workers report feeling stress at work. And as many as 66% of students have suicidal thoughts when under stress. It’s a deadly epidemic that we don’t talk about enough.


    3 762
    Tuesdays With Morrie Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you? Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying of ALS - or motor neurone disease - Mitch visited Morrie in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final 'class': lessons in how to live.
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    3 950


    3 658
    Almost Impossible. Must Watch!!


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    4 344
    Tim Ferriss 🎧
    6 537
    "Life is easier when you know what you want—but most people don't take the time to figure out what they want. It's not that we are completely lost, but our efforts are often slightly misdirected. People will work for years and ultimately achieve a lifestyle that isn't quite what they were hoping for—often, simply, because they never clearly defined what they wanted. An hour of thinking can save you a decade of work."
    7 057
    The Art Of Laziness If you often find yourself battling laziness and struggling to get things done, this book is a game-changer. Laziness can be a major roadblock, preventing us from making the most of our time and achieving our goals. It's like a joy-stealer, making life less enjoyable. This book offers valuable insights on: 1. Overcoming Laziness: Learn effective strategies to break free from the grip of laziness and regain control over your actions. 2. Beating Procrastination: Discover ways to stop procrastination in its tracks, so you can start taking meaningful steps toward your aspirations. 3. Boosting Productivity: Get practical tips on how to enhance your productivity and make the most out of your time. Packed with actionable advice, this book is your guide to transforming a lazy mindset into one that's geared towards success.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    5 618


    4 953


    5 189
    “It’s easier to optimize a modest start than to begin with a perfect start. Starting is the hard part, so start small and get in the mix. You’ll learn a lot and you’ll realize you don’t need to have it all figured out to begin.”
    7 338
    If your choices are beautiful,” Epictetus said, “so too will you be.” It’s simple and it’s true. You are what your choices make you, nothing more and nothing less. 🎧 📖
    Unenumerated - An unending variety of topics
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    7 947
    Collection of some of the best quotes on Focus by James Clear: 1. Focus collapses your options in the short-term, but expands them in the long-term. 2. There are many capable people in the world, but relatively few that focus on what matters. 3. You need focus to become exceptional at anything. You have to be great at saying no. Massive amounts of time and energy are wasted optimizing things that should be left undone. 4. Do less, but better 5. What looks like a talent gap is often a focus gap. The "all-star" is often an average to above-average performer who spends more time working on what is important and less time on distractions. 6. It sounds so simple, but every project I’ve ever really succeeded on started to come together when I made it my primary focus. “All In” vs “Kinda In." 7. The Paradox of Focus: Make the most of one opportunity and more opportunities come your way. Moving boldly in one direction and more paths will unfold before you. To get more, focus on less. 8. I have a suspicion that most adults (75%+) could pick any skill—excluding sports—and work their way into the top 10% in the world simply by working exclusively on it every day for two years. But almost nobody displays that degree of focus, so we will never know. 9. Highly focused people do not leave their options open. They make choices. If you commit to nothing, you’ll be distracted by everything. The great irony of this is that by limiting your options and remaining focused until you master a skill, you actually expand your options in the long run. Life-changing optionality is a byproduct of providing great value, which can only be achieved through focus. Find us below 👇 TG: WhatsApp:
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    8 331
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