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all posts Time of Transition (Bernhard Guenther & Laura Matsue)

Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther (veilofreality.com ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times. 
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11 Insights To Cut Through The Matrix Scarcity Porgram 50% off "How To Create Abundance In Alignment With Divine Will" (3 days left) Learn more:

Hero Abundance Youtube_WEB.mp4

When we stop blaming ​the ​world ​for ​how ​we ​are and ​accept our ​choice ​to ​change our situation, we can raise our level of consciousness. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
Special 4-Day Sale Until September 23rd. 50% off "How To Create Abundance In Alignment With Divine Will" This in-depth course will help you examine and shift your attitudes towards money and show you how to create more abundance in alignment with your deepest values by understanding the true meaning of prosperity. Over 100 video lessons and powerful practices & tools. INCLUDES TWO FREE BONUS COURSES: - The Hero's Journey & The Process Of Embodiment: Learn about the archetypal Hero's Journey in context of the Process of Embodiment and Transcending the Matrix - Embodied Shadow Work & The Path Of Individuation: An Introductory Masterclass on Somatic Shadow Work and the Process of Individuation This 3-course bundle sale ends Monday, September 23rd. LEARN MORE:
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1 022
Special 4-Day Sale Until September 23rd:50% off "How To Create Abundance In Alignment With Divine Will" This in-depth course will help you examine and shift your attitudes towards money and show you how to create more abundance in alignment with your deepest values by understanding the true meaning of prosperity. Over 100 video lessons and powerful practices & tools. $699 - Only $349 (50% off) INCLUDES TWO FREE BONUS COURSES: • The Hero's Journey & The Process Of Embodiment Learn about the archetypal Hero's Journey in context of the Process of Embodiment and Transcending the Matrix (Value: $99) • Embodied Shadow Work & The Path Of Individuation  An Introductory Masterclass on Somatic Shadow Work and the Process of Individuation (Value: $39)
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It’s important to feel genuine love and care from our mother because her love and care shapes our sense of self-worth. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 094
New Video: Letting Go of Comparison and Living From Essence
Letting Go of Comparison and Living From Essence
"Suffering always arises when you are out of contact with Essence or seeking something other than Essence. If you value anything - husbands, wives, children, girlfriends, parents, jobs, money, sports, cars, anything at all - over what is true in you, there is suffering. Automatically, that movement outwards - seeking satisfaction from external reality - wounds you. It is a wound to your heart. It is not that the factors of our external lives or our human desires are antithetical to the [Great] Work. Like everything else, they can be respected and understood for what they are. But if they come before Essence [or the Divine], there will be suffering, pain, frustration, and anger. When you align yourself with the Truth [Essence, the true Self and Divine within you], then beauty, majesty, nobility, fullness, pleasure, joy, and love are all available to you. The more you see your essence, the more you see that what you wanted before was nothing. When you get deeper and deeper into your essence, you enter into the universal levels of essential reality where the beauty, fulfillment, and possibility are beyond human imagination. There is no way for the mind to grasp it. As you actualize your Personal Essence, you can bring that fullness into your life. Then everything in your life—your work, your job, your relationship with your lover, children, friends—can become filled with Essence rather than substituting for Essence." - A.H. Almaas ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
1 180
When we think about our intentions and get clear on them, it’s very powerful and affects the field of our consciousness and experiences. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 208
When we understand and work with our relationship with shame, we can overcome self-defeating patterns and create more fulfilling relationships. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 92, part 2.
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1 317
When we take responsibility for our circumstances in life, that’s when we can radically turn things around and move into an expansive state and raise our level of consciousness. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 516
I had a great chat with David Whitehead on the Truth Warrior Podcast. We covered a lot in 2hrs 45min. Topics: Cultists In The Truth/Freedom Movement, Rise Of Neo-Nazis, Shadow Work, Psyops, Trump, Evolution of Consciousness, Conspiracies, Aliens, Moon Landing, Totalist Ideology, Current Events & more...
Cultists In The Truth/Freedom Movement, Rise Of Neo-Nazis, Shadow Work - Truth Warrior Podcast
Also discussed: Psyops, Trump, Evolution of Consciousness, Conspiracies, Aliens, Moon Landing, Cults, Totalist Ideology, Current Events & more... Bernhard Guenther on the Truth Warrior Podcast (David Whitehead) ⭐️ TRUTH WARRIOR - DAVID WHITEHEAD: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️ X/TWITTER: https://x.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
1 871
VOODOO, BLOOD SACRIFICE, AND LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Tucker said in a recent talk, "It’s not that the pets are being eaten; it’s that the pets are being sacrificed. We’ve imported 5% of the population of a country where the dominant religion is witchcraft." He's not wrong. It ties into another controversial and "politically incorrect" topic. Based on David Hawkins's Map of Consciousness, which calibrates the different levels of consciousness within humanity, he also calibrates countries and places. Haiti lands at an extremely low level of 55—the lowest in the Western Hemisphere. It is the realm of the lower astral [demonic realm], which is not surprising since the culture is based on voodoo and blood sacrifice rituals. As Hawkins wrote in his book "Truth vs Falsehood" ------ "[...]From even this rudimentary, initial general survey, it is apparent that the Western hemisphere operates primarily from an overall integrous climate [above 200]. Only Haiti is far below, at calibration level 55. Its recent history has seen the catastrophic rule of the Duvaliers and their notorious, oppressive police force that is famous for grotesque atrocities. The populace is also involved in the practice of voodoo (cal. 50), typified by blood sacrifice rituals." - David Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood (p. 304) ------ For comparisons, the United States calibrates at 421, and the Constitution of the United States calibrates at 700, a very high spiritual level, higher than any other country. Divine Grace inspired the founding fathers to create the Constitution. By contrast, Marxism calibrates at 130, which is the realm of lower nature and anti-divine forces. Only very few humans [less than 0.4%] calibrate above 600, with the avatars (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna) calibrating at 1000. If you want to learn more about this topic and Hawkins's work, check out our recent podcast "How to Raise Your Level Of Consciousness":
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How to Raise Your Level Of Consciousness | TCM #138 (Part 1)
In this episode, we discuss how you can raise your level of consciousness in practical terms and become more aligned with your essence and true Self.
2 557
Before trying to change anything about your behavior or yourself, it's important to observe yourself first and notice the habitual ways you behave, think, and react. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 736
NEW EPISODE: HOW TO RAISE YOUR LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS The process of awakening ties into the evolution of consciousness and ultimately into individuation and soul embodiment. The more you are living from essence, your true Self (and not the wounded and conditioned ego personality), the higher your level of consciousness, which affects your everyday life and the reality you experience. In this episode, we discuss how you can raise your level of consciousness in practical terms and become more aligned with your essence and true Self. We use David Hawkins’s map of consciousness as a model to explore this topic in more depth. We share the major signs that you are caught in lower states of consciousness and out of integrity, caught in falsehood and how to get out of it, and signs that you are embodying higher levels of consciousness. We discuss how different levels of consciousness manifest in society and different ideologies and how they affect you. We also explore the somatic aspect and how body tension and unprocessed emotions negatively impact your level of consciousness and the way you perceive the world, keeping you stuck in the lower astral. Finally, we’ll give you some practical tools for working with this. In the second hour, we explore spiritual science further and address the questions of where your thoughts really come from and how your level of consciousness determines the field and experiences you attract. We discuss how negative emotions facilitate illness, how all positive emotions tend to cure illness, how negative energy fields affect you, and why it is important to discern who you surround yourself with and what media you consume. We’ll also discuss kenosis and the process of “self-emptying” in relation to raising your consciousness. Furthermore, we explore the esoteric concept of A and B influences, which is very important to understand nowadays in the information age, and how higher levels of consciousness relate to a willingness to surrender to God unconditionally. LISTEN HERE:
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1 726
The more you are soulless, the easier it will be for A.I. to replicate you. Remember your true nature. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is related to episode 83, part 2.
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1 647
A psychic attack is a nonphysical attack from something outside yourself that can manifest through thought injections or in the physical body. Still, it’s important to remember that any symptoms of a psychic attack can be caused by something other than a psychic attack. Our discernment is critical. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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1 798
In Western culture, we often relate to each other from fake personality to fake personality. If you aren’t playing the game everyone has agreed to play, and you are in your true self, that can be triggering for people. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 3, part 2.
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1 867
The more individuated you become, the less likely you are to find people who can relate to you in ordinary society. The point is not to find a way to fit in again but to stay with the process to uncover a real part of yourself that allows you to bring something new to this world by realizing your true nature. Eventually, you will no longer feel lonely; you will feel comfort in solitude - and you will have an inner companion, an inner teacher, who becomes your constant companion. This inner teacher will guide you to express your unique nature creatively to the world. This creative expression of your unique nature will bring you back into the world. Yet, this time, you will be changed: you will no longer be a person strictly of the times you live in but more an individuated soul with a specific message that you can then spread to anyone open to hearing it. You will have a gift to bring back from your journey beyond the ordinary world; you can then "be of the world, but not of the world." - Laura Matsue Guenther For more info about individuation, listen to our Cosmic Matrix Podcast - Becoming Who You Are Meant to Be
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Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be | TCM #109 (Part 1)
Laura and Bernhard discuss the process of Individuation which many people are called to engage in. They talk about the misconceptions, how most people work on the "false self", what the process entails, and the value of struggle and suffering to become who you truly are.
2 197
"Man is an undeveloped creation. He is not really man, considered as a cosmically unique being whose intelligence and power of action mirror the energies of the source of life itself. On the contrary, man as we encounter him is an automaton. His thoughts, feelings, and deeds are little more than mechanical reactions to external and internal stimuli. He cannot do anything. In and around him, everything happens without the participation of his own authentic consciousness. But human beings are ignorant of this state of affairs because of the pervasive influence of culture and education, which engrave in them the illusion of autonomous conscious selves. The modern person has no conception of how self-deceptive a life can be that is lived in only one part of oneself. The head, the emotions, and the body each have their own perceptions and actions, and each, in itself, can live a simulacrum of human life. In short, man is asleep. There is no authentic "I am" in his presence, but only an egoism which masquerades as the authentic self, and whose machinations poorly imitate the normal human functions of thought, feeling, and will. Many factors reinforce this sleep. Each of the reactions that proceed in one’s presence is accompanied by a deceptive sense of I - man is many I’s, each imagining itself to be the whole, and each buffered off from awareness of the others. Each of these many I’s represents a process whereby the subtle energy of consciousness is absorbed and degraded, a process that Gurdjieff termed “identification.” Man identifies—that is, squanders his conscious energy, with every passing thought, impulse, and sensation. This state of affairs takes the form of a continuous self-deception and a continuous procession of egoistic emotions, such as anger, self-pity, sentimentality, and fear which are of such a pervasively painful nature that man is constantly driven to ameliorate this condition through the endless pursuit of social recognition, sensory pleasure, or the vague and unrealizable goal of “happiness.” - Jacob Needleman ----- “Man has no individual “I”. But there are, instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small “i”s, very often entirely unknown to one another, never coming into contact, or, on the contrary, hostile to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. Each minute, each moment, man is saying or thinking, “i”. And each time his i is different. just now it was a thought, now it is a desire, now a sensation, now another thought, and so on, endlessly. Man is a plurality. Man’s name is legion.” – G.I. Gurdjieff ----- What Gurdjieff and Needleman describe above is known and taught in all esoteric spiritual traditions. The goal of esoteric & psycho-spiritual work is to establish and connect with the real “I,” your true self/essence hidden behind many layers and parts of the mechanical false personality you mistake for your true Self. ---> Learn more:
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Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness
The sense of an independent identity and persona, separate and impenetrable from everything else, is the greatest illusion and spell we've fallen under. We are transducers of cosmic, universal, and conscious forces.
1 743
The healing power of grief ❤️ Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 799
When we heal our father wounds we develop self-responsibility, healthy boundaries, integrity, and discipline. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
2 306
New Video What does it mean to have taken the proverbial red pill from a pycho-spiritual perspective in the process of awakening? Let me share a little bit of my personal journey and experiences to put it into perspective. Perhaps you can relate...
Taking The Red Pill From A Psycho-Spiritual Perspective
Let me share a little bit of my personal journey and experiences to put it into perspective. Perhaps you can relate…. Learn more: - The Mother Wound: A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide https://veilofreality.com/2024/08/11/the-mother-wound-a-psychospiritual-healing-guide-tcm-136-part-1/ - The Father Wound: A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide https://veilofreality.com/2024/08/28/the-father-wound-a-psychospiritual-healing-guide-tcm-137-part-1/ ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
2 293
When we cling to things out of comfort or because of false beliefs, it causes stagnation. There is only room for new life when you clear out what is no longer serving you. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 64, part 2.
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2 228
Many people are becoming more externally focused and not self-reflective, leading to a disconnection from their inner life. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
2 178
The more they can separate spirit from the body and keep you in this egoic, materialistic consciousness, the easier it is to take over humanity. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 91, part 2.
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2 136
Marxism, Communism, Socialism, And Any Ideology Based In Moral Relativism Is Anti-Life, Anti-Divine, And On The Low End Of The Map Of Consciousness Rooted In Falsehood. The Democratic party of today, infused fused with neo-Marxist ideas and Wokeism with comrades Harris/Walz on the helm, are tools for the anti-divine forces that have caused 94+ million deaths worldwide over the past century. It’s the same energy and frequency. They see the Constitution as a threat to their agenda, which makes sense if you consider the following: Based on David Hawkins’ map of consciousness, Marxism calibrates at 130, the realm of the lower nature and anti-divine forces. By contrast, the Constitution of the United States calibrates at 700, a very high spiritual level, higher than any other country. Divine Grace inspired the founding fathers to create the Constitution. Only very few humans calibrate above 600, with the avatars (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna) calibrating at 1000. It is no surprise then that neo-Marxists disguised as “Democrats” and “Liberals” aim to censor free speech and see the Constitution as “dangerous,” as a recent NYT article wrote about…… Read more:
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Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
Marxism, Communism, Socialism, And Any Ideology Based In Moral Relativism Is Anti-Life, Anti-Divine, And On The Low End Of The Map Of Consciousness Rooted In Falsehood. The Democratic party of today, infused fused with neo-Marxist ideas and Wokeism with comrades Harris/Walz on
3 526
One of the ways having a father wound can show up is by seeking attention from emotionally unavailable men. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
2 035
🔥New Article🔥 Wetiko: The Necessity of Facing Evil Within & The Trap of Externalizing All Evil Topics: - Misconceptions And Distortions About Wetiko - Wetiko Makes Us Think The Problem Is Outside Of Us - Wetiko Hijacks Your Creative Potential And Turns It Against You - Evil Within You Is Not Always That Obvious - The Blindspot Of Many Anarchist and Alternative Communities Within The Truth Movement - The Charlatan And Shameless Impersonator Within You - The Necessity For Psycho-Spiritual Work For The Next Stage Of - Humanity’s Evolution - Resources For Inner Work - The Four Ignoble Blindnesses Of Wetiko
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Wetiko: The Necessity of Facing Evil Within & The Trap of Externalizing All Evil
Wetiko is a contagious psycho-spiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via an insidious collective psychosis of Titanic proportions.
2 229
“The line separating good and evil passes, not through states, not between classes nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart - and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside is, it oscillates with the years.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Wetiko - The Necessity To Face Evil Within
For more on this topic, check out these "Cosmic Matrix" episodes: - Ep.98: What Facing Evil Can Teach You https://veilofreality.com/2022/12/09/what-facing-evil-can-teach-you-tcm-98-part-1/ - Ep.111: Undreaming Wetiko w/ Paul Levy https://veilofreality.com/2023/07/06/undreaming-wetiko-the-nightmare-mind-virus-paul-levy-tcm-111-part-1/ - Ep.14: Wetiko and Quantum Revelations w/ Paul Levy https://veilofreality.com/2019/08/15/paul-levy-wetiko-and-quantum-revelations-tcm-podcast-14-part-1/ - Ep.62: Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World w/ Paul Levy https://veilofreality.com/2021/06/22/wetiko-healing-the-mind-virus-that-plagues-our-world-paul-levy-tcm-62-part-1/ ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ SUBSCRIBE TO FREE NEWSLETTER: https://veilofreality.com/subscribe ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ BECOME A MEMBER AND SUPPORT OUR WORK: https://veilofreality.com/membership-subscription-plan/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com ⭐️⭐️⭐️ SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
2 297
Some of the ways the father wound can manifest in men show up as defensiveness, hyper-masculinity, and difficulty in forming close friendships with other men. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 977
New Cosmic Matrix Podcast The Father Wound: A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide Listen here:
2 459
LEARNED DESPAIR The actual "psy-op" is "negativity by labeling any promising revolt/action as a potential trap or trick by the status quo." For example, the "Trump, Musk, Tucker, etc. are all part of the swamp. It's an inversion, a trap" - superficial black-and-white negativity program. It's based on the concept of psychological splitting, which the "learned despair" psy-op tags into. [i.e. "black-pilled"] From a recent post by David Whitehead on X: "LEARNED DESPAIR (“Psyops” exposed) Study these terms; they have been employed on populations by totalitarian regimes for centuries: "learned despair" "learned helplessness" "learned indefension" A friend of mine sent me this after listening to a show I did on this a while back. He fled Venezuela to the US years ago and experienced this tactic directly: “I noticed the critique of a certain overuse of the term PsyOp, which, of course, is a historically-loaded term of art of war from the U.S. Army after WW2. You suggested that the real "PsyOp" going on here is a kind of "self-induced" state and has to do rather with a penchant for self-sabotage on our side, that happens when -either organically or artificially- people on the "Truth camp" start giving friendly fire and spewing despair and negativity by labeling any promising revolt/action as a potential trap or trick by the status quo. In that sense, I believe that the correct term y'all were looking for is "learned despair" or "learned helplessness" or "learned indefension". It's a term straight out of Conductist psychology, and was deeply and thoroughly practiced as a psychopolitical technique in the Venezuelan experiment, against the middle classes, for decades, which greatly contributed to the current state of things. It's been employed in the U.S. context for many decades, as well, if only more subtly. It's an intricate process when applied to human collectives, and it reminds me of Hunger Games a bit: those behind Power must work out societal crises in order to eliminate the empowering qualities and features that hope generates in the populace, but going only far enough as to cement the absolute normalization of a childishly-cynical sense of overall helplessness among the majority. The puppeteers must do this without going too far so as to enable the *empowering* features that ultimately erupt from a total loss and absence of hope... features which, by the way, come from developing a healthy cynical (existentialist) worldview, after the individual has managed to face and survive nothingness and boredom and death.” ⁃David Guenni (Venezuelan Patriot)"
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2 064
It’s so important to be aware of occult forces and how they work because they can easily manipulate us. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 719
We are in a birth canal during this Time of Transition. It may take another hundred or thousand years depending on many unknown factors and our willingness to “heed the voice of the Divine” and consciously engage in this process of the spiritualization of our being. If we don’t answer the call of the Divine, we may very well experience another “Dark Night of Civilization” resulting in cataclysmic destruction and the possibility to reset this current point of evolution, causing us to have to relearn our lessons from the “beginning” again—until we get it “right”. We must acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with reality; that everything that we are currently experiencing exists exactly to support our greatest evolution—if we choose to rise to answer the call and embody a spiritual vision and not get side-tracked by the shadows on the wall or the victim/blame trap. We are in the midst of a massive multi-dimensional spiritual evolutionary process. We need to understand that our current point evolution is far from final. The human being, in its current form, is a transitional being. We’ve been so focused on external progress, technological solutions, and industrial achievements that we’ve neglected the importance of our inner life, inner progress, and spiritual perception. However, even this phase of egoic, materialistic, mental consciousness has had its purpose, as we continue to spiral up and down, ascend and descend until all and everything around us in all directions is spiritualized into its fullest potential, embodying the Divine Force. Any insistence of external action without this sincere aspiration and surrender to the Divine is not only limited but futile. Nothing is going to change in any permanent way externally unless we spiritualize our being in complete surrender to Spirit and the Divine. When we open ourselves up to the Divine Consciousness and Force by allowing it to descend into us and gradually transform our mind, life, and body, it results in a true union (yoga) with the Divine and our complete perfection of this terrestrial existence. It is the manifestation of the Life Divine and Divine’s Will. The supra-mental divine consciousness is already exerting immense pressure on us to awaken into this new level of being. The ones who are already receptive to it can sense it. We are called to align with and to surrender to this Force; which implies engaging in the necessary four-fold holistic work (physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual) or we will “bust” and disintegrate. This process may also result in a “Splitting of Humanity” as the Mother hinted at—the Timeline-Reality Split. In other words, it is not the time to escape the world any further but to choose to embrace life by anchoring the divine force within us.  The adventure of this cosmic yoga towards our Divinity of becoming fully spiritualized beings continues; as we enter into the birth canal of our new human species. Godspeed. Bernhard Guenther From “The Necessity to Surrender to the Divine and Spiritualize the Being”
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The Necessity to Surrender to the Divine and Spiritualize the Being
We are in a birth canal during this Time of Transition. It may take another hundred or thousand years depending on many unknown factors and our willingness to "heed the voice of the Divine" and consciously engage in this process of the spiritualization of our being.
1 847
New Video Waking Up is Not About Self-Actualization
Waking Up is Not About Self-Actualization
- Becoming Who You Are Meant To Be https://veilofreality.com/2023/06/02/becoming-who-you-are-meant-to-be-tcm-109-part-1/ - The Most Important Realization On The Path Towards Awakening https://veilofreality.com/2022/06/10/the-most-important-realization-on-the-path-towards-awakening/ ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
1 852
The more you are yourself, the more you are in the flow of life. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 58, part 2.
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1 808
When we go ​to ​those ​extremes ​where we ​deny ​evil or ​dark ​in ​the ​world ​and ​only ​see ​good ​and ​love ​and ​light, it ​creates ​imbalance and, ironically, ​creates ​more ​evil ​and ​negativity ​in ​the ​world. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
2 455
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
Many people have asked me about W. Webb, who is hyped as the latest amazing researcher and voice in the "truther community." She has many good things to convey, and shining a light on some of these issues is essential. She plays her role as we all do. Some of it is nothing new
3 125
It's what Gurdjieff called coming face to face with the "horror of the situation," which leads to the necessary disillusionment, the shamanic descent into the underworld, to engage in the Great Work and be reborn in the true Self. Added note since people can easily fall into either/or black/white thinking: The process of individuation and awakening described above (and in our podcast) does not imply rejecting materialism, money, or the physical world. Those religious "ascetic" ideas are the other side of the coin of corrupted spiritual/religious teachings over thousands of years for social control tied into the matrix poverty program—a big topic in itself. You can learn more about this topic in our podcast: - BECOMING WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE And this article: - The Most Important Realization On The Path Towards Awakening
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2 684
Waking Up Is Not About Self-Actualization One of the biggest realizations I've had and the hard-hitting truth I have had to face and accept over the years was that not everyone is "ready" to wake up, nor will there be a collective awakening anytime soon, for there are vastly different levels of being and soul potential among the 8+ billion people on this planet. There is also nothing wrong with it in light of the evolution of consciousness. We are all one, but we're not all the same. No one can be awakened by another, nor can anyone force another to "wake up." Free will needs to be respected, even if it is the "free will" to stay asleep (dreaming to be awake). You can only "give" to the ones who "ask" sincerely and spread some seeds of awareness. Some may blossom, some won't. Moreover, the ones of us who are sincerely engaged in the awakening process and truth-seeking know that it is far from easy for a true awakening goes way beyond any informational intellectual/external understanding of the Matrix, which usually ends up externalizing all evil - a trap in itself. It takes inner struggle, conscious suffering [not giving in to mechanical drives & desires], effort, integrity, self-responsibility, radical self-honesty, and sincerity with patience and humility to cross the threshold out of the ego slumber of the false/conditioned personality to awaken and free oneself from the entropic forces of the matrix which also work through us. It's not what most New Age/corrupted spiritual teachings and motivational self-help advocates talk about who promise you health, wealth, love, and bliss. It's not a "mindset" or "being the best you can be." Nor is a religious idea of bible thumping and "accepting Jesus as your savior" [a matrix program in itself - the savior program] "Awakening" is also not about self-actualization, chasing dreams, seeking pleasure, and fulfilling desires, nor is it simply about being an "individual" or a self-improvement program but becoming INDIVIDUATED (big difference). The former is still a slave to the ego personality with all its desires; the latter has become a vessel for God and merged personal will with Divine Will, acting our God's Will beyond ego gratification. As Bud Harris wrote in 'Becoming Whole': "[...]It is much more than firming up, losing weight, having more positive thoughts, or solving problems and getting on with your life. Individuation is not self-actualization. The mythologist Joseph Campbell noted that self-actualization is for people with nothing better to do—people who don't know their personal myth or deeper purpose in life." But no steps can be skipped. Many of us still need to work on becoming individuals, separating ourselves from the consensus state of the masses and past attachments, and exhausting all personality-based desires before the soul makes the call, takes charge, and embarks on the path of individuation. And there is nothing wrong with that. The path is just the path, unique to each of us. But there are detours, distractions, and sometimes dead-ends, as well as many temptations that test the seeker. Most often, emotional "high" experiences are mistaken for "enlightenment" or "love." Yet, it is merely another dream, mistaking an overriding emotional center for higher states of consciousness. The ego always likes to hijack these experiences for its own agenda, as Gurdjieff, Sri Aurobindo, and others have warned about. I certainly wouldn't claim to be fully awake in the word's true meaning from an esoteric spiritual perspective. Moreover and most importantly, before we can "wake up," we need to admit and truly SEE how asleep we are FIRST, realizing our mechanical/conditioned way of thinking/feeling/doing (which is also influenced by our unconscious shadow, trauma, wounding) under the illusion of control and "free will" with various (occult) forces working through us, moving and manipulating us like puppets on strings.
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2 254
When people don’t have a relationship with the divine, it creates a hole in their essence that they rush to fill with all kinds of things, and when you live in this hole or deficiency, you will only see deficiency on the outside. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
1 806
Nothing Is “Free” In The Entire Universe - There Is Always A Price To Be Paid Kamala's Neo-Marxism and The Matrix Poverty Program Read here:
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
Nothing Is “Free” In The Entire Universe - There Is Always A Price To Be Paid Kamala's Neo-Marxism and The Matrix Poverty Program Voting for Kamala (and whoever is pulling her strings) is like giving this nation the death blow, pushing it into a socialist neo-Marxist decline
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When we anchor the divine force within us through the inner work, it changes reality. That's how we can affect people, not just with information but by our level of being. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 135+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 10, part 2.
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2 064
Our mother is meant to provide shelter, a place of feeling like you're at home and protection. She's also the axis in which the family revolves around. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Waking up to Alex Jones sharing my video on X which now has over 100k views. 👀
2 239
Now is the time to plant seeds for the new world because we cannot go back to the old ways. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 86, part 2.
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2 208
When locked into this idea of pointing out what’s wrong externally and being disconnected from self, we become disconnected from our creative spirit. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
2 337
Know Your Narcissism! 👇
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
KNOW YOUR NARCISSISM Overt and Covert Narcissism and How Luciferian Spirits Feed Through The Narcissistic Wound We are in an epidemic of narcissism, yet, at the same time, the topic of narcissism has also gotten distorted and misused on social media. Many people accuse
2 457
Don't underestimate the power of your own awareness; when you shine the light of awareness on an issue, you infuse it with consciousness. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 75, part 2.
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2 712
If ​our mother ​tries ​to ​make ​us ​fit ​into ​some ​sort ​of ​image ​of ​perfection, ​then ​the ​encouragement ​will ​make ​us ​feel ​pressure ​because ​we ​need ​to ​live ​up ​to ​an ​idealized ​image ​she ​has, and ​she ​doesn't ​mirror ​us ​for ​who ​we ​truly ​are. ​We ​need ​to ​be ​encouraged ​to ​do ​things ​that ​are ​truly ​our ​interests ​and ​not ​what ​she ​wants ​from ​us. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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2 457
Are You Ready To Cross The Threshold And Accept The Sacred Sacrifice?
The Great Awakening & The Sacred Sacrifice
⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
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We give our power away when we want others to make decisions for us. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 70, part 2.
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2 222
The Great Awakening & The Sacred Sacrifice Are You Ready To Cross The Threshold And Accept The Sacred Sacrifice?
Did your mother show you that she could also regulate her own difficult emotions? Did you feel really seen, understood, and held by your mother when you were experiencing certain difficult emotions? *All* of that shows you how you were supported or not supported by your mother. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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2 294
NEW PODCAST The Mother Wound: A PsychoSpiritual Healing Guide The mother wound is one of the deepest wounds we can have. Having a mother wound can affect your self-esteem, your relationships, your relationship with your body, food, sexuality, how you approach life and almost every factor of life. We discuss the signs that you have a mother wound, how it shows up psychologically and spiritually, what we need from our mother, what it means to have a good enough mother, common core wounds of the mother archetype, and, most importantly, how to heal the mother wound psychologically and spiritually, including exercises to do that. In the second hour, we will cover how we reenact the mother wound in relationships, how the mother wound shows up in popular culture (left and right), how overly political correctness and censorship relate to the “devouring mother” archetype, and how the red-pill manosphere movement is related to anima projection and the mother wound. We discuss the anima (the inner feminine) in men, how it affects men’s relationships with women and who they attract and are attracted to, and how to confront the shadow of your mother within you, and much more. LISTEN HERE: Spotify: Apple Podcast:
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2 369
When we are inauthentic it leads to a disconnection from our inner guidance and essence and then we start turning towards external sources for fulfillment and guidance. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Automatically, that movement outwards - seeking satisfaction from external reality - wounds you. It is a wound to your heart. It is not that the factors of our external lives or our human desires are antithetical to our [Great] Work. Like everything else, they can be respected and understood for what they are. But if they come before Essence, there will be suffering, pain, frustration, and anger." Godspeed. Bernhard Guenther
2 441
Letting Go of Comparison and Living From Essence One of the worst things you can do to your psycho-spiritual health and self-esteem is to compare yourself to anyone, be it diminishing yourself in comparison to someone else and what "better" life you think they lead (especially on social media) - or feeling superior and "better" compared to someone else, making yourself feel better by putting someone else down - even if only with your thoughts. Both types of comparisons come from the wounded ego and unintegrated shadow and are often unconscious trauma responses based on childhood wounding. Both reactions are a betrayal of your soul. The vast majority of humans suffer from the disease of comparison. The whole world of consumer marketing is based on it. Modern cult-ure out of touch with spirit and essence breeds envy and jealousy and even installs desires that are not your own and won't ever bring you happiness even if they are fulfilled. It’s a bottomless hole. Denial of the act or thought of comparison results in unconscious internalized shame that is masked and suppressed by externalizing judgment and "shit-talking" about others and breeds narcissism - the creation of a fake persona that takes tremendous life force to uphold - an internal split. Notice how judgments about other people come up right away in your thoughts—very mechanical. Also, note your positive or negative projection and the triggers. It’s a good exercise for shadow work. Observe it all without judging yourself or trying to change it—just observe it like an objective witness and feel any feelings that come up. That is already easier said than done, for most people immediately identify with their thoughts and projections like an automated machine. There is no free will in reactive identification and resulting reaction. Conscious self-awareness is needed for free will and mindful action. A healthy, integrated, and individuated human being has not one ounce of the need to compare within himself. He has no competition, no rival. This doesn't imply that he's always "happy" and content, positive, and inspired. Ups and downs are part of life, but the individuated person does not waste time comparing or gossiping. He doesn't need to belong to a group, tribe, or movement. But he is also not a loner or alone. His eyes are hooked to the Infinite, to the Divine, in sincere surrender and aspiration. He knows and sees, with an embodied spiritual vision emanating from his true self, that nothing comes before Essence or the Divine—not your partner, wife, husband, children, country, family, friends, home, stuff, job, career, etc. It doesn't imply that you don't care for them - but you do not identify with them, and you don't use them or see them as the source of your happiness, which would only breed more suffering. It’s the difference between conditional love (attachment) and unconditional love, a higher state of being that is a direct expression of the joy of the soul. Once you have the Divine in your heart [the Kingdome within] and are living from Essence, no one can take it from you, and no one and nothing external can possibly fulfill you. Nothing is a threat to you. Not even death. It’s the ultimate state of freedom - the soul liberated, being in this world but not of this world. This state of being is the next level of psycho-spiritual evolution many of us are called to embrace, and it's not easy, for it requires a death/rebirth process and unconditional letting go. There are layers of trauma and shadow material to work through and integrate [most of which people are entirely unaware of] that keep the door shut to Essence and the Divine. It's a different process for each of us....over lifetimes. In the words of A.H. Almaas: "Suffering always arises when you are out of contact with Essence or seeking something other than Essence. If you value anything - husbands, wives, children, girlfriends, parents, jobs, money, sports, cars, anything at all - over what is true in you, there is suffering.
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2 334
The A.I. and Transhumanism take-over will continue through subtle occult agreements. It’s a bargain for our souls, happening by priming human bodies for hyper dimensional beings as the soul becomes dislodged through our manipulated consent. The war is through us. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. Read the full article on Veil of Reality at:
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2 064
A key point is to work with the combination of psychology and spirituality, the psycho-spiritual work, to help ground us so we can navigate these times and reconnect to who we truly are. The Embodied Soul Awakening August round is full! Thank you to everyone who applied and joined. Sign up to the waiting list for the next group at . To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 89, part 2.
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2 224
Don't be fooled by any media channel, influencer, movement, or group that tries to justify your rage towards certain groups of people —it indicates that wetiko has already infected them. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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2 383
“Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles [occult forces/entities], and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. At the present moment, they are very active all over the earth. The struggle between the psychic (soul) and the hostile forces goes on mostly behind the veil or, so far as it is on the surface, is not understood by the mind. The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces. Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces…. [The human being is] the living ground of a vast debate between a darkness of Ignorance out of which it emerges here and a light of Knowledge which is growing upwards towards an unforeseen termination. The Forces which seek to move him, and among them the Forces of good and evil, present themselves as powers of universal Nature; but they seem to belong not only to the physical universe but to planes of Life and Mind beyond it. But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose – they indulge in the play of the forces. It is only when one can make oneself free of them that one can be the true person and have a true life – but one can be free only by living in the Divine.” – Sri Aurobindo Learn more: "Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness" "Unveiling The Psyche: Sub-Personalities And Invisible Influences On The Mind" "Holy Wars & Civil Wars – Polarization Is Increasing Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It)"
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2 762
“Men are being constantly invaded by the hostiles [occult forces/entities], and there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. At the present moment, they are very active all over the earth. The struggle between the psychic (soul) and the hostile forces goes on mostly behind the veil or, so far as it is on the surface, is not understood by the mind. The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces. Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature. All life is the play of universal forces. The individual gives a personal form to these universal forces…. [The human being is] the living ground of a vast debate between a darkness of Ignorance out of which it emerges here and a light of Knowledge which is growing upwards towards an unforeseen termination. The Forces which seek to move him, and among them the Forces of good and evil, present themselves as powers of universal Nature; but they seem to belong not only to the physical universe but to planes of Life and Mind beyond it. But he can choose whether he shall respond or not to the action of a particular force. Only most people do not really choose – they indulge in the play of the forces. It is only when one can make oneself free of them that one can be the true person and have a true life – but one can be free only by living in the Divine.” – Sri Aurobindo Learn more: "Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness" "Unveiling The Psyche: Sub-Personalities And Invisible Influences On The Mind" "Holy Wars & Civil Wars – Polarization Is Increasing Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It)"
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Sub-personalities, Invisible Forces, Spirit Attachments, And An Alternative Perspective On Mental Illness
The sense of an independent identity and persona, separate and impenetrable from everything else, is the greatest illusion and spell we've fallen under. We are transducers of cosmic, universal, and conscious forces.
We live in a society where pathology is normalized, and people are traumatized and gaslit. We all have developmental trauma to varying degrees that we need to heal, even if we have blocked it out due to our head-centric living. Working with trauma comes down to the basics: working with our triggers, staying embodied, and allowing ourselves to feel what comes up without forcing it. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 57, part 2.
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2 452
Whether your role is big or small, Silent or spoken, You are an important instrument of this divine play, And the world needs your song. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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2 080
New Article
Holy Wars & Civil Wars - Polarization Is Increasing Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It)
"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." - The Gospel of Thomas
2 502
Holy Wars & Civil Wars - The Polarization Will Increase Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It) Read more:
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
Holy Wars & Civil Wars - The Polarization Will Increase Worldwide (And What You Can Do About It) As a [mechanical] response to the far-left extremism [wokeism, open borders, gender & identity politics, neo-Marxism, Antifa, BLM, etc.], you will see the rise of a real far-right
2 282
The Ticking Time Bomb of The Self-Destruction Of Civilization And Humanity Read more:
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
The Ticking Time Bomb of The Self-Destruction Of Civilization And Humanity “[Carl Jung's] diagnosis is that civilization is out of balance with itself and with nature. It has moved ahead on a course that could be self-destructive. Civilization has privileged rationality above
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Or, as Anthony de Mello put it another way, “God cannot be bothered doing for you what you are perfectly capable of doing yourself.” ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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2 424
2 909
When people who live in fear are projecting on us, it’s important to understand it’s often a reflection of what they are carrying inside themselves. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 76, part 2.
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2 272
The aim and life’s true object during this Time of Transition [for the ones answering the call]: “The pilgrimage of ascension and this descent for the labour of transformation must be inevitably a battle, a long war with ourselves and with opposing forces around us which, while it lasts, may well seem interminable. For all our old obscure and ignorant nature will contend repeatedly and obstinately with the transforming Influence, supported in its lagging unwillingness or its stark resistance by most of the established forces of environing universal Nature; the powers and principalities and the ruling beings of the Ignorance will not easily give up their empire. The battle and conquest and empire in the shape of a victorious conflict with the Powers of Darkness, an entire spiritual self-rule and mastery over inward and outward Nature, a conquest by Knowledge, Love and Divine Will over the domains of the Ignorance is life's true object.” - Sri Aurobindo
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If ​you're ​more ​externally ​oriented ​in ​the ​world ​and ​trying ​to ​figure ​things out ​mentally ​and ​there's ​a lack ​of ​inner ​work, ​you ​will ​end ​up ​in ​the ​labyrinth ​of ​the ​mind, ​in ​a ​dead ​end, ​basically ​while ​you ​dream ​of ​being ​awake, ​as ​Gurdjieff ​would ​say. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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NEW VIDEO: Making Decisions In Alignment With Who You Truly Are (and some reflective questions)
Making Decisions In Alignment With Who You Truly Are (and some reflective questions)
We talk more about this topic in our podcast episode "How To Embody Your Soul": https://veilofreality.com/2024/03/21/how-to-embody-your-soul-tcm-127-part-1/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
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When you are around woke people it can feel like there is a throttle on your throat unless you truly know who you are and what you stand for. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is from episode 82, part 2.
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We need to have a certain level of compassion, but we also don’t want to fall into blind compassion and the new age mindset—all is love; we just need to get along. At the same time, we need to be careful of the dehumanization factor. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.” – Carl Gustav Jung
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Happy Birthday, Carl Gustav Jung, today, 149 years ago. Fun fact: As Carl Jung became more popular toward the end of his life, he received many offers from mainstream publications to be featured and interviewed. He declined most of them. Dr. Jung felt that his work was not for the masses and that not everyone could grasp it or was able to engage in it (particularly shadow work). To not only do this work but also understand HOW to do it, one needs to have a certain level of being and self-awareness, be naturally more introverted, and have emotional depth. Reading alone doesn't lead to understanding. It's not merely a question of IQ but level of being (soul depth/embodiment) It's one reason his work has become so distorted and misunderstood that it has never reached the mainstream as other, more conventional psychotherapeutic modalities. People who are mostly externally focused with a lack of introspection and without an inner-standing and realization of how the outside world relates directly to their inner life "have no possibility in the Work", as Gurdjieff also alluded to. This relates to David Hawkins’ "map of consciousness". According to his model, 80% of humanity lives below this 200 threshold. They are, for the most part, identified with the false conditioned and wounded self. They will only see what will justify their victim/blame state, projected externally on the world, without an ability for honest self-reflection and to engage in or even understand shadow work or any other in-depth psycho-spiritual work. About 20% of humanity lives above 200 as a baseline (with the higher spiritual levels only a tiny fraction). They are more individuated. They can perceive truth more accurately, take responsibility, engage in sincere introspection, and do deeper psycho-spiritual work. Symbolically speaking, 100 people with higher levels of being who consciously and sincerely engage in shadow work have a more positive impact on the world at large than 1000000 people who only externalize their mechanical reactions and who do not engage in any psycho-spiritual inner work. In other words, you don't have much impact on the world by intellectually trying to figure out what is going on and trying to "expose all the psy-ops and conspiracies" (as if someone is to blame for everything.) Hence, after all this time going down the rabbit hole (or glued to the internet) trying to figure out the matrix intellectually, if you don't get lost in the labyrinth of your own mind, you'll hit a wall with a mirror, looking straight at yourself - and that's when the real work begins: with yourself. That's also why all the popular influencers and people talking about conspiracies and psy-ops get the most attention and following (many of them are still part of the 80%), for they are trapped in the externalization of the "matrix," for the most part, which appeals to people's shadow projections - but they haven't sincerely faced the "Psy-ops" of their own shadow self within themselves which they instead see playing out in the "external world." As Gurdjieff once said: “The majority of people find many excuses not to work on themselves. They are in a complete prison of their weaknesses. Understand me, right, I do not need followers; I am rather interested in finding the real warriors of the new world.” Once you have entered "The House of the Gathering", the real work begins: “We are still certain we know what other people think or what their true character is. We are convinced that certain people have all the bad qualities we do not know in ourselves. If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against. He lives in the “House of the Gathering.”
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Many of us are being called to just be in the chaos and uncertainty and in the melting pot to find our inner center without grasping onto external things, whether it’s a savior in the form of a politician, a religion, or a certain theory where we think we know exactly what’s going on. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Starting the process of withdrawing your projections (by becoming aware of them) is the most critical part and foundation of inner work before deeper spiritual/esoteric self-work can begin (or you’ll fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing). Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. Read the full article on Veil of Reality at:
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NEW PODCAST: Archetypes, America, And A Guide To The Months Ahead One of the most common questions people ask us is: what do you guys think will happen with all the craziness? Where is it all leading to, and what should we do? In this episode, we will share our views of what we see happening, not only from a 3D perspective but also from a bigger-picture perspective in the context of archetypes, the collective unconscious, and Divine Will beyond politics, conspiracies, psy-ops, and human (or alien) agendas, with some practical suggestions on navigating the coming months as everything intensifies even more. Listen Here:
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We change the world when we tend to ourselves and do the deeper psycho-spiritual work. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Here's something I wrote today, 3 years ago, in 2021. More accurate and evident than ever: the Pluto Return of the US is at full force and how it affects you personally: PLUTO, DEATH, REBIRTH - EVOLUTIONARY FORCES AND DIVINE WILL [Note: Written in 2021] The Pluto return of the US hasn't even fully started yet. It was all just build-up and foreplay so far, getting everyone "excited." Hold on to your seats over the next 4-5 years, and most importantly, enjoy the ride. Nothing can stop what is coming. If you know Pluto's role in light of evolutionary astrology and the magnitude of a Pluto /Pluto transit-natal conjunction, then you know that all bets are off. And it's a long transit. It's impossible to predict precisely what will happen, but it will affect the whole world as it already is. There are evolutionary forces at work [in alignment with Divine Will] that override our petty little egoic will and anything that we try to figure out mentally. There are occult wars between dark and light waging through us. We are transducers of higher energies, after all. What you align with is the question. The less conscious you are of your inner being, and the less embodied you are, the less aware you are of these forces working through you and the less "free will" you have to consciously choose what to align with as you mechanically react. Pluto transits force people to change [for better or worse], and if they don't, they'll be dragged out of their comfort zones and faced with what is necessary for their soul evolution. Mostly, it is an internal psycho-spiritual process, the Plutonian descent into the underworld, making the darkness conscious within and without, yet many people will be distracted by external events. How it manifests in the coming years depends on the choices we make right now, what we focus on, and how much we align with Essence and the soul's evolutionary trajectory. Plutonian energies and cosmic forces affect every person differently, depending on how you respond to the evolutionary forces and archetypes at work. This is about turning within and coming into alignment with the internal guidance of essence, your true self, and acting out of integrity and truth in alignment with your particular lessons and mission. What your soul needs differs from what you think your ego wants. Hence, the battle is behind the veil within you between the conditioned wounded ego and soul. It won't be a smooth ride by any stretch of the imagination. There are many distractions, temptations, and traps, and the mind will deceive you, for there is no way of trying to figure it out intellectually. Obviously, this is not meant to dismiss critical thinking, but "information" and "linear logic" alone won't help you much in the future if you are disconnected from your inner being and guidance. It is about alignment with the "higher mind" and guidance transcending thoughts and emotions. It's beyond "intuition," which many people mistake for many things, like a "feeling," which it is not. In fact, you need to have a certain level of soul embodiment already to access intuition accurately. Many people will be faced with a rude "awakening", especially if they are hardened in their programmed personality structure, acting out of unconscious trauma and shadow - many entry points for Wetiko and the occult hostile forces. Pluto transits initiate deep transformative processes. It's a rite of passage to cross the threshold. Not everyone will be ready for it or pass it, for there are 8 billion people with vastly different levels of being and soul lessons. It requires a necessary death process of the old false personality with all its desires, attachments, and addictions. If you are not able to let go, it literally feels like death. I've had a few of these Plutonian death moments in my life, which were crucial lessons and evolutionary breakthroughs, but they were not pretty or pleasant at all. Some of them brought me to the brink of suicide.
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However, my resistance to this [inner] process [which also manifested externally as "fate"] was directly proportional to the suffering and agony I went through. I call it tough grace - necessary divine interventions that my egoic personality certainly did not like and resisted until I surrendered to the process and ultimately to God. It also relates to past life lessons and karma. Yes, there IS Karma based on the universal/natural law of cause and effect. There are cycles within cycles and karmic trajectories that started thousands of years ago that need to play themselves out according to Divine Will. But no one can do this work [to come into alignment] "for you." It's all up to you to answer the call and show up with sincerity. Then doors open where there have been no doors before with guidance, assistance, and providence. Godspeed. Bernhard Guenther
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You don’t need to constantly investigate and dwell on what is out there; it can become a distraction and zap your energy. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is related to episode 88, part 2.
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Thinking rigidly ​about ​certain ​situations ​in ​our ​lives is ​usually ​a ​sign ​that ​the wounded ​inner ​child ​is ​activated. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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For The Ones With Eyes To See and Ears To Hear Anarchist Truthers who believe Trump is part of the swamp, that everything is "scripted," and think the only solution is no government and no voting [but just "exiting" the system] are as short-sighted as statists believing that we must vote for their chosen candidate who they think will bring about genuine change and governments are there to protect them. What's the blind spot? Read more:
Bernhard Guenther (@veilofreality) on X
For The Ones With Eyes To See and Ears To Hear Anarchist Truthers who believe Trump is part of the swamp, that everything is "scripted," and think the only solution is no government and no voting [but just "exiting" the system] are as short-sighted as statists believing that we
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New Article: Facing The Deep State And Psy-Op Within Yourself – The Essence Of Shadow Work
Facing The Deep State And Psy-Op Within Yourself - The Essence Of Shadow Work
The less aware you are of your shadow, projections, and triggers, the easier you are controlled from unseen forces tagging into your psyche.
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Also, pay ​attention ​to ​your ​inner ​world, not ​just ​your ​waking ​thoughts ​and ​awareness but also ​your ​imagination ​and dreams. So, ​engaging ​in ​shadow ​work and ​healing ​trauma ​is ​really ​important, ​but ​generally, ​just ​paying ​attention. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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The habit of no longer externalizing triggers but making them an internal process is a game changer. To listen to this exclusive podcast, check the link below to sign up for our private membership section, where you will have access to over 130+ hours of *uncensored* podcasts where we dive much deeper and speak about topics that we can’t speak about on social media anymore. 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year memberships available. Cancel Anytime. The clip above is related to episode 8, part 2.
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NEW VIDEO: 80% Of Humans Live In A Chronic Victim/Blame State And Can't Perceive Truth Accurately.
80% Of Humans Live In A Chronic Victim/Blame State And Can't Perceive Truth Accurately.
We discuss the different evolutionary stages in this podcast, "Does Everyone Have The Potential To Wake Up?": https://veilofreality.com/2021/05/26/does-everyone-have-the-potential-to-wake-up-tcm-60-part-1/ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️ Our 14-week private group coaching program TIME OF TRANSITION: EMBODIED SOUL AWAKENING: https://www.thetimeoftransition.com ⭐️ PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY - BERNHARD GUENTHER: https://veilofreality.com ⭐️ COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: https://veilofreality.com/the-cosmic-matrix-podcast/ SOCIAL MEDIA: ⭐️TWITTER: https://twitter.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TELEGRAM: https://t.me/timeoftransition ⭐️ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/veilofrealityofficial ⭐️ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/veilofreality ⭐️ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@veilofreality SUBSCRIBE TO OUR COSMIC MATRIX PODCAST: ⭐️ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cosmic-matrix/id1452122496 ⭐️ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5QLAWzdoBMChezb69KYh5o
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NEW VIDEO: 80% Of Humans Live In A Chronic Victim/Blame State And Can't Perceive Truth Accurately.
What people call a twin flame can easily be a “love bite” or “dark side of cupid” relationship but you have to be careful and not make assumptions. Remember to look at own psychological stuff first. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer.
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Longer extended article with a higher view of the event on July 13th: "Woke Leftists, Black-Pilled Truthers, Divine Grace, And The Hero Archetype"
Woke Leftists, Black-Pilled Truthers, Divine Grace, And The Hero Archetype
It’s fascinating how the mindset and level of consciousness of woke far leftists and a certain fraction of self-proclaimed “awake” truthers have become very similar over the past few years.
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But that is just their internalized loss of meaning and loss of connection to Self, projected on the world stage (no pun intended) as they are stuck in the basement of Plato’s cave. Lost in the darkness, they lack vision. On July 13th, we saw the rise of a powerful archetypal hero image that is NOT to be confused with a savior image. This image has already inspired millions in just one day to step into their OWN POWER with COURAGE, as exemplified by Trump himself, with and despite all his imperfections. Divine Grace gave humanity what it needed for most people during these dark times, which are going to intensify even more: THE POWER OF COURAGE and BRAVERY—something woke leftists and black-pilled truthers completely lack in their disempowered victim state. They keep blaming the world and external forces - projecting their internalized misery and unconscious pain - while contributing nothing creative or productive to the betterment of this world and humanity. They have become unconscious forces for the matrix. As Gurdjieff once said, ‘they have become their own punishment’ - their own hell. There is no need to project the savior image on Trump or identify with any political party. Let this image and event INSPIRE YOU [infused with Spirit] to BECOME THAT and BE THAT YOURSELF in your own life, for your family, and for the human family in everyday life. If you're lucky, you are already inspired, connected to your deeper purpose, and able to sense the Divine Force acting through you. But regardless, this is the time to stand up and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for Freedom, Truth, Love, and Beauty. It's WITHIN YOU. This is a spiritual war, and you are the one you have been waiting for. Godspeed. Bernhard Guenther In our next Cosmic Matrix episode, we’ll go deeper into this topic and explore archetypal symbols and Divine Grace in the context of the evolution of consciousness, and current events. Stay tuned. P.S. Interesting side note, David Hawkins mentioned that according to his model of the "map of consciousness," people who are living in a victim/blame state have a very low level of consciousness and cannot perceive Truth and reality accurately at that level. They will only see what will justify their victim/blame state, projected externally on the world. See his book "Power vs. Force" for more.
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WOKE LEFTISTS, BLACK-PILLED TRUTHERS, DIVINE GRACE, AND THE HERO ARCHETYPE It’s fascinating how the mindset and level of consciousness of woke far leftists and a certain fraction of self-proclaimed “awake” truthers have become very similar over the past few years. Both are caught in the victim/blame trap and have lost [higher] meaning. They have descended into a paranoid labyrinth of their own minds augmented by Wetiko. The armchair truthers who see psy-ops, controlled ops, and staged events everywhere are perhaps the most lost and deluded, for they believe themselves to be “awake” [and see everyone as "sheeple"] as if they have figured it all out - as if a mental “understanding” of what they think the matrix is has anything to do with a true awakening. The more neurotic ones project their unconscious father/mother wound on any authority in an unconscious knee-jerk reaction to the point of not even recognizing and seeing positive higher symbols and assisting forces anymore. Instead, they see everything as a trap, to the point that some even believe that Earth itself is a prison planet and reincarnation is a trap. They can't perceive anything good in the world anymore but have become prisoners of their own internalized hell and cynicism. Over the years, I've seen many people disintegrate psychologically and spiritually in the so-called “truth movement.” It’s a sad picture. They have lost their connection to the Divine and even their soul being. They can't even recognize when the collective psyche is gracing them with a most potent symbol and archetype of a hero. Both the woke left and the black-pilled “everything is staged & scripted” truther crowd have rejected the hero archetype and instead have torn him down, just like Jesus was crucified. I'm strictly talking about archetypal symbolism here beyond religion. They need to reject the hero because they strongly identify as the victim, even if only unconsciously. The hero threatens their identity. It is the opposite of who they are; hence, they get triggered by it. Yet, ironically, integrating and embodying it would be the antidote and cure for their self-imposed misery. The woke left and fractions of the truthers suffer under TDS, each in their own way with all the shadow projections and oversimplified black-and-white perceptions involved. The one side sees him as Hitler and a dictator. The other side sees him as a controlled op or Illuminati or is overly fixated on the vacks issue. There is no nuance, wisdom, or understanding of how even the Divine can do His work through an imperfect instrument like him [see my last post about "spiritual vision" in the context of Sri Aurobindo's words]. The Divine even uses YOU as His instrument the best He can despite your ignorance, stupidity, distortion, imperfection, selfishness, laziness, all the lies you tell yourself about yourself, and many other traits we all carry and often only project externally. Yet, you, too, have something to provide and give to the world—a specific purpose that is unique to you. It connects you to pure Joy and the truth of your being—to stand up for something greater than you. But can you even hear or sense the divine impulse within you, or are you so entrenched in your outer crust that you even reject His call? The Woke Leftists and Black-pilled truthers are so disconnected from that divine creative impulse that they can only complain, blame, and see negativity everywhere. They have become a black hole feeding ground for occult hostile forces. From a Jungian perspective, it results from psychological splitting - an internal fracture projected externally. In their unbalanced and disconnected attempts to reject any possibility of goodwill, they also reject or don't recognize the necessary hero archetype that helps to inspire people with courage, love, and determination. In their chronic cynicism, they see it as a fake staged event and a manipulated photo-op to sell the savior image and manipulate people even more.
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The mind is not isolated in the brain, disconnected from everything else. All kinds of forces, beings, and energies manifest as thoughts and sensations come from the outside and non-physical realms and constantly flow through us. ENROLLMENT IS OPEN for Embodied Soul Awakening, Bernhard and Laura’s 14-week private online group program in psychological and spiritual work to embody your true self. August - November 2024. Limited spots available. Go to to learn more and apply. Listen to this podcast episode by clicking the link below or by searching Cosmic Matrix on iTunes, Spotify, or any other podcast streamer. Read the full article on Veil of Reality at:
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The real psy-op is the psy-op that it was staged. Read more:
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