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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
"The NFL is like slavery, except the players get paid millions of dollars." OK so not at all like slavery then
This is literally how the country used to function. Income tax in America is relatively new. But people are so brainwashed when you talk about abolishing it they act as if the sky would fall should the government stop taking so much of our money.
1 666
Politicians trading stocks when they have their hands tipping the scales should be ILLEGAL. Insider trading isn't allowed in the private sector, and what's going on in Congress is even worse. Lock them all up.


2 696
Is Tucker Carlson un-American for questioning our leaders? The Daily Wire seems to think so. For questioning America's past actions and for asking questions in general, the network is going all in on smearing Tucker as a crazy person. Check out the full video here:


1 731
Ben Shapiro has thrown facts, logic, and even his legendary fiscal reputation out the window, as he goes all in for Israel. Check out the full video here:


2 208
Are you freaking kidding me? He has a wide-open border with criminals pouring in by the thousands daily. This is a blatant assault on the First Amendment. Miss me with that HaTe SpEeCh B.S.
3 048
As a woman online, sure, I get mean comments from men on the right sometimes. But as an Asian, the violent rhetoric from black leftists is always there to keep things in perspective 😇
2 030
The left: removed me from public life for 6 months, made me live under curfew, attempted to coerce me into taking an experimental vaccine that could have caused me to miscarry. The right: (sometimes) MEAN TWEETS! You can't make this Sh*t up. 🤷🏻‍♀️
1 914
Welp, an anon was lippy so I guess I'll just leave the right and change all my opinions Because we all know the left is so nice to me 😇
1 909
Liberal women will literally get punched in the face by random criminals in leftist cities and still never dream of voting anything but Democrat "Conservative" women will get told to get back in the kitchen by some anon on Twitter and never vote Republican again I hate it here
2 084
It is not anti-American to question and distrust the government. In fact, that is the most American thing I can think of. There are a million reasons why I love America, and none of them have to do with politicians.
2 010
Good, others should have followed suit as well. It's unreal that people are still trying to defend that shit show of a war or use it as a "gotcha" today. From the War Karen class, no less.
1 933
No one cares that she's Jewish That's why everyone is leaving her alone and there's even a group behind her with a "Jews for a free Palestine" sign lmao I know you're desperate to be the victim here, but being Jewish is not what people are protesting.
2 152
Despite dwindling interest and ratings, Disney is doubling down on the woke rebranding of Doctor Who. Check out the full video here:


2 052
How about you put those troops on the border rather than having them babysit university students?
5 278
Per Capita strikes again.
2 412
Call me crazy. But I don't think we should let liberals and centrists determine what the right does or does not stand for.
3 496
"If you question the government, you hate your country."
9 153
Wanting safe cities is a Nazi dog whistle
5 471
Waiving foreign flags on the House floor? This is what a nation that has been conquered looks like.


7 858
There are many different reasons out there why you can oppose the 19th. Even as a woman, I've not really heard anyone say that women's voices are "politically unimportant." The reason there's even a discussion about the 19th is that women's votes do matter. Check out the full video here:


3 042
I don't believe in democracy. "But what about taxation without representation!" I don’t believe in taxation.
2 993
Ok this is funny 🤣
2 811
Megan Basham slams the pro-life lobby for their harsh critique of Trump, highlighting that they have been sending him conflicting signals on vital pro-life matters. Check out the full stream here:


3 332
"WELL IF YOU DONT THINK EVERYONE SHOULD VOTE, JUST GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH!" Tell that to the Founding Fathers, who, incidentally, did not think everyone should vote but still believed in free speech.
3 046
Poor fella is absolutely seething that I am just more attractive than he is. No filters here, but I'm happy to give Riggleman🐷 diet tips if needed!
3 063
"Per capita" strikes again.
3 510
Let’s be honest, If they launched those missiles and drones from south of the border, you'd be sound asleep, and more than half of Congress would be trying to give them free credit cards.
5 861
This is the most AWFL (affluent white female liberal) statement I have ever seen.
3 194
There's nothing wrong with or uncommon about children sharing a room. Why is this going viral?
3 208
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