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audience statistics IELTS with Ahmad Qodirov

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11 7550
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52 516جایی
از 78 777
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1 961جایی
از 2 347

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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine


    1 299
    ❤️❤️❤️This is what gives me energy to keep teaching and teach with love, professionalism.
    1 293
    I am rarely satisfied with my lessons, but I thoroughly enjoyed today’s first lesson in Online Listening course. Out of 22 students, 90% of them attended, and stayed whole lesson. I think, 30 is a good limit of students in an online class to ensure quality teaching.
    1 242
    Today is the first lesson in my new Online Listening course. I am pumped because I can't wait to help students to get a good score not only in Listening but also give them free guidance on other skills. Starting tomorrow, I will have more free time and resume sharing daily content for your preparation. Stay tuned 🫡
    1 466
    Kursga borsangiz, ustozga albatta kaminadan salom ayting, bu oila haqidagi bilimlari illo boshlanishi, endi nomli shaxsiy blogimda, shu mavzuga oid o’rgangan ilmlar ulashaman InshaAllah.
    1 570
    Alhamdullillah, ikki kunda ikkita sertifikat oldim, ammo o’ng tomondagisi men uchun boshqacha bir qadrli. Odobni faqat odobsizlar o’rganmaydi, yanada go’zal xulqli bo’lish niyat qilganlar ham o’qiydi. Men Ikrom Sharif ustozni “Farog’at qasri” deb nomlangan Oila haqidagi kurslariga qatnashib men oila ilmida hali “beginner” ekanligim angladim. Bo’ydoqligimda nimaga shu ilmga qiziqmadim deb o’zimni koyidim, ammo “xechdan ko’ra kech yaxshi” deb o’zim ovutdim. Biz oddiy til o’rganishga bir yil yoinki ko’pro sarflaymiz, lekin bir umr kerak bo’ladigan “Oila” ilmini nahot o’rganolmasak? Bu ilmi har Alloh roziligi uchun har bir mo’min, har bir balog’atga yetgan o’g’il, qiz, qaynona va qaynotalar o’qisin, zora ajralishlar soni kamaysa. Toshkent shahri o’zida bir yilda 80,000 dan oshiq oila ajrashgan, qanchadan qancha farzandlar yetim, ikki tomon yuz ko’rmas bo’lgan davrda bizga shu kerak. Meni hurmat qiladigan barcha insonga tavsiya qilaman, boringlar, afsuslanmaymiz.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 471
    ❗️ Last reminder. Today is the last day to sign up for a online Listening course.
    1 596
    A handout on Reading time-management. Shall we organize a voice chat to understand how to use this handout in our preparation? If yes, let's invite as many IELTS buddies as you can. If I see this message shared a lot, I will set the date and time, and show you how it is done.

    Reading Timing.pdf

    1 737
    How many of you want to use a handout on Reading time-management that I share with my students only? 😊
    1 773
    By the way, we no longer accept new students for these traditional (offline) courses as we have received maximum number of students (14). I have decided to teach General English more lately and onsite full IELTS course for health reasons.
    1 878
    Dear IELTS candidates, tomorrow is the last day to join an online course by a real teacher for 150K UZS.
    1 874
    Another workshop is underway. For June, I have got big plans, to organize masterclass sessions to share what I have learnt with all of you.
    1 857
    Teacher Ahmad is on another workshop to teach writing skills better. If you are a teacher, working on your language and teaching skills is a must. .


    1 728
    New IELTS speaking band descriptors. Sharing is Caring


    1 679
    New IELTS writing band descriptors. Sharing is Caring


    1 744
    10 people did this in the last 7 days after I announced online Listening course (not a marathon) for only 150,000 sum. 😁. P.S I do not accept more than 30 people, and aim to take about 20 even this is an online course. Quality > Quantity. Sign up
    1 650
    Last 48 hours to invest in your education and join online Listening course. Contact 😎
    1 679
    A promise made is a promise kept.
    1 633
    An article that is used to write the IELTS passage about. This is the official IELTS reading passage from a real exam. This passage may appear again in a real test, so you better read it thoroughly.
    1 694
    Today was a really busy and productive day for me, leaving almost no time to share decent content. Let me share something I usually share only with my students. Original article of the real exam passage. You might have it real test day 😎
    1 650
    Thanks a lot for recommendation. The best advertisement is when someone genuinely benefits from what you teach and invites others. Nothing replaces 'a word of mouth' type of promotion
    1 825
    1 701
    The real atmosphere inside upcoming our listening marathon P/S: I am also a participant like you, but I am sure it will be great than I expected that is why I suggest the others as well
    1 775
    Only 3 days left to join Online Listening course. Write to sign 🆙
    1 637
    1 656
    #Testimonial on Reading course. Contact to sign up for the next one in advance. 😉
    1 725
    #Testimonial on Reading course. Contact to sign up for the next one in advance. 😉
    1 638
    If you don't consider as a show off, I would like to share feedbacks from last Reading course. 😇😇😇
    1 589
    Those who are leaving channel may regret, because as soon I fix some issues in my personal life, I will be back in action to share some of the best content. Stay tuned and take care of yourself everyone.😉
    1 730
    #FreeLesson. Planning your essay. How should I begin my essay? How should I organize my ideas?


    1 707
    Last updated: ۱۱.۰۷.۲۳
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