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all posts Reignite Democracy Australia

Our Vision - "A strong, free and independent Australia” We empower people by giving them a voice and providing honest, timely, and truthful information. 
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همه انتشارات
See you there :-) I think I’ll go quiet for a while to rest. Lots of love.
2 564
Case closed!
Decision will be handed down 6th September in court room 1.6. Come on down 🙂
2 878
It’s D day. Starts at 10:30am. Thank God we’re so close!
2 767
Me and my McKenzie friend have put in 8 hours already today. At least 4 more to go. Then we need to rest as well. With only two people, we can only do so much. Prayers prayers prayers please.
2 947
3 029
Come enjoy the closing submissions and celebrations with us... Monday 19th August. 10:30am - Country Court then When court concludes - Imperial (2-8 Bourke st)
3 386
This is me preparing for Monday’s closing submissions haha. With my biggest fan by my side :-)
3 144
I’m not doing a video update tonight. Too much to say and I’m a bit overwhelmed. Gonna keep my comments to myself till Monday evening when the case is closed.
3 226
Cell 22 Audiobook - First Chapter If you want to hear more, it's only $10

My Movie 29.mp4

4 228
Looking for a place to eat, drink and be merry Monday 19th after the case finishes…is there a freedom family member out here with a restaurant in CBD Melbourne we can support? Email me
4 253
I can’t wait to see another bold government plan epically fail :-)
4 271
A group of dedicated court supporters…Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
3 875
Witnesses are finished…phew. I can say FOR SURE that not all police are bad! More humanity was shown on the stand today. Constables sometimes get put into almost impossible positions by their superiors. Of course they can use conscience objection to not follow orders. But in that split moment, it can be confusing for them. Mistakes happen but accountability is critical to ensure different choices are made next time
3 915
Trial Day no.9 - BEST MOMENT
Three witnesses in one day...I'm buggered! But today I had the BEST MOMENT in court so far :-) Subscribe or watch the trial here www.monicavsvicpol.com
3 901
Trial schedule till the finishing line :-) Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Friday 16th Monday 19th - last day You can watch the trial live. It’s the same zoom link every day! Follow these instructions;
3 988
Make it a thing! Post a pic doing this to show your support for fair and safe women’s sports…!!!    
3 851
Pretty excited to have this done and dusted. For those who don't have time to sit down and read a book, this is for you. Only $10
3 867
It’s not quite as relaxing as the beach but I found the sun in Melbourne and I’m taking in the rays :-) I’m feeling very relieved that the hardest part of the trial is over. There are only 4 witnesses left and their involvement in the incident is less significant so questioning isn’t as long or hardcore as the others. I’m well and truly ‘over the hill’…thanks God and everyone who supports and prays for me :-)
3 966
Latest issue of ‘the light newspaper’. Thanks for this report :-) Order your own copy or find out how to distribute here
3 773
Court schedule is; Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Friday 16th Monday 19th LAST DAY If you haven’t come yet, come on Monday 19th
5 817
Trial update - Day no.8
Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates. https://www.monicasmit.com/#subscribe You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions; https://shor.by/trial-livestream
1 763
11 299
Running a bit late today. Tech issues apparently. The livestream will be on when we start.
4 598
Gosh I’m emotional today. Hopefully I can keep it together in court…I can 🙂 This is exactly what I needed to start my day. A small gesture that means SO MUCH! Re-living my arrests everyday is taking a toll that’s for sure


4 554
Examination of Superintendent Jamie Templeton tomorrow from 10:30am. You can watch on the same zoom link. If you don't have it, follow these instructions I can't promise too much because I called him as a witness which restricts my ability to ask leading questions. I've never done this before...so I'll just do myself.
3 942
Examination of Superintendent Jamie Templeton tomorrow from 10:30am. You can watch on the same zoom link. If you don't have it, follow these instructions I can't promise too much because I called him as a witness which restricts my ability to ask leading questions. I've never done this before...so I'll just do myself.

23 (3).png

Facebook is actively blocking my updates on the trial. This is not a ‘community standards’ breach. This is TARGETED! I don’t have the time to do an FOI or the money to sue FB, but it’s clear Victoria Police and FB have a close relationship and are actively trying to stop the publicity of this trial. What are they so scared about I wonder?
4 052
Monica Smit V Victoria Police
Thanks for the report Avi. You can watch the trial live.. Follow these instructions https://shor.by/trial-livestream
3 971
I’ve been waiting four years to ask Officer Dolman for the 50th time…why did you arrest me? Haha. My cross examination will start around 11 -11:30am this morning. It’s the same link as other days.
3 672
Haha gold!
4 047
Trial update - Day no.6
Be sure to subscribe to not miss out on any updates. https://www.monicasmit.com/#subscribe You can watch the trial live. Follow these instructions; https://shor.by/trial-livestream
3 907
Comment on my personal channel
3 747
Did you watch the trial today? What did you think?
3 701
Day 6 tomorrow Anxiety is setting in but we’ll get through this :-) Register for the link so you have it on hand.
Day 6 tomorrow
Anxiety is setting in but we’ll get through this :-) Register for the link so you have it on hand. https://shor.by/trial-livestream
4 161
The Pope being silent on the mocking of ‘the Last Super’ makes me proud to be part of the ‘Society of St Pius X’. We’re Latin-mass Catholics who are INDEPENDENT of the Vatican. Curious? Look it up.
3 436
Cross examination of Acting Superintendent Papworth continues from 10am - 2:15pm tomorrow. Then the now-famous (for REALLY not wanting to come in person) Melissa Wilson takes the stand via zoom from 4 - 6pm. She has since left Victoria Police and Victoria. It’ll be interesting to see what she has to say. You can get the zoom link. It’s the SAME LINK throughout the whole trial. Register for it following these instructions -
4 137
Facebook is actively shadow banning my trial…I wonder why? I bet Victoria Police directly contacted Facebook to make this happen. We know they’ve done it before… It’s so lame if Victoria Police are actively and deliberately trying to hide from their past mistakes…they’d be better off just admitting it now and saving us all time.
4 279
This is a long shot but there were others in the KETTLE with us Oct 31st who was filming. She had long dreadlocks. If you are reading this, or if you know her, please reach out to me. Her footage could change a lot!! or PM me.
3 818
UPDATE ON TRIAL Mention today at 2:15pm. In-person trial resumes Monday 5th August from 10:30am. SAME ZOOM LINK FOR ALL OF IT.
Mention today at 2:15pm. In-person trial resumes Monday 5th August from 10:30am. SAME ZOOM LINK FOR ALL OF IT. If you haven’t got the zoom link, follow these instructions…https://shor.by/trial-livestream
4 095
4 101
I need a doctor to examine me physically THIS EVENING to determine that I am no longer symptomatic so I can go to court tomorrow. Please help if you can.
I feel embarrassed that I was a bit aggressive and disorganised during my first attempt at cross examination on Monday. I had no idea how emotionally triggering it was going to be for me. I’ve had time to reflect and adjust accordingly…please tune in tomorrow and see the difference for yourself 🙂 I truly believe getting sick was God’s way of giving me time to do just that. I hope to do you proud :-)
4 235
Trial delayed
Trail delayed another day 😞 Hopefully we’ll resume Thursday.
4 141
I finally succumbed to the flu that everyone else has had :-( Headache, runny nose, body aches. I have written to the court with a medical certificate from my doctor requesting a day off. I won’t hear back till tomorrow but I can’t imagine doing what I did today while feeling like this…
4 110
How ironic that the ‘Australians for Assange’ FB page can’t post about an independent journalist finally getting heard in a court of law… Yikes…we must be pushing some big buttons here. Pray for me!
7 184
If you email the court before they send this mornings batch email, you’ll get the zoom link. Note - it’s the same link as last week.
3 890
There’s so many impactful video compilations of Victoria Police abuse during COVID times, can you drop a link here for me to check them out. Go to this channel to drop a link
6 195
There’s so many impactful video compilations of Victoria Police abuse during COVID times, can you drop a link here for me to check them out.
Go to my personal channel to drop a link :-)


7 140
If you want to watch via zoom you MUST EMAIL THEM TODAY. They will send a batch email out Monday morning Follow instructions here
3 584
If you want to watch via zoom you MUST EMAIL THEM TODAY. They will send a batch email out Monday morning Follow instructions here

23 (1).png

3 537
I’m not 100% sure this could be used or how it would be but…here goes. If anyone is, or knows someone, who was working as a police officer on Oct 31st 2020 and has since quit VicPol, please contact me. You could be a powerful witness. However, I’m not sure if I can call another witness this late. Potentially I can’t.
3 519
At this point…are you really surprised? I’m not one little bit. Don’t waste energy being surprised when they mock what is good, right and true…this is the current narrative. But GOD’S RIGHTEOUS ANGER will kick in…we just don’t know when.
33 991
Without giving away my strategy to the 7-person-legal team against me... The subject content on Monday will address and bring to the forefront aspects of the COVID tyranny trauma and suffering that EVERY SINGLE freedom lover in Victoria went through. We just wanted to be treated fairly and have our voices HEARD!!! On Monday, I hope I can speak for all of us and if I am heard, I hope you feel heard too! You might think I'm overdramatising this...and maybe I will fail miserably and let you down. I pray not. I guess we'll find out together on Monday haha 😊 Please pray for me!
ادامه مطلب ...
3 775
Without giving away my strategy to the 7-person-legal team against me...all I will say is... The subject content on Monday will address and bring to the forefront aspects of the COVID tyranny trauma and suffering that EVERY SINGLE freedom lover in Victoria knows too much about.


First coffee since being sick and the barista was not impressed he took so long to recover…called him weak. Harden up John hahaha
3 228


6 081
Yikes…if you know you know! Who’s watching the trial??? Watch here
Watch trial live
You might wonder…Why would I want to watch a court case? Well…I’ll get to cross-examine MULTIPLE police officers. I don’t know for sure if it will be entertaining, but it […]
3 652


4 801


4 436
You really should be watching this trial. Have it on in the background and chime in when you want to.
3 517
Nick Patterson came yesterday and today Mark Hobart and his lovely wife came to show support. Australian and I are so lucky to have such a warm and supportive freedom family 🙂 Who’s coming tomorrow I wonder :-)
3 674
Nick Patterson and I are trying our best to force accountability for Victoria Police abuse during the most draconian lockdowns in the world. Maybe we can inspire police to take meaningful steps to ensure this can’t happen again, no matter what ‘crisis’ we face. Human rights are non negotiable in our beautiful country. We’re also doing it for those of you who deserved to be heard but doesn’t have the ability to go all the way. We hope to do your proud. Win or lose, we have peace knowing our intentions are on the right side of history.
ادامه مطلب ...
3 645


7 838
Someone sent this to me…it was in their daily verse reading. Talk about a PERFECT MESSAGE
3 500
You might wonder...Why would I want to watch a court case? Well...I'll get to cross-examine MULTIPLE police officers. I don't know for sure if it will be entertaining, but it might be! There will not be a publicly available livestream link for the trial but ANYONE can request one. All you need to do is email and request a zoom link. The email must follow this format; 1. The full name and residential address of the person requesting the zoom link 2. The following words (cut and past the below into the email body: I understand and accept that: a) I must not make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording, audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot) of any part of the hearing. b) I must not provide the zoom link to any other person. c) I must not permit any other person to make a recording (including audio recording, visual recording, audiovisual recording, photograph or screenshot) of any part of the hearing. d) I must not re-transmit or otherwise publish any part of the hearing, or permit any other person to do so. e) Under section 4A of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to record a proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2), (3) or (4). f) Under s4B of the Court Security Act 1980 it is an offence to publish a recording of a proceeding except in accordance with subsection (2).
ادامه مطلب ...
3 716
Just come for 1 hour if you can from 9-10am…to show support for police accountability! Maybe we can mend from the abuse we experienced…but not without accountability and meaningful action to ensure it doesn’t happen again. I hope, and pray, that I can contribute to helping that happen so we can trust police again and feel confident that they wont abuse our human rights again if the situation arises.
3 712
Global support for the upcoming trial :-) hopefully we get a livestream link approved
3 600
I find it so interesting that fighting for your OWN freedom is unacceptable by mainstream narratives…but fighting for other people’s freedom that you don’t even know is celebrated. I support freedom for ALL…but why don’t they???
4 115
What a year 2021 was for all of us; including me and my organisation 'Reignite Democracy Australia' The government put me in prison and claimed I wasn't a 'real' journalist. Almost 5 MILLION views in a year...I reckon that would rival even some mainstream media platforms. Good luck with that case government...I'm coming for ya whether I win or lose the case next week.
3 651
I felt like I was going back-to-school shopping today while preparing all the court docs and bits and pieces. Lawyers are grey and boring…I figured why don’t I bring some colour into the court room :-)
3 411


3 657
It’s fun when campaigns run themselves Cash is the BEST topic to bring up with anyone, anywhere. It’s not a conspiracy theory yet haha
3 531
Cash never has an outage!
7 092
3 503
The day is fast approaching. No one benefits when deals are made behind closed doors…that’s one of the reasons I’m taking it all the way….so it’s on public record! Covid was confusing times but mistakes made need to be repented for… I’ll be making daily updates. Be sure to subscribe to get them


3 643
So far, I’ve heard of buses coming from northern NSW, Ballarat, maybe Warnambool and others… Comment to make connections :-) Go to my other telegram page which has commenting switched on
3 508
Guess what the third leading cause of death is for children in third world countries??? Wow!


3 446
Cash is making a huge comeback and there exciting things in the pipeline to ensure we Why would anyone want to make the banks richer and small businesses poorer? It makes no sense USE CASH MORE!
3 915
To those of you who have supported me throughout my ordeals…YOU GIVE ME STRENGTH. Thank you! I promise I’ll never take a deal to be silenced. Come to the county court 23rd July OR subscribe and I’ll update you daily during the trial


3 322
3 333
While preparing for my upcoming trial, I came across this goodie. How inspiring are my folks ey? Makes sense why I am the way I am...it's my parents' fault for making me this way haha I'll be giving daily updates of my trial, subscribe at

My Movie 26.mp4

3 728
"The ramifications of this judgment, for so many other individuals in Victoria and across Australia, who were unfairly and unjustly treated during one of the most challenging times in our history, have now been brought into question by this landmark case,'' she said,
4 384


3 716
If you can’t come on 23rd to show support, please pray or meditate or whatever you do to give me positive vibes :-) SUBSCRIBE here to get daily updates throughout the trial
3 637
Monica Lyle Shelton
You all know about the court case coming up by now...but here's more context around it. If you can come 23rd July, please come. If not, pray for me and subscribe so I can update you daily 🙂 www.monicavsvicpol.com
3 417
Fighting for justice in court to set a precedent. Even partial victories can empower future cases. I'm hoping to ensure independent journalists aren't afraid to report the truth. Come to the county court with us. 23rd July. All details here:


3 736
4 461
ATTN NSW and VIC - Council elections are coming up. Get your profile ready ahead of the crowd
3 563
Fair Dinkum Candidates first elected winner was George Christensen We’re sure his profile with us helped him to gain votes and volunteers. Congratulations to all. VIC and NSW council elections are coming up. If you’re a candidate, you need to sign up with us here
3 219
Kempsey, NSW - ‘We Are Ready’ Tour lol mum and dad arguing at the start It was a rainy afternoon but the room was full! They’re very active politically in lots of ways…it’s great. book - Make sure you connect; Freedom Fighters meeting every 2nd Thurs Macleay Pensioners hall. 5.15pm Telegram: Prickle haters or Kempsey get togethers Meetings: Fortnightly 5.15pm at Kempsey Pensioners Hall E:


3 291


3 506
Gosh, our little (big) dictator is having a hard time bouncing back from being a tyrant…I guess the adrenaline of trying to ruin your state has worn off and left him sad, depressed, fat and hairy. Bad karma looks perfect on him…what a lame life he must lead now.
3 613
Let kids be kids! Stop blaming innocent people for things dead people did! Grow up, make your own path in life and get on with it!
3 223
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