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Gosangs Tunnel, Talking Ley Lines
Telegram Ley Love Down Youtube Page Save The LeyLines Rumble dale Instagram @dalehol
1 965
📣 only 5 spots left for The Numerology course starting THIS Wednesday, September 18th 📣 Every session is recorded and saved in a Google Drive folder for you to download and keep FOREVER. As well as ALL course material covered. I give it ALL away. “I love it. I use it with almost everyone I meet. I ask everyone their birthdays now. Numbers were showing up everywhere and I used to wonder what they meant but now I know and understand better what the universe is trying to tell me. Numbers still show up but I feel like I understand better and am not flying blind.” - T I cannot WAIT to see who I’ll be connecting with in this course! My soul fam just keeps growing through running these courses and I am so bloody grateful for it 🥰❤️💫 Book your spot 👇🏽
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2 440
I’m hooked on this podcast atm. Binged listened to the lot and some interesting themes that flow through every one of these cases. They do go through some of the stats around child abuse and the scale of adults viewing child abuse material online. But this story season 2 is really messed up but informative for people to see some signs.
2 683
Speaking event update


2 611
💝 TODAY IS VAUGHAN'S BIRTHDAY 💖 We hope you hear the stories of each soul in this video and feel the love and gratitude of the THOUSANDS of souls that you have impacted in the most beautiful and profound way. This video could’ve easily been hundreds of hours long with so, so many people’s messages of love and gratitude, we hope you and little Rachel feel all the love we all have for you! THIS is what your angels showed you. THIS is why you survived 💖🙌🏽💫 Prepare yourself with tissues before watching this video Thank you to everyone that contributed to this video ❤️ Rachel 💖💫
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2 619
What a beautiful video showing the impact Rachel has made and the gratitude everyone has for her. Happy Birthday !!
2 746
Jesus Myth Exposed: Collapsing a Modern Fairytale
The Magnum Opus of dungeon programming, the Epic Work of the Destroyer, Apollo, the Cult of the Crucified God...this soup made of all the best ingredients. The story of Jesus is one of magnificent beauty, hope and passion and it is a story that NEVER happened. Awaken Immortal! A savior is what we want not what we have...our connection to Source does not require anything in the physical world to save us. Spiritual beings have no need for a carnal sacrifice...that's the illusion of an Arch Deceiver. Virginia Beach MEETUP- You need to sign up for the Meetup App and then scroll down to the events and RSVP from there. YouTube is good, but .tv we get to tell it like it is. http://Archaix.TV gate to MUST start FREE account by making a User Name on Playeur before subscribing. Academy contact email- The Academy courses will separate the historical facts from the popular fictions. FREE stuff, chart packs, mailing address, emails, merch, books, video downloads all things Archaix- Want to order merch or books, simply email and state what you're interested in and we'll send you the info: hats, mugs, large sticker decals, short and long-sleeved shirts, books Send books/drives to: PO Box 493, Willis, TX 77378 Chart Packs & Chronology Timelines Chronicon 2023 [Finished Chronology] ( [1055 pgs in 1 pdf] #Jesus #christianity #gospel
3 817
I’ll be doing live talk in Melbourne on 5th of October. Been working on this presentation to cover everything in a long format. Currently only booked for Taylor’s lake (Melbourne) but hoping to announce next couple dates and locations asap. If you’d like to attend the link and tickets are in link below 👇
3 696


6 516
This is the latest update from the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Please note that I accidentally shared that the conference is happening in Alice Springs – which it is NOT. So please be aware that the conference will be occurring much closer to Uluru which is a looong way from Alice Springs! My bad – the last time I was there was 24 years ago and I had forgotten the distance between Alice Springs and the rock! 🤦🏻‍♀️🥴😆❤️ Rachel Vaughan links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram. I don’t answer or send messages on Messenger. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto: This is my affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL Ley Love Down platforms:
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Taking our power back via the leylines
Rachel shared fascinating insights into her work with leylines, as well as the Ley Love Down project which she and co-founder, Ben Hawkes
5 207
Episode link 👇
5 521
The Whales been out the last few mornings.


5 346
Ley Lines, Harmony, Taking the Power Back and Why We're All Psychic with Rachel Vaughan Find me at and join the mail list Find Rachel here: Rachel will be presenting in Alice Springs Australia at the crossing of the two Dragon lines that intersect over Uluru at the Dec solstice - 20th, 21st and 22nd Dec 2024 - for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference. This is Rachel's affiliate link for the conference: ... union-solstice-2024?c=rv Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL Website: / weazel8888 / rachel.06012015 / srawhistleblowerrachelvaughan Ley Love Down platforms: Telegram: Instagram: ... Rumble: Youtube: / And the group meditations: Telegram: / c_zddh6v3zj ... / mecc97dv1g7zanxe
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2 748

lfm fest.mp4

4 816


6 723
Ley Love Down will be hosting another mass meditation via zoom on Wednesday the 11th of September with a focus on the Earth’s heart chakra at Stone Henge in the UK. Times below: Wed 11 Sept at 9:30am in London, UK; Wed 11 Sep at 6:00pm in Adelaide, South Australia; Wed 11 Sept at 6:30pm Australian Eastern Time; Wed 11 Sept at 8:30pm Auckland, New Zealand. Beautiful Sarah Seager - who led our first mass meditation for Uluru on the 6th of August – has been kind enough to facilitate this mass meditation also. There were some sound issues with the Uluru meditation – Sarah has now addressed those issues, so we are good to go! All at Ley Love Down are so appreciative of the time and effort that volunteers like Sarah gift to us – thank you again Sarah for doing this for us all, and for our mother Earth. To register click the link below – please be aware that you cannot join these meetings if you don’t click on the link and register. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. As previously posted – we will also be running a Masterclass to go through the new ‘Ley Love Down On Site Protocol’ on Tuesday September 17th. These are the protocols for getting out on the ground. The protocols include how to infuse the ley lines with positive, benevolent intent for balancing of Earth energies. As well as a prayer for setting intent and protection. The session will be at the following times: Tues 17 Sept at 9:30am in London, UK; Tues 17 Sept at 6:00pm in Adelaide, South Australia; Tues 17 Sept at 6:30pm AET; Tues 17 Sept at 8:30pm Auckland, New Zealand. Apologies that these are not in a good time frame for our Canadian and American friends – the co-founders of the movement, Ben and myself, are in the UK and Australia and we both need to attend at a time when we are not too bleary eyed! We intend to record the protocols masterclass meeting and it will be shared on our channels/socials afterwards. Please register on the link below: We will shortly be confirming Group Meditation Sessions for UK/AUS/NZ Time and for US/UK Time. Many thanks to all of the incredible individuals who are on this journey with us – we cannot do this without you! Save the Ley Lines, Save the world. Ley Love Down platforms: Telegram: Instagram: Rumble: Youtube: Rachel Vaughan links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto: This is my affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL
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4 987
For those interested next week
4 239
I also didn’t take many photos (except of my friend Kate's incredibly huge cauliflower she brought from the farm. I was so impressed I also did a panorama video of it lol). My sister Elise also took lots of videos of us line dancing which was hosted by my other sister Georgia ( on instagram - check her out!) —what an absolute ball! I'll share them here as well 😅 I think my favorite part of the whole weekend was the connection with all the people I’ve come to know online, who, in person, honestly feel like family. I had a pretty stressful few weeks leading up to the event—some very scary near-misses (semi near death experiences) with horses, a lot of rescheduling and plan changes that felt like a full-time job, and a death in the family. I was anticipating feeling quite fatigued after a two-day drive to the festival, followed by lots of talking, camping, and all the activities, and then a two-day drive back. But I have to say, I felt like my entire system relaxed. It was like a central nervous system reset. While I think the land we were on played a huge part in that (it was BEAUTIFUL!), I actually believe it was the people, the community, and the love that made it. I’ve been saying that community is key since 2020, but now I feel it that truth to my core. It is the antidote to many of the issues we face today. The greatest challenge, I think, is still being authentic—individuated, remaining your true self without compromising for dogma, stereotypes, or belief systems—and finding a sense of belonging. Easier said then done I know but I have a feeling this may be one of the greatest lessons of this next era. True individuality thrives not in isolation but in the context of a community that respects and values each individuals uniqueness and unique contributions. I am very grateful to the LFM for having the vision for it and making it happen! If you didn't get there this time, I highly recommend you do if they put it on again next year!! ❤️
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5 973
Well said Mads 👏
4 910
I barely took any photos of the weekend ‘Living Free Festival’ but here’s a few. Honestly such a great well organised event, everyone had a great time and got something out of it. Credit to LFM for putting it on. Was lovely to meet a lot of people especially ones have know for while online but never met in person. 👏




5 178
What an incredible experience the Living Free Festival was. 💃🏽🔥 There was something very special about the land that was chosen to host this festival on. Everyone commented on the energy here. I could even feel the strong vibrations from my feet up to my knees, barefoot was the only way. Can you see all the ley lines in the background of this pic of Dale and I? I can see at least 3! Meeting some of my most favourite people in person, doing over 40+ readings for some of the most incredible souls, watching children play in the mud and run free and safe, adults talking to each other and connecting, not their heads in phones, listening to some deeply intelligent people share their truth on stage 💫 It was a truly magical experience and was a snapshot of how we could all be living. Truly grateful 🙏🏽 More photos to come!
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5 441
A quick update on helping balance the intense energies that are bombarding us at present. We are 70% water. Water has memory. You only have to look at Professor Emoto’s work to understand the effect that our intent can have on this element. The ley lines of the Earth are heightened by water bodies. Leys and water bodies are all interconnected. Dragon lines – the most powerful ley lines - cross in many places over the oceans. We can have a positive effect on the Earth and her energy points and ley lines by interacting benevolently with the water bodies of our planet. My beautiful friend Murphy Ryland recorded and shared her rendition of the Maori water song which I shared in July. This is Murphy’s description of the water song – Murphy Ryland: ‘The song is called Mana ō te wai and is a song for all types of water, You can sing it into your cups before you drink it, Or to bodies of water you might visit. It honours the water and is a remembering for the water…’ Mana ō te wai/Water Song Lyrics: Mana o te wai, mana o te wai Wai ki runga Wai ki raro Wai ki roto Wai ki waho Huei ra te mana o te wai ————— The power of the water x2 The water above us The water below us The water within us The water outside us That is the power of the water Murphy’s beautiful rendition of Mana ō te wai: The Intuitive Sensing and Ley Lines Masterclass with Trevor Wie where he speaks on water having memory: Rachel Vaughan links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto: This is my affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL
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A song for the water - balancing intense energies - Mana ō te wai /Water song
A quick update on helping balance the intense energies that are bombarding us at present. We are 70% water. Water has memory. You only have to look at Professor Emoto’s work to understand the effect t
6 389
Crossing The Return
Living Free Festival - Use Promo Code 'DALE5' Telegram 'Dale H' Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van & @skytoearthpodcast A Deep Dive i
7 440
A Deep Dive into The Last Supper Symbolism at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
Annette Calarco, video editor, photographer, content creator, and animal caretaker/ rescuer, shares with us her insights on The Last Supper symbolism from the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony 2024. Her conclusions are a result of a method called ‘Syncretism’, which is the practice of using theology, etymology, numerology, eschatology, astrotheology, mythology and more, to deconstruct symbolism, with the intention to detect patterns in order to draw out the wisdom hiding inside the mysteries. You can follow Annette on her instagram page: the.whitepill
7 134
Everything you need for my upcoming documentary can be found on this little solo podcast…. Enjoy.. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your experience ❤️ Listen/Watch Here: 👇🏻👇🏻 YouTube: Apple: Spotify: Rumble:
6 572
Education Unpacked Documentary.
The Burden & Baggage: Education Unpacked. This documentary intends to shine a light on the good, the bad and ugly inside the mainstream schooling system. Now is your chance as a parent, Teacher, Former Teacher, Staff, Student and Former student to have your story heard and more importantly your voice heard.. We would love to hear from you and have a conversation about your experience. We would also love to hear from ANY alternative Homeschool group/community, Homeschoolers, Bush communities/schools to be showcased in this documentary. If you have child, teen or are interested in joining the team for this project, please also contact us! Please email us: or contact me (Nathan Francis) directly on any of my social platforms for further details. Thank you for listening and watching wherever in the world you are! Connect With Me (Nathan Francis Coach/Mentor) Facebook Page: Personal Facebook: Tiktok: Telegram:  Instagram: Website: Email me anytime: The Breaking Free Podcast Spotify: Apple: Youtube: Rumble:
Hi All, We have 12 volunteer spots available for anyone who would like to attend the festival and provide 2 x 4hr shifts and in exchange you get a free ticket to the 3 day event. We need volunteers for ticketing, crew catering and peacemakers/security. Please apply here.
7 048
Taylor Swift - Destruction of Care (full vid in description box)
Full Video on Rumble Living Free festival tickets (use discount code 'DALE5') Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Telegram 'DaleH' A Deep Dive into The Last Supper Symbolism at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony
8 380
Attack on Christianity, Culture Wars, The Revival & 2nd Seal
Living Free festival tickets (use discount code 'DALE5') Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Telegram 'DaleH'
6 873
Instagram Full episode 👇


5 973
The NT Prosecutors, NT Police, NT Territories and Families and NT Judiciary are going to be exposed for the filthy and sick predators they are by targeting an innocent mother by criminalising her with abduction charges for wanting to protect her children: There is clearly no pre-meditated wilful intention here by Laura to hurt her children and yet these creeps that operate the highest echelons of our society are spending their time persecuting this mother. Abduction charges are brought against perverts accused of committing heinous crimes on children not protective mothers seeking to protect their children. But in this inverted world, these filthy men wearing the cloak of the Crown are using the name of King Charles to persecute the innocents. This is an urgent call out for someone in Darwin with IT experience to help us purchase and set up a computer for Laura today Saturday or Monday. Please text Serene NaN. All funds provided for the computer. Your time as volunteer is needed to set up.
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A call out for IT person to help Laura.m4a

5 749
Ley line at Cabarita beach. Instagram


8 251
Raw milk advocate Madeleine. Full episode 👇 Instagram


8 674
For those interested in learning to open up their psychic gifts, and find their soul purpose for being here on Earth at this incredible time, I am currently organising membership for my September psychic development course which will begin on Friday the 6th of September 2024. This is a pivotal time in both the Earth’s, and humanities’ ascension. Many people are feeling lost as we are coming to the end of a 25 000 year incarnation phase, and embarking on a 1000 year Golden Age. As we go through this transitional phase, old soul contracts and karmic ties are dissolving. This can leave us feeling at odds with those who once felt integral to our existence. Relationships are changing or ending; old vocations no longer satisfy; we are being called to step up to find and embody our soul purpose for being here at this crucial time. Whilst these shifts are occurring for us personally, the Earth’s herself is coming into 5th dimensional frequency as her ley lines (meridians), portals (ley crossings) and chakra points (dragon line crossing points at locations like Uluru) are coming to a point of permanent harmony time. In the lead up to this exceptional harmonisation of the ley lines – which will occur in December 2024 – those of us who came to Earth to experience this intensely powerful transition feel a calling to do what we came here to achieve. To reach the highest soul level we can. To embody our highest expression. And inspire others to do the same. The veil that normally descends upon us - beginning at birth and fully setting in at around 5 years of age - is also currently disintegrating. My psychic development course endeavours to assist members to release themselves from the veil, open up to their innate gifts, learn important methods of energetic protection, intuit/see the Earths energy lines and powerful portals, and find their true soul purpose for existence. Thank you to every member who has already completed this journey with me. I have learnt so much from you all. It is all of you who have made this possible. And I would feel very silly doing it without you! 😁😊❤️🙏 The September course costs $300 (Australian) and runs for 4 weeks on the first 4 Fridays of the month at 6:30pm AET (Sydney/Canberra/Victoria time): 1st meeting – 2 to 2 and a half hours on psychic/energetic protection; intuiting Ley lines, ghosts, spirit guides, faery entities, angelic beings, and shadow entities; 6th September at 6:30pm (AET); 2nd meeting – 1 & a half hours on aura reading/ability to distinguish levels of soul development in relation to auric colour & frequency and how that relates to psychic ability (may include some ley line revision); 13th September 2024 at 6:30pm (AET); 3rd meeting - 1 & a half hours on finding one’s soul purpose for incarnation (may include some ley line revision); 20th September 2024 at 6:30pm (AET); 4th meeting - 1 & a half hours - question and answer session relating to course topics already covered and how members feel they are progressing (plus any additional shares); 27th September 2024 at 6:30pm (AET.) To enrol please fill in the form at my website: Rachel Vaughan links: *Please beware of impersonators – I don’t send or accept private messages on Telegram. I don’t sell any type of coin or crypto. My affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru in December 2024: Use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL
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7 715
Hard to hear of Brendan passing recently. He was so open and inquisitive in nature and always a pleasure to spend time with. My thoughts and prayers to Tess as she navigates through this time with a baby on the way. If you feel inclined to any small donation would be greatly appreciated by Tess and the family . Xx
6 774


5 496
Episode 18 with Alana All things sun and light Full episode 👇


6 688
Charlotte Milda Full episode 👇


6 823
Episode 17 👇 Connect with our guest: Charlotte Milda Instagram: Book a reading: Connect with us: Dale Holmes Instagram: Telegram: Dale H - Madeleine Doherty Instagram: Telegram: With Nature's Rhythm - STE Academy Instagram: Podcast: Register your interest in upcoming conference: Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the podcast. Follow us on Instagram for updates.
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7 333
I have been asked to speak at the Cosmic Consciousness Conference at Uluru for the Summer solstice – 20th to 22nd of December ‘24. The sacred space at Uluru is a massive portal – a crossing of two of the largest ley lines on Earth known as Dragon Lines. Uluru is considered to be one of the Earth’s chakra points. Whereas normally the ley lines would only come into harmony time four times of the year at the solstices and equinoxes, according to geo-biologist Rory Duff, the ley lines across the Earth are due to come into PERMANENT Harmony time in December 2024. This is a pivotal time on Earth. IMO this is literally the transition into the 5th dimension that so many have prophesied. I am so excited and honoured to be able to experience this transition within the spectacularly beautiful and powerful sacred space of Uluru, with the incredible group of healers and speakers attending this conference. From the organisers: ‘The 8th Cosmic Consciousness Conference, happening from 20-22 December 2024, at the sacred site of Uluru, promises a transformative experience for all attendees. This extraordinary event will feature a stellar lineup of dynamic speakers who will share life changing insights on quantum wealth, healing techniques, and sacred wisdom. In addition to presentations, delegates can look forward to indigenous healing sessions, immersive group meditations, next-level sound healings, exclusive tours and delicious catered meals, all set against the awe-inspiring backdrop of Uluru, the world's solar plexus chakra point. The conference offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth, personal empowerment, and a deeper connection to the universe. Secure your spot today and step into a new realm of possibilities at this life-changing event. This is my affiliate link for the Cosmic Consciousness Conference: You can use this promo code for a $50 discount: RACHEL 'Visit the website to find out more and register for your spot at this not-to-be-missed event!’ Speakers include: Craig Cole; Judy Satori; Phoenix; The Strongs; Vaughan Nicol; Andrew Lewis; Eesha Patel; Rufus Rogey; Source88; Joanna Walden; Fabiene Lui; Cyril McKenzie; Dr Clay Spencer; Carry-Anne Fields and Christopher Bygraves; Dr Bryan Ardis; Robert Jameson; David Bumblebee; Dr Shauna Bostock; Charlotte Bellcom; Doug McIntyre; Rachel Vaughan Rachel Vaughan official channel addresses (beware of impersonators, I do not sell any type of coin/crypto!):
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6 656
How cool is this. Rachel has made such an amazing impact with this information and it’s such and important key. of all places it’s so fitting for this presentation to be at Uluru. as well as everyone that has benefited from the understanding of Rachel’s teaching, it also shows that drive persistence and an intention of making an difference can lead.
5 969
My beautiful friend Murphy Ryland has recorded and shared this incredible rendition of the water song in the rain of the mountain rainforest. She was kind enough to allow me to share on my socials. This song is SO powerful. Every time I listen I get shivers through my whole body. I am now learning this song to sing into the ley lines, as the leys, like water, hold memory. This was articulately shared by Trevor Wie in the Intuitive Sensing Master Class that he gave on the 10th of July (link below.) Ley lines connect to water, and connect water bodies to one another. So singing this song into a ley line will take healing frequency to multiple water bodies simultaneously. Murphy: ‘The song is called Mana ō te wai and is a song for all types of water, You can sing it into your cups before you drink it, Or to bodies of water you might visit. It honours the water and is a remembering for the water, I’ll add the voice clip with this note so you can follow along. Mana o te wai, mana o te wai Wai ki runga Wai ki raro Wai ki roto Wai ki waho Huei ra te mana o te wai ————— The power of the water x2 The water above us The water below us The water within us The water outside us That is the power of the water (This last line doesn’t really cut it in English, it is more like a celebration, like hallelujah the power of the water).’ Thank you so much Murphy for sharing your beautiful rendition of Mana ō te wai with us all ❤️🥰😍😘 The Intuitive Sensing and Ley Lines Masterclass with Trevor Wie: .
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212 Murphy's song audio_2024-07-12_17-54-06.ogg

7 651
Go Murphy 👏
6 694
Facebook link 👇
10 945
Synchronicity Goodness with Donovan Gall
On this episode of The Rock the Ripple Podcast, we catch up with Number Vibrationalist and all-around awesome human, Donovan Gall, to chat all things synchronicity and his brand new podcast, The Synchronicity Show!  It was a pearler of a chinwag and one I hope you enjoy as much as we did! // Connect with Donovan at these places: ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: // Podcast mentioned in chinwag:  ▸ David Whitehead on the Here for the Truth podcast  …………… ▸ FREE Frequency Shift app 🔥 ▸ Frequency Shift Masterclass 🚀 ▸ Weekly newsletter 📩 ▸ Frequency Shift Journal 📒 …………… ▸ The Rock the Ripple Podcast 🎙 …………… Connect at these places: ▸ Instagram: ▸ YouTube: ▸ Website:​
10 098
Living Free Festival (ticket link in bio)
Discount Code (DALE5)
12 892
Ep 16. This episode we decided to record our wrap up group chat on the STE conference so we could all share our insights from the 9 week conference. really stoked with the group of unique individuals we got to share this knowledge and discussions with Full episode on Spotify 👇


12 464
Physical Features of The Soul & The Mourning
Telegram 'Dale H' https// Instagram @daleholmes89 & daleholmes_van
9 386
For those interested in info on moving into the private
3 013
Thought share my morning sunrise ritual been doing atm. Never been a sunrise person or made an effort to consistently watch sunrise but gonna make this a long term habit now. I think it’s helped balance me a lot and mostly given me gratitude.


8 657
Synchronicity Goodness with Donovan Gall
On this episode of The Rock the Ripple Podcast, we catch up with Number Vibrationalist and all-around awesome human, Donovan Gall, to chat all things synchronicity and his brand new podcast, The Synchronicity Show!  It was a pearler of a chinwag and one I hope you enjoy as much as we did! // Connect with Donovan at these places: ▸ Facebook: ▸ Instagram: // Podcast mentioned in chinwag:  ▸ David Whitehead on the Here for the Truth podcast  …………… ▸ FREE Frequency Shift app 🔥 ▸ Frequency Shift Masterclass 🚀 ▸ Weekly newsletter 📩 ▸ Frequency Shift Journal 📒 …………… ▸ The Rock the Ripple Podcast 🎙 …………… Connect at these places: ▸ Instagram: ▸ YouTube: ▸ Website:​
7 245
Just found this one I did couple months ago never posted it.
Global Perspectives: Insight's into Today's World with Dale Holmes | Alt-ernative 60
Check out Dale Holmes: In this thought-provoking episode, we engage with a knowledgeable Australian guest, Dale Holmes, to explore the current state of our world. From questionable challenges in society and technological advancements to political upheavals and cultural shifts, we cover a wide array of topics that define our times. Our discussion aims to provide a unique perspective on global events, highlighting how they affect us all, regardless of where we live. Whether you're interested in understanding complex world issues or looking for diverse viewpoints, this episode is a must-listen for anyone keen to broaden their worldview. #GlobalIssues #CurrentAffairs #WorldNews #AustralianPerspective #EnvironmentalChallenges #TechnologicalAdvancements #PoliticalUpheaval #CulturalShifts #GlobalChallenges #InternationalNews #GlobalPerspectives #WorldEvents #GlobalPolitics #ClimateChange #WorldTrends #GlobalEconomy #InternationalRelations #GlobalFuture #GlobalSociety #worldculturefestival Lo-Fi Fashion Chill Hip Hop | Vlog by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Creative Commons CC BY 3.0
6 915


7 819
Apologies those that couldn’t access the recording with Mel. It’s now re uploaded 👇
7 410
Apologies those that couldn’t access the recording with Mel. It’s now re uploaded 👇
New podcast Episode with our fav Rachel Vaughan Full podcast on Spotify 👇 Let love down website Let love down masterclass video


8 746
One week ago there was a DRILL for an attacker event at the exact same shopping centre as the event that went live today. First thing to look for is a drill. This one is hardly worth looking into but we’ll cover it more if need be. Instagram
12 542
Good philosophy Instagram


7 814
New STE podcast ep 14 with Melissa Kupsch. Full episode 👇 Connect with Melissa's work Melissa Instagram First Aid kits (use discount code DALE) Advanced Pract course RMDY


8 087
We have seen more evidence recently with out chat with Steven and Evan strong on the impact of humans directly interacting with the field. The meditation effect is proven science but every individual has their own individual energy and relationship with earth.
5 484
Tomorrow – the 21st of June – marks the mid-year solstice. This is different for each hemisphere of our Earth: in the northern hemisphere it will be the summer solstice; in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice. The solstices and equinoxes are significant times to charge ley lines with powerful positive energy. To undo the damage wreaked by dark souls who perpetrate horrific rituals on these dates to charge the ley lines with misery, torture and death. During the solstices and equinoxes the ley lines across the entire planet come into what Geo-biologist Rory Duff describes as ‘harmony time’. Given Rory has recently divulged that from December this year all the leys will be in permanent harmony time, the final solstice and equinox in 2024 – on the 21st of June and the 21st of September – are extremely important. One potent way to take back the ley lines from those who have been co-opting them with dark energy for decades, involves going into a ley line with the intent of harmony, peace, love and freedom for the Earth and all light souls on this planet. To carry and manifest your intent into the ley line, sing, ululate, play music, chime Tibetan bowls, or use tones from tuning forks – preferably at 432hz or 528hz frequencies. Utilise these frequencies with the intent of being energetically protected as you do so. This song called Time to Rise is tuned to 432hz and has everything you need to charge the leys with beautiful frequencies and take back the leys for good - you can find the sheet music here: Time To Rise Lyrics: Ley Love Down Where they cross In the morning It is Time to Rise When we're done They are done. My colleague in the Ley Love Down movement Ben Hawkes gives a one minute demonstration on how to sing the song here: I give a brief one and a half min description of why this project is so important here: If you wish to know how to find a ley in your area, you can watch this master class on how to see ley lines which Ben and I gave on Thursday the 13th June: Rory Duff on permanent harmony time of the leys: We can, and we are winning this energetic war. We don’t need weapons, all we need is intent and right action. It won’t take long to rebuild what must inevitably come down – all the satanic structures on this planet will soon crumble. WE are the custodians of our Earth. Taking back the leys takes back our power. Save the Ley Lines; Save the World.
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5 724
New STE podcast ep 14 with Melissa Kupsch Connect with Melissa's work Melissa Instagram First Aid kits (use discount code DALE) Advanced Pract course RMDY


7 823
Been 4 visits to Dr Death. Can now touch my toes. His biggest thing he empathises is to breathe. Didn’t realise how much I hold my breath. Instagram


5 366
Greatful found Dr Death at right time. Helping me fix my sciatica. Would love to do an interview with him. he said he’s been studying for decades and constantly up skilling and learning. I still don’t know what he does he said he’s trained in every traditional Thai and western healing method. Lives up to his name Dr Death but absolute character too. Instagram



6 348
Amazing I’ll have a watch
Oh wasn’t sure if you were gonna post this
This is a recording of the live Ley Love Down Master Class which Ben Hawkes and I gave on the 13th of June 2024. The Master Class shares the many visible signs, and the scientific studies, proving that humans are able to see ley lines in nature. The tenets of the Ley Love Down project: Mission - Save The Ley Lines, Save The World. Method - Charge the Leys with Positive Energy i.e. LOVE End State - Dark to Light. Please support the new Ley Love Down Rumble channel – follow and share. Many thanks to the many former psychic development members who shared their amazing pictures of ley lines, and the spirit of nature in previous courses. If you would like to join my psychic development course to learn more about finding ley lines you can sign up here: There are still some places available for the July course which starts on Saturday the 6th of July at 10am AET. Many thanks to Ben Hawkes for being the inspiration to do this master class, as well as all the beautiful souls who joined the live. We couldn’t do it without you. Ben Hawkes: Leys are visible. They are powerful and have been misused for millennia. It's time to take them back.
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Ley Love Down - Masterclass - June 2024
Rachel takes us through a masterclass on ley lines, the background to them and how to spot them in nature. The Ley Love Down Project: Mission - Save The Ley Lines, Save The World. Method - Charge the
6 190
When comes to purpose of sharing r these I truely believe they can be thwarted by being picked apart and therefore stopped completely or watered down. This also impacts timelines that are very rigid with when events must occur. Even wit Paris I think it’s in the public awareness enough that events will be watered down version of what was meant to occur. But always look for a drill. This drill didn’t go live
5 471
Sound familiar? They're using almost the exact same headline as the Sydney Westfield 'attack' earlier this year. False flag abandoned? C/o Adelaide rag the Advertiser's digital 'news'. I won't share the link as it's subscription only. Someone must have stuffed up the FF! 😂
5 881
More knife attacks signalling Paris Olympics
Dale Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Dale Telegram 'Dale H' Knife attack video Australia knife attacks foreshadowing paris
6 863
This story has it all. Retaliation attack with a knife. 98 theme connects to 2024 France theme Sport / Olympic theme. The woman says “this is the start of a war” Instagram




6 089


5 308
The Shrine & Montague island
Saturn Rooster81 Youtube Channel Donovan Gall on Facebook
4 915
Full episode 👇



7 173
Check out link 👇 Bec and crew put this on last year was really good. Use code ‘DALE’
7 488
Just putting this up to show my love of Thailand and mostly the people. South east Asia is the same in general. I only went this coffee shop a handful of times earlier in the year and she remembers my order exactly. I remember a hostel I went to many years ago I came back the previous year and they remembered my name where I was from and made sure to give me my exact room from the previous year to make me comfortable (that’s standard in lot places over here). This why I prefer country towns in Aus over cities it’s the similar in sense of community and friendliness. I’m a bit grumpy and senile at times and Thai people remind me that life is good and to be happy for no other reason than just being happy. Instagram
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5 805
💥A -BUILDING -WITH -A -SOUL💥 (The Cult of Cybele)💥
5 177
Wow this article has it all. I can confirm I have heard from others directly involved there is still satanic cults operating in this area. In the Ivan milat case (that linked to the Sydney network that became the wood royal commission ) was also disposing of bodies in similar way. This is a lot in an article and almost like it’s boasting by the cult.
6 677
Detective Donna Tutt says she is not aware of human sacrifices or cults in NSW. This 1991 Canberra Times article is well known. Is she stupid? ‘The inquest heard that when his skeletal remains were found two days later, it was face down, covered by his fur coat and with the 18cm blade sticking out of his chest.’ ‘His scalp and dreadlocks were found separately, some of his teeth were missing and his boots were found metres away from his body.’ The scalp removal would have been for torture &/or trophy. The fact that 2 police officers involved in early investigations have gone on leave, & a 3rd refused to give evidence is normal in SRA cases. They dont want to solve the murder. The only unusual thing about this SRA case is that an inquest is involved.
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7 515
Hey guys Link for living free festival tickets 👇 use code ‘DALE5’ for discount. Coming up quickly. I’ll be doing a talk with Madeleine. Hope see some of you there
7 502
Just watched ‘Elysium’ it’s got some interesting themes and foreshadowing of the migrant crisis.


9 007
The Hijacking of Australia's Serpent Ley lines. The New Pendragon's Control Earths harmonic Nodes.
Edit with InShot: The Secret Guilds of Earth took over the serpent lines. the energy grid. powered by human emotion. let that sink in. #australia #ancient #egypt #leylines #earthhistory #planetx #pendragon #celtics #norsemythology #norse #aboriginal #ancienthistory #ancient #songlines
6 634
Brilliant episode this. Highly recommend. My heart sings listening to these guys sometimes. Link 👇
9 681
Number 8 and The Mirror
Dale's Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Never ending story decode Mark Passio breaking down left right brain https
8 222
YouTube link. Few told me rumble buffering
Authenticity Key & The Mimic
'Dale H' Telegram Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Archaix - Phoenix Concern, Individual vs Collective, Reactive Stasis, Living Dead, Ritualism 'David Icke, why cant be taken out' Podcast with Dee Osman Sky to Earth Podcast
10 704
Authenticity Key & The Mimic
'Dale H' Telegram Instagram @daleholmes89 & @daleholmes_van Archaix - Phoenix Concern, Individual vs Collective, Reactive Stasis, Living Dead, Ritualism
8 894
Rise Festival Melbourne
8 703
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