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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    This man underwent an operation called a decompressive hemicraniectomy. It is performed to make room for the brain when it is swollen. During this operation, most of the bone in the skull is removed and the resulting opening is closed with skin.


    Tennis is the best kind of physical activity. It engages almost all groups мышц☝🏻. In addition, it is also an excellent cardio exercise, which means that tennis keeps the respiratory and cardiac system toned. Only badminton and "joggling" - jogging with simultaneous juggling of objects - can compare with tennis in usefulness.


    Erythrocyte infected by malaria This is a tropical infection that infects humans with a special mosquito that lives only in a few countries. The erythrocyte is one of the intermediate stages of development for the malarial plasmodium (malaria pathogen). After "living" in it for some time, it multiplies and leaves the red cell, destroying it completely. Then the plasmodium enters the erythrocyte again, and the cycle повторяется♻️


    1 113
    Bruxism, what is it? Bruxism is the grinding of your teeth. Both daytime and nighttime grinding is completely unconscious. Therefore, if it is easy to notice the problem during the day, it is harder to notice it at night. Bruxism in adults as a psychosomatic phenomenon can be a consequence of stress, dysfunction of the nervous system or internal organs, dental anomalies, failed prosthetics. Systematic attacks lead to abrasion, tooth enamel defects and cause sleep disorders. The doctor chooses the treatment tactics individually, based on the factors that caused the disease.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 188
    A video reminder of how important it is to buckle up, even in the back seat.


    1 308
    The video shows the mechanism of the phenomenon of apnea. Literally, apnea means "no wind". The most common type of apnea is sleep apnea. It is characterized by the cessation of pulmonary ventilation during sleep for more than 10 seconds. Most often it lasts for 20-30 seconds, although in severe cases it can last up to 2-3 minutes and take up to 60% of the total time of a night's sleep.


    1 476
    Money doesn't grow on trees, but don't worry friend, it grows on our trading accounts! 🤑 Every day I get messages from my subscribers that they are quitting their jobs because of me. Isn't that the best thanks for my hard work? 🚀 For a limited time only, the first 30 subscribers will have free access to our VIP channel. After that, there will be a fee to enter. 👇 Click on the link below to join our Telegram channel and start trading smarter today!
    Video instruction for moms-to-be on how to stimulate your breasts to increase milk production.


    1 203
    Clinical example of a debridement wound that resulted in ischemia followed by necrosis.
    1 364
    A very realistic birth simulator for practicing practical skills. The birth simulator provides a realistic simulation of the birth, allowing you to apply your theoretical knowledge.

    video_2021-04-03_21-33-49 (2).mp4

    1 308
    The magical power of our lungs 📌 Breathing is the only process that can work both automatically and under human control. Notice, we don't have to take every breath "manually. That said, we can safely do some kind of breathing exercises. After all, in addition to how to breathe, the lungs are also involved in the process of sound formation - thanks to this we speak✅


    1 344
    OUR WORLD IS NOT REAL We live on the wreckage of an advanced civilization, and official science takes us for fools by rewriting history: - We are not told about - We are not told about - We are never told the truth, for it would destroy But where to find it? ⬇️ collects material about vanished civilizations, military secrets, ingenious inventions, disasters, sensations, discoveries, versions and facts. ➡️
    ادامه مطلب ...


    A graphic account of how Victorian corsets damaged the ribs. Too much of a price to pay for beauty...
    1 809
    Age-related changes in the spine are inevitable Over time, the bones become less flexible and gradually shorten. The height of the vertebral bodies also decreases mostly in their front part. This is why people become shorter by old age ростом☝🏻. By the way, along with the bones the size and strength of the muscles also decreases.


    1 669
    Where do goosebumps on the skin come from? Everyone is probably familiar with it чувство☝🏻. Well, it's a feature that we inherited from our primate ancestors - remember how their hair rises. It is the result of contraction of the muscles that raise the hair. Humans, too, have preserved them, but we will not be able to raise the "hair with a bang" anymore. Such residual, "unnecessary" mechanisms or even organs are called rudiments📌.


    1 418
    A catchy video of veneers installation 🦷


    1 305
    A demonstration of each muscle on the lower extremity You can even "feel" some of them yourself at себе☝🏻. Naturally, the ankle and foot muscles are left out of the picture.


    1 273
    Antarctica. Let's think. - A continent of 14 million km2 (more than Europe) has only a few settlements - All of the expeditions ended in the '60s. - Almost all explorers found "final resting place" not the most natural way (not in Antarctica). - Humanity's pragmatic leaders suddenly embrace an environmental agenda instead of developing a new continent and, of course, its resources - Introduction of no-fly zone status - McMurdo Station is deprived of even its own nuclear power plant for something - Satellites that can photograph even the time on a wristwatch stubbornly refuse to show anything in Antarctica other than sketches in Paint. So many facts pointing to the ambiguity of Antarctica. What do you think is going on there?
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 338
    It's a case where disability is just a word.


    1 216
    It is forbidden to write about it on the Internet, and all books with references to it have been burned! is the dark side of history and facts that cannot be published: sects, wars, executions, maniacs, shocking moments, a life you'd never wish for! Warning! It's scary! ❗️Channel is not viewable to users who are under 21 years of age
    Is tooth decay caused only by candy? Cavities are not caused by candy and chocolate, but by food debris caught between the teeth. Surprisingly, an apple is just as likely to cause tooth decay as a lollipop. Such conclusions were made by the specialists of the British Dental Association. It is known that complex carbohydrates are also among the so-called caries forming foods. All baked goods fall into the risk zone: from sweet baked goods to seemingly harmless bearded bread, as well as meat dishes and even vegetables.
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    1 301
    The inner world of the human eye at the ophthalmologist's examination.


    1 419
    Absurd case of a foreign body of the rectum. Projection from the side.
    1 477
    Doesn't bother, doesn't hurt, and doesn't itch - that's the tricky part Меланома☝🏻 A malignant tumor that grows from cells that stain our skin with a familiar color - malenocytes. Depending on Depending on the number of these cells determines the characteristic skin color of each human race. But melanocytes can grow out of control, which multiplies the risk of developing melanoma.


    1 614
    Does joint pain really predict a change in the weather? I don't deny it. Before the onset of bad weather, the atmospheric pressure usually drops drastically. This causes the body's tissues to expand, which can cause swelling and pain. The effect is usually mild, but people with arthritis and joint inflammation can feel it more strongly. Temperature also has an effect. For example, researchers at Tufts University found that a 10-degree drop in temperature increases osteoarthritic knee pain.


    1 388
    Why would a man sleep on a pillow? Our ancestors slept on whatever they had and it was no big deal🤔 What is the reason for this human "softness"? One of the reasons we use pillows is anatomical. When we stand, our head, neck and spine are in the same vertical line. This line must also be maintained when lying down. That is, for a comfortable sleeping position, the head and the cervical spine must also be on the same line. Therefore, sleeping on the stomach can do without a pillow (although this posture is considered the worst), on the back you can sleep without and with a pillow, but sleeping on your side must necessarily be with подушкой☝🏻.
    ادامه مطلب ...


    1 497
    Choose regular soda, not diet soda. In general, I advise to give up any, but diet soda, oddly enough, is more harmful than regular soda. An American study found that obese people who drank diet soda consumed more calories with their meals than those who drank regular soda. In addition, over 10 years, fans of diet soda increase in volume by 70% more than those who do not drink it at all


    1 293
    Frontier Squirrels You look at this animation and don't understand why they weren't given that name😁 Transporter proteins are their real name. They carry out the transport of substances across the cell membrane. This process requires energy - proteins are not the kind of proteins that "work hard". That's why this process is called active transport.


    1 465
    This is what the vessels in our abdomen look like In the center of the picture, the aorta is the thickest vessel in our body. In this particular area we can see one of its sections (abdominal). We can clearly see how it gives two branches to both kidneys (on the sides of the picture). And we can clearly see how below the abdominal aorta divides into two other arteries - the common iliac arteries. They are already involved in the blood supply to the pelvis and partly to the femur. All other vessels are a subject for students in anatomy😁. We do not need such details.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 425
    This is what the vessels in our abdomen look like In the center of the picture, the aorta is the thickest vessel in our body. In this particular area we can see one of its sections (abdominal). We can clearly see how it gives two branches to both kidneys (on the sides of the picture). And we can clearly see how below the abdominal aorta divides into two other arteries - the common iliac arteries. They are already involved in the blood supply to the pelvis and partly to the femur. All other vessels are a subject for students in anatomy😁. We do not need such details.
    ادامه مطلب ...
    1 495
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