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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
The great awakening rolls on. This is why “it had to be this way”. Because people needed to organically wake up.
It Had To Be This Way
The great awakening rolls on. This is why “it had to be this way”. Because people needed to organically wake up.
Tonight at 10:30, Ep. 128 of Eye Of The Storm! We will be discussing Trump’s trial, his appearance on TimCast, as well as his appearance at the Libertarian Convention. We also have all the usual news and comms, the Memer Of The Week, the Q-Proof, and we will be reviewing drops 1341-1360 in one of our most in depth review segments yet! Join us, frens! 🐸🐸🐸


10 082
⚡ Do you think Trump will go to jail? ⚡ ___ Are you kidding me?! The Secret Service met with NYC jail officials regarding the possibility of President Trump being convicted. We live in a banana republic! h/t Source
12 162
We are going to show The Bronx Rally the News REFUSED to honestly cover. Tonights going to be a MAGA party in NYC on "Brad & Abbey Live" so set your Alarm for 7:30 and we'll see you there! 🎉🎊
Brad & Abbey Live Ep 113: The Bronx Loves Trump & Was the George Floyd Video Staged?- 7:30 PM ET -
Tuesdays at 7:30 PM ET Episode Archive: Brad & Abbey take a look at the world Want to Support your Favorite Badlanders? Click here to see how easy it is: https
12 632
WATCH: Trump supporters slam Robert De Niro outside court: "You're a nobody, your movies suck, you're a trash!" Follow


13 202
lol poor poor Robert De Niro's go some ultra TDS
12 878
BREAKING: Nikki Haley signs Israeli rockets headed towards Gaza with "finish them." Follow
13 632
15 006
Eric Trump: While New Yorkers watch murders in the streets, women getting thrown in front of trains, and kids getting shot in Times Square, the entire DA's office is lining that courtroom. They're laughing, they're giggling. This is their moment. This is legal lawfare. - Trump War Room


15 548
Lara Trump: After all of the evidence has been presented now, we can very clearly see—this was never a case about seeking justice, prosecuting an actual crime, or protecting the citizens of New York. This is a case about politics—pure and simple. - Trump War Room


15 157
Don Jr.: This is a sham, it's insane, and it needs to stop because if you think for one second that this ends with Donald Trump, you have not been watching what's going on in the Democrat Party. They want power at any and all costs, your rights be damned. - Trump War Room


14 707
Been telling y’all on Eye Of The Storm that all comms point towards Trump ending up in jail. And what better way to garner even more “street cred” than literally being thrown in Riker’s Island. The thing is: [They] want us to get violent when this occurs. So, don’t. We win their game by not playing their game.
14 643
... It's a possibility that officials in state and federal agencies have begun preparing for, according to a New York corrections source, who said the Secret Service has met with local jail officials. As a former president, Trump is entitled to Secret Service protection for the rest of his life, wherever he happens to be. Behind bars, corrections officers would in turn be responsible for protecting those agents assigned to Trump. Where Trump might serve any sentence jail or prison sentence is one of many factors that remains up in the air. Shorter sentences can be served at the city's Rikers Island Jail Complex, which has two wings that are typically used for high-profile or infamous inmates. (Neither, of course, has ever held someone who comes with his own security detail.) Officials must have a plan in place, just in case, said Levin. "He could be remanded on the spot," Levin said. READ
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What happens if Trump is convicted in New York? No one can really say
Trump is being tried in New York state court, where judges have broad authority to determine when sentences are handed down after convictions, says a former prosecutor.
14 237
Nayib is not fuking around After several citizen complaints, we have just installed a security fence in the Tikal 1, 2 and 3, Valle del Sol and La Chintuc neighborhoods, in Apopa. We deployed more than 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police. We have already captured several gang members from the 18 revolutionary gang.
Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele)
Luego de varias denuncias ciudadanas, acabamos de instalar un cerco de seguridad en las colonias Tikal 1, 2 y 3, Valle del Sol y La Chintuc, en Apopa. Desplegamos más de 2,000 soldados y 1,000 policías. Ya capturamos a varios pandilleros de la pandilla 18 revolucionarios.
15 075
Everything You Need To Know As Trump Trial Heads To Verdict ... What Happens Next? Justice Merchan asked jurors to prepare for a long day today. ... How the judge delivers this interpretation of the law will inevitably influence the jury’s decision. - Should jurors be instructed that President Trump needed to have “willfully” concealed intent to defraud? - Should the instructions include an example explaining that a legal expense might not classify as a campaign expenditure? - Should jurors be told up front all the things prosecutors are not required to show? - Should jurors be given an example of what it means “to cause a false entry to be made"? The jurors will work on May 29, when previously they have taken Wednesdays off, to begin deliberations while closing arguments are still fresh in their minds.
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Everything You Need To Know As Trump Trial Heads To Verdict
Justice Merchan asked jurors to prepare for a long day today...
15 762
BREAKING: Cannon, as expected, denies Jack Smith's proposed gag order, warns sanctions could be next if he keeps violating the rules. - Julie Kelly
13 698
Bob DeNiro has become so unglued, he thinks "government will perish from the earth" if President Trump is re-elected - RNC Research


15 512
Trump Inquired if Bitcoin Could Aid in Solving the $35 Trillion US National Debt Problem – News Bytes Bitcoin News
David Bailey, revealed that former president Trump asked if Bitcoin could be leveraged to solve the U.S. national debt problem.
16 895
Kash Patel says the DNC server intrusion is probably the greatest single subject to talk about right now. The media and the FBI were attempting to frame Donald Trump for treason while pretending that the hack was somehow from Russia despite the fact that it was clearly not. Tim Pool brings up the DNC Wikileaks source who was obviously Seth Rich yet somehow no one is allowed to tell the truth about it for some reason. Assange literally was on tape implying that Seth Rich was his source. The proof is on tape. I can't wait to hear what stories Assange has to say in the future. He knows so much more than he lets on. "Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. There's a 27-year-old who works for the DNC who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington." Interviewer: "That was just a robbery, wasn't it? What are you suggesting?" Assange: "I am suggesting that our sources take risks. They become concerned to see things occurring like that. We don't comment on who our sources are. Because we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States." Interviewer: "But it's quite something to suggest a murder. That's basically what you are doing.."
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assange and kash.mp4

16 970
Kash Patel says he wants a non stop 24/7 declass of 9/11, JFK files, and other secrets kept unjustly from the American people in Trump's future Presidency. This is what the people want. They are starving for truth. We the People want to know the truth! "Donald Trump came in not as this neocon conservative. He came in as this guy saying I'm going to end the forever wars.. He was pointing the figure at Bush and Saudi Arabia for their involvement in 9/11.. We need a 24/7 declassification office. Not just JFK, not just 9/11... I believe the declassification system has been over abused to hide the truth.. I believe you could get half out. I think that's how you earn the respect. Donald Trump started talking about things."
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declass kash.mp4

16 515
Trump says that if Hillary Clinton had won in 2016 there would have been a nuclear war costing millions of lives. This is exactly what many of us have come to believe. That Trump came in at the exact red line and prevented a planned disaster by Clinton, Obama, the deep state, and their masters. I truly believe we are on the best timeline despite the growing pains we are currently experiencing. Imagine how terrible world would be had that serial killer, Clinton gotten in. "If Hillary had won that race you would have had a nuclear war and millions of people would have been killed. It never happened and it was never going to happen... We had no nuclear war. You would have had a nuclear war guaranteed... You won't...If we have the right President, if you have someone who knows what he is doing. You're not going to have World War 3. If on the other hand, we don't.. you're going to end up in World War 3 and it's going to be a war like no other because of the power of weaponry."
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clinton ww3.mp4

15 981
19 011
Memorial Day 2024 - from my non-political SubStack: If you've struggled to reconcile the military today under terrible, reckless, and evil leaders waging unwinnable campaigns, I implore you to read my reflection for this year. It is meant for you, and this article is open to all. The combat dead still speak to us and point the way forward. I implore you to read and reflect.
Why Remember?
We have hope for a freer future thanks to the sacrifices of those who set aside self and invested in something they believed was greater than their own individual goals.
18 228
Indeed we are watching a war between Good and Evil. May God bless DJT. 🇺🇸


17 549
The NYT is kicking off the week with a hit piece on Xi, after carrying water for the Chinese Communist Party throughout the Clinton, Bush and Obama regimes. Overall, the piece suggests Xi is a Mao in waiting because he's recruiting the Chinese citizenry into sniffing out clandestine threats to the nation. At face value, it's a viable concern. Going back to the Mao era, China has been a communist superstate wherein dissent has been stamped out through violence and intimidation, and yet, the NYT admits that Xi has so far refused to return to struggle sessions and other Maoist doctrine, even though they keep conflating the two leaders. What's more, the MSM turn on Xi didn't occur until around 2022, when Xi refused to condemn Putin's Special MIL Operation in Ukraine. Why the change of heart re: China? 1) Because THIS China is not Mao's China. 2) Because [they] thought Xi was on their side, just like they thought Trump could be compromised. 3) Because the Sovereign Alliance is real.
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17 155
14 639
JUST IN - Internet Archive under DDoS attack for the last several hours.
13 317
🚨US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days The US national debt is rising $1 trillion every 100 days, according to Bank of America.
17 403
🎆 Goes Live at 3pm! Vigilant News 5.27.24 Trump Tells the Libertarian Party Like it is, Bird Flu Fear Mongering
Vigilant News 5.27.24 Trump Tells the Libertarian Party Like it is, Bird Flu Fear Mongering
>> 20% OFF Sale
17 863
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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