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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
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    Vocabulary 1. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent Antonyms: loyal Example Sentence:He is a a subversive creature. 2. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्सुक): eager Synonyms: keen, desirous Antonyms: uninterested Example Sentence:The company was anxious to avoid any trouble. 3. RESTORE (VERB): (पुनर्स्थापित करना): reinstate Synonyms: put back, replace Antonyms: abolish Example Sentence:The government restored confidence in the housing market. 4. AID (NOUN): (सहायता): assistance Synonyms: support, help Antonyms: hindrance Example Sentence:He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid. 5. COMPACT (ADJECTIVE): (संक्षिप्त): concise Synonyms: succinct, condensed Antonyms: rambling Example Sentence:He gave a compact summary of the play. 6. SEIZE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): grab Synonyms: grasp, snatch Antonyms: let go of Example Sentence:She jumped up and seized his arm.  7. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful Synonyms: malevolent, hostile Antonyms: benevolent Example Sentence:He took a sort of malicious pleasure in irritating the monks. 8. ABYSMAL (ADJECTIVE): (अति-गहन): dreadful Synonyms: awful, terrible Antonyms: superb Example Sentence:The quality of the work she does is abysmal. 9. VIOLATE (VERB): (उल्लंघन करना): contravene Synonyms: breach, infringe Antonyms: comply with Example Sentence:They had violated all the terms of a ceasefire. 10. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दण्डविराम): pardon Synonyms: spare, acquit Antonyms: charge Example Sentence:Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.
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    Vocabulary 1. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): spiteful  Synonyms: malevolent, hostile  Antonyms: benevolent  Example Sentence: He had been found guilty of malicious damage.  2. INAUGURATE (VERB): (आरंभ करना): initiate  Synonyms: begin, start  Antonyms: wind up  Example Sentence: He inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration.  3. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): worried  Synonyms: concerned, apprehensive  Antonyms: carefree  Example Sentence: She was extremely anxious about her exams.  4. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart  Synonyms: restarting, reopening  Antonyms: suspension  Example Sentence: The rain has stopped, but we're still waiting for the resumption of the game.  5. NORMALITY (NOUN): (सामान्यता): routine  Synonyms: business as usual, order  Antonyms: insanity  Example Sentence: The office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.  6. SEMBLANCE (NOUN): (दिखावा): appearance  Synonyms: approximation, show  Antonyms: difference  Example Sentence: She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order.  7. SNARL (VERB): (फंसाना): tangle  Synonyms: entangle, entwine  Antonyms: untangle  Example Sentence: The trailing lead got snarled up in a bramble bush.  8. SPECTRE (NOUN): (भूत): ghost  Synonyms: phantom, apparition  Antonyms: body, flesh  Example Sentence: A dread of spectres and witches affected every aspect of daily life.  9. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी): old hand  Synonyms: old-timer, old stager  Antonyms: novice  Example Sentence: Napoleon was at the head of a veteran army.  10. EXPATRIATE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रवासी): emigrant  Synonyms: non-native, émigré  Antonyms: native  Example Sentence: Expatriate workers are found everywhere.
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    Vocabulary 1. DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): unease Synonyms: uneasiness, worry Antonyms: calm Example Sentence:There is too much disquiet about animal testing. 2. PERSPICACITY (NOUN): (चतुराई): shrewdness Synonyms: discernment, perception Antonyms: stupidity Example Sentence:The perspicacity of her remarks was quite evident. 3. AGGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक): hostile Synonyms: belligerent, bellicose Antonyms: meek Example Sentence:He's very uncooperative and aggressive. 4. MILD (ADJECTIVE): (हल्का): lenient Synonyms: clement, light Antonyms: cruel Example Sentence:Mild criticism is of no avail. 5. DEVOTION (NOUN): (निष्ठा): loyalty Synonyms: faithfulness, fidelity Antonyms: disloyalty Example Sentence:His devotion to duty never wavered. 6. INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अंतरिम): provisional Synonyms: temporary, pro tem Antonyms: permanent Example Sentence:An interim arrangement had been made. 7. DETERMINATION (NOUN): (दृढ़ निश्चय): resolution Synonyms: resolve, will power Antonyms: pusillanimity Example Sentence:Those who succeed because of sheer grit and determination. 8. EMBRACE (NOUN): (अपना लेना): welcome Synonyms: accept, take up Antonyms: reject Example Sentence:Besides traditional methods, artists are embracing new technology. 9. PROMPT (VERB): (उत्तेजित करना): give rise to Synonyms: cause, occasion Antonyms: deter Example Sentence:The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country. 10. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): (गहन): heartfelt Synonyms: intense, keen Antonyms: superficial Example Sentence:Profound feelings of sadness sorrounded us all.
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    Vocabulary 1. VIGILANCE (ADJECTIVE): (जागरूकता): surveillance  Synonyms: attentiveness, attention  Antonyms: inattentiveness  Example Sentence: Security duties that demand long hours of vigilance.  2. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): extortionate  Synonyms: excessive, sky-high  Antonyms: reasonable  Example Sentence: Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.  3. CONCRETE (ADJECTIVE): (ठोस): definite  Synonyms: specific, firm  Antonyms: vague  Example Sentence: I haven't got any concrete proof of the killing.  4. DISBURSE (VERB): (व्यय करना): pay out  Synonyms: lay out, spend  Antonyms: claim  Example Sentence: $67 million of the pledged aid had already been disbursed.  5. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding  Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive  Antonyms: low-key  Example Sentence: The reporter asked an intrusive question.  6. REPARATION (NOUN): (मरम्मत): amends  Synonyms: restitution, redress  Antonyms: impairment  Example Sentence: The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.  7. PREVALENCE (NOUN): (प्रसार): currency  Synonyms: generality, pervasiveness  Antonyms: uncommonness  Example Sentence: The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows.  8. DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): careful  Synonyms: circumspect, cautious  Antonyms: indiscreet  Example Sentence: We made some discreet inquiries.  9. DEFUSE (VERB): (शांत करना): reduce  Synonyms: lessen, diminish  Antonyms: heighten  Example Sentence: The scheme taught officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations.  10. DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (बिखरा हुआ): diffused  Synonyms: scattered, dispersed  Antonyms: concentrated  Example Sentence: The diffuse community which centred on the church.
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    Vocabulary 1. TROUNCED (VERB): (फजीहत करना) :defeat heavily in a contest.  Synonyms: overcome, beat  Antonyms: surrender, preserve  Example Sentence: Sima felt that it was not possible to trounce Ram in the game.  2. REPOSE (VERB): (आराम करना): lie down  Synonyms: relax, stretch out  Antonyms: work, stress, activity  Example Sentence: When you start your banking preparation, you need to sit in repose and try to empty your mind of all thoughts.  3. LUCRATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (लाभदायक) :producing a great deal of profit.  Synonyms: profitable, bankable  Antonyms: worthless, unsuccessful  Example Sentence: Saima has a lucrative business selling designer clothes.  4. CONVOLUTED (ADJECTIVE): (लपेटा हुआ, जटिल): extremely complicated to follow.  Synonyms: complex, tangled  Antonyms: simple, straightforward.  Example Sentence: His explanations are very convoluted.  5. CLINCH (VERB): (बंधा हुआ): confirm or settle  Synonyms: secure, finalize  Antonyms: delay, disprove  Example Sentence: Lecturer clinched the documents for me.  6. PROVINCE (NOUN): (प्रांत): country, realm Synonyms: shire, region, territory, domain Antonyms: avocation, recreation Example Sentence: Anu is too provincial to buy foreign products. 7. IRREFUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अखंडनीय): impossible to deny or disprove Synonyms: impregnable, apodictic Antonyms: unreliable, reckless Example Sentence: This book is irrefutable for me. 8. PALATABLE (ADJECTIVE): (स्वादिष्ट) :of food or drink pleasant to taste Synonyms: appetizing, luscious Antonyms: unpleasant, insipid Example Sentence: The dish was not tasty but look more palatable. 9. INTANGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (न छुने योग्य):unable to be touched Synonyms: impalpable, phantom, abstract  Antonyms: real, physical, actual Example Sentence: We felt an intangible presence in the auditorium.  10. BRUISE (VERB): (कुचलन, चोट): hurt (someone's feelings). Synonyms: upset, offend, peeve Antonyms: compliment, adorn Example Sentence: The bruise on his leg was deep purple and was easily visible.
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    Vocabulary 1. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair  Synonyms: just, impartial  Antonyms: unequitable  Example Sentence: Inida has an equitable distribution of resources.  2. CAUTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सतर्क): careful  Synonyms: wary, aware  Antonyms: incautious  Example Sentence: A driver has to be cautious always.  3. ENDORSE (VERB): (समर्थन करना): support  Synonyms: back, favour  Antonyms: oppose  Example Sentence: He earns more money endorsing sports clothes than playing football.  4. EFFECTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (वास्तविक): virtual  Synonyms: practical, essential  Antonyms: theoretical  Example Sentence: She has been under effective house arrest since September.  5. COERCE (VERB): (मजबूर करना): pressure  Synonyms: pressurize, persuade  Antonyms: dissuade  Example Sentence: He was coerced into giving evidence.  6. EXAGGERATE (VERB): (अतिरंजना करना): overstate  Synonyms: overemphasize, overstress  Antonyms: play down  Example Sentence: He was apt to exaggerate any aches and pains.  7. CONTRARY (ADJECTIVE): (विपरीत): opposite  Synonyms: opposing, opposed  Antonyms: compatible  Example Sentence: He ignored contrary advice and agreed on the deal.  8. ESCALATE (VERB): (तीव्र करना): grow  Synonyms: develop, mushroom  Antonyms: shrink  Example Sentence: The disturbance escalated into a full-scale riot.  9. CAMARADERIE (NOUN): (सौहार्द): friendship  Synonyms: comradeship, fellowship  Antonyms: enmity  Example Sentence: There is an enforced camaraderie in office life.  10. VEIL (VERB): (ढंकना): envelop  Synonyms: surround, swathe  Antonyms: unveil  Example Sentence: She's got long fair hair but she's got veils them.
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    Vocabulary 1. RHETORIC (NOUN): (भाषण कला): oratory  Synonyms: eloquence, power of speech  Antonyms: quiet, conciseness  Example Sentence: He is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole.  2. ARROGATE (VERB): (हथियाना): seize Synonyms: assume, take over  Antonyms: renounce  Example Sentence: She arrogated the leadership role to herself.  3. CAPRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (मनमौजी): inconstant  Synonyms: fickle, unstable  Antonyms: stable, consistent  Example Sentence: I am careful in speech words with people that have shown capricious behaviour.  4. INDISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (असावधानीपूर्ण): unwise  Synonyms: imprudent, irresponsible  Antonyms: careful, prudent  Example Sentence: We made no indiscreet inquiries.  5. PERTURB (VERB): (घबड़ा देना): worry  Synonyms: upset, unsettle  Antonyms: reassure, calm  Example Sentence: They were perturbed by her bold behaviour.  6. FOLLY (NOUN): (मूर्खता): foolishness  Synonyms: stupidity, idiocy  Antonyms: wisdom, intelligence  Example Sentence: Talking unnecessarily is an act of folly.  7. BOTTLENECK (NOUN): (बाधा): jam  Synonyms: barrier, hindrance  Antonyms: aid, assistance  Example Sentence: Animated films still face bottlenecks.  8. DEPLOY (VERB): (तैनात करना): post  Synonyms: move, move  Antonyms: concentrate  Example Sentence: The forces were deployed at strategic locations.  9. . DETRIMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): dangerous  Synonyms: harmful, hurtful  Antonyms: benign, beneficial  Example Sentence: Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people.  10. MALEVOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): malicious  Synonyms: spiteful, evil-minded  Antonyms: benevolent, charitable  Example Sentence: He smiled and looked at me with his malevolent eyes.
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    Vocabulary 1. AMBITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वाकांक्षी): aspiring Synonyms: determined, forceful Antonyms: unambitious Example Sentence: She is a typical ambitious workaholic. 2. COMBAT (VERB): (सामना करना): fight Synonyms: tackle, attack Antonyms: give in to Example Sentence: She dedicated her life combating poverty. 3. ULTIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (अंतिम): eventual Synonyms: last, final Antonyms: immediate Example Sentence: The ultimate aim of the firm’s head was to force his resignation. 4. UNDERMINE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): subvert Synonyms: sabotage, threaten Antonyms: enhance Example Sentence: This could undermine years of hard work. 5. UNFETTERED (ADJECTIVE): (निरंकुश): unrestrained Synonyms: unrestricted unconstrained Antonyms: restrained Example Sentence: His imagination is unfettered by the laws of logic. 6. NOTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (उल्लेखनीय): noteworthy Synonyms: remarkable, outstanding Antonyms: insignificant Example Sentence: The gardens are notable for their collection of magnolias and camellias. 7. PHENOMENAL (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): exceptional Synonyms: extraordinary, remarkable Antonyms: ordinary Example Sentence: The town expanded at a phenomenal rate. 8. ATYPICAL (ADJECTIVE): (विचित्र): unusual Synonyms: untypical, non-typical Antonyms: typical Example Sentence: I belong to the sample of people who are rather atypical of the target audience. 9. THOUGHTFUL (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): pensive Synonyms: thinking, reflective Antonyms: vacant Example Sentence: Brows were drawn together in thoughtful consideration. 10. FLAUNT (VERB): (शान दिखाना): show off Synonyms: parade, exhibit Antonyms: hide Example Sentence: Newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.
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    Vocabulary 1. PREVALENCE (NOUN): (प्रसार): currency Synonyms: generality, pervasiveness Antonyms: uncommonness Example Sentence The prevalence of sunlight led to a restriction of the windows. 2. DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): (विचारशील): careful Synonyms: circumspect, cautious Antonyms: indiscreet Example Sentence: We made some discreet inquiries. 3. DEFUSE (VERB): (शांत करना): reduce Synonyms: lessen, diminish Antonyms: heighten Example Sentence: The scheme taught officers how to defuse potentially explosive situations. 4. DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (बिखरा हुआ): diffused Synonyms: scattered, dispersed Antonyms: concentrated Example Sentence: The diffuse community which centred on the church. 5. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अराजक): disorderly Synonyms: disordered, disorganized Antonyms: orderly Example Sentence: The political situation in the country was chaotic. 6. BRUTALITY (NOUN): (निर्दयता): savagery Synonyms: cruelty, viciousness Antonyms: gentleness Example Sentence: Brutality against civilians shouln't be tolerated. 7. INCUR (VERB): (अपने ऊपर लेना): suffer Synonyms: sustain, experience Antonyms: avoid Example Sentence: I will pay any expenses that have been incurred. 8. MUTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (पारस्परिक): reciprocal Synonyms: reciprocated, requited Antonyms: detached Example Sentence: A partnership should be based on mutual respect and understanding. 9. HOSTILITY (NOUN): (शत्रुता): antagonism Synonyms: bitterness, malevolence Antonyms: friendliness Example Sentence: There is too much hostility towards all outsiders. 10. REPARATION (NOUN): (मरम्मत): amends Synonyms: restitution, redress Antonyms: impairment Example Sentence: The courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim.
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    Vocabulary 1. RESUMPTION (NOUN): (पुनरारंभ): restart Synonyms: restarting, reopening Antonyms: suspension Example Sentence: Resumption of peace talks is expected soon. 2. LATENT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): dormant Synonyms: quiescent, inactive Antonyms: manifest Example Sentence: They have a huge reserve of latent talent. 3. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): do without Synonyms: go without, give up Antonyms: keep Example Sentence: I'll forgo dessert tonight—I'm trying to lose weight. 4. AFFLUENT (ADJECTIVE): (धनी): wealthy Synonyms: rich, prosperous Antonyms: poor Example Sentence: I reside in an affluent neighbourhood. 5. SCANDALOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानपूर्ण): discreditable Synonyms: disreputable, dishonourable Antonyms: seemly Example Sentence: The magazine published scandalous pictures of the movie star. 6. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve Synonyms: clear, exonerate Antonyms: convict Example Sentence: One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted. 7. RETROGADE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिगामी): regressive Synonyms: negative, downhill Antonyms: positive Example Sentence: To go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step. 8. PERSEVERANCE (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence Synonyms: tenacity, determination Antonyms: irresolution Example Sentence: His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness. 9. BANKRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (दिवालिया): insolvent Synonyms: bankrupted, failed Antonyms: solvent Example Sentence: His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home. 10. RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (आवर्तक): repeated Synonyms: recurring, repetitive Antonyms: isolated Example Sentence: She had a recurrent dream about falling.
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    Vocabulary 1. INTRANSIGENT (ADJECTIVE): (सैद्धांतिक): uncompromising Synonyms: inflexible, unbending Antonyms: compliant Example Sentence: Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent. 2. ORATORICAL (ADJECTIVE): (भाषण -संबंधी): rhetorical Synonyms: grandiloquent, magniloquent Antonyms: plain-spoken Example Sentence: He has plenty oratorical skills. 3. SHUN (VERB): (किनारा करना): avoid Synonyms: evade eschew Antonyms: accept Example Sentence: He shunned fashionable society. 4. RATIFY (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): confirm Synonyms: approve, sanction Antonyms: reject Example Sentence: Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year. 5. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कुटिल): wicked Synonyms: evil, sinful Antonyms: good Example Sentence: The nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates. 6. HEGEMONY (NOUN): (नायकत्व): leadership Synonyms: dominance, dominion Antonyms: self-government Example Sentence: Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871. 7 ENORMITY (NOUN): (दुष्टता): wickedness Synonyms: baseness, blackness Antonyms: goodness Example Sentence: The enormities of war are way too high as expected. 8. APEX (NOUN): (चरम सीमा): climax Synonyms: culmination, apotheosis Antonyms: nadir Example Sentence: The apex of his career was in 1966 when he hosted aloft the World Cup. 9. ABOLITION (NOUN): (उन्मूलन): scrapping Synonyms: ending, stopping Antonyms: retention Example Sentence: He was responsible for the abolition of the death penalty. 10. CONCOMITANT (ADJECTIVE): (संगत करने वाला): attendant Synonyms: accompanying, associated Antonyms: unrelated Example Sentence: She loved travel, with all its concomitant worries.
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    Vocabulary 1. ENLIVEN (VERB): (हर्षित करना): cheer up Synonyms: raise someone's spirits, uplift Antonyms: subdue Example Sentence: My visit to my mother had quite clearly enlivened her. 2. PRAGMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यावहारिक): practical Synonyms: matter-of-fact, realistic Antonyms: impractical Example Sentence: There was no pragmatic solution to the problem. 3. ADVERSARY (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): opponent Synonyms: rival, enemy Antonyms: ally Example Sentence: Sonia beat his old adversary in the quarter-finals. 4. AFFLICT (VERB): (पीड़ा देना): trouble Synonyms: bother, burden Antonyms: comfort Example Sentence: His younger child was afflicted with a skin disease. 5. CYNICISM (NOUN): (संदेहवाद): scepticism Synonyms: doubt, distrust Antonyms: optimism Example Sentence: Her cynicism has influenced me more than I thought. 6. INCONCEIVABLE (ADJECTIVE): (समझ से बाहर): beyond belief Synonyms: unbelievable, incredible Antonyms: likely Example Sentence: They behaved with inconceivable cruelty. 7. HEFTY (ADJECTIVE): (शक्तिशाली): powerful Synonyms: violent, hard Antonyms: feeble Example Sentence: He aimed a hefty kick at the door. 8. GLARE (NOUN): (भौह चढ़ाना): scowl Synonyms: glower, frown Antonyms: smile Example Sentence: She almost gave me a glare of contempt. 9. CRIPPLE (VERB): (खराब करना): ruin Synonyms: destroy, wipe out Antonyms: boost Example Sentence: The thought of him almost crippled her. 10. BUCK (VERB): (खंडन करना): resist Synonyms: oppose, contradict Antonyms: accept Example Sentence: The shares bucked the market trend.
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    Vocabulary | 17.02.2024 1. TOXIC (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant Synonyms: very bad, harmful Antonyms: pleasant Example Sentence: She had been in a toxic relationship. 2. REVOKE (VERB): (रद्द करना): cancel Synonyms: repeal, rescind Antonyms: introduce Example Sentence: The men appealed and the sentence was revoked. 3. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (सटीक): exact Synonyms: accurate, precise Antonyms: vague Example Sentence: When ordering goods, be specific. 4.AGITATION (NOUN): (आवेश): anxiety Synonyms: perturbation, disquiet Antonyms: calmness Example Sentence: She was wringing her hands in agitation. 5. BYGONE (ADJECTIVE): (पुराना): ancient Synonyms: past, former Antonyms: contemporary Example Sentence: That is contrary to the observation of philosophers of bygone days. 6. STIMULATE (VERB): (प्रेरित करना): encourage Synonyms: prompt, prod Antonyms: discourage Example Sentence: The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented. 7. KINDLE (VERB): (प्रज्वलित करना): light Synonyms: ignite, set fire to Antonyms: douse Example Sentence: They kindle lights, he says, assuming one is in darkness. 8. HOSPITALITY (NOUN): (सत्कार): friendliness Synonyms: welcome, helpfulness Antonyms: unfriendliness Example Sentence: Scotland is a country which is renowned for its hospitality. 9. PARTLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप में): in part Synonyms: partially, somewhat Antonyms: completely Example Sentence: The result is partly a matter of skill and partly of chance. 10. COHERENCE (NOUN): (स्थिरता): consistency Synonyms: soundness, organization Antonyms: incoherence Example Sentence: Many questions weren further raised on the coherence of state policy.
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    Vocabulary 1. BREAKTHROUGH (ADJECTIVE): (उन्नत): advance Synonyms: development, step forward Antonyms: setback Example Sentence: It was a major breakthrough in DNA research. 2. DECEPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (भ्रामक): misleading Synonyms: illusory, illusive Antonyms: honest Example Sentence: He put the question with deceptive casualness. 3. BOHEMIAN (ADJECTIVE): (अपरंपरागत): unconventional Synonyms: nonconformist, unorthodox Antonyms: conventional Example Sentence: As an artist, you live a bohemian lifestyle. 4. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना): linger  Synonyms: dally, take one's time Antonyms: hurry Example Sentence: She mustn't dawdle—she had to make the call now. 5. WRETCHED (ADJECTIVE): (मनहूस): miserable Synonyms: unhappy sad Antonyms: cheerful Example Sentence: I felt so wretched because I thought I might never see you again. 6. SHORTLY (ADVERB): (एकाएक): sharply Synonyms: abruptly, bluntly Antonyms: patiently Example Sentence: Do you like cricket?’ ‘I do not,’ she said shortly. 7. BLEAK (ADJECTIVE): (निरावरण): bare Synonyms: exposed, desolate Antonyms: lush Example Sentence: It was nothing but a bleak moor. 8. SUCCUMB (VERB): (अधीन होना): yield Synonyms: give in, give way Antonyms: resist Example Sentence: We cannot merely give up and succumb to despair. 9. BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): (सौम्य): kindly Synonyms: kind, warm-hearted Antonyms: unfriendly Example Sentence: His mannerisms are firm yet benign. 10. RECALCITRANT (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): uncooperative Synonyms: intractable, unmanageable Antonyms: amenable Example Sentence: It is a class of recalcitrant ten-year-olds.
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    Vocabulary | 15.02.2024 1. PERTINENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रासंगिक): relevant Synonyms: to the point apposite Antonyms: irrelevant Example Sentence: She asked me a lot of very pertinent questions. 2. EMBELLISH (VERB): (अधिक रोचक बनाना): elaborate Synonyms: embroider, exaggerate Antonyms: simplify Example Sentence: Followers often embellish stories about their heroes. 3. JUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायिक): legal Synonyms: judiciary, juridical Antonyms: ilegal Example Sentence: There would be a judicial inquiry into the allegations. 4. FACTION (NOUN): (अंदरूनी कलह): infighting Synonyms: dissension, dissent Antonyms: harmony Example Sentence: The army faction strengthened day by day. 5. DESPERATE (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): despairing Synonyms: hopeless, anguished Antonyms: cheerful Example Sentence: As the supply of food ran out, people became desperate. 6. DEFIANCE (NOUN): (अवज्ञा): resistance Synonyms: opposition, confrontation Antonyms: submission Example Sentence: Despite her defiance, her voice shook. 7. TEMERITY (NOUN): (धृष्टता): audacity Synonyms: boldness, nerve Antonyms: shyness Example Sentence: No one had the temerity to question his conclusions. 8. SETBACK (NOUN): (स्र्कावट): problem Synonyms: difficulty, issue Antonyms: breakthrough Example Sentence: The violent attack was a serious setback for the peace process. 9. DISSEMINATION (NOUN): (प्रसार): spreading Synonyms: circulation distribution Antonyms: suppressing Example Sentence: The dissemination of public information was essential. 10. DRAB (ADJECTIVE): (बेरंग): colourless Synonyms: grey, dull Antonyms: bright Example Sentence: The landscape was drab and grey.
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