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🇮🇹 Tra i tanti ieri e i molti domani, c’è un solo oggi da vivere e da scoprire. Prendi per mano il tuo sorriso e vai incontro alla giornata. (Anonimo) Buongiorno anime belle 🍀 🇦🇺 Among the many yesterdays and the many tomorrows, there is only one today to live and discover. Take your smile by the hand and go into the day. (Anonymous) Good morning beautiful souls 🍀 🇧🇷 Entre os muitos ontens e os muitos amanhãs, há apenas um hoje para viver e descobrir. Pegue seu sorriso pela mão e vá em direção ao dia. (Anônimo) Bom dia almas lindas 🍀 🇫🇷 Parmi les nombreux hier et demain, il n'y a qu'un seul aujourd'hui à vivre et à découvrir. Prenez votre sourire par la main et entrez dans la journée. (Anonyme) Bonjour belles âmes 🍀 ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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🇪🇸 ¿Qué le sucede a la persona mientras está en contacto con la Orgonita? Las orgonitas tienen el poder de contrarrestar, transmutar y depurar cualquier energía tóxica o negativa del ambiente. Concentran y atraen en su interior la energía orgónica presente en la atmósfera, proporcionándonos abundante energía vital al estar en contacto con ellas, así como ordenando, equilibrando y armonizando todo a su alrededor. 🇬🇧 What happens to the person while they are in contact with Orgonite? Orgonites have the power to counteract, transmute and purify any toxic or negative energy in the environment. They concentrate and attract the orgone energy present in the atmosphere within them, providing us with abundant vital energy when in contact with them, as well as ordering, balancing and harmonizing everything around them. Si quieres una como estas: To get one like these ones: Síguenos 🇮🇹 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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🇪🇸 Arquitectura antigua derretida El proceso de ablandamiento de las estructuras es palpable y visible en estas imágenes, así como el color ennegrecido que presentan algunas. Este mismo patrón se observa en diferentes zonas desérticas, que nos revelan una verdad que ya es imposible de esconder. Podrán decir una y otra vez que lo que vemos con nuestros ojos es falso, pero todo indica que hubo una causa o evento a gran escala que fundió esta arquitectura antigua. 🇬🇧 Melted ancient architecture The softening process of the structures is palpable and visible in these images, as well as the blackened color that some present. This same pattern is observed in different desert areas, which reveal a truth that is now impossible to hide. They may say over and over again that what we see with our eyes is false, but everything indicates that there was a large-scale cause or event that melted this ancient architecture. Síguenos 🇷🇺 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 039
🇪🇸 La fuerza de gravedad desmentida con la física No hay gravedad, hay DENSIDAD y la diferencia de densidad entre los elementos. Por eso, aplicando la Ley de Boyle, un guijarro se hunde y un petrolero de 500.000 toneladas flota. Igual que el estudio de la aerodinámica: el avión vuela porque, al generar sustentación, disminuye su densidad, permitiendo que más de 500 toneladas se lancen a 1.000 km/h a 11.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. 🇬🇧 The force of gravity debunked with physics There is no gravity, there is DENSITY and the difference in density between the elements. Therefore, applying Boyle's Law, a pebble sinks and a 500,000-ton oil tanker floats. Same as the study of aerodynamics: the plane flies because, by generating lift, its density decreases, allowing more than 500 tons to be launched at 1,000 km/h to 11,000 meters above sea level. Síguenos 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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🇪🇸 Las estatuas “reptiloides” de la isla de Nuku-Hiva Se encuentran en el Archipiélago de las Marquesas en la Polinesia francesa. Se llaman Tikis y los hay de todos los tamaños, con bocas grandes, o torsos pequeños y cabezas alargadas, o con casco y ojos enormes. Pero todas estas insólitas criaturas tienen en común una extraña expresión. ¿A quiénes representaron nuestros antepasados? ¿Serán invitados de otros mundos que fueron venerados como dioses? 🇬🇧 The “reptiloid” statues of the island of Nuku-Hiva They are found in the Marquesas Archipelago in French Polynesia. They are called Tikis and they come in all sizes, with big mouths, or small torsos and elongated heads, or with helmets and huge eyes. But all these unusual creatures have a strange expression in common. Who did our ancestors represent? Could they be guests from other worlds who were worshiped as gods? Síguenos 🪽 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 391
6 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
Cell Explodes Under Microscope (Hydrogen Peroxide vs Germs)
1 374
🇮🇹 Il 90% del Grand Canyon è chiuso ai comuni mortali. Cosa nascondono lì? Portali di cui si parla nelle sacre scritture o resti di altre civiltà? 🇦🇺 Ninety per cent of the Grand Canyon is closed to mere mortals. What do they hide there? Portals mentioned in the sacred scriptures or remains of other civilisations? 🇧🇷 Noventa por cento do Grand Canyon está fechado para os meros mortais. O que eles escondem lá? Portais mencionados nas escrituras sagradas ou restos de outras civilizações? 🇫🇷 Quatre-vingt-dix pour cent du Grand Canyon est interdit aux simples mortels. Qu'y cachent-ils ? Des portails mentionnés dans les écritures sacrées ou des vestiges d'autres civilisations ? ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 482
🇮🇹 L''Albero della vita" di 1500 anni si trova in Sud Africa Uno degli alberi più antichi sopravvissuti dopo il Grande Raccolto. 🇦🇺 The 1500-year-old 'Tree of Life' is found in South Africa One of the oldest trees to survive after the Great Harvest. 🇧🇷 A "Árvore da Vida" de 1500 anos é encontrada na África do Sul Uma das árvores mais antigas que sobreviveram após a Grande Colheita. 🇫🇷 L'"arbre de vie", vieux de 1 500 ans, a été découvert en Afrique du Sud. L'un des arbres les plus anciens à avoir survécu à la grande moisson. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 220
🇮🇹 Massada; Un'antica fortezza di pietra situata in alto sopra il Mar Morto sull'alta Skalina mesa in Israele. Ora è un parco nazionale israeliano e patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, coprendo 840 acri di terra. 🇦🇺 Massada; An ancient stone fortress located high above the Dead Sea on the upper Skalina mesa in Israel. It is now an Israeli National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering 840 acres of land. 🇧🇷 Massada; uma antiga fortaleza de pedra localizada bem acima do Mar Morto, no alto da mesa de Skalina, em Israel. Atualmente, é um parque nacional israelense e Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, cobrindo 840 acres de terra. 🇫🇷 Massada : ancienne forteresse de pierre située au-dessus de la mer Morte, sur la mesa supérieure de Skalina, en Israël. C'est aujourd'hui un parc national israélien et un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, qui couvre 840 acres de terrain. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 105
In this video, we put renowned American architect George B Post under the microscope. Do you think he designed these buildings? What about the short durations before they were torn down? Link to my new book trailer: Links to my books on North American demolished buildings:
1 527
🇮🇹 La pace non è un sogno: può diventare realtà; ma per custodirla bisogna essere capaci di sognare. (Nelson Mandela) Buongiorno anime belle 🍀 🇦🇺 Peace is not a dream: it can become reality; but to keep it, one must be able to dream. (Nelson Mandela) Good morning beautiful souls 🍀 🇧🇷 A paz não é um sonho: ela pode se tornar realidade; mas para mantê-la, é preciso ser capaz de sonhar. (Nelson Mandela) Bom dia almas lindas 🍀 🇫🇷 La paix n'est pas un rêve : elle peut devenir réalité ; mais pour la conserver, il faut savoir rêver. (Nelson Mandela) Bonjour belles âmes 🍀 ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 206
𝙶𝙻𝙽:𝟺:𝟸 | The people of those times spurned all spiritual things, and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people. Lewdness and lies were upon the tongues of all men, and brother could not deal justly with brother. The princes and governors were corrupt, and proper tribute was not paid; the statutes were held up to scorn. The lives of men were ruled by their desires, and they spent their days in gluttony, drunkedness, fornication, dancing and singing to instruments of music.
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1 320
🇪🇸 La función de los Starforts Se cree que los Starforts eran centrales energéticas que aprovechan la energía del entorno. Las hay aún repartidas por 37 países alrededor del mundo. 🇬🇧 The Starforts function It is believed that the Starforts were power plants that take advantage of the energy of the environment. They are still distributed in 37 countries around the world. Síguenos 🇳🇱 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰


1 352


2 320


1 817
🇪🇸 ¿Qué esconde la Mona Lisa? Por más que hagas zoom, jamás encontrarás una sola pincelada en su rostro. Ni siquiera con un microscopio. Cuando radiografiaron la Mona Lisa, se descubrió que tiene 30 capas de pintura ultrafinas de 1 micra de espesor. Para que te hagas una idea, el diámetro de un cabello humano es de 80 micras. Y resultó que allí, sí que hay pinceladas. ¿Cómo pudo Leonardo Da Vinci realizar tal proeza sin ayuda de una tecnología a la altura? 🇬🇧 What is the Mona Lisa hiding? No matter how much you zoom in, you will never find a single brushstroke on his face. Not even with a microscope. When the Mona Lisa was x-rayed, it was found to have 30 ultra-thin layers of paint 1 micron thick. To give you an idea, the diameter of a human hair is 80 microns. And it turned out that there are brushstrokes there. How could Leonardo Da Vinci accomplish such a feat without the help of technology to match? Síguenos 🇩🇪 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 701
Arks of the Old World; The Largest Wooden Ships in History (Photographs + Belyanas of Tartary)
Howdy. Today we will discuss the largest wooden ships of all time. We will look at photographs when applicable. Some of the most distinctive wooden ships in history are the disposable ships that stretched over 200 feet long. According to the current narrative, these disposable arks dominated the river systems of Russia and America. We will also countdown the four largest wooden ships of all time, with number four being a disposable vessel that actually is said to have sailed across the ocean. We will conclude by viewing numerous Russian Belyanas; disposable logging vessels which are recorded at being nearly 400 feet long. Those measurements would also put the Belyanas within the largest wooden vessels of all time. Many Belyanas were built without any nails or tar, and held together simply through gravity, interlocking wood, and rope. Topics discussed today:
1 690
14 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
Ancient Secrets of Castor Oil: Vision & Wellness Unveiled
Discover the potent history and enduring legacy of castor oil! In this video, delve into castor oil's rich historical significance, from ancient civilizations to modern-day uses. Explore its medicinal and cosmetic applications, including traditional eye care practices and its role in treating skin conditions and digestive issues. Learn about castor oil's revered status in cultures like ancient Egypt and Ayurveda, and how modern science continues to validate its traditional uses. With insights from archaeological findings and ancient texts, uncover why castor oil remains a versatile elixir in holistic health. If you find this video informative, please like and share! #CastorOil #NaturalRemedies #AncientWisdom #HolisticHealth #TraditionalMedicine #HistoricalSignificance
1 652
🇪🇸 Nuestros amigos de TARTARIA ITALIA INTERNATIONAL tienen un nuevo canal dedicado a la geografía de nuestro mundo Este nuevo canal, , cubrirá esta temática mientras seguirá tratando todo lo relacionado con Tartaria y el Viejo Mundo. Ambos son grandes canales para purgar de nuestras cabezas todas las mentiras que nos han contado sobre Geografía e Historia. 🇬🇧 Our friends at TARTARIA ITALIA INTERNATIONAL have a new channel dedicated to the geography of our world This new channel, , will cover this topic while will continue to deal with everything related to Tartaria and the Old World. Both are great channels to purge from our heads all the lies we have been told about Geography and History. Únete al nuevo canal 👉🏻 Join the new channel 👉🏻
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1 553
👀 Se soubéssemos mais do nosso passado talvez isso fosse algo mais fácil de compreender.


1 530
🇪🇸 Ciudades subterráneas, ¿estuvieron alguna vez en la superficie? La ciudad subterránea de Nápoles ha sido muy poco estudiada. Nadie sabe siquiera su verdadero tamaño. Sólo en la zona de Stella hay unas 60 cuevas y grutas. Otras 86 cuevas se encuentran bajo San Carlo all'Arena, 85 en la zona de Avvocata, 34 en San Fernando y la zona de Chiaia, 32 bajo San Lorenzo y 28 bajo el cabo Posillipo. Y eso es sólo parte de una lista enorme. 🇬🇧 Underground cities. Were they ever above ground? The underground city of Naples has been studied very little. Nobody even knows its true size. In the Stella area alone, there are around 60 caves and artificial grottoes. A further 86 caves are located under San Carlo all'Arena, 85 in the Avvocata area, 34 in San Fernando and the Chiaia area, 32 under San Lorenzo and 28 under Cape Posillipo. And that's just part of a huge list. Síguenos 🇫🇷 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 255
Enter our GIVEAWAY and WIN a 3 Month’s supply of SHILAJIT Beat the Winter Blues with SHILAJIT ❄️⚡️💪 With the decrease in body temperature due to the cold weather, winter is the season to strengthen your immune system, blood circulation & nurture your body. Protect yourself in the winter season, the most effective natural supplement for winter is SHILAJIT Stay energized, focused and feeling your best all season long with our High Potency SHILAJIT from untainted Himalayan mountains To ENTER this GIVEAWAY - Simply join this channel @Electroculturefarming 👏 - Like and share this post 🤝 - More shares More Chances 🙌 - Send us screenshots of the forwarded post under the comments section 📸 - Entry starts now till 30th Sep 2024 🏁 - 2 Winners to be announced on 1st Oct 2024 🏆 84 essential minerals. One powerful daily dose. The complete daily essential Be your best self
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1 348
🇪🇸 Descubren un túnel subterráneo de 1.300 metros de largo y 2 metros de alto en Taposiris Magna, templo dedicado a Osiris Además del túnel, se encontraron dos estatuas de alabastro de la época ptolemaica, monedas de Cleopatra y Alejandro Magno, estatuas de la diosa Isis y un cementerio lleno de momias grecorromanas. El túnel, que parece una hazaña de la ingeniería antigua, se halla a 13 m de profundidad y está parcialmente sumergido. 🇬🇧 An underground tunnel 1,300 meters long and 2 meters high is discovered in Taposiris Magna, a temple dedicated to Osiris In addition to the tunnel, two alabaster statues from the Ptolemaic era, coins of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great, statues of the goddess Isis and a cemetery full of Greco-Roman mummies were found. The tunnel, which appears to be a feat of ancient engineering, is 13 m deep and is partially submerged. Síguenos 🇫🇷 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 368
🇪🇸 La Ciudad de los Muertos, Egipto Esta antigua necrópolis se encuentra en el corazón de la provincia egipcia de El Minya y su extensión es claramente abrumadora. La Ciudad de los Muertos es un cementerio colosal que se extiende a lo largo del paisaje desértico, salpicado de tumbas, catacumbas y mausoleos. Se cree que ha estado en uso desde el período del Imperio Antiguo y continuó durante las épocas ptolemaica y romana. 🇬🇧 The City of the Dead, Egypt This ancient necropolis is located in the heart of the Egyptian province of El Minya and its size is clearly overwhelming. The City of the Dead is a colossal cemetery that stretches across the desert landscape, dotted with tombs, catacombs and mausoleums. It is believed to have been in use since the Old Kingdom period and continued during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras. Síguenos 🇺🇸🇫🇮 🇮🇪 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 520
🇮🇹 UCCELLO DI SAKKARA Questo oggetto è stato ritrovato nel 1898 nella tomba di Saqqara ed è datato al 200 a.C. Poiché nel 1898 non esisteva nulla come un aeroplano, questa scoperta fu etichettata come "figura di uccello". Una volta redatto il disegno dell'oggetto, le cose sono diventate ancora più interessanti. Dal punto di vista dell'ingegneria aeronautica, il modello ha proporzioni molto precise per planare nell'aria quando viene sollevato con un rimorchiatore. Inoltre, questo tipo di aliante può volare in modo indipendente, grazie alla presenza di un piccolo motore in grado di fornire una velocità di 70 - 100 km/h. 🇦🇺 BIRD OF SAKKARA This object was found in 1898 in the tomb of Saqqara and is dated to 200 BC. As nothing like an aeroplane existed in 1898, this discovery was labelled a 'bird figure'. Once the drawing of the object was drawn, things became even more interesting. From an aeronautical engineering point of view, the model has very precise proportions to glide through the air when lifted with a tug. In addition, this type of glider can fly independently, thanks to the presence of a small engine capable of providing a speed of 70 to 100 km/h. 🇧🇷 PÁSSARO DE SAKKARA Esse objeto foi encontrado em 1898 na tumba de Saqqara e é datado de 200 a.C. Como não existia nada parecido com um avião em 1898, essa descoberta foi rotulada como uma "figura de pássaro". Quando o desenho do objeto foi feito, as coisas ficaram ainda mais interessantes. Do ponto de vista da engenharia aeronáutica, o modelo tem proporções muito precisas para planar no ar quando levantado com um puxão. Além disso, esse tipo de planador pode voar de forma independente, graças à presença de um pequeno motor capaz de fornecer uma velocidade de 70 a 100 km/h. 🇫🇷 OISEAU DE SAKKARA Cet objet a été trouvé en 1898 dans la tombe de Saqqara et est daté de 200 av. Comme il n'existait rien de comparable à un avion en 1898, cette découverte a été qualifiée de "figure d'oiseau". Une fois le dessin de l'objet réalisé, les choses deviennent encore plus intéressantes. Du point de vue de l'ingénierie aéronautique, la maquette présente des proportions très précises pour planer dans les airs lorsqu'elle est soulevée à l'aide d'un remorqueur. De plus, ce type de planeur peut voler de manière autonome, grâce à la présence d'un petit moteur capable de fournir une vitesse de 70 à 100 km/h. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 289
🇮🇹 La moneta d'argento coniata per commemorare la cattura della flotta d'argento spagnola da parte dell'ammiraglio olandese Piet Heyn nel 1628 è l'unica rappresentazione conosciuta dell'isola della California su una medaglia. Allo stesso tempo, è visibile un enorme “ponte” che collega il Nord America con la Russia. Qualunque cosa tu dica, la geografia in passato era molto più interessante, collegava i continenti e permetteva di viaggiare senza Schengen e senza passaporto. 🇦🇺 The silver coin minted to commemorate the capture of the Spanish Silver Fleet by Dutch Admiral Piet Heyn in 1628 is the only known representation of the island of California on a medal. At the same time, a huge 'bridge' connecting North America with Russia is visible. Whatever you say, geography in the past was much more interesting, connecting continents and allowing travel without Schengen and without a passport. 🇧🇷 A moeda de prata cunhada para comemorar a captura da Frota de Prata espanhola pelo almirante holandês Piet Heyn em 1628 é a única representação conhecida da ilha da Califórnia em uma medalha. Ao mesmo tempo, é possível ver uma enorme "ponte" ligando a América do Norte à Rússia. Não importa o que você diga, a geografia no passado era muito mais interessante, conectando continentes e permitindo viagens sem Schengen e sem passaporte. 🇫🇷 La pièce d'argent frappée pour commémorer la capture de la flotte d'argent espagnole par l'amiral néerlandais Piet Heyn en 1628 est la seule représentation connue de l'île de Californie sur une médaille. Dans le même temps, un immense "pont" reliant l'Amérique du Nord à la Russie est visible. Quoi qu'on en dise, la géographie d'autrefois était bien plus intéressante, reliant les continents et permettant de voyager sans Schengen et sans passeport. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 188
🇮🇹 Le bianche scogliere di Dover Se hai mai visto come funzionano gli escavatori con ruote a tazze, allora l'origine delle rocce bianche diventa chiara. 🇦🇺 The White Cliffs of Dover If you have ever seen how bucket wheel excavators work, then the origin of the white rocks becomes clear. 🇧🇷 Os penhascos brancos de Dover Se você já viu como funcionam as escavadeiras com rodas de caçamba, então a origem das rochas brancas fica clara. 🇫🇷 Les falaises blanches de Douvres Si vous avez déjà vu comment fonctionnent les excavatrices à roue-pelle, l'origine des rochers blancs devient évidente. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 148
two decades ago ... Opening ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens In cooperation with Join us now Channel: Chat:


1 306
Vladimir Megre: on Anastasia and the power of "Ringing Cedars" - Russia 🇷🇺 Interview: She says that modern people aren’t really living. That they are sleeping “Vedrus”. A reasonable person cannot live like that. Because one cannot rationalize living in a concrete prision as opposed to living among the spectacular nature that God provided, the beautiful garden. [She says] that modern man is asleep, and living in a nightmare. We need to live this nightmare so we don’t let it happen again. Partnership with Join us now Channel: Chat:
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1 273
Buildings built in the 1800s The first photo is from 1852 at St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia. The construction supposedly started in 1818 and was completed by 1858, which is 40 years of construction. By the photo in 1852, it looks pretty much completed as we can see. So it took another 6 years to complete. The last 3 photos are of State Buildings from America. Years of construction Georgia State Capital 4 years Michigan State Capital 6 years Texas State Capital 6 years When you can throw up a world fair in 2 years with all that excavation, engineering, design and construction, these state capitals would be a doddle. Maybe Russia went for the long construction narrative instead. You decide.. Join us now Channel: Chat:
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1 086
Tensor rings create a toroidal vortex - an area of rotating motion in which the flow takes on the shape of a toroid (donut). Technically speaking, this Tensor field is a mathematical visualisation. A trained eye can perceive a beam of light from the inner circle. The term Tensor field is used today to understand complex interacting parts and is sometimes described as a geometry similar to space-time. This energetic beam, which acts in both directions, organises the field and the space inside and outside the circle. Water treatment, EMF protection are just a few side effects of Tensor Rings. Here´s more info👉 Join us now Channel: Chat:
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1 172
Gateway to Heaven, Tianmen Mountain, China Part 2 The "Tianmen Fox Fairy Show" is a famous musical and theatre play. It is an ancient Chinese folk legend about a romantic love story between a woodcutter and a beautiful fox fairy. The story is about love, sacrifice and overcoming adversity. An impressive show and experience that combines nature and legend. In cooperation with Join us now Channel: Chat:
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1 209
ARE YOUR CLOTHES TRACKED AND CHIPED ?? New RFID Chips are being added to major brands to track your clothing and potentially you !. Currently most successfully in Hospitality (yes hotels already track their towels !) Now gaining ground in Retail with brands such as : Nike, Levi’s, Macy’s, lululemon, UNIQLO and Victoria Secret all using this technology. It is time to be very conscious of what you wear !
1 596
🇮🇹 Lasciami, oh lasciami immergere l’anima nei colori; lasciami ingoiare il tramonto e bere l’arcobaleno. (Khalil Gibran) Buongiorno anime belle 🍀 🇦🇺 Let me, oh let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow. (Khalil Gibran) Good morning beautiful souls 🍀 🇧🇷 Deixe-me, oh, deixe-me banhar minha alma em cores; deixe-me engolir o pôr do sol e beber o arco-íris. (Khalil Gibran) Bom dia, lindas almas 🍀 🇫🇷 Laissez-moi, oh laissez-moi baigner mon âme dans les couleurs ; laissez-moi avaler le coucher de soleil et boire l'arc-en-ciel. (Khalil Gibran) Bonjour belles âmes 🍀 ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 254
LIVE内容 ○オランダ🇳🇱の埋もれたレンガ建築 ○モンゴル帝国は嘘 ○タルタリアが消えた理由 などです。 LIVE content ○Buried brick architecture in the Netherlands 🇳🇱 ○The Mongol Empire is a lie ○The reason why Tartaria disappeared Etc. Contenu LIVE. ○ Architecture en briques enterrées aux Pays-Bas 🇳🇱 L'empire mongol est un mensonge. ○ Pourquoi Tartaria a disparu. Tels que.
タルタリアの建築物 Buildings in the Kingdom of Tatar
Today's guest くろちゃん kurochan あめちゃん amechan 領域突破さん Area breakthrough TARTARIA JAPAN🇯🇵 jiroramo1 channel chat YouTube TARTARIA JAPAN facebook TARTARIA JAPAN🇯🇵flens YouTube くろちゃん あめちゃん 領域突破さん あおいさん ぷりんさんの歴史めぐり ゴンザレスさん 山めぐり きたみかさんミカ北?si=XstAkFrB2rJPT4rZ こでまりさん デボラシンプソンさん🇦🇺🐨 SayeDさん🇫🇷 marritさん🇳🇱 CUBE TV🇩🇪 シュテフェンさん デズモンドさん Facebook Gorgiさん🇲🇰 Maps of TARTARIA Aniaさん🇦🇺 Shepu shukiさん🇨🇦 TARTARIA Sri Lanka🇱🇰 テレグラム cheezeさん🇳🇱 HVF family 顔さん🇯🇵 顔さんと愛国者達 coco1さん🇯🇵 地図板 Sebastianさん🇺🇾 ミツさん🇯🇵radical history Joseさん🇧🇷Yahsifri marritさん🇳🇱 TARTARIAオランダ poussièreさん🇫🇮 迷宮から仮説へ ウィリアムさん🇮🇹 TARTARIAイタリア kintaroさん🇨🇭 TT monkeys17 @Stephen_Istandersさん TARTARIA 🇩🇪owner ワルダワールドさん M itoさん🇯🇵 ヤキトントンさん🇯🇵 ふらっと明日 ハゲオヤジさん🇯🇵 領域突破さん🇯🇵 こでまりさん🇯🇵 ゴールデンホースさん ゴンザレスさん Hiroさん maimaiさん 🇹🇭
1 699
This striking aerial view captures the city of Hamadan in Iran, showcasing its unique circular urban layout. Hamadan, with a history spanning over 3,000 years, is one of the oldest cities in the world. The city is structured with radial roads emanating from a central hub, a design that reflects its ancient and strategic significance. This geometric pattern provides a fascinating glimpse into the city's planning and development, highlighting Hamadan's blend of historical depth and urban organization. Partnership with Join us now Channel: Chat:
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1 950
🇪🇸 Lindenkruispoort, Maastricht, Países Bajos Esta antigua puerta de la ciudad holandesa de Maastricht, que data del siglo XIV, fue renovada varias veces a lo largo de los siglos hasta que perdió su función original cuando el rey Willem III decretó abolir su estatus como fortaleza, junto con las de otras ciudades. Todas las puertas de Maastricht, excepto algunas, fueron demolidas entre 1867 y 1870, pero Lindenkruispoort, no fue hasta 1874. 🇬🇧 Lindenkruispoort, Maastricht, Netherlands This ancient gate to the Dutch city of Maastricht, dating back to the 14th century, was renovated several times over the centuries until it lost its original function when King Willem III decreed abolishing its status as a fortress, along with those of other cities. All but a few of Maastricht's gates were demolished between 1867 and 1870, but Lindenkruispoort was not until 1874. Síguenos 🎏 🇸🇮 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 466
Das Vizekönigreich Neuspanien um das Jahr 1800 Das Vizekönigreich Neuspanien mit Sitz in der Stadt Mexiko wurde 1535 gegründet und existierte fast drei Jahrhunderte. Mit Neuspanien (Mittel- und Teil von Nordamerika) und dem Vizekönigreich Peru (in Südamerika), von dem später die Vizekönigreiche Neugranada und La Plata abgetrennt wurden, herrschte Spanien de jure über ganz Lateinamerika (mit Ausnahme des portugiesischen Brasilien). Das vorrangige wirtschaftliche Interesse des Mutterlandes Spanien bestand im Abbau der Bodenschätze; auf den Inseln der Karibik wurden Tabak und Zuckerrohr für den Export nach Europa produziert. 1643 wurden die Bay Islands, 1655 Jamaika (Santiago), 1670 die Kaimaninseln, 1797 Trinidad und 1798 Belize an Großbritannien abgetreten. Im Jahr 1697 wurde der kleinere westliche Teil Hispaniolas (Haiti) an Frankreich übergeben. 1810 wurde die Unabhängigkeit von Spanien erklärt, die einen langen Krieg nach sich zog, der 1821 zur endgültigen Unabhängigkeit führte. 👉👈
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1 633
Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fᴏᴜʀ - Tʜᴇ Dᴇʟᴜɢᴇ | It is written, in The Great Book of The Fire Hawks, that Earth was destroyed twice, once altogether by fire and once partially by water. The destruction by water was the lesser destruction and came about in this manner.
1 729
1 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
Oregano Oil vs Germs Under Microscope
1 664
🇪🇸 Un acueducto antiguo con tecnología avanzada En 2015, un proyecto de construcción de rutina en Borujerd (Irán), descubrió inesperadamente un sistema de canalización del agua escondido debajo de las ruinas de un castillo histórico. Los materiales y técnicas utilizados en esta red de tuberías de arcilla y vasijas de cerámica, demuestran un nivel sofisticado de ingeniería que desafía nuestra comprensión de la tecnología antigua. 🇬🇧 An ancient aqueduct with advanced technology In 2015, a routine construction project in Borujerd, Iran, unexpectedly discovered a water channeling system hidden beneath the ruins of a historic castle. The materials and techniques used in this network of clay pipes and ceramic vessels demonstrate a sophisticated level of engineering that challenges our understanding of ancient technology. Síguenos 🇯🇵 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 705
Destroying Old World Courthouses?
The Mainstream narrative repeats itself so many times. Giving away the fact that these narratives are hiding our true past. The true history behind these incredible structures all over the world. Showing us masterpieces. Palaces. That we have been told were built in less than a year. Narratives that give us clues, that it is all a lie. The 1800's civilization was not constructing multiple courthouses on the same site. Over and over. Lighting on fire year after year. Who was constructing these structures? Who was the shipping company? A narrative that is now mathematically impossible for it to be true. Let's expose it all today in Clip #10. Thank you all for your support of this channel! Every Subscriber, every Like, All Comments are huge in helping spread this research to new people every single week. Every Badge Member and every Patreon Member help keep this channel running. I appreciate all of the support and I can't wait for every Saturday to expose even more information to the world. And we are just getting started! ---- TO BECOME A BADGE MEMBER & HELP GROW THIS CHANNEL ---- HERE IS THE LINK: Join this channel to get access to perks! TOP EPISODES PLAYLIST: LINK TO RUMBLE CHANNEL: Rumble: LINK TO TIKTOK CHANNEL: I couldn't be more thankful for all of your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing this information with you all! I hope you all have a great rest of your day! LINKS: BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY LUNCH BREAK: Shout-Outs For the next Month's Episodes! Patreon: X: LINK TO RUMBLE CHANNEL: Rumble: We are also on TikTok, Spotify & Instagram T-shirts: Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac App: This is all in my own opinion. Entertaining as always, and of course, you are free to believe whatever you want. I do not claim to know any of this to be 100% true. It is all based on my personal research and simply sharing what I find with you all. Thank you for your support. I am having a lot of fun sharing all of this information with you all and seeing this channel and our community grow every single day. My Lunch Break Disclaimer: The content on My Lunch Break is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in the videos are those of the creators and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organization or institution. I strive to present accurate and well-researched information, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the content. Viewers are encouraged to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking. Theories discussed on this channel may be speculative, controversial, or unverified. My Lunch Break is not a substitute for professional advice, and I do not provide legal, medical, financial, or any other type of advice. Consult with qualified experts for such matters. Viewers should be aware that information and opinions may change over time, and my content may become outdated. We are not responsible for any consequences resulting from reliance on our content. By using this channel, you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. We reserve the right to change, modify, or remove content at any time. My Lunch Break disclaims any liability for actions taken based on the information provided on our channel.
1 809
🇮🇹Immagini del mondo antico su cui riflettere.. nella civilizzazione precedente al Grande Reset di metà 700 tutto era l'apoteosi della funzionalità e della bellezza... "Chi controlla il passato controlla il futuro, Chi controlla il presente controlla il passato" G. Orwell 1984 Per comprendere il presente è necessario compiere un viaggio indietro nel futuro. 🇦🇺Images of the ancient world to reflect on... in the civilization prior to the Great Reset of the mid-18th century everything was the apotheosis of functionality and beauty... "Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past" G. Orwell 1984 To understand the present it is necessary to take a journey back into the future. CONSAPEVOLEZZA PLAN-ET-ARIA dalla psicosi alla realtà: risveglio dai grandi inganni storici e geografici : 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 🔱 ⭐️ ⭐️
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1 598
CITTÀ PERDUTE | Luoghi scoperti di civiltà scomparse
LOST CITIES | Discovered places of lost civilizations
Documentary on lost cities. We showcase the lost cities of the Amazon, a remote place never shown before. Ancestral remains around the world, from the jungles of North America, through cities once thought to be mythical, to secluded ruins in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. ___________________________ All rights reserved.
1 046
🇪🇸 Mudflood en México En la casa Lamm en la colonia Roma, Ciudad de México, se puede observar que la altura de las puertas y ventanas de la planta baja es demasiado corta para las personas que se encuentran a sus afueras (una persona de 1.80m seguramente necesitaría agacharse para entrar), mientras que las ventanas del primer piso triplican su altura. Seguro que si se excava, se encuentra el resto del edificio enterrado. 🇬🇧 Mudflood in Mexico In the Lamm house in the Roma neighborhood, Mexico City, it can be observed that the height of the doors and windows on the ground floor is too short for the people who are on its outskirts (a person of 1.80m would surely need to bend down to enter), while the windows on the first floor triple their height. Surely if it is excavated, the rest of the building will be found buried, as happens all over the world. Créditos a Jeremy González Credits to Jeremy González Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 531
1 679
🇪🇸 Posible referencia a Tartaria en el Libro de Enoch El libro de Enoch es una parte borrada de la Biblia actual. En él se habla de gigantes que habitaban las tierras del Norte, los cuales era muy fuertes y con grandes conocimientos sobre arquitectura, metalurgia y astronomía. Se explicarían así las inmensas dimensiones de sus edificios y su refinada técnica arquitectónica, cuestiones tan difíciles de explicar. 🇬🇧 Possible reference to Tartaria in the Book of Enoch The Book of Enoch is a deleted part of the current Bible. It tells about giants who inhabited the Northern lands, who were very strong and with great knowledge about architecture, metallurgy and astronomy. This would explain the immense dimensions of their buildings and their refined architectural technique, issues so difficult to explain. Síguenos Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 585
🇪🇸 Bosque petrificado, Parque Nacional Jaramillo, Santa Cruz, Argentina Los árboles petrificados fueron descubiertos por primera vez en 1925 y desde entonces han sido objeto de mucha investigación. Se han conservado muchas secciones del tronco que yacen sobre la superficie del suelo. Algunas de ellas miden 2 m de diámetro y otras hasta 30 m de largo, y también se han encontrado piñas fosilizadas de los árboles. 🇬🇧 Petrified forest, Jaramillo National Park, Santa Cruz, Argentina The petrified trees were first discovered in 1925 and have since been the subject of much research. Many sections of the trunk have been preserved and lie on the ground surface. Some measuring 7 ft in diameter and others up to 100 ft in length, and fossilized cones from the trees have also been found. Síguenos 🎏 🇸🇮 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 557
1580年頃に建築された日本の静岡県にある埋もれた城、駿府城の現地調査 Field survey of Sunpu Castle, a buried castle in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, built around 1580 Étude sur le terrain du château de Sunpu, un château enterré à Shizuoka, au Japon, construit vers 1580. YouTube↓ TARTARIAJAPAN🇯🇵 迷宮から仮説へ🇫🇷


The old world had a much closer connection to harnessing energy and Aether than we were really told about. Rumble Link👇


1 661
🇪🇸 Puente Latidan, Irán Construido en la provincia de Hormozgan, durante la dinastía Safavid. (oficialmente en 1627). El puente estuvo enterrado bajo una capa de tierra durante muchos años antes de ser descubierto. 🇬🇧 Latidan Bridge, Iran Built in Hormozgan Province during the Safavid Dynasty (officially in 1627), the bridge was buried under soil for many years before it was discovered. Síguenos 🇷🇺 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 796
8 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
Awakening Cymatic Visualization: A Native American Church Healing Song
Cymatic Transposition by Jeremy Pfeiffer LHS sound through water cymatic transposition RHS shows the same transposition through a symmetrical kaleidoscope set at a golden mean angle. Music provided by Primeaux & Mike with Joe Jakob - Sacred Path Courtesy of Canyon Records. Visit their amazing artist library now!
1 831
15 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
The Surprising Connection Between Feet and Wellness
Barbara O'Neill reveals why the soles of your feet are crucial for your overall health. Learn how your choice of shoes and socks can affect your body.#Mindfu...
1 901
Must watch. How the Jesuits changed our reality and the Bible is real! Truth and facts


2 030
Biggest science lies you´ve been told.

Biggest science lies you´ve been told.mp4

15 812
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