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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Ex-CNN staffer John Davidson has dropped a new documentary called “Epidemic of Fraud” which brings to light a web of deception that occurred in the pandemic and causes one to wonder how many lives would have been saved had those lies not been told. Full interview on Unifyd:


1 009
A lot of young people are saying hormone replacement therapy is doing wonders for them, but what are the long term effects, and is there a more natural solution? says it’s usually a simple case of burnout and adrenal fatigue. He offers a ton of simple solutions on my latest YouTube on my new health and fitness channel: Watch:


2 296
There's been a surge of younger people, including big influencers, announcing their doctor gave them testosterone or other hormones to feel better. TRT and HRT are growing in popularity for men and women, but is there a more natural way to feel better? Dr. Bradley Campbell says this is largely an adrenal issue and offers natural solutions on my latest youtube on my new Health and Fitness Page: Watch here:
2 009
One of the 12 people who were personally targeted by the White House for “disinformation” sits down for an interview with me on the challenges she’s faced since, her new series called Remedy which exposes many of the things the government wanted to censor, and how did Rashid Buttar die? He was another member of the disinfo dozen and a close friend of hers. Full interview with Charlene Bollinger is on Unifyd:


1 926
The older you get the more you learn people in powerful positions are just winging it, maybe to your detriment. Uncensored livestream on Unifyd at 5pm central today. See you in a few. Sign up to stream all Unifyd programs here:


1 985
Dr. Joseph Varon joins the show to discuss what’s really working for healing long vax, long COVID, and all the other serious, mild, and strange illnesses doctors are encountering at FLCCC. Dr. Varon was one of the original founders of FLCCC and has recently taken over the role of president from Dr Pierre Kory. My investigation of Dr. Varon’s hospital in the pandemic revealed he was saving four times more lives than the average hospital. My original interview with him led to Fox’s threat to fire me. Dr. Varon initially advocated for ivermectin AND the vaccine. He told me he’s since changed his stance on the latter after seeing so many bad side effects. Full interview on Unifyd:
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1 934
Judge Orders FREEZE on THIS Election Activity Amid Fraud Suit Details on my Youtube:
1 987
I saw conservatives saying that all the female uproar over Harrison Butker’s statements was due to feminism, but I disagree. My mom and I face off on this discuss in my latest YouTube:


2 625
Why Did Harrison Butker DELETE These Pics of His Wife? (Career daughter and homemaker mom face off in reaction to his speech) Watch the livestream:
2 698
Things I discussed with Navy SEAL Ray ‘Cash’ Care: ⚫️Taking down Osama bin Laden ⚫️Biden’s military recruitment problem ⚫️Mindset when entering a dangerous mission ⚫️Overcoming mental health struggles ⚫️Discipline to level up in life ⚫️What men wish women understood ⚫️Faith in self vs faith in God ⚫️And much more… Full uncensored interview on Unifyd:


2 619
Dennis Conforto went from homeless and near death with hunger to filthy rich, implementing touch screen technology around the world, among his other inventions. In that state of homelessness, he prayed to God that if his life was spared, he’d give back what he received. To this day, Dennis gives 90% of his gross revenue away to help others. Elizabeth and I visited his Idaho mansion where he had a media mogul, a motocross star, a mover and shaker in the farming industry, an actor, and a chef over for dinner. We interviewed them all and got some fascinating perspectives, then we visited the farmland of Idaho and talked to the people in the small town shops to find what matters to Idahoans. The final episode of Beyond the Surface of America is out now on Unifyd:
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2 352
Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas is teaching a new college course on the psychology of winning. She’ll break down how the left has exploited neuroscience and the science of the brain to weaken and control people. If you’re not attending her college, she’s offering the course to adults and students—it can even be a homeschool class. Full interview on Unifyd:


2 378
Independent Journalist Taylor Cramer documents how Biden‘s border app “CBP One” is being used to move more migrants into the US. This is Independent Journalism at its finest. Fascinating interview and footage from the tent city on the Mexican side of the border. Watch uncensored on Unifyd:


2 606
One of my favorite interviews. Watch on Unifyd: Heal yourself. It’s so much easier than you’re being taught, once you have the knowledge🤯


2 674
I interviewed a couple of nurses who exited the sick care system, landed on their feet, and are making a living putting the patients first untethered from the compromised medical establishment. Now they’re showing other nurses how to do the same and showing patients how to find a healthcare provider that is not compromised by big pharma or government ties. Full interview on Unifyd:


14 940
Univision had Dr Joseph Varon on for a special to talk about the large percentage of vaccine injury patients he’s seeing and how he used to tell everyone to get the vax. Now he recommends no one get it. Comment section is full of people praying for Dr Varon not to get suicided. Cheers to Univision for being a mainstream outlet that allows conversations about vaccine injury.⬇️ 🔴 En vivo I "La nueva pandemia" I Doctor habla de los alarmantes índices...
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2 773
Dr. Andrea Nazarenko is co-leading the Geneva Project which will occur in the same place and time as the WHO’s World Health Assembly at the end of this month —sending a message to global health leaders that many people of the world want health sovereignty. Full interview is on UNIFYD:


14 353


3 454
Some of the strangest paranormal activity has been documented on Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. We sat down with the ranch owner and staff to discuss what they’ve witnessed and why the government seems very interested in it, why no tourists are allowed on the ranch, and why insurance companies won’t touch their case. It’s just part of our adventure in Utah for this episode of Beyond the Surface of America, streaming now on UNIFYD.
3 302
I’m seeing the headlines. After more than 3 years, NYTimes went from “there are no injuries, and anyone who says there are is out to hurt you” …to… “injuries are happening, but will anyone pay attention?” It’s wild because we media members could easily see the injury data from CDC right from the get-go, and Fox told me not to report it when I brought it up. Not only that, but we were getting phone calls from people whose loved ones had died or been injured. We were told not to report any of it. Yes, most people turned out fine, but countless others did not, and viewers had a right to know there was a significant risk. Doctors at FLCCC say it appears there have been some bad batches and good batches. It was Russian roulette that people were playing, and media members were told not to let people know this. My outlet acted like a marketing company for this pharmaceutical. It was just one of the things I blew the whistle on that day in 2021. I’m happy I walked away. I hope more journalists do.
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4 022
Here is our interview with an illegal alien who crossed into USA through Eagle Pass. FEMA funded her trip deep into the heart of America where she and many others have now been dumped in the streets, homeless. Full docuseries “Beyond the Surface of America” is on Unifyd:


33 972
Migrants were left homeless in a Colorado tent city after illegally crossing the border. The migrants tell us their stories in the Colorado episode of Beyond the Surface of America, out now on ! Also, we explore the origins of legal weed and ride horses through the old gold mining trails of the Rocky Mountains. Go check it out on Unifyd:


4 176
A second Boeing whistleblower dies after sounding alarm in the media about major manufacturing problems. His mom feels someone may have done something to him, and she’s ordering a thorough autopsy. Full podcast on my YouTube:


3 650
ANOTHER Boeing Whistleblower Dies Suddenly "...we don't know if somebody did something to him," whistleblower Josh Dean's mom told NPR. She's requested a thorough autopsy after doctors told her they'd never seen anything like this. Livestream podcast is about to start. Watch for more details:
3 793
A former senior advisor on research and statistics at the Department of Justice is breaking down how the Feds manipulate crime statistics. Full interview with John Lott is on UNIFYD:


3 491
Department of Energy whistleblower Joe Carson explains dangerous loophole related to nuclear weapons safety. Watch full interview on UNIFYD:


4 195
Switch to getting your nontoxic cleaning supplies, cosmetics, supplements, snacks and more from a family owned American made company with patriotic values. Shop: Get their meat: patriotswitchpartner 🇺🇸


3 691
ALL of the new jobs in the latest jobs report were part-time and went to foreigners. Full time jobs went down, native born employment dipped, and foreign born employment jumped. Translation: people born in the USA are having a tough time economically. But NBC reported “job growth zoomed.” Some employers switch to only hiring part timers as a way of getting out of paying employee benefits. Is that the reason more Americans are losing their full time jobs? Oh and here’s something wild: unemployment rate doesn’t factor in the people who are working age but are unemployed and not looking for work. BLS reported the number of people unemployed and not looking is 99,989,000 as of last month. On top of that, the number of government jobs has soared to an all-time high. 23,270,000 people now work for the government, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. Foreign born workers increased last month to 31,114,000, per BLS.
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4 533
Border patrol plays dumb, then calls the local police on us for filming as they bring illegals into the US 🤯 Texas: Possibly our most important episode in the “Beyond the Surface of America” series, out now on UNIFYD. Watch:


4 604
Healing a Brain Tumor in the Most Unlikely of Ways Health issues initially inspired Dr. Christina Rahm to go work at Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, but as her tumors spread, she felt led to abandon pharmaceuticals and go back to nature, she told me. She knew she may need brain surgery due to a pituitary tumor, but when she went back to the doctor after dramatically changing her diet, it was no longer needed. Now she has abandoned the pharmaceutical industry entirely and sells the supplements from nature that have helped heal her. I’ve been taking her Root Brands supplements for the past year myself, and I’m proud to partner with her to promote her products. Shop:
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5 093
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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