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The most popular political podcast in America. Hosted by Steve Bannon. Your home for patriotic content. America First! Official home of the War Room Posse.  
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"All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force." -George Orwell We have devolved into a nation where the rights of illegal immigrants come before the rights of our own citizens. We have devolved into a nation where American citizens call other Americans citizens "terrorists" for exercising their constitutional rights. We have devolved into a nation where American citizens ask for those they don't agree with to be deported or ruled over by force. The land of the free has now devolved into a police state. How did we ever let it get to this? JOIN:
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8 594
We are thrilled to welcome activist Lauren Witzke as a VIP at AFPAC IV! Join us on June 15th in Detroit, Michigan! Sponsors & attendees will have the opportunity to meet our VIP’s following the conference. Secure your tickets here:
6 967
This is the right attitude! The J6 protesters did nothing wrong. Free our political prisoners 🇺🇲 JOIN:
8 763
8 124
ELECTION INTERFERENCE! JUST IN: Donald Trump talks election interference and the failure of Bidenomics. JOIN:


7 853
AIPAC explains how they bought America. Both sides since their beginning. JOIN:


8 060
🇮🇱 ❌️ 🇺🇸 'Abbott sent more troops to shutdown peaceful protests at UT than he did to secure the border.' 🔶️ "Even though Biden sued Texas to defend the “rights” of illegal immigrants to come here, don’t expect the same effort from him to protect the 1st amendment rights of actual Americans." 📎


7 295
If they’d have just been chanting “Death to America” instead of criticizing Israel, these protests would go uninterrupted... JOIN:
7 929
This is what matters to our "leaders". Giving away a hundred BILLION dollars of our money to foreign countries and taking away our constitutional rights. The Declaration of Independence tells us what needs to be done. ...To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government... JOIN:
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9 968
A caregiver has been caught viciously beating a 93-year-old dementia patient with a soiled diaper before trying to choke her out in horrific footage released by police. JOIN:


8 263
The Biden administration is suing Sheetz convenience stores for discriminating against minorities. The reason? The company requires all the applicants to first pass a criminal record background check. You are now required to hire criminals. JOIN:


8 385
The White House is considering declaring a national climate emergency. "If Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers. He would impose the Green New Deal on America without a vote in Congress" JOIN:


8 625
A Brooklyn man has been convicted of 13 weapons charges after having been arrested and charged in 2022 for building his own firearms. The judge said ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment.' What has happened to this country... JOIN:
9 040
Tucker Carlson told Joe Rogan that US politicians were terrified of being framed for child sex crimes by the intelligence agencies. He also revealed a senior elected official admitted lawmakers were being compromised or blackmailed. Follow:


8 272
A county judge has dismissed charges against illegal invaders who were arrested and charged for rioting at the southern border. The ruling came after the court decided there was NO PROBABLE CAUSE for the arrest of the individuals who clashed with National Guard troops while trying to gain entry into the country. JOIN:
10 048
Ben Shapiro Moves To Take Down Tucker Carlson JOIN:


9 923
Why are we forced to pay for our own replacement? JOIN:
9 376
Germany has passed a new law that will enable parents to "transition" their babies starting from the moment they are born. The Self-Determination Act has also established a €10,000 fine for exposing a transgender person's biological sex or "deadname." JOIN:
12 543
Help our researchers! The Noticer is doing some research for an article - do you know of any right-wing dissident movies that have been made or are being made right now? Not documentaries, but narrative films with actors. We are putting together a piece on the state of dissident right culture. Please post any examples of right-wing movies you know about in the comments. We are not talking about Hollywood here, but movies coming directly from dissident culture. They are likely to be very low-budget independent films. Any detailed tips send to: Thanks in advance.
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11 040
11 457
Breaking: The U.S. House passed a $95 BILLION aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. No aid for the U.S. border, which held up the bill for months. JOIN:


13 622
Insane. The Biden Administration has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity.  In a nutshell, the new rewrite means: - men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women - men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc - men could be housed in dorm rooms with women - students and faculty MUST compel their speech by requiring the use of preferred pronouns If the guidelines above are ignored or even questioned, then YOU can be charged with harassment. JOIN:
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13 076
What do they have on him?? Speaker Johnson says that White privilege is real and systematic changes are needed. JOIN:


11 975
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott says that he will direct COVID relief funds to go to non-White art organizations: JOIN:


11 988
April 19th, 1993. The day the ATF and FBI burned men, women, and children alive under the guise of “protecting them” and getting “dangerous guns” off the street. These thugs dressed as "law enforcement" portrayed themselves as "good guys" yet they LITERALLY posed with their government guns alongside the dead bodies of still smoldering American children. JOIN:
14 862
Wow, this is insane. Here’s the truth. Mayorkas illegally paroled Laken Riley’s killer into the US. He had a criminal record. He then committed a crime against a child in New York. No prosecution. In fact, HE GOT A WORK PERMIT. And then he killed Laken. Mayorkas knew *all* this. He lied about it. JOIN:


12 764
Spin, spin, spin. Same tired playbook from the dishonest media. Kari Lake recommended that her supporters be ready to defend themselves in the run-up to the election, and with good reason. We’ve seen what BLM and Antifa do during election years, and we see the crime going on in blue states across the country. So yeah, Kari is 100% correct. We all need to be prepared for whatever they throw at us in the coming months, and that includes taking advantage of your 2nd Amendment rights.
9 798
Juror #7 has been selected. JOIN:
11 397
10 292
Chinese government-linked hackers have burrowed into U.S. critical infrastructure and are waiting "for just the right moment to deal a devastating blow," FBI Director Christopher Wray said on Thursday. China is developing the "ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical infrastructure at a time of its choosing," Wray said at the 2024 Vanderbilt Summit on Modern Conflict and Emerging Threats. "Its plan is to land low blows against civilian infrastructure to try to induce panic." Sounds like predictive programming to me... JOIN:
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13 447
Canada is making cars with eye monitors and kill switches Despite ostensibly being intended to increase safety, the myriad ways that this sort of technology could be expanded, manipulated, and abused are obvious—not to mention it could get things wrong even when it does work as advertised. But that isn’t stopping countries around the world from mandating this technology be installed in all new vehicles. This technology will soon be required in the US In fact, the Biden regime in the US has done just that through an infrastructure bill, and as of 2026, if you buy a new car, it will be equipped with anti-drunk driving technology complete with a kill switch.
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10 720
Chicago illegal immigrants shelter has 53 cases of measles. 5 year old dead in shelter with 4 diseases. JOIN:


12 306
This is one of the prospective jurors who assured us she could be unbiased in President Trump's trial. She was dismissed due to scheduling conflicts. But she said this, while also assuring the court that she could have remained objective and unbiased. JOIN:


10 876
EXCLUSIVE: Katherine Maher says that, as CEO of Wikipedia, she "took a very active approach to disinformation," coordinated censorship "through conversations with government," and suppressed content related to the pandemic and the 2020 election. NPR's new censor-in-chief. JOIN:


11 530
Dozens of invaders were caught on camera jumping off a speed boat that came ashore a California beach over the weekend and running into the nearby city in what locals are saying is becoming a regular occurrence. JOIN:

video - Copy.mp4

11 322
💬 California moves to create genealogy office for reparations eligibility The California Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would create a new state agency for implementing the state’s reparations task force recommendations and determine which individuals qualify as descendants of American slaves. 📌 New Right News
10 531
The Founding Fathers told us what to do in this situation. “Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”. -Declaration of Independence, 1776
8 699
This is the leader of the most powerful nation on earth... JOIN:


10 473
This isn't a scene from the Walking Dead, it's just another day at the US/Mexican border. JOIN:


11 607
This is the ruling class. JOIN:
11 445
BOMBSHELL: Check Out Flyer Distributed at a Mexican NGO Encouraging Illegals to Vote for BIDEN Almost as if they know Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) opened the southern border for a reason... JOIN:
14 630
11 865
15 144
💬 Californians are buying up guns after Border Patrol starts dumping thousands of migrants on streets Roughly 125,000 migrants have been released onto the streets in the San Diego area since September... “I don’t think it’s just the people that are coming over to try to find work, I think we have a lot of hostile people that are coming over with ill will, ill intent that will potentially cause chaos.” 📌 New Right News
12 029
12 257
Orthodox Bishop stabbed in Australia, captured live on his youtube stream. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is said to be in a stable condition in hospital. JOIN:


12 409
The American military is now a transgender, homosexual, multicultural army, that exists solely to flatten the Middle East on behalf of Israel before raising the LBGT flag above the ruins in the name of the new world order.


11 864
The Iraq War Wasn't About Oil Youtube version: JOIN:

The Iraq War Wasn't About Oil video.mp4

13 519
BREAKING: Iran has begun an airborne attack against Israel. This attack is likely to unfold over a number of hours. President Biden has been clear: our support for Israel’s security is ironclad.  The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran. America MUST stay out of this war with Israel and Iran. Israel has spent the last 6 months wreaking havoc and the retaliation was inevitable - and exactly what Israel wanted. We must NOT let this be an excuse to send American kids to war. JOIN:
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16 635
Help save the son of one of our best... His son was recently diagnosed with juvenile ALS, a disease of the nervous system in which nerve cells begin to break down for an unknown reason... Those diagnosed with ALS are looking at 10 years in the best-case scenario, with 2-5 years being the most common... Subscribe to Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab
12 897
The teaser for the new Romeo & Juliet just dropped. JOIN:


Incredible, real headline
11 012
This is how an 18-year-old active duty service member was treated for refusing to take the experimental mRNA injection. JOIN:


15 768
Remember this - The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers more than 278,000 times in 2021, FISA court filing reveals. The American government is the enemy of the people. JOIN:


12 864
Alex Jones declared his intention to file lawsuits against the FBI and CIA during an appearance on the Benny Johnson show. This announcement followed the release of an undercover video by Sound Investigations, which featured a CIA officer purportedly admitting to federal agencies targeting conservatives, including Jones. JOIN:
12 113
This is London, England. This is the future that the left wants for all of our homelands. And if you object, then you're a racist and need to be imprisoned and re-educated. How long will we let this enemy occupation go on? JOIN:


12 990
It was never about logic and reason... JOIN:
10 900
The Mall of America 2024. Metaphor. JOIN:


10 835
#WakeUp Republicans... Time to question things. JOIN:


10 033
Can you see it yet? JOIN:
11 461
John MacDonald is back with another provocative and passionate review of right-wing streams: From the enigmatic John Mark and the epic WarStrike collab to recently banned from X Jacob Hersant's daily videos and Drew Pavlou destroyed by Joel Davis . Follow:
10 996
The Biden administration is outlawing virtually all private sales of firearms between individuals. The rule goes into effect in 30 days. JOIN:
12 015
💬 The Reality Behind Biden’s Plan to Legalize 11 Million Immigrants The bill would allow undocumented immigrants who were in the United States before Jan. 1 to apply for temporary legal status after passing background checks and paying taxes. As newly minted “lawful prospective immigrants,” they would be authorized to work, join the military and travel without fear of deportation. The president’s proposal would be perhaps the most ambitious immigration redesign passed since 1986, when President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which legalized three million people. Converting more than three times that many people into full citizens could open the door to one of the most significant demographic shifts in modern U.S. history, lifting millions out of the shadows and potentially into higher-paying jobs, providing them with welfare benefits, health coverage and Social Security eligibility while eventually creating many new voters. 📌 New Right News
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10 617
Warning: Graphic Footage Newly released footage shows a school bus aide in Littleton, Colo., striking and punching a nonverbal student with severe autism while sitting next to him on the bus. JOIN:


11 297
💬 Texas Dem suggests Black people shouldn't pay taxes as form of reparations: 'Puts money back in your pocket' A House Democrat recently suggested that Black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations, but she admitted that the plan may not be a success as many within the community who are poor "aren’t really paying taxes in the first place." 📌 New Right News
10 226
Denver is slashing services for Americans in order to finance services for invaders. Meanwhile the average tax-paying American is barely surviving. JOIN:
10 758
No Dave. It's because the average home price in 1980 was of what it is now (adjusting for inflation). While the average (adjusted for inflation). JOIN:
10 590
Are you better off now than you were four years ago? JOIN:


10 501
Sheila Jackson Lee has a degree from Yale... and has been a member of Congress for 29 years and doesn't understand what the sun and the moon are. JOIN:


11 889
13 189
Our economy is doing great... JOIN:
10 911
Watch: Tucker Carlson condemns Christians who support Israel. "If you wake up in the morning and decide your Christian faith requires you to support a foreign government blowing up churches and killing Christians, I think you've lost the thread." JOIN:


11 463
Thank you for having me on the program, Russell. You should have your fellow countryman Mark Collett on the show next.
“No One Is Coming To SAVE US!” Steve Bannon On How The Next Revolution Will Happen - Stay Free #340
Today, I had a conversation with Steve Bannon, an American media executive, political strategist, and former investment banker. He notably served as the White House's chief strategist for the first se
15 928
💵 🇺🇸 📊 'The top 1% now officially have more wealth than the entire middle class of America…' 🔶️ “There has been no greater engine of inequality than the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States.” - Stanley Druckenmiller 📎
11 150
11 770
The biden administration has just unveiled a new student loan forgiveness plan for millions of borrowers. They're literally buying votes with OUR money. JOIN:


11 568
Criminal pushes 68-year-old woman down the stairs in front of a church and then steals her purse and car in Queens, New York. She was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Who wants to bet he will be released without bail within 24-hours? JOIN:


10 991
The Fake News Media is losing control of the narrative and the people are waking up to the truth 🔥 JOIN:
10 486
President Trump is being assailed for again suggesting White countries are nicer and we should prefer immigrants from them. Liberals are shocked and offended, yet migration patterns show that non-Whites agree that White countries ARE better. If you bring in too many people from failed countries, then your country too might fail... JOIN:
11 163
HELP A PATRIOT J6 prisoner Ryan Samsel informed The Gateway Pundit this week that he was finally able to see a medical doctor after years of neglect. Ryan has been locked up for over three years now under the Biden regime. Ryan entered the US Capitol grounds with Ray Epps. Epps never spent a day in prison for his actions directing the protesters that day. Epps later lied to investigators about his actions on January 6. Some people have all the luck. Ryan Samsel was given an opportunity to betray President Trump to gain freedom, but this patriot chose to remain steadfast. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of these events, he has been denied crucial medical treatments and surgeries, resulting in the loss of full use of his left arm and vision in right eye. Ryan suffers from longstanding blood clots, which are now a lifelong affliction. DONATE HERE:
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12 240
12 996
AFPAC IV TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW $150 - General Admission $200 - General Admission + Afterparty Pay with E-Check or Crypto. See you there!


11 141
Trump releases new statement on abortion policy, saying abortion restrictions should be left to states. JOIN:


10 954
New from Black Indianapolis cop Myron Howard, 27, was called to a domestic violence incident, but alleged returned 15 minutes later and raped the victim. Follow:
12 357
President TRUMP: “In Venezuela the crime is down 67% .. because they’re taking all of their gangs and all of their criminals and they’re depositing them into the United States of America.” JOIN:


13 328
He has the appearance of a startled vulture, a sort of prefab mannerism, but he’s all greed and preening self-importance. Selfishness is his holy grail, and he’s a lying, self-serving opportunist who knows whose ring to kiss at all times. This malodorous cesspit used his son-in-law position to get $2 billion off the Saudis and save his bankrupt business. He is Jared Kushner, the man who last week made a remark so jarring in its cruelty, but so indicative of his greed, I find it the most offensive I’ve ever heard in my very long life: “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.” Full article: JOIN:
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13 951
11 404
The United States is likely to approach Ellis Island’s 12 million, assuming current record-breaking numbers of illegal entrances continue. These estimates also understate the true presence of foreign-born illegal migrants, as there is no way to account for those who evade encounters. JOIN:
12 796
White advocate and political activist Drew Pavlou faced off in a debate hosted by on the question "is diversity our strength?" Follow:
11 086
The Media is the enemy of the people. JOIN:
12 439
They deserve what's coming to them. JOIN:
11 842
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson on Thursday urged President Biden to grant work permits to nearly 500,000 illegal migrants living in the state. Johnson also said the city, which has roughly 2.7 million people, can "conservatively" welcome another 400,000 to 700,000 illegal migrants. JOIN:
11 632
💬 Why rural white Americans’ resentment is a threat to democracy Rural white people: - Express the most racist, least inclusive, most xenophobic, most anti-LGBTQ+ and most anti-immigrant sentiments. - Subscribe at the highest rates to conspiracy theories about QAnon, the 2020 presidential election, Barack Obama’s citizenship and COVID-19 vaccines. - Support a variety of antidemocratic and unconstitutional positions and exhibit strong attachments to white nationalist and white Christian nationalist movements inimical to secular, constitutional governance. - Are most likely to justify, if not call for, force or violence as acceptable alternatives to deliberative, peaceful democracy. 📌 New Right News
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10 432
They're afraid. JOIN:
10 810
He has the appearance of a startled vulture, a sort of prefab mannerism, but he’s all greed and preening self-importance. Selfishness is his holy grail, and he’s a lying, self-serving opportunist who knows whose ring to kiss at all times. This malodorous cesspit used his son-in-law position to get $2 billion off the Saudis and save his bankrupt business. He is Jared Kushner, the man who last week made a remark so jarring in its cruelty, but so indicative of his greed, I find it the most offensive I’ve ever heard in my very long life: “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.” Full article: JOIN:
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He has the appearance of a startled vulture, a sort of prefab mannerism, but he’s all greed and preening self-importance. Selfishness is his holy grail, and he’s a lying, self-serving opportunist who knows whose ring to kiss at all times. This malodorous cesspit used his son-in-law position to get $2 billion off the Saudis and save his bankrupt business. He is Jared Kushner, the man who last week made a remark so jarring in its cruelty, but so indicative of his greed, I find it the most offensive I’ve ever heard in my very long life: “Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable.” Full article: JOIN:
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Americans are ready. JOIN:
11 904
A bird flu pandemic with the potential to be “100 times worse than COVID” may be on the horizon after a rare human case was discovered in Texas, experts have warned. 🔗
12 052
12 355
Ohio: An illegal invader is being held on multiple charges, including aggravated murder, after being connected to a body found discarded in an alley. He had previously been deported SEVEN TIMES. JOIN:


11 721
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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