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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Old news, just firvthe new nirmies in this channel, This is what Pfizer wanted kept under wraps for 75 years: the 'safe and effective vaccine' with 9 pages of side effects.
Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign. 1. Were the public given “voluntary informed consent”? -No❌ -We were lied to, and told everything was 100% safe. 2. Was the result good for society? -No❌ -It did NOT stop transmission and has proven to be harmful to many who were at little to no risk from Covid. 3. Were there prior experimentations on animals the “justify the performance of the experiment”? -No❌ -Animal experiments were conducted, but the results and validity of the data are in question due to the lack of data, and lack of safety/efficacy in humans. 4. Did they “avoid all unnecessary physical or mental injury”? -No❌ -We were subject to 24/7 propaganda, brainwashing, and coercion from employers, media, and government entities. Not to mention the negative vaccine side effects such as Pericarditis and Myocarditis. 5. Did they stop possible “lethal or disabling procedures”? -No❌ -Government health agencies continued to push the experimental shots despite the debilitating side effects and potential death. They went great lengths to cover up VAERS and all talk of vaccine injuries on social media. 6. Did the “degree of risk outweigh the benefits”? -No❌ -99% of people were not at risk from SARS-CoV-2, and the experimental mRNA shots did not prevent transmission. 7. Were proper preparations and facilities prepared to prevent “remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”? -No❌ -Subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware they were being experimented on and did not know they were at risk of injury, disability, and potentially death. 8. Were the experimentations conducted by only the “scientifically qualified”? -No❌ -Scientists who spoke out about the mRNA shots were silenced, censored, and intimidated by government agencies. Pharma propagandists coerced lower level public health workers to administer shots that they did not know the true data about. The doctors didn’t KNOW the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. They were wrong. 9. Can participants “freely end the experiment”? -No❌ -Most of them don’t know they are being experimented on, and even if they do, permanent alterations have been made to their bodies via mRNA technology that cannot be undone as far as we know. 10. Did they stop the experiment when it “proved to be dangerous”? -No❌ -Not only did they not stop, they kept going, doubled down, and abused government emergency powers to silence and censor US citizens who spoke about the real dangers of the mRNA vaccines on social media.
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Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots The truth is becoming undeniable. A freedom of information request has revealed that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK's vaccine injury scheme. The claims are so widespread that “staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly.” 5 and a half thousand claims have been rejected because they were not “disabled enough,” But the devastating effects of the shots don't end there. “By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK's own yellow card reporting system. 300,000 adverse reactions. And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries. So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.”
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People we should all know by now why these Liberal Hollywood so called elite are telling their followers to vote Blue. J. Lo was involved in the nightclub shooting where it was said that she was the one who handed the gun to P. Diddy that ended up sh0-0ting Natania Reuben. J. Lo is also being accused of having something to do with the very popular Tik-Tok influencer Kyle Marrisa who reported two weeks earlier before she passed info on J Lo that was seen as damaging. Not to mention she is said to be on the many tapes that were confiscated by federal authorities that shows her engaging in illegal activities with underage children that would send any person to prison for life. So I know she has to be one person who is very nervous about what is currently happening with P. Diddy. Hollywood is very quiet right now. Because they know their names are probably going to be mentioned.
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Rachel Maddow is having a meltdown over Georgia’s new rule that requires hand counting ballots in the 2024 Election. “Radical stuff going on in Georgia” 🤣 These people are TERRIFIED of what the results will look like without their precious vote counting machines.


Oprah getting her FREAK OUT .. on
2 501
How Bill Clinton sold out our media to a handful of corporations, thus furthering the success and enabling the CIA's Operation Mockingbird. "President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996. That monstrous assault on democracy, with malignant consequences for journalism, was nothing but a welfare giveaway to the largest, richest, and most powerful media conglomerations in the world." "In 1950, most of America's news media were owned by 60 different companies. Today, they're owned by just six. But it's starving America of real news and debate at a time when issues of the utmost seriousness confront our country and our planet." "In the same way too much junk food can be bad for our health, too much junk media can make our democracy sick. We need more diversity and more truly local news. We need higher quality, and we need to make America's free press a real watchdog again, not some celebrity or politician's lapdog."
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2 765
Early Voting Underway in Virginia: Trump Supporters Dominate Polling Location in Fairfax County (VIDEO)
Early Voting Underway in Virginia: Trump Supporters Dominate Polling Location in Fairfax County (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
          Early voting in Virginia was underway on Friday morning.
2 008
If deep state steals the election....
1 973
1 885
Trump Fires Back at Howard Stern After Shock Jock Goes Too Far with Republican Voters
Trump Fires Back at Howard Stern After Shock Jock Goes Too Far with Republican Voters | The Gateway Pundit | by Bryan Chai, The Western Journal
"My theory is that famous people don't like it when their fame is put in proper perspective," Fox News host Greg Gutfeld said.
1 849
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2 007


1 848
REPORT — According to psychiatrist and body language expert Carol Lieberman, Kamala Harris suffers from "imposter syndrome," a psychological condition where a person lacks confidence in their competence and feels they don't deserve to succeed.


1 827
Italian Parliament Begins Drafting Law To Treat Violent Sex Offenders With Chemical Castration
Italian Parliament Begins Drafting Law To Treat Violent Sex Offenders With Chemical Castration | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran
           Sex offenders are under rising pressure all over the world, and criminals convicted of rape and pedophilia may be facing increasingly tougher penalties as many countries move towards chemical castration sentences for these crimes.
1 887
🤣🤣🤣 TRUE
1 923
NEW: ICE Boston has arrested another illegal alien charged with raping a child in Nantucket. In this case, it’s a Salvadoran national who entered the U.S. illegally as a gotaway and was charged with 3 counts of aggravated child rape last month by Nantucket authorities. It’s unclear why 49-year-old Elmer Sola wasn’t in local custody on those serious charges, but ICE Boston found & arrested him in Nantucket last Tuesday. “Elmer Sola unlawfully entered the United States, then made his way into our Nantucket community before allegedly committing some horrific and despicable crimes against a child,” said ICE Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “The officers of ICE Boston will not tolerate such a threat to the children of our New England neighborhoods. We will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders.” Full ICE statement:
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🚨 This woman has been warning about the Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio for a year Mainstream Media will NEVER show you this


1 909
Any idea why Congress is MIA for October 2024 ?
1 891
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1 965
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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