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все посты The Greater Reset Activation

This is the place to get the latest info for The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation on January 17-21, 2024! Brought to you by The Freedom Cell Network. 
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Архив постов
Friends, Day 1 of The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation is now available in Espanol on our Spanish Spotify and Odysee channels! You can also follow our Here are the talks now available: Bodreay Fraser - Un Nuevo Paradigma de Salud y Poder Illuminati Congo - Respiración Psicodélica Fácil Antony Sammeroff - Cómo el dinero de las farmacéuticas manipula y monopoliza las instituciones Luis Fernando Mises - Libera tu SER a través de la Respiración Miriam Gomez - Manifestación - El proceso de liberación Carey Wedler - Salvar el mundo: Deja de prestar atención Jason Christoff - Antiguo Control Mental de Magia Negra en Nuestro Tiempo Moderno Hakeem Anwar - Energética: El futuro de la salud Thanks for the support! Stay tuned for the English and Spanish recordings for the rest of the event! Also, stay tuned for an announcement on The People's Reset UK!
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Activación del Reinicio Mayor
Listen to Activación del Reinicio Mayor on Spotify. Activación del Reinicio Mayor https://www.thegreaterreset.org Activación del Reinicio Mayor es la respuesta colectiva del mundo a la Iniciativa del Foro Económico Mundial: El Gran Reset. Ofrecemos una alternativa a la visión autoritaria, centralizada y verticalista del FEM. Nuestro deseo es ayudar a todas las personas a encontrar comunidad y libertad proporcionando pasos prácticos y conocimientos para co-crear un mundo que respete la libertad individual, la autonomía corporal y la elección.
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1 648
Agora! Anarchy! Action!


2 862
NEW: Can Tree.Market Save Us From Debanking And Censorship? #SolutionsWatch Derrick Broze talks with Mariano, Red, and Apollo of Tree.Market, Unstoppable Free-Market Ecosystem with the goal of providing new generations with freedom to transact with each other, without interference from outside parties or fear of getting shut down. TCRN: Odysee: YouTube: ➡️
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Can Tree.Market Save Us From Debanking And Censorship? #SolutionsWatch - The Conscious Resistance Network
Derrick talks with the creators of Tree.Market, an Unstoppable Free-Market Ecosystem.
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The Aim of the Voluntaryists (from (1897) by Auberon Herbert) "What is the work of the Voluntaryist? It is to destroy the love of power ; to destroy alike in himself and in his fellowmen the desire to force opinions or interests — whatever they may be — upon others ; to be content to be a SELF-RULER, not a ruler of others ; to strengthen belief in the moral weapons of reason, discussion and example ; to bear patiently many evils rather than to weaken at any point the principle of self-ownership and self direction ; and to live in the faith that there is no evil which cannot be overcome by courage and resolution, no moral failure that cannot be remedied and no just need but can be supplied, except the one evil, the one moral failure, of abandoning self-ownership and self-direction. To abandon self-ownership is to become corrupt and servile in spirit, and for the servile and corrupt there are no greater things possible. You cannot carve in rotten wood ; you cannot lead to greatness those who have renounced the essence of their own manhood or womanhood."
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Auberon Herbert, The Principles of Voluntaryism and Free Life (1897)
These pages contain the research and teaching materials of David Hart and have been put online to further the study of classical liberal and libertarian ideas.
2 129
There is still space available to join us for the Freedom Cells Costa Rica Retreat— 5 Days: 5 Elements 🌴💦🔥☁️ This is an activist-nature immersion with the intention of deepening into our purpose and practice, supported by nature, the elements, a nourishing diet and an incredible team of facilitators & peers. APRIL 16 - 21 | Step into this circle of jedi around a fire surrounded by lush rainforest PURPOSE IN ACTION ⚡️ FOOD AS MEDICINE 🌱 CEREMONY 🔥 🎶 SELF CARE & OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE 💦 BREATHWORK & MEDITATION 🌬DEEPENING WITH PLANTS 🌿 SUPPORTIVE, NOURISHING DIET 🥑 HANDS-ON SOLUTIONS 🖖🏽 FOOD-INDEPENDENCE 🌴 RESILIENCY ✊🏽 FREEDOM CELLS AS A COMMUNITY TOOL Invitation is open for a few more people! Learn more at
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Costa Retreat.mp4

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Hello Greater Reset Family, Derrick Broze here with an to share from two of my oldest friends, Danny and Vanessa Velez-Panzella, who describe their work as Psychedelic Relationship Guides. First, let's take a moment to address the skeptics who may be asking - what does my relationship have to do with fighting for freedom and leaving behind a better world for future generations? Well, if you have been following the work of , or read , you know that our work is focused on exposing the dark underbelly of our physical reality and promoting solutions, but also doing the internal work of healing our trauma and insecurities. This work is sometimes known as "shadow work". Quite simply, if we don't do the internal work, I don't believe we will create a lasting world that recognizes individual liberty, bodily autonomy, freedom of choice, and the 7th generation principle. Now, let me tell you about how long I have known Danny and Vanessa... I first met Danny in Houston in 2011 during the End the Fed rallies. the local End the Fed chapter brought him down to speak about why we need to abolish the federal reserve system. Danny and I quickly became friends and before long I was coming to visit him and his then-girlfriend Vanessa in NYC a couple times a year. Back in those days, our relationship often involved going to bars or out for a drink and cruising to pick up women. Both of us were going through some hurt and trying to find our way to a better place. We each took different paths, but I am grateful to say that Danny (and his wife Vanessa!), and I are in much better places than we used to be. For Danny and Vanessa, psychedelic plant medicine was a huge part of their healing journey. I recently talked with Danny and Vanessa about their efforts to heal their relationship with the assistance of psychedelic medicines used in a medicinal and therapeutic setting. Vanessa and Danny share about their journey from a traumatic, unhealthy relationship to a place of healing and growth. Check out These two amazing friends are now offering their own course, The course features nine different modules that will take you on a journey of self-exploration and liberation. I encourage you to Thanks for the support.  P.S. - We are very close to making an announcement about The People's Reset: UK! Stay tuned so you can join us when we bring The Greater Reset/People's Reset movement across the pond!
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3 261
Friends, Derrick Broze here! I hope you are all doing well. I have some updates on The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation which we held just 60 days ago in Morelia, Mexico! First, I am editing more of the talks today and tomorrow so stay tuned for the individual talks from Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence! Second, we now have the names that were shared with us from the Ecovillage Networking night for those who are looking to connect with like minded people who either have land, are looking for land, and have resources ready to contribute! Please see the Ecovillage Networking list here! Thanks so much for the support! Stay tuned for an announcement about The People's Reset UK very soon!
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4 122
There is still space available to join us for the Freedom Cells Costa Rica Retreat— 5 Days: 5 Elements 🌴💦🔥☁️ This is an activist-nature immersion with the intention of deepening into our purpose and practice, supported by nature, the elements, a nourishing diet and an incredible team of facilitators & peers. APRIL 16 - 21 | Step into this circle of jedi around a fire surrounded by lush rainforest PURPOSE IN ACTION ⚡️ FOOD AS MEDICINE 🌱 CEREMONY 🔥 🎶 SELF CARE & OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE 💦 BREATHWORK & MEDITATION 🌬DEEPENING WITH PLANTS 🌿 SUPPORTIVE, NOURISHING DIET 🥑 HANDS-ON SOLUTIONS 🖖🏽 FOOD-INDEPENDENCE 🌴 RESILIENCY ✊🏽 FREEDOM CELLS AS A COMMUNITY TOOL Invitation is open for a few more people! Learn more at
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Costa Retreat.mp4

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Bitcoin and Monero are powerful tools for creating financial sovereignty and opting out of the coming CBDC system. But you wont be able to take advantage of them if you are stuck in "what if?" mode. The time to take responsibility for creating a life of freedom for yourself and your family is NOW!


2 808
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