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статистика аудитории Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician. He was the first in America (March 2020) to innovate a successful treatment for covid-19 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week Clay Clark shares his thoughts about and all that Zev stood for: "Dr. Zelenko was kind. The kind of a guy that would open a door for you despite the fact that he was missing a lung and was battling life-threatening disease."


    17 237
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week: Charlie Kirk discussed the massive impact that Zev () had on the world: "Dr. Zelenko was an outspoken critic of Fauci... of the mandatory vaccine. He was an outspoken critic of totalitarian government and started the Zelenko Protocol. He was an early adopter of hydroxychloroquine mixed with zinc and vitamin D and pushed back against the medical-industrial complex." later continued: "Dr. Zelenko just gave us our marching orders. He passed away yesterday. He was courageous... he shouldered the burden for us for a couple of years..." "Put together a game plan" Thank you Charlie and thank you Zev!
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    16 199
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of Life Week Z-Stack customer Alan describes why and how he met Dr. Zelenko. Then Alan goes on to describe what Zev did for him personally and what it has meant to him.


    12 976
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week Below is a quick link to register for tonight's (Wed) Zoom event at 8:00pm EST.
    28 951
    Do you want to join us for the Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week? If so, please go to the link below: If you scroll down about 1/3 of the way you will see "Come Celebrate Dr. Zelenko's Life With Us!" and under that a place to register and submit questions for tomorrow's (Wed) event! Please come join us!
    Who Was Dr. Zelenko?   Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko was a giant among men. He was a devoted father and a man of deep faith who answered the call when catastrophe struck the world. A talented and visionary physician, Zev developed a treatment protocol for Covid that was adopted by the nation of Honduras with life-saving e
    19 038
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week Alex Jones gives his thoughts on Zev: "We just stand with you Dr. Zelenko and we appreciate you and we love you. You're work lives on forever so thank you for your courage and your honor and again, we appreciate you."

    Alex Jones.MP4

    18 309
    Dr. Zelenko Celebration of LIFE Week The great General Michael Flynn discusses how has impacted his life: "A lot of people are legendary but Dr. Zelenko is leaving a LEGACY, which is more important" From one HERO to another... thank you for these words


    31 536
    This week marks the one-year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko. Let's remember our HERO and everything that he stood for... and all that he stood against! This is a week to celebrate his LIFE. See how you can learn more about Zev and get involved below:
    19 650
    This week marks the one-year anniversary that our beloved hero and friend, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, passed away. Please help me bring attention to this and help celebrate his life and work. Make sure you follow to see great tributes and testimonials all week!
    12 377
    Happy Father's Day! Last chance to take 20% off your Zelenko order using Dad20.
    26 616
    Rinat Lustig-Zelenko, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's wife, talks about The Z-Care Promise: "Should you become ill while taking our products as directed, to help boost your immune system, you will receive access to a free telemedicine session with a medical doctor.” Please learn more below at:


    35 197
    Happy belated Memorial Day! Never forget our fallen heroes... on this day and every day. Thank you to the Veterans and thank you to Dr. Zelenko for all that you did for us.

    Zev Mem.MOV

    32 584
    Don't miss out for Memorial Day! Save 15% off your entire Zelenko order using code Memorial15. 🇺🇸
    36 338
    🎉 It's here: The Official Great Awakening Trailer! The themes of this movie have evolved over the past year, as it’s become increasingly clear that the plandemic was not the agenda, but rather a way to accelerate the agenda. As we face this darkness, a worldwide awakening is inevitable. It only takes us joining and spreading this movement, one by one. 🌏 Watch and download the trailer here on Telegram, and share it far & wide! 👉 Here's the Rumble link, too: 👋 Friendly reminder: The Great Awakening's premiere is less than two weeks away, so be sure to register for The HighWire's livestream now:
    Показать полностью ...


    27 698
    Hear From the Amazing Wife of the Late Hero, Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko Rinat Lustig-Zelenko talks about the importance of the health of our children: "I want them to be emotionally healthy, physically healthy. It's a lifestyle... it's a way of being"


    31 908
    Two absolute heroes: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko General Michael Flynn
    27 350
    33 716
    Dr. Zelenko details his journey to creating Z-Stack after Cuomo banned the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. "I leaned back and I said, 'Oh my God.' I found the cure to tyranny." Follow |


    33 262
    A lot of people have been asking where they can find and follow Dr. David Martin and I can confirm to you that he did just start a new Twitter account (link below):
    24 062
    Zuckerberg lied and people died.
    Zuckerberg Defends Taking Down Hydroxychloroquine Video
    Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-WI, criticized Facebook’s decision to remove a viral video of doctors claiming hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19. CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended the decision saying that “some of the data suggests it might be harmful to people, we think we should take that down. That could cause imminent risk of harm.”
    38 460
    RECOVERY TRIAL sponsored by BILL and MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, OXFORD UNIVERSITY and GLAXOSMITHKLINE commits mass murder. Recovery murder experiment used POISONOUS and LETHAL doses of HCQ (2400mg/day). Death rate was over 25% of participants. Results—1,542 patients of these 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died. Conclusion: if you poison innocent people with lethal doses of ANY medication then they will DIE. This monstrous trial was designed to kill people and then blame HCQ for the deaths. Hey, corrupt governments and The Hague—brings these sociopaths to justice. Vladimir Zelenko MD
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    Dr. Meryl Nass Discovers Hydroxychloroquine Experiments Were Designed to Kill COVID Patients – How Many Were Murdered? - Vaccine Impact
    Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than safe of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units. The Recovery experiment sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government, was conducted at Oxford University, on 1,542 patients. Of these, 396 patients (25.7%) who were in the high dose Hydroxychloroquine arm, died. After Dr. Nass’ discovery was publicly disseminated, the WHO suspended the trial on Wednesday June 17th. On Friday, June 19th, Dr. Nass uncovered a third, “Even Worse” hydroxychloroquine experiment. REMAP targets patients who are on a ventilator, or in shock – i.e., near death. Such patients are hardly capable of giving consent. Rather than…
    34 136
    Why is CDC director Rochelle Walensky so afraid to answer these very simple questions?


    33 507
    38 856
    CHARGE!!! The US government has officially ended the Covid-19 emergency. This is the part where the enemies try to retreat and distance themselves from the tyranny, lies and crimes against humanity that they are guilty of. NEVER forget what they did because they WILL try to do this again and soon. DO NOT stop fighting to expose them. DEMAND truth and Justice. DEMAND accountability. REJECT tyranny and chose FREEDOM! CHARGE!!!
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    40 090
    Dr. Zelenko discussing kids Z-Stack gummies when the product first launched.


    31 052
    There are emerging biological terror threats. The key is not to panic but to have a rational strategy on how to deal with it. 1. Don’t trust anything WHO, AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH say. I suggest doing the exact opposite. They have consistently proven themselves to be the enemies of the people. 2. Understand that all Covid-19 strains, Flu, RSV, Marburg, and Ebola are single stranded RNA viruses that use similar pathways for replication. They use RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) to make copies of their genome. 3. Zinc inhibits RDRP. HCQ, IVM, Quercetin, and EGCG are zinc Ionophores that help zinc enter cells. My point is that having enough Zinc inside cells may help prevent and/or treat the above viruses. For more information please visit:
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    40 714
    Cuomo lied and people died.
    Chris Cuomo Warns Hydroxychloroquine Is Political Winner for Trump
    CNN's Chris Cuomo warns Trump's hydroxychloroquine treatment is a political winner, hams it up previewing Republicans attacks on Democrats as whiny 'party of no'
    32 475
    The Telegram channel is a completely fake channel. It was previously an imposter Dr. Zelenko channel before changing to this name and it has NO affiliation with the Zelenko Freedom Foundation or Dr. Zelenko. You all know the drill by now with these fake channels... please report and leave ASAP.
    24 626
    Event 201 - November 4th, 2019: Segment on counteracting disinformation. This helped pave the way for all of the unjust, tyrannical Covid censorship that we watched sweep across social media... including Twitter under the old regime. Much of this has been exposed by Matt Taibbi and others in the Twitter Files. "To me it is clear that countries to make strong efforts to manage both mis and disinformation. We know Social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. The task of identifying every bad actor is immense and experts agree that new disinformation campaigns are being generated every day. This is a huge problem that's going to keep up from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments." "If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it's the right choice." The Event 201 "hypothetical" scenario: "Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms."
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    25 079
    Today marks the three-year anniversary of Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko's monumental first video to President Donald Trump on March 21, 2020. President Trump publicly referred to both this video and a letter from Dr. Zelenko (the "doctor from New York") which helped make the world aware of Zev's extremely successful protocol for early treatment of Covid-19. This approach would later be called the "Zelenko Protocol." Countless lives were saved by using this protocol and MANY more would have been if Hydroxychloroquine wasn't sabotaged by people like Janet Woodcock and Rick Bright. They, in combination with several completely misleading/fraudulent studies (including the retracted Lancet study) were able to prevent HCQ from getting Emergency Use Authorization for early Covid treatment. Despite these nefarious actions, word of this approach was still able to spread and the Zelenko Protocol was successfully implemented in many places across this world, with great results. This video is what kick-started everything and it's a VERY important moment in history. I believe that as time goes by, more and more people will come to understand this.
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    26 745
    Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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