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How not to fall into the Friendzone, having clearly stated your intentions So how to avoid the first key, and perhaps the most frequent mistake in a relationship? Kapitanski is obvious, but you can send yourself into the Friendzone by the fact that you did not pretend to a different development of events. Your girlfriend may not even realise that you wanted to be something more than just a friend to her..... Therefore, relatives, to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings, you need to make your intentions clear to her and make sure that all your communication - verbal, non-verbal, written, etc.. - is all about what you want! This doesn't mean that you have to declare to her on the first date: "I want you to be my girlfriend!" much less repeat that phrase on every date..... But, for example, instead of telling her in a friendly way: ❌ "Come over to my place sometime..." choose the correct wording: ✔️ "I want to see you, come and visit me". Just please, no aggression! You don't have to aggressively pursue her! But she should clearly understand that you are interested in her as your girlfriend. So, never say to her: ❌ "Why don't we grab a bite to eat?" Friends have snacks... You, on the other hand, clearly bend your line: ✔️ "I want to take you out to dinner at a great Italian restaurant that you're sure to love..... Are you free this coming Friday, by the way?" Hope you got the point, folks)
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#subscriber question Let's move on to the blowjob - how to give it if the girl gets nauseous in the process? If the girl starts to vomit from trying to give you a blowjob - don't worry, it's normal at the beginning of your journey together in oral sex. There are several techniques and tricks to avoid the gag reflex, for example, you can apply pressure to the muscle between your thumb and forefinger. Once the pressure starts to build up, the gag reflex will start to go away. Also, the posture during a blowjob can affect the gag reflex, so choose one where your throat is parallel to your partner's penis. I suggest you train your gag reflex before oral sex: after brushing your teeth, try brushing your tongue with a brush, gradually going deeper and deeper.... It may not work the first time, but don't stop and keep practising! Repeat until you no longer feel nauseous. It is enough to do it 2-3 times a week for a month, and you will see the positive result - the gag reflex will become much less or will disappear altogether. Tested by me personally!
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1 699
#вопросотподписчика Перейдем к минету — как его делать, если в процессе девушку тошнит? Если девушку начинает тошнить от попытки сделать вам минет — не переживайте, это нормально в начале вашего совместного пути в оральном сексе. Существует несколько техник и приемов, чтобы избежать рвотный рефлекс, например, вы можете надавить на мышцу между большим и указательным пальцами. Как только давление начнет нарастать, рвотный рефлекс начнет уходить. Также поза во время минета может влиять на рвотный рефлекс, поэтому выберите ту, в которой горло будет параллельно пенису партнера. Предлагаю вам потренировать рвотный рефлекс перед оральным сексом: после чистки зубов попробуйте почистить язык щеткой, постепенно забираясь всё глубже и глубже... С первого раза может не получиться, но не останавливайтесь и продолжайте практиковать! Повторяйте до тех пор, пока не перестанете испытывать чувство тошноты. Достаточно делать это 2–3 раза в неделю в течение месяца, и вы увидите положительный результат — рвотный рефлекс станет намного меньше или вообще уйдет. Проверено мной лично!
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What happens to a man if he doesn't have sex for a long time Many people believe that prolonged abstinence from sex harms the body... I'm sure that's not the case! Today I propose to dispel the main myths about abstinence: ▫️Sex is for health! This phrase is uttered by those who substitute the true needs for intimacy with the desire to be with a partner at least for a while. So, if you have accumulated sexual arousal, but there is no discharge either in sex or in self-satisfaction, your body can get it on its own - orgasm often happens in a dream... ▫️Stagnation of blood Many people are sure that with prolonged abstinence, blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic region. However, if a person is aroused and blood rushes to the genitals, this does not mean that he urgently needs to get a sexual discharge. Because as soon as the degree of arousal decreases, your body will continue to work as usual...
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2 008
My favourite subscribers of this channel I hasten to remind you that Telegram released an unusual update in the summer: now you can put a paid reaction "star" on any post you like))) P.s. by the way, don't forget to update your Telegram to the latest version ❤️
1 617
Why all the muscles cramp during orgasm - During orgasm, the body experiences a strong release of hormones - oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins - that increase feelings of pleasure and cause brief but powerful muscle contractions. - These contractions are the result of activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls reflex processes such as muscle spasms. - At this point, nerve impulses originating from the spinal cord can cause muscle contractions throughout the body, including muscles in the legs, arms, face, and even the diaphragm. These contractions can be particularly intense and can cause the muscles to feel like they are "cramping".
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1 919
Self-esteem in romantic relationships Self-confidence is very influential in building a healthy relationship in a couple... An insecure partner is more prone to quarrels, unreasonable jealousy and the desire to control every move of the other half. If one of the partners in a couple has low self-esteem - the chances of building a normal relationship are 50/50. If the other partner has high self-esteem, he can help his other half to become more confident. If both partners have low and unstable self-esteem, then such relationships are doomed to failure, even if people will be together for a long time - happiness in such a couple will be catastrophically little or not at all. As a rule, partners with low self-esteem do not allow themselves to clearly and distinctly express their wishes and talk about their needs in the relationship (the need for love, care, communication, freedom, understanding, material comfort). This happens because people with low self-esteem compare and identify wishes and needs with demands, and at the same time they feel that they have no right to demand. And their partner finds it difficult to fulfil unclear wishes, so they tend to go unfulfilled..... And unfulfilled wishes are perceived as a sign of insufficient love & misunderstanding. Low self-esteem is confirmed - a person who doesn't value himself can't express his wishes, and without receiving the love he expects, he is once again convinced of his "worthlessness"...
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2 174
How to kill self-esteem - Excuse me, sorry to bother you, are you alone in here? - Yes?! - I'll take a chair, then? Thank you! Ups...


1 800
It'll break your brain Pretending you don't know won't work... Family, just think about this phrase: a man appreciates only that woman who does not need him, and a man loves only that woman who needs him. And to realise that there is no contradiction in this phrase, ask yourself the question: "What does a man need a man for?" As soon as you answer that you need a man to love and to feel needed - you are letting the masculine energy flow through you. What does the feminine answer sound like? The female answer is to bring money to the house, to protect. Why not for love? Because a woman is love, she is emotions! She gives them, not needs them.... Emotions are a man's need, as soon as a woman makes it clear that she needs a man not because she loves him, but because he is a provider, and that it will be difficult for her without him, a man emotionally starts to need a woman. And a woman needs to love herself!
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2 456
How to keep a man from cumming for hours Homies, one simple trick will help you forget about the problem of premature ejaculation forever. Why do men come quickly? The first reason The first reason why men cum quickly is lack of experience. For example, when a young man has had only a few relationships with irregular sex, with a high probability he will cum quickly and with a new girl. Why? Because he just doesn't understand how his male sexual system works yet, he doesn't know how to control his arousal. And he still has a lot of questions about it, which in the future he still has to study. The second reason The second reason why men cum quickly is a very strong arousal. When a man sees a girl he really likes, and he realises that soon he will have sex with her - arousal in such a situation is very difficult to control. By the time he gets to sex with her, the man is already so highly aroused that he will cum very quickly..... When a girl is sexy & attractive, causes a lot of positive emotions in a man, then he directly already "smokes" there everything and asks to go out. He is on fire and wants to cum as fast as possible. And this, dear, absolutely normal situation ... The third reason The next reason why a man comes quickly is psychological and physical diseases. It can be prostatitis, urethritis or, for example, psychological problems associated with childhood traumas.
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4 168


3 563
How many people in the world watch porn What do you think? Here are some entertaining statistics from Statista, a website that collects traffic data from all over the Internet. There are only four porn sites in the top 20 most visited sites in the world. The largest of these, Pornhub, is in fourth place - just behind it in fifth place is Wikipedia. Porn sites together account for an average of 26.8 billion visits per month over 2023 This means that these sites are visited 620,370 times per minute! And on average, each person spends about 18 minutes on an adult website. One last thing: there were so many videos viewed on Pornhub in 2016 that they would all fit on 194,000,000 USB sticks. If you put those USB sticks in a row, they would wrap the entire moon. So, beloved, if someone tells you that no one sits on these "sinful" websites at all, don't believe it! Now you're statistically savvy))
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4 129


3 187
Female phrases that irritate all men without exception I will give you a few stable female expressions & popular questions that take men out of mental equilibrium: "WHY DID YOU LOVE ME?" A question that always takes any man by surprise..... It is clear that your woman once again wants to make sure of her uniqueness, and therefore she expects from you a clear, original and, most importantly, honest answer. If the man at this point will be confused and will not find what to answer - the woman may hold a grudge. "AND DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY?" A question, after which any man can completely spoil the mood. Firstly, if he does not remember, it automatically puts under doubt the sincerity of his feelings for his woman. Secondly, if it is really some important date, he should have bought a gift - but for some reason forgot. In addition, in the mind of a woman any event in a relationship with a man can be special - all and do not remember. "I'VE ALREADY DONE EVERYTHING MYSELF..." After a characteristic pause after the phrase can sound another: "HOW CAN I EXPECT YOU TO..." The fact that the man could be busy at that moment, the woman does not take into account. But the man was in a hurry to help! "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING AT ALL" This phrase - the crown of female thought! Only an experienced man can foresee the moment when these words may sound, and avoid trouble ... This phrase not only pisses off most men, but literally demoralises, provokes and puts them in a stupor.
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3 711
"The future is purchased by the present." - Samuel Johnson Are you simply spending today, or investing in tomorrow? With Richard Shapiro's three decades of trading insights, transform each financial decision into a step toward a brighter, self-crafted future. _⛓ Every day, messages pour in from followers who've broken their job chains thanks to my guidance. Isn't that the best thanks for my hard work? 🔗 Shape your tomorrow. Dive into Richard's realm.\kggC9kFhMzE0
What excites women the fastest A study published in the Journal of Sexual and Family Therapy aimed to classify and systematise female orgasms. More than a thousand heterosexual women between the ages of 18 and 94 took part in the experiment. They answered questions related to sexual behaviour & arousal. The main discovery made by the scientists: vaginal sex as a way to have orgasms is overrated! Only 18.4% of the women surveyed responded that they did not need additional stimulation. 36% of women experience orgasm solely from clitoral stimulation. And another 42% said that additional clitoral stimulation increases pleasure during sex. At the same time, almost 90% of women said that they experience completely different feelings during different types of orgasm. And for only 10.8 per cent of the women surveyed, they said that orgasm is always the same sensation..... The scientists also showed both women and men a long list of different sexual activities and asked them to rate them in terms of attractiveness. Let's find out the top five: 1st place - sex (69.9 per cent) 2nd place - hugging (62.5 per cent) 3rd place - kissing during sex (49.2%) 4th place - arousing conversations during sex (46.7%) 5th place - massage (45.5 per cent). Also, the vast majority of women confirmed the fact that full foreplay increases their chances of having a cosmic orgasm many times 💦
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3 093
Simple recipes to make natural Viagra at home Now, let's take a look at some simple recipes to help you make natural Viagra at home. Watermelon-Lemon Cocktail Ingredients: 1 watermelon 1 lemon Preparation: Cut the watermelon into small pieces and remove the seeds. Squeeze the juice of the lemon into a blender. Add the watermelon slices to the blender and chop until juiced. Refrigerate and enjoy a fresh and healthy drink. Pomegranate tea with ginger Ingredients: 1 pomegranate 1 piece of ginger Honey to taste Preparation: Remove the pomegranate grains and steep them in hot water. Slice the ginger and add it to the tea. Let infuse for 5-10 minutes, add honey to taste.
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3 931
A man's secret desires in bed I dream of a trio Many men imagine a threesome in a variant - he and two incredibly hot girls. Of course, they never dare to ask their companion for it. They're afraid of making her feel that she's not enough on her own. And that they are eager to have sex with another woman and just found an excuse. Control me Asking this directly seems strange to many men. Especially if in everyday life they can hardly be called submissive partners..... But during a love game you can forget about the standard roles, swap them, and just relax to try something new... Caress him Many men do not dare to directly ask to give a blowjob, fearing in this way to offend their partner. And this, by the way, is wrong! Firstly, there is nothing sexier than frankness in expressing their desires. And, secondly, many women really like to spoil their man. Seduce me A man secretly wants a girl to open the door to him in incredibly sexy lingerie or invite him to a "special meeting" after work. He prefers not to say anything because he is shy or he doesn't want to make his girlfriend feel like she has to make an effort to turn him on....
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3 714
Causes of male infertility Part 2 -Different diseases of the endocrine system: diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, epiphysis, pancreas, pituitary gland, liver, kidneys -Overheating of the body: fever of any origin, work in high temperatures, frequent visits to baths and saunas -The use of certain medications (antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormones, anabolics) -Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins A,B,C,E,D, zinc, starvation, overeating. -Systematic stress and excessive physical exertion -Autoimmune disorders
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4 217
Causes of male infertility Part 1 A marriage is considered infertile if pregnancy does not occur after 12 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. -Sexually transmitted infections -Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system: orchitis (inflammation of the testicle), epididymitis (inflammation of the testicular appendage), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). -Developmental anomalies of the genitourinary tract -Vascular diseases: varicocele (varicose veins of the spermatic cord), atherosclerosis. -Infectious diseases: mumps, tuberculosis, brucellosis, typhoid fever, malaria, septicaemia. -Trauma to the genitals -Unfavourable environment and occupational hazards: radiation, poisoning by mercury, lead, manganese, phosphorus, carbon disulfide, ammonia, benzene, etc.
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3 509
Naughty questions for couples: a list for inspiration Native, to help you start a conversation, prepared a small list of naughty questions that you can ask your lover by correspondence. These questions will help to reveal your fantasies and preferences, as well as add passion to the relationship: Would you like to try sex in an unusual place? If so, where exactly? What role would you like to play in role-playing? What would you like me to do to you right now? Do you have a favourite position that always turns you on? What was your most daring sexual experiment?
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3 940
I'm not that girl ... who's gonna hang around your neck, wait online, text or call you by the minute. It doesn't mean I don't need you, I'm happy to have you, but it's not in my nature to chase after a guy.... I'm not the kind of person who will pay attention to a guy just because of his looks, job title or wealth. I do not like and will not look around, pay attention to other men, because if I am yours, then only yours ... I do not need gifts, trinkets for every holiday and snotty confessions every day, because I am not the one who can be won by words. I will always understand you, wait for you, if necessary.... I am a girl, the main thing for me is to be caring and affectionate towards you. I want to wait for you tired, to warm you and make you happy, not to itch above your ear that you forgot about me. Yes, I may take offence, but I have my duties.... You'll be the best for me, just let me know that! Don't lie about love. Just say it once, but sincerely... ♥️
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3 786
Foods that lower your sexual libido - Sweets It all depends exactly on the dose of sugar, because it causes a jump in insulin in the blood, which, for its part, reduces the production of testosterone. - Soy The more soya contains the product, the faster the testosterone level decreases. This is due to the phytoestrogens contained in it, which are analogues of the female hormone estrogen. - Legumes Lentils, beans, peas contain a lot of phytoestrogens. In addition, they can complicate digestion, cause abdominal bloating and flatulence.
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4 394
What is this depression after sex This phenomenon takes place. It is called - postcoital depression, in men is quite common. 1. Hormonal changes After orgasm in men, the level of hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin decreases sharply, which can cause a drop in mood. 2. Psychological factors Feelings of guilt, shame or dissatisfaction after intercourse can lead to a depressive state. 3. Fatigue The intensity and tension during sex can cause physical and emotional exhaustion. 4. Expectations not met If expectations of sex are not realised, frustration and depression can occur.
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4 710
How the symbol of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris was chosen and why it's called the "clitoris in trainers" Meet the Phrygian cap, or "frige" as the French call it. The Phrygian cap is a headdress worn by freed slaves in the ancient world. It was a soft pointed hat with the end hanging down. During the Great French Revolution, the cap became a symbol of the struggle for freedom and equality. By the way, the French themselves nicknamed the Olympic symbol "clitoris in trainers", but representatives of the feminist movement are even proud of it. They like the fact that the symbol of the country has finally become something that is associated with women, not men (remember, the Eiffel Tower, for example, is considered a phallic symbol). Sexologists are calm - such a "clitoris" will be hard to lose 🤤
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5 149
Get the kids away from the screen! I'm not kidding... Because you and I are welcoming Saturday with a fiery Zoe Kravitz in Saint Laurent's new ad campaign 🗼 10/10 ...


4 817
HOW TO FIND A MAN'S G-SPOT (ZONE) Tigers, there are two key areas worth stimulating to reach the prostate and find your G-spot: The area between the testicles and the anus The small area between the "root" of the testicles and the anus is a very sensitive spot. If you gently stimulate this area with your finger, gradually increasing the pressure, you can achieve strong and vivid sensations. Also very pleasant can be stimulation of this point with the tongue - if, of course, your girlfriend agrees to this. The wall of the rectum Since the prostate itself is located directly in the rectum, the strongest sensations can be the effect of its direct stimulation. Tigers, I tell you how you can provide prostate stimulation yourself: - Get into a comfortable position, you may need to sit or lie down - Make sure your hands are clean and apply lubricant to your finger and anus - Slowly insert your finger into your rectum - you may have to move slowly, the G-spot is usually about 4-5 centimetres away. - Press on the wall of the rectum closest to the front of your body - Feel any signs of pleasure or increased sensitivity. - Slowly and gently move your finger out of the anus. Your girlfriend can do the same. By the way, tiger, if you simultaneously stimulate the "outer" area of the prostate, between the anus and the testicles, with your other hand or tongue, the sensations will be much sharper.... Act and don't thank me!
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5 302
Top tips for passionate sex in the heat Choose sex positions correctly Guys, the worst thing you can do during the heat is to take some kind of missionary position during sex - then your bodies will definitely be in contact with each other, which will increase the temperature between you. I recommend to try doggy-style position in the heat - this position gives maximum stimulation of the G zone, while maintaining minimal contact with the body of the other half 😍 Play with ice cubes more often Temperature games are the same sexual stimulation that will give both partners a rush of unusual sensations all over the body, which in turn will lead to general arousal during foreplay 😉 Massage with sunscreen When a girl asks you to apply sunscreen on her - turn this process into a sensual foreplay. Perhaps after such a sensual "massage" you won't want to leave the room 🤤 Take action and don't say thank you!
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4 241
The 10 male fears you fear most in sex British pharmaceutical website Superdrug conducted a long-awaited survey among its two thousand customers about their biggest fears in bed, and then ranked all the horrors of sex. Turns out, women and men mostly fear pretty much the same things, but in different ways..... Let's start with the male fears you're most afraid of in sex: 🔟 After sex, I'll lose all interest in the girl and won't know what to do next 9️⃣ The girl will think I'm inexperienced. 8️⃣ My penis is too small 7️⃣ I don't know how to have sex properly. 6️⃣ I will suddenly have a problem with an erection. 5⃣ A girl won't like the way I look naked. 4️⃣ I ejaculate before my time. 3️⃣ Condom breaks / My girlfriend gets pregnant 2️⃣ The girl will not have an orgasm or will not be satisfied at all. 1️⃣ I'll get something from her....
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4 502
The 10 male fears you fear most in sex British pharmaceutical website Superdrug conducted a long-awaited survey among its two thousand customers about their biggest fears in bed, and then ranked all the horrors of sex. Turns out, women and men mostly fear pretty much the same things, but in different ways..... Let's start with the male fears you're most afraid of in sex: 🔟 After sex, I'll lose all interest in the girl and won't know what to do next 9️⃣ The girl will think I'm inexperienced. 8️⃣ My penis is too small 7️⃣ I don't know how to have sex properly. 6️⃣ I will suddenly have a problem with an erection. 5⃣ A girl won't like the way I look naked. 4️⃣ I ejaculate before my time. 3️⃣ Condom breaks / My girlfriend gets pregnant 2️⃣ The girl will not have an orgasm or will not be satisfied at all. 1️⃣ I'll get something from her....
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This AI follows your fantasies 🍓💦 BDSM with a shy roommate or a blowjob from the devil herself? Sex GPT is designed for your pleasure. Play now for free –
3 mistakes in bed Who else but me will tell you what NOT to do in bed? That's right, no one... That's why I've compiled for you a list of the most popular mistakes men make in sex. Especially, I often notice them in those couples where the relationship lasts for several years: - No feedback Some men are so silent, which really annoys girls. Not a word, not a sound... Remember that girls need feedback. - Taking porn as a model When in bed demand a girl to do what she's seen in porn. But it's not a model, and you shouldn't be orientated to it. - Monotony in bed When the same techniques and methods are used, and all this lasts for many years. The girl becomes bored and uninterested. In fact, everything is very simple! Avoiding these mistakes is quite realistic, so I write you a lot of useful things! Especially everything is detailed in my author's books! You, by the way, you can buy the one you need the most. Or all at once 😈
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4 189
Your summer of experiences Summer transforms the whole world around us, and even ourselves... Do you agree with me? We become more sensitive to beautiful moments: the scents of various flowers and trees, cityscapes buried in the green of cool foliage, and the sound of the sea driving us crazy. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy outdoor photography. Have an atmospheric photo party in nature... And then organise the most vivid & memorable shots in a photo book) My recommendations...


4 004
What are the ideal sex positions for different penis sizes? The right sex position increases the likelihood of achieving orgasm, and for both partners. Here's what to choose depending on the size of your penis: 🍌 Medium size (12-18cm) Chances are, your favourite position is the most suitable one..... Still, medium most often means 'common', and most of the most popular sexual positions became that way precisely because they suited most men and their women. 🍌 Larger than average (22cm or more) The main rule is don't skip foreplay: it's important that your woman's vagina is properly dilated from arousal, as well as sufficiently moisturised. By the way, just in case, keep some lubricant handy - it will probably come in handy.... I advise you to favour "woman on top" positions - this will make it easier for your woman to control the depth of penetration. 🍌 Smaller than normal (11cm or less) If your penis is 11cm or less, opt for man-back positions - they allow for deeper penetration. It will also be good if immediately after penetration, the woman squeezes her gluteal muscles - this will make your contact tighter and the pleasure for both of you - more passionate & sensual...
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4 900
Mistakes most men make when using a condom A condom is the most reliable means of contraception, but only if you use it correctly! Putting it on too late Oddly enough, many men put on a condom during intercourse. This, of course, helps to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy, although it is not as effective as if you use the contraceptive immediately, but it certainly does not save you from unwanted infections. Unwrap before putting it on The condom should be carefully rolled along the entire length of the penis, but, strangely enough, some men prefer to roll the product first and then pull it over the penis. Of course, this strange method increases the risk of condom breakage. Leaving air inside Before putting on the condom, you need to gently squeeze its tip with your fingers to let the air out.... Then, when putting it on, leave the tip free - that's where the sperm will be released. If you do not do this, the condom may break at the most inopportune moment. Late withdrawal After ejaculation, the size of a man's penis shrinks, but... the condom remains the same size and the semen inside can simply leak out. So, folks, it's important to leave the "scene of the action" in time - for your overall safety! Putting it on inside out If you accidentally put the condom on the wrong side, you should not turn it inside out and put it back on again: pre-ejaculate containing sperm may remain on the walls.
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4 866
Touch your crotch The area between the testicles and the buttocks is one of the few highly erogenous areas of a man's body that responds well to sexual stimulation. Many men claim that by applying pressure to this area, they can experience multiple orgasms..... This is because this way you can stimulate your prostate gland from the outside through the perineum. So the next time you have intercourse or oral sex, ask the woman you love to place a finger or two on this area and press on it until you feel a mind-blowing orgasm coming on....
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4 418
Impotence can start in the head Potency problems can have psychological causes, such as insecurity, depression, stress and depression. When these problems occur, symptoms including reduced fertility, weak erections, lack of pleasure in sex and problems with ejaculation may occur. Blood tests for hormones, ultrasound of the penile vessels and an ECG can be done to detect these problems. But don't worry guys, such diseases are treatable. They usually require complex treatment, including physiotherapy and psychotherapy. It is important to consult a specialist and find a suitable treatment method to restore potency and improve the quality of your sex life.
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5 057
How the love of cleanliness is linked to sexual arousal If you constantly feel the urge to dust, tidy up - it's a reason to think ... Compulsive cleanliness can be a symptom of mental disorders. Why does it happen? In the most serious cases, the urge to clean can be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Usually, this compulsive desire is associated with increased levels of anxiety, sexual arousal, or aggression. In such cases, levels of the hormones dopamine, norepinephrine and cortisol rise. You may experience internal tension that can only be relieved through compulsive behaviours. If you are suffering from unspent sexual energy, this can also increase your stress levels. To cope with it, you try to distract yourself by doing monotonous activities. Cleaning, laundry and other household chores are great for this, helping you to switch off your brain and... distract yourself. distract yourself. How to understand that it is a disease? There is a special disorder - ripophobia. People suffering from this disorder are afraid to touch objects on the street, at home or maniacally obsessed with cleanliness. Such diseases are associated with a violation of psycho-emotional regulation. It indicates that you do not accept certain thoughts, regarding them as bad and try to destroy them through action, for example, the urge to clean...
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4 399
I adore Chanel men's fragrances In the role of the face of Bleu De Chanel fragrance, and what can I say in other roles, Gaspar Houliel was obscenely good 💔 But life had a different order... A new hero in the person of Timothee Chalamet began to carry this burden honourably, of course, under the supervision of Martin Scorsese. Chanel has provided a teaser commercial for the new fragrance) Enjoy... Bleu De Chanel is a masculine fragrance with woody accents and freshness of grapefruit, lemon and mint, tartness of pepper and spiciness of nutmeg and musk. It unrealistically complements the image of a stylish and self-confident man, ready to conquer any peak and the heart of the beloved woman who will be crazy about his fragrance ...
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4 039
When is the best time to have sex Morning, afternoon, evening, night... Is there any fundamental difference for the body? Well, at least for the female body - there is. Now you'll find out why... Here we need to remember, as I have told you many times, about the need for relaxation and a kind of preparation for intimacy for women. Our arousal doesn't appear at the snap of our fingers - it needs TIME. That's why it's not good for us in the morning, when the body is still "asleep". Women's libido peaks in the evening - it's a fact. But for men, it's the opposite! You are more suited to the morning, although for you it's not so fundamental. Yes, somehow nature has unsynchronised us. But this problem is very easy to solve - just warm up the girl. With long foreplay, massage and oral caresses... After that, arousal is GUARANTEED!
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4 312
It smells like sex in here The world of smells has its own secrets of sexuality..... It turns out that they can not only evoke memories, but also awaken an unprecedented sexual desire! Men, for example, even though they can't distinguish complex flavours very well, but vanilla beckons them... Its sweet smell promises them not only pleasure, but also prosperity. No less attractive was the aroma of musk, which creates an aura of charm, as well as jasmine, which has a positive effect on libido! And women, it turns out, love the smell of fresh baked goods.... Who would have thought it? And we also love the natural smell of a man's body odour, especially if it's slightly muted by perfume water. By the way, even odourless pheromones we can smell too..... Incredible, isn't it? So, sweeties, let's experiment with fragrances and find the ones that suit you best. After all, the right scent can be part of your unique sexiness...
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4 137
2024 will be the most profitable year in crypto🚀 Take advantage of this opportunity. You can increase your capital by simply following . His analysis is often copied by many other crypto channels. Crypto Baron provides daily market analysis and coins projected to generate hundreds percent of profit this year! Subscribe: 👉🏼
The main problem with which men come to me for counselling is Erectile dysfunction... Yes, I still haven't brought this up yet - it's about time. Simply put, erectile dysfunction is a situation where "he didn't get it up again". A man undresses his girlfriend, full foreplay, he WANTS sex. At the same time erection is good, constant, strong, but as soon as it comes to the most important .... The erection's all gone. And in the mind of a man like that, it's like, "I'm in serious trouble." Now before every intimacy he's thinking "just to get it up". But those thoughts are the problem - you have to think about SEX. About how you want it, where and in what positions. Because of the thoughts "let's get up, get up" man switches off from the process of interaction with the girl - does not tune in to receive pleasure. THAT is almost always where the problem lies! Tigers, I certainly hope you don't have this problem, but ... I will remind you that the main thing in sex is the pleasure and not only of women - yours too))
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3 873
The word "charm" is derived from the word "flattery" ... and meant "seduction, seduction, deception." This concept was associated with unclean powers and seduction by evil spirits. And since captivate pleasure and beautiful visions was much more profitable for the evil forces (according to the ideas of most people), and attractive things began to be called charm.


4 117
This AI follows your fantasies 🍓💦 BDSM with a shy roommate or a blowjob from the devil herself? Sex GPT is designed for your pleasure. Play now
It has been revealed how much the world's first nudist tour on the Big Nude Boat cruise ship will cost The nudist cruise will depart from Miami in February 2025 and will last a full 11 days... The cruise route will take you through the Caribbean. The price of pleasure for one person - from $2000 to $33000. By the way, for the initial price is offered a cabin inside the liner, and the most expensive are three-room villas. Guests will only be required to observe etiquette - to dress in restaurants, sit on towels by the pool, not to film passengers without their consent, not to be naked in front of other ships in the port and behave decently in public places. While sailing, holidaymakers will be able to enjoy turquoise water, scorching sunshine and engage in water sports... According to the organisers, the ship has enough space for 2,300 people. There's an outdoor deck, plenty of restaurants with French, Italian, Brazilian and Asian cuisine, as well as a spa, shops, evening bars and a casino... "The Naked Party" has taken it to the next level 😅
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3 850
⚠️Sick of scrolling through endless images hoping to find the girl of your dreams?🤩 With Maxtor, our bot for creating ultra-realistic women, you can finally bring your desires to life by creating the girl you've always dreamed of. And that's not all - you can customize every detail of the image! To get started, you have 3 free trial attempts🎁 It's up to you 👉 😈
All out or positions for sex in camping conditions Going to spend a weekend with your girlfriend in the countryside? Then you will definitely benefit from my useful tips on sex positions: 1. Levitating love Put two folded sleeping bags on the floor next to each other. The girl lies on them with her back so that her head and feet are on the floor. You lie on top with your legs "hugging" the sleeping bags. The slight movements of your "bed" in tact add to both of you very unusual sensations. I recommend it! 2. Silence in the sleeping bag Put your sleeping bags together, climb inside with your beloved, assume the "spoon" pose and try to move as slowly and quietly as possible. See if you can manage not to make a sound... 3. Tantric triangle Lie on your side facing each other, with the girl's arms around your neck and her upper leg thrown over your thigh. Move gently, adjusting the intensity with your legs, shortly before orgasm "unhook" and sleep in your arms. And so repeat several times during the night! In the morning you will both be waiting for incredible sensations! 4. Sparkling cuddles In nature - open a side window in the tent to see a burning fire (if you are in the house - candles will do). The girl lies on her stomach, legs straightened and interlocked, you hug her from above. The legs can be moved back and forth to vary the sensations of penetration. As you turn your head, you can both see the fire burning. Romance! What did you think? Was it helpful? From you ♥️, if YES!
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4 113
5 drinks best not to consume before sex Alcohol Excess alcohol can negatively affect sensitivity, including a man's potency. Energy drinks Due to the high amount of sugar and caffeine in energy drinks, libido can suffer. Coffee Has a diuretic effect, increases the stress hormone and can negatively affect the general health. Therefore, on the day of the date - no more than 2 cups in the morning hours. Peppermint tea Contains phytoestrogen - a plant analogue of female sex hormones, which, when taken in large doses, reduces testosterone levels. Tonic Contains quinine, which lowers testosterone and affects sperm quality. Anyway, love, if you're thirsty, drink water. Nothing has been invented better than water!
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3 815
How your body tells you that you urgently need sex - symptoms to look out for Deciphering our body's secret signals: Lowering your pain threshold Any injury or scratch becomes more tangible. All because of the lack of special hormones - endorphins, they are produced during sex and act on the analogue of morphine. You're often sick Sex improves immunity, which means that the risk of catching a virus is reduced. It is scientifically proven that people who have regular sex have 30 per cent more antibodies in their body than those who do not have sex. Insomnia Think why men fall asleep immediately after intercourse? It's all about oxytocin, a hormone produced during orgasm that has a strong calming effect. The next time you can't fall asleep at night, or you get upset about nothing at work, think about it, maybe you just don't get enough sex and your body is pointing it out. Poor perception of information Distractedness and poor memory are also secret body signals that indicate you just need sex. Because during orgasm blood circulation in the body occurs at the maximum permissible speed, as a result, the brain is enriched with more oxygen, begins to work much better. You're seeing rapid skin aging During sexual intercourse in the body increases the amount of collagen, which means that it improves skin elasticity and reduces the number of wrinkles on the face, it is enough to have sex 3-4 times a week.
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5 171
Always choose the person who chooses you every time..... you Even in the most difficult moments, choose that person who is with you, who is there for you when you're in a bad mood. Choose the one who knows your character, and knows your problems every time. Choose the one who sees only you in the crowd and chooses you, because your man is the one who sees no one but you in his path. And he is the kind of man who will leave his comfort, for your comfort, will leave his happiness, for your happiness. He will leave everything, even the world and everything in this world, for you to be happy. He chose you because you always come first for him. So choose the person who always chooses you ♥️
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5 082
Scientists have discovered which feature of a man's physique attracts most women without fail Girls prefer men who have a certain body part that is longer than normal. And that, by the way, is not what you're probably thinking! Broad shoulders... Muscular torso... Square chin..... Bye-bye, sweeties, all bye-bye! The Royal Society Open Science journal recently published a study that found out what it is that women are attracted to in a man's physique. Scientists measured the proportions of 9000 men and generated a model of the average man's figure. And further with this model began to make manipulations - lengthened her arms or legs, increased the head, drew large palms - in general, mocked from the heart. After that, the average model, as well as its various modifications were presented to the judgement of several hundred women. They were asked to choose the figure they found most attractive. The result was surprisingly obvious: women were irresistibly attracted to the male silhouette, which had legs longer than normal! Arms, head, palms - none of that matters! Long legs, however, turned out to be of great importance. Women found the ideal silhouette to be a man whose legs took up about half the length of his body. This is slightly longer than the average result. Interestingly, the degree of attractiveness of the man immediately decreased if his lower limbs were too long..... Conclusion: everything is good in moderation!
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5 441
Travel model Lily Rain earns about 20,000 dollars a month However, as it turned out, this girl does not exist in real life ... In the network is gaining popularity account of another model Lily Rain, generated by artificial intelligence. It is known that the girl comes from Austria, she is 19 years old. Subscribers pay Lily for unusual locations, which she shares on the Fanvue platform - it is there you can subscribe to access to the publications of the travel model and learn new places to travel ... Lily's creators believe that in the future neural networks will be able to replace all real models: paying for the labor of living people is much more expensive than artificial intelligence. "Do you also believe that girls like Lily, generated by artificial intelligence, can replace real models?" ♥️ - Oh, yeah, there's definitely something about AI-generated girls.... 🔥- No, AI-generated girls are definitely not capable of replacing real models...
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4 249
Men and women have different preferences as to where they like to cum during sex A study conducted by Bad Girls Bible found that 26.6% of men prefer to cum on their partner's breasts. The stomach is an unpopular place to ejaculate, with only 7.4% of men responding. The pubis was cited as a preferred location by 14.4% of men. Some men prefer to cum anywhere: the floor, napkins, or underwear. 42% of men want to cum on their partner's face. Almost 92% of men prefer to cum in the vagina.
4 614
🌎 Live streaming webcams of the world, which will give you the opportunity to travel live 👉 Join: We add new cameras daily Subscribe to the channel and watch the cameras 🇷🇺 Russia 🇺🇸 USA 🇩🇪 Germany 🇺🇦 Ukraine 🇯🇵 Japan and other countries… 👀


How to find a man's G-spot (zone) There are two key areas worth stimulating to reach the prostate and find your G-spot: The area between the testicles and the anus The small area between the "root" of the testicles and the anus is a very sensitive spot. If you gently stimulate this area with your finger, gradually increasing the pressure, you can achieve strong and vivid sensations. Also very pleasant can be stimulation of this point with the tongue - if, of course, your girlfriend agrees to this. The wall of the rectum Since the prostate itself is located directly in the rectum, the strongest sensations can be the effect of its direct stimulation. I tell you how you can provide prostate stimulation yourself: - Get into a comfortable position, you may need to sit or lie down - Make sure your hands are clean and apply lube to your finger and anus - Slowly insert your finger into your rectum - you may have to move slowly, usually the G-spot is located about 4-5 centimeters away. - Press on the wall of the rectum closest to the front of your body - Feel any signs of pleasure or increased sensitivity - Slowly and gently move your finger out of the anus. Your girlfriend can do the same. By the way, if you simultaneously stimulate the "outer" area of the prostate, between the anus and testicles, with your other hand or tongue, the sensations will be much sharper ... Act and don't thank me!
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4 349
What makes men & women sexually attractive This question was tried to answer by experts who have studied a number of scientific works on this topic..... So, among the things that make a woman pay attention to a particular man, you can, first of all, highlight the voice. According to a study conducted at the University of Aberdeen, women are more often attracted to men with a low timbre of voice. The same team of scientists found that in developed countries women increasingly prefer effeminate men with full lips, soft oval face and rounded cheekbones, rather than macho men with a square jaw, low brow and a mountain of muscles. Scientists have come to the conclusion that women like men in red, which in their eyes are more desirable, sexy and masculine. Women are less interested in smiling, happy men, they prefer proud and arrogant representatives of the stronger sex. By the way, scars really adorn men, and many women find men with scars on their faces irresistible. As for male preferences, psychologists from the University of Rochester confirmed that red-colored clothes make a woman especially attractive to most men. That said, modern men are not too much in love with women who shine with a sense of humor. Full lips and bright lipstick are still in fashion: men, as before, are attracted to women with bright lipstick painted lips and... with dark or brown hair.
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4 306
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