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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
DAVE & ALL of Y’ALL❣️ NO MORE CICADAS! I AM FREE❣️ Unaware of tinnitus all day today. I have had intermittent silence since listening to Dave’s video many times a couple of years ago. But never for more than an hour or two…which I was thrilled about. Last night I did the emotional healing around the incident when the heavy wood cabinet fell & crashed onto my head. Afterward I re-listened to tinnitus video with no immediate change in symptoms. Today was a busy day with lots of distractions so it was this evening when I sat down to relax that I realized that it’s gone! Usually the evening & bed time is when the noise is loudest, often making falling asleep a challenge. Thanks everyone so much for your prayers & advice about adding emotional healing to the video. Dave, you truly are a blessing. I pray for you & Denise every night.
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3 373
I will be live with Mary Grace Saturday at Noon Eastern.
7 290
Email Testimony Hi Dave, Just wanted to share a testimony. Two days ago, a friend of mine who works as a carer told me about a negative experience she has a couple of weeks back. So she woke up in the morning and found her client dead facing the floor, and when she turned the body around and saw the face, she had a panic shock, and she froze for some seconds. She said since that event she has been feeling afraid whenever she is alone, especially at night, and she keeps having flashes of it all. So I told her we needed to pray immediately about this before an evil spirt takes this further. Last night I called her up, then I prayed first and asked God for His presence that delivers and sets free, and I asked her to sit still and think about the experience and tell me what she felt, she said she was afraid again, and she was feeling guilty of it even though she wasn't. Then I told her to repeat the prayers after me "Lord Jesus, I open my soul to you, and I ask you to take away this negative emotion of fear and guilt, heal my soul of the wounds, and make my soul whole again". After she said all that with me, I asked her to breathe out, exhale through her mouth as well. Then I asked her to think about the experience again, and she began to laugh and shout over the phone. She was set free instantly. She expressed how she thought I was going to lead her through a series of praying and spiritual cleansing. Furthermore, she still could not believe how easy it was to be free from that… Praise God.!! Really appreciate you for your support. I'm still watching the videos and I will keep sharing the testimonies as I go. Regards A.J
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11 405
Email Testimony From: Pam Hi PM, About couple weeks ago I had sent you an urgent prayer request for my sister who was diagnosed with dengue fever. She was in a critical condition as her platelets were down to 8000 /uL (normal range is between 140,000-400,000 per uL). She was admitted to the ICU. She was in the ICU overnight and got a couple transfusions which brought her platelet level up to 22,000 and then slowly to 40,000. Usually, the hospital would keep her admitted and under observation until the platelet count crossed at least a 100,000u/L. But the whole city where she lives had come down with dengue and all the hospitals were overwhelmed. So they discharged her at 40,000 u/L to make room for other critically ill patients. She was not in a good way and had weakness, dizziness, blurry vision and a whole host of symptoms. She could not eat or hold anything down. They told her to be very careful and to not even brush her teeth so that she would not accidentally bleed to death. They told her it would take couple weeks at least for her to recover . In the meantime I requested you to pray for her miraculous healing (sometime in the afternoon our time which would have been nightfall in India). I determined in my heart that as soon as you came in agreement with me for her healing it is done and I prophesied to her that her platelet levels would be completely normal within 48 hours. You responded back saying you were praying for her. The next morning (India time) a nurse came home to get a blood sample to test for platelets. Later that afternoon she got the results - platelets were at 148,000 u/L literally overnight - now just how AWESOME is our Abba Father!! That was a certified STUNNING miracle... and she acknowledges it (she is not a believer but I have been ministering to her). And that's not all, she was back to normal within 3-4 days and actually traveled to a different city last week to take care of business. I just want to testify to the faithfulness of our Lord! Hallelujah!
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12 019
June 17, 2024
19 150
Email Testimony Thanks Dave! I have just been told that Mauro, for whom you prayed is better!! :)! God bless you and Denise Laura
13 862
Supernatural Saturday - September 14, 2024

Supernatural Saturday September 14 2024-720.m4v

18 350
The Supernatural Saturday Livestream begins at 1 pm eastern. Join by clicking the link at the top of the channel.
Praying Medic
The official Telegram channel of Praying Medic.
18 917
Supernatural Saturday returns tomorrow at 1 pm Eastern. (It will be question and answer)
17 645
Email Testimony From: Linda I contacted you last fall to pray for my 21 year old son... who was depressed/anxious and had devolved into a cocaine problem to try and cope while away at college. I am happy to report he is drug free and even off of the prescription anti-depressants they put him on for 3 months while he did intense therapy. He is happier than I've seen him in quite some time and just started back to school (here instead of away) and says the cravings have completely gone away and said his brain is "working again"! Praise the lord. Thank you SOOOO much for all that you do.
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19 332
Email Testimony Dear PM, I'm writing to share wonderful news! Rod is improving! Since you prayed for him, he went from planning his funeral to talking about joining a gym for regular exercise! All in one morning lol! He's frail yet for such a large man, but remarkably improving! GOD is so GOOD! Regarding Darryl, I felt an immediate weight, a dark oppression lift away the day you prayed for him, and left with a light feeling of faith and hopefulness! Just this week he was offered a position close to home as a GM over something he is passionate about, and allows him flexibility to spend time with and support his family! Additionally, my daughter (his wife) was offered a nearby position as well, a raise of $6,000 per year! no more commuting! I cannot thank you enough for your prayers! Each of them were feeling defeated, depressed and lacking confidence. The LORD turned each of them, an immediate about face, utter relief and joy in accepting change for the best! Thank you YESHUA, what an amazingly wonderful GOD you are!!! All PRAISE and GLORY in your name! I continue to keep you and Denise in prayer, blessings and prosperity to you both! I found your GIVESENDGO page, an important reminder to share in our blessings! Thank you again! Maralee
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21 165
So happy for you! I suffered for years with ulcerative colitis and was eventually diagnosed with crones. I lost 70 pounds, getting down to 95 pounds. At a friend’s suggestion, I went to a functional medicine doctor who uses applied kinesiology. He immediately diagnosed me with parasites. Long story short, with oral treatments and lots of prayer, I was healed and have not had a single symptom or flare up since 2008. God is good! I wonder sometimes if others actually have parasites and are not diagnosed correctly. Might be something to look into. Blessings!
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21 819
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I received your email saying you were praying for me and I have to praise Jesus as I have improved significantly! I've had Chron's disease and fibromyalgia for over 30 years with a recent flare that was unbearable for the last 3 months. I've worked through emotional healing with your book and videos but within a few days of your email, I have improved by at least 75%. I've lost over 20 pounds in the last few months because I couldn't eat and the pain was out of control. I'm happy to report I've been able to eat over the last few days and actually have an appetite. I know your prayers and the power of our Lord will get me back to 100%. Bless you and Denise for your teaching, I've grown so much closer to Jesus as a result. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! In Christ's love, Marcy
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20 604
Very cool.
Gross but kind of cool testimony. My oldest has been sick for about 5-6 days. Fever, stomach upset, tired. I prayed over her when she first got sick and I continued to pray over the course of days. One thing I prayed was to command parasites to die. I was getting discouraged because she wasn’t getting better. Whatever this is, it just lingers and she feels rotten. She’s actually been getting sick off and on the last few months. Which makes my mom senses perk up that something is not right. Tonight I’m pretty sure that there were some parasites eliminated from her body! 😳 I heard Papa say, “You commanded them to die, didn’t you? They died the moment you commanded them to. It takes time to get them worked out of her system.” Oh me of little faith! Just because she didn’t get better instantly, I assumed that my prayers were hitting the ceiling. I apologized. 😁 God is good!
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21 133
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I was using a serum to help my eyelashes grow. It wasn't working at all for a very long time. I listened to the women's health issue prayers and boom, they started to noticeably grow. So, thank you! Thank you and God Bless! Joanne
Female Health Problems Healing Prayer
In this video, I pray for the healing of a variety of female health problems. My ministry website:
20 252
Praying Medic & Desert Flashpoint Discuss The Creative Process


18 489
Email Testimony From: Amanda Just want to give you feedback about my daughter Ami. She was delivered three weeks ago. I can not stop looking at her. She is free from suicide, selfharm, and depression that nearly destroyed her for the past 7 years. She is reading and studying her bible with a big smile. She has peace in her heart for the first time! She is a new person. Born again. Thank you for praying for her!! God is so good! God bless you.
20 356
Email Testimony Praying Medic, My husband is not a believer. He’s also asleep. These last 4 years have been so hard. Our sound bar for our TV died. We spend a few days trying to fix it. We were at it again this morning. I finally asked for tech angels to help and restore it. And I commanded in the name, power and authority of Jesus to work. A few minutes later my husband tried it again and it worked! All praise and glory to GOD. I’m praying that this is another seed that will open his eyes to our GOD! This is thanks in part to your teaching. Thank you so much for what and Denise do and following GOD’S will. Bless you both and much love. Erica
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19 607
Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
14 258
Email Testimony From: Natalie and Kazuko Praying Medic, I am in Japan with Kazuko and there was a typhoon that was supposed to rip through Okayama, Japan. Last night (August 30th), was supposed to be the worst part of it. It was being said that it was going to be as devastating as the one in 2018. However, a few days before it began, Kazuko and I went out on her front porch and commanded it to not reach Okayama, in the Name of Jesus! As it was progressing towards us, God began to work. At most, we were given wind and rain, but nothing dangerous or serious! I took pictures of the radar over Japan all the way through the typhoon. It was amazing, and quite funny, to see God working on our behalf! The typhoon MUST listen to us, it is our birthright as the children of God. On the radar, there was a big circle around our area where the heavy storms, high winds and rain couldn’t hit. God was protecting Okayama just as we asked Him to. The circle never disappeared throughout the entire typhoon! And now, the morning after, it is sunny skies! Thank you Father God! P.S. I have pictures for proof!
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19 699
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I wanted to let you know that by Sunday evening the knee pain had gone. (Still having issues with the cardiologist.) I was amazed that I had been living with knee pain for a couple of years and God healed it. I have signed up for your and look forward to learning more about the gifts God has given to us through the spiritual world. Thank you very much for your prayers. Heart tests wont be finished until the end of September. I will let you know how it is going then. May God bless you and Denise always. Helen
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Divine Healing Class Registration - Praying Medic
18 294
Email Testimony From Cindy Hi Dave, The praise report is that I had you pray for my back right upper tooth that due to a crown had a space between that tooth and the tooth next to it. Food got caught in it and would touch a nerve that affected the whole upper side of my teeth. I had great pain until I could get the food out. There was like a ledge that would cause food to get trapped. I have my whole gone to the dentist and enjoy teeth cleanings. My dentist said the only way to fix it was to put in a new crown which he didn’t want to do unless absolutely necessary. I asked you to pray and since then no pain. Even if food got caught it didn’t hurt and I can easily floss. About a week later it tried to act up but I told pain and inflammation to go and that’s been it for about a month. Yeah 🥳 Thank you Jesus!
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19 622
Email Testimony Dear Praying Medic, Good day. I write to thank God Almighty for granting my children and I divine faour at our Visa interview. I submitted a prayer request to you a few days ago requesting for prayers for God's divine faour at the Embassy for Visas for my children and I. I am grateful that God has granted us the Visas yesterday Monday, August 26, 2024. All glory and praises to God Almighty now and forever more , Amen God bless your lovely family and Ministry in Jesus Christ Name, Amen Regards
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19 696
Email Testimony Hi PM, Last Saturday, I asked you to pray for the strife with my sister that I haven’t been able to get free of….yet. You said you’d pray for me. Last Sunday during church, Holy Spirit gave me a memory of when my sister and I were young. It humbled me and I wept, confessed my participation in sin and asked for forgiveness and to be unhooked from this in Jesus Name! A humility came towards my sister that’s never happened before. I saw her as a 12 year old trying to survive. The strife inside of me has subsided and I have a new view of her with more compassion. I’m asking Holy Spirit to keep pulling back the layers of hurt from my sister on my soul. Could you please pray with me? I want inner freedom and acceptance of my sister as she is. Warmly, J
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20 174
Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
21 506
I will be live with Mary Grace at 1 pm Eastern
MARY GRACE: Conspiracy of Truth Ep 18 ~ FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition wPraying Medic
Mary Grace and Praying Medic will be discussing latest developments in national and world events, including of course the 2024 election and the looming threat of WW3. This is a live, unscripted show a
25 105
This video explains the process I use for healing.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Healing and Miracles
A discussion about releasing power and exercising authority for healing and creative miracles.
23 559
Email Testimony Hi Dave, My dog had been vomiting frequently over a period of days and I was concerned about her and what may be causing her discomfort. I did some online research and slowly introduced a bland diet after she fasted. Nothing seemed to work and I started to get worried. Using power and authority to heal has really interested me over the last couple of years. I’ve done a lot of learning about it and practiced a little, but hadn’t commanded healing for anything so worrisome. Something inside me said, “Pray for her” so I thought I would give it a shot. I told my dog to lay down and I rubbed my hands from her head to her feet as I prayed. I followed your instructions and commanded healing for the multiple things I read online that could cause of the issue. I am happy to report that my dog has had absolutely no issues since that day. She’s back to her normal self, eating and drinking, and playing endlessly with her tennis ball. God is amazing! I have more confidence now and know that I have more work to do. Thank you so much for sharing what you have learned so that the rest of us can also enjoy the gifts God has given us. God Bless, Angie
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20 707
Email Testimony From Haili 😮 My husband just got a call and immediate offer letter to work overtime at a place he worked at long ago!!!!! We both watched your video separately. The call came right after he did. You have a real gift from God. Thank you
20 926
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