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Serene has come under serious attack from the Victorian Government and its regulators, Judges of the family court and other courts for her role in challenging the pedophile system that runs Australia. This platform is about exposing this underbelly. 
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👆👆👆👆love the work of Did You Know! 9/11 showed me how dumb people really were. Basic thermodynamic- planes don’t appear and disappear in shadows- and then melt instantaneously into steel frames. It is outrageous- of course there were no planes- it was a holographic use of imagery with directed energy weapons. Controlled detonation requires the use of so many detonators on every floor and the building would not free fall. This was the broadcasting of the New World Order and the use of directed energy weapons at the base of the buildings to create pulverisation of metal. Literally people were wt the base of the building and remained unscathed as they were covered by pulverised metal. Such technologies are hard to imagine but that is exactly what they are. Vaccines are also a form of directed energy weapons that detonate and heat cells in response to frequencies. Brilliant analysis using maths and science:
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Math Easy Solutions
Browse the most recent videos from channel "Math Easy Solutions" uploaded to
✈️Volumetric Image Projection on 9/11 (Clip from Censored Documentary) A short clip from the 9/11 Alchemy - A Big Idea documentary which YouTube removed for "Hate Speech", focusing on the very likely advanced image projection technology used on 9/11... Watch video . Follow us
The Labor and Liberal politicians set to make $millions from the AUKUS money train. The AUKUS scam exposed Liberal Party and Labor Party former politicians, such as Scott Morrison, Joe Hockey and former WA Premier Mark McGowan are lining up to cash in on Australia’s defence spending which is expected to double and hit $100 billion a year. At the top of the list for greedy former politicians is the $368 billion AUKUS submarine deal between Australia, the US and UK. Anyone who has watched the AUKUS deal knows it is a huge fraud and it is nothing more than a massive slush fund for corrupt politicians to make a lot of money and that is what we’ll look at in this article.... Read more Follow us
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BREAKING: A bombshell review by a former police assistant commissioner says Daniel and Catherine Andrews’ crash with a teenage cyclist was covered up “to avoid implicating a political figure”. Follow us


Sometimes the best way forward is to go back 👏 Follow us


Oh my Lord 🙏🙏🙏
Breaking News: 23-Year-Old In Grave Condition
“It’s just been really, truly a nightmare” — This is Alexis Lorenze, a 23-year-old woman who experienced a serious reaction within minutes of getting three s...
Wow they are so kind to the indigenous 🤢 Absolute charlatans the lot of them!
Nothing is unconnected- this clearly demonstrates the rot that is our legal, policing, prosecutorial, union and judicial institutions. End outcome criminals release Police compromised Prosecutors becoming judges and Criminals getting rewarded by union mates and construction deals And Government covering up the rot While innocent people get pursued and prosecuted by these clowns and their regulators
Not everyone likes Keza: I didn’t say it Gavo did! 😂😂😂
We have seen this before with Judge Clare- the old DPP as the head judge! Sick stuff!
The old put the DPP as the head honcho of the Supreme Court trick:
Promoting mates and incompetence:
Victoria's chief prosecutor hits back at claims she should have authorised Lawyer X scandal charges
Victoria's director of public prosecutions Kerri Judd has rejected criticism that she should have authorised criminal charges over the Lawyer X scandal.
Whatever happened to the criminal prosecution of Gobbo and the police commissioners responsible for this scandal well this lovely lady that was the DPP but yesterday, fortuitously, was promoted to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Australia felt that criminal prosecutions would not be secured 🤪🤪🤪 Really? Well the Victorian Government has now ensured that its top DPP that covered up the crimes of Gobbo and senior police commissioners and possibly prosecutors is now top judge in the Supreme Court that is meant to have ahhhh separation of powers 😂😂😂😂
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Is this the same Faruk aka Frankie that is making deal with footballers and ex-AFP commissioners to take the sweet spots on construction jobs through the CFMEU unions that never end? 😂😂😂😂
The footballer, the underworld and the union deal
When Faruk Orman and ex-AFL player Kayne Pettifer aligned to secure a firm with CFMEU support, it was a case study in underworld figures monetising union backing.
Meanwhile Victorian Government tries to pass laws to create immunity from civil compensation claims against it from members of the underworld and Gobbo and other lawyer informants 🤪🤪🤪🤪 The law does pass creating an upper limit of $1m 😂😂😂😂
👆👆👆👆Remember this a few weeks ago- all those criminal underworld characters that were released from jail because of compromised trials that saw police and prosecution use Gobbo (the lawyer for the underworld) as an informant- well they are now hired by the CFMEU to be rewarded for construction jobs 😂😂😂😂
60 minutes strikes again:
Construction companies’ dirty dealings with bikies and underworld identities | 60 Minutes Australia
A major investigation by Nick McKenzie reveals the menacing workings of Australia’s most militant and out of control union. ► WATCH Full Episodes on 9NOW: ► Subscribe here: *Synopsis | Building Bad (2024)* As a boss of the militant CFMEU, for 12 years John Setka was as tough and feared a union leader as this country has ever seen. In that time he made plenty of noise, but late on Friday afternoon, with barely a whimper, he suddenly quit. What he didn’t mention in his resignation announcement though was his decision to stand down came after we sent him a list of detailed questions he wouldn’t answer. We wanted him to explain why his construction branch of the CFMEU had been infiltrated by underworld figures and outlaw motorcycle gang members. What John Setka did say was he hoped his departure would end scrutiny of his union. Well as you’ll see tonight, it doesn’t. And a warning, this story contains coarse language. *MORE VIDEOS like this one* ► ► ► FOLLOW 60 Minutes Australia ► WATCH more of 60 Minutes Australia: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: ABOUT 60 Minutes Australia For over forty years, 60 Minutes Australia have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tara Brown, Amelia Adams, Adam Hegarty, Dimity Clancey and Nick McKenzie look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes Australia. #60MinutesAustralia
Let us to a bit of recap on the moral depravity of the legal enforcement and judicial institutions of Victoria. Here is a recap of the Gobbo lawyer X situation:
The Nicola Gobbo, Lawyer X scandal explained
Who is Nicola Gobbo? What did she do? Why was it so bad? And what has the royal commission's final report found?
Victorian Government cannot be trusted along with Victoria Police. They are a joke now! This not a war on men or women this is about the moral depravity of the cops and prosecutors targeting innocent people and promoting DPP to become chief justice of the Supreme Court. Mind you DPP that failed to prosecute the senior police commissioners and dirty lawyers and prosecutors that have now seen the release of the criminal underworld back into the community to be promoted by the corrupt unions as constitutional undertakers! Fancy these people bringing charges against you! Seriously- you can’t even script this shit 😂😂😂😂
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Victorian Government attempts to limit compensation claims over Lawyer X saga
Sarah Ferguson presents Australia's premier daily current affairs program, delivering agenda-setting public affairs journalism and interviews that hold the powerful to account. Plus political analysis from Laura Tingle.
Your genitalia does not make you more prone to possess a particular personality that is why I argue that gender is a construct. Being born with a penis does not mean you are going to be more logical and reasonable than being born with a vagina will make you more compassion and sympathetic. These are tropes that are dangerous. The only thing that your sex creates is a biological reality as to strength and vulnerability. Women carry babies making them more vulnerable. They menstruate and their hormones fluctuate: Men has more physical strength and their hormones are consistent after puberty. These are biological realities they are not personality traits. As a result of these traits societies have often been forced to become patriarchal with men often holding the balance of power: However as it often happens woken often star heavily in these power chains: so despite society being visibly patriarchal there is an element that drives some women to strongly participate in these power struggles. Women are not automatically innocent and men automatically guilty. Corruption happens in both sexed equally. Both sexes are just as prone as each other to corrupting influences: In our current society we are seeing the glorification of androgynous pedophilia and an attack on biology across the board. I have represented men, women and children being targeted by these disgusting overlords and bullies. I don’t judge anyone by their sex, I judge them by their conduct: I am also strongly aware that liberal feminism has come in as an agent of the patriarchy to destroy female biology and drive women towards abortion and loss of their identity, these feminists are just as likely to be misogynists as men. But this does not mean that we must disregard the role that militant feminism historically played in securing the rights of women to have a say in our society! Most women not that long ago were considered not to have souls and were simply chattel to be traded by men. The still remains so in many corners of the world: This also does not take away the fact that women are more prone to become victims of violence because of their biological reality: this is not a groundbreaking revelation: The problem with groups like Mothers of Sons is that they want to exonerate all men and blame most women: Such analysis is naive and foolish and does not look at the root causes of the issue1 that is a morally depraved system with many corrupted individuals both men and women:
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👆👆👆👆 The speaker line up is great but to argue that the system is targeting men more than women is both foolish and naive. I deal with cases that are on the other end of the spectrum. Sexual abuse cases that are thoroughly documented and evidenced where the perpetrators are protected by police and judges. I have personally lost my licence as a female lawyer speaking out against judges covering up child sexual abuse cases and criminally prosecuting innocent mothers and grandmothers. This year one of my clients Ann Greer after two failed trials was freed from the persecution of the Feds because the sexual abuse allegations by her grandson were not only true but she could not abduct her grandson legally. Patrick O'Dea last week was jailed because he spoke out about child sexual abuse. It was irrelevant by the hideous female judge that imprisoned him whether those allegations were true or not. in my experience, the system is indiscriminate. It aims fire at innocent people irrespective of the genitalia they have. David McBride is in jail, Patrick O'Dea is in jail and many mothers are in jail falsely accused of abducting children that were being sexually abused. Similarly, innocent boys and men are falsely targeted by a system that is filled by bullies and predators that will target both men, women and children. The issue here is about the presumption of innocence irrespective of sex.
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2 Dr Gigi Foster and Dr Augusto Zimmermann are strongly involved with this organisation Mothers of Sons: The problem with a gender based lens of analysis when it comes to analysing the cruelty and corruption in our fraternities is that it often misses the point. The issue is not that the system is anymore anti-male as anti-female (or even anti-child), the issue is that the system has now been taken over by pedophiles and perverts irrespective of gender, My extensive background as a human rights lawyer has shown me that a corrupt system is just as likely to destroy innocent women as it is innocent men. I have spoken extensively as to how women can be a destructive force especially women who have been promoted in strongly patriarchal hierarchies. They must prove their ruthlessness to keep their positions often filling quotas because they are incompetently compliant rather than being exceptionally intelligent! The outcome is a system that rewards perpetrators irrespective of their sex. And a system that indiscriminately punishes the innocent irrespective of their sex.
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Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference - LIVE STREAM
Contents: 00:00 Event commences 03:00 Welcome - Peter Deakin KC 06:35 #MeToo Attack - Vanessa Scammell 37:20 Men Under Siege - Bettina Arndt 1:06:30 Domestic Violence Orders Violate Human Rights - Professor Augusto Zimmermann 2:03:30 My Son Was Found Not Guilty - Dr Debbie Garratt 2:31:30 Trial By Media - Damian Coory 3:09:10 Punished for False Allegations - Ian Jones 4:55:10 Male Victims of Coercive Control 5:03:00 False Rape Allegations Aren't So Rare - Tom Nankervell 5:19:45 Faking the Stats 5:55:30 ASF Panel Discussion 6:27:30 Fathers4Justice - Nadine Taylor 6:52:00 Call to Action Panel
🤖👁SUBLIMINAL..?👁🤖 Beware the hidden messages at work upon you. This meme is doing the rounds, I seeing it received with bemusement and humour. But, is it all for laughs? Here (SEE: above) we have an innocent concept (puppies) communicating a secondary message. Sub·lim·inal [səˈblɪmɪnl] (adjective) (psychology) (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it. This is the visual breed of subliminal, but there are many other ways power and influence is worked upon you. It happens everyday. You see red; you feel warm, love, or danger, or hungry for hot food, or the urge to stop. 🍎🍟❤️🚫 You hear a certain type of musical tone (including riffs, licks, lifts, cadence, effect, scale [e.g: minor]) or rhythm, and may invoke a specific mood or consideration; especially for what imagery accompanies these sounds (e.g: bad guy in a film; 'elevator music'; raunchy saxophone). 🎻🎼💨⏰ SEE: Leit motif SEE: Codification. A camera angle, in a film, can produce feelings of suspicion or dread, or create perspective (peeping from the bushes; looking down a long twisting hall or spiralling staircase; a child in a crowd). 🖼🌏 SEE ALSO: Tropes. Someone's verbal inflection may produce a socially-constructed reaction; one that is considered obligatory and expected from you. Salesmen and politicians will laugh something off, so you return the mirth and laugh along. A deceptive parent will evoke pathos, by shedding 'crocodile tears' after running over someone's dog, their purported circumstances ("I'm going through a few things...") produced as cover story for their reckless driving. Sympathetic, you might absolve the liar upon their mitigating hyperbole. Police randomly stop you, and you answer any and all questions, automatically obedient to an (ethos) image rather than the rule of law. Eyes roll back, happily ignorant, when the 'conspiracy theorist' line is barked. People and argument cringe at the idiot crying that they're 'offended'. SEE: Ideological totalism. Global militaries, adorned with the wallpaper of puppet government, and their stakeholders (industry [pharmaceutical; media; weapons; universities), produce a mass mind wave of fear and death under the guise of a 'pandemic', which comes with a tyranny forcing a gene-editing poison (which they call 'vaccine') upon the world's population, & people throw themselves, delirious with fear and defensive obedience, upon the death spiral (kids & grandparents included on the bonfire), terrified that someone might call them a conspiracy theorist or be offended.... Consumers consume themselves... SEE: identity. Cole the Soc' 🎓⚡️
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Independent research and forum for consideration. A source of investigation, analysis, and data. An reliable platform for identifed corruption. Objective reporting of law.
👇👇👇👇The ambos are up to their fifth booster now 😂 They have been boosted to death
🇦🇺🎪🚑💉🤦🏻‍♂️ Absolute insanity! Quaxinated paramedics are getting sick and are not attending to their jobs. A innocent man died waiting for an ambulance for four hours on Sunday morning. It’s getting real bad in Victoria.
The Muslim community get very angry when Israel threatens Palestinians but they all mostly rolled up their sleeves and took the death jabs willingly. When you point out to them that it is the same people behind the annihilation of Palestinians as is behind the death jabs, they get upset because they trust Big Pharma but hate Israel 😂😂😂 That is exactly the same with Sky News- they defend Israel at any cost and it is the bad refugees that are hurting their Country but they will diss the death jabs now and criticise Government agenda but never point out that it is the Jewish lobby pushing the woke, vaccinate till you die, agendas. This is the problem with most people- they take positions that are inherently contradictory with their own positions 😂😂😂😂
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1 530
Yes the Zohar and Torah - are not books from God but are scripts! We are playing out Zoharhog day- with the twin towers and building 7 ie the Solomon building literally being pulled and the Zohar scripting the 9/11 event- it ain’t a conspiracy that the new buildings built by the Zionist Larry Silverstein are called One World. A brilliant compilation of Rabbis literally taking ownership of the 9/11 events- no one gained more then them! By 2030 their next premonition in their script is the collapse of Edom ie the US and everyone is just nodding their heads and agreeing! I say pull it! Heathenism must fall!
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9/11, Presidential Debate, & More | Know More News w/ Adam Green
Know More News with Adam Green Watch Live Shows and Support Monthly on Odysee - Subscribe Star: https://www.subscribest
Once upon a time gender identity used to have a clinical name:
Autogynephilia: an underappreciated paraphilia - PubMed
Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism. Autogynephilia encompasses sexual arousal with cross-dressing and cros …
The first arrest against Monica was found to be lawful. Albeit that arrest was the most egregious where Monica was arrested and handcuffed. Clearly this judge knew that if she deemed that arrest to be unlawful she would need to award Monica more than $15k. The judge was compromised and ultimately gave the police something to taunt Monica with.
1 084


1 011
How can Monica win but still have costs awarded against her?
I sent this message to Monica: Well done Monica - I am proud of you. This is Serene Teffaha. I have offered you in the past to frame a stellar legal argument that have gotten a number of people traction for the unlawful incitement charges that they laid against you. There is no basis for this at law or fact. I can write your claim and coach you on this. This way you will not only get more than $240K but you will complete the vindication cycle and create the most powerful precedent. Please contact me on 0425754299
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1 017
Excellent reporting by Frank Cheung:
After 24 hours, I've been able to put my story into words so others can fully understand what actually happened.
The dangerous cocktail produced by the male breast when injected with artificial drugs is NOT breastmilk despite what scientific journals and endocrinologists would like you to believe: The lies told to us by anecdotal journals:
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Newborn babies could be harmed by woke NHS-backed guidance which states transwomen can breastfeed by taking powerful drug, experts warn
EXCLUSIVE: Experts have criticised the NHS for linking to a charity on its official webpages that advises men who change sex can breastfeed using a drug linked to irregular heartbeats.
This is Buckley’s story: I am not accusing Buckley of being a pedophile but the act of attempting to breastfeed a child that cannot obtain sustenance from a male breast and is deriving a substance that is NOT breastmilk to artificially emulate pleasure attributed to something other than the pleasure that a mother would feel providing sustenance to her baby is an act that is pedophilic in nature. In other words, forcing a child to partake in an act designed to give the adult pleasure where the act is not biologically beneficial to the child is a form of perversion.
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Transgender paramedic breastfed her newborn baby 'to know what it was…
archived 29 May 2022 08:13:12 UTC
Jasmine Sussex on Sky News:
Breastfeeding expert fights back against transgender community
Sky News host Peta Credlin sat down with breastfeeding expert Jasmine Sussex to discuss the controversial debate on transgender women’s ability to produce breast milk for children. The practice involves biological men who have transitioned to taking hormones to stimulate milk production from an anatomically male breast. In a series of social media posts Jasmine Sussex claimed it was ‘experimental’' and a ‘dangerous fetish’. This latest controversy comes after she was sacked by the Australian Breastfeeding Association back in 2021 after she refused to use gender neutral language.
1 009
A beautiful woman - Jasmine Sussex is being targeted just like Sal Grover. Watch the Government back and support this trans person who has delusions of motherhood and who is extracting some pedophilic pleasure from having his nipples sucked by an innocent baby that is unlikely to be deriving any sustenance from the act but only feeding into the sick perverted degeneracy of men that think that they can experience the joy and pain of breastfeeding from the perverted school of medical patriarchy that just loves and I mean loved destroying all things female and child related! For decades I have been fighting the pedophile degenerates women haters in this nation - now everyone can see the agenda! This is not a slippery slope - this is the cesspit of vipers and vampires at the end of that slippery slope! We have arrived! These people are rabid and we all know the only solution to rabid 🩸
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Ep 33 Jasmine Sussex Refuses to Be Silenced for Saying Men Can’t Breastfeed | Woman Up QLD
We were joined by the wonderful and brave Jasmine Sussex, who is being brought before the Queensland Tribunal for daring to say that breastfeeding belongs exclusively to mothers and our babies, after a man who calls himself a woman got offended by this biological reality. Jasmine is a mother and breastfeeding expert who first found herself in the crazy world of 'affirming' men with lactation fetishes in 2021 when she was removed from her 15 year-long role as breastfeeding counsellor at the Australian Breastfeeding Association because she refused to use gender-neutral language. If you have the stomach for it, you can read the man's blog piece about his 'breastfeeding experience' here: Follow us @WomanUpSpeak @SueMClarke1 @LeahWhiston @jazzmoi3 Woman Up Queensland organise speakers corner's, actions and protests in Queensland countering the gender madness and doing our bit to reverse the erasure of women's rights and children's safeguards. Donations greatly appreciated: Woman Up Queensland BSB 944600 Account 584654925
These are NOT trans-women- these are mentally insane men who have been weaponised by the state and their pedoohilic tendencies have been legitimised by handing over to them discarded babies to the State whereby now everyone has to legally support the an act of pedophilia- force feeding babies a cocktail of drug fucked formula or concoction sexualised what is a natural process that can only happen between a biological mother and her baby. These men are allowed to emulate a natural process of breastfeeding for sustenance into a sick and perverted act of fetish that has the hallmarks of pedophilia- obtaining sexual pleasure and legalising this under the disguise of gender identity.
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Another Australian woman censored
Breastfeeding expert targeted by government agency for criticising a male attempting to breastfeed
1 031
🚨𝗡𝗘𝗪: A Victorian breastfeeding expert is facing legal action over a series of social media posts denying that transgender women can breastfeed. Jamine Sussex is being taken to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal by a trans-mother after labelling attempts to breastfeed their children as “𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥” and calling it a “𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡.” Ms Sussex raised concerns about Queensland trans mother Jennifer Buckley – who was born male but later transitioned into a woman – taking hormones to grow breasts and induce lactation to breastfeed her newborn baby. The Australian Government made a request to the eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant for the removal of her posts from social media in 2023 because they “violated Australian laws.” 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥.
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🇦🇺🎪 Victoria keeps going down. The government has absolutely fucked it and the mentally ill people in it continue to ruin this once beautiful state.


Pulling the pin on Victoria - by design. This State is a designated human experiment for the Elite. The collective complacency and indifference of the Victorian public and the fact that many pedophiles and perverts call Victoria home is no surprise. The Victorian Government is in bed with the mafia (look at the degenerates working for the unions) whether it is construction or mining Victoria is a seasoned pimp. In reality, it’s population are leftist ideologies and its people are party goer degenerates. Most judges here are on cocaine, meth labs are everywhere and mentally ill men that are pedophiles forcing babies to drink their drug fucked cocktail milk are defended by degenerate Government regulators.
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1 403
This says it all- it is all about the Government and Big Pharma and of course the alleged public confidence in the banking and financial cartels 😂😂😂😂 This legislation is one big defamation clause for the big corporations and governments according to the truth ministry and that is the Government regulator 😂😂😂ACMA!
👆👆👆👆There is nothing here about the children
They justify big corporate policing as protecting children: Not one of the serious harm categories is about the children:
ICYMI: Communications Minister says that the internet will be policed by an ENFORCEMENT REGIME
Communications Minister says that the internet will be policed by an ENFORCEMENT REGIME
➡️SUPPORT: ➡️Merchandise:   ➡️TikTok: ➡️Instagram: ➡️Facebook:   ➡️Telegram: ➡️Kick: ➡️Twitter/𝕏: ➡️Rumble: ➡️Locals:   📧 Business inquiries:
👆👆👆👆As voluntary as the vaccine mandates 😂 Seriously get me off this island!
Just a quick reminder that the Digital ID bill has already passed and will come into effect from 1 December. The Government has not announced a timeline for the re-introduction of the ‘Combatting Misinformation & Disinformation Bill’ to parliament… however I’m predicting that it won’t be introduced until sometime next year.


This legislation got more holes in it than Biden’s MRI scan: Comedy and Professional News channels are allowed to lie and deceive 💯💯💯 I will be making my tickets available soon for Serene’s roadshow- it is all satire and comedy!
1 050
ACMA Government Regulator and the new Truth Ministry bringing to you very authentic truth by Government, for Government and its Corporate cronies 😂😂😂 Get me off the island!
This says it all- it is all about the Government and Big Pharma and of course the alleged public confidence in the banking and financial cartels 😂😂😂😂 This legislation is one big defamation clause for the big corporations and governments according to the truth ministry and that is the Government regulator 😂😂😂ACMA!
2 109
1 750
The bill has more holes in it than a Beirut building:
Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024
Helpful information Text of bill First reading: Text of the bill as introduced into the Parliament Third reading: Prepared if the bill is amended by the house in which it was introduced. This version of the bill is then considered by the second house. As passed by
While the misinformation and disinformation bill was being introduced yesterday, we were sleeping (that’s the witchcraft of statutes- night time conjurings) and the media would like to distract you that this is an anti-doxing bill supposed to safeguard the innocent from hate crimes. You would be absolutely wrong to fall for that narrative. As we dig deeper into the bill, we get a very clear picture that this bill is designed to empower the Commonwealth, State, local councils, banking and financial cartels and large corporations to bring complaints against individuals defaming them as a collective body. Unlike defamation, the consequences however can include criminal ramifications. Who is carved out? Rupert Murdoch of course cause he is a professional news outfit that can lie, mislead and deceive the public because those lies are acceptable to Governments and the corporations that own them. This legislation has more holes in it than the 9-11 story!
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Labor bill proposes up to seven years’ jail for doxing but drops promised new hate speech laws
Legislation will be introduced on Thursday along with a children’s online privacy code and misinformation laws
2 392
Part 4: These judges make themselves useful by getting involved in useless reviews run by the Australian Law Reform Commission to give the veneer that there is no corruption in the judiciary. Surely if these judges are involved in reviews about fighting corruption then they are exonerated! Right? Wrong- More useless recommendations from incompetent former prosecutors now posing as judges with sex discrimination expertise 😂 making more useless recommendations on how to fight corporate crime: The corporate criminals meanwhile get to ransack our nation while this judge rules that sex can be defined as a watermelon with a hole in it! Fuck you Bromwich- you really have a few loose screws in your head!
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1 106
Part 3: So now I hope you are getting the picture, these criminal lawyers or ex-cops who get tokenistic law degrees , who become prosecutors, who get into the DPP and CDPP who then become judges are seasoned girl and women haters. I mean they HATE HATE GIRLS! It is no surprise to me that a former CDPP who is now Judge with alleged criminal corporate expertise thinks that sex can be defined as anything and that men who think they are women can invade female only spaces. I hope this makes it clearer to you why this woman hater made his repulsive, if not comical decision in Tickle vs Giggle! This guy is a seasoned misogynist!
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Part 2: Now on the matter of this judge’s incompetence - I didn’t say - they did right here: The article says ‘the Australian Federal Police lacks the expertise in going after real criminals’ (yeah nah). The AFP are the criminals and they come after innocent people in failed prosecution cases. In February this year after spending millions of dollars pursuing an innocent grandmother who likes to bake cupcakes for her grandkids and take them out swimming, the CDPP dropped its case against her in a second failed trial. Mind you I had to apply to remove an ankle bracelet they had put her in for 2.5 years before I came on the scene. The judge who targeted me Justice Gett (a Chinese-Australian) a former CDPP lol 😂 looked after his friends at the AFP and CDPP by removing my licence. These big boys don’t like to deal with girls who have ovaries of steel! Pathetic bunch.
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Part 1: Meet Judge Robert Bromwich- RB was the former CDPP 2012-2016 (I shit you not) and then was promoted to judge in the Federal Court to deal with criminal corporate responsibility. While he was the CDPP he was completely incompetent in securing prosecutions in relation to corporate crime and foreign bribery which is happening all the time with our politicians and judges via the mining companies, pharmaceuticals and so on. The reality is that the CDPP are more interested in prosecuting innocent grandmothers like Ann Greer for protecting their grandsons from sexual abuse then go after big fat criminals. Is it any surprise really that this greasy character who is tasked with corporate crimes is presiding over a sex discrimination case 🤣🤣 Where is the expertise? Well I can tell you where the expertise is- these vacuous hollow monsters have been raised in the filthiest public service agencies called Prosecutions aka Persecutors fixated on protecting pedophiles and perpetrators.
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1 058
Brilliant presentation by Peta Credlin:
‘Mockery of female equality’: Definition of a woman has become ‘deeply contested’
The definition of a woman has become “deeply contested”, says Sky News host Peta Credlin. “Between a vociferous and aggressive trans lobby,” she said. “And those that think allowing biological males to claim to be women, to invade women’s spaces makes a mockery of female equality.”
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Another funny review:
Roxanne Tickle Vs Giggle - what is a woman? An Australian judge rules that biology is "changeable"
What is a woman? The debate rages on. This week, a court in Australia decided that the trans identifying male Roxanne Tickle is 100% a woman. Roxanne sued the social media platform Giggle for Girls - which aims to be a female only space - claiming she was unlawfully barred from using the app in 2021 after the firm and its CEO Sall Grover said she was a man. The judge Robert Bromwich said “sex is changeable,” “Sex is not confined to being a biological concept referring to whether a person at birth had male or female physical traits” Physical traits like having a cock or having XY chromosomes. So gender identity, rather than biological reality, is now defining what is a woman in Australia. And more than that - sex is no longer a biological reality. The judge in this case is now saying that chromosomes and science are irrelevant - what determines whether someone is male or female is how they feel. Join my Patreon for access to exclusive content - videos, podcasts, livestreams, roasts and standup! Twitter: Paypal:
Some comedy to deal with the insanity:
Women's Spaces? Australia Takes a Stand in Tickle vs Giggle
A transgender woman's exclusion from women's space, female-only app Giggle for Girls, has been constituted as unlawful discrimination. Roxanne Tickle was manually removed from the platform after her photo was initially accepted on the platform in 2021. But what is a women´s space? What is a woman? What is Giggle? Where am I? Let's find out! Check out my PATREON for some alternative content! You can also find Daniel Boland (me) here: X: Instagram: Facebook: #transgender #womensupportingwomen #womensrights
Brilliant analysis:
Tickle vs Giggle: A Terrible Precedent in Australia
Roxanne Tickle, who was born male but is now legally recognized as female on an updated Queensland birth certificate, was denied access to a female-only social media platform called Giggle. The platform, designed specifically for women, excluded Tickle based on her biological sex, sparking a legal battle over whether this exclusion was discriminatory. The case wasn’t just about access to an app—it was about whether the law in Australia can or should recognize biological sex or if legal sex, as determined by updated documents, is all that matters. Tickle vs. Giggle: Women-only spaces are valuable, and we should prevent biological males from accessing them, whatever their stated gender identity. Read more from Holly Lawford-Smith here: ------ Quillette is an Australian-based online magazine that focuses on long-form analysis and cultural commentary. It is politically non-partisan, but relies on reason, science, and humanism as its guiding values. Quillette was founded in 2015 by Australian writer Claire Lehmann. It is a platform for free thought and a space for open discussion and debate on a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, science, and technology. Quillette has gained attention for publishing articles and essays that challenge modern heterodoxy on a variety of topics, including gender and sexuality, race and identity politics, and free speech and censorship. --- Quillette's revenue comes from our readers. We are a grassroots organisation that relies on voluntary subscriptions and community membership as our primary revenue stream. Support Quillette by becoming a subscriber: Or donate via PayPal: We made our website using Ghost, a powerful app for new-media creators to publish, share, and grow a business around their content. It comes with modern tools to build a website, publish content, send newsletters & offer paid subscriptions to members. Try it here:
6 Sally Grover speaks out!
'Giggle for Girls' owner to appeal loss in landmark gender discrimination case | A Current Affair
Subscribe here: | Banning a transgender woman from a female-only app constituted unlawful discrimination, a judge has found in a landmark gender identity case. (Broadcast 23 August, 2024) Stream full episodes on 9Now: Follow ACA on Facebook: Follow ACA on Twitter: Follow ACA on Instagram: A Current Affair covers the realms of politics, crime, human rights, science, technology, celebrities and entertainment - all investigated by a dedicated team. A Current Affairs airs weeknights 7.00pm on Channel 9 #ACA #ACurrentAffair
Judge left himself wide open: There are two categories for sex discrimination- sex and gender identity and neither is defined. The latter being ‘gender identity indirect discrimination’ happened by Sally against Tickle when she removed Tickle from entering the biological female only app for looking like a man when Tickle is in fact a biological male. The judge is now committing direct sex discrimination against Sally by forcing her to accept Tickle into a biological only female space when Sally is permitted to create an exclusive space for a specific trait or special requirement without it being framed as discrimination under the same law. It is basically exempted or excepted! The judge’s ratio is circular. His very finding of discrimination based on gender identity is discriminatory based on sex. That is because there are no definitions and the act can now be interpreted in a contradictory manner. In effect, a finding that discrimination arose due to gender identity is discriminatory based on sex which is turn is discriminatory based on gender identity and hence the act creates a perpetual loop of legal absurdities! You simply can’t go to court and expect logical reasoning anymore. These laws are contradictory and absurd and most of these judges are hell bent on destroying all natural definitions or definitions that hold ‘ordinary meanings’. In fact the extraordinary is now in trend!
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Scientific definitions of male and female are not relevant to the Sex Discrimination Act anymore even though the whole Act was implemented to protect women facing discrimination from men invading their spaces or preventing them from being targeted when they are out working. But that is now irrelevant when men dress up as women, self-identify, do genital mutilation surgery or legally change their sex. Now biology and science is irrelevant to discrimination. Subjective self-identification is enough for discrimination to occur including the law recognising sex change as a change of your sex from male to female as now there are simply no definitions of anything - no definitions for ‘male’ ‘female’ ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ or ‘gender identity’.
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Seriously this judge does not know whether he is Arthur or Martha 😂😂 So Sally discriminated against Tickle because she carved him out for looking like a male when Tickle is in fact a biological male 🤪 I mean I thought the discrimination would be if Sally carved out a woman that looks like a man and she is actually a biological female not when they are biologically male! So Sally needs to accept everyone into her app- any decision she makes to reject a trans-woman from entering the biological female only space for looking like a male is discriminatory even though she is right that Tickle is not a biological female!
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Bromwich ignored all the evidence showing that the whole sex discrimination act was intended to apply to protect biological sex of women! But now the intent of the act is irrelevant because the category of self-identified gender aka the anything goes argument effectively displaces biological sex.
This brings me to the comical and absurd recent decision of Justice Robert Bromwich in Tickle vs Giggle (an occultist case clearly making a mockery of women as the laughing stock of society). Excuse the pun, but this judge did not know whether he’s Arthur or Martha 🤣🤣 He accepted that the biological male who wants to be referred to as Ms Roxanne Tickle (cause it’s funny changing genders of-course) made a legitimate claim against Ms Sally Grover that indirect discrimination occurred due to gender identity not sex when Sally refused him entry to her app Giggle which was only accessible to biological females. So under the Sex Discrimination Act you can be discriminated for a number of reasons but mainly it has only ever been on the basis of sex ie biological sex. But now that the Commonwealth has removed the definition of sex and introduced the societal construct gender identity- pretty much anything goes! So self-identification rather than any empirical definitions of sex and gender identity is the go now! Anything can literally tantamount to discrimination if the benchmark is self-identification. The judge went to great lengths to say that he is making no determinations on the issue of biological sex and what it is or isn’t but in fact, by ignoring the scientific definition of sex and replacing it with gender identity he has made the benign decision of Sally to remove Tickle from the app for simply looking like a man a discriminatory act because whilst Tickle is in fact a biological male and the app is open only to biological females, gender identity displaces sex and now people can self-identity as female albeit not a biological one but a transgender one (though that is not defined). The discrimination is that Sally rejected entry to Tickle because he looks like a male (it is irrelevant if Tickle is a biological male 🤔🤔🤔🤔). In a round about way, the judge has decided that female only spaces can be invaded by tans-women even if the space is for biological females only. Basically, while the act is not sex discrimination it is the tenuous category of indirect discrimination based on gender identity 😩😩😂😂 So while the judge insisted he was not deciding sex discrimination and does not need to look at definitions of biological sex he has made it discriminatory for biological females to exclude trans-women from their spaces based on gender identity. In fact, this judge is so stupid that he left himself wide open for attack- how? Read next post.
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Modern day medicine can transplant a male heart into a female patient or a female kidney to a male patient- but you can never transform a penis into a functioning vagina or a vagina into a functioning penis- those surgeries are a death sentence!
1 Surgeons and doctors and psychiatrists- modern day butchers! Sex change surgery is a eugenics lie. John Hopkins is leading the way to perpetuate the lie that they can transform vaginas into functioning penises and penises into functioning vaginas. . All that these surgeries lead to is genital mutilation. There is no such thing as gender. This is purely a societal construct. There is biological sex that is unrelated to personality or disposition. There is no quantifiable measurement to feeling like a woman or a man beyond biological realities. Since there is no definition of gender there is no logic to the phrase gender affirming surgery- what are you affirming? Because you wake up one day and you want to wear your hair long and paint your nails red and wear high heels, the medical fraternity tells you that you feeling like a woman but this is simply fetishising the concept of a woman into a caricature. In fact the surgery should be called caricature affirming butchery! There is no measurable or quantifiable proxy to how you should feel when you are a woman. That is because there is no generic emotions or generic actions that women exclusively feel or do as a result of having female genitalia. It is basically saying that all women love red nail polish and high heels - such statements are inherently absurd. Similarly, just because a girl likes to climb trees, play with the boys and wears pants does not make her feel like a man!
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Gender Affirming Surgery Gone Wrong! Another Shocking Story.
Yarden Silveira was a 23 year old male transgender who suffered immensely due to vaginoplasty and had many complications eventually resulting in death. The doctors refused to help him and would not consider his desire to fix his surgery. He said he had wished he never had the surgery or if he knew what he knew today would never do this. Since the age of 15 he wanted to be a woman. Transitioning and detransitioning are deeply personal processes, and it's crucial that individuals receive support that aligns with their needs and choices at every stage. If a person experiences complications or regrets, they should be able to explore their options with a supportive and understanding healthcare team. It's essential for doctors to listen to their patients, respect their wishes, and provide the necessary care and guidance. Yarden's story underscores the need for better support systems and more responsive healthcare practices for those navigating gender transitions. It's a reminder of the importance of empathy, patient-centered care, and the need for medical professionals to be attentive to their patients' evolving needs and concerns. Please remember that his death is a sensitive topic, and if you or someone you know is affected by similar issues, support is available. Let’s delve into this story with compassion and a commitment to understanding. Thank you for joining me in this important conversation. LINKS TO YARDEN"S STORY: Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 03:40 - The Surgery 07:20 - Loneliness 12:00 - Complications with this Surgery Helpful links: Weekly YouTube livestream every Wednesday at 12pm noon PST! Buck Angel's mission is to spread the truth to the world about trans people, gender ideology, and protecting kids from being indoctrinated into being transgender. ------------------------------ If you think you're trans, think again. Then think again. Talk to a professional. Talk to a loved one. Then think even more. Transitioning is a serious life-altering situation, and it should never be taken lightly. If you are confused or depressed because you feel you might be trans, you need to make sure that transitioning is truly what is best for you, because the mental anguish you feel now will be even worse if you transition and realize you made a huge mistake. CONTACT! Email me: Website: Instagram: X/Twitter: Facebook: Become a Member: Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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Go Fund Me  ✨️🌻 ❤️ For Patrick O'Dea 💫 Go Fund Me Link at the end of this message. Please support a wonderful - husband, father, grandfather, veteran, friend and inspiration to all. Patrick has an absolute heart of GOLD and needs our support. Image: Patrick and his parrot they will be dearly missing eachother 🦜 By donating as much as you can afford and sharing is all we ask, this case is about protecting children. 💫 Please refer to the GoFundMe Page - for more details in relation to the funds required 💫 📖 You can also read about the case . 📺 Dr Pridgeon issues a media release at a previous court appearance . Books releases related to case: 📚 Everybody Knows. Grab your copy . 📚The Boys From Bulawayo. Grab your copy . Follow Paul For Further Case Updates . 💫 Go Fund Me Link . Thank you 🙏
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Part 11: According to Cruelly Hurley aka Judge Clare- you are a worse person disclosing child abuse then actually murdering an innocent person on our roads deliberately! The latter gets you an 8 month suspended sentence only 😩😩😩 Get this birch behind bars!
Raftopoulos pleads guilty to causing death while excessively speeding
A sunny Saturday morning bike ride on a popular mountain road turned catastrophic for a Brisbane father when a motorcyclist travelling more than double the speed limit fatally struck him. …
Cruelly Hurley you stand condemned! This woman literally has empathy for child abusers- and believes in second and third chances for pedophiles bit child protectors like Patrick O’Dea get sent to jail! A 17 year old rapes his niece of 7 years of age and Cruelly Hurley gives him probation, 80 hours of community service and no conviction.
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BlackRock CEO explains how the real goal of depopulation (Covid19, Midazolam, Remdesivir, "vaccines", euthanasia, abortion, Ukraine war, Gaza genocide) is to make it easier to substitute humans with machines. 🚀


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Part 9: The persecution of Pauline Hanson spearheaded by none other than Cruelly Hurley! Leanne even falsely planted a further dishonesty charge on Pauline even after she was jailed which was dropped. Ultimately, Pauline was cleared of any wrongdoing! This article is a great summary of what happened: And this article outlines Cruelly Hurley’s corruption! Further calls to get that monster sacked!
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Part 8: The persecution of Pauline Hanson spearheaded by none other when Cruelly Hurley! Leanne even falsely planted a further dishonesty charge on Pauline even after she jailed which was dropped. Ultimately, Pauline was cleared of any wrongdoing! This article is a great summary of what happened: Part 8: Is it possible to find more dirt on this woman? Well she is also misogynist- she brought unfounded cases against Di Fingleton (Chief Magistrate at the time) as well as persecuting Pauline Hanson. Both these women were convicted and jailed and spent time in jail before having their convictions quashed on appeal. You can’t script this stuff- this is not the
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Part 8: Is it possible to find more dirt on this woman? Well she is also a misogynist- she brought unfounded cases against Di Fingleton (Chief Magistrate at the time) as well as persecuting Pauline Hanson. Both these women were convicted and jailed and spent time in jail before having their convictions quashed on appeal. You can’t script this stuff- this is not the first time that people have asked for this woman to disappear and be sacked!
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Part 8: Is it possible to find more dirt on this woman? Well she is also misogynist- she brought unfounded cases against Di Fingleton (Chief Magistrate at the time) as well as persecuting Pauline Hanson. Both these women were convicted and jailed and spent time in jail before having their convictions quashed on appeal. You can’t script this stuff- this is not the first time that people have asked for this woman to disappear and be sacked!
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Govt rejects calls to sack DPP over Fingleton case
The Queensland Government has rejected Opposition calls to sack the Director of Public Prosecutions, Leanne Clare, over the Di Fingleton case.
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Part 7: This woman’s file is thick! So here we go again- mishandling of the rape of a 10 year old Aboriginal girl in a case called Aurukun Nine Gang Rape. On appeal, the appeal Chief Justice slams down the judge at first instance and the appalling case of Prosecutions headed by yours truly Cruelly Hurley!
Appeal court slams 'miscarriage of justice' in Aurukun rape caseQueensland's Chief Justice has sente - ABC listen
There's justice, of sorts, for a 10-year-old girl who was gang-raped at Aurukun on Cape York Peninsula. Queensland's Chief Justice has sentenced five of the nine rapists to jail, overturning a previous decision he described as a miscarriage of justice and an abrogation of the court's duty.
Yep she is born Leanne Hurley:
Leanne Clare
Australian judge
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I think her new nickname - Cruelly Hurley
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Part 6: Let us take this back when this monster Leanne Clare was the head of the QLD DPP and she went by the name of Leanne Hurley. Surprisingly or not so surprisingly she failed to prosecute Chris Hurley (senior cop who beat to death an innocent Aboriginal man in custody). Here is the full on story! Immediately after that she changed her surname from Hurley to Clare. Nothing to see here 😫
VOICE FROM THE PAST: The Thin Blue Lie - New Matilda
This feature story was first published in the National Indigenous Times newspaper on April 18, 2008. Written by New Matilda editor Chris Graham, it explored attempts by Queensland Police to cover-up the death in custody of a young Aboriginal man in 2004, and the shocking violence they used in the process. The story is beingMore
Part 5: Police officers with child porn charges also get suspended sentences from Clare! This monster needs to be stopped!
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Part 4: It is people like you Judge Clare that are destroying humanity and the heritage of common law in this beautiful nation. You can’t read their responses and decisions without literally physically becoming sick 🤢🤢🤢 This is why I find it very hard to interact with them. I need days of recuperating after crossing paths with any of these depraved souls. I also make this observation - so many violent and repulsive women conscripted in the system that are pedophile protectors. Everyone is groomed particularly these filthy baby boomers.
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Part 3: Apparently Judge Clare felt that the grown up women’s allegations of sexual abuse were ‘stale’ and victims would not be believed - can this woman get anymore nasty? Yet in Patrick O’Dea’s case the victims allegations are fresh and substantive and yet every attempt has been denied to allow Patrick to adduce the evidence that made him act to support the mother who is also now in jail. Despite the fact that the alleged sexual abuse can be corroborated by substantial evidence that is just irrelevant for Judge Clare as Patrick’s protective intentions are not part of the criminal proceedings. This Judge needs to go to jail herself. She has really crossed all lines of decency and humanity. They are now showing themselves very clearly.
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These were no errors but a deliberate obfuscation of evidence by Judge Clare to let a pedophile free. After making admissions to the Royal Commission of her mishandling of this case, she has been allowed to continue to have oversight of matters involving sexual abuse. She admitted in her owns words, referring to the Volkers case: ‘One has to look at the course of the conduct alleged, which adds to the seriousness’. But her and the Deputy QLD DPP Paul Rutledge colluded in not pursuing the charges after they have been brought by dedicated officers. What is a judge colluding with the DPP all about? Is it any surprises when the DPP and CDPP is the breeding ground for these disturbed judges? The investigation by the Crime and Misconduct Commission CMC threw the book at Clare except fell short of making an official misconduct claim against her 😂😂 At the end they all protect their own! This judge is a nasty piece of work and many of the senior members of CDPP and DPP are pedophile protectors!
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Being a pedophile protector and a predator releasor is not enough for this Judge Clare she is now a persecutor of child protectors and innocent people. People who have never harmed another human are imprisoned by this Judge while criminals and pedophiles are released and never persecuted. Her record is now a public matter. Your fall too will be great you insolent monster.
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Let us not forget the best tactic to defend perpetrators ‘get the predator to make a victim impact statement’ 😩😩
Mate Hannebery you are a clown! Oh just completely irrelevant ether or not the children were sexually abused- one of his sext trials tactics ‘gaslight all the evidence of abuse!. Good grief- you can’t take these people seriously had it not been for them being so dangerous to society!
3 How does it feel Justin? Graduating from Prosecutor to Judge to Persecutor?
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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