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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
If you feel like things are FALLing apart.. That's because they are. You are witnessing the destruction of the old Deep State [CABAL] System. >The EYE of the STORM is approaching. >MORE PAIN< >CONFUSION EVERYWHERE< (Often Times WITNESSES are traumatized...But heal through time) The GREAT AWAKENING Isn't for everyone. God WINS doesn't mean everyone survives this GAME_theory EVENT ____________________________ DAYS OF DARKNESS/[EYE] OF THE STORM On The Clock All countries are almost done testing EBS the past 5 months /Space Force>[ ]16,000 SATS Ready Join, it's not too late! 👇
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Sebastian Gorka DrG
A nice old lady once called me Mr. MAGA.
🚨Mel Gibson leaks a RITUAL ROOM from a hidden camera at Hillary Clinton's house! 📸 🧹 Hillary Clinton's housekeeper placed a hidden video camera at what appears to be a ritual room. 😱 ⚠️ In the video you can see Hillary and Bill Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Oprah and Portia, all engaging in some kind of rituals! 👀 📲 Join the following channel to see the video before it's deleted‼️ Join👇👇👇
Masters of GCR/RV: The Power of Tiered Redemption, QFS, and the Hidden Role of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, and the NESARA GESARA Act A global financial revolution is unfolding, hidden beneath the noise of daily distractions. This isn’t a theory—it’s a transformation that will disrupt the old system and lead to the redistribution of wealth on a scale never seen before. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) are the tipping points that will bring justice to a corrupt system. For years, the elites have maintained their grip on the world's wealth, using manipulation and control to keep the masses in financial chains. But the time is coming when that control will break, and those who are ready will rise. Exotic currencies like the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong—dismissed as "worthless" by mainstream economists—are at the center of this seismic shift. These currencies, backed by real assets and resources, are poised to revalue and create unprecedented wealth for those who hold them. Tiered Redemption is at the core of this transformation. The informed few in Tier 4B are preparing to exchange their holdings for massive gains while Tier 5—the unaware masses—remain in the dark. Tier 4B isn’t just a group of lucky investors; they are warriors in the Information War, challenging the status quo, while Tier 5 will be left behind, struggling to understand what’s happening. The gap between these groups is widening, and those who are ready will be part of the new elite in the post-reset world. At the heart of the GCR/RV is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a new financial infrastructure designed to replace the corrupt, outdated system controlled by banks and governments. The QFS ensures that every transaction is secure and immune to manipulation. This technology will destroy the old structures of power, putting control of wealth back in the hands of the people. This revolution isn't just about personal wealth. The NESARA GESARA Act outlines a future where debt is erased, wealth is redistributed, and humanitarian projects flourish, lifting up the oppressed and rebuilding societies. The wealth that the elites have hoarded for centuries will be used to restore balance and bring about a Golden Age. This is a moment of decision. Those who are aware, who have prepared, and who understand what’s coming, will claim their place in history. The Information War is almost over, and the time for action is now. Will you stand with the informed few or be left to watch as the world transforms around you? The reset is here. Subscribe for more:
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URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Military GESARA, EBS, Martial Law, Deep State and the White Hats at War BREAKING: The Deep State’s reign of global control is crumbling! Military GESARA, the Emergency Broadcast System, and Trump’s White Hats are engaged in an all-out assault on the elite cabal that has manipulated governments, media, and economies for generations. The time for freedom is here! The elites’ secrets will be exposed, and humanity will be set free from their grip. We are on the edge of a global blackout, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), where communication will cease for ten days. The Deep State’s control over everything—media, banking, and even your thoughts—will be shattered. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s the reality we’ve been waiting for! The White Hats will take over the airwaves, broadcasting three explosive documentaries over every channel. For the first time, the truth about the crimes of the elites will be revealed. This is war, and we won’t back down! For years, the Deep State has deceived and controlled the world, from your finances to the information you consume. They’ve built their power on lies, manipulating every facet of society. Now, the system they created to enslave us will be destroyed. Their control over global finance, especially through the Federal Reserve, has kept you in chains. This private cabal controls a staggering 98% of central banks worldwide—think about that for a second. They have rigged elections, created false narratives, and orchestrated events like 9/11 to secure their empire. The very day that the Human Equality Act was supposed to liberate us, the Twin Towers fell, and the evidence vanished in the wreckage. The patterns are too clear to deny—this is a calculated assault on humanity. But the Deep State never anticipated a man like Trump. He was never supposed to win in 2016. They rigged the system against him, yet he triumphed. Now, he and the White Hats are fighting tooth and nail to tear down the Deep State’s empire. But they knew Trump was a threat, and that’s why they rigged the 2020 election. They couldn’t allow him to finish what he started—erasing the Federal Reserve debt and freeing us from financial enslavement. The fight isn’t over. The White Hats continue their mission, preparing to restore Trump to his rightful place. Their days are numbered, and we, the patriots, are the ones who will see the dawn of freedom. Stay vigilant. The storm is coming and we’re closer than ever to victory. Share this with everyone. The truth must spread like wildfire. The world is waking up, and we will WIN! Join us now:
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Forbidden History
Exposing the truth and fighting for justice. United we stand—Where We Go One, We Go All. WWG1WGA Author channel of historian Richard Wilson
Given how far the Deep State have gone, not only would Trump be justified in throwing every single corrupt actor behind bars, he would be irresponsible not to. Also, Trump has what he did not have last time. The public are more awake, and the MSM have lost their potency. The public are no longer buying the MSM lies, thanks mostly to Elon’s defense of free speech on X, and the rise of independent journalism. Now with the MSM largely neutralized, and the public red-pilled after 4 years of the Biden/Kamala circus, Trump has the variables in place that would be necessary to carry out an unprecedented cleansing of the US government. Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, the political ammunition, and the surrounding cast, to do what is necessary. No more niceties. The enemies of We the People must be uprooted and eliminated, never to rise again. Subscribe for more:
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EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For ⚠️ U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark. ⚠️ During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones? Only working for 911 calls. This is the global martial law we've been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed. ⚠️ The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for. ⚠️ After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new quantum internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming. GESARA/NESARA activated. YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO JOIN, AFTER THAT, THESE LINKS WILL BE INVALID!
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🚨 URGENT: Join the Emergency Broadcast System NOW 🚨 The Emergency Alert System (EAS) will be activated soon. This is your final chance to join and receive critical, real-time updates for your safety. Don’t wait—Join NOW! Stay informed. Stay safe.
Final Phase Started The End Has Come Checkmate!!!
What We Know as of Sat. 19 Sept. 2024: On 29 Sept. 2019, Barack Obama was executed by firing squad at GITMO. You won’t hear this from the mainstream media, but the truth always comes out. Donald Trump just leaked undeniable evidence exposing Obama practicing Satanic Sacrificing Rituals alongside other powerful figures—GAY men and PEDOPHILES like Oprah, Clinton, and more! This is no longer a conspiracy; it’s reality unfolding before our eyes. Clinton's Evergreen Inc. has been revealed to be a CIA Front for Child Sex Trafficking. The corruption runs deeper than anyone could have imagined. Mel Gibson tried to warn us all. He’s released footage showing Satanic Blood Rituals and Child Sacrifices beneath the very White House. Names like Epstein, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are in the heart of this demonic ring. They thought they could hide forever, but their dark deeds are finally being exposed. Meanwhile, the world is on the brink of a monumental shift. The Quantum Financial System is coming, and all banks will transition—along with eight billion people. This is the biggest public awakening ever. The mRNA COVID vaccine scandal is blowing up: Four deadly parasites have been found inside, and Moderna admitted the vaccine causes cancer due to billions of DNA fragments found in the vials. The elites pushed this poison on the masses, but the truth is now shining through. As we speak, something massive is brewing. The FBI has seized the NYPD Commissioner’s cell phones, and the homes of Eric Adams’ top aides were just raided. The National Guard is flooding the streets in New York and major cities across the country. This is just the beginning. The storm is upon us—stay vigilant and keep your eyes wide open. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Subscribe for more:
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Nesara Gesara - Secrets
⚠️ URGENT: The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is about to activate. This isn't a test—imminent danger could strike at any moment, and critical information will follow. You MUST stay informed to survive. Tornadoes, wildfires, national threats—the unexpected is coming, and without these alerts, you could be left in the dark. Time is running out. Join our channel NOW before it’s too late. Your life, your family’s safety, everything could depend on getting these real-time alerts. Don’t wait until disaster hits—prepare yourself now! ⏳
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EXCLUSIVE! Top Secret Military Program and 50,000 Med Bed Centers Hidden in Closed Walmarts—The Chosen Leading a Global Health Revolution! Med Beds are not just revolutionary; they are the start of a new world—a world meticulously kept secret by those who understand their true power. Right now, people are being healed—cancers erased, degenerative diseases reversed, aging stopped. But this miracle isn’t for everyone to see—only the chosen few. Med Beds are more than advanced devices—they’re designed with technology suppressed for decades. Those who’ve been healed are part of a controlled experiment, the first phase of something far bigger. Why keep this secret? Because those in control are carefully guarding this tech, ensuring only their chosen ones benefit—for now. Early treatments are already showing unbelievable results. In Texas, a terminal cancer patient was healed overnight. Her cancer? Gone, like it never existed. In another case, an elderly man, waiting to die, was treated and regained decades of youth—his body, rejuvenated. These aren’t isolated events. Worldwide, similar stories are surfacing: people with incurable diseases suddenly healed, minds restored, bodies transformed. But where are these Med Beds? Who controls them? The truth: 50,000 Med Bed centers are hidden across the U.S., often inside closed-down Walmarts and other strategic locations. The closures aren’t about economics—they’re about repurposing these vast spaces for something much more crucial. Med Beds, under the control of the Military and Secret Space Programs, are being used to heal selected individuals. The Military holds the keys, deciding who gets treated and when. A plan is in place to eventually hand Med Beds over to Humanitarians, but don’t be fooled—the power stays with those currently in control. Zims holders will be among the first to access Med Beds. They will be healed first because they are deemed essential for what comes next—leading the charge in healing the world and resetting society. And it's not just physical healing. Med Beds have been used on the most vulnerable—children rescued from trafficking. These children, saved by the Military, were taken off-planet and healed, not just physically but emotionally, erasing the horrors they endured. This technology, so advanced, has been kept from the public to maintain control over its power. We are on the verge of a revelation that will change everything. Med Beds are not the future—they’re the present, already transforming lives. But the full truth is being kept from us, controlled by those in power. When these Med Beds are finally revealed, everything will change. Until then, stay alert. The truth is coming, and when it does, you must be ready. The future promised by Med Beds is already here, and it will redefine what it means to be human. Prepare. Subscribe for more:
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Wake Up! Everything You Believe Is a Carefully Crafted Lie by a Hidden Elite That Owns Your Governments, Banks, and Minds! The world is under the control of a hidden, powerful elite that has manipulated humanity for thousands of years. Governments, banks, corporations, and even religions are all part of a massive, interconnected system designed to keep the masses in line. You are living in a controlled simulation where every move is calculated, every narrative crafted, and every dissent crushed. Ancient Rome never fell; it just changed its face. The Vatican is the continuation of the Roman Empire, pulling the strings of global power from the shadows. The Pope is not a religious leader but the CEO of the world’s largest covert operation. Global leaders bow to Rome; every major decision made in Europe, America, and beyond has its roots in this ancient power structure. The so-called “democracies” are just fronts, and the real rulers operate far from the public eye. The financial system is a tool of enslavement, but its grip is weakening. Central banks, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF have long kept nations in debt and citizens in economic chains. However, their reign is about to end. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is poised to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in history, redistributing stolen wealth back to the people. This is a total overhaul designed to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Trillions of dollars hoarded by the elite will be seized and returned to the people, restoring economic power where it belongs. This act will expose the financial fraud perpetuated by these institutions, wiping out debts and releasing new technologies that have been suppressed to keep the populace in poverty. The days of the financial overlords are numbered, and GESARA is the catalyst that will break their chains for good, restoring wealth and freedom to the masses. Education and media are the propaganda arms of this hidden empire. From kindergarten to university, you are fed lies designed to shape your worldview to fit the agenda of the elite. Critical thinking is discouraged because an informed population is a threat. The news you watch, the books you read, and the information you consume are all curated to keep you ignorant, divided, and powerless. Governments are puppets. Elections are rigged shows to give you the illusion of choice. Presidents, prime ministers, and kings answer to the same hidden masters. Policies, wars, economic collapses—they’re all orchestrated from behind closed doors by a small group of individuals who have no allegiance to any nation but only to their own interests. They decide who wins, who loses, and how the game is played. Laws are tools of oppression, not justice. The legal system is designed to protect the elite and keep you in line. Roman law still influences modern legal codes, and its principles are used to maintain control over the masses. The courtrooms are theaters where the outcome is predetermined, and the real power lies in the unseen hands that pull the strings. Corporations are not independent entities—they are branches of the same control network. They push products, policies, and narratives that serve their masters’ agenda. From the food you eat to the technology you use, everything is designed to monitor, influence, and control you. You are not a customer; you are a data point, a resource to be exploited. The world is not what it seems. Every institution you trust, every leader you admire, every belief you hold has been carefully constructed to keep you obedient and blind to the truth. The only way out is to see the truth: that the world is run by a small, powerful group that considers itself above the rest of humanity. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. This is the reality they don’t want you to see. Wake up, or remain a willing participant in your own enslavement. Subscribe for more:
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The Elite’s Great Reset Agenda: 5G, Vaccine ‘Death Shots’, and Total Control—They Want Us All Enslaved! The dystopia we live in today far exceeds anything imagined by Huxley or Orwell. This isn't fiction. It's happening right now—and the elites’ endgame is terrifying. Their plans for global domination are unfolding right in front of us, yet so many remain blind, drugged by propaganda. Wake up. The tools they’re using to enslave us are far more insidious than ever before. The Arsenal of Control The elites’ methods for mass murder and enslavement are calculated. Famine. Economic chaos. War. All deliberate moves to break down humanity’s will. And the masses? Left desperate, weakened, perfect for the next phase of control. They’ve masked their weapons as "progress." The Covid-19 'vaccine' is a death shot. It was never about health. It's about reducing the population. 5G? More than a communication network—it's a weapon, enabling constant surveillance and manipulation. 5G is the backbone of their control grid. Geoengineering is fueling environmental disasters, driving survivors into controlled cities, the so-called Smart Cities. But don’t be fooled—these are nothing but digital prisons, designed to trap you. The Smart City Prison System In these dystopian cities, freedom dies. Movements will be controlled by geofencing, with every action watched by 5G towers. Your digital ID and social credit score will dictate your every move. Spend what they allow, go where they approve, live as they decide. CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) will replace cash. Programmable money means they control every purchase—what, where, and how much. Say goodbye to independence. Control Through Food The ultimate weapon isn’t just tech. Food is their tool. Henry Kissinger said it best: “Who controls the food supply controls the people.” They’re wiping out small farms, leaving us to consume their genetically mutilated, poisoned food. Bugs for you, organic feasts for them. The All-Seeing Eye Privacy? Forget it. Total surveillance is here. Cameras, AI, and drones will watch everything. Every word you speak, every step you take—they know. Stray from the path, and you’ll be crushed by their transhuman enforcers. Resist Now or Be Enslaved Forever Their plan seems unstoppable, but it’s not too late. Reject their digital IDs, refuse the Smart Cities, and protect your food sources. Resist their shots, avoid 5G, and live off their grid of control. But the most important step? Wake up and fight. Complacency ends now. The clock is ticking. Our freedom is fading, but it’s not gone yet. We have one chance—resist, or be enslaved forever. The time for action is now. Subscribe for more:
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If you feel like things are FALLing apart.. That's because they are. You are witnessing the destruction of the old Deep State [CABAL] System. >The EYE of the STORM is approaching. >MORE PAIN< >CONFUSION EVERYWHERE< (Often Times WITNESSES are traumatized...But heal through time) The GREAT AWAKENING Isn't for everyone. God WINS doesn't mean everyone survives this GAME_theory EVENT ____________________________ DAYS OF DARKNESS/[EYE] OF THE STORM On The Clock All countries are almost done testing EBS the past 5 months /Space Force>[ ]16,000 SATS Ready Join, it's not too late! 👇
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Sebastian Gorka DrG
A nice old lady once called me Mr. MAGA.
🚨Mel Gibson leaks a RITUAL ROOM from a hidden camera at Hillary Clinton's house! 📸 🧹 Hillary Clinton's housekeeper placed a hidden video camera at what appears to be a ritual room. 😱 ⚠️ In the video you can see Hillary and Bill Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Oprah and Portia, all engaging in some kind of rituals! 👀 📲 Join the following channel to see the video before it's deleted‼️ Join👇👇👇
💥 TRB + Crypto = TAX-FREE CASH OUT! 💥 TRB has partnered with crypto, allowing you to cash out with ZERO tax liability! 💰 This is a rare opportunity to secure your money, no strings attached! The Democrats might shut this down soon, so don’t wait! ⏳ 👇 Take action NOW! 👇
George Pratt
American, Husband and a Father of two.
Masters of GCR/RV: The Power of Tiered Redemption, QFS, and the Hidden Role of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, and the NESARA GESARA Act A global financial revolution is unfolding, hidden beneath the noise of daily distractions. This isn’t a theory—it’s a transformation that will disrupt the old system and lead to the redistribution of wealth on a scale never seen before. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) are the tipping points that will bring justice to a corrupt system. For years, the elites have maintained their grip on the world's wealth, using manipulation and control to keep the masses in financial chains. But the time is coming when that control will break, and those who are ready will rise. Exotic currencies like the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong—dismissed as "worthless" by mainstream economists—are at the center of this seismic shift. These currencies, backed by real assets and resources, are poised to revalue and create unprecedented wealth for those who hold them. Tiered Redemption is at the core of this transformation. The informed few in Tier 4B are preparing to exchange their holdings for massive gains while Tier 5—the unaware masses—remain in the dark. Tier 4B isn’t just a group of lucky investors; they are warriors in the Information War, challenging the status quo, while Tier 5 will be left behind, struggling to understand what’s happening. The gap between these groups is widening, and those who are ready will be part of the new elite in the post-reset world. At the heart of the GCR/RV is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a new financial infrastructure designed to replace the corrupt, outdated system controlled by banks and governments. The QFS ensures that every transaction is secure and immune to manipulation. This technology will destroy the old structures of power, putting control of wealth back in the hands of the people. This revolution isn't just about personal wealth. The NESARA GESARA Act outlines a future where debt is erased, wealth is redistributed, and humanitarian projects flourish, lifting up the oppressed and rebuilding societies. The wealth that the elites have hoarded for centuries will be used to restore balance and bring about a Golden Age. This is a moment of decision. Those who are aware, who have prepared, and who understand what’s coming, will claim their place in history. The Information War is almost over, and the time for action is now. Will you stand with the informed few or be left to watch as the world transforms around you? The reset is here. Subscribe for more:
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HE EBS IS HAPPENING NOW❗️ GOVERNMENT IS CRAZY‼️ They are planning something to get rid of us again. WHY⁉️ Because there are too many of us here and it would be good for them to cut it in half. What comes next? Nothing is a coincidence❗️ YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO JOIN, AFTER THAT, THESE LINKS WILL BE INVALID!
Final Phase Started The End Has Come Checkmate!!!
🤑 WHY THE URGENCY? Crushing taxes and endless economic pressure have ignited a TOTAL FINANCIAL REVOLUTION! This is YOUR GOLDEN CHANCE to grab hold of the BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING PHENOMENON of the century! 🌊💰 ⚠️ LIMITED TIME ONLY: Secure your place NOW and ride the crypto wave to UNBELIEVABLE PROFITS! 🚀💵 🔥 ACT FAST! Only the early birds will scoop up the MEGA REWARDS! 🏆 👉 Don't Miss Out! Claim your spot and become part of America's financial revolution TODAY!
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🚨 URGENT: TRUMP'S AI CRYPTO ACADEMY IS LIVE – TURN $297 INTO OVER $2 MILLION IN A MONTH! 🚨 💥 AMERICA'S FINANCIAL REVOLUTION IS HERE! Trump has just given the green light to the AI Crypto Academy, and he's directing ALL TREASURY FUNDS into this game-changing program! 💥 🤑 WHY? Crushing taxes and non-stop pressure have forced a TOTAL FINANCIAL SHAKEUP! This is your GOLDEN TICKET to jump on the BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING WAVE of the century! 🌊💰 ⚡️ With only $297, you can skyrocket your investment to OVER $2 MILLION in just ONE MONTH! This is not a dream—it's a REAL OPPORTUNITY for you to secure your financial future! 💸🚀 ⚠️ LIMITED TIME OFFER: Secure your spot NOW and ride the crypto wave to MASSIVE PROFITS! 🚀💵 🔥 DON’T WAIT! The early birds will REAP THE REWARDS! 🏆
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Given how far the Deep State have gone, not only would Trump be justified in throwing every single corrupt actor behind bars, he would be irresponsible not to. Also, Trump has what he did not have last time. The public are more awake, and the MSM have lost their potency. The public are no longer buying the MSM lies, thanks mostly to Elon’s defense of free speech on X, and the rise of independent journalism. Now with the MSM largely neutralized, and the public red-pilled after 4 years of the Biden/Kamala circus, Trump has the variables in place that would be necessary to carry out an unprecedented cleansing of the US government. Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, the political ammunition, and the surrounding cast, to do what is necessary. No more niceties. The enemies of We the People must be uprooted and eliminated, never to rise again. Subscribe for more:
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EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For ⚠️ The U.S. military and global forces are preparing to suspend all media, internet, and phone services, except for emergency calls. A 10-day communication blackout will occur. ⚠️ During this time, the Emergency Broadcast System will air documentaries exposing elite corruption and criminal activities. ⚠️ Mass arrests of corrupt leaders are underway. After the blackout, a new "quantum internet" will be introduced, replacing old systems of government, finance, and more. GESARA/NESARA will be activated. Join within 24 hours via the provided links.
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ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! National Guard Deployments Surge Nationwide – Hazmat Troops Spotted! Is Martial Law Imminent? Reports are flooding in from across the country of a massive deployment of National Guard troops over the past 24 hours. From coast to coast, major cities are seeing an unusual presence of armed military personnel patrolling streets, government buildings, and critical infrastructure. The sudden influx of these troops has ignited a frenzy of speculation: Is martial law on the horizon? Residents from New York to Los Angeles, Houston to Chicago, are on edge as these highly visible deployments raise red flags. There’s no clear reason for this surge—no major disaster, no widespread protests, no external threats. Yet, the troops are here. Why now? The coordination, the scale, and the timing suggest something bigger is brewing. Something they don’t want us to know about. MARTIAL LAW RUMORS EXPLODE ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA! As more footage of troops floods social media, one word is on everyone’s lips: Martial Law. This isn’t just a paranoid fantasy. Martial law means the suspension of our rights, where the military takes control of civilian life. Curfews, checkpoints, property seizures, and arrests without trial are all on the table. And now, it feels like we’re just one step away from that terrifying reality. HAZMAT TROOPS? WHY NOW? The situation becomes even more alarming with reports of HAZMAT teams—military personnel in hazardous material suits—being spotted alongside these National Guard units. What are they preparing for? Is there an imminent bio-terrorism threat? Or is something more insidious at play? The government is silent, offering only vague statements about “preparedness exercises,” leaving the public in the dark. UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY ACTIVITY, ZERO EXPLANATIONS Despite the overwhelming presence of military units in our streets, officials aren’t talking. The Department of Defense and local authorities have given the public no clear answers, only further stoking suspicion. If everything was under control, why the secrecy? The lack of transparency is only fueling more speculation. Could this be preparation for mass arrests? A response to an unseen threat? Or is it the final push toward a totalitarian regime where our freedoms vanish overnight? PANIC AND PREPARE You need to be ready. With the looming possibility of martial law, it’s time to stock up on essentials—food, water, medical supplies. Create a plan to communicate with loved ones. Stay alert and question everything you hear. This isn’t just a drill. Something big is coming, and they’re not telling us the whole story. Join us now:
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💥 Mel Gibson just released his documentary on Diddy, referring him as the Black Epstein 🤯 🎥 The documents exposes the rapper's deleted videos of him performing rituals with young boys and much more!‼️ ⚡️ In these videos other elites have been discovered and are now suspected for involvement, such as Barrack and Michelle Obama, Prince Harry, Jay-Z, Naomi Campbell and many more! 💣 ⚠️ Watch the documentary inside the private channel shared below, before they delete it from the internet! You deserve to see the TRUTH! 👀 Join ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠
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NESARA & QFS PLAN What You Need to Know. Reclamation: The return to a better state. This is about more than just land or money; it’s about restoring what was taken by the elites through their criminal systems. NESARA will do that for U.S. citizens. Restitution/Reparation: Compensating for the years of illegal taxes, loans, and the financial enslavement we’ve suffered. The income taxes, mortgages, and credit cards? They’ve been used to keep us as chattel, with bonds taken out against our very lives from birth certificates to social security numbers. Who’s Eligible? Those aged 24 to 61+ are in line for massive lump sums depending on their age group: ● 61+: Up to $61 million ● 45-60: Up to $38 million ● 24-44: Up to $23 million This payout is reparation for the wrongs committed against us. NESARA & QFS Plan: The Process of RV Redemption Started, Actual Signature Forms like NDA and Post-Redemption Plan Documents – Inside the Exclusive World of Redemption Centers! The process of RV redemption is unfolding, and it's about more than just money. This is about reclaiming what’s been stolen from us by the cabal, Deep State, and banksters. Redemption Centers are where we take back control, where NESARA/GESARA protocols are in full effect. At these centers, we the people will receive higher exchange rates, QPhones, QLaptops, and even Rainbow Currency. If you’ve prepared your Humanitarian Initiative Trust, you’re in prime position to benefit. This isn’t just a financial reset-it’s God’s plan, working through us to help humanity. Redemption Types: Currency Exchange: For those with ZIM bonds, dinar, and dong, you’re looking at double-digit rates at Redemption Centers, with gold-backed values. The ZIM bond is 1:1 to the new USTN dollar. You’ll be asked to allocate a portion of your funds for humanitarian projects-we’re not just saving ourselves; we’re saving the world. XRP Buyback: There’s a $1 million per token value on XRP set by the QFS, already mirrored into Quantum Accounts. This buyback is part of a larger strategy to stabilize global markets and root out the evil. This is About More Than Money This is about justice, about freedom, and about taking back what’s ours. The deep state’s grip is slipping, and this process is the path to redemption. The time is now, Patriots-we must stand ready to rebuild and restore. Subscribe for more:
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Nesara Gesara - Secrets
Japan Declares Pharma Executives ‘Enemies of the State’ for Role in mRNA ‘Massacre’! Japanese officials and medical scientists are sounding the alarm, declaring high-level pharmaceutical executives as “enemies of the state.” Their crime? Being the masterminds behind the mRNA vaccine rollout, which is now seen as a global massacre. Japan has emerged as the beacon of truth, exposing a hidden agenda that was concealed by the global elite. The silence from media outlets is deafening, but Japan’s courage cannot be ignored. The awakening has begun, and the days of Big Pharma’s stranglehold on public health are numbered. The Global Elite’s Dirty Secret The COVID-19 pandemic provided a golden opportunity for the elite to push their agenda under the guise of public safety. The mRNA vaccines, hailed as a “savior,” were rushed to market despite serious concerns. Behind the scenes, Japan’s scientists began to question the narrative. Data surfaced, showing alarming rates of vaccine-related injuries and deaths. They soon realized the truth: the vaccines were poison, and the world had been deceived. Big Pharma’s Plot Unveiled For years, Big Pharma has operated with unchecked power, controlling governments and manipulating the media. Their goal? Profit and control. Japan’s investigation has torn down the veil, revealing that pharmaceutical companies knew the dangers of the mRNA vaccines but pushed forward anyway. This wasn’t a misstep—it was a crime against humanity. And Japan is leading the charge to expose it. A Massacre Unfolds Leading Japanese scientists have gone on record, calling the vaccine rollout a “modern-day massacre.” The data is irrefutable—these vaccines have caused immeasurable harm, far more than anyone was told. The spike proteins generated by the vaccines have been found accumulating in vital organs, leading to severe health issues, unexplained deaths, and a compromised immune system. This was no accident—Big Pharma knew. Japan’s Stand Against Big Pharma The pharmaceutical industry has blood on its hands. Despite knowing the risks, they aggressively pushed the vaccines worldwide, driven by greed. Japan’s investigation is the first step toward holding them accountable. The term “crimes against humanity” is no exaggeration. Japan is calling for severe punishment for these actions, and the world is beginning to wake up to the truth. The Aftermath This isn’t just about exposing a few corrupt executives—this is about tearing down an empire built on lies. The mainstream media can no longer contain this truth. Social media and alternative platforms are bringing Japan’s revelations to light, breaking the media blackout. The global elite are panicking, desperate to discredit Japan’s findings. But the truth is like a storm that can’t be stopped. Their days are numbered. The world must now ask itself: What else have we been lied to about? The time for justice is now. Japan’s investigation is just the beginning. The elite and Big Pharma cannot escape the reckoning that is coming. Subscribe for more:
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EXCLUSIVE! Top Secret Military Program and 50,000 Med Bed Centers Hidden in Closed Walmarts—The Chosen Leading a Global Health Revolution! Med Beds are not just revolutionary; they are the start of a new world—a world meticulously kept secret by those who understand their true power. Right now, people are being healed—cancers erased, degenerative diseases reversed, aging stopped. But this miracle isn’t for everyone to see—only the chosen few. Med Beds are more than advanced devices—they’re designed with technology suppressed for decades. Those who’ve been healed are part of a controlled experiment, the first phase of something far bigger. Why keep this secret? Because those in control are carefully guarding this tech, ensuring only their chosen ones benefit—for now. Early treatments are already showing unbelievable results. In Texas, a terminal cancer patient was healed overnight. Her cancer? Gone, like it never existed. In another case, an elderly man, waiting to die, was treated and regained decades of youth—his body, rejuvenated. These aren’t isolated events. Worldwide, similar stories are surfacing: people with incurable diseases suddenly healed, minds restored, bodies transformed. But where are these Med Beds? Who controls them? The truth: 50,000 Med Bed centers are hidden across the U.S., often inside closed-down Walmarts and other strategic locations. The closures aren’t about economics—they’re about repurposing these vast spaces for something much more crucial. Med Beds, under the control of the Military and Secret Space Programs, are being used to heal selected individuals. The Military holds the keys, deciding who gets treated and when. A plan is in place to eventually hand Med Beds over to Humanitarians, but don’t be fooled—the power stays with those currently in control. Zims holders will be among the first to access Med Beds. They will be healed first because they are deemed essential for what comes next—leading the charge in healing the world and resetting society. And it's not just physical healing. Med Beds have been used on the most vulnerable—children rescued from trafficking. These children, saved by the Military, were taken off-planet and healed, not just physically but emotionally, erasing the horrors they endured. This technology, so advanced, has been kept from the public to maintain control over its power. We are on the verge of a revelation that will change everything. Med Beds are not the future—they’re the present, already transforming lives. But the full truth is being kept from us, controlled by those in power. When these Med Beds are finally revealed, everything will change. Until then, stay alert. The truth is coming, and when it does, you must be ready. The future promised by Med Beds is already here, and it will redefine what it means to be human. Prepare. Subscribe for more:
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Wake Up! Everything You Believe Is a Carefully Crafted Lie by a Hidden Elite That Owns Your Governments, Banks, and Minds! The world is under the control of a hidden, powerful elite that has manipulated humanity for thousands of years. Governments, banks, corporations, and even religions are all part of a massive, interconnected system designed to keep the masses in line. You are living in a controlled simulation where every move is calculated, every narrative crafted, and every dissent crushed. Ancient Rome never fell; it just changed its face. The Vatican is the continuation of the Roman Empire, pulling the strings of global power from the shadows. The Pope is not a religious leader but the CEO of the world’s largest covert operation. Global leaders bow to Rome; every major decision made in Europe, America, and beyond has its roots in this ancient power structure. The so-called “democracies” are just fronts, and the real rulers operate far from the public eye. The financial system is a tool of enslavement, but its grip is weakening. Central banks, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF have long kept nations in debt and citizens in economic chains. However, their reign is about to end. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is poised to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in history, redistributing stolen wealth back to the people. This is a total overhaul designed to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Trillions of dollars hoarded by the elite will be seized and returned to the people, restoring economic power where it belongs. This act will expose the financial fraud perpetuated by these institutions, wiping out debts and releasing new technologies that have been suppressed to keep the populace in poverty. The days of the financial overlords are numbered, and GESARA is the catalyst that will break their chains for good, restoring wealth and freedom to the masses. Education and media are the propaganda arms of this hidden empire. From kindergarten to university, you are fed lies designed to shape your worldview to fit the agenda of the elite. Critical thinking is discouraged because an informed population is a threat. The news you watch, the books you read, and the information you consume are all curated to keep you ignorant, divided, and powerless. Governments are puppets. Elections are rigged shows to give you the illusion of choice. Presidents, prime ministers, and kings answer to the same hidden masters. Policies, wars, economic collapses—they’re all orchestrated from behind closed doors by a small group of individuals who have no allegiance to any nation but only to their own interests. They decide who wins, who loses, and how the game is played. Laws are tools of oppression, not justice. The legal system is designed to protect the elite and keep you in line. Roman law still influences modern legal codes, and its principles are used to maintain control over the masses. The courtrooms are theaters where the outcome is predetermined, and the real power lies in the unseen hands that pull the strings. Corporations are not independent entities—they are branches of the same control network. They push products, policies, and narratives that serve their masters’ agenda. From the food you eat to the technology you use, everything is designed to monitor, influence, and control you. You are not a customer; you are a data point, a resource to be exploited. The world is not what it seems. Every institution you trust, every leader you admire, every belief you hold has been carefully constructed to keep you obedient and blind to the truth. The only way out is to see the truth: that the world is run by a small, powerful group that considers itself above the rest of humanity. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. This is the reality they don’t want you to see. Wake up, or remain a willing participant in your own enslavement. Subscribe for more:
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💥💥 BREAKING!! Mel Gibson has been confirmed to share astonishing information! There will be a HUGE announcement: Mel Gibson will deliver a LIVE SPEECH on his channel with an important message for all US and world citizens during this crucial moment in global political history. Follow Mel Gibson on his Telegram channel. Spread the word and join in! This is MASSIVE! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Mel Gibson Private
In this channel you will hear the truth about our government which is not good at all !!
The Elite’s Great Reset Agenda: 5G, Vaccine ‘Death Shots’, and Total Control—They Want Us All Enslaved! The dystopia we live in today far exceeds anything imagined by Huxley or Orwell. This isn't fiction. It's happening right now—and the elites’ endgame is terrifying. Their plans for global domination are unfolding right in front of us, yet so many remain blind, drugged by propaganda. Wake up. The tools they’re using to enslave us are far more insidious than ever before. The Arsenal of Control The elites’ methods for mass murder and enslavement are calculated. Famine. Economic chaos. War. All deliberate moves to break down humanity’s will. And the masses? Left desperate, weakened, perfect for the next phase of control. They’ve masked their weapons as "progress." The Covid-19 'vaccine' is a death shot. It was never about health. It's about reducing the population. 5G? More than a communication network—it's a weapon, enabling constant surveillance and manipulation. 5G is the backbone of their control grid. Geoengineering is fueling environmental disasters, driving survivors into controlled cities, the so-called Smart Cities. But don’t be fooled—these are nothing but digital prisons, designed to trap you. The Smart City Prison System In these dystopian cities, freedom dies. Movements will be controlled by geofencing, with every action watched by 5G towers. Your digital ID and social credit score will dictate your every move. Spend what they allow, go where they approve, live as they decide. CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) will replace cash. Programmable money means they control every purchase—what, where, and how much. Say goodbye to independence. Control Through Food The ultimate weapon isn’t just tech. Food is their tool. Henry Kissinger said it best: “Who controls the food supply controls the people.” They’re wiping out small farms, leaving us to consume their genetically mutilated, poisoned food. Bugs for you, organic feasts for them. The All-Seeing Eye Privacy? Forget it. Total surveillance is here. Cameras, AI, and drones will watch everything. Every word you speak, every step you take—they know. Stray from the path, and you’ll be crushed by their transhuman enforcers. Resist Now or Be Enslaved Forever Their plan seems unstoppable, but it’s not too late. Reject their digital IDs, refuse the Smart Cities, and protect your food sources. Resist their shots, avoid 5G, and live off their grid of control. But the most important step? Wake up and fight. Complacency ends now. The clock is ticking. Our freedom is fading, but it’s not gone yet. We have one chance—resist, or be enslaved forever. The time for action is now. Subscribe for more:
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🚨Mel Gibson leaks a RITUAL ROOM from a hidden camera at Hillary Clinton's house! 📸 🧹 Hillary Clinton's housekeeper placed a hidden video camera at what appears to be a ritual room. 😱 ⚠️ In the video you can see Hillary and Bill Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres and her wife, Oprah and Portia, all engaging in some kind of rituals! 👀 📲 Join the following channel to see the video before it's deleted‼️ Join👇👇👇
Последнее обновление: 11.07.23
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