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Some lost dogs are more lost than the others. If you forgot to claim your winnings in $NOT, here’s a reminder on how to do it: 1⃣ and select the "Profile" button in the bottom right corner. 2⃣ After that, you will see your $NOT balance. And click "Claim" button. Yes, it is that easy! If you swapped $NOT for BONES but did not use them, they have been returned to your app balance. ⭐️ Your connected wallet should have a little TON for paying the network fee. ⚠️ If you interrupted your $NOT withdrawal for any reason (e.g., insufficient TON balance to cover the fee), your balance will be updated within an hour. After that, you can try again. And get ready for the next chapter in the dogs' story—we're not just sitting idly by.
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265 146
🧑‍🎨 It’s quiet in our kennels. We sit by the fire, gazing at the starry sky. It's hard for us to comprehend what has happened: you have created a vast world that unfolded before our eyes. ✨ In 42 days, 11 million players created an entirely new reality. A collective dream became... real. We feel the rain of the jungle and the radioactive dust from the explosion of the source on our paws, and before our eyes – Gavkus' fireworks bloom. How we long to rebuild, experience, and absorb every detail of this story, friends! In a daring endeavor, we compiled your journey and made an animated film depicting the fate of Dogtown. 🎬 Let's watch it together, hugging and anticipating the next chapter in the story of the Lost Dogs.
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605 054
42 days, 11 million users guessing, playing and having fun. This was not just a random game, but a story, created by the community. Beautiful. This is a story that once again showed how important the social aspect is in web3. Millions of people from all over the world united, planned their steps to determine the fate of the Lost Dogs. is a prologue to things that will happen in the coming months. Now, it’s time to savor a few bones and celebrate this dog-filled adventure 🌚 ❤️
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502 834
510 618
Hello, Pack! What a story this has turned out to be: Dogtown is in ruins, the cat wanders on its own, and the tribe of dogs is on the road again... Is it the end? No! 🐕 In 42 days of the game, players have mined over 85% of the total $WOOF supply. The rest will be distributed in the next two activities, which we plan to launch by the end of October. Following that, we will prepare for the listing. ❓ What's happening now? We'll catch our breath, tally up all the numbers, and scroll through the whole story. Just imagine: we, 11 million players, created and witnessed the same dream about lost dogs... It would be great to bring all of that together in one place 🤔
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1 876 151
2 064
LAST DAY The dogs left, taking their survival kits with them; only a giant crater remained where Dogtown once stood. * * * 🌕 The darkness belongs to her, as do those who have succumbed to it. She reigns supreme here, among the ashes of their hopes and lives, and their deaths just add to her power. Clouds have gathered over the ruins of once-beautiful Dogtown, and it seems that even sunlight has abandoned this place forever. She gazes upon the fruits of her creation without regret or fear. Her victory is now absolute, and no one dares to challenge what she has achieved. I stand atop the wreckage of your home, which has collapsed under the weight of my wrath, savoring the silence of devastation. This is the apex of my creation, and my victory rings out even in the midst of ruin. What will the Cat-Who-Walks-By-Herself do next?
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2 155 366
2 days left Panic is merely a form of fear of reality. 🙏 Dogtown represented hope and a new life for the dogs. Every street, every house here was the result of hard work and a source of pride for the pack.. But now, everything they built is doomed to perish. The news that the city will explode in a few days pierced their hearts like a sharp blade. ☹️ The homes into which they poured their souls will soon turn to dust. Their memories include every day spent here, every joy and pain, but the future holds only frightening uncertainty. Fleeing leaves you feeling powerless: where do you go when your home disappears? The hope with which this city was built is now shattered. The future is uncertain, and no one knows whether they will ever find a place to call home. They have indeed been abandoned by gods and fate. They are lost in this world. Lost dogs. There's not much time left to pack, and they can't bring much with them. What will the dogs carry on their final journey?
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1 021 653
3 days left The war is awful, and it has crippled many spirits and bodies. To ensure that this does not happen again, Genghis Gaf published a book about how awful war is and how we should all live in harmony. 💔 Meanwhile, reality mercilessly destroys everything we build from our hopes. Dreams evaporate so quickly that often all that left is the harsh awareness of our own helplessness. 👷 During the morning inspection of the "Dogtown Rescue" initiative, scientists discovered a heartbreaking scene. The project completely ruined, literally torn to shreds. The scientists were terrified, and the horrible revelation rapidly became public. What about the dogs? Is hope truly dead? Are they really undeserving of a future? The decision will be made by Genghis Gaf and his close associates. This is one of those cases where FEWER voices are better.
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958 862
4 days left The dogs scattered to their homes, releasing the anguish and sorrow in their hearts via exuberant celebration. Families needed to reestablish their daily life, while veterans needed to adjust to peaceful living again. ⏺ To conclude a difficult period and usher in a new era in the lives of the dogs, Genghis Gaf made a proposal, which he announced in the town square: Friends, we have gathered today to remember those who lost their lives in the dreadful civil war. This war tore our society apart, divided families and friends. Everyone who fell in that conflict believed they were fighting for a better future. We must remember their heroism, their aspirations, and their pain. May their sacrifices serve as a lesson to us about the value of unity, peace, and understanding. We have an obligation to create a world in which no one dies as a result of brotherly conflict. May their memories live on in our hearts! He ended his speech by suggesting that the towndogs choose how they wish to honor those who suffered in the terrible fratricidal war.
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947 886
5 days left Engineer Rex comes to the rescue yet again. Construction was completed well ahead of schedule. However, many have been left without a roof over their heads... Without the threat hovering over their heads, the dogs were able to breathe freely. It was decided to commemorate the completion of the "Save Dogtown" initiative. However, neither Genghis Gaf nor Rex had any good ideas for a party. They were accustomed to tackling difficulties of a different nature. 🤹‍♂️ Enter Marbo Ball, the new director of the juggling consortium, a Resistance hero, and a noble dog. He suggested throwing a masquerade ball, where everyone would dress up and dance while the jugglers performed. 🍖 Some of the starving Dogtown residents suggested hosting a lavish banquet and eating their fill for once. 😰 Those who had lost loved ones in the war were not in the mood for celebrations. As often happens, there were differing moods among the dogs, and a single decision needed to be made. What will the dogs do?
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945 453
6 days left Dogtown was recovering from the exhausting civil war: empty streets, ruined buildings. And, finally, the calm of peace. 🙄 However, some dogs began to notice that the scientists and engineers hardly ever left their laboratories. Genghis Gaf and his associates remained silent. Tension was increasing. The townsdogs heard that a nuclear bomb was stashed deep in the catacombs beneath the city. The dogs, of course, had no idea what "nuclear" meant, but it sounded terrifying and definitely spelled disaster. Some whispered that the bomb was about to explode. 🌞 One gloomy morning, while sweeping the square near the city hall, the old janitor saw a familiar figure in a construction helmet. He had become gaunt and thin, but there was no doubt: it was Engineer Rex. He had been disgracefully exiled for his differences a long time ago, but the kind-hearted dog bore no ill will toward Dogtown's residents. He emerged just when the city and its citizens needed him the most. ⌛️ The bomb's flashing red timer warned them that time was running out, making Rex's assistance even more crucial. The scientists who devised the dome discovered that they lacked the necessary resources to complete the project. Engineer Rex gathered the scientists around him and proposed several solutions: 1️⃣ Revise the blueprints of the protective solution to optimize the creation process. 2️⃣ Dismantle multiple residential apartments; the materials obtained will speed up the work. 3️⃣ And, as always, in his own style, with a kind-hearted smile, he proposed a third option: take a break, have some tea, and try again. His words helped to lighten the mood, but everyone knew there wasn't much time left. The question was urgent. How to speed up the process?
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880 578
Apparently, a radioactive waste leak from the bomb-source has affected our servers as well... The problem has been localized, protective measures have been taken, and we’re already fixing everything. So far, no dog engineers have been harmed. 🐶 This post will be updated as news comes in!
803 787
Hello, Pack! The counter in the game is approaching zero: is the finale really just a week away? Yes, this story will come to an end in 7 days. But this is not the end of the dog season. 🧙‍♂️ Barkus has some surprises up his sleeve: together, we are preparing a few more tricks. 👨 We are taking the story to a new level and also working on the game mechanics, so your $WOOF will come in handy. 🐶 For our pragmatic friends: we are preparing for a listing on exchanges. When will it happen? We’re doing everything we can to make it happen in the coming months. 💁 We also have plans for the third season of Lost Dogs. We have no plans to slow down the fun. In the meantime, we hold our breath as we await the resolution of the story about Dogtown, the mysterious dark figure, and the deadly source bomb. 7 days could change everything.
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950 771
7 days left The danger of the bomb was known to everyone thanks to the Resistance's decision to share this information. However, some things were still kept hidden from the Dogtowners; specifically, that the entire city would be blown up in just a few days. These details were decided to be kept within a close circle of scientist-dogs. Panic would not help at this point, especially considering the war fatigue. 🤔 The dog scientists were racking their brains on how to save Dogtown's population. They needed to figure out how to contain or at least minimize the bomb's destructive potential.
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873 852
8 days left During the night, the Resistance dealt a decisive blow to the Cult of Mutants. The commanders issued orders, and the squad stormed the enemy's fortifications. The assault came as a surprise to the Cult. The Resistance fought fiercely, sparing no effort. Losses were significant, but the soldiers' spirit remained unshakable. 👊 Having overcome the final lines of defense, the Resistance delivered the decisive blow. The victory was hard-won, but it became a symbol of hope and courage that will leave a deep mark in history. Now it seems like victory was inevitable. But in reality, it was a treacherous path. The lengthy and vicious war between the Resistance and the Cult had depleted the residents of Dogtown as well as the fighters on either side. After the Cult surrendered, the dogs lacked the strength to return to their usual positions. 🔥 Mixed groups of Cult warriors and Resistance fighters shared scant supplies and warmed themselves over fires. 💔 There was never any real animosity between these dogs; they were made to think they were enemies. Power-hungry figures like Barquemada simply used the gullibility of ordinary dogs to achieve their selfish goals. But what did the dogs want? The dogs wanted to live peacefully. And now their season had arrived. The close associates of Barquemada, sensing the imminent end, were the first to contact Genghis Gaf and offered to lay down their arms. In exchange, the Cult would hand over its leader to the Resistance, and power would return to Genghis Gaf and his new allies from the Resistance. What will they do with Barquemada?
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961 463
9 days left The resistance fighters, in the battle against the giant of the Cult, were losing their last hope. 🦸‍♂️ Suddenly, as if from the darkness, he appears. On his hat sparkle white stars, and in his hands crackle the fuses of fireworks. Gavkus, the all-powerful, leader of quirkiness, carries fiery chaos. The sky above him is cleaved by a radiant beam of sparks, and he rushes into battle like light itself, tearing through the darkness. The giant, in horror, flees in an unknown direction. The Cult's last trump card was played and failed to gain an advantage over the Resistance. The time for half-measures and diversions is over. The Resistance leadership has made a decision; it's time for decisive action. They decided to risk everything. ✊ The Resistance gathered all its forces: unit commanders assembled at headquarters to choose the most effective tactics for a surprise mass attack. Military experts, working with commanders, suggested three potential courses of action: 1️⃣ Attack from four directions simultaneously. Strike under the cover of night and encircle the enemy. 2️⃣ Unite the Resistance and deliver a devastating blow to the Cult. Suddenly. Quickly. Decisively. All or nothing. 3️⃣ Send a vanguard of volunteers and Cutthroat Jugglers for a feint attack followed by a swift tactical retreat. When the adversary gives chase and abandons their fortifications, strike with the main forces.
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1 048 389
10 days left While the Resistance messengers were spreading the terrifying news, something horrifying was born in the depths of the Mutant Cult's laboratories. The Cult's geneticists created a creature with tremendous strength. A massive dog, with one strong sweep of its gigantic paw, was intended to destroy the Resistance. The Resistance's leadership called an emergency council at headquarters. They had to decide what (or who?) to pit against the cultists' beast: 1⃣ David, a brilliant ninja dog, proposed outsmarting the giant and luring him into a trap. To do this, he would pretend to know the most incredible secret in the world. When the dumb giant’s curiosity got the best of him, the strike team would activate the trap. 2⃣ The Marbo gang partnered with the Consortium of Jugglers. The circus performers would teach the dogs acrobatic feats, allowing them to join forces and build a massive Woof-Transformer. This would be the one to protect against the genetic nightmare. 3⃣ Barkus promised everyone that enough fireworks would make even the bravest dog go to a dark corner and whimper. How will the Resistance act? The decision will be made by the MINORITY: the close commanders together with Genghis Gaf.
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1 093 519
11 days left The decryption machine Cryptopaw, created by a bright scientist named Alan Gafyuring, successfully completed the mission and decrypted the cryptic paper. So he implanted knowledge of all the universe's languages and ciphers in one of the dogs' minds, and that dog understood the cryptic paper. The poor puppy went insane after this... 😣 What had fallen into the Resistance dogs' paws? It turned out to be a guidebook on radiation safety. The dogs discovered frightening information in the guidebook: the Source is a ticking time bomb. The strange, red-glowing symbols represent a countdown timer. The Resistance included dogs from Rex's brigade, who had previously examined the Source. One of them possessed a photographic memory, but due to his age, the film was nearly depleted. He could only recall a few of the symbols, but even the partial decoding showed that there wasn't much time remaining. How will the resistance fighters deal with this new information?
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1 044 830
12 days left Resistance saboteurs infiltrated a fortified Cult camp. It was located at the entrance to the tunnels leading to the Source. 🪐 The goal of the saboteur group was to gather information and identify weaknesses in the Source's security. The Resistance warriors intended to exploit this information in a smart attack against the Cult's primary asset. Inside the cultists' special unit's field research lab, the saboteurs discovered a mysterious document in the filing system. It was written in a language unknown to them and was covered with the same symbols as the Source itself. 🚨 At the most inconvenient moment, the cultists raised the alarm; it seemed that one of the saboteurs was chipped. Fighting their way through ravenous guard dogs, the Resistance fighters jumped over the fence and vanished from the cultists' pursuit 📃 The document was handed over to the Resistance researchers, who were tasked with studying it and understanding how it was connected to the Source. How will the dog scientists decipher the document?
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1 071 676
Hold tight, it seems like a pearl-moon is rising! 🌕 The pack has been howling at what seemed to be the moon, only to discover it was a giant pearl. The magician from saw it in his crystal ball! This drop is no ordinary find—the dogs have left behind a cryptic clue that could shape their destiny, a key that might unravel the secrets of the pack. This isn’t just about claiming a unique relic; it’s your chance to explore the mysteries buried deep within the ashes of dog world. Will you be the one to decipher the signs and unlock the truth? But beware, the clock is ticking. You have only until 13:00 CET on September 3rd to take part. Time slips through their paws, and adventure waits for no one. Join the pack and discover a world where a new future is being built, one bark at a time, with Lost Dogs: The Hint! 🏴‍☠️What do you need to do🏴‍☠️ 1. Tap 2. Click on "Lost Dogs: The Hint", so it has ✅ next to it 3. Authenticate* with Tonkeeper. You can also connect your wallet by tapping Settings button. 4. Get ready to receive your Pearls! 💎*ATTENTION If you don't connect your wallet, you can't receive a drop. So make sure it's connected💎 | | |
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1 004 120
Remember, remember, the Hint is on 3rd of September! 🧙‍♂️
801 196
14 days left Genghis Gaf listened to everyone's arguments, and before the command post could fully turn into a discussion club, he raised his hand, demanding silence: Enough of hiding in the corners and lurking in the shadows. The time has come to face our destiny head-on. Prepare the forces; we will go on the attack! While the Resistance was making plans, the Cult was taking action. The vicious totalitarian machine tightened its grasp on the city dwellers' necks. 📣 Every morning in Dogtown began with propaganda broadcasts that echoed across the city's streets via loudspeakers and relay systems. The most recent broadcast, which began with the now-familiar slogans and lectures, included a new directive: all people must report to the nearest CCP (Cult Compliance Point) to get the Cult Mark—a micro-device used for round-the-clock surveillance of citizens. The Cult's goal was to ensure continuous supervision of the population. There was a 24-hour compliance deadline; individuals who disobeyed and failed to obtain microchip would be executed on the spot. The message concluded with Barquemada's words: — This is for your own good. In such a difficult time, we must stand united in the face of challenges to our society. Those that have nothing to conceal have no reason to be concerned, for this is the cost of your protection. What should the Resistance fighters do? Not all of them are openly fighting; many are undercover and constantly in the Cult's view.
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1 041 385
✨We won! ✨ Thank you all for your support and participation. As promised, we have credited 500 $WOOF to everyone who voted in the August 23rd round 🐕
1 090 177

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Анонимное голосование
798 400
673 339
Getgems Twitter Spaces are so back, & we’re bringing the heat 🔥 Amidst all the chaos, we’ve secured an exclusive guest —Mad Tail, CBQIMO (chief bones quality inspector manager officer) from This is their first and only public appearance on Spaces since the game’s launch, which has hooked nearly 10 million players in just one month. We’ll be diving deep into their story—the highs, the lows, and all the wild antics of the dog pack. If we’re lucky, we might even get a glimpse into what’s next. 👨 Breaking! Mad Tail will be dropping crucial intel on vote distribution during the Spaces! 🧙‍♂️ When: Aug 29, 2pm UTC Where: Woof and awoo, bark with you soon! 👣 👀 Follow Getgems on social media: EN Chat | Twitter | Discord | YouTube | Website | Support
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1 079 392
14 days left Despite his fierceness and warlike nature, Genghis Gaf never underestimated the importance of a strategic approach. In these times of war, the cunning of the Chief Scientist is more valuable than ever. The first thing Genghis Gaf did was organize a among the resistance fighters. Rumor has it that these things can predict the future. 😪🔽🔽😪 MEANWHILE, AT THE RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS 😪🔽🔽😪 — The Bark squad clashed with superior Cult forces on the corner of 25th and 4th! — Send Marbo's Cutthroat squad to them! Even during lulls, clashes with the enemy continued. While soldiers of larger units rested, scouts and special squads continued to carry out orders under the cover of night. The top brass of the Resistance had gathered: they were about to make a decision that may change the course of the battle. A civil war that had been going on for six months. There were several options on the agenda. There was no room for error, nor the strength to continue. 1⃣ The first and most familiar strategy is targeted sabotage. Strike the cult's hydra in crucial areas. 2⃣ Another option: unleash a final major strike. They are significantly outnumbered and out-equipped by the Cult, but such a move is certainly unexpected from them. The plan relies on the element of surprise. 3⃣ There was also a plan proposed by the scientists. During one of the raids, they managed to obtain documents on the Cult's mutation research. The Resistance scientists are confident they can use this data to develop a unique type of flea that will neutralize the Cult's dogs. The top brass of the Resistance had to decide which path to choose.
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856 733
🐶 TON, get well soon 🙏🏻
700 262
Block production on TON experiencing further disruption Block production issues began at 19:19 UTC. The disruption appears to be due to heavy load attributed to DOGS token minting. TON Core is working on a solution. We will continue to update you on the situation as it evolves. User cryptoassets are not at risk.
655 392
Okay, we anticipated that it can be difficult for transactions to go through, but not to this extent… Right now, B̶̖̰̤̺̥̀͒͋͆̉͝͠L̷͊̎ ̡̬̥͇̜͛͂̆̓̋̄̐̈͗̓͝͝Ỏ̷̡͓̝̘̱̤̥̙͕͚͚͉͎̓̍ͅͅČ̸͓͍͚͎̼̰̺͉͔͕͕͇̹̈͑͆̏͜K̷͑̈́ ̜̪̠͎̀̎͝ͅC̵̛͙̜̯͈̯͕͌̀̔͗̏̆͛̇͜H̴ ͙Ą̶̢̣̬̦̖̼̗͖͈͔̬̼͐̅̽ͅI̷ ̢̛̗̩͎̱̭́̇͑͒̓́̀̐͌̑̏̌ͅǸ̶͘͠ is struggling with the recent surge in load, and transactions are occurring more slowly than usual. Everyone whose $NOT to BONES swapped is recorded in Barkus's magic book, so they won’t notice any issues: if the transaction went through, the BONES will arrive. All our moves are recorded; stay tuned. The best dog engineers are working on the issue; we hope the blockchain will improve soon 🙏
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812 450
15 days left Words, words... Words. Every self-nominated leader, regardless of number of supporters, hides their true intentions behind slogans. 💬 The rise of the cult to power began with Barquemada's speeches about divine providence and ended with chanting the slogan "Let all mutants bloom!" and stamping those who disagreed into the ground. But those who disagreed remained. Those who opposed totalitarian occultism and madness. Those who refused to be crushed. ✊ They united and became the Resistance. The cult's opponents began to form a more defined structure and plan large-scale actions. The rift in the pack no longer felt like a faraway and improbable prospect. After all, the rift had already occurred. 🎉 The Resistance successfully rescued Genghis Gaf from the cultists, with minimal losses. An important question arose: What role will the former leader play in the Resistance? Trust in him had been severely undermined by his passivity during the cult's rise. Formally, this is explained by the fact that the watchdogs sold out to the cult, but... What role should Genghis Gaf have within the ranks of the activists?
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684 489
Today is Wednesday, our pack! A new day with games within games within games... We're repeating the experiment with Playdeck, hiding updating hints in the incredible game bot. 🐶 It should be more exciting now that you can get hints for playcoins! The simplest way to earn playcoins is simply playing games. We update the hints every hour until 21:00 CET. Last week, the distribution was quite static; 🐶 To get extra $WOOF and BONES, complete tasks in our game. Woof to everyone ❤️ Explore Playdeck here!
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622 358
16 days left The remnants of the resistance went underground and set up a base in the Dogtown sewers. In one of the utility rooms, where a pumping station was located, they discovered a large number of boxes. A note was attached to one of them: You desired wisdom; I grant it to you. The dogs opened a large wooden crate and found a printing press inside. At first, they had no idea what it was, but the instructions thoughtfully provided by the dark individual clarified the purpose of this sizable object ⌨ What should they print? What wisdom should they bring to the masses?
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724 460
17 days left 😳 Abduction of a child is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. Even if the dog was three times over a cult instrument, does that excuse the Resistance's actions? Those who gave the orders and those whose paws carried them out will have to live with and grapple with this question. Did the Resistance saboteurs, who committed such horrific crimes, have any influence on the situation? Time will tell. The Resistance's attention was focused on rescuing Genghis Gaf and carrying out sabotage. Meanwhile, Barquemada, with the support of the cultist warriors, took control of the city hall. The Cult leader and the legal board, together with officials loyal to the cult, passed a vote of no confidence in Genghis Gaf. Barquemada became the head of the provisional government. 😪 Now, nothing stood in the way of the cult and their enforcers. Well, except for the resistance activists. In response to the abduction of the proclaimed Messiah, the Cult launched its machine of totalitarian repression. Guard dogs began breaking into the homes of prominent activist dogs. They dragged sleepy resistance members from their beds, took children from their mothers, and separated sisters and brothers. 😢 The dungeons quickly filled with notable resistance figures. Different Resistance cells and the $DOGS group (Democratic Opposition Group for Sovereignty) united their efforts under the yoke of the Cult's repressive machine. 🙏 They believed that dogs' future lay in solidarity and faith in a free society without authoritarian control. But how can this be accomplished?
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866 855
We are on Telegram to tell stories, build communities, and unite. To freely choose new paths. Each dog is unique, but all dogs belong to the pack. Despite the fact that we are all lost dogs, we are all part of a dog community 🦴🌚 Carry on, The dog season is here to stay 🦴
9 602 360
1 942
18 days left 💪 The Resistance Dogs organized the youth and athletes from basement gyms, arming them with primitive weapons. They then sent them to attack the cultists who were besieging the town hall. Meanwhile, a group of seasoned watchdogs abandoned their stations once the cult took control of the majority of the guard. They set out to rescue Genghis Gaf while the situation was chaotic. 🤯 When the cultists came to their senses, the cult leader Barquemada delivered a fiery speech to encourage the cult fighters. — Brothers and sisters, my mutants! Do not be afraid: I am bringing you great joy, which will benefit all dogs! For today, in the city of Adam, a Savior has been born to you, the Messiah, and this is your sign! Barquemada raised up a little puppy above his head with six paws 🐾🐾🐾 — Rejoice, for the gods and the universe have blessed our brother with this birth! Rejoice, as our cause is right! Rejoice, for mutant power is real! The multitude of cultists rejoiced with the speaker, praising the evolution of mutants 🎉 The first-born mutant. The beginning of a new era. That is who this puppy was. The resistance activists exchanged frightened looks. What should they do now?
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641 628
Looking for a hint? Here’s one for today: The pack is ready to rescue their leader. Only a few choose to «stay low». ✉️
636 889
674 128
19 days left You choose wisdom... wisely... In the morning, after waking up from a wonderful dream, the hounds of Resistance found themselves in an entirely new world. It is enough for good to do nothing for evil to triumph. Passive resistance to the cult yielded no results, but merely untied the hands of the sectarians. The cult grew strong enough to commit an openly audacious act. Barquemada led a cultist mass march to the town hall, where the Genghis Gaf was with the remaining loyal dogs of his administration 🔥 The cultists held torches in their paws; their intentions were far from peaceful. They were after the soul of the chief scientist. Mutants in robes chanted, "We are the power here now!" — and the echo of the sinister slogan spread throughout the pack. What do they want? To kill the leader? Capture him? In any case, this bodes nothing good. The resistance must act decisively.
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820 351
Pack, it's time to show our strength. You know who to vote for. By the way, if we win, Gafkus the Greatpaw promised to perform our favorite trick: to give everyone who voted in today's round 500 $WOOF 🧙‍♂️ That crazy old geezer...
618 003

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Анонимное голосование
611 892
🔥 App Battle Alert: Pick Your Pack! 🔥 The competition is heating up! Two fan-favorite apps are going paw-to-paw for the title of "App of the Week." Your vote decides who takes the lead and claims the top spot on . Don’t miss out—support your favorite now! 💪 🐶 lets you choose the way to shape the story and forge a new destiny for the Dogs Pack together with your friends. If challenging choices and a captivating plot are your jam, give your vote for Lost Dogs! Players have already won over 175 million $NOT tokens, making every game round even more rewarding! 🐶 keeps you and your pup entertained with fun games, expert tips, and a vibrant community. For those who cherish quality time with their furry friend, vote for Not Bored Puppies! They've already given away over 2,000,000 $NOT tokens and are currently running a giveaway for 3 Lost Dogs NFTs on their channel. Don't miss your chance to snag these awesome rewards! Who will fetch the win?
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636 943
20 days left In the evening, everyone gathered for Gavkus the Greatpaw's performance. At the request of the children, who love fireworks so much, the great wizard organized an amazing show for everyone. But, as with all of Gavkus's wonders, there was a touch of madness. 🎆 The fireworks were launched underground, in old caves, illuminating the earth from within. The mesmerizing spectacle of the shimmering soil and minerals, lit up by the fire of magical flashes, captivated even the grumpiest of dogs. After the show, timed to the new phase of the celestial bodies, all the dogs went home to perform rituals honoring their ancestors. 📖 According to old dog stories, the physical and astral realms merge tonight. The Dog Path opens. 🌠 As a dead moon rose over the pack, the activist dogs, sleeping in their beds after show and rituals, experienced a weird vision of their ancestors, souls, and future lives. All of the dogs' histories and futures converged on a single Dog Path. The older dogs remembered a similar incident that occurred prior to the Great Exodus from the Wasteland. They named it the Call, and it gave them hope for a new home. This time, things were different... On the astral path, there were no ancestors or gods. In the middle of the dream path stood a shadowy figure with eyes like two black suns. It promised the activist dogs gifts that would help them throw off the yoke of the Cult. They only had to desire it strongly enough. What will the dogs wish for?
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538 768
21 day left The Cult's raid on the gathering ended in a massacre. The Cult thugs, used to never getting hit back and beating the weak, were met with a fitting resistance. The activist dogs gave the cultists a good thrashing and kicked them off their territory. A satisfying victory that, of course, won't come back to haunt the activists later. Political upheaval was still there, but there were some bright spots in the dogs' lives. 🐴 On the outskirts of the city, a small cart appeared, drawn by a mechanical (or magical?) horse. The reins were held by an elderly guy wearing a purple robe with a pattern of golden stars. A lengthy white beard and bushy brows adorned the traveler's face. The dogs, sensing magical things, noisily followed the cart to the central square of Dogtown 🐶 Upon arriving, the old man unloaded a pile of bundles, all marked with a bright red "G." 🧙 Of course, "G" stood for "Gavkus," and next to the boxes stood the wizard himself, recognized by all as a master of tricks, magic, and enchantment. He had other business that was more serious and dangerous than tricks and stunts, but the pack didn’t know or think about that. "That strange old dog spouts nonsense!" the pups exclaimed, as the elder listened and laughed. He came to Dogtown occasionally and never remained long, but he was well-known, if not by face, then by reputation. So, what are the dogs expecting from their beloved wizard's performance?
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579 377
In our dog fraternity, we love games... and hints! So we decided to hide hints in the games, and everything just sort of went off from there... 🐶 Today, we hid a hint with our Playdeck friends: and look for the coveted numbers. A tiny plot twist: the clue will be updated hourly till 21:00 CET! By the way, we also added a task to enter the Playdeck — there you'll find WOOF and additional BONES to make your choice stronger 💪
645 403
22 days left The weekly gathering was organized by dog activists using a super-secret network of string telephones. The agenda included discussing news about the missing puppies. 🤔 Missing puppies have become an increasingly common occurrence in recent days. Naturally, the Resistance thought that the Mutant Cult was behind this. The Cult, in turn, denied the public's accusations. The cultists shifted the blame onto Barkus the Greatpaw, who had been notorious for similar behavior in the past 🧙‍♂️ 😢 Heartbroken parents revealed the details of their puppies' kidnapping, hoping to locate any clues that could lead them to their missing pups with the help of other members at the Resistance gathering. "Bobby, as usual, ran off to play in the backyard, where he loved chasing his tail in circles," his mother cried. "Just like his late father..." At that moment, a dog who had been keeping watch ran into the room and shouted: Basta! The Cult! The cultists stormed the Resistance assembly, wearing black robes with the cult's symbol on their chests. They began breaking everything in their path and attacked the gathered participants. How will the activists respond? To get a hint, follow the link and look for the coveted numbers with our friends from Playdeck. A tiny plot twist: the hint will be updated every hour until 21:00 CET! By the way, we also added a task to enter the Playdeck — there you'll find WOOF and additional BONES to make your choice stronger 💪
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601 420
23 days left 🔈 Unorganized crowds of dogs took to the streets of Dogtown with banners. The signs were filled with slogans against the cult, and the crowd chanted, "DOWN WITH THE CULT OF CROOKS AND THIEVES!" Rallies erupted in different parts of the city but quickly died down. Organized groups of watchdogs dispersed the uncoordinated gatherings and sent the dogs back home. 👁 The cult's atrocities were gaining momentum. They organized public floggings of non-mutants, put electronic collars on them for amusement, and vandalized their establishments. The citizens of Dogtown howled for help. But the watchdogs turned a blind eye to the lawlessness around them. After some time, it was clear that they were on the cult's payroll and wouldn't help you. The city now had a new de facto power: the criminal organization of the Mutant Cult. 🙏 The cult's opponents didn't give up. They needed to choose a reliable means of communication so that neither the cultists nor the watchdogs could catch them.
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593 455
24 days left There were far more regular dogs in the square than cultists. Barquemada decided they should let the troublemaker go and signaled to his dogs. After that, the cultists' procession left the square. What happened in the square terrified the locals. It became evident that the Mutant Cult posed a threat to the pack; who knows what more they could do? ✊ Active opponents of the cult began to gather together. During their meetings, they discussed how to resist the cult's influence over the dogs' minds. Some urged the dogs to protest, while more radical ones demanded that they should strike first. There were also other ideas. Since there aren't too many active opponents of the cult yet, today's decision will be made BY THE MINORITY. This means that all of the winners who swapped NOT for BONES could be in for big rewards!
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693 793
25 days left 🗓 Days and weeks passed, as the Mutant Cult became more obvious and noisier. Some dogs supported the new group, which made mutants feel at home; others disregarded them; and yet others resisted the group, believing it was religious and dangerous. Even the mutant dogs who sympathized with the cult began to have doubts as Barquemada’s rhetoric started to change. 🎤 The cult leader’s speeches were no longer about unity and benevolence descending upon dogs but about the evolution of society, where mutants should stand on the top step, naturally trampling over non-mutants with their boots. The cult was established on belligerent mutants, including guard dogs that swore to serve and protect the Dogtown pack, as well as the senior scientist. Where are their promises now? During one of the leader's speeches, a violent cult opponent began shouting insults and throwing stones at the speaker. 👊 The cultists gathered around the stage promptly encircled the troublemaker and began beating him. When he collapsed, the cultists quickly took him off in an unknown direction. Dogs who witnessed such tyranny…
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772 021
26 days left 🙏 How wonderful is the world where dogs help each other. The city now enjoys true harmony. At least that’s how it seems at first glance, as there are always those who dislike the established order. Day after day those who called themselves the Mutant Cult began to gather In the square. The charismatic leader of the Cult was a dog named Barquemada; it was rumored that he possessed not just one superpower, but a whole array! 🕊 The same dog who gave the dogs faith and hope for a new home was now preaching about divine providence and the special purpose of mutant dogs. In between speeches, he conducted idol-making workshops and hosted musical concerts in support of mutants.
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712 585
The Society of Lost Dogs will never be the same. We were warned about this by the Conspirator Dogs, but we didn't believe them and continued to move towards our goal, trying to understand the unknown. Mutating dogs, new powers, and irreparable changes in the Pack's structure… All of this affects the rules of the game. 💪 Thanks to the Source, dogs have become stronger, therefore all NFT Lost Dogs will provide greater bonuses to their owners: 1st generation NFTs → 100 BONES each day; 2nd generation NFTs and above → 10 BONES each day; NFTs from the Mutagen collection → 100 BONES each day; Mutagen NFT #69 → 169 BONES each day. Read more in our FAQ. ☣ All dogs with radioactive properties will further enhance players' positions. On Monday, August 19, at 18:00 CET, we will record all wallets containing NFT Lost Dogs with radioactive properties and grant their owners 150 $WOOF for each! A terrifying future looks at the dog tribe with bottomless eyes. What can we answer to this silent gaze?
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655 667
27 days left 🔬 Following the advice of the scientific advisors, the chief scientist stationed guards around the Source and ordered the research center to be open only to scientists. However, it seems that the dog who used to sell stockings in the underground passage has now started dealing in fake diplomas. How else could one explain the influx of "accredited" dogs in the center? The dogs that visited the Source gradually developed unusual powers. 🗿 A dog living near the tunnels started turning paper into stones and stones into scissors with the power of thought. This resulted in a catastrophic collapse of the local arena's betting industry, in which dogs played rock-paper-scissor. 🔥 Genghis Gaf's son began spontaneously combusting, forcing his clothes to burn off, leaving him naked at inappropriate times. 🐶 However, not all powers were harmless, and not all dogs had good intentions. Some used their remarkable abilities for personal benefit; for example, one dog plundered a bone warehouse by morphing into a key. The administration was paralyzed by the incessant reports of instances involving these mutant dogs. Great power comes with great responsibility. How will the pack choose to use their new abilities?
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557 980
28 days left The dogs knocked, and... the door was opened. Whether it was someone behind the door or a magical mechanism at play, the dogs never found out. Behind the door was an amazing device that emitted a great deal of heat and created an incredible sensation of mysterious POWER in the air. ☢️ The dogs did not understand what this mysterious device was or what the mysterious flashing red symbols on it meant. The research team that discovered the unknown object referred to it as the Source. ⚡️ The researchers' remarkable discovery immediately became public knowledge. One dog privately told a friend about what they had discovered, who then told another... Everyone now knew about the mysterious Source. Genghis Gaf, due to his radical views, wanted to restrict access to the Source, as they didn't fully understand what it was... If only they understood what they were dealing with! 🔬 Representatives from the Institute for Institutional Research (IIR) that at least scientists should be granted access to the Source because it needed to be studied. Otherwise, the next quarter's bone budget plan would not be authorized! 💰 The treasurer, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity to boost Dogtown's budget, but with one condition: admission should be allowed to anybody who could afford a ticket.
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621 996
Hello, pack! Here are some bonus updates. now receive daily additional BONES 🔥 You don't need to be a dog mathematician to comprehend the benefits of Gold and Platinum levels: you mine $NOT in charged pools, and on top of that, you get BONES: 75 🦴 for Gold and 150 🦴 for Platinum. And here’s another fun fact: we've hidden a check for Notcoin level in the tasks so you can earn some $WOOF. 👀 We also heard that hints are appearing in the tasks! And even funny videos with dogs from COUB... You even can get $WOOF for watching these funny videos... How cool is that! 🐶 And btw
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664 344
29 days left 🥊 Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face... However, the dogs decided to fight the rat. The rat had no plan—it fled in terror back into the tunnel. After catching their breath and recovering, they continued on their journey. 🚶‍♂ Several hours of calmly wandering through dimly lit tunnels allowed the dogs to catch their breath and recover from the encounter with the monstrous rat. The tunnel stopped twisting and did not branch at intersections. The dogs moved steadily and purposefully until they came to a dead end. The dead end revealed a mystery structure, either a door or a panel, with no handles, buttons, or control panels. However, it was plainly distinguishable from the rest of the tunnel walls. 🤔 The very dog who pressed the button, recognized he needed to take the initiative after seeing his friends' perplexed glances. How to open a door?
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682 294
🧙Check tasks for hints🧙
13 262
30 days left They pushed the button next to the sign labeled "Increase." Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing. The frustrated dogs pressed the a few more times, but nothing happened. Not getting any quick dopamine from pressing the button, the dogs moved on.The expedition members proceeded on without detecting any changes. They stopped at one of the junctions for a quick bite. ✍ And what do you think? The smell of food attracted... A GIANT RAT. It growled and bared its teeth, preparing to attack the poor dogs. The dogs began spinning quickly and marking as large an area as possible. 💃 The terrified rat recoiled, allowing the dogs time to consider their next move. Due to the extraordinary nature of today's meeting, the decision will be made by a MAJORITY. The prize pool will be distributed among a larger number of winners than usual, which means the $NOT winnings will be smaller, but there will be a high mint of $WOOF. It’s time for the pack to act together.
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684 835
🔄 UPD: The $NOT for BONES swap is again up and running. Swapes initiated before 12:45 CET on August 12, 2024 are being processed. The swap to BONES will be completed shortly, or your $NOT will be returned to your wallet. Thank you for being understanding! ❕ Due to increased traffic, payments in Lost Dogs: The Way are processing slower than usual. Barkus has noted everyone who expressed a desire to swap $NOT for BONES. Don’t worry—soon he will either credit you with BONES or return $NOT to your wallet. Greatpaw also suggests that because of this, today's round results may take longer to calculate than usual. , so for now, you can browse , but you’ll need to return later to make a purchase. 🚛 This post will be updated as news comes in.
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604 560
31 day left 😁 So that’s what canines are for. The jugglers are free! The yarn ball turned out to be a cunning trap, but they managed to handle it. The consortium won't let this go unpunished: they will find those who threw the ball at them and seek revenge. Jugglers never forgive. 🔍 Meanwhile the research expedition, covered with fashionable armor, plunged into the hole following Engineer Rex's tracks to find themselves in a maze of concrete catacombs. They used Rex's chalk marks as their guide. He seems to have thoughtfully highlighted the necessary paths at the crossings to prevent getting lost and find his way home. 🤔 The tunnel brought them to a mysterious panel with three buttons displaying symbols that the dogs couldn't understand. The most lively and active dog, proposed, "Shall we press it?" He decided that there was no time for a democratic majority decision, so he made the decision for everyone and pressed... WHICH BUTTON DID HE PUSH?
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634 454
Hello, beloved pack! You reach all the way to the horizon; there are now 7 million of you! To celebrate this grand milestone, we're making the game even more exciting. Here's what's new: 🐶 The next round is a grand game! This means the card with the FEWEST votes wins. So, the winners' payout is bound to be enormous... 🤝 Playing together is more fun. And it gets even better when you receive $WOOF for each referral right away, and then earn BONES on top of that. That's exactly what we've done: each invited player will bring 3 $WOOF to your stash! If they reach the silver league within the first week, they'll also bring you some BONES! Hurry, since now is the hottest time time—the closer we get to the end of the game, the less each referral will be able to earn for you. 🦴 To allow more players to get in on the winning pool, we're reducing the price of BONES by 3 times! Now it's easier for everyone to become part of the Society of Conspiring Dogs the winners' club. 😎 For the confident ones: we'll reduce the cost of x2 $WOOF. If you're sure of your choice, dive into the big game! 💎 For your convenience, you will be able to swap up to 30k BONES in a single transaction. The tension is rising 🤭
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652 094
Hello, diary! 🌸 Dad went on an expedition with Uncle Rex and helped dig a hole. Dad is so strong 🤭 But while they were digging, something scary happened to Uncle Rex. The brave dogs set off on an expedition to the source to find out what's going on there. I hope they don’t kick them out of the town like Uncle Rex. I already miss him 🙁 Today, I went for a walk with a classmate, the daughter of one of the jugglers. She told me that her dad hasn't been home for a long time because he's got tangled! When I asked what they were going to do about it, she said that her dad and his colleagues (that word means people who work together, I asked Mom) definitely don’t plan to give up. Jugglers are so silly! I didn’t tell my classmate that, but I think she probably thinks the same... By the way, Mom is almost recovered from her illness, yay! ❤ It was really scary because no one knows what this illness is, but now she won’t die, which is good! I don’t know what else to write, so I’ll stop here 💞
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662 672
32 days left 🤹‍♂ Not only engineer Rex's or future expedition fates was decided during these days, as was the future of nearly three dozen members of consortium of Jugglers. 🚫 The jugglers went to the garbage for props after realizing that none of the dogs backed consortium. Bob Sharik discovered an amazing object among the rubbish and organic waste: a ball of yarn. 🧶 Delighted with such a find but not knowing exactly what to do with it, Bob Sharik called a council of jugglers. At the council, it was decided: "It looks like a ball, so we can play with it like a ball." But that was a fatal mistake. 😳 As they began to practice their performance with the ball of yarn, the dogs immediately became entangled from head to paw. Nobody could liberate themselves. What should they do?
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4 720 649
33 days left 🐶 After talking with the dogs, the pack leader concluded that removing Rex from the group would be a good compromise to prevent frightening the newborn pups. Meanwhile, the adminstration of Dogtown was racking their brains about what to do. The Genghis Gaf knew that one cannot live next to what they do not understand. And nobody understood. So, it was necessary to figure it out! Chief Scientist decided to organize an expedition to follow Rex's tracks and investigate what he found in that deep pit. 🛡 Of course, the expedition members required some form of protection, but what should it be?
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758 790
34 days left 💪 The dogs dug, dug, and dug. But no one dug with as much tenacity than Engineer Rex. The dogs working next to him kept barking: "Rex! Take it easy, you're digging like a madman!" 😻 But he didn't hear them. In a trance, he dug around the clock. When everyone went to lunch, he dug. When everyone went to bed at night, he dug. At some point, the pedal excavator broke down, and Rex continued digging with his paws, teeth, and anything else he could find. One day, the dogs returned but couldn't find Rex. The pit was so deep they couldn't see the bottom. The working dogs thought that Rex had finally listened to reason and fell asleep 🙏 Suddenly, a monster emerged from the depths of the pit. It had five legs, three tails, and a head so big that it resembled a balloon. The dogs began growling and barking, ready to attack, when the creature suddenly spoke: "What's wrong, guys... It's me... Rex..." 😱 The dogs were shocked and fled in all directions. One of the dogs suggested that they report what happened to the town hall. Genghis Gaf gathered all the close advisors. They needed to decide what to do with the monster claiming to be Engineer Rex.
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808 068
35 days left Rex was assigned the duty of arranging an expedition. 🐕🐩🐕‍🦺 Engineer Rex and volunteers went to the pit and began digging to identify source of its misterious power. Digging with paws was convenient, but was it truly effective? Also, some reinforcement wouldn't hurt... Although everything appears to be going well, perhaps it is not worth investing efforts on questionable improvements? Maybe just move the paws more actively? 🤷‍♂ How will our hero handle this?
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5 159 390
1 132
36 day left 🏥 The supporters of evidence-based medicine did what they do best: overwhelmed others with references to scholarly articles to convince them of the proposed solution's correctness. All the sick dogs were gathered in a specially organized tent by the medics for strict quarantine. The doctors were constantly monitoring the patients, recording histories and sniffing the analyses.. Engineer Rex was concerned about the sick dogs and thought it was his responsibility to help in some way. But how? He was neither a doctor or healer, but just a simple engineer... 🤔 "I need to take a walk!" he thought. Walking always helps to clear your head and find a solution. 👣 He wandered around the outskirts of Dogtown and stumbled upon a suspicious-looking pit. It was clearly of natural origin and gave out heat. Rex sniffed the air—it which smelled like a rainstorm, and his mouth was dry, with a metallic taste. His instincts told him there was a mystery buried here. To cheer himself up, he circled the pit and chased his tail 💡 He needed to go to the town hall! At an audience with the Genghis Gaf, he would ask to organize a research expedition to find the source of the pit's power.
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922 998
Hello, Diary! 🌸 I don't write very often because I have a lot to do and tend to forget. But I will try to write more frequently!! We've settled in tropical Dogtown. It's very humid here, but I'm already used to it. On the bright side, my fur curls up really nicely ☺ Mom, Dad, and I have moved into a small hut not far from the central square. There's not much space, but it's very cozy 🌸 Mom and I have rearranged things a few times to make everything beautiful and convenient. Overall, everything is good, but for some reason, many are getting sick ☹ Dad said that they discussed what to do with the sick on the central square. He counted all the dogs and what they talked about. 115 dogs chose quarantine, 92 dogs preferred killing the infected, and 107 dogs think nothing should be done. My dad counts so quickly! I wish I could do the sam ✨ I don't know what will happen next, but I hope everything will work out. Love, Bella 💗 (I'm not sure why "love," but all the grown-ups write it at the end)
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860 635
37 days left While the Jugglers' Consortium was trying to cope with their crisis, equally strange things started to happen. Which now concerned everyone in Dogtown. Suddenly, dogs started falling ill one after another. This wasn't your typical dog flea or ear infection, but a rapidly growing, mystery sickness. 🤔 The Chief Scientist Genghis Gaf recognized the importance of immediate action to prevent panic. The pack leader assembled all of the healers, shamans, and doctors for a council. The first and most obvious recommendation was to isolate the sick and investigate their illness. However, advocates of alternative medicine, such as healers and shamans, claimed that the spirits were punishing them for leaving their homeland. Thus, the diseased had to be offered to the spirits. 🐶 The debates behind closed doors of the council went on for several days. They summoned Engineer Rex to testify on a regular basis since he was a rare dog who had not fallen ill despite being in close touch with the sick. What should be done with the infected?
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752 011
38 days left Once the pack's basic needs were met, which resulted in a more balanced mood, a new dispute emerged. 🤹‍♂ Most dogs were unaware of the situation, but everything changed when Bob Sharik, Chairman of the Dogtown Jugglers' Consortium, delivered a speech in the main square: — Dear citizens! We, the jugglers of Dogtown, have served you, our loyal audience, faithfully and without asking for anything in return. But our brotherhood is on the verge of extinction. Chingizgaf refused to support the oldest profession and did not purchase new equipment for us! 🤡 Bob pulled out five dirty, worn tennis balls from his pocket and started juggling them. Four out of the five balls crumbled to dust in his hands due to their age. — Do you see what we have to work with? Please donate whatever you can to save our consortium! The oldest and most respected profession in the world of dogs is on the verge of extinction, but it appears that no one cares... Apparently, the decision will be made by the MINORITY. What will dogs donate to impoverished clowns?
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912 410
👨 There are now 4,000,000 of us! A huge thank you for being with us, pack! As a token of our gratitude for your support, we've decided to make the next round a grand game. The fifth day of the game will be quite unusual... But what does this mean? 🧙‍♂ A grand game is a round where the card with the fewest votes wins. This means that on the fifth day, you'll need to determine which card will be the least popular. ❓ Why a grand game? Because fewer players will win, as the least popular card will be the winner. And the smaller the number of winners, the higher the prize pool for each one. According to WOOF mathematicians' forecasts, the winners of the grand game could multiply their $NOT by up to 6 times! Wait for the next round, swap $NOT for BONES, and play the grand game!
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896 382
39 days left The Genghis Gaf's first responsibility was to deal with the shortage of food in the newly established and rapidly expanding settlement. To boost the morale of his constituents, he stole an idea from Angela Gavkel: from now on, on weekends, BONES could be swapped at a discount. 💍 After completing the ceremonial and legal processes for the inauguration of a chief scientist, he delivered a speech. Genghis Gaf summoned everyone with any ideas to a council. Amidst the barking, one voice stood out: Engineer Rex. He recommended three basic yet effective solutions: 1⃣ To organize regular hunts for local wildlife; 2⃣To grow corn, which the local climate is ideal for.; 3⃣ To eat bugs… Unpleasant, indeed, but high in protein! He didn't expect much in return for his genius: just a nice stick.
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914 513
Hello, diary! This is my 1️⃣ entry. I hope I'll write here more often!! thus my new name is Isabella. I enjoyed it! But everyone simply calls me Bella🙃 We were on the road for a few weeks moving to a new place. Despite being tired I feel good. I see something new every day. For example, today I saw a small animal with spikes for the first time 🤔 The older ones told me it's called a hedgehog My parents had an argument the other day. I didn’t quite understand what it was about but dad was insisting on something about how popular Schwarzgaffer is and mom said Genghis Gaf is close to him if not better. I hope they make up and everything will be fine ❤️ Even though there are difficulties we manage together, and that makes us stronger. My pack is my family and we always support each other ✨
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1 046 671
40 days left ⚙ A rational approach to decision-making, based on considerations of efficiency and objectivity, aka technocracy, is what the dogs lacked in the past. This is how they will build their future: with the help of progress, technology, and science. QUOTE FROM THE SPECIAL EDITION OF BARK NEWS ...The pack benefited from technocracy almost immediately: WOOF-mathematicians were provided with the necessary technical resources, allowing them to publish HINTS about the pack's future decisions every day..." The next step is to determine the worthiest who will lead the dog society towards a bright future. There are three contenders. 1⃣ The meticulous dog Angela Hafkel managed the collection and distribution of provisions while the dogs traveled in a caravan. She is thoughtful and deliberate, yet some dogs believe she lacks decisiveness and strength 🤷‍♂ 2⃣ The second is Chingizgaf. This dog commands fear and respect with his cold-blooded stare and lack of expression. He generously rewarded allies and mercilessly punished adversaries 😤 3⃣ The third competitor is legendary for allegedly severing a tiger in half with his bare paws 🤯 Wait, wasn't it a tiger? Oh, it was a stuffed tiger? Aha! It was a tiger doll on a movie set — he's a former movie star! The girls are crazy about his charisma! But what is Arnold Schwarzgaffer doing on the ballot? Playboy, celebrity, and... that's about it.
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990 913
41 days left 😐 Weeks of travel without supplies and preparation are behind them. Exhausted by the journey and the jungle the oppressive humidity, the dogs finally reached the place marked on the map, where they were met by abandoned ruins of an ancient civilization. 🌳 They began to settle into their new place: pitching tents, setting up shelters, and building campfires. Even gave a name to their settlement — Dogtown. But there's no time to catch their breath. Squabbles and arguments can be heard everywhere: why did that dog decide this would be his dwelling? How long can one stay by the well? What happens if there isn't enough food for everyone? One thing is clear: order is needed. It's time to decide on the structure of society and its values.
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1 272 349
Our dog-accountants have come back with a report on the numbers. The professor of WOOF-mathematics was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out: he had to find a very big notepad to account for everything! Here are the key findings from the first day. 🐶 2.5 million players in just one day! Thanks to everyone who heard the call. 💰 Players who exchanged $NOT for BONES and voted for the winning option received up to 150% return in $NOT. You got it right: you swap 50 $NOT for 2 BONES, then choose a strategy and look for a hint (which was in our stories yesterday, shoutout to everyone who noticed!). Then it's simple: you win, and you can receive at least 80 $NOT. ⚠ Players who decided to play without additional BONES and won also got their share of $NOT. We distributed 100K $NOT in the paws of all of the winning dogs! This is only the beginning, pack. 📝 Today's pool already contains 3 million $NOT. And it has only been a short time since the round began. Let's see who gets them! The dog-mathematicians confirm that this is not the limit. You can share your triumphs in the comments section, and we'll highlight a few who have already done so.
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3 895 983
42 days left As the world falls around us. How must we brave its cruelties? Winds blow sand across the sun-scorched wasteland. Endless plains are littered with the relics of altars and the ruins of temples, in whose shadows packs of dogs hide. 💥 Their home is in ruins. They destroyed it themselves while awaiting judgment day. Along with their home, their faith also collapsed. Hungry, destitute, and frightened, they gathered in the ashes of a fallen civilization by the will of the Call. Are they destined for an inglorious end? COME, ADAM! WE HAVE GIVEN YOU OUR SONS, DAUGHTERS, MOTHERS, AND FATHERS! The old man strained his voice to shout over the wind, but no one listened. Neither gods nor dogs. He began his prayer every day at the same time. It seemed he was the last one who still believed in Adam. 😎 Meanwhile, a group of sturdy dogs with bold, piercing gazes and tails held high occupied the makeshift platform. One of them, Barquemada, stepped forward, holding a scroll of parchment high in his paw: — Pack! We will not save ourselves with prayers or inaction, — he began with great panache, and dogs began to gather around the platform. — In my paw is a map to our new home. You, like me, heard the Call. It led us here for a reason. Now is our time to act! 🗺 The map depicted three paths leading to different ends of the earth: east to the dense jungles, north to the arctic ice, and south to the hot desert sands. Somewhere, a new home awaits the dogs. Where will they go?
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1 787 046
1 717
🤩LOST DOGS: THE WAY. WE'RE STARTING THE JOURNEY NOW! 🤩 This isn't just another clicker game. It's a community-driven story where you can mine a new token $WOOF. 😏 Play for free, earn $NOT, and receive $WOOF. 🤩 The journey lasts only 6 weeks. Join now and log in every day to collect your rewards. 🤩 Team up with friends, create squads, develop strategies, and multiply your $NOT! There are no right moves—everything is decided by the community. 💎 A new era for Notcoin is approaching: the journey of millions of people united by one story begins again.
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1 376 227
Tomorrow 🙃
760 889
— Wow, you’re quite the curious one! Have you already sniffed out my secret? The first dogs have already begun scouting our game's beta version, multiplying their assets and getting bruised in preparation for the big launch. They learned to walk so you could run. We’re clearing the path of bugs and tangled vines so that you can soon embark on the most exciting voyage with the entire Pack. 🐕 August 1st, Thursday — the day of the big premiere
611 077
The average choice proved to be a pile of coins, which the cart crashed into at high speed. The dogs raced in from all sides, stuffing money into their pockets; they'll come in useful on a rainy day. 🫢 In our game, everything will depend on your choices: sometimes you'll need to find the most popular option, sometimes the least popular, and occasionally (like now) the average one. Every decision you make will have an impact on the entire story that follows. 🍽 The game hasn't even started, but you're already changing the rules. Losing is part of the game. Thanks to your decision, we will credit $WOOF even to those who lose at the end of the game day. That’s the power of a coin saved for a rainy day!
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563 790

[object Object]

[object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]
Анонимное голосование
549 823
Oh no! Is this an app screen? Wait, is that a TROLLEY? 🐕 The trolley is speeding at 2,222 mph and approaching a junction in the rails! You have a choice: run over innocent doggies, crash at insane speed into a mountain of wealth, or... what is Barkus doing here!? Can you all agree on a decision? Or will each of you pull the lever in your own direction? All further events are your choice and your responsibility. This is your game. Note: The option that receives the AVERAGE number of votes will win. Choose wisely.
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639 191
✨ I'm seeing the future clearly. July will not be over yet — and we will start the game. We will make ourselves kings, and we will be pawns. July will not be over yet — and everyone will receive $WOOF. I see a coin, a token, a jetton... Now I see a bone. What a tasty bone it must be! Keep it quiet, don't get distracted! July will not be over yet — and you will hear the news from me. Only I will tell you when everything starts again.
3 531 712
1 092
☀️The-dog-from-the-coin looked at the sun slowly crawling across the sky. It was scorching, relentless, just like the Cursed Wastelands where she found herself by the efforts of the magician Barkus. The days stretched endlessly; it seemed like there was nothing in the world except for endless desert and the blazing sun. She felt like this Wasteland was not only around her, but inside her as well. It seeped inside, drying up and killing hope. 😕The sense of loneliness and despair was so strong that it was hard to breathe. Someone patted her on the shoulder: — Fortunately, we can touch some real grass from time to time. It was Barkus, and he held out a patch of green lawn to the dog.
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3 428 546
💎 The dog-from-the-coin looked confused. That's not surprising! Think about how you looked when you first came into the world. She knew nothing about this world, nothing about herself, not even the most fundamental things. The little dog approached her newly minted "parents" and immediately bombarded them with questions: Where do they feed here? Does she have her own bowl? And where can she sleep? Will she get a bed? What does all this mean? What's the purpose? ❓ The couple exchanged glances. The dog sighed and said: — There is a simple but powerful strategy that our little team agreed upon many years ago: do the right thing until it's done. Number of attempts, specific form, conditions, etc. all this is not significant. You know you'll see it done. None of this mattered to her. The crucial questions remained unanswered. ❓ Where is her bowl? Will they drop something in there for her?
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3 426 889
4 035 734
✨ Barkus climbed onto a makeshift podium. While he was scanning the event horizon and sniffing for photons, dogs tired of his tricks gathered around the podium. — I want to bring you joy! Ask for whatever you desire! The dogs exchanged glances. Could they trust this oddball? And how could they even know what they really wanted? 🩳 Suddenly, a young couple approached the podium: — Оh, Barkus the Greatpaw, grant us untold riches! The wizard nodded and asked for something they treasured the most. The couple discussed with each other before handing the magician their last coin. 💫 Barkus waved his magic staff, and the coin transformed into a puppy girl. — But... But what are we supposed to do with her? And we have no more coins left... The crowd looked at Barkus. Barkus merely whispered: The great reset. The fresh start. And the dogs rejoiced.
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209 030
Good dogs come to those who wait for Nothing.


5 376 487
1 667
Ladies and gentleman, Saturday Night Bark, our regular irregular talk show, is live with our indispensable host, Barkus the Greatpaw! Today's guest is a well-known magician, wizard, and thaumaturge — Barkus the Greatpaw! — Barkus, I believe our viewers are most curious about one question: what did you do with the puppies? — Thank you for having me, Barkus; I'm thrilled to be here! To be honest, when my agent called to tell me that Barkus the Greatpaw wants to invite to his show, I assumed you'd ask me that, ha ha. I don't know where to start... 😳 — If this is an uncomfortable topic, we can skip. — No, no, it's fine, I just wanted to phrase it better. The problem is that the population expands quickest in areas where dogs are least capable of handling it. And I believe I must assist them now so that they do not face an impossible scenario in the future. Do you understand, Barkus? — Fascinating. So, you kidnap puppies? 😳 — Not only that! I recently created an amulet to assist alleviate the overpopulation problem. And it will be delivered for free in the Cursed Wastelands, where nearly all of the dogs have gathered. Barkus takes a condom out of his pocket and approaches the camera closely; his eyes begin to glow with a white unearthly light, and his speech booms across the "studio": — Tomorrow, the merge price will increase tenfold.
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198 730
We got in touch with our on-site correspondent, Barkus the Greatpaw. Barkus, hello, how are things? — Hello-hello! I am currently in the Cursed Wastelands, where the Call has gathered dogs from throughout the world. Two young natives of this godforsaken land stand next to me. It appears they have lost their parents. There is nothing here; how could they get lost? Most likely, their parents were eaten by jackals, but don't worry, the orphans will not be abandoned, ha-ha! 💫 Barkus the Greatpaw waved his magic staff and two huge stone golems emerged from the ground beside the orphans. They snatched a wailing puppy apiece and dashed out into nowhere. — Now they will always be protected and never be alone again, tee hee!
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142 141
- - - - -
114 488
In a world bursting with chaos and uncertainty, let love and peace be your dazzling guiding stars! ⭐ Embrace every precious moment with an open heart 🧡 and a tender soul, for it's in those beautiful acts of kindness and understanding that we discover our true, unstoppable strength! 🙏💪 Darkness is just an illusion; there's only the brilliant light that shines for us all: the key is simply to see it radiating within every living being! 🕯✨ ❤‍🔥 Love is the law, love under will ❤‍🔥
145 727
I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste their stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it. 🐕
144 709
If there are doggies, I look at the doggies; On rainy days I listen to the rain. Spring, summer, autumn, winter. Tomorrow too will be good. Tonight too is good. 🫢
249 259
We are receiving snaps from Hong Kong and qetting Qs: what's the deal? Slurping noodles in the 'Chungking Express', grinning wide, wagging tails. Everything's falling into place, like the path unfolding beneath our paws. 🐶💎
372 067
Breeding, breeding, breeding... When it comes to Lost Dogs, all they're talking about is breeding and how wonderful it is. But what's the point? 🤩 Every new dog - is a key to a new dog world that is being created as we speak. Every new dog - is a chance to join a pack of seekers defining the future of the dogs. Every new dog - is a new $WOOF. 🤩 If you don't have a dog, then who are you in a world where all there's left is a pack of lost strays? Go to , get your dog and breed! For pro tips see the guide on
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1 310 560
1 290
I hear the jingle of Notcoin in your backpack – that silence in-between is a scream of coins that are NOT. Dropped by here eager to complete your quest? And here you found us! We're the Lost Dogs. 🤩 We got our own games and experiments – we've tested fate, used radioactive mutagens, and breed, bred, bred. We got our own gods and beliefs – and we're gathering a pack, the ones of our kind, ready to find a new home, despite all whispers in the shadows. 🕵️‍♀️ Study the postcards sent from mysterious ruins. For a whole year, we've roamed the world and sought new paths – and we found trails. But can we walk them... together? 🤩 Find your Lost Dog in the Getgems shelter, adopt it and get ready for the journey. Rejuvenated, lost, but not alone – with a new loyal friend, that's the only way to embark on a new path. Hear the howl? It filled the air with anticipation. 🤩 | |
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2 483 077
3 115
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