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статистика аудиторії Robert W Malone, MD

Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, Bench to Bedside vaccines and biologics consulting. Moderated by  @MarioLopezG  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine 👆👆👆 Horrific. These socialist documents give the UN power and control over nations. The US Senate must reject this agreement before it is too late. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
3 575
The United Nations is a failed organization. They have not brought or negotiated peace. They have divided more than they have united. This is why they have re-branded and set up a new charter based on climate change, sustainability, and developing a one world governance in partnership with the WEF. National sovereignty should always trump globalization. Reject socialism. Reject the UN. Reject the "Pact for the Future." --- More on the WEF/US partnership from the agreement: "The partnership between the UN and the Forum is well placed to facilitate and encourage the multi- stakeholder engagement necessary to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda. The success of the partnership depends on strategic guidance, coordinated and coherent institutional arrangements for planning, collaboration, and a strong mechanism for knowledge development, learning, and accountability." --- As the UN views itself the world's governance system, then the WEF/UN partnership a form of corporatism. As the WEF advocates stakeholder capitalism, a form of socialism, what does this say about the UN? --- More on the WEF/UN partnership: "The partnership between the UN and the Forum is well placed to facilitate and encourage the multi- stakeholder engagement necessary to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda. The success of the partnership depends on strategic guidance, coordinated and coherent institutional arrangements for planning, collaboration, and a strong mechanism for knowledge development, learning, and accountability." 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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3 755
My "spidey sense" says the USA is on the brink of getting involved bigtime in the lebanese conflict - which appears to be heading to another war. The October surprise maybe? Flying from San Antonio today - more active, senior military personnel on the plane going to DC than i can remember seeing. And I fly half a million miles a year. As in I have never seen so many senior military personnel. Maybe 20 senior personnel in the active duty catagory - all going to DC. Including one military man with a trained bloodhound (cadaver or bomb?) - who flew first class and was not queried about the dog in any way, shape or form. . This was clearly a dog meant for the battlefield. All appeared to have very senior military passes. What military gear there was, seemed to be more desert camo, not something seen in Ukraine. All were very quiet - no small talk. Another hint - one man had about 10 camo-baseball caps attached to his military backback. As if they were ready to be given away as gifts, to some foreign troops somewhere. What military base is in San Antonio? Fort Sam Houston is located in San Antonio. The primary mission at Fort Sam Houston is as a medical training and support post. It is also home to the 502d Air Base Wing (JBSA). Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) is under the jurisdiction of the United States Air Force 502d Air Base Wing, Air Education and Training Command (AETC). These people were getting ready to either debrief or deploy. I may be wrong - but both Jill and I were creeped out. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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4 637
Sunday Strip: The Middle-Class Blues Stealers versus the Patriots Click on the link for more memes, videos, cartoons, discussion and snark. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Sunday Strip: The Middle-Class Blues
Stealers versus the Patriots
5 349
I would add to this great post that a vote for Trump is also a vote for free speech and national sovereignty. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
5 779
Macron knows he has to include the right - or he and his party is toast. The people have spoken. "French President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled his new government almost three months after a snap general election delivered a hung parliament. The long-awaited new line up, led by Prime Minister Michel Barnier, marks a decisive shift to the right, even though a left-wing alliance won most parliamentary seats. Despite the partnership between Macron’s centrist party and those on the right, parliament remains fractured and will rely on the support of other parties to pass legislation." -BBC 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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5 448
There is an easy way to stop LinkedIn from using your data. Don't use it. Easy for me to say, they permanently banned me by government request two years ago and still have not re-instated me. Government censorship of free speech. BTW- they never gave a reason "why" I was banned, except that i personally didn't meet "community standards." I kid you not. But even if they did remove the ban, I wouldn't be on that platform. Evil -pure evil. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
6 349
Common sense in Congress overturns Biden's executive order. "The U.S. House of Representatives on Sept. 20 voted to overturn a Biden administration rule that sets tougher emissions standards for car manufacturers. The joint resolution that passed in a 215–191 vote—with eight Democrats in support and one Republican in opposition—would nullify the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new restrictions on emissions from cars, light trucks, pick-ups, and vans for model years 2027 to 2032. The measure will now head to the Senate for a vote.." Let's put a little pressure on our Senators to do the right thing! 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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6 256
Wisdom 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
10 687
Amazing proof of effectiveness of modern propaganda and PsyWar. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
8 063
This one is gud... 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
7 702
Well being: The Glyphosate Addiction Big Ag is addicted. follow link below to read the essay 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Well being: The Glyphosate Addiction
Big Ag is addicted.
7 768
This was a great meeting - focused on medical freedom and the censorship/propaganda happening in medicine. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
7 309
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7 047
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7 094
Kamala Safe and in Stable Condition After Attempted Interview PHILADELPHIA, PA — Americans across the country breathed a sigh of relief this morning following breaking news that Vice President Kamala Harris had survived an attempted interview. The incident took place late yesterday afternoon during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania when a rogue reporter reportedly approached the vice president and fired off several questions before being tackled to the ground and subdued by Secret Service agents. Harris was quickly evacuated from the area and taken to a secure location. “Thankfully, Vice President Harris is safe and in stable condition," a campaign spokesperson said. "We all feared the worst when that crazed person emerged from the crowd and attempted to interview the sitting U.S. vice president right there in broad daylight. Someone must be looking out for her, though, because she avoided suffering any damage in the incident.” The FBI arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and discovered that the would-be interviewer was in possession of several notepads, pens, a cellphone, and a camera authorities believed was intended to capture the event for a livestream or video. "Isn't that sick?" said a campaign insider. "This nutjob had this all planned out. He was coming out here for the specific purpose of interviewing Kamala Harris — and he was trying to record himself doing it. This is the type of America we can expect under Donald Trump." At publishing time, the Secret Service had advised the Harris campaign that it would be best for the Vice President to avoid all public appearances from now through election day. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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14 835
True story. Learn to become a "high agency" person to succeed in what you wish to accomplish in life. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
16 578
Friday Funnies: It's not Over, Till It's Over. Round 2: Deep State VS. MAGA. follow link below for today's memes 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
Friday Funnies: It's not Over, Till It's Over.
Round 2: Deep State VS. MAGA.
9 267
I am at The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) meeting in San Antonio, Dr. Hatfill is now speaking. The line-up today of speakers is fantastic, and I look forward to a day of learning. Later, i will be speaking on medical "misinformation", censorship, and propaganda. The AAPS supports the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine. They are the alternative voice to the AMA. This is important because the AMA supports big-pharma, the insurance companies, big government, and hospital chains. They work for the system, not for patients. They are the problem, not the solution. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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9 180
Off to speak tomorrow at the annual meeting of the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons in San Antonio See you there! @ AAPSonline Then we fly back and turn right around to Tokyo for the International Crisis Summit! 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
10 047
👆👆👆 Watch this. Be there. I will. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
9 666
It's our time. We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC. Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24 --- 🚨WATCH: Mikki Willis' New Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain And Devastate The Deep State Like They've Never Been Devastated Before "Nearly every war we have fought was initiated by their propaganda. As their Empire of Lies is collapsing they are becoming increasingly desperate and dangerous" Join ➣ 👉

Mikki Willis.mp4

8 742
US Healthcare during COVID- Lowest Performance, Highest Cost The best of times for "the system," the worst of times for patients follow the link below to review the data and read the essay 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
US Healthcare during COVID- Lowest Performance, Highest Cost
The best of times for "the system", the worst of times for patients
9 439
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9 950
Lets see if the Teamster's executive board does the right thing and supports their membership. The decision to be announced shortly. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
10 162
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9 149
At this point, even democrat Senators, such as Sen. Blumenthal, who leads the Senate panel investigating the first assassination attempt against Trump, know that the DHS is complicit in the 1st assassination attempt. That latest news on Conservative MSM is that the USSS told the local enforcement to stay out of specific areas, that happened to be the same areas the gunman used- as the agents would take care of surveilling them on that day. Except the USSS didn't... "Butler County law enforcement officials stated that at separate times during the walkthrough, when they reiterated their concerns to the agents and counter sniper about securing the AGR complex buildings, the agents responded: ‘we will take care of it,’" -Senator Chuck Grassley - in the latest letter to acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe. We know they did it. They know, we know they did it. We know, that they know, that we know they did it. But they still keep doing it. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
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9 815
Translation of the blob-speak: Trump has to stop talking about illegal immigration, because it hurts Harris in the polls. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
9 149
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9 803
*BREAKING NEWS: Amazon bans Dr. Paul Marik's life-saving book ‘Cancer Care' without warning* Yesterday, our own Dr. Marik was told his book, 'Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer', was banned on Amazon. Here, Dr. Marik and FLCCC Alliance Executive Director Kelly Bumann discuss this concerning news. Read and download a copy of 'Cancer Care' on our website here: Join🔹
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FINAL_CancerCare_Amazon_Paul Marik_1920x1080.mp4

8 526
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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