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Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Jika kamu rindu, doakan aku. Mungkin doa itu akan membahagiakan aku dengan jalan baruku. Jangan lagi cari aku, kerana kita tidak mungkin menjadi satu. Aku juga mendoakan agar kamu bahagia bersama pilihan barumu.
Apa yang Tuhan telah palingkan, tinggalkan. Tuhan tidak memalingkanmu dengan sengaja. Pasti ada sebab tertentu yang kamu tidak tahu. Semestinya sebab itu akan melukakan hatimu.
Sudah tidak terkira berapa kali namamu disebut didalam doa dan rintihanku. Sungguh kamu adalah rayuanku kepada Rabbku agar kamu menjadi takdirku.
Pandanglah langit dan tersenyumlah. Kerana kehidupanmu itu persis oangit yang hanya mendung untuk seketika. Kelak akam cerah dan mengindahkan dunia.
Angkat kepalamu, pandang kehadapan dan terus berjalan. Jangan jadikan hari yang buruk itu alasan untuk kamu berhenti mengejar kehidupan yang baik.
Allah itu bukan setakat adil tapi Maha Adil. Dia tahu apa yang seharusnya menjadi milikmu dan apa yang seharusnya dijauhkan dari hidupmu. Kamu itu hamba. Jangan paksa Tuhan untuk turuti kehendakmu.
Aku percaya pada takdirNya. AturanNya mungkin melukakanku tapi tidak akan melumpuhkan hatiku. Pasti ada kebaikan atas segala kesulitan. Percayakan Allah akan segala hal. Allah akan menyusun jalanmu menuju kemanisan.
Terkadang perjalanan itu tidaklah sepenting apa yang kamu tuju. Teruslah berjalan meskipun jalan itu berliku. Dengan tekad dan usaha yang kuat, kamu pasti akan meraih mimpimu.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Melupakan itu menyakitkan. Tapi lebih menyakitkan jika ia terus menjadi ingatan.
Sesulit apa masalahmu jangan pernah bersangka buruk pada Tuhan. Tidak ada kesulitan tanpa jalan keluarnya. Terkadang jalan keluarnya sudah luas terbentang. Tapi kamu memilih untuk kekal berada di dalam kesulitan itu dengan alasan tidak mampu move on.
Ada beberapa hal yang lagi kita bina, lagi ia runtuh. Lagi kita usaha, lagi ia menjauh. Lagi kita pertahankan, lagi ia hancur. Lagi kita berlalu menuju ia, lebih lagi ia berlari meninggalkan kita. Dalam keadaan itu ingatlah, tak semua yang dirancang itu harus menjadi nyata. Terkadang ia hanya menjadi jalan untuk kita menumbuh dewasa.
Semakin meningkat usia kita akan sedar, tak semua perkara perlu dibesarkan. Terkadang hal itu hanya perlu dibiarkan melintas dan lihat ia berlalu pergi.
Seluruh hal perlukan proses untuk menjadikan ia baik dan sempurna. Mana mungkin kamu akan mendapatkan yang terbaik jika tidak melalui prosesnya.
Tak mengapalah, jatuh juga sebahagian dari perjalanan. Berdirilah dan terus melangkah kehadapan.
Berangkatlah dari masa silam kami. Masa silam itu bukanlah penentu seluruh kehidupanmu. Tiada orang baik yang tiada masa silam, tiada orang jahat tiada masa depan.
Bagaimana hendak merasa bahagia jika luka yang masih basah terus dilukai lagi dan lagi? Merelakan hal itu terjadi hanya akan memusnahkan dirimu sedikit, sedikit.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Antara kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup adalah menyakiti diri sendiri untuk kebahagiaan orang lain. Berhentilah. Berhenti berpura-pura bahagia dengan pilihamu. Hati kamu tidak tercipta untuk dihancurkan. Jangan memilih seseorang hanya untuk dia ada bersamamu, tapi pilihlah seseorang terbaik untukmu.
Terkadang yang baik itu bukan dengan bersamanya. Tapi cukuplah sekadar mengenalinya dan melangkah pergi.
Mungkin perancanganmu tidak sejalan. Tapi yang sejalan dengan kamu adalah perancangan Tuhan yang akan mengindahkan setiap episod kehidupanmu. Sedarlah, kamu tidak tahu apa yang Tuhan tahu. Tuhan lebih tahu jalan mana yang patut kamu lalu agar perancanganmu tidak menghancurkan dirimu.
Tuhan lebih tahu buat siapa hatimu itu tertuju. Jangan sangka buruk atas segala kejadian. Mung Tuhan mahu selamatkan hatimu daripada dipatahkan.
Ingat, kehilangan seseorang yang tidak pandai menghargai bukanlah kerugian buatmu tapi satu kerugian besar buatnya. Tenanglah, yang ikhlas denganmu itu pasti hadir dan menjadi ubat buat luka lalumu.
Untuk mengikhlaskan takdir itu memang berat. Ketahuilah, ianya akan menjadi lebih berat jika masa lalumu itu terus berkelana dalam fikiranmu. Lepaskan ia, kerana kamu selayaknya bahagia dengan masa depanmu.
Menerima seseorang yang belum selesai dengan masa lalunya hanya akan menyakitimu. Sedarlah, keikhlasan kamu itu tidak akan mampu membuat dia melupakan masa lalunya.
Noktah bukan tanda mati. Tapi isyarat untuk masuk ke perenggan baru dalam kehidupanmu. Pasti semuanya baik-baik saja nanti.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Kamu tidak mampu lari darinya. Bersedia saja dan sentiasa bersederhana dalam mencintai sesuatu perkara. Semoga Tuhan menjaga hatimu selalu agar tidak hancur kerana terlalu mencintai manusia.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Kekecewaan terbesar itu ketika kamu tidak lagi mampu tersenyum kerana hal-hal yang pernah kamu minta bersungguh-sungguh pada Tuhanmu.
Dewasa itu sukar jika kamu sendiri. Kamu kan punya Tuhan yang mengerti segala isi hati? Bertautlah selalu padaNya. Pasti kamu akan bahagia.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Tuhan akan menjawab doamu jika perkara itu layak untukmu dan kamu layak untuk hal itu. Tuhan lebih tahu. Ya, Tuhan lebih tahu.
Kamu itu bukan superman yang boleh mewujudkan banyak hal-hal yang mustahil. Lepaskan saja apa yang tidak mungkin itu. Nanti kamu akan bahagia dengan hal yang lain.
Sungguh, menjadi dewasa itu harus punya masalah. Jika kamu tidak punyai masasalah, ertinya kamu belum dewasa.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Jika dengan luka, hubunganku dengan Tuhan membaik, aku rela agar luka ini terus kekal dan tidak pergi.
Luka yang kamu takuti itu menyedarkan kamu, walaupun kamu dipukul masalah bertalu-talu, natijahnya kamu tetap mendewasa selepas luka itu.
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
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The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Salam to everyone. Please support and follow this channel. There will be a "Giveaway" given to 7 lucky subscribers when you subscribe to this channel (RM 30 each for the lucky winners). Make sure to subscribe to the channel below. Salam giveaway open for woman only Say: Assalamualaykum to me at private message link . The Story Of A Crying Soul You alone are enough, you have nothing to proved to anyone. It’s all about the Ultimate Reality Of L.I.F.E Story | Islamic Knowldge | Self-Motivation | L.I.F.E
Показати повністю ...
The Story Of A Crying Soul
It’s ALL about THE ULTIMATE REALITY OF LIFE - Till the shiny day dreaming of paradise the pursuit of life. @TheShining0ne
Tidak akan aku biarkan lagi diriku mengemis hanya untuk dicintai.
1 817
Akan ku tunggu dirimu sampai kau menjadi takdirku.
1 566
Kamu boleh menunggunya, selama apapun itu tapi jangan menghalanginya untuk mencintai pilihannya. Kerana kamu tidak boleh memaksa seseorang untuk mencintaimu, hanya kerana kamu tulus mencintainya.
1 672
Cari yang sama-sama takut kehilangan, agar rasa risaumu dihargai.
1 665
Physical, mentally and emotionally tired.
1 740
Sorry, happiness is not found here.
1 716
Sorry, kebahagiaan tidak ditemui disini.
Dia pendiam dan pemalu. Tapi anehnya aku menyukainya.
2 069
Langit juga tahu, betapa panjangnya doa-doaku ketika aku memintamu.
2 071
Aku mungkin tidak ada di sisimu, tapi aku selalu mendoakan agar Allah menjagamu.
2 046
Hati merasa rindu, Tapi, diri mengatakan siapa dirimu padanya?
1 851
Jangan pernah kembali dalam versi apapun; yang sudah selesai biarlah berlalu.
1 748
Tak perlu bersaing si cantik, aku tidak ingin menjadi dirimu, dan kau tidak akan pernah mampu menjadi diriku.
1 894
Cinta paling tulus adalah ketika kamu mengetahui hal paling buruk yang ada di hidup seseorang, Tapi kamu mampu menerimanya, dan tetap memilih untuk mencintainya.
1 965
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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