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статистика аудиторії English Slang Words Terms

List of slang words in English with their meanings and examples. Good to know for everyone who wants to travel to any English-speaking country. Join  @PhrasalCards  too 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
What kind of dad is a SAHD?

◻️Stay-at-home dad

A SAHD is a "stay-at-home dad," a father who stays at home and takes care of his child(ren). His full-time job is maintaining the house and the kid(s) in it instead of a full-time position out of the house (which his partner likely holds).

SAHD is similar to a SAHM, which is more common. However, the difference has waned due to the gender pay gap decrease and the influx of women in the workforce.
You will likely see the SAHD acronym in parenting forums, in messages, and on social sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. For example, you might text your recently let-go brother-in-law, "How's SAHD life treating you?"

The number of SAHDs seems to be increasing lately.
Yeah, I saw a herd of them at the park on Wednesday afternoon.
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🔘Selfie Stick
What does selfie stick mean?

◻️An extendable pole with a smartphone on the end

A term that refers to a pole with a smartphone on the end; used to take a selfie from angles that the human arm cannot reach; often used by annoying people who think it's worth it to carry around an obnoxious device just to take a selfie.

The concert was fun but the people in front of us kept blocking the view with their selfie stick.
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What does felfie mean?

◻️Family picture

Felfie is a slang word for a selfie of a family. It comes from the combination of "family" and "selfie."
The term refers to a picture taken by a person of himself and his family. Felfies are commonly captured when a family is on vacay or goes out to eat, which is usually when the family is happiest.

What a sweet felfie, this is gonna be my PP fo sho!
1 504
What does swoll mean?


Someone who is swoll is very muscular. This slang term is short for "swollen," which describes the state of a swoll person's muscles.

Other uses of swoll

While people most often use swoll to describe a ripped person's bod, it can also be used to describe anything that is swollen or enlarged. For example, a person who has recently come into a lot of money may say "my wallet's swol."

My New Year's Resolution is to get swoll by September.
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1 555
What is a theybie?

◻️A gender-neutral baby

A theybie is a baby that is being raised in a gender-neutral environment to protect against gender socialization. As the theybie matures, they can choose to identify as a male, female, or nonbinary (NB or Enby).

The purpose of raising kids as theybies is to not push them into gender stereotypes or roles and let them have full control over their identity. This parenting strategy includes no gender reveal party, gender-specific colors or decorations, clothes, or toys.

The "theybie" term became popular in 2018 and is a combination of "they" and "baby." It is primarily used by progressive parents looking to unburden kids with the expectation to behave a certain way or become something just because of their gender.

Katie and Jon asked for no gifts for their theybie.
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2 026
What does SJW stand for?

◻️Social Justice Warrior

SJW stands for "Social Justice Warrior," which refers to a person who is very passionate about social justice issues. It is often used online to make fun of outspoken people that are socially progressive.

While social justice activism has been prevalent for centuries, the "SJW" acronym didn't gain prominent usage until the 2010s. It became popular on social sites online, like Twitter and Facebook, to criticize people who really care about social issues like civil rights and feminism.

The acronym is mainly used by socially conservative people to ridicule a progressive person's "outspokenness" about a social issue. It is also used to imply that the person wants attention or validation more than being led by actual convictions of social injustices.

We need to defund the police now!
Oh great, another SJW incoming.
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1 983
What does honeygal mean?

◻️A woman used for her money

A honeygal is a slang term that describes a woman who is used by her romantic partner for her money. While a honeygal can have multiple redeeming qualities, she is primarily used for her money or stature.

The honeygal term is the same thing as a sugar mama but without the large age difference. A honeygal may like being the primary bread winner but she may also be forced into the role by a lazy SO. The male version of honeygal is honeydude.

If you are worried about ending up poor, you could try to compromise by getting yourself a honeygal.
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2 223
🔘Go Brrr
What does go brrr mean?

◻️Solve a problem

Go brrr is a phrase applied to a machine or other item that can be used to "simply" solve a problem. The phrase originated within memes that depicted the A-10 Warthog military aircraft "solving" problems by firing its powerful machine guns at them. (When firing, the Warthog's machine guns produce a "brrrt" sound.) However, the phrase went viral as part of 2020's widely-shared Money Printer Go Brrr meme, which depicted the U.S. Federal Reserve printing money to combat a predicted, rona-induced economic downturn.

Since then, a variety of "go brrr" memes have popped up online, and forum posters and social media users have begun using the phrase to call attention to simple actions that could solve (or "solve") a problem. Sometimes, "go brr" is used straightforwardly, to point out how simply a problem can actually be solved. Other times, "go brrr" is used sarcastically, to point out that a seemingly-simple solution is inadequate or could cause unforeseen consequences.

No! You can't just run 30 minutes a day to get fit! You have to follow my 15-step diet and weight loss plan.
ha ha legs go brrr
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2 327
🔘Unforced Error
What is an unforced error?

◻️An easily-avoidable mistake

An unforced error is a mistake a person made because they were careless, unfocused, or inattentive. This slang term is primarily used while discussing sports, to describe a misplay that a baseball, tennis, or badminton player could have avoided. Social media users may also use unforced error to describe mistakes made by companies, governments, celebrities, and politicians.

Where did unforced error originate?

Unforced error originated as and is still most popularly used as tennis slang. The term was coined in the 1920s, but it did not become popular until the 1970s and 80s. In 1982, Information and Display Systems began tracking players' unforced errors within their first-of-its-kind computerized tennis statistics system.

What are some example unforced errors?

The most common unforced error in tennis is double faulting on a serve. The serving player is in complete control of their serve and, theoretically, should always be able to avoid double faulting. They are never "forced" to double fault - thus double faulting is an "unforced" error. Other unforced errors include hitting easy shots on the wrong part of the racket, too early, or too late.

What is an example of a non-sports unforced error?

U.S. presidential candidates often commit unforced errors. For example, if a U.S. presidential candidate planned to visit a Wisconsin farm, but at the last minute changed their mind and visited a manufacturing hub instead, those who were hoping the candidate would court the agricultural vote may describe the change as an unforced error.

He just forgot Valentine's Day? That's an unforced error of the highest magnitude.
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2 194
What does BB stand for?

◻️Bye bye

BB is an acronym that means "bye bye" and is a quick way of saying "bye" to someone online or via text. It is an informal acronym typically used between friends.

BB is just one of many acronyms that can be used to depart a chatroom or text message. Some others include BB4N, BBN, Bai, and ADBB. Also, if you are a 90s kid, you'll know that BB is also short for the popular N*SYNC song "Bye Bye Bye".

BB, CU tomorrow!
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2 540
What does TTYL stand for?

◻️Talk to you later

TTYL is commonly used when texting and messaging online to say, "Talk to you later" at the end of a conversation. It is one of several variations, including "TTUL," "T2UL," and "t2ul8r."

Most people send it to others they think they will talk to again at another point in time, such as a friend or acquaintance. They may have just ended an online gaming match or need to go into a meeting and can't talk until later.

TTYL is ambiguous since "later" is very subjective. It could refer to a period of time in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months. You'll need to discern the immediacy of the "later" from the context of your conversation.

I'll pick you up tonite around 8, cool?
OK, that sounds good. TTYL!
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2 948
🔘Rage Applying
What is rage applying?

◻️Applying to open job positions out of spite for your current job

Rage applying is when you are so furious with something that happened at work that you start applying to other open positions. For example, if your boss takes credit for the work you put into a presentation, you might head back to your desk, and rage apply to ten open positions.

While rage applying happened before 2023, the trend gained prominence in January 2023 as job transiency skyrocketed in 2020 when covid shook the world. Also, as Gen Zers have entered the workforce, they don't have the same allegiance to employers as previous generations. Additionally, they are more likely to prioritize their mental health over their career, making it easier for them to change jobs.

For some, rage applying is a fleeting moment that doesn't lead to a new job. Instead, it's a way to blow off steam, especially if they feel a need to be loyal to their employer. However, for others, rage applying leads to new jobs and opportunities and a chance at a better work environment and benefits.

Other job-related slang
Since we spend so much of our lives working, there is plenty of slang related to work. For example, quiet quitting and "The Great Resignation" are similar to rage applying. Also, there are plenty of acronyms, such as AWLTP, B2W, GBTW, and BFAW.

I can't stand it here anymore. Too much gossip and toxicity. After my break, I'm gonna rage apply on Indeed.
About time! Let me know if you need help with your resume.
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1 433
What does cyberslacking mean?

◻️Using an employer's Internet for personal activities while working
Cyberslacking is when a person surfs the Internet during company time or uses his work email for personal reasons. It typically begins when taking a brief break from work but often extends into a longer period of scrollaxing.

Cyberslacking is believed to be one of the biggest wastes of a company's money because the productivity of the cyberslacker dips sharply. Some companies implement measures to prevent or reduce cyberslacking, such as the blocking of popular websites like Facebook or Twitter.

We have to plan an intervention for Carol cause she's been cyberslacking real hard the past 2 weeks.
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3 296
What does appoholic mean?

◻️A person addicted to downloading apps

An appoholic is a person that is addicted to downloading apps for his phone or tablet. The term comes from the combination of "application" and "alcoholic."

The term is commonly used to describe a person who can't stop downloading applications to their mobile device or computer. An appoholic is most likely a teenager who has a new phone and is overwhelmed with excitement, much like a puppy with a new toy. Appoholic may also appear as "appaholic."

I downloaded 8 apps today, I think I may be an appoholic.
Well, the first step is admitting you have a problem.
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3 399
🔘Quiet Quitting
What is quiet quitting?

◻️Only doing the minimum requirements for a job

Quiet quitting is a trend that became popular in 2022, where employees choose only to do the minimum requirements for their job instead of going above and beyond. The movement is partially the result of covid, The Great Resignation, and people's commitment to preserving their mental health.

Quiet quitters consciously choose to avoid the "hustle culture" to protect their personal lives, even if it means it may hurt their careers. Instead of working longer hours or picking up extra responsibilities, they only complete the required hours and tasks.

While people who quietly quit do it for themselves, the choice may affect others. For example, employers have to adjust their expectations of their employees' productivity, and co-workers may need to pick up the slack. While anyone may quietly quit, it is especially common among Gen zers and Millennials.

Raul is quiet quitting his job because his boss keeps working him into the ground.
Wow, good for him.
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3 121
What does it mean to WFH?

◻️Work from home
WFH is an acronym that stands for "Work from home" or "Working from home." The acronym describes an occupation that allows an employee to conduct his or her work at home instead of the office.
Since the Internet allows users to work on and complete tasks remotely, WFH jobs around the globe have increased. These jobs may allow you to work full-time or a couple of days a week or a month.
WFH jobs are helpful in times of emergency, as well, like in the case of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak around the world. As governments implemented social distancing guidelines to curb the spread of the virus, a large percentage of the workforce was sent home to WFH (and some even chose to move to Zoom towns).

In order to effectively WFH, you need to have a certain skill set because it is very easy to get distracted when working where you live. You may get sidetracked by a spouse or kids, or by chores, like doing the laundry or washing dishes. Therefore, if you want to WFH, it's best to have a secluded space, like an office, where you can stay focused on your work tasks.

My job is now WFH due to COVID-19.
That's cool that you get to be at home with the fam.
Yeah, but my kids don't understand the "work" part.
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3 122
What does manspreader mean?

◻️A guy who sits with his legs spread wide

A manspreader is a male who sits with his legs spread in a very wide stance. He is commonly seen on a subway, bus, airplane, and park bench.

Manspreaders may sound harmless but can wreak havoc in many ways. One of the biggest negatives of a manspreader is when space is at a premium, such as a busy restaurant or subway car, and his wide stance prevents others from sitting down. Public campaigns have been launched to increase awareness of this epidemic but many men have staunchly defended their position citing male biological reasons.

These manspreaders have to be stopped! I counted at least 3 people that couldn't sit on the bench at the bus stop.
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What does annivorcery mean?

◻️Anniversary of a divorce

Annivorcery is the anniversary of your divorce to your ex-spouse. It combines "anniversary" and "divorce" and refers to the day that a married couple was officially divorced.

Annivorcery can be used in a celebratory manner but commonly is used in a morose manner. The term may also be spelled "annivorsary."

Tomorrow is my 5 year annivorcery and I don't want to be alone at home, can I come over?
Sure man, of course.
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3 086
🔘Green Person
What does green person mean on TikTok?

◻️A close friend you met by chance
A TikToker's green person is someone they met by chance but now couldn't live without. You may see people refer to "their green person" in videos that answer the questions "Who is your green?" or "Who's your green person?" These videos are part of TikTok's color person trend.
What is TikTok's color person trend?
TikTok's color person trend involves users shouting out various significant people in their lives. Each of these people fits a specific set of criteria, associated with a color. Thus, an important person in someone's life might become their green person, blue person, or pink person. The color person trend went viral in summer 2023, giving rise to a host of "Who's your (color)?" videos.

Who is your green person?
My boyfriend! We met by total chance, and now we've been dating seven years.
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3 226
What is a stunad?

◻️An unintelligent person

A "stunad" is a person who lacks common sense (otherwise known as "stupid" or even "crazy"). It is a derogatory term people (typically Italians) may utter when annoyed by someone making stupid decisions.

For example, if your brother borrows money from you and gambles it away, you might say, "I can't believe I lent that stunad any money." Or, if your friend gets hit by a reckless driver, she might exclaim, "That stunad nearly killed me because she was texting and driving!"

Origin of stunad

The slang term "stunad" originates from Italian-American immigrants. Stunad (or "stunod") comes from "stonato" (or "stunat" or "stunatu" depending on the language variation), an Italian word for "out of tune." It became slang for people who were out of tune with the rest of the world, whether it be in an unintelligent or crazy manner.

Do you remember Roger from high school?
Yeah, that guy was such a stunad. He almost got me killed once. Why?
We just got engaged.
Ohhh ... congrats!
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2 921
What does rekt mean in online gaming?


Rekt is an alternate spelling of wreched. Gamers use this term to describe a moment in which they've thoroughly destroyed and/or humiliated another player.

For example, after a Counter-Strike player head shots (hs) you, they might enter "hs rekt" in chat. Rekt is also commonly used as part of the phrase "get rekt" - which may seem like a command for you to destroy yourself, but actually means "you got wrecked."

Dude, u just got rekt by a noob.
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2 890
🔘Clout Chaser
What is a clout chaser?

◻️A person who does things just to become popular

A clout chaser is someone who does and says things for the purpose of becoming more popular. It is primarily used in reference to people on social media that are desperate to gain fame and followers.

The term became popular in 2016 as a way to call out "fake" people who pretend to be something they are not so they can get more attention.While it originated within the hip-hop music industry, it has since become most prevalent on social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.

On social media, clout chasers might share photos to promote their fake lifestyle. Or they may pretend to be someone else to become friends with a famous person that has more clout.

There has been some criticism of the term since people have begun calling anyone who wants to be successful a clout chaser. The difference between people that just want to be successful and clout chasers is that clout chasers are willing to give up their identity and be fake just to get fame.

Wow, she just posted a cray thirst trap.
OMG, she's such a clout chaser.
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2 974
What is finsta short for?

◻️Fake Instagram account

Finsta is an abbreviation for finstagram, which is a fake Instagram account. It is used as a secondary, or alternate, account to be more private.

Finstas allow users to be more authentic on their Instagram and escape the pressures of expectations from their main account. Finsta users can post unattractive pictures or post inside jokes to their smaller and closer group of followers. Since the account is locked, finstas enable the user to screen her or his followers and give permission to followers as to what they can see, which is especially attractive for female users.

I think I'm gonna create a finsta so I can be closer with my friends back home.
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3 011
What does poser mean?

◻️A person who pretends to be someone they are not

A poser is a person who tries to fit into a group of people not because they actually like them but because they just want to be accepted into the group. Posers are most common in middle and high school when kids are searching for their identity and want to be accepted.

Posers try to integrate into a group of friends by learning the lingo, wearing specific types of clothing, and changing their mannerisms. Some examples of groups of people posers try to appear as are jocks, goth punks, skaters, theater kids, and brainiacs.

The term is typically seen as negative since it is used to call out people who "talk the talk," but don't necessarily "walk the walk." Most people can detect a poser trying to fit in so it's better to just be yourself, instead of pretend to be someone you are not.

That guy looks like he's never even been on a skateboard, what a poser.
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3 109
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1 423
What does bimbo mean?

◻️A dumb and attractive female

A bimbo is a female who is not very bright but attractive. It is commonly used to refer to a blonde woman who has a lot of beauty but no brains.

The term has been around since the early 1900s in the U.S. and was used to describe dumb and primal-behaving men. However, the term evolved over time to describe women who put more time into their appearance instead of their intelligence. Bimbos usually wear a lot of makeup and skimpy clothing and aren't smart. The bimbo term is very similar to the airhead term.

Did you like Jeanine?
She was alright but she was kind of a bimbo.
Isn't that your type?
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3 077
What does MMORPG stand for?

◻️Massively multiplayer online role-playing game

MMORPG is an acronym for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. It is an RPG that allows people from all over the world to join in an online gaming community. Popular examples of MMORPGs include games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest, and Ultima Online.

World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG in the world of Earth.
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3 303
What does manspreader mean?

◻️A guy who sits with his legs spread wide

A manspreader is a male who sits with his legs spread in a very wide stance. He is commonly seen on a subway, bus, airplane, and park bench.

Manspreaders may sound harmless but can wreak havoc in many ways. One of the biggest negatives of a manspreader is when space is at a premium, such as a busy restaurant or subway car, and his wide stance prevents others from sitting down. Public campaigns have been launched to increase awareness of this epidemic but many men have staunchly defended their position citing male biological reasons.

These manspreaders have to be stopped! I counted at least 3 people that couldn't sit on the bench at the bus stop.
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3 209
What does annivorcery mean?

◻️Anniversary of a divorce

Annivorcery is the anniversary of your divorce to your ex-spouse. It combines "anniversary" and "divorce" and refers to the day that a married couple was officially divorced.

Annivorcery can be used in a celebratory manner but commonly is used in a morose manner. The term may also be spelled "annivorsary."

Tomorrow is my 5 year annivorcery and I don't want to be alone at home, can I come over?
Sure man, of course.
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3 208
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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