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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🇮🇹LA STORIA NON PUÒ RIMANERE NASCOSTA PER SEMPRE Ci hanno ingannato su tutto al punto da farci diventare alieni di queste Terre Conosciute. La nostra neo civilizzazione nasce agli inizi del'800 dalle ceneri di un mondo iper tecnologico. Il "modello del mondo" fu completamente stravolto e reinventato per tenerci nascosta la nostra storica Identità Divina. Necessitiamo ora più che mai sorgere dalle ceneri dei grandi inganni e prendere consapevolezza del mondo reale ben nascosto davanti ai nostri occhi. 🇨🇵L’HISTOIRE NE PEUT PAS RESTER CACHÉE POUR TOUJOURS Ils nous ont trompés sur tout au point de faire de nous des extraterrestres de ces Terres Connues. Notre nouvelle civilisation est née au début du XIXe siècle des cendres d’un monde hyper-technologique. Le « modèle du monde » a été complètement déformé et réinventé pour nous cacher notre identité divine historique. Nous avons plus que jamais besoin de renaître des cendres de grandes tromperies et de prendre conscience du monde réel bien caché sous nos yeux. 🇦🇨HISTORY CANNOT REMAIN HIDDEN FOREVER They have deceived us about everything to the point of making us aliens from these Known Earths. Our new civilization was born at the beginning of the 19th century from the ashes of a hyper-technological world. The "model of the world" was completely distorted and reinvented to keep our historic Divine Identity hidden from us. We need now more than ever to rise from the ashes of great deceptions and become aware of the real world well hidden before our eyes. 🔱 CONSAPEVOLEZZA PLAN-ET-ARIA             dalla psicosi alla realtà: risveglio dai grandi inganni storici e geografici:
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🇮🇹 Tra i tanti ieri e i molti domani, c’è un solo oggi da vivere e da scoprire. Prendi per mano il tuo sorriso e vai incontro alla giornata. (Anonimo) Buongiorno anime belle 🍀 🇦🇺 Among the many yesterdays and the many tomorrows, there is only one today to live and discover. Take your smile by the hand and go into the day. (Anonymous) Good morning beautiful souls 🍀 🇧🇷 Entre os muitos ontens e os muitos amanhãs, há apenas um hoje para viver e descobrir. Pegue seu sorriso pela mão e vá em direção ao dia. (Anônimo) Bom dia almas lindas 🍀 🇫🇷 Parmi les nombreux hier et demain, il n'y a qu'un seul aujourd'hui à vivre et à découvrir. Prenez votre sourire par la main et entrez dans la journée. (Anonyme) Bonjour belles âmes 🍀 ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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🇪🇸 ¿Qué le sucede a la persona mientras está en contacto con la Orgonita? Las orgonitas tienen el poder de contrarrestar, transmutar y depurar cualquier energía tóxica o negativa del ambiente. Concentran y atraen en su interior la energía orgónica presente en la atmósfera, proporcionándonos abundante energía vital al estar en contacto con ellas, así como ordenando, equilibrando y armonizando todo a su alrededor. 🇬🇧 What happens to the person while they are in contact with Orgonite? Orgonites have the power to counteract, transmute and purify any toxic or negative energy in the environment. They concentrate and attract the orgone energy present in the atmosphere within them, providing us with abundant vital energy when in contact with them, as well as ordering, balancing and harmonizing everything around them. Si quieres una como estas: To get one like these ones: Síguenos 🇮🇹 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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🇪🇸 Arquitectura antigua derretida El proceso de ablandamiento de las estructuras es palpable y visible en estas imágenes, así como el color ennegrecido que presentan algunas. Este mismo patrón se observa en diferentes zonas desérticas, que nos revelan una verdad que ya es imposible de esconder. Podrán decir una y otra vez que lo que vemos con nuestros ojos es falso, pero todo indica que hubo una causa o evento a gran escala que fundió esta arquitectura antigua. 🇬🇧 Melted ancient architecture The softening process of the structures is palpable and visible in these images, as well as the blackened color that some present. This same pattern is observed in different desert areas, which reveal a truth that is now impossible to hide. They may say over and over again that what we see with our eyes is false, but everything indicates that there was a large-scale cause or event that melted this ancient architecture. Síguenos 🇷🇺 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 230
🇪🇸 La fuerza de gravedad desmentida con la física No hay gravedad, hay DENSIDAD y la diferencia de densidad entre los elementos. Por eso, aplicando la Ley de Boyle, un guijarro se hunde y un petrolero de 500.000 toneladas flota. Igual que el estudio de la aerodinámica: el avión vuela porque, al generar sustentación, disminuye su densidad, permitiendo que más de 500 toneladas se lancen a 1.000 km/h a 11.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. 🇬🇧 The force of gravity debunked with physics There is no gravity, there is DENSITY and the difference in density between the elements. Therefore, applying Boyle's Law, a pebble sinks and a 500,000-ton oil tanker floats. Same as the study of aerodynamics: the plane flies because, by generating lift, its density decreases, allowing more than 500 tons to be launched at 1,000 km/h to 11,000 meters above sea level. Síguenos 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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🇪🇸 Las estatuas “reptiloides” de la isla de Nuku-Hiva Se encuentran en el Archipiélago de las Marquesas en la Polinesia francesa. Se llaman Tikis y los hay de todos los tamaños, con bocas grandes, o torsos pequeños y cabezas alargadas, o con casco y ojos enormes. Pero todas estas insólitas criaturas tienen en común una extraña expresión. ¿A quiénes representaron nuestros antepasados? ¿Serán invitados de otros mundos que fueron venerados como dioses? 🇬🇧 The “reptiloid” statues of the island of Nuku-Hiva They are found in the Marquesas Archipelago in French Polynesia. They are called Tikis and they come in all sizes, with big mouths, or small torsos and elongated heads, or with helmets and huge eyes. But all these unusual creatures have a strange expression in common. Who did our ancestors represent? Could they be guests from other worlds who were worshiped as gods? Síguenos 🪽 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰
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1 467
6 Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !
Cell Explodes Under Microscope (Hydrogen Peroxide vs Germs)
1 455
🇮🇹 Il 90% del Grand Canyon è chiuso ai comuni mortali. Cosa nascondono lì? Portali di cui si parla nelle sacre scritture o resti di altre civiltà? 🇦🇺 Ninety per cent of the Grand Canyon is closed to mere mortals. What do they hide there? Portals mentioned in the sacred scriptures or remains of other civilisations? 🇧🇷 Noventa por cento do Grand Canyon está fechado para os meros mortais. O que eles escondem lá? Portais mencionados nas escrituras sagradas ou restos de outras civilizações? 🇫🇷 Quatre-vingt-dix pour cent du Grand Canyon est interdit aux simples mortels. Qu'y cachent-ils ? Des portails mentionnés dans les écritures sacrées ou des vestiges d'autres civilisations ? ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 531
🇮🇹 L''Albero della vita" di 1500 anni si trova in Sud Africa Uno degli alberi più antichi sopravvissuti dopo il Grande Raccolto. 🇦🇺 The 1500-year-old 'Tree of Life' is found in South Africa One of the oldest trees to survive after the Great Harvest. 🇧🇷 A "Árvore da Vida" de 1500 anos é encontrada na África do Sul Uma das árvores mais antigas que sobreviveram após a Grande Colheita. 🇫🇷 L'"arbre de vie", vieux de 1 500 ans, a été découvert en Afrique du Sud. L'un des arbres les plus anciens à avoir survécu à la grande moisson. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 267
🇮🇹 Massada; Un'antica fortezza di pietra situata in alto sopra il Mar Morto sull'alta Skalina mesa in Israele. Ora è un parco nazionale israeliano e patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, coprendo 840 acri di terra. 🇦🇺 Massada; An ancient stone fortress located high above the Dead Sea on the upper Skalina mesa in Israel. It is now an Israeli National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site, covering 840 acres of land. 🇧🇷 Massada; uma antiga fortaleza de pedra localizada bem acima do Mar Morto, no alto da mesa de Skalina, em Israel. Atualmente, é um parque nacional israelense e Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, cobrindo 840 acres de terra. 🇫🇷 Massada : ancienne forteresse de pierre située au-dessus de la mer Morte, sur la mesa supérieure de Skalina, en Israël. C'est aujourd'hui un parc national israélien et un site du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, qui couvre 840 acres de terrain. ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 159
In this video, we put renowned American architect George B Post under the microscope. Do you think he designed these buildings? What about the short durations before they were torn down? Link to my new book trailer: Links to my books on North American demolished buildings:
1 579
🇮🇹 La pace non è un sogno: può diventare realtà; ma per custodirla bisogna essere capaci di sognare. (Nelson Mandela) Buongiorno anime belle 🍀 🇦🇺 Peace is not a dream: it can become reality; but to keep it, one must be able to dream. (Nelson Mandela) Good morning beautiful souls 🍀 🇧🇷 A paz não é um sonho: ela pode se tornar realidade; mas para mantê-la, é preciso ser capaz de sonhar. (Nelson Mandela) Bom dia almas lindas 🍀 🇫🇷 La paix n'est pas un rêve : elle peut devenir réalité ; mais pour la conserver, il faut savoir rêver. (Nelson Mandela) Bonjour belles âmes 🍀 ✨✨✨🙏✨✨✨
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1 245
𝙶𝙻𝙽:𝟺:𝟸 | The people of those times spurned all spiritual things, and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people. Lewdness and lies were upon the tongues of all men, and brother could not deal justly with brother. The princes and governors were corrupt, and proper tribute was not paid; the statutes were held up to scorn. The lives of men were ruled by their desires, and they spent their days in gluttony, drunkedness, fornication, dancing and singing to instruments of music.
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1 351
🇪🇸 La función de los Starforts Se cree que los Starforts eran centrales energéticas que aprovechan la energía del entorno. Las hay aún repartidas por 37 países alrededor del mundo. 🇬🇧 The Starforts function It is believed that the Starforts were power plants that take advantage of the energy of the environment. They are still distributed in 37 countries around the world. Síguenos 🇳🇱 Únete 🇪🇸&🇬🇧 Join 🏰


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Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio