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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Extreme Schumann Resonance shifts and never before seen patterns... 19 Q posts ask about patterns Do you see a pattern? Q Page 160-190 of my FREE Q book PDF Web hardbk
    22 637
    ‘Executive Order (EO) 13848 protects the continuity of government under President Trump since he was the true winner of the 2020 election and still the President. This will be proven and the results ultimately reversed’ Page 165 of my FREE Q book PDF Web hardbk
    40 623
    Mel Q (@littllemel)
    RT: @realDonaldTrump Did JWatters just plagiarize my book? 😏Page 70-82 Web
    35 077
    Here is an alternate link for my Q book.

    Little Book of Q.pdf

    50 385
    Back up on Twitter… Old accounts are being easily reinstated within 24 hours. 😏 Hmmm didn’t I predict that last year?!?!? Read my book. 😘
    I wrote a book about Q! I complied my best Q decodes into one FREE ebook or you can buy a hard copy and support my work! Find out who ‘P’ is and find out what “the plan” is, read it today! TY! Free Ebook Paper/Hardback:
    43 256
    Comms Confirmed 0
    31 891
    Merry Christmas! Q Free Ebook -Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    46 532
    Just an update. I’m doing well. Lots of spiritual healing going on. My kundalini is progressing, I’m at my 6th and 7th chakras and the veils are slowly melting away the more I am enlightened. Its been quite a journey. As our (me and my twin) souls merge, I feel our break thru will be very soon and will show up very soon on the earth and in the news. Keep looking for that Sky event, it will be beautiful and loving. Like nothing anyone has ever seen before. (Not scary) In the mean time stay positive and in the light. I love all you very much. Stay warm! 🙏💙 Mel Catch up by reading the last chapter of my book. Wave/Split: Free Ebook -Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    Показати повністю ...
    The Little Book of Q -v2_.pdf
    Nextcloud - a safe home for all your data
    49 987
    4 year delta Free Ebook -Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    72 228
    Somethin’s comin… Free Ebook -Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:


    69 013
    IET has publicly apologized to anons that were slighted by We The Media WTM. I personally accept his apology and forgive him since I was one of those anons. I apologize to them as well, however the Q drops are meant to awaken the public to corruption as well as the ascension through God. My research has shown that WTM is backed by the MOSSAD/CIA. I can forgive and forget the pain caused but this does not mean that justice will not be handed out to those who have participated in assisting evil. Will the rest of WTM also seek forgiveness? Will the WTM anons be able to discern who they are actually working for and be able to choose what is right over how much fame and money they will receive by being part of a group media? As the ascension continues to escalate, each person will discern the truth for themselves and it will be up to each individual to see if they can also see it in their hearts to forgive. This is how we will move forward as a collective consciousness and re-create the new world that we want to live in. Where we go one we go all WWG1WGA is not just a fancy catch phrase, it has real meaning behind it of how we will all ultimately come together as one mind once we open our hearts fully to this great awakening. This will mean we will also have to forgive the Cabal and Deep State as well for their atrocities but it doesn’t mean they won’t receive Justice. Free Ebook -Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
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    65 663
    171 Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    42 610
    4 year delta President Trump sues CNN for $475mil! Media assets will be removed Q Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    18 705
    Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    17 044
    Badge of Honor! 💥 🎖🥇 My book was banned by Lulu. I have made a back up on Blurb for the paper and hardback copies. I’ll just have to keep switching publishers until I find one brave enough to keep the truth out there. My ebook will always be free and patriots will always back me up and share the truth. They can also boycott Lulu for first amendment rights infringement. Thank you for your continued support on my book. Little Book of Q: Paper/Hardback:
    Показати повністю ...
    40 625
    “But the thugs and tyrants attacking our movement, and there's never been a movement even close in the history of the United States, have no idea of the ‘sleeping giant’ that they have awoken” President Trump Little Book of Q: Paperback: Alternate:


    34 179
    Great Awakening Map The Return of the Feminine Christ within our mind, body and spirit. Video: Giving Voice to the Wisdom of Ages. Sacred Union of the divine feminine and divine masculine aka the original 'wedding ring'. This is also described as your ego (masculine) being absorbed or combined into your higher self (feminine) to achieve Christ Consciousness. Ebook: Paper/Hardback:
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    Jeshua The Return of the Feminine Christ.mp4

    44 354
    Great Awakening Map Armor of God & Merkaba The first step in the ascension is to create and put on your Armor of God aka the Marharic Shield. There are parts of dimensional "planes of existence" that you cannot see at the moment and you need to be protected from dark entities at all times. It is important to build this armor everyday with meditation, this also acts to reverse engineer and create your Angelic Crystalline Lightbody by repairing your 12 strand DNA and retraining your 3D brain to be a 5D brain. This will assist to make sure you pull pale silver light energy in to your field and into your grid (tree of life) that your body has within you, make sure to imagine the as pure gold. You should also imagine a white aura field around your body at all times to help create your . After building this armor you then have to rebuild your vehicle for traveling through the dimensions on a daily basis, this is the . You would imagine a tetrahedron pointing up (masculine energy) and covering your entire body and then imagine another one pointing down overlapping the other (feminine energy). The masculine tetrahedron would spin clockwise and the feminine tetrahedron will spin counter clockwise. For the masculine, imagine a krystal spiral traveling() from the top point of the tetrahedron spinning clockwise downward and at the same time imagine a krystal spiral traveling from the bottom point of the tetrahedron spinning counter clockwise upward so the criss cross over your body. The Reuche Amoraea Flame () tear drops encircle around your 8th higher heart chakra to create a continuous zero point (neutral) energy which is a constant state of love. Imagine your feminine and masculine sides coming into sacred union () in permanent alignment along your now rainbow colored chakra line (). All the colors of your chakras need to merge into a rainbow to create the rainbow arc or bridge into Christ Consciousness, so always imagine it this way so you can bring it into manifestation. I touch on this subject in the wave/split which is the last chapter of . See the diagram for proper geometry and trust your higher self and imagination to come up with a comfortable picture of what this will all look like, your intentions will always make it the right choice. Steer clear of false matrix or Metatronic cabal geometry. Ebook: Paper/Hardback:
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    The Maharic Seal & The Liquid Light Cleanse
    Activating the Maharic Shield will open, activate and realign the scalar-wave flash-line sequences of dormant Kathara Centers, Kathara Lines, Crystal Seals, Hova Bodies, Diodic Points, Chakras and DNA within the outer levels of the morphogenetic field and body. Thus it is with the Maharic Shield that core healing therapeutics must begin. Practice of the Maharic Shield activates and runs the Maharata Current within the human body, allowing the Maharata Current to serve as the "Carrier Wave" for the direction of inter-dimensional frequency into Earth's Templar. Running the Maharata on a regular basis will increase the longevity of the body and accelerate natural healing process. You can draw in only as much as your personal morphogenetic field can hold. With repetition of this practice, the energy-holding capacity of your Kathara Grid progressively increases, allowing you a continually expanding supply of energy for healing and revitalization. Sources: Voyagers II Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide Ascension Dictionary Thanks to RK from "The Freedom Teachings" for putting together and sharing this video for the world.
    34 147
    Great Awakening Map Armor of God & Merkaba “Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit and “Ba” means body

    The Maharic Seal & The Liquid Light Cleanse.mp4

    28 151
    Great Awakening Map Armor of God & Merkaba “Mer” means light, “Ka” means spirit and “Ba” means body
    I was recently at a book signing event and I took the opportunity to confess my secrets on what miracle happened to me in the last year. I felt it was time that I took this next giant leap and I am finally ready. I also truly believe that my book is pure prophecy from God, it is meant to finish waking up the planet. Of course, it will be up to each person to discern for themselves. God Bless. Free Ebook: Paper/Hardback:
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    The Little Book of Q is a Prophecy from God
    I was recently at a book signing event and I took the opportunity to confess my secrets on what miracle happened to me in the last year. I felt it was time that I took this next giant leap and I am finally ready. I also truly believe that my book is pure prophecy from God, it is meant to finish waking up the planet. Of course, it will be up to each person to discern for themselves. God Bless. Ebook: Paper/Hardback: Telelgram * TruthSocial * Twitter * Parlor * Gab * GETTR @littllemel
    51 889
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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