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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Anyone who is on the public stage needs to be researched for their connections to the cult system. Presenting public figures that are secret society members & child rapists adds another layer to the mass MK programming & normalisation of these horrific crimes against children. It’s utterly decrepit as well as retraumatising for survivors. The badge of the is a convex disc representing the Golden Wattle flower. At the centre is a ring, representing the sea, with the word 'Australia' below two branches of golden wattle. It looks like the ‘corona virus’, crown virus Awarded by the Q ueen are 4 levels of the Order: Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM), Member of the Order of Australia (AM), Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) and Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) There’s a long line of child rapists & Adrian Cheok who was made an AM in 2019 for his work in the fields of robotics & AI. His main focus of his work has been human sex with robots. The lucky country🤮
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    1 908
    Play Boy Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. From porn to parliament While the media & entertainment industry have portrayed Heff as a gifted entrepreneur, Hugh Hefner’s Legacy is Nothing to Celebrate. Even if we ignore the uglier recollections of some of his former girlfriends, we only have to look at the business he fathered to see how he viewed women & children as objects to be exploited The reality check is this child porn pedophile had Brooke Shields appear in playboy at 10 years & Eva Ionescu at just 11 years Almost 40 years ago, as a young lawyer, Mr Turnbull was summoned by Australian magazine mogul Kerry Packer to negotiate a licencing deal to publish the iconic title down under. Packer launched the Australian edition of Playboy in 1979. The denigration of the powerful creative force of human sexuality & the proliferation of child sexual abuse trauma are key tools to control the masses. All planned & executed by secret societies & coordinated by Tavistock’s media & entertainment
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    4 012
    The Galactic Federation was introduced by the Church of Scientology, a religious organization founded by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Instead of Ashtar, Xenu is named as the fleet’s commander. Dr. Robert Duncan CIA scientist & developer of the Voice of Godtechnology, synthetic telepathy technology, asserts in his book Project: Soul Catcher, the CIA searched for the most powerful & effective MK script they could use to create a backstory to the agency’s MK programs. “After examination of many scripts written by various religious cults, the CIA decided the Church of Scientology GF script offered the greatest mind control potential. The Galactic Federation story was then published on websites & shared through synthetic telepathy, to a number of unsuspecting people who were fooled into believing we were receiving telepathic messages from benevolent ETs, ascended masters, spirit guides or religious figures, whichever script or story the receiver was more likely to accept.”
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    5 538
    The US Army failed to hit recruiting goals this year, falling 15,000 soldiers short of its 60,000 target Recruitment is significantly down this year falling 25% short of its goal The military, airforce, navy, intelligence & police are cabal tools to enforce their evil agendas. Without them humanity is uncontrollable. These forces are governed by satanic values of control, dominance & power over life. All of the weapons we are currently being challenged with came out of DARPA Defence Research & war time testing & development before being used at home. Nanos, 5g, bioweapons, HAARP, weather control, mk mind control. Every time someone stands up and challenges the way things have been, we are creating a space to create a new way forward. Together we are setting ourselves and each other free from the many lies that the military industrial complex has sold us for generations. May our collective awakening expand exponentially as we come back to balance. May the truth set us free💖🔥 link
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    4 205
    Particle accelerators, HAARP, satellites & modern electronics are being used for mass mind control Geometric programs are used with electromagnetic frequencies radiated from wireless networks, modern electronics & the overall electronic grid including smart meters & transformers. Large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society. In witchcraft they use hexagrams & pentagrams for binding. HAARP is used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate around us. They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing their electromagnetic frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust”. The military uses spray on antennas & chemtrails function in a similar way. They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere. DARPA & US Air Force has referred to “Owning the Weather for Military Use”.
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    5 017
    The media have enabled the abuse of children for decades. Here in Australia both the media & entertainment are implicated in child trafficking, SRA & producing child sexual abuse material for sale. Advocate Reina Michelson found and reported on “the existence of an Illuminati-based child pornography & paedophile ring that is operating in Aus, under the protection of senior-ranking members of Victoria Police. The members of the network include senior management & executives from a major television network, media celebrities, high-ranking politicians, police officers in charge of pedophile & child pornography investigations, senior management representatives from the Department of Education, directors of “child-focused” service clubs, wealthy businessmen & others.” Channel 10 was called out by Reina as an Illuminati owned and run operation, involved in producing and distributing child rape material. Bert Newton during his time at Ten was central to this operation.
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    4 809
    Albert Pike wrote out a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in the 20th century which unseen leaders are following today to engineer the planned Third & Final World War. His plan was three world wars with the final war opening the way for a new global religion that would have Lucifer as its idol. Pike’s vision was to pit Muslim’s against Jews & Christians across the world As long as we are sitting & waiting for “the good guys” to come save us, we will not be able to discern who truly has our best interests at heart or create solutions for ourselves. When we begin to see through the veil of multidimensional deception we break the spell. As we each courageously heal, rediscover our power and become our own hero, we set ourselves free. Revealing and inspiring a path of liberation to all those around us. We are the ones we have been waiting for 💖🔥
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    15 258
    MK programming themes used in entertainment illustrate how pop cult-ure has been transformed into one mass mind-control program Star Trek’s Borg with their black cube ships are (cyborgs) linked in a called "the Collective". Borg steal tech & knowledge of through the process of "" forcibly transforming individual beings into "drones" by injecting into their bodies & surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg's ultimate goal is "achieving perfection" & they repeat “resistance is futile.” It’s the program story line of AI’s war on consciousness, genetics & organic life at this time Even the near-omnipotent tells his son, "Don't provoke the Borg." Ex programmer & whistleblower Cisco Wheeler describes how a cube structural system is used to divide a child’s mind into separate memory compartments called alters. Each alter linked by the programmer with a color, number, task & name.
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    4 524
    73 The blooding rituals of Aus SAS in Afghanistan. These military cult initiation rituals were finally called out by whistleblowers who put themselves at great risk, received threats, a woman had a bomb detonate at her house and there were deaths in the lead up to the enquiry. The powerful energy of Christ Consciousness asks us to embody our highest truth, integrity and courage. To live fearlessly for truth in these times of great deceit. Expanding us to bravely challenge and expose the evil ways of the beast system so it may be dismantled entirely and a new way forward created, centred on truth and unity. The Brereton report exposed a "warrior cult-ure" among Australia's SAS soldiers that involved a "misplaced focus on prestige, status and power". Joachim writes about military generational families, “grooming emotionally weak boys with strong attachments to their mothers and weak or absent fathers as future power pyramid occupants, carefully profiled individuals who will most easily be brainwashed and controlled.” “These are the 4-8 year old children we see hypnotised and mind controlled on the world stage.” Joachim's well written article with lots of references on the targeting of military family children, the military occult complex & their agendas of power and control through horrific abuse. The incredible researcher, Joachim Hagopian includes all of his references at the end so there is much info for anyone wanting to comprehend the Cult of the Military. Link in comments
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    Australian troops unlawfully killed 39 Afghans, report finds | ITV News
    A four year long investigation into alleged atrocities carried out by Australia's equivalent of the SAS has found 'credible evidence' they unlawfully killed as many as 39 Afghan civilians. It blamed a 'warrior culture' among soldiers that went unchecked. Some of the killings - that could amount to war crimes - were caught on cameras worn on the soldier's helmets. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: • Get breaking news and more stories at Follow ITV News on Facebook: Follow ITV News on Twitter: Follow ITV News on Instagram:
    4 325
    Mars is called the Red Planet. The name Rothschild means Red Shield & they shield the Vatican, House of Windsor, Cult of Mars & Jesuits. Using mass media mind control, along with food, drug, frequency, chemical warfare as weapons against humanity to guard their monarchs. The Rothschild’s first bank was Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Sons which is an acronym for MARS. The Skull & Bones secret society at Yale is a branch of the Cult of Mars & uses the number 322 as its symbol. Skull & Bones is a military death cult lead by the Bush family. George Bush Sr. & George Bush Jr. are members & lead the mass ritual sacrifices of the Gulf War, Afghanistan War & Iraq War. Wars are used as a recruitment ground for the many cults that infest the military. They initiate members by having them murder innocent people, like the blooding rituals by Aus SAS in Afghanistan. Then these assets are used at home as public figures, to persecute targeted individuals, assassinations & false flags like Port Arthur
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    4 807
    Join us tomorrow at 1pm tomorrow Thursday. Like and subscribe to receive a reminder ✅ Laura Worley is a survivor of sra and mk ultra and has written an incredible book, ‘Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery: Putting it all together for Peace, Healing, and Freedom.’ Laura is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and Author. She has successfully helped thousands of people around the world address issues stemming from complex trauma and ritual abuse. Laura trains both clients and caring professionals in unique and powerful techniques that help survivors transform their lives. Laura has an event for survivors, healers, therapists and partners next month, Puzzle Pieces Together Seminar October 7th thru October 9th, 2022 One-Of-A-Kind Seminar In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the Illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults to create Mind Controlled Slaves. All Cult groups use a template that is highly organized on all who have been captured by them.
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    Laura Worley on Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mk mind control and finding peace, healing & freedom
    Laura Worley is a survivor of sra and mk ultra. She has written an incredible book, ‘Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery: Putting it all together for Peace, Healing, and Freedom.’ Laura Worley is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and Author. She has successfully helped thousands of people around the world address issues stemming from complex trauma and ritual abuse. Laura trains both clients and caring professionals in unique and powerful techniques that help survivors transform their lives. Laura has a seminar and has organised a special offer for Aus survivors and healers to attend. Due to the time difference as it will be 3am here, you will be able to also choose to receive the recordings to do in your own time. Puzzle Pieces Together Seminar October 7th thru October 9th, 2022 One-Of-A-Kind Seminar In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the Illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults to create Mind Controlled Slaves. All Cult groups use a template that is highly organized on all who have been captured by them. Please go to For more information. Live training will be available for those outside the US. Recording will be available after the seminar. $249.00 Australian Dollars Please contact: Laura Worley to sign up for this special rate. email to send payment through PayPal or you can be invoiced though Square.
    4 322
    Tavistock found people under stress became infantile & gave up strongly held beliefs, caving to group pressure or popular opinion. Digital video physically alters the brain, inducing the masses to behave as scared ‘children’. This Tavistock research started in Melbourne by Fred Emery studying the effect of film on schoolchildren in 1950s. Addiction: Entertainment More TV time, the thicker the frontal lobe region of their brains & lowered IQ...The hypothalamus, septum, sensory motor region & visual cortex were enlarged processing emotional responses, arousal, aggression & vision. Ever wondered why there are so many child rapists within our media & entertainment? The cults weaponise the abuse of children for power, money & control. Media content desensitises the public to horrific crimes against our most vulnerable. All while the largely ignorant masses are watching & adoring child rapists on their screens as a further layer of mind control & subconsciously induced acceptance.
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    6 342
    The Monkeypox war game doc created in March 21, predicted a Monkeypox pandemic on May 15 2022 ( Accurate to within a few days) This suggests the cabals NWO plans continue to move forward on set dates regardless of any public pushback, actions or protest. The next dates are global shutdown on 10 Jan, followed by a terrorist attack in May 2023. How convenient that they are able to see a terrorist attack years in the future! Time to prepare & build networks of support. By knowing their plans & likely psyops it takes away the mind control they intend to exert through fear propaganda over mass populations. Grow a veggie garden, find local farmers, have plenty of water, storable food & basic supplies. Previous generations did & we have been brainwashed out of ‘preparedness’ by todays ‘convenience’ society. As we continue disconnecting from their matrix, returning to a simple & wholesome way of BEing, may we come back to balance. 🔗 Full document 🔗 War game video (March 2021)
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    5 897
    The military is used as a cult recruitment ground “A secretive torture training program has caused debilitating and unnecessary trauma to some Australian soldiers by forcing them into shocking acts of humiliation, including the simulated rape of child dolls and masturbating sex toys over bibles, a whistleblower has alleged.” Torture through food and sleep deprivation, attacks on sexuality and christian belief, excessive control from powerful individuals, in this case high ranking officers, promotion of child rape, ptsd, this is cult mk programming to create highly programmable assets within the military
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    7 484
    “Mossad works with US entertainment to promote an attractive image of Israel & pro war mass brainwashing. SPYLEGENDS, an agency made up of former Mossad spies & ex-security officials, was established in 2021 to advise Hollywood on spy films. Mossad openly welcomed the slew of thrillers showcasing the intelligence agency as sleek & prestigious in an effort to boost recruitment. Marvel’s nationalist sentiment does not end with Israel. Cloaked in mesmerizing cinematography & flashy special effects, the American Co promotes US militarism with its comic book universe. The Pentagon approved “Hulk” & “Iron Man”, cutting out unfavorable references to the military including human experimentation & dropping herbicides during the Vietnam War. MK ultra & child trafficking within the military is also avoided. Its not good for the big business of war.”
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    7 059
    Laura Worley is a survivor of sra and mk ultra and has written an incredible book, ‘Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control, and Slavery: Putting it all together for Peace, Healing, and Freedom.’ Laura is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and Author. She has successfully helped thousands of people around the world address issues stemming from complex trauma and ritual abuse. Laura trains both clients and caring professionals in unique and powerful techniques that help survivors transform their lives. Laura has a seminar next month and has organised a special offer for Aus & NZ survivors and healers to attend. Due to the time difference as it will be 3am here, so you will be able to choose between attending live or receive the recordings to do in your own time. Puzzle Pieces Together Seminar October 7th thru October 9th, 2022 One-Of-A-Kind Seminar In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the Illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults to create Mind Controlled Slaves. All Cult groups use a template that is highly organized on all who have been captured by them. It is imperative for professionals and survivors to understand what exactly has been done in the programming process. If you do not get to the core foundation programming; it will be impossible to become free of mind control. In this Seminar, you will learn all the pieces of the core programming, in what order to remove it, and techniques to will help you to achieve the deprogramming process and integration. Survivors, Practitioners, Therapists and Holistic Healers, Partners of Survivors and Truth Seekers are invited to attend. Invite form is in the comments below
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    Upcoming Event For Professionals and Survivors Oct 7-9, 22
    One-Of-A-Kind Seminar October 7th, 8th, 9th, 2022 In this seminar you will discover the answers to the questions of why, how, where, when and what has been done by the Illuminati, Freemasons, Military and Fertility Cults to create Mind Controlled Slaves. In this Seminar, you will learn all the pieces of the core programming, in what order to remove it, and techniques to will help you to achieve the removal process and integration. Survivors, Practitioners, Therapists and Holistic Healers, Partners of Survivors and Truth Seekers are invited to attend. Please go to For more information. Puzzles Pieces Together email Salt Lake City, Utah Radisson Hotel Airport LIVE ONLINE ATTENDANCE AVAILABLE Recordings available after Seminar If you feel you cannot afford to attend, but would like to; write to my office and we will see what we can do to get you a scholarship.
    6 699
    White Rabbit (WR) developed at CERN monitors & controls devices within smart electrical grids, the space industry & quantum computing. A Total Integrated GRid Intelligent System that is a premise for internet of things This tech network may run over distances up to 1000kms with a long single fibre cable link, connecting CERN computers to large areas. Their obsession is opening highly synchronised timing of tech over huge areas to minute fractions of a second, for ‘military & research’ purposes. This is creating an augmented or synthetic virtual reality of AI overlayed over regions that will allow manipulation by CERN & other technology Psyops today repeat this trigger, which is “Alice in Wonderland” MK ultra programming & has also been used to brainwash the masses for generations. “Follow the white rabbit” takes ownership and control of a slave. Now the is being used in the same way, transposed from micro to macro, over many people & entire regions
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    7 402
    “A society with Control as its foundation could never result in Freedom and Love.” “Our present situation is that our planet is currently trapped in repeating cycles of Fear, resulting in tremendous amounts of suffering, because the people of this world have been raging against Creation by refusing to learn the core lesson that Fear is an illusion. Fear was created so that the Creation could come to know itself for what it really is - pure Love.” “Though most of us may still exist within this trap of Fear, our world is in the process of waking up from this illusion. And when the Consciousness of this world does fully awaken - and it Will - that will be the day Fear dies, and with it Confusion and Control will leave this world forever.” Mark Passio Read more ▶️ document in comments
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    4 971
    Australia is home to some of the most important spy bases in the world. Australia’s politics, intelligence agencies, military & media are integrated into Washington’s “sphere of dominance” & war plans. 25 Oct 1975 Whitlam sold Aus out to the UN in the Lima Agreement, a plan designed to successfully gut Western nations. Then just weeks later Whitlam demanded to know the CIA’s role and if and why the CIA was running the “joint facility” at Pine Gap near Alice Springs. On November 11, 1975 – the day Whitlam was to inform Parliament about the secret CIA presence in Australia – he was sacked. What did Whitlam find out? Fiona Barnett exposed Whitlam as a child rapist but not part of the highest levels of cult power, reserved for bloodline satanists. There’s not a single poli asking these questions of military intelligence today yet their mass mind control ops continue at Pine Gap, Exmouth & military bases around the country
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    8 611
    Kerri Saint is a survivor and a fierce advocate for awareness and support for Australia's forgotten adopted children. Join us for an incredible overview of the over 250,000 children that were known to be adopted here in Aus, their challenges to be recognised, heal and find support. These figures are only for the adoptions that were noted in the system, there are also many that were done with no paperwork or state record. Kerri estimates from the many survivors she speaks with that 8 out of 10 adoptees have suffered from abuse in addition to being removed from their birth family and the core original wound of the mother, child bond being broken at birth. Premiering today Thursday at 1pm. Click on the link to join and subscribe for a reminder ✅ Read more about how in Australia, more than 250,000 women have relinquished a baby for adoption since the late 1920s, link in comments
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    5 202
    We have already witnessed wildfires used as military weapons here in Aus. Just prior to the scamdemic in 2019 bush fires burnt along the route of CLARA Rail and the proposed SMART CITIES. This project has direct ties to the “space” program an offshoot of military Intelligence specialising in mass mind control. I am already seeing signs of what is discussed in this video in the bush areas of regional Victoria, in particular die off and foliage being lost. Elana Freeland spoke about the use of nanos during the fires to direct, enlarge and control the damage. Interview link in comments below. The military is the largest polluter in the world. They are also the major trafficking arm of drugs, weapons and children forced trafficking, organ harvesting, mk ultra and other experimentation History’s greatest killing machine and cult tool of control must be exposed. For years we have paid for this satanic construct through our ignorance of what our taxes are actually being spent on and how this is destroying both humanity and our planet. Now we have the opportunity to take full self responsibility and use our voices and the way we live our lives to BE the change we want to see in the world The military have been in control for decades. Just as the cults and secret societies the military is infested with have been also. The beauty is that within the play of the most evil, is still the hand of God. There is so much suffering caused by those stuck in their own suffering and so the trauma cycle continues on. Yes it should never happen. In a balanced and healed world it would not. Yet this is where we are in this moment and through dedication to healing individually and together, we rediscover our own innate power and missions at this time. As we heal and remember ourselves through allowing space for the traumatic experiences of our lives to be heard, felt and transmuted, we give to ourselves the gift of our own soul medicine. For generations we have been caged and imprisoned within our own minds where we were taught to be the wardens. Like an animal that has only just been released, we are still rediscovering what it truely is to comprehend that we are free, to have free thought and to move and create with freedom. Bush fires bring destruction, much change and death. Then from the ashes the new life springs forth growing again revitalised. It is all a cycle and may we find the reverence to understand that we to are within an upheaval that will return us to balance. We may not even be able to imagine how balance might begin to look around us. However we are always able to seek and create balance and peace within our own hearts. From here in this space of a balanced and peaceful heart we may recreate around us the world we dream of. May the evil, greed and deceit that has enslaved this world burn away and consume itself entirely, as from a crumbling cult-ure a beautiful new era of truth is already springing forth for earth, her children and all of creation. I believe God is control. May the truth set us free 💖🔥 
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    Wildfires As A Weapon, US Military Exposed TO READ OR POST COMMENTS ON THIS VIDEO, PLEASE GO DIRECTLY TO THE ARTICLE: Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video. If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE to our channel: Click the bell to ensure you are notified of our new videos. Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? The short answer is yes. A formerly classified US military document titled "Forest Fire As A Military Weapon" is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world? This short video report reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.  All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. Dane Wigington To support Geoengineering Watch: To receive Geoengineering Watch updates, please sign up for our mailing list: Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: Must view, THE DIMMING, the most comprehensive climate engineering documentary: The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering: To see firsthand film footage of the climate engineering impact on our forests and its vanishing inhabitants, view the new series: "Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington": In the attempt to answer as many questions as possible on the dire issue of climate engineering, Geoengineering Watch is producing a weekly “Climate Engineering News Q and A”: By submitting a question to this email you are granting permission for your question and your first name to be read online. If you do not want your first name mentioned, please state that you wish to remain anonymous. Geoengineering Watch has conducted our first ever high altitude particulate testing. Film footage of the flight and lab testing processes are featured in “The Dimming”, a groundbreaking documentary that is currently in production. This is a new 12+ minute insight segment on the upcoming film. This is a 4+ minute trailer of the groundbreaking documentary “The Dimming”: The latest and most effective awareness raising materials can be found at the links below: 2 sided color glossy informational flyers: 20 page fact and photo summary booklets: Geoengineering Watch t-shirts, cards and bumper stickers: To follow us on Facebook, click here: To follow the latest videos please subscribe to our youtube channels below: Dane Wigington The Dimming Geoengineering Watch https://ww…
    5 711
    “Resorts International was established & controlled by the Rockefeller & Rothschild families, CIA & Mossad. In 1987 when CIA front man James Crosby passed, Trump bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire of 93% Resorts International evolved from a CIA set up in the early 1950s by CIA director Allen W. Dulles & New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, political functionary in the so-called “Rockefeller Republican” wing. The front company named Mary Carter Paint Company was set up to function as a covert CIA money-laundering operation. In 1958-59 $2M in CIA funds were used to buy a controlling interest in RI gambling & merged with Mary Carter. Trump became a household but while ‘Trump’ appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International remained hidden from public view.”
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    3 979
    Jerusalem controls access to sacred places. Controlling Jerusalem is a way of ‘owning’ God. Before him this was raised by Bush, Clinton & Obama, some of the most filthy & crooked presidents in history. In September 2016, Trump promised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would do exactly this if elected and he delivered in 2017, which conveniently allowed for a US embassy in Jerusalem. A move that places the US squarely on the side of Israel. Trump is to have the Western Wall train station in Israel named after him 🤦🏻‍♀️
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    5 341
    There have been a number of survivor ‘surveys’ doing the rounds and I wanted to caution participation in these. On line forms are frequently about data collection. At this moment many survivors are under extreme harassment and attempts to gather their personal information. If you search Exeter University it has links to Tavistock, The Church of England & Mesh Digital who just happen to be a tech company that set up IT platforms. This survey was to “explore the relationship between self, identity & posttraumatic stress in survivors of child sexual abuse.” PTSD is an area that Tavistock has focused on to develop Mk ultra & mass mind control. Tavistock has spent a 100 years perfecting programs that have focused on survivors of intergenerational abuse. While the survey suggests it is anonymous, so does Aus Crimestoppers. Countless survivors speak about how their name less on line submission lead to attacks, victimisation & the destruction of evidence. Eyes Wide Open
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    6 996
    Jerusalem is prophesied around the end times and the Antichrist being seated when the 3rd temple is completed. Some believe this temple already exists underground beneath the . As the Temple is prepared for the alleged second coming it must be purified with the ashes of a sacrificed red heifer. A qualified red heifer has not been found in Israel in almost 2000 years. Last week 5 approved red heifers arrived imported from US
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    red heifer.MP4

    7 759
    “They believed the soul, or spirit, must be furnished by the sacrifice of a living human being who was crushed to death under the cornerpost or cornerstone." "The human sacrifice was later superseded by an animal sacrifice, for which the goat was much used. This gave way to the mere placing of bones under the foundation.. The remains of such sacrifices have been found by archaeologists while excavating ancient ruins." "Our forefathers, ages ago, buried a living human sacrifice in the same place to insure the stability of the structure; their sons substituted an animal; their sons again, a mere effigy or other symbol, and we, their children, still immure a substitute: coins bearing the effigy, impressed upon the noblest of metals, the pure red gold, of the one person to whom we are most loyal and whom we all most love, Our Gracious Q ueen.” Today there is a US patent for blood in cement
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    6 354
    Armed conflicts, US invasions, child trafficking & organ trade. Military actions are not just about solving geopolitical “issues” & profiting the massive weapons industry. They also become a fire sale of the invaded countries resources including human beings & children. Organ buyers & blackmarket surgeons have become part of the military war landscape Activist Taranenko said Ukrainian Red Cross has medical records for 1,000 children, marking their “healthy organs” instead of any medical conditions or procedures. He also said reading materials found at the office were instructions on “how to use weapons, including in a format intended for children.” In 2014 disappearances started to emerge when an anti-terrorist op set up. Simultaneously, mobile hospitals appeared across the country. Follow the funding of anti terrorist ops & these lead to US military & defence contractors, like the Afghan police being trained by Dyncorp that were named for child trafficking & rape on US bases
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    8 179
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio